A new white striped leaf mutant wsll was discovered from Nipponbare mutated by ethyl methanesulfonate. The mutant showed white striped leaves at the seedling stage and the leaves gradually turned green after the tille...A new white striped leaf mutant wsll was discovered from Nipponbare mutated by ethyl methanesulfonate. The mutant showed white striped leaves at the seedling stage and the leaves gradually turned green after the tillering stage. The chlorophyll content of wsll was significantly lower than that of wild-type during the fourth leaf stage, tillering stage and booting stage. The numbers of chloroplast, grana and grana lamella were reduced and the thylakoids were degenerated in wsll compared with wild type. Genetic analysis showed that the wsll was controlled by a single recessive gene. Molecular mapping of the wsll was performed using an F2 population derived from wsll/Nanjing 11. The wsll was finally mapped on the telomere region of chromosome 9 and positioned between simple sequence repeat markers RM23742 and RM23759 which are separated by approximately 486.5 kb. The results may facilitate map-based cloning of wsll and understanding of the molecular mechanism of the regulation of leaf-color by WSL1 in rice.展开更多
Spotted leaf(spl)mutant is a type of leaf lesion mimic mutants in plants.We obtained some lesion mimic mutants from ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)-mutagenized wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)cultivar Guomai 301(wild type,WT)...Spotted leaf(spl)mutant is a type of leaf lesion mimic mutants in plants.We obtained some lesion mimic mutants from ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)-mutagenized wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)cultivar Guomai 301(wild type,WT),and one of them was named as white stripe leaf(wsl)mutant because of the white stripes on its leaves.Here we report the heredity and gene mapping of this novel wheat mutant wsl.There are many small scattered white stripes on the leaves of wsl throughout its whole growth period.As the plants grew,the white stripes became more severe and the necrotic area expanded.The mutant wsl grew only weakly before the jointing stage and gradually recovered after jointing.The length and width of the flag leaf,spike number per plant and thousand-grain weight of wsl were significantly lower than those of the WT.Genetic analysis indicated that the trait of white stripe leaf was controlled by a recessive gene locus,named as wsl,which was mapped on the short arm of chromosome 6 B by SSR marker assay.Four SSR markers in the F2 population of wsl×CS were linked to wsl in the order of Xgpw1079–Xwmc104–Xgwm508-wsl–Xgpw7651 at 7.1,5.2,8.7,and 4.4 c M,respectively and three SSR markers in the F2 population of wsl×Jimai 22 were linked to wsl in the order of Xgwm508–Xwmc494–Xgwm518-wsl at 3.5,1.6 and 8.2 c M,respectively.In comparison to the reference genome sequence of Chinese Spring(CS),wsl is located in a 91-Mb region from 88 Mb(Xgwm518)to 179 Mb(Xgpw7651)on chromosome 6 BS.Mutant wsl is a novel germplasm for studying the molecular mechanism of wheat leaf development.展开更多
A thermo-sensitive white stripe-leaf mutant (tws) was selected from the M2 progeny of a japonica variety, Jiahua 1, treated by ^60 Co γ-radiation. In comparison with the wild type parent, the mutant displayed a phe...A thermo-sensitive white stripe-leaf mutant (tws) was selected from the M2 progeny of a japonica variety, Jiahua 1, treated by ^60 Co γ-radiation. In comparison with the wild type parent, the mutant displayed a phenotype of white stripe on the 3rd and 4th leaves, but began to turn normal green on the 5th leaf when grown at low temperatures (20℃ and 24℃). Furthermore, the content of total chlorophyll showed an obvious decrease in the leaves with white stripe. These results suggest that the expression of the mutant trait was thermo-sensitive and correlated with the leaf age of seedlings. The genetic analysis indicated that the mutant trait was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, designated as tws. In addition, by using SSR markers and an F2 segregating population derived from the cross between the tws mutant and 9311, tws was mapped between the markers MM3907 and MM3928 with a physical distance of 86 kb on dce chromosome 4.展开更多
This study aims to investigate the variation in occurrence of white-belly rice kernel(WBRK) and white-core rice kernel(WCRK) among different positions within a panicle. Twenty-four M4 mutants involved in four pani...This study aims to investigate the variation in occurrence of white-belly rice kernel(WBRK) and white-core rice kernel(WCRK) among different positions within a panicle. Twenty-four M4 mutants involved in four panicle types, namely the compact, intermediate, loose, and chicken foot panicle were used. They derived from a japonica rice cultivar Wuyujing 3. Considerable differences in morphological characters existed among the four types of panicle, especially in panicle length, the secondary branch number and ratio of grain number to total branch length. Marked differences were found in WBRK and WCRK among different positions within a panicle for all types of panicle. In general, grains located on the primary rachis and top rachis branches had higher WBRK and WCRK percentage than those on the secondary rachis and bottom rachis branches. WCRK exhibited larger variation among grain positions than WBRK did. Moreover, there was a significant difference in WCRK/WBRK among grain positions within a panicle, with primary rachis and top rachis branches having higher values than the secondary and bottom rachis. In addition, panicle type showed no significant effect on the pattern of WBRK and WCRK occurrence within a panicle. The results indicated the difference in mechanism of WBRK and WCRK formation in grain position within a panicle, and are valuable for breeding and agronomic practices aimed at lowering chalky grain rate.展开更多
叶色突变是一类十分明显的性状突变,在高等植物的叶绿素合成、叶绿体结构、功能、遗传、分化与发育等基础研究中均具有重要意义。到目前为止,已鉴定多个重要的水稻功能基因,据不完全统计,水稻中至少已定位了79个叶色突变位点,并已成功...叶色突变是一类十分明显的性状突变,在高等植物的叶绿素合成、叶绿体结构、功能、遗传、分化与发育等基础研究中均具有重要意义。到目前为止,已鉴定多个重要的水稻功能基因,据不完全统计,水稻中至少已定位了79个叶色突变位点,并已成功克隆出多个叶色相关基因,其中OsCHLH、OsCAO1、OsCAO2、chlorina1、chlorina9、ygl等直接参与编码叶绿素合成,其余基因均参与叶绿体发育调控。在日本晴(Nipponbare)T-DNA插入突变体库中筛选到一份对温度敏感的白条纹突变体gws(green-white-stripe),遗传分析表明它来自组织培养过程中的单隐性基因突变。利用gws与培矮64杂交组合的F2代群体,将Gws精细定位于第6染色体标记InDel15和InDel16之间,物理距离为73kb,此区间内包含13个基因。基因组序列分析发现,突变体在核糖核苷二磷酸还原酶小亚基(ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain,RNRS1)编码区第314~315碱基发生缺失,第316~317碱基由GC变为TT,导致该基因阅读框移码突变,蛋白质翻译提前终止。该基因是已经报道的水稻白条纹叶基因St1(Stripe1)的等位基因,gws突变体较st1突变体的白条纹出现早且明显,gws白条纹表型出现在第2片叶之后,而st1的白条纹表型仅出现在第4或5片叶之后。展开更多
从粳稻中花11组培后代中发现了一个苗期白条纹,抽穗期白穗的突变体。该突变体表现为1叶期叶全白,2叶期从新叶叶尖开始沿叶脉逐渐转绿,至成株期完全变绿,抽穗后内外颖表现为白色,穗轴和小枝梗表现为绿色,成熟后颖壳转黄。根据基因定位结...从粳稻中花11组培后代中发现了一个苗期白条纹,抽穗期白穗的突变体。该突变体表现为1叶期叶全白,2叶期从新叶叶尖开始沿叶脉逐渐转绿,至成株期完全变绿,抽穗后内外颖表现为白色,穗轴和小枝梗表现为绿色,成熟后颖壳转黄。根据基因定位结果,将该突变体定名为wslwp(white striped leaf and white panicle)。与野生型相比,wslwp突变体2叶期及抽穗期叶片的叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量及结实率均显著降低。遗传分析表明,该突变表型受1对隐性核基因控制,非T-DNA插入引起。为了克隆WSLWP基因,利用wslwp突变体与籼稻品种龙特甫B杂交获得的F2分离群体进行基因定位,首先将该基因定位于水稻第7染色体上的SSR标记RM5711与RM6574之间。随后,利用已有的SSR标记和开发的STS标记,进一步将该基因定位在STS7-63和STS7-65之间,物理距离约为87kb。展开更多
为研究叶绿体的差异性发育,本文通过60Co-γ诱变籼稻93-11筛选获得条白叶片和白穗突变体。经遗传分析表明,该突变性状受单隐性核基因控制,暂命名为St-wp(stripe white leaf and white panicle)。突变基因St-wp被精细定位于第6染色体标记...为研究叶绿体的差异性发育,本文通过60Co-γ诱变籼稻93-11筛选获得条白叶片和白穗突变体。经遗传分析表明,该突变性状受单隐性核基因控制,暂命名为St-wp(stripe white leaf and white panicle)。突变基因St-wp被精细定位于第6染色体标记d CAMPs620和In Del620之间,物理距离为9.2kb,此区间内包含3个候选基因。测序对比发现,突变体基因组的核糖核苷二磷酸还原酶小亚基(ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain)编码区第308碱基由A变为T,导致谷氨酸突变为缬氨酸。该基因与已报道的水稻白条纹叶基因St1和Gws等位,但突变体st1和gws均未表现出白穗性状。本研究可为叶绿体组织差异性发育的深入研究提供依据。展开更多
通过对粳稻品种嘉花1号60Coγ射线诱变,从M2中筛选出一株低温敏感型白色条斑叶突变体(tws)。它在低温(20℃,24℃)条件下培养时,苗期第3和第4叶表现出白色条斑,而第5叶开始转为正常。低温条件下该突变体白斑叶片叶绿素含量明显下降。该...通过对粳稻品种嘉花1号60Coγ射线诱变,从M2中筛选出一株低温敏感型白色条斑叶突变体(tws)。它在低温(20℃,24℃)条件下培养时,苗期第3和第4叶表现出白色条斑,而第5叶开始转为正常。低温条件下该突变体白斑叶片叶绿素含量明显下降。该突变体白色条斑叶性状具有温敏感性,且与叶龄相关。遗传分析表明,该突变性状受1对隐性核基因控制,定名为tws(thermo-sensitive white stripe-leaf)基因。以tws突变体与籼稻9311杂交的F2分离群体作为定位群体,利用SSR标记将该基因定位在第4染色体MM3907和MM3928之间,其物理距离约为86kb。展开更多
【目的】叶色突变体是研究水稻光合作用,叶绿素生物合成和遗传发育调控机理的重要材料。发掘水稻叶色突变体,是水稻功能基因组学研究的重要遗传基础。【方法】在昌恢121中发现了一份白条纹叶及抽穗期白穗突变体,经过连续多代自交能稳定...【目的】叶色突变体是研究水稻光合作用,叶绿素生物合成和遗传发育调控机理的重要材料。发掘水稻叶色突变体,是水稻功能基因组学研究的重要遗传基础。【方法】在昌恢121中发现了一份白条纹叶及抽穗期白穗突变体,经过连续多代自交能稳定遗传,暂命名为wlp6(white striped leaf and white panicle 6)。在南昌分早、中和晚3季播种wlp6与野生型种子,考查了中稻与晚稻的部分农艺性状;测定3叶期、分蘖期、抽穗期叶片及颖壳的叶绿素含量;通过电镜观察抽穗期叶肉细胞发育情况。在光照培养箱中进行温光敏感实验;将wlp6与昌恢121及02428正反交,观察F_1植株表型,对F_2分离群体进行卡方测验,分析突变体遗传规律;以wlp6/02428衍生的F_2群体为材料,利用BSA法进行基因定位。【结果】wlp6自第1片叶到成熟,叶片均呈白条纹,抽穗期颖壳及枝梗失绿,高温天气穗转绿。突变体株高、有效穗数和每穗粒数在早稻季和中稻季均显著低于野生型,晚稻季wlp6的结实率和千粒重也显著低降低。叶绿素含量测定表明,wlp6叶片叶绿素含量在不同生育期及不同季均显著低于野生型,早稻和晚稻季种植的wlp6颖壳叶绿素含量也比野生型低。电镜观察抽穗期的叶肉细胞发现,wlp6叶绿体数目减少,体积变小,没有分化出明显的片层结构。温光敏感实验表明,突变体对光照强弱钝感,叶色受温度和日照长短影响,随着温度升高和日照时间变长突变体叶绿素含量有上升趋势。遗传分析表明,该性状受隐性核基因控制,利用wlp6/02428得到的616个F_2单株将WLP6定位于第6染色体短臂InDel标记R-7与R-8间,物理距离137kb,此区间预测了21个候选基因。经候选基因分析及测序发现,其中LOC_Os06g14620编码一个核糖核酸还原酶小亚基,编码区第142和158位碱基由T替换为C,第288位插入了碱基A,碱基的插入导致翻译提前终止,因此推测LOC_Os06g14620是WLP6的候选基因。【结论】LOC_Os06g14620是已经克隆的白条纹叶基因St1的候选基因,推测WLP6与St1等位,但突变位点不同,且表型也有差异。展开更多
基金supported by the grants from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2011AA10A101)the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China(Grant No.Y12C13003)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.31201193)
文摘A new white striped leaf mutant wsll was discovered from Nipponbare mutated by ethyl methanesulfonate. The mutant showed white striped leaves at the seedling stage and the leaves gradually turned green after the tillering stage. The chlorophyll content of wsll was significantly lower than that of wild-type during the fourth leaf stage, tillering stage and booting stage. The numbers of chloroplast, grana and grana lamella were reduced and the thylakoids were degenerated in wsll compared with wild type. Genetic analysis showed that the wsll was controlled by a single recessive gene. Molecular mapping of the wsll was performed using an F2 population derived from wsll/Nanjing 11. The wsll was finally mapped on the telomere region of chromosome 9 and positioned between simple sequence repeat markers RM23742 and RM23759 which are separated by approximately 486.5 kb. The results may facilitate map-based cloning of wsll and understanding of the molecular mechanism of the regulation of leaf-color by WSL1 in rice.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,31571646)the Science and Technology Project in Henan Province,China(182102110147)。
文摘Spotted leaf(spl)mutant is a type of leaf lesion mimic mutants in plants.We obtained some lesion mimic mutants from ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)-mutagenized wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)cultivar Guomai 301(wild type,WT),and one of them was named as white stripe leaf(wsl)mutant because of the white stripes on its leaves.Here we report the heredity and gene mapping of this novel wheat mutant wsl.There are many small scattered white stripes on the leaves of wsl throughout its whole growth period.As the plants grew,the white stripes became more severe and the necrotic area expanded.The mutant wsl grew only weakly before the jointing stage and gradually recovered after jointing.The length and width of the flag leaf,spike number per plant and thousand-grain weight of wsl were significantly lower than those of the WT.Genetic analysis indicated that the trait of white stripe leaf was controlled by a recessive gene locus,named as wsl,which was mapped on the short arm of chromosome 6 B by SSR marker assay.Four SSR markers in the F2 population of wsl×CS were linked to wsl in the order of Xgpw1079–Xwmc104–Xgwm508-wsl–Xgpw7651 at 7.1,5.2,8.7,and 4.4 c M,respectively and three SSR markers in the F2 population of wsl×Jimai 22 were linked to wsl in the order of Xgwm508–Xwmc494–Xgwm518-wsl at 3.5,1.6 and 8.2 c M,respectively.In comparison to the reference genome sequence of Chinese Spring(CS),wsl is located in a 91-Mb region from 88 Mb(Xgwm518)to 179 Mb(Xgpw7651)on chromosome 6 BS.Mutant wsl is a novel germplasm for studying the molecular mechanism of wheat leaf development.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.30971552)Shanghai Municipal Education Commission of China(Grant No.09YZ167)+1 种基金Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission of China(Grant Nos.08PJ14085,9391912300 and 09DJ1400505)the Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission,China(Grant No.J50401)
文摘A thermo-sensitive white stripe-leaf mutant (tws) was selected from the M2 progeny of a japonica variety, Jiahua 1, treated by ^60 Co γ-radiation. In comparison with the wild type parent, the mutant displayed a phenotype of white stripe on the 3rd and 4th leaves, but began to turn normal green on the 5th leaf when grown at low temperatures (20℃ and 24℃). Furthermore, the content of total chlorophyll showed an obvious decrease in the leaves with white stripe. These results suggest that the expression of the mutant trait was thermo-sensitive and correlated with the leaf age of seedlings. The genetic analysis indicated that the mutant trait was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, designated as tws. In addition, by using SSR markers and an F2 segregating population derived from the cross between the tws mutant and 9311, tws was mapped between the markers MM3907 and MM3928 with a physical distance of 86 kb on dce chromosome 4.
基金supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China (NCET-10-0472)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30971733 and 31171485)
文摘This study aims to investigate the variation in occurrence of white-belly rice kernel(WBRK) and white-core rice kernel(WCRK) among different positions within a panicle. Twenty-four M4 mutants involved in four panicle types, namely the compact, intermediate, loose, and chicken foot panicle were used. They derived from a japonica rice cultivar Wuyujing 3. Considerable differences in morphological characters existed among the four types of panicle, especially in panicle length, the secondary branch number and ratio of grain number to total branch length. Marked differences were found in WBRK and WCRK among different positions within a panicle for all types of panicle. In general, grains located on the primary rachis and top rachis branches had higher WBRK and WCRK percentage than those on the secondary rachis and bottom rachis branches. WCRK exhibited larger variation among grain positions than WBRK did. Moreover, there was a significant difference in WCRK/WBRK among grain positions within a panicle, with primary rachis and top rachis branches having higher values than the secondary and bottom rachis. In addition, panicle type showed no significant effect on the pattern of WBRK and WCRK occurrence within a panicle. The results indicated the difference in mechanism of WBRK and WCRK formation in grain position within a panicle, and are valuable for breeding and agronomic practices aimed at lowering chalky grain rate.
文摘叶色突变是一类十分明显的性状突变,在高等植物的叶绿素合成、叶绿体结构、功能、遗传、分化与发育等基础研究中均具有重要意义。到目前为止,已鉴定多个重要的水稻功能基因,据不完全统计,水稻中至少已定位了79个叶色突变位点,并已成功克隆出多个叶色相关基因,其中OsCHLH、OsCAO1、OsCAO2、chlorina1、chlorina9、ygl等直接参与编码叶绿素合成,其余基因均参与叶绿体发育调控。在日本晴(Nipponbare)T-DNA插入突变体库中筛选到一份对温度敏感的白条纹突变体gws(green-white-stripe),遗传分析表明它来自组织培养过程中的单隐性基因突变。利用gws与培矮64杂交组合的F2代群体,将Gws精细定位于第6染色体标记InDel15和InDel16之间,物理距离为73kb,此区间内包含13个基因。基因组序列分析发现,突变体在核糖核苷二磷酸还原酶小亚基(ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain,RNRS1)编码区第314~315碱基发生缺失,第316~317碱基由GC变为TT,导致该基因阅读框移码突变,蛋白质翻译提前终止。该基因是已经报道的水稻白条纹叶基因St1(Stripe1)的等位基因,gws突变体较st1突变体的白条纹出现早且明显,gws白条纹表型出现在第2片叶之后,而st1的白条纹表型仅出现在第4或5片叶之后。
文摘从粳稻中花11组培后代中发现了一个苗期白条纹,抽穗期白穗的突变体。该突变体表现为1叶期叶全白,2叶期从新叶叶尖开始沿叶脉逐渐转绿,至成株期完全变绿,抽穗后内外颖表现为白色,穗轴和小枝梗表现为绿色,成熟后颖壳转黄。根据基因定位结果,将该突变体定名为wslwp(white striped leaf and white panicle)。与野生型相比,wslwp突变体2叶期及抽穗期叶片的叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量及结实率均显著降低。遗传分析表明,该突变表型受1对隐性核基因控制,非T-DNA插入引起。为了克隆WSLWP基因,利用wslwp突变体与籼稻品种龙特甫B杂交获得的F2分离群体进行基因定位,首先将该基因定位于水稻第7染色体上的SSR标记RM5711与RM6574之间。随后,利用已有的SSR标记和开发的STS标记,进一步将该基因定位在STS7-63和STS7-65之间,物理距离约为87kb。
文摘为研究叶绿体的差异性发育,本文通过60Co-γ诱变籼稻93-11筛选获得条白叶片和白穗突变体。经遗传分析表明,该突变性状受单隐性核基因控制,暂命名为St-wp(stripe white leaf and white panicle)。突变基因St-wp被精细定位于第6染色体标记d CAMPs620和In Del620之间,物理距离为9.2kb,此区间内包含3个候选基因。测序对比发现,突变体基因组的核糖核苷二磷酸还原酶小亚基(ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase small chain)编码区第308碱基由A变为T,导致谷氨酸突变为缬氨酸。该基因与已报道的水稻白条纹叶基因St1和Gws等位,但突变体st1和gws均未表现出白穗性状。本研究可为叶绿体组织差异性发育的深入研究提供依据。
文摘通过对粳稻品种嘉花1号60Coγ射线诱变,从M2中筛选出一株低温敏感型白色条斑叶突变体(tws)。它在低温(20℃,24℃)条件下培养时,苗期第3和第4叶表现出白色条斑,而第5叶开始转为正常。低温条件下该突变体白斑叶片叶绿素含量明显下降。该突变体白色条斑叶性状具有温敏感性,且与叶龄相关。遗传分析表明,该突变性状受1对隐性核基因控制,定名为tws(thermo-sensitive white stripe-leaf)基因。以tws突变体与籼稻9311杂交的F2分离群体作为定位群体,利用SSR标记将该基因定位在第4染色体MM3907和MM3928之间,其物理距离约为86kb。
文摘【目的】叶色突变体是研究水稻光合作用,叶绿素生物合成和遗传发育调控机理的重要材料。发掘水稻叶色突变体,是水稻功能基因组学研究的重要遗传基础。【方法】在昌恢121中发现了一份白条纹叶及抽穗期白穗突变体,经过连续多代自交能稳定遗传,暂命名为wlp6(white striped leaf and white panicle 6)。在南昌分早、中和晚3季播种wlp6与野生型种子,考查了中稻与晚稻的部分农艺性状;测定3叶期、分蘖期、抽穗期叶片及颖壳的叶绿素含量;通过电镜观察抽穗期叶肉细胞发育情况。在光照培养箱中进行温光敏感实验;将wlp6与昌恢121及02428正反交,观察F_1植株表型,对F_2分离群体进行卡方测验,分析突变体遗传规律;以wlp6/02428衍生的F_2群体为材料,利用BSA法进行基因定位。【结果】wlp6自第1片叶到成熟,叶片均呈白条纹,抽穗期颖壳及枝梗失绿,高温天气穗转绿。突变体株高、有效穗数和每穗粒数在早稻季和中稻季均显著低于野生型,晚稻季wlp6的结实率和千粒重也显著低降低。叶绿素含量测定表明,wlp6叶片叶绿素含量在不同生育期及不同季均显著低于野生型,早稻和晚稻季种植的wlp6颖壳叶绿素含量也比野生型低。电镜观察抽穗期的叶肉细胞发现,wlp6叶绿体数目减少,体积变小,没有分化出明显的片层结构。温光敏感实验表明,突变体对光照强弱钝感,叶色受温度和日照长短影响,随着温度升高和日照时间变长突变体叶绿素含量有上升趋势。遗传分析表明,该性状受隐性核基因控制,利用wlp6/02428得到的616个F_2单株将WLP6定位于第6染色体短臂InDel标记R-7与R-8间,物理距离137kb,此区间预测了21个候选基因。经候选基因分析及测序发现,其中LOC_Os06g14620编码一个核糖核酸还原酶小亚基,编码区第142和158位碱基由T替换为C,第288位插入了碱基A,碱基的插入导致翻译提前终止,因此推测LOC_Os06g14620是WLP6的候选基因。【结论】LOC_Os06g14620是已经克隆的白条纹叶基因St1的候选基因,推测WLP6与St1等位,但突变位点不同,且表型也有差异。