Eveline is one of the stories in Dubliners by James Joyce, a story about moral paralysis and a quest for vitality in vain. This paper attempts to analyze the protagonist of the story, Eveline's awakening of woman con...Eveline is one of the stories in Dubliners by James Joyce, a story about moral paralysis and a quest for vitality in vain. This paper attempts to analyze the protagonist of the story, Eveline's awakening of woman consciousness and make a tentative probe into the factors that lead to her final subservience to the patriarchal society.展开更多
文摘Eveline is one of the stories in Dubliners by James Joyce, a story about moral paralysis and a quest for vitality in vain. This paper attempts to analyze the protagonist of the story, Eveline's awakening of woman consciousness and make a tentative probe into the factors that lead to her final subservience to the patriarchal society.