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The Relationship between Dachuan Baijie Muddymen Dance and“Da Xia”and“Da Wu”
作者 MA Lei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第9期765-768,共4页
Dachuan Baijie Muddymen Dance is a kind of dance with local characteristics.From its dance movements and prop usage,it should be related to ancient Ba people’s war dance,as well as to recorded ancient dances such as... Dachuan Baijie Muddymen Dance is a kind of dance with local characteristics.From its dance movements and prop usage,it should be related to ancient Ba people’s war dance,as well as to recorded ancient dances such as“Da Xia”and“Da Wu”. 展开更多
关键词 Muddymen Dance Ba people war dance “Da xia “Da Wu”
蓟县山区波氏栉Xia虎鱼Ctenogobius cliffordpopei...
作者 李玉和 张新亚 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1990年第4期68-74,共7页
关键词 鲈形目 xia虎鱼 波氏栉xia虎鱼
Xia Xiaocao:Life Devoted to Violin
作者 Mo En 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第3期46-47,共2页
With a violin in hand, you have toured the whole world. With a long bow in hand, you play the violin like a swordswoman. Wherever you are, Scandinavia, Carnegie Hall or Florida, You have interpreted Chinese stories wi... With a violin in hand, you have toured the whole world. With a long bow in hand, you play the violin like a swordswoman. Wherever you are, Scandinavia, Carnegie Hall or Florida, You have interpreted Chinese stories with touching melodies. And unfolded a magni cent picture of Chinese landscape. You said the violin is your closest friend. Whenever you feel lonely or delighted, It is with you together, listening to you talking and talking with you. Music melts in your blood and time passes through violin bows. In changes of seasons, only the golden violin has accompanied you. 展开更多
关键词 中国 小提琴家 艺术简历 xia xiaOCAO
AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征1例报告并文献复习 被引量:3
作者 杨书婷 李梅 +2 位作者 贾春颖 冉艳萍 吴霞 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期847-850,共4页
目的探讨AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征的临床表现、基因变异特点。方法回顾分析2018年12月接诊的1例AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床资料,并结合文献分析Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床表现、基因突变特点。结果男性患儿,5岁7... 目的探讨AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征的临床表现、基因变异特点。方法回顾分析2018年12月接诊的1例AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床资料,并结合文献分析Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床表现、基因突变特点。结果男性患儿,5岁7月,以全面发育落后、面容特殊,耳位低,拇指内收为主要表现;头颅CT示双侧小脑半球后外方脑外间隙增宽、蛛网膜囊肿。学龄前儿童韦克斯勒氏智能测试提示智商重度低下。全外显子检测发现AHDC1基因新发剪切突变c.3185_c.3186 delCA,导致蛋白编码提前终止(p.T 1062 Sfs*63),确诊为Xia-Gibbs综合征。检索万方数据库,检出中文文献1篇;检索PubMed及Medline,检出英文文献16篇;合并该患儿共35例Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿,其中34例为AHDC1基因新发突变,1例为包含AHDC1基因在内的染色体微缺失所致。结论Xia-Gibbs综合征是由AHDC1基因新发突变所致神经系统疾病,其突变位点及临床表现的特异性目前尚无定论,二者的相关性有待进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 xia-Gibbs综合征 AHDC1基因突变 全外显子测序 儿童
Experimental study of“Tong Xia”purgative method in ameliorating lung injury in acute necrotizing pancreatitis 被引量:31
作者 Xia Q Jiang JM +3 位作者 Gong X Chen GY Li L Huang ZW 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期115-118,共4页
AIM To investigate the role of tumor necrosisfactor(TNF)in lung injury during acutenecrotizing pancreatitis(ANP),and thetherapeutic effect of'Tong Xia'purgativemethod in minimizing the severity of lung injury.... AIM To investigate the role of tumor necrosisfactor(TNF)in lung injury during acutenecrotizing pancreatitis(ANP),and thetherapeutic effect of'Tong Xia'purgativemethod in minimizing the severity of lung injury.METHODS Fourteen canines were randomlydivided into 3 groups:the'Tong Xia'treatmentgroup(n = 5)using Dachengqitang;salinecontrol group(n = 5),and the sham operationgroup(n = 4).TNF activity in serum and inbronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF),the serumendotoxin levels were measured,and theseverity of lung injury evaluated.RESULTS Elevation of TNF activity was moreprominent in BALF than in serum.TNF activity inserum at 6 and 12 hours and in BALI:wassignificantly decreased in the'Tong Xia'treatment group than in the saline control one(q=21.11,q=12.07,q=9.03,respectively,P【0.01)and the lung injury was significantlyalleviated at 12 hours as compared with that inthe saline group,manifested as amelioration otthe lung wet/ dry weight ratio,decrease inprotein concentration and neutrophils count inBALF,and improvement of pulmonaryinflammatory changes.A positive correlationwas demonstrated between serum TNF activity and endotoxin level.CONCLUSION Hypersecretion of TNF is shownto be one of the major causes of lung injuryduring ANP;'Tong Xia'purgative method couldalleviate the degree of lung injury mediated byTNF. 展开更多
关键词 Subject headings pancreatitis/therapy LUNG disease tumor NECROSIS factor Tong xia METHOD
Xia'men Attaches Great Importance to International Comferences --An Interview towards Huang Ling,Vice Mayor of Xia'men
《中国会展》 2005年第1期72-72,共1页
Reporter: We are delighted to be given an opportunity to interview Madam Huang when China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO) is approaching. Mayor Huang, would you please offer an introduction to exhibit... Reporter: We are delighted to be given an opportunity to interview Madam Huang when China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO) is approaching. Mayor Huang, would you please offer an introduction to exhibition development in Xia’men? 展开更多
关键词 xia’men Attaches Great Importance to International Comferences An Interview towards Huang Ling Vice Mayor of xia’men
AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征1例报告并文献复习 被引量:5
作者 路通 吴冰冰 王艺 《中国循证儿科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期224-227,共4页
目的探讨AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征的临床特征及基因变异特点。方法回顾性分析1例AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床资料和全外显子组测序(WES)结果,并行系统检索和文献复习,收集基因诊断明确的Xia-Gibbs综合征患者,总结... 目的探讨AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征的临床特征及基因变异特点。方法回顾性分析1例AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床资料和全外显子组测序(WES)结果,并行系统检索和文献复习,收集基因诊断明确的Xia-Gibbs综合征患者,总结临床表现和基因突变信息。结果男,15月龄,因"发育落后"就诊。就诊时不会说话,不会爬;耳位低,左眼内斜视;双侧肌张力降低。心脏超声示卵圆孔未闭,肾脏B超示双侧肾盂积水;颅脑MRI示脑白质减少,胼胝体薄;脑电图示双侧高幅δ波及θ波,两前部明显。WES发现AHDC1基因新发剪切突变c.750_753del CCTC,导致蛋白编码提前终止(p.T252Afs*7)。文献复习共检索到6篇英文文献,与本文病例合并后共报告15例AHDC1突变患儿,均有发育落后、面部畸形、肌张力低下、上呼吸道梗阻和睡眠障碍,共济失调、癫、孤独症、喂养障碍和视力障碍等也较常见,颅脑影像学胼胝体发育不良常见;已报道13个突变位点,剪切突变最常见。结论 AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征的主要特点为发育落后、面部畸形、肌张力低下和睡眠障碍等,卵圆孔未闭和肾盂积水的表型是否与AHDC1基因突变相关,有待进一步证实。 展开更多
关键词 xia-Gibbs综合征 AHDC1 全外显子测序 儿童
AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征1例报告并文献复习 被引量:1
作者 覃莹莹 甘剑光 蔡霞 《反射疗法与康复医学》 2022年第1期165-168,共4页
Xia-Gibbs综合征是由AHDC1基因突变所致神经系统疾病.该文报道1例AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿,并结合文献分析Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床表现、基因突变特点.患儿女,2岁8个月,以全面发育迟缓、面容特殊、宽额、眼距过宽、上斜... Xia-Gibbs综合征是由AHDC1基因突变所致神经系统疾病.该文报道1例AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿,并结合文献分析Xia-Gibbs综合征患儿的临床表现、基因突变特点.患儿女,2岁8个月,以全面发育迟缓、面容特殊、宽额、眼距过宽、上斜眼、耳位低、双侧足外翻、膝过伸、双侧肌张力过低为主要表现.头颅MRI提示额叶小、额部脑沟裂增宽、两侧脑室前角饱满、胼胝体薄.GESELL发育诊断量表提示智商重度低下.全外显子检测发现AHDC1基因新发杂合突变c.2136delC(p.V712fs),确诊为Xia-Gibbs综合征.检索数据库,检出中文文献3篇、英文文献21篇,合并该患儿共51例Xia-Gibbs综合征.患者均有发育落后,常见症状为特殊面貌、肌张力低下、共济失调、癫痫、孤独症.基因突变位点与临床表型的关系仍有待进一步研究. 展开更多
关键词 xia-Gibbs综合征 AHDC1基因突变 全外显子测序 康复训练
Xia-Gibbs综合征临床与遗传学分析 被引量:4
作者 苏惠红 林彩梅 《中国中西医结合儿科学》 2020年第5期457-462,共6页
目的探讨AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征(XGS)的临床特征及基因变异特点。方法报告2例AHDC1基因突变致XGS患儿的临床资料和全外显子组测序结果,并对文献复习,收集基因诊断明确的XGS病例,总结临床表型和基因突变特点。结果1例为男性,1... 目的探讨AHDC1基因突变致Xia-Gibbs综合征(XGS)的临床特征及基因变异特点。方法报告2例AHDC1基因突变致XGS患儿的临床资料和全外显子组测序结果,并对文献复习,收集基因诊断明确的XGS病例,总结临床表型和基因突变特点。结果1例为男性,1例为女性,确诊年龄分别为7个月和7岁11个月。2例均有运动语言落后、肌张力减低、颅脑MRI异常、脑电图异常,男性患儿有特殊面容(双眼内斜视、鼻梁低平)、皮肤血管瘤、卵圆孔未闭、全外显子组测序发现AHDC1基因新发无义突变c.4321(exon)C>T(p.Q1441X,163),女性患儿有癫痫、全外显子组测序发现AHDC1基因新发移码突变C.1122dupC(p.Gly375fs)。检索PubMed、万方和中国期刊全文数据库,共检索到AHDC1突变相关文献10篇,其中英文8篇,中文2篇,与本文病例合并后共40例AHDC1突变病例,大多数有全面性发育落后(97.5%)、肌张力低下(87.5%)、特殊面容(77.5%)、睡眠呼吸暂停(42.5%),颅脑影像学胼胝体发育不良常见;基因突变以移码突变(70%)最常见。结论AHDC1基因突变致XGS的主要特点为发育落后、肌张力低下、特殊面容和睡眠呼吸暂停等,根据临床表型进行基因检测可明确诊断。 展开更多
关键词 xia-Gibbs综合征 AHDC1 基因 儿童
Review: Hu Houxuan, "Xia and the Tu State in the Oracle Inscriptions: A Consideration" Gudai Chengbang Shi Yanjiu (Studies on Ancient City States) Renmin Press, 1989, Pp. 340-353. 被引量:1
作者 RiZhi 《Journal of Ancient Civilizations》 1995年第0期147-148,共2页
This article verified that the Tu state mentioned in the oracle inscriptions was the Xia people after the Xia Dynasty had been conquered by Tang, the first king of the Shang Dynasty m c.a. 16th century B.C. The state... This article verified that the Tu state mentioned in the oracle inscriptions was the Xia people after the Xia Dynasty had been conquered by Tang, the first king of the Shang Dynasty m c.a. 16th century B.C. The state of Xia, which originated from Yu, was entitled "Xia Hou"; its king was hence called "Xia Hou Di" (Emperor of Xia Hou), e.g."Xia Hou Di Qi". The Xia people, together with the Yin (Shang) people, and the Zhou people, were the so-called "people of San Dai" (Three Dynasties). As mentioned in "Lunyu, Bayi", they founded the states, with the Xia people being associated with the pine, the Yin people with the cypress, and the Zhou people with the chestnut. 展开更多
关键词 A Consideration Renmin Press Studies on Ancient City States xia and the Tu State in the Oracle Inscriptions Hu Houxuan Gudai Chengbang Shi Yanjiu
Effect of salinity on the growth, and agar yield and composition of Gracilaria tenuistipitata var liui Zhang et Xia
作者 贺丽虹 吴汪黔生 +1 位作者 沈颂东 王得利 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2002年第1期76-81,共6页
Gracilaria tenuistipitata varliui Zhang el Xia is cultivated at two different salinities (21, 33) in the laboratory for 4 weeks. The daily growth rate is determined. The total agar yield and fractional agar compositio... Gracilaria tenuistipitata varliui Zhang el Xia is cultivated at two different salinities (21, 33) in the laboratory for 4 weeks. The daily growth rate is determined. The total agar yield and fractional agar composition are analyzed. Results show that algae grow faster in low salinity. The total agar yield is higher under high salinity conditions than under low salinity conditions. Among the eight fractions extracted, the yields of cold water extract and 40% ethanol extract are about the highest In low salinities the yields of autoclaved extract and 60% ethanol extract are higher, while the yield of cold water extract is lower relative to high salinities. 展开更多
关键词 Gracilaria tenuistipitata var liui Zhanget xia SALINITY agar yield agar fraction
From Xia People to Han People and to Chinese Nation——A Study of the Trajectory of the Cohesion and Integration of Chinese Ethnic Groups
作者 Li Dalong Zhang Qiuyue 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2019年第3期1-13,共13页
Building multiethnic China was primarily driven by the cohesion and integration of main ethnic groups within Chinese territory, but the process was recorded according to traditional ethnic group discourse system of an... Building multiethnic China was primarily driven by the cohesion and integration of main ethnic groups within Chinese territory, but the process was recorded according to traditional ethnic group discourse system of ancient China, so there is some doubt whether “nation state” theory can interpret it precisely. This paper manages to figure out the trajectory of cohesion and integration of main ethnic groups propelled by ancient Chinese people from the Xia Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty by focusing on traditional views on ethnic groups of ancient China. This paper contend that although there were the phenomena of naming the products of the integrations after the regimes they belonged to,“Han people,”“Hua people” and even “Zhonghua(Chinese) people,” became the designations of main cohesive ethnic groups in China over time, and the concept of “Chen Min(subjects)” and the appearance of “nationals” that developed during the Qing Dynasty successfully transformed their identity, which Liang Qichao referred to as “Chinese nation”. Efforts by the rulers of the Qing Dynasty to bridge the gaps between different ethnic groups by developing a community of “subjects”(Chenmin), produced the concept of “Chinese nation” which included the various ethnic groups with the “Han people” as the main group. This new community merely represents the present-day cohesion of the Chinese Nation and the internal integration continues. 展开更多
Cuan Di Xia Village:A Rural Arcadia in Beijing's Suburb
作者 A Yue 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2004年第6期27-29,共3页
Editor's Note: In November 2003, Cuan Di Xia in the western suburb of Beijing was officially proclaimed as 'historical and cultural village'. So far, ten towns and twelve villages across the country have b... Editor's Note: In November 2003, Cuan Di Xia in the western suburb of Beijing was officially proclaimed as 'historical and cultural village'. So far, ten towns and twelve villages across the country have been granted the honor and Cuan Di Xia is the only one in Beijing. 展开更多
关键词 北京 自然景观 历史文化 峡谷 Cuan DI xia
Xia Hua Brand Colour TV
《China's Foreign Trade》 1994年第4期15-15,共1页
The Xia Hua Overseas Chinese Electronics Enterprise Co. Ltd. (XOCCO) is a Chinese-foreign joint venture specializing in colour TV and audio equipment. The company has six automatic production lines, making color TV se... The Xia Hua Overseas Chinese Electronics Enterprise Co. Ltd. (XOCCO) is a Chinese-foreign joint venture specializing in colour TV and audio equipment. The company has six automatic production lines, making color TV sets, both standard and standard meeting with that of different countries. 展开更多
关键词 xia Hua Brand Colour TV
《Journal of Ancient Civilizations》 2001年第1期1-3,共3页
Vice President Xia Guohong Visited U. S. INTEL Corporation
《Aerospace China》 1996年第1期18-18,共1页
Mr. Xia Guohong, Vice President of China Aerospace Corporation (CASC), headed the space delegation together with Mr. Zhang Xianghai, Chief Economist of the State Administration of Taxation, PRC, to visit the Intel Cor... Mr. Xia Guohong, Vice President of China Aerospace Corporation (CASC), headed the space delegation together with Mr. Zhang Xianghai, Chief Economist of the State Administration of Taxation, PRC, to visit the Intel Corp. headquarters in Santa Clara, California and its facilities and Distribution Center in Chandler, Arizona from Feb. 25, 1996 at the invitation of Mr. Robert W. Reed, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Semiconductor Products Group, Intel Corp. During the visit, both sides held high level review meetings to discuss the cooperation in the Golden Tax Module Project, particularly about the 展开更多
关键词 CASC PRC INTEL Corporation Vice President xia Guohong Visited U
作者 黄佳佳 夏天 《高等数学研究》 2022年第4期86-88,共3页
关键词 xia-Wang定理 再生散度模型 数学期望 方差 离散型随机变量
作者 吴秀明 《浙江社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期142-154,160,共14页
在金庸由热趋冷的背景下探讨其武侠小说经典建构,有必要超越一般创作特征或文学史分析的研究思路,将审视目光投向侠本体、历史化并下涉“后金庸”问题。所谓侠本体,是指武侠作为类型文学所具有的一贯性和统一性的创作范式,它须联系金庸... 在金庸由热趋冷的背景下探讨其武侠小说经典建构,有必要超越一般创作特征或文学史分析的研究思路,将审视目光投向侠本体、历史化并下涉“后金庸”问题。所谓侠本体,是指武侠作为类型文学所具有的一贯性和统一性的创作范式,它须联系金庸基于雅俗认知对其小说版本所作的“正反双向”关系处理及所呈现的自我“矛盾”展开阐释。所谓历史化,是指历史意识及其作品中的历史元素,对于金庸而言,最可称道的是其对民族关系与历史政治化特质的有关描写。所谓“后金庸”,则是将其武侠放在从“港台主导”向“大陆主体”转换的历史延长线上,通过金庸与“后金庸”的互动关联及“连续性”关系,一方面展示其经典建构的当下意义,另一方面由此对武侠文类发展前景作出合乎逻辑的预判。 展开更多
关键词 侠本体 历史化 后金庸 经典建构 发展前景
作者 陈峰 陈宾 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期58-67,共10页
苏轼、苏辙兄弟早年同作有题为《郭纶》的诗文,都是为一介武官郭纶所写,全文既记述了其生平概况,也充分表达了同情之意。借助二苏诗文提供的线索,再结合有关史料记载,不仅这位职官不显的人物事迹得以还原,并且还进一步印证了宋仁宗时代... 苏轼、苏辙兄弟早年同作有题为《郭纶》的诗文,都是为一介武官郭纶所写,全文既记述了其生平概况,也充分表达了同情之意。借助二苏诗文提供的线索,再结合有关史料记载,不仅这位职官不显的人物事迹得以还原,并且还进一步印证了宋仁宗时代西北边防的相关问题。苏轼、苏辙兄弟这些诗文表露的主旨,反映了其入仕前曾经对武臣的认识。及至他们从政后,因逐渐受到士大夫群体主流观念的影响,对武臣以及武功的态度遂发生了较大的变化。由此,也为观察苏轼兄弟二人的文武观及其变化提供了不可多得的切入点。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼 苏辙 郭纶 武臣 御夏战争
作者 周书灿 《中原文化研究》 2025年第1期121-128,共8页
战国秦汉时期的学者普遍认为,冀州应在河东及两河之间的河内一带,西周春秋时期的晋国所辖区域,即司马迁所说的“天下之中”之地。《禹贡》九州并非按照治水先后排序,宋儒一方面确信《禹贡》为大禹治水的历史文献,另一方面又用大禹时代... 战国秦汉时期的学者普遍认为,冀州应在河东及两河之间的河内一带,西周春秋时期的晋国所辖区域,即司马迁所说的“天下之中”之地。《禹贡》九州并非按照治水先后排序,宋儒一方面确信《禹贡》为大禹治水的历史文献,另一方面又用大禹时代尚未形成的五行说来解释《禹贡》九州的排列顺序,自相矛盾,疑点重重。20世纪学术界对《禹贡》冀州与夏墟之间关系的探讨,逐渐接近部分历史真相,但仍存在诸多疑惑。大禹传说的发生和流变有一个多元并起与层累积聚的过程。《禹贡》一书是战国时期儒者在魏地禹都等传说基础上重构的一部非纪实著作,一幅治理天下的蓝图,《禹贡》中的山川地理、九州、五服之制,和大禹毫无关系。《禹贡》九州、五服制自然无法和龙山时代的考古学资料相对应。 展开更多
关键词 《禹贡》 冀州 夏墟 魏国 重构
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