This paper presents a closed-loop vector control structure based on adaptive Fuzzy Logic Sliding Mode Controller (FL-SMC) for a grid-connected Wave Energy Conversion System (WECS) driven Self-Excited Induction Generat...This paper presents a closed-loop vector control structure based on adaptive Fuzzy Logic Sliding Mode Controller (FL-SMC) for a grid-connected Wave Energy Conversion System (WECS) driven Self-Excited Induction Generator (SEIG). The aim of the developed control method is to automatically tune and optimize the scaling factors and the membership functions of the Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA) and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO). Two Pulse Width Modulated voltage source PWM converters with a carrier-based Sinusoidal PWM modulation for both Generator- and Grid-side converters have been connected back to back between the generator terminals and utility grid via common DC link. The indirect vector control scheme is implemented to maintain balance between generated power and power supplied to the grid and maintain the terminal voltage of the generator and the DC bus voltage constant for variable rotor speed and load. Simulation study has been carried out using the MATLAB/Simulink environment to verify the robustness of the power electronics converters and the effectiveness of proposed control method under steady state and transient conditions and also machine parameters mismatches. The proposed control scheme has improved the voltage regulation and the transient performance of the wave energy scheme over a wide range of operating conditions.展开更多
Two common problems for a typical Power distribution system are voltage collapse & instability. Challenge is to identify the vulnerable nodes and apply the effective corrective actions. This paper presents a proba...Two common problems for a typical Power distribution system are voltage collapse & instability. Challenge is to identify the vulnerable nodes and apply the effective corrective actions. This paper presents a probabilistic fuzzy approach to assess the node status and proposes feeder reconfiguration as a method to address the same. Feeder reconfiguration is altering the topological structures of distribution feeders by changing the open/closed states of the sectionalizing and ties switches. The solution is converge using a probabilistic fuzzy modeled solution, which defines the nodal vulnerability index (VI) as a function of node voltage and node voltage stability index and predicts nodes critical to voltage collapse. The information is further used to plan best combination of feeders from each loop in distribution system to be switched out such that the resulting configuration gives the optimal performance i.e. best voltage profile and minimal kW losses. The proposed method is tested on established radial distribution system and results are presented.展开更多
In fairly good agreement with the consensus range of dark energy to matter this ratio of the critical density is suggested to be connected with the golden mean φ=0.6180339887, yielding for dark energy to matte...In fairly good agreement with the consensus range of dark energy to matter this ratio of the critical density is suggested to be connected with the golden mean φ=0.6180339887, yielding for dark energy to matter mass fractions .?Assuming the baryonic matter to be only 4.432%, the ratio of matter to baryonic matter would be , and further the ratio of dark matter to baryonic one . If one subtracts from the dark matter a contribution of antimatter with the same mass of baryonic matter, according to the antigravity theories of Villata respectively Hajdukovic, the remaining mass ratio would yield . Replacing the “Madelung” constant α of Villata’s “lattice universe” by φ, one reaches again 1 + φas the ratio of the repulsive mass contribution to the attractive one. Assuming instead of a 3D lattice a flat 2D one of rocksalt type, the numerical similarity between the Madelung constant and φ−1 could not be just coincidence. The proposed scaling of the cosmological mass fractions with the square of the most irrational universal number φmay indicate that the chaotic cosmological processes have reached a quite stable equilibrium. This may be confirmed by another, but similar representation of the mass constituents by the Archimedes’ constant π, giving for respectively for the dark components . However, the intimate connection of φ with its reciprocal may ignite the discussion whether our universe is intertwined with another universe or even part of a multiverse with the dark constituents contributed from there.展开更多
The objective of this research is to propose a decision support system for avoiding flood on solar power plant site selection. Methodologically, the geographic information system (GIS) is used to determine the optimum...The objective of this research is to propose a decision support system for avoiding flood on solar power plant site selection. Methodologically, the geographic information system (GIS) is used to determine the optimum site for a solar power plant. It is intended to integrate the qualitative and quantitative variables based upon the adoption of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model. These methods are employed to unite the environmental aspects and social needs for electrical power systematically. Regarding a case study of the choice of a solar power plant site in Thailand, it demonstrates that the quantitative and qualitative criteria should be realized prior to analysis in the Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS model. The fuzzy AHP is employed to determine the weights of qualitative and quantitative criteria that can affect the selection process. The adoption of the fuzzy AHP is aimed to model the linguistic unclear, ambiguous, and incomplete knowledge. Additionally, TOPSIS, which is a ranking multi-criteria decision making method, is employed to rank the alternative sites based upon overall efficiency. The contribution of this paper lies in the evolution of a new approach that is flexible and practical to the decision maker, in providing the guidelines for the solar power plant site choices under stakeholder needs: at the same time, the desirable functions are achieved, in avoiding flood, reducing cost, time and causing less environmental impact. The new approach is assessed in the empirical study during major flooding in Thailand during the fourth quarter of 2011 to 2012. The result analysis and sensitivity analysis are also presented.展开更多
Despite half a century of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic progress, as fuzzy sets address complex and uncertain information through the lens of human knowledge and subjectivity, more progress is needed in the semantics of ...Despite half a century of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic progress, as fuzzy sets address complex and uncertain information through the lens of human knowledge and subjectivity, more progress is needed in the semantics of fuzzy sets and in exploring the multi-modal aspect of fuzzy logic due to the different cognitive, emotional and behavioral angles of assessing truth. We lay here the foundations of a postmodern fuzzy set and fuzzy logic theory addressing these issues by deconstructing fuzzy truth values and fuzzy set membership functions to re-capture the human knowledge and subjectivity structure in membership function evaluations. We formulate a fractal multi-modal logic of Kabbalah which integrates the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels of humanistic systems into epistemic and modal, deontic and doxastic and dynamic multi-modal logic. This is done by creating a fractal multi-modal Kabbalah possible worlds semantic frame of Kripke model type. The Kabbalah possible worlds semantic frame integrates together both the multi-modal logic aspects and their Kripke possible worlds model. We will not focus here on modal operators and axiom sets. We constructively define a fractal multi-modal Kabbalistic L-fuzzy set as the central concept of the postmodern fuzzy set theory based on Kabbalah logic and semantics.展开更多
From the view of underground coal mining safety system, it is extremely important to continuous monitoring of coal mines for the prompt detection of fires or related problems inspite of its uncertainty and imprecise c...From the view of underground coal mining safety system, it is extremely important to continuous monitoring of coal mines for the prompt detection of fires or related problems inspite of its uncertainty and imprecise characteristics. Therefore, evaluation and inferring the data perfectly to prevent fire related accidental risk in underground coal mining (UMC) system are very necessary. In the present article, we have proposed a novel type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2FLS) for the prediction of fire intensity and its risk assessment for risk reduction in an underground coal mine. Recently, for the observation of underground coal mines, wireless underground sensor network (WUSN) are being concerned frequently. To implement this technique IT2FLS, main functional components are sensor nodes which are installed in coal mines to accumulate different imprecise environmental data like, temperature, relative humidity, different gas concentrations etc. and these are sent to a base station which is connected to the ground observation system through network. In the present context, a WUSN based fire monitoring system is developed using fuzzy logic approach to enhance the consistency in decision making system to improve the risk chances of fire during coal mining. We have taken Mamdani IT2FLS as fuzzy model on coal mine monitoring data to consider real-time decision making (DM). It is predicted from the simulated results that the recommended system is highly acceptable and amenable in the case of fire hazard safety with compared to the wired and off-line monitoring system for UMC. Legitimacy of the suggested model is prepared using statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.展开更多
Thermal image, or thermogram, becomes a new type of signal for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis due to the capability to display real-time temperature distribution and possibility to indicate the mach...Thermal image, or thermogram, becomes a new type of signal for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis due to the capability to display real-time temperature distribution and possibility to indicate the machine’s operating condition through its temperature. In this paper, an investigation of using the second-order statistical features of thermogram in association with minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR) feature selection and simplified fuzzy ARTMAP (SFAM) classification is conducted for rotating machinery fault diagnosis. The thermograms of different machine conditions are firstly preprocessed for improving the image contrast, removing noise, and cropping to obtain the regions of interest (ROIs). Then, an enhanced algorithm based on bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition is implemented to further increase the quality of ROIs before the second-order statistical features are extracted from their gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The highly relevant features to the machine condition are selected from the total feature set by mRMR and are fed into SFAM to accomplish the fault diagnosis. In order to verify this investigation, the thermograms acquired from different conditions of a fault simulator including normal, misalignment, faulty bearing, and mass unbalance are used. This investigation also provides a comparative study of SFAM and other traditional methods such as back-propagation and probabilistic neural networks. The results show that the second-order statistical features used in this framework can provide a plausible accuracy in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.展开更多
Due to the numerous variables to take into account as well as the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty,evaluating educational institutions can be difficult.The concept of a possibility Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(pP...Due to the numerous variables to take into account as well as the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty,evaluating educational institutions can be difficult.The concept of a possibility Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(pPyFHSS)is more flexible in this regard than other theoretical fuzzy set-like models,even though some attempts have been made in the literature to address such uncertainties.This study investigates the elementary notions of pPyFHSS including its set-theoretic operations union,intersection,complement,OR-and AND-operations.Some results related to these operations are also modified for pPyFHSS.Additionally,the similarity measures between pPyFHSSs are formulated with the assistance of numerical examples and results.Lastly,an intelligent decision-assisted mechanism is developed with the proposal of a robust algorithm based on similarity measures for solving multi-attribute decision-making(MADM)problems.A case study that helps the decision-makers assess the best educational institution is discussed to validate the suggested system.The algorithmic results are compared with the most pertinent model to evaluate the adaptability of pPyFHSS,as it generalizes the classical possibility fuzzy set-like theoretical models.Similarly,while considering significant evaluating factors,the flexibility of pPyFHSS is observed through structural comparison.展开更多
A large specific surface area perovskite-type mixed oxide PbTiO3 supported cupric oxide was synthesized as a catalyst for NO decomposition and characterized by techniques such as XPS, XRD, H2-TPR before and after NO d...A large specific surface area perovskite-type mixed oxide PbTiO3 supported cupric oxide was synthesized as a catalyst for NO decomposition and characterized by techniques such as XPS, XRD, H2-TPR before and after NO decomposition reactions. The catalytic properties were tested with a fix-bed micro-reactor. The results showed that the PbTiO3 was inactive for the reactions, but 1wt % Cu/PbTiO3 catalyst gave fairly good activities for NO decomposition at temperature as low as 473 K. Copper species were found well-dispersed but weakly interacted with the support before NO decomposition, and the NO decomposition caused significant change in the environment of the copper species, which became Cu(Ⅰ)and most probably incorporated into surface crystal lattice of the nano-sized PbTiO3. In NO reaction, a large amount of oxygen atoms from the decomposition of NO penetrated into the nano-sized PbTiO3 support and caused small expansion of crystal lattice. The transport of oxygen between the copper species and the catalyst support may be helpful to speed up the kinetic regeneration of active metal sites from oxygen occupancy and resulted in good catalytic performance.展开更多
The dramatic rise in the number of people living in cities has made many environmental and social problems worse.The search for a productive method for disposing of solid waste is the most notable of these problems.Ma...The dramatic rise in the number of people living in cities has made many environmental and social problems worse.The search for a productive method for disposing of solid waste is the most notable of these problems.Many scholars have referred to it as a fuzzy multi-attribute or multi-criteria decision-making problem using various fuzzy set-like approaches because of the inclusion of criteria and anticipated ambiguity.The goal of the current study is to use an innovative methodology to address the expected uncertainties in the problem of solid waste site selection.The characteristics(or sub-attributes)that decision-makers select and the degree of approximation they accept for various options can both be indicators of these uncertainties.To tackle these problems,a novel mathematical structure known as the fuzzy parameterized possibility single valued neutrosophic hypersoft expert set(ρˆ-set),which is initially described,is integrated with a modified version of Sanchez’s method.Following this,an intelligent algorithm is suggested.The steps of the suggested algorithm are explained with an example that explains itself.The compatibility of solid waste management sites and systems is discussed,and rankings are established along with detailed justifications for their viability.This study’s strengths lie in its application of fuzzy parameterization and possibility grading to effectively handle the uncertainties embodied in the parameters’nature and alternative approximations,respectively.It uses specific mathematical formulations to compute the fuzzy parameterized degrees and possibility grades that are missing from the prior literature.It is simpler for the decisionmakers to look at each option separately because the decision is uncertain.Comparing the computed results,it is discovered that they are consistent and dependable because of their preferred properties.展开更多
A fuzzy sliding-mode control (FSMC) scheme based on T-S fuzzy models was proposed for the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system to solve the speed tracking problem. A T-S fuzzy model was firstly forme...A fuzzy sliding-mode control (FSMC) scheme based on T-S fuzzy models was proposed for the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system to solve the speed tracking problem. A T-S fuzzy model was firstly formed to represent the nonlinear system of PMSM. For converting the tracking control into a stabilization problem, a new control design was proposed to define the internal desired states. Then, the FSMC controller for PMSM system with parameter variation and load disturbance was designed based on the fuzzy model. The performance of the proposed controller was verified by experimental results on PMSM system. The results show that the FSMC scheme can drive the dynamics of PMSM into a designated sliding surface in finite time and guarantee the property of asymptotical stability. The information of upper bound of modeling errors as well as perturbations is not required when using the FSMC controller.展开更多
Geographic Information System (GIS) software was used to create a watershed vulnerability model for Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Watershed vulnerability was investigated as a function of soil erosion and infiltratio...Geographic Information System (GIS) software was used to create a watershed vulnerability model for Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Watershed vulnerability was investigated as a function of soil erosion and infiltration criteria: precipitation, land slope, soil erodibility (K-factor), vegetation cover (NDVI), land use, drainage density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and hydrologic soil group. Respective criteria weights were derived using a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) supported by expert opinion. A survey of 10 experts, representing New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT), the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR), and the United States Geologic Survey (USGS), provided model input data for an integrated pair-wise comparison matrix for soil erosion and for infiltration. Individual criteria weights were determined by decomposing the respective fuzzy synthetic extent matrix using the centroid method. GIS layers were then combined based on criteria weights to produce maps of soil erosion potential and infiltration potential. A composite watershed vulnerability map was generated by equal weighting of each input map. Model results were categorized into five vulnerability categories: not vulnerable (N), slightly vulnerable (SV), moderately vulnerable (MV), highly vulnerable (HV), and extremely vulnerable (EV). The resulting FAHP/GIS model was used to generate a watershed vulnerability map of discrete areas in Bernalillo County, which may be vulnerable to stormwater run-off events and soil erosion. Such high volume run-off events can cause erosion damage to property and infrastructure. Alternatively, in areas near urban development, stormwater run-off may contribute non-point-source pollutant contamination of New Mexico’s surface water resources. The most problematic areas in Bernalillo County are present in the Eastern and Northwestern portions. However, less than 1% of the total area lies within the lowest and highest vulnerability categories with the majority centered around moderate vulnerability. The results of the model were compared with a previously published crisp AHP method. Both methods showed similar regional vulnerability trends. This MCDS/GIS approach is intended to provide support to local governments and decision makers in selection of suitable structural or nonstructural stormwater control measures.展开更多
Since its inception,the Internet has been rapidly evolving.With the advancement of science and technology and the explosive growth of the population,the demand for the Internet has been on the rise.Many applications i...Since its inception,the Internet has been rapidly evolving.With the advancement of science and technology and the explosive growth of the population,the demand for the Internet has been on the rise.Many applications in education,healthcare,entertainment,science,and more are being increasingly deployed based on the internet.Concurrently,malicious threats on the internet are on the rise as well.Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS)attacks are among the most common and dangerous threats on the internet today.The scale and complexity of DDoS attacks are constantly growing.Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS)have been deployed and have demonstrated their effectiveness in defense against those threats.In addition,the research of Machine Learning(ML)and Deep Learning(DL)in IDS has gained effective results and significant attention.However,one of the challenges when applying ML and DL techniques in intrusion detection is the identification of unknown attacks.These attacks,which are not encountered during the system’s training,can lead to misclassification with significant errors.In this research,we focused on addressing the issue of Unknown Attack Detection,combining two methods:Spatial Location Constraint Prototype Loss(SLCPL)and Fuzzy C-Means(FCM).With the proposed method,we achieved promising results compared to traditional methods.The proposed method demonstrates a very high accuracy of up to 99.8%with a low false positive rate for known attacks on the Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset(CICIDS2017)dataset.Particularly,the accuracy is also very high,reaching 99.7%,and the precision goes up to 99.9%for unknown DDoS attacks on the DDoS Evaluation Dataset(CICDDoS2019)dataset.The success of the proposed method is due to the combination of SLCPL,an advanced Open-Set Recognition(OSR)technique,and FCM,a traditional yet highly applicable clustering technique.This has yielded a novel method in the field of unknown attack detection.This further expands the trend of applying DL and ML techniques in the development of intrusion detection systems and cybersecurity.Finally,implementing the proposed method in real-world systems can enhance the security capabilities against increasingly complex threats on computer networks.展开更多
Similarity measure is an essential tool to compare and determine the degree of similarity between intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). In this paper, a new similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on th...Similarity measure is an essential tool to compare and determine the degree of similarity between intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). In this paper, a new similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on the mid points of transformed triangular fuzzy numbers is proposed. The proposed similarity measure provides reasonable results not only for the sets available in the literature but also gives very reasonable results, especially for fuzzy sets as well as for most intuitionistic fuzzy sets. To provide supportive evidence, the proposed similarity measure is tested on certain sets available in literature and is also applied to pattern recognition and medical diagnosis problems. It is observed that the proposed similarity measure provides a very intuitive quantification.展开更多
In the process of bromine production,because of lag adjustment methods,there are problems of adjusting delay,raw material wastage and low growth rate.By considering the nature of bromine production,with the help of fu...In the process of bromine production,because of lag adjustment methods,there are problems of adjusting delay,raw material wastage and low growth rate.By considering the nature of bromine production,with the help of fuzzy data processing method,computer detection and display technique,we designed an automatic detection instrument for the ratio of chlorine to bromine in oxidized liquid of bromine production.This instrument can be used to detect the different parameters of raw materials adjustment and control in real time,and afford assurance that raw materials will be adjusted in time.This paper briefly introduces the working mechanism,hardware and software design of the instrument.展开更多
Three speed controllers for an axial magnetic flux switched reluctance motor with only one stator, are described and experimentally tested. As it is known, when current pulses are imposed in their windings, high rippl...Three speed controllers for an axial magnetic flux switched reluctance motor with only one stator, are described and experimentally tested. As it is known, when current pulses are imposed in their windings, high ripple torque is obtained. In order to reduce this ripple, a control strategy with modified current shapes is proposed. A workbench consisting of a machine prototype and the control system based on a microcontroller was built. These controllers were: a conventional PID, a fuzzy logic PID and a neural PID type. From experimental results, the effective reduction of the torque ripple was confirmed and the performance of the controllers was compared.展开更多
文摘This paper presents a closed-loop vector control structure based on adaptive Fuzzy Logic Sliding Mode Controller (FL-SMC) for a grid-connected Wave Energy Conversion System (WECS) driven Self-Excited Induction Generator (SEIG). The aim of the developed control method is to automatically tune and optimize the scaling factors and the membership functions of the Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA) and Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO). Two Pulse Width Modulated voltage source PWM converters with a carrier-based Sinusoidal PWM modulation for both Generator- and Grid-side converters have been connected back to back between the generator terminals and utility grid via common DC link. The indirect vector control scheme is implemented to maintain balance between generated power and power supplied to the grid and maintain the terminal voltage of the generator and the DC bus voltage constant for variable rotor speed and load. Simulation study has been carried out using the MATLAB/Simulink environment to verify the robustness of the power electronics converters and the effectiveness of proposed control method under steady state and transient conditions and also machine parameters mismatches. The proposed control scheme has improved the voltage regulation and the transient performance of the wave energy scheme over a wide range of operating conditions.
文摘Two common problems for a typical Power distribution system are voltage collapse & instability. Challenge is to identify the vulnerable nodes and apply the effective corrective actions. This paper presents a probabilistic fuzzy approach to assess the node status and proposes feeder reconfiguration as a method to address the same. Feeder reconfiguration is altering the topological structures of distribution feeders by changing the open/closed states of the sectionalizing and ties switches. The solution is converge using a probabilistic fuzzy modeled solution, which defines the nodal vulnerability index (VI) as a function of node voltage and node voltage stability index and predicts nodes critical to voltage collapse. The information is further used to plan best combination of feeders from each loop in distribution system to be switched out such that the resulting configuration gives the optimal performance i.e. best voltage profile and minimal kW losses. The proposed method is tested on established radial distribution system and results are presented.
文摘In fairly good agreement with the consensus range of dark energy to matter this ratio of the critical density is suggested to be connected with the golden mean φ=0.6180339887, yielding for dark energy to matter mass fractions .?Assuming the baryonic matter to be only 4.432%, the ratio of matter to baryonic matter would be , and further the ratio of dark matter to baryonic one . If one subtracts from the dark matter a contribution of antimatter with the same mass of baryonic matter, according to the antigravity theories of Villata respectively Hajdukovic, the remaining mass ratio would yield . Replacing the “Madelung” constant α of Villata’s “lattice universe” by φ, one reaches again 1 + φas the ratio of the repulsive mass contribution to the attractive one. Assuming instead of a 3D lattice a flat 2D one of rocksalt type, the numerical similarity between the Madelung constant and φ−1 could not be just coincidence. The proposed scaling of the cosmological mass fractions with the square of the most irrational universal number φmay indicate that the chaotic cosmological processes have reached a quite stable equilibrium. This may be confirmed by another, but similar representation of the mass constituents by the Archimedes’ constant π, giving for respectively for the dark components . However, the intimate connection of φ with its reciprocal may ignite the discussion whether our universe is intertwined with another universe or even part of a multiverse with the dark constituents contributed from there.
文摘The objective of this research is to propose a decision support system for avoiding flood on solar power plant site selection. Methodologically, the geographic information system (GIS) is used to determine the optimum site for a solar power plant. It is intended to integrate the qualitative and quantitative variables based upon the adoption of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model. These methods are employed to unite the environmental aspects and social needs for electrical power systematically. Regarding a case study of the choice of a solar power plant site in Thailand, it demonstrates that the quantitative and qualitative criteria should be realized prior to analysis in the Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS model. The fuzzy AHP is employed to determine the weights of qualitative and quantitative criteria that can affect the selection process. The adoption of the fuzzy AHP is aimed to model the linguistic unclear, ambiguous, and incomplete knowledge. Additionally, TOPSIS, which is a ranking multi-criteria decision making method, is employed to rank the alternative sites based upon overall efficiency. The contribution of this paper lies in the evolution of a new approach that is flexible and practical to the decision maker, in providing the guidelines for the solar power plant site choices under stakeholder needs: at the same time, the desirable functions are achieved, in avoiding flood, reducing cost, time and causing less environmental impact. The new approach is assessed in the empirical study during major flooding in Thailand during the fourth quarter of 2011 to 2012. The result analysis and sensitivity analysis are also presented.
文摘Despite half a century of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic progress, as fuzzy sets address complex and uncertain information through the lens of human knowledge and subjectivity, more progress is needed in the semantics of fuzzy sets and in exploring the multi-modal aspect of fuzzy logic due to the different cognitive, emotional and behavioral angles of assessing truth. We lay here the foundations of a postmodern fuzzy set and fuzzy logic theory addressing these issues by deconstructing fuzzy truth values and fuzzy set membership functions to re-capture the human knowledge and subjectivity structure in membership function evaluations. We formulate a fractal multi-modal logic of Kabbalah which integrates the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels of humanistic systems into epistemic and modal, deontic and doxastic and dynamic multi-modal logic. This is done by creating a fractal multi-modal Kabbalah possible worlds semantic frame of Kripke model type. The Kabbalah possible worlds semantic frame integrates together both the multi-modal logic aspects and their Kripke possible worlds model. We will not focus here on modal operators and axiom sets. We constructively define a fractal multi-modal Kabbalistic L-fuzzy set as the central concept of the postmodern fuzzy set theory based on Kabbalah logic and semantics.
文摘From the view of underground coal mining safety system, it is extremely important to continuous monitoring of coal mines for the prompt detection of fires or related problems inspite of its uncertainty and imprecise characteristics. Therefore, evaluation and inferring the data perfectly to prevent fire related accidental risk in underground coal mining (UMC) system are very necessary. In the present article, we have proposed a novel type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2FLS) for the prediction of fire intensity and its risk assessment for risk reduction in an underground coal mine. Recently, for the observation of underground coal mines, wireless underground sensor network (WUSN) are being concerned frequently. To implement this technique IT2FLS, main functional components are sensor nodes which are installed in coal mines to accumulate different imprecise environmental data like, temperature, relative humidity, different gas concentrations etc. and these are sent to a base station which is connected to the ground observation system through network. In the present context, a WUSN based fire monitoring system is developed using fuzzy logic approach to enhance the consistency in decision making system to improve the risk chances of fire during coal mining. We have taken Mamdani IT2FLS as fuzzy model on coal mine monitoring data to consider real-time decision making (DM). It is predicted from the simulated results that the recommended system is highly acceptable and amenable in the case of fire hazard safety with compared to the wired and off-line monitoring system for UMC. Legitimacy of the suggested model is prepared using statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
文摘Thermal image, or thermogram, becomes a new type of signal for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis due to the capability to display real-time temperature distribution and possibility to indicate the machine’s operating condition through its temperature. In this paper, an investigation of using the second-order statistical features of thermogram in association with minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR) feature selection and simplified fuzzy ARTMAP (SFAM) classification is conducted for rotating machinery fault diagnosis. The thermograms of different machine conditions are firstly preprocessed for improving the image contrast, removing noise, and cropping to obtain the regions of interest (ROIs). Then, an enhanced algorithm based on bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition is implemented to further increase the quality of ROIs before the second-order statistical features are extracted from their gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The highly relevant features to the machine condition are selected from the total feature set by mRMR and are fed into SFAM to accomplish the fault diagnosis. In order to verify this investigation, the thermograms acquired from different conditions of a fault simulator including normal, misalignment, faulty bearing, and mass unbalance are used. This investigation also provides a comparative study of SFAM and other traditional methods such as back-propagation and probabilistic neural networks. The results show that the second-order statistical features used in this framework can provide a plausible accuracy in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.
基金supported by the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Qassim University(QU-APC-2024-9/1).
文摘Due to the numerous variables to take into account as well as the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty,evaluating educational institutions can be difficult.The concept of a possibility Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(pPyFHSS)is more flexible in this regard than other theoretical fuzzy set-like models,even though some attempts have been made in the literature to address such uncertainties.This study investigates the elementary notions of pPyFHSS including its set-theoretic operations union,intersection,complement,OR-and AND-operations.Some results related to these operations are also modified for pPyFHSS.Additionally,the similarity measures between pPyFHSSs are formulated with the assistance of numerical examples and results.Lastly,an intelligent decision-assisted mechanism is developed with the proposal of a robust algorithm based on similarity measures for solving multi-attribute decision-making(MADM)problems.A case study that helps the decision-makers assess the best educational institution is discussed to validate the suggested system.The algorithmic results are compared with the most pertinent model to evaluate the adaptability of pPyFHSS,as it generalizes the classical possibility fuzzy set-like theoretical models.Similarly,while considering significant evaluating factors,the flexibility of pPyFHSS is observed through structural comparison.
文摘A large specific surface area perovskite-type mixed oxide PbTiO3 supported cupric oxide was synthesized as a catalyst for NO decomposition and characterized by techniques such as XPS, XRD, H2-TPR before and after NO decomposition reactions. The catalytic properties were tested with a fix-bed micro-reactor. The results showed that the PbTiO3 was inactive for the reactions, but 1wt % Cu/PbTiO3 catalyst gave fairly good activities for NO decomposition at temperature as low as 473 K. Copper species were found well-dispersed but weakly interacted with the support before NO decomposition, and the NO decomposition caused significant change in the environment of the copper species, which became Cu(Ⅰ)and most probably incorporated into surface crystal lattice of the nano-sized PbTiO3. In NO reaction, a large amount of oxygen atoms from the decomposition of NO penetrated into the nano-sized PbTiO3 support and caused small expansion of crystal lattice. The transport of oxygen between the copper species and the catalyst support may be helpful to speed up the kinetic regeneration of active metal sites from oxygen occupancy and resulted in good catalytic performance.
文摘The dramatic rise in the number of people living in cities has made many environmental and social problems worse.The search for a productive method for disposing of solid waste is the most notable of these problems.Many scholars have referred to it as a fuzzy multi-attribute or multi-criteria decision-making problem using various fuzzy set-like approaches because of the inclusion of criteria and anticipated ambiguity.The goal of the current study is to use an innovative methodology to address the expected uncertainties in the problem of solid waste site selection.The characteristics(or sub-attributes)that decision-makers select and the degree of approximation they accept for various options can both be indicators of these uncertainties.To tackle these problems,a novel mathematical structure known as the fuzzy parameterized possibility single valued neutrosophic hypersoft expert set(ρˆ-set),which is initially described,is integrated with a modified version of Sanchez’s method.Following this,an intelligent algorithm is suggested.The steps of the suggested algorithm are explained with an example that explains itself.The compatibility of solid waste management sites and systems is discussed,and rankings are established along with detailed justifications for their viability.This study’s strengths lie in its application of fuzzy parameterization and possibility grading to effectively handle the uncertainties embodied in the parameters’nature and alternative approximations,respectively.It uses specific mathematical formulations to compute the fuzzy parameterized degrees and possibility grades that are missing from the prior literature.It is simpler for the decisionmakers to look at each option separately because the decision is uncertain.Comparing the computed results,it is discovered that they are consistent and dependable because of their preferred properties.
基金Project (60835004) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘A fuzzy sliding-mode control (FSMC) scheme based on T-S fuzzy models was proposed for the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system to solve the speed tracking problem. A T-S fuzzy model was firstly formed to represent the nonlinear system of PMSM. For converting the tracking control into a stabilization problem, a new control design was proposed to define the internal desired states. Then, the FSMC controller for PMSM system with parameter variation and load disturbance was designed based on the fuzzy model. The performance of the proposed controller was verified by experimental results on PMSM system. The results show that the FSMC scheme can drive the dynamics of PMSM into a designated sliding surface in finite time and guarantee the property of asymptotical stability. The information of upper bound of modeling errors as well as perturbations is not required when using the FSMC controller.
文摘Geographic Information System (GIS) software was used to create a watershed vulnerability model for Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Watershed vulnerability was investigated as a function of soil erosion and infiltration criteria: precipitation, land slope, soil erodibility (K-factor), vegetation cover (NDVI), land use, drainage density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and hydrologic soil group. Respective criteria weights were derived using a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) supported by expert opinion. A survey of 10 experts, representing New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT), the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR), and the United States Geologic Survey (USGS), provided model input data for an integrated pair-wise comparison matrix for soil erosion and for infiltration. Individual criteria weights were determined by decomposing the respective fuzzy synthetic extent matrix using the centroid method. GIS layers were then combined based on criteria weights to produce maps of soil erosion potential and infiltration potential. A composite watershed vulnerability map was generated by equal weighting of each input map. Model results were categorized into five vulnerability categories: not vulnerable (N), slightly vulnerable (SV), moderately vulnerable (MV), highly vulnerable (HV), and extremely vulnerable (EV). The resulting FAHP/GIS model was used to generate a watershed vulnerability map of discrete areas in Bernalillo County, which may be vulnerable to stormwater run-off events and soil erosion. Such high volume run-off events can cause erosion damage to property and infrastructure. Alternatively, in areas near urban development, stormwater run-off may contribute non-point-source pollutant contamination of New Mexico’s surface water resources. The most problematic areas in Bernalillo County are present in the Eastern and Northwestern portions. However, less than 1% of the total area lies within the lowest and highest vulnerability categories with the majority centered around moderate vulnerability. The results of the model were compared with a previously published crisp AHP method. Both methods showed similar regional vulnerability trends. This MCDS/GIS approach is intended to provide support to local governments and decision makers in selection of suitable structural or nonstructural stormwater control measures.
基金This research was partly supported by the National Science and Technology Council,Taiwan with Grant Numbers 112-2221-E-992-045,112-2221-E-992-057-MY3 and 112-2622-8-992-009-TD1.
文摘Since its inception,the Internet has been rapidly evolving.With the advancement of science and technology and the explosive growth of the population,the demand for the Internet has been on the rise.Many applications in education,healthcare,entertainment,science,and more are being increasingly deployed based on the internet.Concurrently,malicious threats on the internet are on the rise as well.Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS)attacks are among the most common and dangerous threats on the internet today.The scale and complexity of DDoS attacks are constantly growing.Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS)have been deployed and have demonstrated their effectiveness in defense against those threats.In addition,the research of Machine Learning(ML)and Deep Learning(DL)in IDS has gained effective results and significant attention.However,one of the challenges when applying ML and DL techniques in intrusion detection is the identification of unknown attacks.These attacks,which are not encountered during the system’s training,can lead to misclassification with significant errors.In this research,we focused on addressing the issue of Unknown Attack Detection,combining two methods:Spatial Location Constraint Prototype Loss(SLCPL)and Fuzzy C-Means(FCM).With the proposed method,we achieved promising results compared to traditional methods.The proposed method demonstrates a very high accuracy of up to 99.8%with a low false positive rate for known attacks on the Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset(CICIDS2017)dataset.Particularly,the accuracy is also very high,reaching 99.7%,and the precision goes up to 99.9%for unknown DDoS attacks on the DDoS Evaluation Dataset(CICDDoS2019)dataset.The success of the proposed method is due to the combination of SLCPL,an advanced Open-Set Recognition(OSR)technique,and FCM,a traditional yet highly applicable clustering technique.This has yielded a novel method in the field of unknown attack detection.This further expands the trend of applying DL and ML techniques in the development of intrusion detection systems and cybersecurity.Finally,implementing the proposed method in real-world systems can enhance the security capabilities against increasingly complex threats on computer networks.
文摘Similarity measure is an essential tool to compare and determine the degree of similarity between intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). In this paper, a new similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on the mid points of transformed triangular fuzzy numbers is proposed. The proposed similarity measure provides reasonable results not only for the sets available in the literature but also gives very reasonable results, especially for fuzzy sets as well as for most intuitionistic fuzzy sets. To provide supportive evidence, the proposed similarity measure is tested on certain sets available in literature and is also applied to pattern recognition and medical diagnosis problems. It is observed that the proposed similarity measure provides a very intuitive quantification.
文摘In the process of bromine production,because of lag adjustment methods,there are problems of adjusting delay,raw material wastage and low growth rate.By considering the nature of bromine production,with the help of fuzzy data processing method,computer detection and display technique,we designed an automatic detection instrument for the ratio of chlorine to bromine in oxidized liquid of bromine production.This instrument can be used to detect the different parameters of raw materials adjustment and control in real time,and afford assurance that raw materials will be adjusted in time.This paper briefly introduces the working mechanism,hardware and software design of the instrument.
文摘Three speed controllers for an axial magnetic flux switched reluctance motor with only one stator, are described and experimentally tested. As it is known, when current pulses are imposed in their windings, high ripple torque is obtained. In order to reduce this ripple, a control strategy with modified current shapes is proposed. A workbench consisting of a machine prototype and the control system based on a microcontroller was built. These controllers were: a conventional PID, a fuzzy logic PID and a neural PID type. From experimental results, the effective reduction of the torque ripple was confirmed and the performance of the controllers was compared.