This study examines the key factors that have impact on the successful adoption of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) within the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)/Jordan. In order to accomplish the p...This study examines the key factors that have impact on the successful adoption of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) within the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)/Jordan. In order to accomplish the purpose of the study four critical factors are inquired. So, four critical factors are inquired: First, TAM Model (Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU)). Second, Information Technology Infrastructure (ITI). Third, Top Management Support (TMS). Finally, Individual Experience with Computer (IEC). The research model was applied to collect data from the questionnaires answered by 45 users of HRIS as a source of primary data, based on a convenience sample the response rate was about 91%. In addition, the results were analyzed by utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Software (SPSS). Furthermore, the findings were analyzed;multiple Regression analysis indicated that all research variables have significant relationship on successful adoption of HRIS. The findings indicated IT infrastructures have a positive and significant effect on the successful adoption of HRIS. But there is no significant of PU, PEOU, TMS, and IEC on the successful adoption of HRIS. Finally, the results indicated that no significant statistical differences of demographic characteristics on HRIS adoption. Depending on the research’s findings;the researchers proposed a set of recommendations for better adoption of HRIS in SEZA.展开更多
The quantitatively/semi-quantitatively formation conditions of vertical dominant hydrocarbon migration pathways were analyzed based on the big data analysis of petroleum geological parameters of complex fault Zone zon...The quantitatively/semi-quantitatively formation conditions of vertical dominant hydrocarbon migration pathways were analyzed based on the big data analysis of petroleum geological parameters of complex fault Zone zone in the central-south Bohai Bay. According to this condition, the vertical dominant migration pathway and its charge points/segments are searched through structural modeling assistant analysis in the East Sag of Huanghekou. Under the constraints of charge points/segments, numerical simulation of hydrocarbon charge and migration is carried out to successfully predict hydrocarbon migration pathways and hydrocarbon enrichment blocks in shallow layers of complex fault zone. The main results are as follows:(1) The hydrocarbon charge in shallow layers of the active fault zone is differential, the charge points/sections of vertical dominant migration pathways are the starting points of shallow hydrocarbon migration and are very important for the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the shallow layers.(2) Among the shallow faults, those cutting the deep transfer bins or deep major migration pathways, with fault throw of more than 80 m in the accumulation period and the juxtaposition thickness between fault and caprock of the deep layers of less than 400 m are likely to be vertical dominant migration pathways in the sag area.(3) By controlling the vertical dominant migration pathways and charging points/segments in carrier layer, Neo-tectonic movement caused the differential hydrocarbon accumulation in the complex fault zone. The research results are of great significance for the fine exploration of the complex fault zone.展开更多
Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satellite-based oceanography and catch data, using a linear model (generalized linear model) constructed from generalized add...Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satellite-based oceanography and catch data, using a linear model (generalized linear model) constructed from generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Monthly mean remotely sensed sea surface temperature and surface chlorophyll-a concentration during the southeast monsoon (April-August) were used for the year 2012. The best generalized additive model was selected to assess the effect of marine environment variables (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration) on skipjack tuna abundance (catch per unit effort). Then, the appropriate linear model was constructed from the functional relationship of the generalized additive model for generating a robust predictive model. Model selection process for the generalized additive model was based on significance of model terms, decrease in residual deviance, and increase in cumulative variance explained, whereas the model selection for the linear model was based on decrease in residual deviance, reduction in Akaike’s Information Criterion, increasing cumulative variance explained and significance of model terms. The best model was selected to predict skipjack tuna abundance and their spatial distribution patterns over entire study area. A simple linear model was used to verify the predicted values. Results indicated that the distribution pattern of potential fishing zones for skipjack during the southeast monsoon were well characterized by sea surface temperatures ranging from 28.5℃ to 30.5 ℃ and chlorophyll-a ranging from 0.10 to 0.20 mg·m-3. Predicted highest catch per unit efforts were significantly consistent with the fishing data (P 2 = 0.8), suggesting that the oceanographic indicators may correspond well with the potential feeding ground for skipjack tuna. This good feeding opportunity for skipjack was driven the dynamics of upwelling operating within study area which are capable of creating a highly potential fishing zone during the southeast monsoon.展开更多
Objective The Yanshan Fold Belt is located within the northern margin of the North China platform and contains welldeveloped and widespread Neoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic sedimentary units with a total thickness o...Objective The Yanshan Fold Belt is located within the northern margin of the North China platform and contains welldeveloped and widespread Neoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic sedimentary units with a total thickness of up to 9000 m.Previous studies identified many oil seedlings as well as asphalt and ancient hydrocarbon reservoirs in Northern Hebei depression and western Liaoning depression.This research indicates that the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic sedimentary units are ideally suited for the formation of significant oil and gas resources.The Niu D1 well was drilled by the China Geological Survey(CGS)in the Niuyingzi area and intercepted oil immersions and oil-and gas-bearing units within a limestone reservoir in the middle Proterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation(Fig.1).This study presents new biomarker compound and carbon isotope data that indicate that the oil within this formation was derived from hydrocarbon source rocks of the Hongshuizhuang Formation,part of the Mesoproterozoic Jixian Series,and the reservoir type is overthrust fault fractured anticline hydrocarbon reservoir.The oil reservoir within the Gaoyuzhuang Formation limestone might represent the oldest oil reservoir discovered to date within the Yanliao faulted depression zone.展开更多
Abstract Problem statement. Self-organization is not a universal property of matter, it exists under certain internal and external conditions and this is not associated with a special class of substances. The study of...Abstract Problem statement. Self-organization is not a universal property of matter, it exists under certain internal and external conditions and this is not associated with a special class of substances. The study of the morphology and dynamics of migration of anomalous zones associated with increased stresses is of particular importance in the development of deep deposits, complicated by dynamic phenomena in the form of rock impacts. Applied method and design: An important tool for this study is geophysical exploration. To describe the geological environment in the form of an array of rocks with its natural and technogenic heterogeneity, one should use its more adequate description, which is a discrete model of the medium in the form of a piecewise heterogeneous block medium with embedded heterogeneities of a lower rank than the block size. This nesting can be traced several times, i.e. changing the scale of the study;we see that heterogeneities of a lower rank now appear in the form of blocks for heterogeneities of the next rank. A simple averaging of the measured geophysical parameters can lead to distorted ideas about the structure of the medium and its evolution. Typical results: We have analyzed the morphology of the structural features of disintegration zones before a strong dynamic phenomenon. The introduction of the proposed integrated passive and active geophysical monitoring into the mining system, aimed at studying the transient processes of the redistribution of stress-strain and phase states, can help prevent catastrophic dynamic manifestations during the development of deep-located deposits. Concluding note (Practical value/implications): Active geophysical monitoring methods should be tuned to a model of a hierarchical heterogeneous environment. Iterative algorithms for 2-D modeling and interpretation for sound diffraction and a linearly polarized transverse elastic wave on the inclusion with a hierarchical elastic structure located in the J-th layer of the N-layer elastic medium are constructed.展开更多
The development, evolution and formation mechanism of faults and their control on the migration and accumulation of Mesozoic oil and gas in the middle-shallow layers of the slope zone of Mahu sag were studied by the i...The development, evolution and formation mechanism of faults and their control on the migration and accumulation of Mesozoic oil and gas in the middle-shallow layers of the slope zone of Mahu sag were studied by the interpretation of seismic and drilling data. Two types of faults, normal and strike-slip, are developed in the middle-shallow layers of the slope zone of the Mahu sag and they are mostly active in the Yanshanian period. They are divided into four grade faults: The grade I strike-slip faults with NWW to near EW direction are related to the left-lateral transpressive fault zones in the northwest of Junggar Basin since the end of the Triassic. The grade II faults with NE to NNE direction are the normal faults located at the junction of the fault zone and the slope zone, and their formation is related to the extension at the top of the nose-like structures in the fault zone. The grade III faults, which are also the normal faults, are the result of the extension at the top of the lower uplifts in the slope zone and differential compaction. The grade IV faults with NE direction are normal faults, which may be related to the extension environment at the tip of the lower uplifts. Faults not only are the channel for the vertical migration of oil and gas, but also control the oil-gas accumulation. There are two types of oil-gas reservoirs in the middle-shallow layers of slope zone of Mahu sag: fault block reservoirs and fault-lithologic reservoirs. They have large traps and promising exploration potential.展开更多
Soil heavy metal pollution is one of the main environmental problems in Pearl River Delta Economic?Zone of China. Based on multi-purpose regional geochemical survey, regional eco-geochemical assessment, local eco-geoc...Soil heavy metal pollution is one of the main environmental problems in Pearl River Delta Economic?Zone of China. Based on multi-purpose regional geochemical survey, regional eco-geochemical assessment, local eco-geochemical assessment and comprehensive appraisal, the eco-geochemical survey and assessment in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone of 41,698 km2?were completed. Samples from soils were collected in accordance with the two-layer grid method. Totally 54 elements and indicators for soils were determined. Compared to deep soils, the sampled surface soils are enriched in OrgC, N, P, Cd, S,Hg, Ag, B, Au, S and poor with As, Ni, I, Co, Cr, V, MgO, Sc, Al2O3, Fe2O3?etc. The characteristics of geochemical reference value of element in soil that inherited soil parent material and regional elements combined features reflected that the elements enriched in the soil was interrelated with acid rock, sandstone and shale. The spatial distribution characteristics of element regional geochemistry were conditional by regional environmental geological conditions,and effected by human activities. The Pearl River Delta plain is a typical geochemical landscape area with regional anomaly of multiple-elements. The north, western and eastern parts of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone are quite different in geochemical features due to regional geological background, soil parent materials, geomorphic characteristics and human activities. Environment quality evaluation results show that the grade I and grade II soil accounted for 19.9% and 57.3% of the total area. Many samples that widely distributed in the economic developed of Pearl River Delta Plain area reached the third-grade of national soil environment standard. The soil enriched in Cd, Hg, As, and the area ratio accounting for 22.8% of the total area. It is mainly controlled by the geochemical background, the Pearl River Delta formation evolution process, especially the marine transgression process lead to Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb enrichment in Pearl River Delta plain. At the same time, under the influence of higher pressure of human activities, all kinds of exogenous input material carrying heavy metal pollutants on soil environmental quality also could not to ignore.展开更多
Focusing on the Yangtze River economic zone,the previous geological researches are systematically summarized,resources and environment conditions and major geological problems which are needing to be concerned in land...Focusing on the Yangtze River economic zone,the previous geological researches are systematically summarized,resources and environment conditions and major geological problems which are needing to be concerned in land planning and construction are studied.The results show that the resource conditions of cultivated land,shale gas,geotherm,lithium and so on are superior in the Yangtze River economic zone,and the resources and environment conditions are conducive to develop the modern agriculture,clean energy industry and strategic emerging industries.3×1013 m^2 farmlands without heavy metal pollution are concentrated;there are three national level shale gas exploration and development bases with explored reserves of 5.441×1011 m^3;geothermal availability is 2.4×109 t of standard coal each year,equivalent to 19% of the amount of coal in 2014;Asia's largest energy lithium metal ore deposit is found.In some parts of Yangtze River economic zone,there are some major geological problems such as active faults,karst collapse,ground subsidence,landslide-collapse-debris flow,affecting the river-crossing channels,high-speed railway,urban agglomeration and green ecological corridor planning and construction.Those problems should be concerned,and the relevant suggestions and countermeasures are put forward.Meanwhile,the ideas to further support the development of the Yangtze River economic zone are put forward.展开更多
Deep underground excavations within hard rocks can result in damage to the surrounding rock mass mostly due to redistribution of stresses.Especially within rock masses with non-persistent joints,the role of the pre-ex...Deep underground excavations within hard rocks can result in damage to the surrounding rock mass mostly due to redistribution of stresses.Especially within rock masses with non-persistent joints,the role of the pre-existing joints in the damage evolution around the underground opening is of critical importance as they govern the fracturing mechanisms and influence the brittle responses of these hard rock masses under highly anisotropic in situ stresses.In this study,the main focus is the impact of joint network geometry,joint strength and applied field stresses on the rock mass behaviours and the evolution of excavation induced damage due to the loss of confinement as a tunnel face advances.Analysis of such a phenomenon was conducted using the finite-discrete element method (FDEM).The numerical model is initially calibrated in order to match the behaviour of the fracture-free,massive Lac du Bonnet granite during the excavation of the Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Test Tunnel,Canada.The influence of the pre-existing joints on the rock mass response during excavation is investigated by integrating discrete fracture networks (DFNs) of various characteristics into the numerical models under varying in situ stresses.The numerical results obtained highlight the significance of the pre-existing joints on the reduction of in situ rock mass strength and its capacity for extension with both factors controlling the brittle response of the material.Furthermore,the impact of spatial distribution of natural joints on the stability of an underground excavation is discussed,as well as the potentially minor influence of joint strength on the stress induced damage within joint systems of a non-persistent nature under specific conditions.Additionally,the in situ stress-joint network interaction is examined,revealing the complex fracturing mechanisms that may lead to uncontrolled fracture propagation that compromises the overall stability of an underground excavation.展开更多
The main aim of this research is to get a better knowledge and understanding of the micro-scale oscillatory networks behavior in the solid propellants reactionary zones. Fundamental understanding of the micro-and nano...The main aim of this research is to get a better knowledge and understanding of the micro-scale oscillatory networks behavior in the solid propellants reactionary zones. Fundamental understanding of the micro-and nano-scale combustion mechanisms is essential to the development and further improvement of the next-generation technologies for extreme control of the solid propellant thrust. Both experiments and theory confirm that the micro-and nano-scale oscillatory networks excitation in the solid propellants reactionary zones is a rather universal phenomenon. In accordance with our concept,the micro-and nano-scale structures form both the fractal and self-organized wave patterns in the solid propellants reactionary zones. Control by the shape, the sizes and spacial orientation of the wave patterns allows manipulate by the energy exchange and release in the reactionary zones. A novel strategy for enhanced extreme thrust control in solid propulsion systems are based on manipulation by selforganization of the micro-and nano-scale oscillatory networks and self-organized patterns formation in the reactionary zones with use of the system of acoustic waves and electro-magnetic fields, generated by special kind of ring-shaped electric discharges along with resonance laser radiation. Application of special kind of the ring-shaped electric discharges demands the minimum expenses of energy and opens prospects for almost inertia-free control by combustion processes. Nano-sized additives will enhance self-organizing and self-synchronization of the micro-and nano-scale oscillatory networks on the nanometer scale. Suggested novel strategy opens the door for completely new ways for enhanced extreme thrust control of the solid propulsion systems.展开更多
文摘This study examines the key factors that have impact on the successful adoption of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) within the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)/Jordan. In order to accomplish the purpose of the study four critical factors are inquired. So, four critical factors are inquired: First, TAM Model (Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU)). Second, Information Technology Infrastructure (ITI). Third, Top Management Support (TMS). Finally, Individual Experience with Computer (IEC). The research model was applied to collect data from the questionnaires answered by 45 users of HRIS as a source of primary data, based on a convenience sample the response rate was about 91%. In addition, the results were analyzed by utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Software (SPSS). Furthermore, the findings were analyzed;multiple Regression analysis indicated that all research variables have significant relationship on successful adoption of HRIS. The findings indicated IT infrastructures have a positive and significant effect on the successful adoption of HRIS. But there is no significant of PU, PEOU, TMS, and IEC on the successful adoption of HRIS. Finally, the results indicated that no significant statistical differences of demographic characteristics on HRIS adoption. Depending on the research’s findings;the researchers proposed a set of recommendations for better adoption of HRIS in SEZA.
基金Supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05024-003)
文摘The quantitatively/semi-quantitatively formation conditions of vertical dominant hydrocarbon migration pathways were analyzed based on the big data analysis of petroleum geological parameters of complex fault Zone zone in the central-south Bohai Bay. According to this condition, the vertical dominant migration pathway and its charge points/segments are searched through structural modeling assistant analysis in the East Sag of Huanghekou. Under the constraints of charge points/segments, numerical simulation of hydrocarbon charge and migration is carried out to successfully predict hydrocarbon migration pathways and hydrocarbon enrichment blocks in shallow layers of complex fault zone. The main results are as follows:(1) The hydrocarbon charge in shallow layers of the active fault zone is differential, the charge points/sections of vertical dominant migration pathways are the starting points of shallow hydrocarbon migration and are very important for the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the shallow layers.(2) Among the shallow faults, those cutting the deep transfer bins or deep major migration pathways, with fault throw of more than 80 m in the accumulation period and the juxtaposition thickness between fault and caprock of the deep layers of less than 400 m are likely to be vertical dominant migration pathways in the sag area.(3) By controlling the vertical dominant migration pathways and charging points/segments in carrier layer, Neo-tectonic movement caused the differential hydrocarbon accumulation in the complex fault zone. The research results are of great significance for the fine exploration of the complex fault zone.
文摘Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satellite-based oceanography and catch data, using a linear model (generalized linear model) constructed from generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Monthly mean remotely sensed sea surface temperature and surface chlorophyll-a concentration during the southeast monsoon (April-August) were used for the year 2012. The best generalized additive model was selected to assess the effect of marine environment variables (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration) on skipjack tuna abundance (catch per unit effort). Then, the appropriate linear model was constructed from the functional relationship of the generalized additive model for generating a robust predictive model. Model selection process for the generalized additive model was based on significance of model terms, decrease in residual deviance, and increase in cumulative variance explained, whereas the model selection for the linear model was based on decrease in residual deviance, reduction in Akaike’s Information Criterion, increasing cumulative variance explained and significance of model terms. The best model was selected to predict skipjack tuna abundance and their spatial distribution patterns over entire study area. A simple linear model was used to verify the predicted values. Results indicated that the distribution pattern of potential fishing zones for skipjack during the southeast monsoon were well characterized by sea surface temperatures ranging from 28.5℃ to 30.5 ℃ and chlorophyll-a ranging from 0.10 to 0.20 mg·m-3. Predicted highest catch per unit efforts were significantly consistent with the fishing data (P 2 = 0.8), suggesting that the oceanographic indicators may correspond well with the potential feeding ground for skipjack tuna. This good feeding opportunity for skipjack was driven the dynamics of upwelling operating within study area which are capable of creating a highly potential fishing zone during the southeast monsoon.
基金funded by the China Geological Survey Project(Grant No.DD20190098).
文摘Objective The Yanshan Fold Belt is located within the northern margin of the North China platform and contains welldeveloped and widespread Neoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic sedimentary units with a total thickness of up to 9000 m.Previous studies identified many oil seedlings as well as asphalt and ancient hydrocarbon reservoirs in Northern Hebei depression and western Liaoning depression.This research indicates that the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic sedimentary units are ideally suited for the formation of significant oil and gas resources.The Niu D1 well was drilled by the China Geological Survey(CGS)in the Niuyingzi area and intercepted oil immersions and oil-and gas-bearing units within a limestone reservoir in the middle Proterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation(Fig.1).This study presents new biomarker compound and carbon isotope data that indicate that the oil within this formation was derived from hydrocarbon source rocks of the Hongshuizhuang Formation,part of the Mesoproterozoic Jixian Series,and the reservoir type is overthrust fault fractured anticline hydrocarbon reservoir.The oil reservoir within the Gaoyuzhuang Formation limestone might represent the oldest oil reservoir discovered to date within the Yanliao faulted depression zone.
文摘Abstract Problem statement. Self-organization is not a universal property of matter, it exists under certain internal and external conditions and this is not associated with a special class of substances. The study of the morphology and dynamics of migration of anomalous zones associated with increased stresses is of particular importance in the development of deep deposits, complicated by dynamic phenomena in the form of rock impacts. Applied method and design: An important tool for this study is geophysical exploration. To describe the geological environment in the form of an array of rocks with its natural and technogenic heterogeneity, one should use its more adequate description, which is a discrete model of the medium in the form of a piecewise heterogeneous block medium with embedded heterogeneities of a lower rank than the block size. This nesting can be traced several times, i.e. changing the scale of the study;we see that heterogeneities of a lower rank now appear in the form of blocks for heterogeneities of the next rank. A simple averaging of the measured geophysical parameters can lead to distorted ideas about the structure of the medium and its evolution. Typical results: We have analyzed the morphology of the structural features of disintegration zones before a strong dynamic phenomenon. The introduction of the proposed integrated passive and active geophysical monitoring into the mining system, aimed at studying the transient processes of the redistribution of stress-strain and phase states, can help prevent catastrophic dynamic manifestations during the development of deep-located deposits. Concluding note (Practical value/implications): Active geophysical monitoring methods should be tuned to a model of a hierarchical heterogeneous environment. Iterative algorithms for 2-D modeling and interpretation for sound diffraction and a linearly polarized transverse elastic wave on the inclusion with a hierarchical elastic structure located in the J-th layer of the N-layer elastic medium are constructed.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2017ZX05008-001,2011ZX05003-003)
文摘The development, evolution and formation mechanism of faults and their control on the migration and accumulation of Mesozoic oil and gas in the middle-shallow layers of the slope zone of Mahu sag were studied by the interpretation of seismic and drilling data. Two types of faults, normal and strike-slip, are developed in the middle-shallow layers of the slope zone of the Mahu sag and they are mostly active in the Yanshanian period. They are divided into four grade faults: The grade I strike-slip faults with NWW to near EW direction are related to the left-lateral transpressive fault zones in the northwest of Junggar Basin since the end of the Triassic. The grade II faults with NE to NNE direction are the normal faults located at the junction of the fault zone and the slope zone, and their formation is related to the extension at the top of the nose-like structures in the fault zone. The grade III faults, which are also the normal faults, are the result of the extension at the top of the lower uplifts in the slope zone and differential compaction. The grade IV faults with NE direction are normal faults, which may be related to the extension environment at the tip of the lower uplifts. Faults not only are the channel for the vertical migration of oil and gas, but also control the oil-gas accumulation. There are two types of oil-gas reservoirs in the middle-shallow layers of slope zone of Mahu sag: fault block reservoirs and fault-lithologic reservoirs. They have large traps and promising exploration potential.
文摘Soil heavy metal pollution is one of the main environmental problems in Pearl River Delta Economic?Zone of China. Based on multi-purpose regional geochemical survey, regional eco-geochemical assessment, local eco-geochemical assessment and comprehensive appraisal, the eco-geochemical survey and assessment in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone of 41,698 km2?were completed. Samples from soils were collected in accordance with the two-layer grid method. Totally 54 elements and indicators for soils were determined. Compared to deep soils, the sampled surface soils are enriched in OrgC, N, P, Cd, S,Hg, Ag, B, Au, S and poor with As, Ni, I, Co, Cr, V, MgO, Sc, Al2O3, Fe2O3?etc. The characteristics of geochemical reference value of element in soil that inherited soil parent material and regional elements combined features reflected that the elements enriched in the soil was interrelated with acid rock, sandstone and shale. The spatial distribution characteristics of element regional geochemistry were conditional by regional environmental geological conditions,and effected by human activities. The Pearl River Delta plain is a typical geochemical landscape area with regional anomaly of multiple-elements. The north, western and eastern parts of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone are quite different in geochemical features due to regional geological background, soil parent materials, geomorphic characteristics and human activities. Environment quality evaluation results show that the grade I and grade II soil accounted for 19.9% and 57.3% of the total area. Many samples that widely distributed in the economic developed of Pearl River Delta Plain area reached the third-grade of national soil environment standard. The soil enriched in Cd, Hg, As, and the area ratio accounting for 22.8% of the total area. It is mainly controlled by the geochemical background, the Pearl River Delta formation evolution process, especially the marine transgression process lead to Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb enrichment in Pearl River Delta plain. At the same time, under the influence of higher pressure of human activities, all kinds of exogenous input material carrying heavy metal pollutants on soil environmental quality also could not to ignore.
文摘Focusing on the Yangtze River economic zone,the previous geological researches are systematically summarized,resources and environment conditions and major geological problems which are needing to be concerned in land planning and construction are studied.The results show that the resource conditions of cultivated land,shale gas,geotherm,lithium and so on are superior in the Yangtze River economic zone,and the resources and environment conditions are conducive to develop the modern agriculture,clean energy industry and strategic emerging industries.3×1013 m^2 farmlands without heavy metal pollution are concentrated;there are three national level shale gas exploration and development bases with explored reserves of 5.441×1011 m^3;geothermal availability is 2.4×109 t of standard coal each year,equivalent to 19% of the amount of coal in 2014;Asia's largest energy lithium metal ore deposit is found.In some parts of Yangtze River economic zone,there are some major geological problems such as active faults,karst collapse,ground subsidence,landslide-collapse-debris flow,affecting the river-crossing channels,high-speed railway,urban agglomeration and green ecological corridor planning and construction.Those problems should be concerned,and the relevant suggestions and countermeasures are put forward.Meanwhile,the ideas to further support the development of the Yangtze River economic zone are put forward.
基金the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canadathe Ministry of National Defensethe RMC Green Team for providing the funding and the resources
文摘Deep underground excavations within hard rocks can result in damage to the surrounding rock mass mostly due to redistribution of stresses.Especially within rock masses with non-persistent joints,the role of the pre-existing joints in the damage evolution around the underground opening is of critical importance as they govern the fracturing mechanisms and influence the brittle responses of these hard rock masses under highly anisotropic in situ stresses.In this study,the main focus is the impact of joint network geometry,joint strength and applied field stresses on the rock mass behaviours and the evolution of excavation induced damage due to the loss of confinement as a tunnel face advances.Analysis of such a phenomenon was conducted using the finite-discrete element method (FDEM).The numerical model is initially calibrated in order to match the behaviour of the fracture-free,massive Lac du Bonnet granite during the excavation of the Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Test Tunnel,Canada.The influence of the pre-existing joints on the rock mass response during excavation is investigated by integrating discrete fracture networks (DFNs) of various characteristics into the numerical models under varying in situ stresses.The numerical results obtained highlight the significance of the pre-existing joints on the reduction of in situ rock mass strength and its capacity for extension with both factors controlling the brittle response of the material.Furthermore,the impact of spatial distribution of natural joints on the stability of an underground excavation is discussed,as well as the potentially minor influence of joint strength on the stress induced damage within joint systems of a non-persistent nature under specific conditions.Additionally,the in situ stress-joint network interaction is examined,revealing the complex fracturing mechanisms that may lead to uncontrolled fracture propagation that compromises the overall stability of an underground excavation.
基金supported by the Western-Caucasus Research Center
文摘The main aim of this research is to get a better knowledge and understanding of the micro-scale oscillatory networks behavior in the solid propellants reactionary zones. Fundamental understanding of the micro-and nano-scale combustion mechanisms is essential to the development and further improvement of the next-generation technologies for extreme control of the solid propellant thrust. Both experiments and theory confirm that the micro-and nano-scale oscillatory networks excitation in the solid propellants reactionary zones is a rather universal phenomenon. In accordance with our concept,the micro-and nano-scale structures form both the fractal and self-organized wave patterns in the solid propellants reactionary zones. Control by the shape, the sizes and spacial orientation of the wave patterns allows manipulate by the energy exchange and release in the reactionary zones. A novel strategy for enhanced extreme thrust control in solid propulsion systems are based on manipulation by selforganization of the micro-and nano-scale oscillatory networks and self-organized patterns formation in the reactionary zones with use of the system of acoustic waves and electro-magnetic fields, generated by special kind of ring-shaped electric discharges along with resonance laser radiation. Application of special kind of the ring-shaped electric discharges demands the minimum expenses of energy and opens prospects for almost inertia-free control by combustion processes. Nano-sized additives will enhance self-organizing and self-synchronization of the micro-and nano-scale oscillatory networks on the nanometer scale. Suggested novel strategy opens the door for completely new ways for enhanced extreme thrust control of the solid propulsion systems.