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论《黄钟通韵》的潜在音系特征 被引量:1
作者 邹德文 汪银峰 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2006年第2期71-74,共4页
在明清韵书、韵图中,《黄钟通韵》韵图所表明的语音系统被认为反映的是清代东北方言的音系。我们在研读《黄钟通韵》时,发现其韵图排列很有特点,韵图中精组字齐齿、撮口呼位置上出现空挡,且注明“本等字同齿属下等”。这一特殊现象引起... 在明清韵书、韵图中,《黄钟通韵》韵图所表明的语音系统被认为反映的是清代东北方言的音系。我们在研读《黄钟通韵》时,发现其韵图排列很有特点,韵图中精组字齐齿、撮口呼位置上出现空挡,且注明“本等字同齿属下等”。这一特殊现象引起了我们的关注,是否意味着精组齐齿、撮口呼字与知组声母已经混读?还是精组齐齿、撮口呼字发生腭化演变?《黄钟通韵》表层音系之下是否隐含着潜在音系呢?为了解答这一问题,笔者在前人研究的基础上,对《黄钟通韵》中知组、精组和见组字进行全面的考察,从韵字排列入手,并与同时期的语音材料相比较,验证其结论,并对此现象提出合理的解释。 展开更多
关键词 《黄通韵》 东北方言音系 尖团音 潜在音系特征
作者 洪伟 蔡飞碧 黄德修 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期190-194,共5页
采用 SOA(sem iconductor optical am plifier)光纤环镜将 2 .5 Gbit/ s的 NRZ(non- return- to- zero)信号转换为相应的 PRZ(pseudo- return- to- zero)信号 ,实现了 NRZ信号时钟分量的提取 .并分析了 SOA注入电流、环镜探测光光功率... 采用 SOA(sem iconductor optical am plifier)光纤环镜将 2 .5 Gbit/ s的 NRZ(non- return- to- zero)信号转换为相应的 PRZ(pseudo- return- to- zero)信号 ,实现了 NRZ信号时钟分量的提取 .并分析了 SOA注入电流、环镜探测光光功率等系统参数的选取对转换输出的 PRZ信号的光信噪比、消光比及环镜透过率的影响 . 展开更多
关键词 SOA(semiconductor optical amplifier) SOA光纤环镜 分量提取 NRZ(non—return—to—zero) PRZ(pseudo—return—to—zero)
作者 陈建新 《汉字汉语研究》 2024年第1期33-39,125,共8页
关键词 季老盉 黄子季子庚臣簠 虢仲编 竞之■鼎
作者 张寒冰 《现代语文》 2018年第5期32-36,共5页
"分分钟"是一个来源于我国南方方言的时间词,经过几十年的发展,借由粤语的流行、网络传播等途径扩展至全国,呈现出使用范围广、使用频率高的特点。"分分钟"不同于普通的时间名词,不是对时间的客观描述。它的语义内... "分分钟"是一个来源于我国南方方言的时间词,经过几十年的发展,借由粤语的流行、网络传播等途径扩展至全国,呈现出使用范围广、使用频率高的特点。"分分钟"不同于普通的时间名词,不是对时间的客观描述。它的语义内涵丰富,由基本"短时义"引申出多种用法,表达了说话人强烈的主观态度,具有情态意义。"分分钟"丰富了现代汉语词汇系统,表现出旺盛的生命力。 展开更多
关键词 分分 时间名词 语义引申 情态意义
程钟龄《医学心悟》止嗽散探微 被引量:4
作者 李义 熊洪艳 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第6期75-77,共3页
止嗽散出自《医学心悟》,系清代程钟龄创立用于治疗咳嗽的代表方,配伍严禁、精密得当,温润平和、不寒不热,主要用于外感风寒咳嗽,程钟龄认为风寒之邪是咳嗽的主要病因,"咳嗽者,肺寒也""咳嗽之因,属风寒者十居其九"... 止嗽散出自《医学心悟》,系清代程钟龄创立用于治疗咳嗽的代表方,配伍严禁、精密得当,温润平和、不寒不热,主要用于外感风寒咳嗽,程钟龄认为风寒之邪是咳嗽的主要病因,"咳嗽者,肺寒也""咳嗽之因,属风寒者十居其九",强调要重视咳嗽初期治疗,毋令失治、误治而变为他证;少阳证、直中证、水气证引起咳嗽均与寒邪有关,少阳证兼咳嗽,肺有寒,小柴胡去参、枣加干姜,温肺散寒;直中证兼咳嗽,寒水上束于肺,温其中而咳自止;水气证兼咳嗽,寒水上射于肺,分表里水气治之:表有水气而发热,小青龙汤发散以行水;里有水气而下利,则用本方去麻黄,加荛花,以攻之;轻则小半夏加茯苓汤,以疏之,俾水饮流通,咳自止矣。咳嗽乃常见症状,急慢性气管炎、哮喘、肺炎等呼吸系统疾病均可表现为咳嗽,有声无痰为咳,有痰无声为嗽。《黄帝内经》最早记载论述了咳嗽的病名、成因、症状、证候分类、治疗及预后转归,外伤六淫或内邪犯肺为主因,系外感或内伤之邪犯肺,宣降失常,气机上逆。"止嗽散,治诸般咳嗽",止嗽散虽为外感风寒咳嗽之主方,临床多数医家用止嗽散加减配伍,化裁运用,对外感风寒、风热、风燥各种证型、内伤等咳嗽均可获效。 展开更多
关键词 止嗽散 咳嗽 医学心悟 外感风寒 少阳证 直中证 水气证 风热 风燥 中药复方 方药配伍
清代名医程钟龄《医学心悟》与痹症辨治 被引量:8
作者 冯云霞 胡谦 杨永晖 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第8期4-5,共2页
清代名医程国彭著《医学心悟》,详尽论述痹症乃风、寒、湿、热侵入人体,气血、津液运行不畅,经络阻滞,关节筋脉失于濡养;提出"重主邪",创立蠲痹汤,祛风除湿,散寒通络;重新久、辨虚实,患痹日久者,宜补益肝肾,补益气血,固本扶... 清代名医程国彭著《医学心悟》,详尽论述痹症乃风、寒、湿、热侵入人体,气血、津液运行不畅,经络阻滞,关节筋脉失于濡养;提出"重主邪",创立蠲痹汤,祛风除湿,散寒通络;重新久、辨虚实,患痹日久者,宜补益肝肾,补益气血,固本扶正。善辨部位,巧用引药, 展开更多
关键词 痹症 经络阻滞 行痹 痛痹 着痹 重主邪 蠲痹汤 祛风除湿 散寒通络 引经药 医学心悟 清代名医
作者 葛峥 《黄河科技大学学报》 2007年第5期88-89,95,共3页
《新视野大学英语.读写教程》第一册第八单元的课文中写到音乐家瓦格纳的一次创作过程,句中出现的"Ring"一词,在《教师用书》等参考书中被译为"钟声",是译者在未能准确了解其文化背景下作出的误译。其正确的译法实... 《新视野大学英语.读写教程》第一册第八单元的课文中写到音乐家瓦格纳的一次创作过程,句中出现的"Ring"一词,在《教师用书》等参考书中被译为"钟声",是译者在未能准确了解其文化背景下作出的误译。其正确的译法实则为尼伯龙根的"指环"。 展开更多
关键词 RING 误译 指环 文化背景
作者 刘云 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期91-93,124,共4页
在(黑敢)钟铭文中有字作■,该字曾被释为"至"或"舌"。本文认为这两种考释都是有问题的,该字应释为"晋"。该"晋"字所在的语境是"比诸毊磬,晋诸长竽",根据这一语境,本文认为该"晋... 在(黑敢)钟铭文中有字作■,该字曾被释为"至"或"舌"。本文认为这两种考释都是有问题的,该字应释为"晋"。该"晋"字所在的语境是"比诸毊磬,晋诸长竽",根据这一语境,本文认为该"晋"字应读为"次",意思是"杂次"。 展开更多
关键词 [黑敢]
Study on Fruit Quality, Phenological Phases and Shoot Histomorphology of a New Bud Mutant Line, ‘Chuanzao Loquat’ 被引量:5
作者 梅洛银 廖明安 +4 位作者 任雅君 刘雨 程籍 刘娟 罗丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1881-1884,共4页
[Objective] This study was to explore the growth characteristics and fruit quality of a new bud mutant line, 'Chuanzao Loquat'. [Method] Paraffin section technique combined with field investigation method were adopt... [Objective] This study was to explore the growth characteristics and fruit quality of a new bud mutant line, 'Chuanzao Loquat'. [Method] Paraffin section technique combined with field investigation method were adopted to conduct com- parative analysis of shoot histomorphology and phenological phases between two Io- quat varieties, 'Chuanzao Loquat' and 'Zaozhong 6'. [Result] 'Chuanzao Loquat' branched out and unfolded leaves about half to a month earlier than 'Zaozhong 6'; both the flowering and fruiting phases of 'Chuanzao Loquat' were three months earlier than a precocious variety, 'Zaozhong 6'; the proportions of epidermis, cortex parenchyma, vascular tissue and medulla were 3.7%, 14.5%, 15.9% and 65.9%, re- spectively, in spdng shoots of 'Chuanzao Loquat', and 3.1%, 42.5%, 6.9% and 47.5%, respectively, in 'Zaozhong 6'. [Conclusion] In terms of phenological phases, 'Chuanzao Loqua' is earlier than 'Zaozhong 6', a currently widely planted precocious variety, and thus is an important germplasm resource of Ioquats. 展开更多
关键词 'Chuanzao Loquat' 'Zaozhong 6' Phenological phases HISTOMORPHOLOGY
Research Progress of Molecular Clock 被引量:2
作者 龙承星 张波 马绍宾 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2496-2498,2553,共4页
In the paper, related research and progress of molecular clock hypothesis were summarized, including definition of molecular clock, supporting proofs, contro- versy, significance and perfection, application and accomp... In the paper, related research and progress of molecular clock hypothesis were summarized, including definition of molecular clock, supporting proofs, contro- versy, significance and perfection, application and accompanying challenges. 展开更多
关键词 Molecular clock Molecular clock hypothesis Slowing-down of evolution Rate of molecular evolution
2.5Gb/s Monolithic IC of Clock Recovery,Data Decision,and 1∶4 Demultiplexer 被引量:2
作者 陈莹梅 王志功 +1 位作者 熊明珍 章丽 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期1532-1536,共5页
A high integrated monolithic IC, with functions of clock recovery, data decision, and 1 : 4 demultiplexer,is implemented in 0.25μm CMOS process for 2.5Gb/s fiber-optic communications. The recovered and frequency div... A high integrated monolithic IC, with functions of clock recovery, data decision, and 1 : 4 demultiplexer,is implemented in 0.25μm CMOS process for 2.5Gb/s fiber-optic communications. The recovered and frequency divided 625MHz clock has a phase noise of -106.26dBc/Hz at 100kHz offset in response to a 2.5Gb/s PRBS input data (2^31-1). The 2.5Gb/s PRBS data are demultiplexed to four 625Mb/s data. The 0.97mm× 0.97mm IC consumes 550mW under a single 3.3V power supply (not including output buffers). 展开更多
关键词 optical transmission systems clock recovery circuits data decision 1 4 demultiplexer charge pump phase-locked loops
2.488 Gbit/s clock and data recovery circuit in 0.35 μm CMOS 被引量:1
作者 王欢 王志功 +2 位作者 冯军 熊明珍 章丽 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期143-147,共5页
The design of a 2. 488 Gbit/s clock and data recovery (CDR) If for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) STM-16 receiver is described. Based on the injected phase-locked loop (IPLL) and D-flip flop architectures, ... The design of a 2. 488 Gbit/s clock and data recovery (CDR) If for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) STM-16 receiver is described. Based on the injected phase-locked loop (IPLL) and D-flip flop architectures, the CDR IC was implemented in a standard 0. 35 μan complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. With 2^31 -1 pseudorandom bit sequences (PRBS) input, the sensitivity of data recovery circuit is less than 20 mV with 10^-12 bit error rate (BER). The recovered clock shows a root mean square (rms) jitter of 2. 8 ps and a phase noise of - 110 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset. The capture range of the circuit is larger than 40 MHz. With a 5 V supply, the circuit consumes 680 mW and the chip area is 1.49 mm × 1 mm. 展开更多
关键词 clock recovery data recovery phase-locked loop (PLL) PREPROCESSOR
2.5Gb/s 0.18μm CMOS Clock and Data Recovery Circuit 被引量:2
作者 刘永旺 王志功 李伟 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期537-541,共5页
A 2.5Gb/s clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit is designed and realized in TSMC's standard 0.18/μm CMOS process. The clock recovery is based on a PLL. For phase noise optimization,a dynamic phase and frequency de... A 2.5Gb/s clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit is designed and realized in TSMC's standard 0.18/μm CMOS process. The clock recovery is based on a PLL. For phase noise optimization,a dynamic phase and frequency detector (PFD) is used in the PLL. The rms jitter of the recovered 2.5GHz clock is 2.4ps and the SSB phase noise is - 111dBc/Hz at 10kHz offset. The rms jitter of the recovered 2.5Gb/s data is 3.3ps. The power consumption is 120mW. 展开更多
关键词 clock recovery data recovery phase locked loop dynamic phase and frequency detector
Analysis and Design of a Phase Interpolator for Clock and Data Recovery 被引量:5
作者 孙烨辉 江立新 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期930-935,共6页
In this paper,a detailed analysis of a phase interpolator for clock recovery is presented. A mathematical model is setup for the phase interpolator and we perform a precise analysis using this model. The result shows ... In this paper,a detailed analysis of a phase interpolator for clock recovery is presented. A mathematical model is setup for the phase interpolator and we perform a precise analysis using this model. The result shows that the output amplitude and linearity of phase interpolator is primarily related to the difference between the two input phases. A new encoding pattern is given to solve this problem. Analysis in the circuit domain was also undertaken. The simulation results show that the relation between RC time-constant and time difference of input clocks affects the linearity of the phase interpolator. To alleviate this undesired effect, two adjustable-RC buffers are added at the input of the PI. Finally,a 90nm CMOS phase interpolator,which can work in the frequency from 1GHz to 5GHz,is proposed. The power dissipation of the phase interpolator is lmW with a 1.2V power supply. Experiment results show that the phase interpolator has a monotone output phase and good linearity. 展开更多
关键词 phase interpolator clock and data recovery CMOS
Complementary Pass-Transistor Adiabatic Logic Circuit Using Three-Phase Power Supply 被引量:1
作者 胡建平 邬杨波 张卫强 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期918-924,共7页
A new low power quasi adiabatic logic,complementary pass transistor adiabatic logic (CPAL),is presented.The CPAL circuit is driven by a new three phase power clock,and its non adiabatic loss on output loads can b... A new low power quasi adiabatic logic,complementary pass transistor adiabatic logic (CPAL),is presented.The CPAL circuit is driven by a new three phase power clock,and its non adiabatic loss on output loads can be effectively reduced by using complementary pass transistor logic and transmission gates.Furthermore,the minimization of the energy consumption can be obtained by choosing the optimal size of bootstrapped nMOS transistors,thus it has more efficient energy transfer and recovery.A three phase power supply generator with a small control logic circuit and a single inductor is proposed.An 8 bit adder based on CPAL is designed and verified.With MOSIS 0 25μm CMOS technology,the CPAL adder consumes only 35% of the dissipated energy of a 2N 2N2P adder and is about 50% of the dissipated energy of a PFAL adder for clock rates ranging from 50 to 200MHz. 展开更多
关键词 complementary pass transistor logic adiabatic logic low power 3 phase power clock generator
从“钱锺书”的“锺”谈汉字规范 被引量:2
作者 周志锋 李泽敏 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2017年第4期46-48,共3页
钱老的名字有"钱锺书"和"钱钟书"两种写法。文章认为,写作"钱锺书",不符合汉字规范;"鍾"简化为"锺",没有必要;规范型语文辞书不应该收录"锺"字,而且对它解释也不够准确。... 钱老的名字有"钱锺书"和"钱钟书"两种写法。文章认为,写作"钱锺书",不符合汉字规范;"鍾"简化为"锺",没有必要;规范型语文辞书不应该收录"锺"字,而且对它解释也不够准确。文字是全社会的,不能因为一人一姓而轻易更动。 展开更多
关键词 钱锺书 汉字规范 辞书订正
甲骨文、金文新释两则 被引量:1
作者 路国权 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期105-106,共2页
通过对周原甲骨文H11∶11的重新审视,认为其中的人名"更"就是文献中记载的武庚,进而可以确定这片卜辞的年代。通过对戎生编钟铭文中人物世系和年代的梳理,提出铭文中的"皇祖宪公"可能就是文献中的晋献侯稣,戎生家... 通过对周原甲骨文H11∶11的重新审视,认为其中的人名"更"就是文献中记载的武庚,进而可以确定这片卜辞的年代。通过对戎生编钟铭文中人物世系和年代的梳理,提出铭文中的"皇祖宪公"可能就是文献中的晋献侯稣,戎生家族是从晋献侯一系分立出去的晋国宗室。 展开更多
关键词 周原甲骨 武庚 戎生编 晋献侯稣
A 5-Gbit/s monolithically-integrated low-power clock recovery circuit in 0.18-μm CMOS
作者 张长春 王志功 +3 位作者 施思 潘海仙 郭宇峰 黄继伟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期136-139,共4页
In order to make a 10 Gbit/s 2:1 half-rate multiplexer operate without external clocks, a 5 Gbit/s clock recovery (CR) circuit is needed to extract the desired clock from one input data. For the CR circuit, a 3-sta... In order to make a 10 Gbit/s 2:1 half-rate multiplexer operate without external clocks, a 5 Gbit/s clock recovery (CR) circuit is needed to extract the desired clock from one input data. For the CR circuit, a 3-stage ring voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is employed to avoid an unreliable startup of a 2-stage VCO and a low oscillation frequency of a 4-stage VCO. A phase frequency detector (PFD) is used to expand the pull-in range to meet the wide tuning range of a VCO required by process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variation. SMIC 0. 18-μm CMOS technology is adopted and the core area is 170 μm ×270 μm. Measurements show that, under a 1.8 V supply voltage, it consumes only about 90 mW, and has an input sensitivity of less than 25 mV, an output single-ended swing of above 300 mV, a phase noise of - 114 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and a pull-in range of 1 GHz. 展开更多
关键词 clock recovery phase frequency detector voltagecontrolled oscillator phase noise
蚌埠双墩一号春秋墓出土乐器的音乐学研究 被引量:1
作者 李清 《音乐探索》 2014年第3期14-20,共7页
2006~2008年在安徽蚌埠经抢救发掘,发现一座罕见的圆形土坑竖穴墓,它是国内考古至今没有发现过的墓葬建筑结构。其规模宏大,遗迹现象复杂,后经专家验证,该墓为春秋时期钟离国君"柏"的墓葬,并将其定为蚌埠双墩一号墓。墓葬中出土了大... 2006~2008年在安徽蚌埠经抢救发掘,发现一座罕见的圆形土坑竖穴墓,它是国内考古至今没有发现过的墓葬建筑结构。其规模宏大,遗迹现象复杂,后经专家验证,该墓为春秋时期钟离国君"柏"的墓葬,并将其定为蚌埠双墩一号墓。墓葬中出土了大量的铜器、陶器、石器、玉器等随葬器物,其中含有一套青铜编钮钟9件和一套龙首石磬12件。对它们进行形态特征、测音分析、礼乐功能等多方位的音乐学研究后,发现这是一套一钟一音的编纽钟,只有正鼓音的音列;整套石磬由于毁坏严重虽有一定的音律组合,但无完整的音阶关系。 展开更多
关键词 蚌埠双墩一号春秋墓 离国君墓 青铜编钮 龙首石磬
A Novel Clock Feedthrough Frequency Compensation for Fast-Settling of Folded-Cascode OTA
作者 宁宁 于奇 +3 位作者 王向展 戴广豪 刘源 杨谟华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期1737-1741,共5页
Based on the minimum settling time (MST) theory and step-response analysis of the second order system in active switched capacitor (SC) networks, a novel clock feedthrough frequency compensation (CFFC) method fo... Based on the minimum settling time (MST) theory and step-response analysis of the second order system in active switched capacitor (SC) networks, a novel clock feedthrough frequency compensation (CFFC) method for a folded-cascode OTA is proposed. The damping factor r/is adjusted by using MOS capacitors to introduce clock feedthrough so that the OTA can obtain the MST state and thus achieve fast settling. Research results indicate that the settling time of the compensated OTA is reduced by 22.7% ;as the capacitor load varies from 0.5 to 2.5pF,the improved settling time increases approximately linearly from 3.62 to 4.46ns: for VGA application, fast settling can also be achieved by modifying the MOS capacitor value accordingly when the closed loop gain of the compensated OTA varies. 展开更多
关键词 clock feedthrough frequency compensation fast settling folded-cascode OTA minimum settling time VGA
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