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《圣经》译作评述 被引量:4
作者 张劻娟 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第6期77-78,共2页
马丁·路德孜孜不倦地从事《圣经》翻译工作。他的德文《圣经》版本最终成为权威性版本。路德的德译 《圣经》工作,促进了德意志民族文学事业的发展;在德语的统一规范乃至德意志民族的统一方面起了重大作用。
关键词 德译<圣经> 马丁·路德 民族文学
作者 刘意青 《外国文学研究》 北大核心 2001年第6期18-23,共6页
20世纪中叶艾里克·俄尔巴哈首先提出了<圣经>的叙事特点是简约和含蓄,它与荷马史诗外化和铺陈的文体形成了截然不同的两大类别;两者服从于不同的写作目的,但都是伟大的文学作品.此后,西方就逐渐形成了对<圣经>叙事和... 20世纪中叶艾里克·俄尔巴哈首先提出了<圣经>的叙事特点是简约和含蓄,它与荷马史诗外化和铺陈的文体形成了截然不同的两大类别;两者服从于不同的写作目的,但都是伟大的文学作品.此后,西方就逐渐形成了对<圣经>叙事和文学特点进行研究的一个新学科领域,许多著名学者都对此做出了精湛的分析.至20世纪末,这方面的研讨已发展得如火如荼,并对西方形成后现代的多元文学理论起了巨大促进作用.本文就<圣经>的文学研究以及首倡者俄尔巴哈和他的创见做了较详尽的评介,为我国读者从文学角度去审视<圣经>提供新的信息. 展开更多
关键词 <圣经> 俄尔巴哈 叙事 阐释 简约 含蓄
作者 叶蓉 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第6期71-75,共5页
 自唐代景教入华以来,传教士们从未停止过中文《圣经》的翻译工作。和合本《新约》与《新旧约全书》分别于1905年和1919年出版,其语言形式直接影响了白话文运动,《圣经》故事及文学体裁也常被现代文学作家所采用。当"五四"...  自唐代景教入华以来,传教士们从未停止过中文《圣经》的翻译工作。和合本《新约》与《新旧约全书》分别于1905年和1919年出版,其语言形式直接影响了白话文运动,《圣经》故事及文学体裁也常被现代文学作家所采用。当"五四"知识分子意识到基督教文化不过是救国救民的一轮幻想的太阳,他们便很快放弃了这一工具。文革后的作家遭遇了十年浩劫,他们不再像现代文学作家那样以实用主义态度来看待基督教,反而在内心深处对基督教言说产生了共鸣。 展开更多
关键词 和合本<圣经> 现代文学 文革 反思与共鸣
作者 林丹华 《福建教育学院学报》 2003年第10期33-36,共4页
歌德的伟大诗剧《浮士德》取材于中世纪的民间传说 ,与原素材相比 ,诗剧有两处重要的改动都与圣经有关 ,一是开头“天上序幕”中上帝和魔鬼的打赌 ;二是结尾浮士德的得救升天。圣经对《浮士德》的影响不仅表现在作者对素材的提炼上 ,也... 歌德的伟大诗剧《浮士德》取材于中世纪的民间传说 ,与原素材相比 ,诗剧有两处重要的改动都与圣经有关 ,一是开头“天上序幕”中上帝和魔鬼的打赌 ;二是结尾浮士德的得救升天。圣经对《浮士德》的影响不仅表现在作者对素材的提炼上 ,也表现在诗剧的主题上。《浮士德》的两大主题———“信仰得救”和“自强不息”都打上圣经的深刻烙印。它的三大戏剧冲突 :上帝和魔鬼的冲突、浮士德和魔鬼的冲突、男女主人公浮士德和玛甘泪各自的内心冲突都遵循了圣经提供的善恶二元对立的美学原则。诗剧还吸收了不少圣经的典故和经句 ,成为它有机的组成部分。可见 ,圣经是《浮士德》的重要灵感来源。 展开更多
关键词 <浮士德> <圣经> 素材提炼 信仰得救 善恶二元对立
试论古代以色列民族的历史观──从资料构成、史书编集到观念的形成 被引量:10
作者 王立新 王敦书 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第2期88-97,共10页
与古代埃及和西亚诸国只留下编年体的历史记载不同,古代以色列民族具有自己鲜明的历史意识;与古代希腊充满人本精神的历史记载也不同,以色列民族历史观的实质是一神论的神权历史观。他们将对耶和华神的信仰融入对民族历史发展的思考... 与古代埃及和西亚诸国只留下编年体的历史记载不同,古代以色列民族具有自己鲜明的历史意识;与古代希腊充满人本精神的历史记载也不同,以色列民族历史观的实质是一神论的神权历史观。他们将对耶和华神的信仰融入对民族历史发展的思考和解释之中,其历史书卷的编写几乎持续了一千年之久,在这一过程中,以色列历史成为“历史就是耶和华神对以色列民族的救赎史”的生动体现。 展开更多
关键词 希伯来<圣经>(<塔纳赫>) 历史观 古代以色列民族
马丁·路德与现代德语 被引量:2
作者 侯素琴 《上海理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期53-56,共4页
1522-1545年,马丁·路德为推动宗教改革,致力于《圣经》的翻译工作。他的《圣经》德译本同时揭开了德语发展史上新的一页,马丁·路德也因此被称为伟大的翻译家。在《圣经》翻译中他汇聚丰富的德语词汇,尽可能排除方言土语的影响... 1522-1545年,马丁·路德为推动宗教改革,致力于《圣经》的翻译工作。他的《圣经》德译本同时揭开了德语发展史上新的一页,马丁·路德也因此被称为伟大的翻译家。在《圣经》翻译中他汇聚丰富的德语词汇,尽可能排除方言土语的影响,切实可行地树立了一种统一、普遍而稳定的通行全德的民族共同书写语言,为日后现代德语的形成提供了最重要的前提条件。 展开更多
关键词 马丁·路德 <圣经> 翻译 德语统一 现代德语
简论约翰·斯坦贝克两部史诗性小说中的人物命名 被引量:1
作者 田俊武 孙晶晶 《社科纵横》 2006年第10期177-179,181,共4页
美国现代著名作家斯坦贝克深受《圣经》、《道德经》或其他东西方文本的影响,在自己的小说创作中有意无意地根据这些文本的内容来给人物命名,最典型的表现是他的两部史诗性小说《愤怒的葡萄》和《伊甸以东》中的人物命名。不了解这些作... 美国现代著名作家斯坦贝克深受《圣经》、《道德经》或其他东西方文本的影响,在自己的小说创作中有意无意地根据这些文本的内容来给人物命名,最典型的表现是他的两部史诗性小说《愤怒的葡萄》和《伊甸以东》中的人物命名。不了解这些作品中人物的命名方法以及其背后蕴藏的文本互涉含义,我们就无法揭示斯坦贝克作品的宏大主题。 展开更多
关键词 <圣经><道德经> 人物命名<愤怒的葡萄><伊甸以东>
作者 张文明 陈水生 《宿州学院学报》 2005年第4期49-50,共2页
关键词 <圣经> <红字> 宗教背景 文化底蕴
作者 周积明 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期116-122,共7页
王门后学是王阳明弟子的概称,但所谓王门后学,实际上只是一个代际概念。在学术观念上,晚明并无一个同质性的王门后学。各派弟子在"良知宗说"大旗下"拟议搀和",发展出形形色色的学说和思想路线。王学只不过是各流派... 王门后学是王阳明弟子的概称,但所谓王门后学,实际上只是一个代际概念。在学术观念上,晚明并无一个同质性的王门后学。各派弟子在"良知宗说"大旗下"拟议搀和",发展出形形色色的学说和思想路线。王学只不过是各流派自立宗旨、自立派别、争取门徒的最有效思想资源。王门后学最为后世诟病的是流于虚谈,不务经世,事实上,"经世"是王门后学旗帜鲜明的宗旨,无论是"主于道"的经世之学,还是"主于事"的经世之学都在王门后学中蓬勃发展,只不过他们所说的"经世"并非今世概念中的"经世"。王学中的泰州学派一向因平民意识而得到正面的肯定,但其"颂圣"意识以及以"颂圣"为主线的对道统谱系的改写,却往往被学术界忽视,由此显示了历史的复杂。 展开更多
关键词 王门后学 拟议搀和 经世 颂圣 道统
The Nature, Philosophy, and Sustaining Factors of the Theology of Wealth in Africa: Theological Reflections
作者 Daniel Dei Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第6期391-402,共12页
This paper is a theological reflection on the theology of wealth in Africa--its nature, philosophy, and sustaining factors. Through the methodology of theological reflections, the paper finds out that the theology of ... This paper is a theological reflection on the theology of wealth in Africa--its nature, philosophy, and sustaining factors. Through the methodology of theological reflections, the paper finds out that the theology of wealth, though difficult to describe, is sustained on the African continent by economic hardship, the influence of some preachers of the theology of wealth, and the availability of improved facilities for disseminating the content of the theology of wealth. It also finds out that the entire philosophy of the theology of wealth is biblically, theologically, and ethically deficient. Biblically, it adapts parts of scripture to suit its teachings. Theologically, it puts forth viewpoints that are foreign to theological thought. Ethically, it is a means of exploiting congregants. The paper concludes with a recommendation that the content and nature of the theology of wealth must be highlighted and thoroughly explained to both clergy and membership of different denominations so that all will be safeguarded against the impact of this false gospel on their lives. 展开更多
关键词 AFRICA CHRISTIANITY WEALTH flamboyance THEOLOGY economic success MATERIALISM penteco-charismatic
Phoenix Rising ——The Early Censorship of William Tyndale's New Testament and Its Influence on The King James Bible
作者 Sze M Suze Ceaminia Lau 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期945-957,共13页
The early censorship of the English Bible was imposed during the sixteenth century. One example is William Tyndale's pocket-size New Testament translation, which underwem destruction including the burning of its manu... The early censorship of the English Bible was imposed during the sixteenth century. One example is William Tyndale's pocket-size New Testament translation, which underwem destruction including the burning of its manuscript, the published translation texts, and even the printers and possessors of these materials. This article reviews the legal history and the religious significance of the censorship, which further influences the appearance of the Authorized Version (1611 ). Related facts are parliamentary policies concerning imports of foreign priming, book licensing and the use of the Bible. The latter part of this paper reviews evems organized by Wolsey, Tunstall and Warham, and the launch of scholarly based Bible-translation. This paper concludes by re-emphasizing the significance of these parties in sustaining the divine preservation and development of Biblical literature-readers, translators, printers, traders, clergy and legislators. They made the Phoenix rise from the heap of ashes to heaven, and inspired the work of the King James Bible. 展开更多
关键词 William Tydale Bible Translation CENSORSHIP New Testament Henry VIII MONOPOLY King James
The Biblical Sabbatical Year and Its Implications for Ecology: An Exegesis of Exodus 23:10-11
作者 Daniel Kwame Bediako 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第6期377-380,共4页
Exod 23:10-12 enjoins Israel to keep both a seventh-year Sabbath and a seventh-day Sabbath. The juxtaposition of these two Sabbaths in the text suggests a connection between the Sabbath and ecology, since rest and no... Exod 23:10-12 enjoins Israel to keep both a seventh-year Sabbath and a seventh-day Sabbath. The juxtaposition of these two Sabbaths in the text suggests a connection between the Sabbath and ecology, since rest and nourishment are required both the land and its inhabitants (i.e., humans and beasts). This article exegetically analyzes Exod 23:10-12 and suggests some possible ecological implications. Accordingly, it is argued that while the biblical sabbatical year seems to have required a rest for the whole land--a practice which may seem impossible today--in modern times heavily cultivated portions of land could be allowed to lie fallow. Instead of overusing particular portions of land with the aid of agro-chemicals, farming systems such as land rotation could fruitfully be practiced. Such a practice may not only allow cultivable lands regain fertility, it may also contribute towards the sustenance of the wild including endangered species. This study may be particularly useful in the African context. 展开更多
关键词 Sabbatical ECOLOGY LAND CULTIVATION trees.
The Teachings of Christianity About Peace: Some Basic Principles
作者 Hector Scerri 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第8期527-530,共4页
Authentic peace is much more comprehensive and far-reaching than the absence of war. The Jewish concept of shalom and its concrete experience entail harmony with nature, with oneself, with others and with God. This ar... Authentic peace is much more comprehensive and far-reaching than the absence of war. The Jewish concept of shalom and its concrete experience entail harmony with nature, with oneself, with others and with God. This article delves into the Hebrew scriptural foundations of Christianity's teachings about peace, and then proceeds to give an overview of some of the key references to the same theme in the New Testament. A number of key affirmations about peace and its various aspects were made during the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). These were followed by several official statements made by the Popes in their annual World Day of Peace Messages since 1968 The Christian concept of peace offers a number of practical applications which can be embraced by all men and women of good will, namely the creation of a purified mentality, as well as a sincere pedagogy of dialogue. 展开更多
关键词 PEACE Jesus Christ Second Vatican Council World Day of Peace Message love DIALOGUE
The Connection Between Slavery and Prophecy as It Relates tothe American Nation in the Writings of the Adventist PioneersDuring the Antebellum Period
《History Research》 2012年第5期316-331,共16页
The period between 1850 and 1865 was a period of major social upheavals in American society; the major issue was the slavery. This period also witnessed the birth and organization of the Sabbatarian Adventism, a pre-m... The period between 1850 and 1865 was a period of major social upheavals in American society; the major issue was the slavery. This period also witnessed the birth and organization of the Sabbatarian Adventism, a pre-millennial Christian movement distinguished by an emphasis on the Seventh-day Sabbath and a special understanding of Bible prophecies. Most Adventist pioneers vehemently opposed slavery, although not always on the same ground as their Christian counterparts. Aided by their peculiar understanding of Bible prophecy, the early Adventists identified America with apocalyptical end-time power, slavery being the key attribute of the "beast that looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon" from Revelation 13:11. This article investigates the development of Adventist connection between slavery, America and Bible prophecy. 展开更多
Purgatory: A Study of the Historical Development and Its Compatibility with the Biblical Teaching on the Afterlife
作者 Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第4期286-299,共14页
When it comes to the afterlife, Seventh-day Adventists advocate "soul sleep" condition, in which the dead person is in some sort of suspended state until the final judgment. On the other hand, many Evangelical Chris... When it comes to the afterlife, Seventh-day Adventists advocate "soul sleep" condition, in which the dead person is in some sort of suspended state until the final judgment. On the other hand, many Evangelical Christians believe that the dead go directly to Heaven to be with the Lord. But in Roman Catholicism, purgatory is considered as the place where most dead believers expiate their remaining sins before entering the visible presence of God. This doctrine has been criticized extensively both by Catholics and Evangelicals in spite of its massive defence by the Holy office. Several alternative views about the resurrection of the dead have been propounded by some twentieth-century Protestants and some notable Catholic theologians. Although the doctrine of purgatory has been approved and reaffirmed by several Church councils, the questions that still remain are: Is the doctrine of purgatory biblically justifiable? Does the work of salvation extend beyond the grave? This study attempts to find answers to these questions. The study therefore surveys the doctrine of purgatory in the light of the biblical teachings about death. The second section surveys the background to the doctrine with reference to Judaism, the Apocrypha, the New Testament, the Church Fathers, and Church Councils. The third section looks at the nature of purgatory, the duration and the nature of the punishment meted out to those who go to purgatory and how souls are released from purgatory. The fourth section also examines the biblical teaching on death. The study concludes that the doctrine of purgatory is based on tradition rather than the Bible. The Bible emphasizes the finality of one's destiny in this life rather than after this life. 展开更多
Vampire Essentiality Derivation From Religious Beliefs
作者 YIN Zhu-hui TANG Xiang-jun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第7期1345-1351,共7页
This paper detracts vampires' traits from definitions by famous biblical exegetists and alike. Based on accounts of vampire-synonymous species from the Holy Bible (2000), The Vampire Book (2010), Encyclopedia of ... This paper detracts vampires' traits from definitions by famous biblical exegetists and alike. Based on accounts of vampire-synonymous species from the Holy Bible (2000), The Vampire Book (2010), Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology (2010), etc., it attempts an analysis of essential vampire features derivation from religious beliefs with the aim to amply apprecitate vampire culture and paint evidentially-built vampire portraits as against totally self-imagined traits. 展开更多
关键词 vampire ESSENTIALITY religious beliefs
Martin Luther on Marriage and Family
作者 Trevor O. Reggio 《History Research》 2012年第3期195-218,共24页
This paper describes and analyzes Martin Luther's views on marriage and family primarily from his own writings. Luther elevated marriage and family life to a place of respect and honor in the church and society at a ... This paper describes and analyzes Martin Luther's views on marriage and family primarily from his own writings. Luther elevated marriage and family life to a place of respect and honor in the church and society at a time when singleness and celibacy were celebrated as ways of reaching a higher state of spirituality. Martin Luther's teachings were so radically different from the traditional Catholic views of his days that the church became furious with him and tried almost everything in their power to silence him. Although Luther is known primarily for his views on Justification, but it is his teachings on marriage and family that has been more consequential. Many in the West who have never heard the name of Martin Luther, today enjoy a more biblical view on marriage and family because of his influence. He advocated divorce according to biblical principles, at a time when divorce was almost impossible; he encouraged priests to marry by showing that there was no conflict between their calling and marriage; he denounced celibacy, blaming it for encouraging lust rather than aiding chastity; he restored marriage and family life back to the arena of spirituality and respectability in society. Luther lived out his own advice by getting married and living an exemplary married life. What made Luther so effective was the passionate intensity with which he advocated these reforms. He wrote and spoke with such power and backed up his words with such a bold and courageous life, although living in the shadow of constant threats, that centuries after his death, the power and conviction of his ideas still resonate. 展开更多
关键词 CELIBACY CHASTITY LW WA reformation pamphlets
Compare Differences Between Different Bible Translations in the View of Globalization: Illustrated by the Case of “ψυχη” in the New Testament
作者 CHANG Cheng-hao 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第10期622-638,共17页
The purpose of Bible translation is to enable readers to fully understand what the Bible says in their own context. The different Bible translations use different translation principles, therefore, they show different... The purpose of Bible translation is to enable readers to fully understand what the Bible says in their own context. The different Bible translations use different translation principles, therefore, they show different translated results from each other. In general, translators will make translation choices between the “word-for-word translation” and “sense-for-sense translation”. A good translation usually has two translation choices and the difference is just which kind of choice to use more. In addition to this, whether the same word can be translated consistently is also worthy of being discussed, especially in the case of a proper noun or vocabulary with special meaning. If a vocabulary with special meaning in the Bible is translated into different words, it is not only impossible to clarify the conceptual connection or logical relationship between certain words in the Bible, but also makes it possible for readers who read different Bible translations to have the different understanding of the vocabulary. Under the influence of globalization, Christian communication has become more frequent. After different readers read different Bible translations, the problem of inconsistent understanding of the same word or paragraph will be gradually revealed. This article uses the Greek word “ψυχη” to explore the above issues. “ψυχη” is a vocabulary with special meaning in the New Testament and it is mostly discussed in the anthropology of Christian theology. This article compares three English Bible translations and six Chinese Bible translations on the Greek word “ψυχη” and then finds that the Greek word “ψυχη was translated into multiple different words in a single Bible translation and in different Bible translations. This situation shows that the difference in translation may make the readers of different Bible translations have different understandings after reading. 展开更多
关键词 Bible TRANSLATE translation SOUL SPIRIT heart
Religious and Cultural Significance of the Citron (Citrus medica L. 'Diamante') from Calabria (South Italy): A Biblical Fruit of the Mediterranean Land
作者 Gina Maruca Gaetano Laghetti Karl Hammer 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第4期203-209,共7页
The history and geographical origin of citron (Citrus medica L.) is still unknown but most of authors agree that it originated in Southeast Asia. There are different opinions about the exact period and the steps by ... The history and geographical origin of citron (Citrus medica L.) is still unknown but most of authors agree that it originated in Southeast Asia. There are different opinions about the exact period and the steps by which it was brought from its country of origin to the Mediterranean basin where it is cultivated in Corsica, Crete and in southern Italy (Calabria region). In particulary, Citrus medica 'Diamante' grows, almost exclusively, in a restricted area of the Tyrrhenian cost of the region Calabria, called "Riviera dei Cedri", a relevant local economic district. This citron has been and is, still being used by Jews for worship during the Feast of Tabernacles, a very important religious ritual, where it plays a prominent part; in fact, for this holiday of Sukkot, the use of the authentic citron that grows in Calabria region is recommended, because it is not grafted. In this paper, the fascinating history of C. medica and its spread from the centers of origin to the Mediterranean is reported with the aim to investigate the religious and cultural significance of the C. medica 'Diamante', an exclusive and historical heritage of the Calabria region. 展开更多
关键词 Citron (Citrus medica L.) sukkot Hebrew.
Mechanism for Coping With Moments of Grief in Islam
作者 A. A. Akanni 《Sociology Study》 2016年第10期663-675,共13页
This paper offers pragmatic religious approach to handling moments of grief. It examines the mechanism for coping with distress in Islam. Though inferences were drawn from the Muslim Scripture (i.e. the Glorious Qur... This paper offers pragmatic religious approach to handling moments of grief. It examines the mechanism for coping with distress in Islam. Though inferences were drawn from the Muslim Scripture (i.e. the Glorious Qur'an) and the experiences of the prophets of God, the paper posits that every human being in today's world experiences moments of grief that are similar to those experienced by those prophets and as such, strategies adopted by them could still be found useful in the contemporary times. The paper has six parts. The introduction forms part one and this is followed by an examination of the causes of distress. In part three, the different signs and manifestations of distress in individuals are discussed while part four looks at the conventional or scientific ways of coping with moments of grief. The section that follows critically discusses the lslamic paradigm for coping with moments of grief. Thereafter the conclusions were drawn and some recommendations were offered. 展开更多
关键词 Grieving. distress stress management coping strategies ISLAM
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