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作者 韩平 《石油石化绿色低碳》 2019年第5期70-70,共1页
国家发改委等部门发布了关于《贯彻落实<关于促进储能技术与产业发展的指导意见>2019-2020年行动计划》的通知(发改办能源[2019]725号)。"行动计划"共包括六个方面十六条具体措施。一是加强先进储能技术研发和智能制造... 国家发改委等部门发布了关于《贯彻落实<关于促进储能技术与产业发展的指导意见>2019-2020年行动计划》的通知(发改办能源[2019]725号)。"行动计划"共包括六个方面十六条具体措施。一是加强先进储能技术研发和智能制造升级,提出要加强先进储能技术研发. 展开更多
关键词 储能技术 《贯彻落实<关于促进储能技术与产业发展的指导意见>2019—2020年行动计划》
《上海市人民政府公报》 2020年第9期12-13,共2页
一、制订背景党中央、国务院高度重视利用外资工作.习近平总书记在国内外多个场合强调扩大开放利用外资的重要性,并作出了一系列重要指示.2019年3月15日,十三届全国人大二次会议通过了《中华人民共和国外商投资法》,构建起新时代我国外... 一、制订背景党中央、国务院高度重视利用外资工作.习近平总书记在国内外多个场合强调扩大开放利用外资的重要性,并作出了一系列重要指示.2019年3月15日,十三届全国人大二次会议通过了《中华人民共和国外商投资法》,构建起新时代我国外商投资法律制度的"四梁八柱".10月30日,国务院出台了《关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见》,进一步从扩大开放、投资促进、投资便利、投资保护四个方面提出了20条意见(以下简称"国发20条"). 展开更多
关键词 国务院 《本市贯彻<国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见>若干措施》 外商投资企业 政策解读
《上海市人民政府公报》 2020年第9期3-5,共3页
(2020年4月8日)沪府规[2020]5号各区人民政府,市政府各委、办、局:现将《本市贯彻<国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见>若干措施》印发给你们,请认真按照执行.本市贯彻《国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见》若干措施... (2020年4月8日)沪府规[2020]5号各区人民政府,市政府各委、办、局:现将《本市贯彻<国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见>若干措施》印发给你们,请认真按照执行.本市贯彻《国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见》若干措施为深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于稳外资工作的决策部署,进一步扩大对外开放,持续打造吸引外资新高地,持续营造国际化、法治化、便利化的营商环境,现就贯彻《国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见》(国发[2019]23号)提出若干措施如下。 展开更多
关键词 外商投资企业 上海市 国务院 《本市贯彻<国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的意见>若干措施》 人民政府
作者 《中国价格监管与反垄断》 2020年第1期10-16,共7页
为进一步完善反垄断法律制度体系,根据工作部署,市场监管总局起草了《<反垄断法>修订草案(公开征求意见稿)》,现向社会公开征求意见。欢迎有关单位和个人提出修改意见,并于2020年1月31日前反馈市场监管总局。公众可以通过以下途... 为进一步完善反垄断法律制度体系,根据工作部署,市场监管总局起草了《<反垄断法>修订草案(公开征求意见稿)》,现向社会公开征求意见。欢迎有关单位和个人提出修改意见,并于2020年1月31日前反馈市场监管总局。公众可以通过以下途径和方式提出意见。一、登录市场监管总局网站(http://www.samr.gov.cn),通过首页"互动"栏目中的"征集调查"提出意见。 展开更多
关键词 反垄断执法机构 国务院 垄断协议 垄断行为 经营者集中 <反垄断法>修订草案(公开征求意见稿)》 征求意见 垄断法 市场监管总局
作者 覃义绪 《思茅师范高等专科学校学报》 2002年第1期73-74,共2页
认真学习和贯彻《共中央关于加强和改进思想政治工作若干意见》的精神 ,应坚定地把思想政治工作放在首位。结合学校工作实际 ,注意加强领导和管理 ,充分发挥“两课”在教育过程中的主渠道作用 。
关键词 <意见> 思想政治工作 四个结合 "两课"教学 队伍建设
“有”与“N”组构的语义负向偏移——以“有意见”为例 被引量:1
作者 陈伟 《励耘语言学刊》 2019年第1期263-275,共13页
文章以'有'与'N'组构并发生语义负向偏移的个案'有意见'为例,从语义发生偏移的制约因素来探究语义负向偏移的根本原因。通过对相关语料的考察与分析,发现知域'有意见'的语义负向偏移现象发生在评价性... 文章以'有'与'N'组构并发生语义负向偏移的个案'有意见'为例,从语义发生偏移的制约因素来探究语义负向偏移的根本原因。通过对相关语料的考察与分析,发现知域'有意见'的语义负向偏移现象发生在评价性的语境中,并且其关涉对象必须是无标记的。从名词'意见'的配价情况来看,知域'有意见'实际存在两个关涉对象,通过语句推导,得知其关涉对象的隐涵属性义成分含有负向[-正常]义素,这是语义发生负向偏移的关键。并认为,'有+N'语义发生负向偏移的原因具有一致性,其语用因素为关联理论下的弱暗含效应。 展开更多
关键词 有+N 语义偏移 意见 负面评价 属性义
作者 程学军 韩立宏 《理论观察》 2004年第6期44-45,共2页
中共中央《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》是指导新世纪新阶段我国哲学社会科学繁荣发展的纲领性文献,深刻领会、切实贯彻好《意见》是我们当前工作的重中之重。首先,要正确认识哲学社会科学的重要地位;其次,要充分发挥哲学社... 中共中央《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》是指导新世纪新阶段我国哲学社会科学繁荣发展的纲领性文献,深刻领会、切实贯彻好《意见》是我们当前工作的重中之重。首先,要正确认识哲学社会科学的重要地位;其次,要充分发挥哲学社会科学的功能和作用;第三,广大哲学社会科学工作者要不负重托,不辱使命。 展开更多
关键词 <意见> 哲学社会科学 地位 作用
Qo E-based resource allocation protocols in cognitive OFDMA network with hybrid model
作者 鲍煦 张雷 宋铁成 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第1期1-4,共4页
A resource allocation protocol is presented in an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) cognitive radio (CR) network with a hybrid model which combines overlay and underlay models. Without disrupti... A resource allocation protocol is presented in an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) cognitive radio (CR) network with a hybrid model which combines overlay and underlay models. Without disrupting the primary user (PU) transmissions, the overlay model allows the secondary user (SU) to utilize opportunistically the idle sub-channels; the underlay model allows the SU to occupy the same sub-channels with PU. The proposed protocols are designed for maximizing the quality of experience (QoE) of CR users and switching dynamically between the overlay and underlay models. QoE is measured by the mean opinion score (MOS) rather than simply fulfilling the physical and medium access control (MAC) layer requirements. The simulations considering the file transfer and video stream services show that the proposed resource allocation strategy is spectrum efficient. 展开更多
关键词 resource allocation cognitive radio network orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) quality of user experience mean opinion score
作者 树刚 《大连干部学刊》 2004年第3期4-7,共4页
中共中央《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》,是党中央从建设中国特色社会主义事业的全局出发作出的重大部署,是繁荣发展哲学社会科学的纲领性文件。它反映了我们党对哲学社会科学的最新认识,深刻阐述了繁荣发展哲学社会科学的... 中共中央《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》,是党中央从建设中国特色社会主义事业的全局出发作出的重大部署,是繁荣发展哲学社会科学的纲领性文件。它反映了我们党对哲学社会科学的最新认识,深刻阐述了繁荣发展哲学社会科学的基本思路。《意见》重在贯彻、贵在落实。 展开更多
关键词 繁荣发展 哲学社会科学 <意见> 纲领性文件
作者 苗伟伦 虞少敏 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2000年第3期53-57,共5页
立足于现时代的新形势,在重新确定了审美教育与思想政治道德教育的关系后,我们发现加强审美教育是推进素质教育、实现人的全面发展的重要途径;是知识经济时代的直接要求;也是思想政治道德教育和精神文明建设的需要。这就要求我们转... 立足于现时代的新形势,在重新确定了审美教育与思想政治道德教育的关系后,我们发现加强审美教育是推进素质教育、实现人的全面发展的重要途径;是知识经济时代的直接要求;也是思想政治道德教育和精神文明建设的需要。这就要求我们转变传统的观念,通过理论教育、实践活动等途径,真正把审美教育纳入到整个教育体系中去。 展开更多
关键词 审美教育 思想政治道德教育 素质教育 知识经济 全面发展教育 精神文明建设
Color Image Quality Assessment Based on Structural Similarity 被引量:2
作者 卢芳芳 赵群飞 杨根科 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期443-450,共8页
It is well-known that classical quality measures,such as Mean Squared Error(MSE),Weighted Mean Squared Error(WMSE)or Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio(PSNR),are not always corresponding with visual observations.Structural si... It is well-known that classical quality measures,such as Mean Squared Error(MSE),Weighted Mean Squared Error(WMSE)or Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio(PSNR),are not always corresponding with visual observations.Structural similarity based image quality assessment was proposed under the assumption that the Human Visual System(HVS)is highly adapted for extracting structural information from an image.While the demand on high color quality increases in the media industry,color loss will make the visual quality different.In this paper,we proposed an improved quality assessment(QA)method by adding color comparison into the structural similarity(SSIM)measurement system for evaluating color image quality.Then we divided the task of similarity measurement into four comparisons:luminance,contrast,structure,and color.Experimental results show that the predicted quality scores of the proposed method are more effective and consistent with visual quality than the classical methods using five different distortion types of color image sets. 展开更多
关键词 image quality assessment structural similarity difference mean opinion score color image
Improving quality of colonoscopy by adding simethicone to sodium phosphate bowel preparation 被引量:26
作者 Sasinee Tongprasert Abhasnee Sobhonslidsuk Sasivimol Rattanasiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第24期3032-3037,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of simethicone in enhancing visibility and efficacy during colonoscopy.METHODS: A prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted. One hundred and twe... AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of simethicone in enhancing visibility and efficacy during colonoscopy.METHODS: A prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted. One hundred and twenty-four patients were allocated to receive 2 doses of sodium phosphate plus 240 mg of tablet simethicone or placebo as bowel preparation. Visibility was blindly assessed for the amount of air bubbles and adequacy of colon preparation. Total colonoscopic time, side effects of the medication, endoscopist and patient satisfaction were also compared.RESULTS: Sodium phosphate plus simethicone, compared to sodium phosphate plus placebo, improved visibility by diminishing air bubbles (100.00% vs 42.37%, P 〈 0.0002) but simethicone failed to demonstrate improvement in adequacy of colon preparation (90.16% vs 81.36%, P = 0.17). Endoscopist and patient satisfaction were increased significantly in the simethicone group. However, there was no difference in the total duration of colonoscopy and side effects of the medication.CONCLUSION: The addition of simethicone is of benefit for colonoscopic bowel preparation by diminishing air bubbles, which results in enhanced visibility. Endoscopist and patient satisfaction is also increased. 展开更多
Two Optimal Aggregation Approaches of Fuzzy Opinions in Group Decision Analysis
作者 龚艳冰 房道伟 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期139-142,共4页
The aggregation of fuzzy opinions is an important component of group decision analysis with fuzzy information. This paper proposes two new approaches for the assessment of the weights to be associated with fuzzy opini... The aggregation of fuzzy opinions is an important component of group decision analysis with fuzzy information. This paper proposes two new approaches for the assessment of the weights to be associated with fuzzy opinions. These approaches involve,respectively,the minimization of the sum of squared differences between the individual weighted fuzzy opinion and the weighted mean value of all fuzzy opinions,which is called the weighted minimum variance method (WMVM),and the minimax difference of any two adjacent individual weighted fuzzy opinions,which is called the mean value minimax differences method (MVMDM). The two approaches are developed and numerical examples are presented to illustrate their simplicity and effectiveness in aggregating fuzzy opinions. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy opinions aggregation group consensus opinions the weighted minimum variance minimax differences
A Delphi Approach to the Selection of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) for Resilience Enhancement for Dry Land Farmers in North-Western Nigeria
作者 Nugun Patrick Jellason Richard N. Baines John S. Conway 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2017年第8期383-395,共13页
An earlier baseline study (Jellason et al. in preparation) has identified some of the key challenges faced by farmers and from that, appropriate Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) have been selected for the enviro... An earlier baseline study (Jellason et al. in preparation) has identified some of the key challenges faced by farmers and from that, appropriate Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) have been selected for the environment the farmers find themselves in and based on a review of available literature. Farmer action plans for enhancing smallholder resilience, GHGs emission mitigation and food security for these dry lands were developed. Expert opinions on the applicability of the selected GAPs to inform farmer co-learning and to validate the suitability of these practices in a dry land context were sought through the Delphi study. Experts were also invited to offer suggestions for improvement of the training action plan. Two rounds of a modified Delphi survey were carried out with experts from diverse backgrounds and locations across the globe to solicit their opinion. Results show that experts' agreement was reached on most of the action plan items. The results and opinions obtained from the survey were reviewed and adapted into the action plan leading to the development of GAPs for the co-learning exercise. 展开更多
关键词 Delphi technique good agricultural practices mitigation RESILIENCE dry lands food security
Audit Quality in Kazakhstan: Does Big 4 Provide High-Quality Audits?
作者 Yoon Shik Han 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第12期1789-1797,共9页
This paper provides empirical evidence on audit quality in Kazakhstan as measured by audit tenure and the frequency of issuing modified opinions. In addition, an overview of audit institutions of Kazakhstan and an ana... This paper provides empirical evidence on audit quality in Kazakhstan as measured by audit tenure and the frequency of issuing modified opinions. In addition, an overview of audit institutions of Kazakhstan and an analysis of the current audit market for public companies are offered. This paper also sheds light upon the potential independence problems resulting in low audit quality and current barriers to audit researches in Kazakhstan. Consistent with the findings of extant researches on audit quality and the general perceptions of investors, two hypotheses were developed, i.e., the audits performed by Big 4 audit firms in Kazakhstan also have higher quality than non-Big 4 audit firms in terms of audit tenure and the frequency of issuing modified opinions. The result confirms the hypothesis that Big 4 audit firms provide higher audit quality than smaller local firms in association with audit tenure instead of in relation to the frequency of issuing modified opinions. The result indicates that Big 4 audit firms may not be as independent as they will be in a highly litigious market. Therefore, an independent inspection should be regularly implemented according to the audit law, and the inspection report should be publicized by Chamber of Auditors (COA)1. If this is not practical due to the lack of qualified inspectors, a peer review may be an altemative to implement the quality control policy immediately. To the author's best knowledge, this is the first audit quality research in countries of the Commonwealth of Independence States (CIS). 展开更多
关键词 audit quality audit institution audit tenure auditor switch audit opinions Big 4 audit firms
Social Science Communication Through Dialogic Interactions
作者 Suranti Trisnawati 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第5期318-328,共11页
The study in this paper that draws on dialogic interaction is a focus of investigation as the way to communicate social sciences to the public. In science communication people, for example, experts or scientists attem... The study in this paper that draws on dialogic interaction is a focus of investigation as the way to communicate social sciences to the public. In science communication people, for example, experts or scientists attempt to persuade lay people about the validity of their assessments. Currently dialogue in science communication might be seen as an important way to deliver information about sciences to the public as previously communicating science was conducted through top-down approaches. In addition, currently there is a tendency that people prefer to deliver and to receive information about sciences through two-way communication models between two or more parties, face-to-face or mediated by any means of communication as this way of communication is seen as more interactive. In the context of Indonesia, in terms of social science communication, this is an important phenomenon to investigate as two-way communication models might bridge the gap between expert opinion and lay opinion, where lay opinion is often seen as irrational or emotional. However, there are still a small number of studies with regard to how social sciences are communicated to the public and in what ways people preferred to deliver, moreover to discuss information within social sciences. One of the potential reasons is that research on science communication is mainly focused on natural and physical sciences. Since the study in this paper focuses on dialogic interactions in social science communication, this study will contribute to the current discussions of mass communication, in terms of science communication, and to related fields. 展开更多
关键词 dialogic interaction social science communication communication and media studies
Research on the Calculation Model of Residents' Cultural Happiness Index from the Perspective of Public Culture
作者 ZHAN Huanhuan 《International English Education Research》 2018年第2期74-76,共3页
In order to measure the status quo of residents' cultural well-being, this paper adopts a combination of theoretical research and empirical research: According to the current relevant research results, the index sys... In order to measure the status quo of residents' cultural well-being, this paper adopts a combination of theoretical research and empirical research: According to the current relevant research results, the index system of residents' cultural well-being index is proposed. The determination of index weights is a combination of hierarchical analysis and expert opinions. And to build the evaluation model. 展开更多
关键词 cultural happiness index index system evaluation model
Imagery in Pride and Prejudice
作者 YIN Zhu-hui JIN Lan GU Zhen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第5期1191-1196,共6页
Within the theoretical framework of English rhetoric, this paper analyzes the effect of imagery as a rhetorical device by Jane Austenin the novel Pride and Prejudice (2006). Instances are cited with the use of image... Within the theoretical framework of English rhetoric, this paper analyzes the effect of imagery as a rhetorical device by Jane Austenin the novel Pride and Prejudice (2006). Instances are cited with the use of imagery respectively in character portraits, dialogues, and scenes. It proves that an integrated use of this rhetorical device is an important means for vivid and impressive accounts in literary works, for it helps to build up the context for characterization, presenting the characters alive and distinctive, and effectively reveal the theme of the novel, bringing about authentic feelings to readers. 展开更多
关键词 IMAGERY rhetorical device Pride and Prejudice
民国时期边地傣族土司的国家认同——《建设腾龙边区各土司地意见书》概说 被引量:3
作者 杨朝芳 《中国边疆史地研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期121-126,181-182,共6页
民国时期,从刀安仁呈文到《建设腾龙边区各土司地意见书》,腾龙边区傣族土司多次提出边地建设计划,力图提高边疆在国家政治、经济、军事和国防中的地位,借以向中央及云南省政府表示归附与忠心,充分反映出腾龙边区傣族上层国家认同意识... 民国时期,从刀安仁呈文到《建设腾龙边区各土司地意见书》,腾龙边区傣族土司多次提出边地建设计划,力图提高边疆在国家政治、经济、军事和国防中的地位,借以向中央及云南省政府表示归附与忠心,充分反映出腾龙边区傣族上层国家认同意识的加强与发展。而《建设腾龙边区各土司地意见书》是由时任土司代办、"国大代表"制定的边疆开发方案,其最终目的是在改革之下保留土司制度,立意并不高明,但书中的建设主张,仍多洞悉边情、娴熟于边疆治理的务实之论。 展开更多
关键词 民国时期 傣族土司 《建设腾龙边区各土司地意见书》 国家认同
关于《中华人民共和国物权法〈征求意见稿〉》的几点评论 被引量:4
作者 Joyce Palomar 赵一平 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期69-75,共7页
安全的土地权利对每一个市场经济国家都是至关重要的。一方面 ,它可以促进土地权利人对于其土地的投资热情 ;另一方面 ,它可以使借款人在获得土地担保的前提下 ,更积极的将资金贷给土地开发者。对于中国这样一个急需资金投入的发展中国... 安全的土地权利对每一个市场经济国家都是至关重要的。一方面 ,它可以促进土地权利人对于其土地的投资热情 ;另一方面 ,它可以使借款人在获得土地担保的前提下 ,更积极的将资金贷给土地开发者。对于中国这样一个急需资金投入的发展中国家来说 ,安全的土地权利就显得尤为重要。文章以土地权利的安全性为标准 ,对《中华人民共和国物权法〈征求意见稿〉》进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 土地权利 财产权 安全性 《中华人民共和国物权法<征求意见稿>
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