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作者 李彬玉 王丰乐 《导航》 2003年第1期69-73,共5页
关键词 α系统 GDOP值 航海导航 定位精度 甚低频导航系统
《新潮电子》 2009年第7期139-139,共1页
关键词 入门级 索尼 α系统 数码单反相机 用户需求 成像质量 摄影经验 人机界面
《个人电脑》 2012年第7期75-75,共1页
2012年5月17日.索尼(中国)有限公司发布了四款α系统新晶.数码微单相机HEX-F3和数码单电相机α37分别作为微单和单电系统新品闪亮登场,同时索尼镜头群再度扩容.全新发布了E卡口高倍变焦镜头E18-200mmF3.5-6.30SSLE(SEL.18200LE)... 2012年5月17日.索尼(中国)有限公司发布了四款α系统新晶.数码微单相机HEX-F3和数码单电相机α37分别作为微单和单电系统新品闪亮登场,同时索尼镜头群再度扩容.全新发布了E卡口高倍变焦镜头E18-200mmF3.5-6.30SSLE(SEL.18200LE)、A卡口镜头DT18-135mmF3.5-56SAM(SAL18135)两款镜头。 展开更多
关键词 索尼(中国)有限公司 α系统 变焦镜头 自拍 系统 相机 数码 卡口
系统H_α中的广义重言式理论 被引量:66
作者 王国俊 兰蓉 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期1-11,共11页
给出了一类带参数的[0,1]上的t 模 α及与之伴随的新的蕴涵算子Hα(0≤α≤1),进而建立了多值系统Hα.当α=1时,Hα就是R0型蕴涵算子;当α=0时,Hα是G del蕴涵算子,所以R0算子与G del算子在Hα系统中统一起来.在,∨,→1Hα系统中引入了... 给出了一类带参数的[0,1]上的t 模 α及与之伴随的新的蕴涵算子Hα(0≤α≤1),进而建立了多值系统Hα.当α=1时,Hα就是R0型蕴涵算子;当α=0时,Hα是G del蕴涵算子,所以R0算子与G del算子在Hα系统中统一起来.在,∨,→1Hα系统中引入了带参数的非运算 α,研究了多值系统H1),以H1=( 12222为赋值域建立了F(S)中重言式的分类定理,并将广义重言式分类定理推广到系统Hα(0<α<1)中. 展开更多
关键词 多值逻辑系统 蕴涵算子 Hα系统 广义重言式理论 T-模 子代数 分类定理
WINDOWS98下XRF联机软件分析系统 (X荧光光谱仪改造升级技术) 被引量:3
作者 向浩 李国会 +1 位作者 王永青 张天佑 《现代科学仪器》 2001年第1期24-27,共4页
WINDOWS98下XRF联机软件分析系统是为日本理学、岛津等公司的 30 80E1,E2 ,E3 ,30 70 ,35 30 ,VF -32 0等XRF光谱仪计算机系统升级换代研究开发的 ,它可以配置 5 86以上计算机 ,以新的软件取代DF 15 1A(B) ,DF- 35 0 (B) ,30 70软件 ,DP... WINDOWS98下XRF联机软件分析系统是为日本理学、岛津等公司的 30 80E1,E2 ,E3 ,30 70 ,35 30 ,VF -32 0等XRF光谱仪计算机系统升级换代研究开发的 ,它可以配置 5 86以上计算机 ,以新的软件取代DF 15 1A(B) ,DF- 35 0 (B) ,30 70软件 ,DP 32软件 ,在中文WINDOWS平台上运行。联机及脱机窗口界面操作信息全部汉化 ,扩充和开发了许多新的软件模块 ,从而使 30 80 ,30 70 ,35 30 ,和VF 32 0等XRF光谱仪的计算机硬件及软件基本上达到了先进水平。 展开更多
关键词 联机自动分析系统 理论α系统 X荧光光谱仪 数据管理 XRF
作者 徐建伟 《国外医学(骨科学分册)》 2001年第4期245-246,共2页
青少年特发性脊柱侧弯的治疗在20世纪60年代因Harrington棒的发明而取得了革命性的进步。Harrington棒虽能较好地控制冠状面的畸形,但不能控制矢状面的结构,且术后仍需要外固定辅助。Luque1982年发明的Luque棒与椎板下钢丝系统使脊柱器... 青少年特发性脊柱侧弯的治疗在20世纪60年代因Harrington棒的发明而取得了革命性的进步。Harrington棒虽能较好地控制冠状面的畸形,但不能控制矢状面的结构,且术后仍需要外固定辅助。Luque1982年发明的Luque棒与椎板下钢丝系统使脊柱器械有了较大的进步,它在冠状和矢状面均能较好地矫正,并且术后不需要外固定。1978年在欧洲发明的CD系统作为第3代内固定物,提供节段性固定且无需外固定的三维矫形。 展开更多
关键词 脊椎侧弯 Iso1 α系统矫正 CD系统矫正 手术疗法
作者 苏锋 《微电脑世界》 2012年第6期128-128,共1页
5月17日,索尼(中国)有限公司发布了四款α系统新品,数码微单相机NEX-F3和数码单电相机A37分别作为微单和单电系统入门级新品闪亮登场,同时索尼镜头群再度扩容,全新发布了E卡口高倍变焦镜头E 18-200mmF3.5-6.30SS LE(SEL18200LE)、A... 5月17日,索尼(中国)有限公司发布了四款α系统新品,数码微单相机NEX-F3和数码单电相机A37分别作为微单和单电系统入门级新品闪亮登场,同时索尼镜头群再度扩容,全新发布了E卡口高倍变焦镜头E 18-200mmF3.5-6.30SS LE(SEL18200LE)、A卡口镜头DT18-135mm F3.5-5.6 SAM(SAL 18135)两款镜头。 展开更多
关键词 索尼(中国)有限公司 α系统 入门级 先行者 F3.5-5.6 变焦镜头 系统 相机
作者 刘贵萍 李丽 +1 位作者 刘烈霜 王世权 《贵州气象》 2007年第6期3-4,47,共3页
该文通过环流背景、天气成因、卫星云图及TBB等值线、雷达回波强度图象和速度图象对2006年-04-09发生在贵阳龙洞堡机场的500hPa阶梯槽引起的2次雷雨过程进行分析,发现04∶20的过程是由于500hPa高空槽引导地面冷锋经过贵州中部引起的,16... 该文通过环流背景、天气成因、卫星云图及TBB等值线、雷达回波强度图象和速度图象对2006年-04-09发生在贵阳龙洞堡机场的500hPa阶梯槽引起的2次雷雨过程进行分析,发现04∶20的过程是由于500hPa高空槽引导地面冷锋经过贵州中部引起的,16∶30的过程是由于500hPa高空槽引导地面辐合线经过贵州中部引起的,且下午的过程比上午的过程更为剧烈。 展开更多
关键词 阶梯槽 中-α系统 中-β系统 对流云团 雷暴单体
《新潮电子》 2009年第7期156-157,共2页
6月5日.尽管沉闷的天气让每个人感到烦躁,但索尼新α系统的上海体验活动依旧如期进行。不过.不得不说,我们经历的下午时光是体验相机最好的时机,这不仅因为模特很漂亮,红色与蓝色的衣服非常鲜艳.非常考验索尼α230和DT 18-55mm F... 6月5日.尽管沉闷的天气让每个人感到烦躁,但索尼新α系统的上海体验活动依旧如期进行。不过.不得不说,我们经历的下午时光是体验相机最好的时机,这不仅因为模特很漂亮,红色与蓝色的衣服非常鲜艳.非常考验索尼α230和DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6SAM套机镜头的自动白平衡性能,还因为我们还经历了光线从明亮到昏暗的过渡,更能有效考验相机的拍摄性能。 展开更多
关键词 索尼 国际 海红 标准镜头 平衡性能 拍摄性能 α系统 SAM
《新潮电子》 2013年第4期28-29,共2页
时值新年伊始的第一波发布高峰期,索尼并没有为我们带来惊世骇俗的新品,而是低调地在北京公司召开媒体会议发布了α系统单电相机——α58,以及微单新品——NEX-3N。与此同时,索尼也正是发布了大家期待已久的A卡口50mmF1.4ZA,以及... 时值新年伊始的第一波发布高峰期,索尼并没有为我们带来惊世骇俗的新品,而是低调地在北京公司召开媒体会议发布了α系统单电相机——α58,以及微单新品——NEX-3N。与此同时,索尼也正是发布了大家期待已久的A卡口50mmF1.4ZA,以及全新的70mm-400mmF4-F5.6G。 展开更多
关键词 索尼 价格 高峰期 α系统 相机 卡口
继往开来——SONY α700
《数码》 2007年第11期90-93,共4页
索尼α700的诞生绝不只是一款产品发布那么简单,特别是对刚刚跻身强手如云的中端数码单反领域的索尼α系统而言,这场仗是只许胜不许败的。胜了,不仅可以开拓一个新局面,重要的是可以树立业界和用户对索尼α系统的信心;败了,往后... 索尼α700的诞生绝不只是一款产品发布那么简单,特别是对刚刚跻身强手如云的中端数码单反领域的索尼α系统而言,这场仗是只许胜不许败的。胜了,不仅可以开拓一个新局面,重要的是可以树立业界和用户对索尼α系统的信心;败了,往后的路会更加艰辛。更何况.它还延续着美能达老用户的单反之梦。所以,这是一款继往开来的重要产品。从名字上看,这款机器之所以叫α700,这个“7”可是大有学问。α700在机身和操控上继承发展了柯尼卡美能达α7D的众多优点,同时,索尼也希望在美能达时代逢7必胜的神话能够继续延续。 展开更多
关键词 SONY 柯尼卡美能达 产品发布 α系统 索尼 单反 用户 数码
《新潮电子》 2008年第2期108-131,共24页
2007年9月,受索尼中国公司的邀请,我开始赴三亚为α700拍摄样片,这是我第一次使用α系统。尽管之前我经常用尼康和佳能的数码单反相机系统,也用过适马SD9,但却一直对α系统向往不已,其中很重要的原因就是从胶片时代就开始的对美... 2007年9月,受索尼中国公司的邀请,我开始赴三亚为α700拍摄样片,这是我第一次使用α系统。尽管之前我经常用尼康和佳能的数码单反相机系统,也用过适马SD9,但却一直对α系统向往不已,其中很重要的原因就是从胶片时代就开始的对美能达镜头的热爱,而现在自然就过渡到索尼身上。从三亚归来,我就迷恋上了这套系统,直到现在也—直使用它们。 展开更多
关键词 DSLR 相机系统 适马SD9 美能达镜头 α系统 索尼 三亚 拍摄
单电、微单双管齐发 索尼α秋季新品重磅出击
《数字生活》 2011年第10期114-115,共2页
8月25日,索尼在北京举行"影像新视界索尼α秋季新品发布会",重磅推出两款α数码单电相机α77、α65,以及两款α系统下的E卡口数码微单相机NEX-5N和NEX-7。同时,在此次发布会上,索尼还推出了几款镜头和相关的配套产品。强大的新品阵容... 8月25日,索尼在北京举行"影像新视界索尼α秋季新品发布会",重磅推出两款α数码单电相机α77、α65,以及两款α系统下的E卡口数码微单相机NEX-5N和NEX-7。同时,在此次发布会上,索尼还推出了几款镜头和相关的配套产品。强大的新品阵容,体现了索尼对于发展单电和微单产品的信心和执著。通过索尼日趋丰满的产品线及其旗舰产品表现出的强悍性能,我们不难发现索尼在数码影像市场已经树立起一个新的里程碑不仅带给消费者一个全新的影像新视界.也不可避免的结同业厂商带来了不小的压力。 展开更多
关键词 索尼 重磅 秋季 数码影像市场 配套产品 新品发布会 α系统 产品线
NEX-5N传承时尚经典 NEX-7绽放高端荣耀
《个人电脑》 2011年第9期71-71,共1页
关键词 索尼(中国)有限公司 时尚 传承 新品发布会 α系统 相机 TM 数码
《轿车情报》 2008年第4期184-184,共1页
近日,索尼(中国)有限公司在北京举行了“创·享高清”索尼2008春季新品发布会,会上发布了α系统旗下α350和α300两款数码单反相机、2款高端镜头及多款配件,并首次展示了其未来α旗舰数码单反相机的内部结构以及全画幅CMOS影... 近日,索尼(中国)有限公司在北京举行了“创·享高清”索尼2008春季新品发布会,会上发布了α系统旗下α350和α300两款数码单反相机、2款高端镜头及多款配件,并首次展示了其未来α旗舰数码单反相机的内部结构以及全画幅CMOS影像传感器。 展开更多
关键词 索尼(中国)有限公司 数码单反相机 CMOS影像传感器 新品发布会 内部结构 α系统 镜头 画幅
Experimental study on the role of endotoxin in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome 被引量:46
作者 Hui-YingZhang De-WuHan Xin-GuoWang Yuan-ChangZhao XinZhou Hai-ZhenZhao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期567-572,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the role of intestinal endotoxemia in the genesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome. METHODS: A rat model of cirrhosis was prepared with the method of compound factors. At the end of the eighth week, rats w... AIM: To evaluate the role of intestinal endotoxemia in the genesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome. METHODS: A rat model of cirrhosis was prepared with the method of compound factors. At the end of the eighth week, rats with cirrhosis were treated with 300 μg LPS/100 g body weight, and 1 g/rat of glycine about four h prior to LPS. After three h of LPS treatment, blood and tissues were collected for various measurements. Kupffer cells were isolated from male Wistar rats and cultured, and divided into five groups. Supernatant was harvested at 3 h after treatment with LPS for measurement of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). RESULTS: Our results showed that in rats with cirrhosis, slowed and deepened breath with occasional pause was. PaO2, PaCO2 and standard bicarbonate (SB) in arterial blood were decreased. Arterial O2 and actual bicarbonate (AB) were markedly decreased. There was a close correlation between decreased O2 and endotoxin. Metabolic acidosis accompanying respiratory alkalosis was the primary type of acid-base imbalance. The alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient was sharply widened. Massive accumulation of giant macrophages in the alveolar spaces and its wall and widened alveolar wall architecture were observed. The number of bacterial translocations in mesenteric lymph nodes increased. The ratio of TC99M-MAA brain-over-lung radioactivity rose. Endotoxin, and TNF-α, endothelin-1 (ET-1), nitric oxide (NO) in plasma and ET-1, carbon monoxide (CO) in lung homogenates increased. After administration of a given dosage of LPS in rats with cirrhosis, various pathological parameters worsened. Plasma level of endotoxin was related to TNF-α, ET-1, NO in plasma and ET-1, NO, CO in lung homogenates. TNF-α level was related to ET-1 and NO in plasma and lung homogenates and CO in lung homogenate as well. The level of TNF-α increased after infusion of LPS into culture supernatant of Kupffer cells in vitro. However, TNF-α significantly decreased after pretreatment with glycine, PD98059 and SB212850. Glycine could antagonize the effect of LPS in vivo and in vitro. CONCLUSION: Intestinal endotoxemia accompanying by cirrhosis may be an important mechanism in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome in rats. Overproduction of TNF-α due to endotoxin stimulation of Kupffer cells via mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway may be a major mechanism mediating the pathologic alterations of hepatopulmonary syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatopulmonary syndrome ENDOTOXIN Kupffer cells
BCL-XL regulates TNF-α-mediated cell death independently of NF-κB, FLIP and IAPs 被引量:4
作者 Raffaella Gozzelino Carme Sole +12 位作者 Nuria Llecha Miguel F Segura Rana S Moubarak Victoria Iglesias-Guimarais M Jose Perez-Garcia Stephanie Reix Jisheng Zhang Nahuai Badiola Daniel Sanchis Jose Rodriguez-Alvarez Ramon Trullas Victor J Yuste Joan X Comella 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期1020-1036,共17页
Upon activation, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) receptor can engage apoptotic or survival pathways. Inhibition of macromolecular synthesis is known to sensitize cells to TNF-α-induced cell death. It is believ... Upon activation, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) receptor can engage apoptotic or survival pathways. Inhibition of macromolecular synthesis is known to sensitize cells to TNF-α-induced cell death. It is believed that this sensitization is due to the transcriptional blockade of genes regulated by NF-κB. Nevertheless, such evidence has remained elusive in the nervous system. Here, we show that TNF-α cannot normally induce apoptosis in PC12 cells or cortical neurons. However, cells treated with Actinomycin D (ActD) become susceptible to TNF-α-induced cell death through the activation of caspase-8, generation of tBid and activation of caspase-9 and -3. Analysis of several proteins involved in TNF-α receptor signaling showed no significant downregulation of NF-κB target genes, such as IAPs or FLIP, under such conditions. However, Bcl-XL protein levels, but not those of Bcl-2, Bax and Bak, are reduced by ActD or TNF-α/ ActD treatments. Moreover, Bcl-xL overexpression fully protects cells against TNF-α/ActD-induced cell death. When endogenous levels of Bcl-XL are specifically downregulated by lentiviral-based RNAi, cells no longer require ActD to be sensitive to TNF-α-triggered apoptosis. Furthermore, Bcl-xL downregulation does not affect TNF-α-mediated NF-κB activation. Altogether, our results demonstrate that Bcl-XL, and not Bci-2, FLIP or IAPs, acts as the endogenous regulator of neuronal resistance/sensitivity to TNF-α-induced apoptosis in an NF-κB-independent manner. 展开更多
关键词 apoptosis BCL-XL neuron NF-ΚB PC12 TNF-Α
Structural insights into a novel histone demethylase PHF8 被引量:11
作者 Lin Yu Yang wang +8 位作者 Shuo Huang Jianjun Wang Zengqin Deng Qi Zhang Wei Wu Xingliang Zhang Zhao Liu Weimin Gong Zhongzhou Chen 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期166-173,共8页
Dynamic regulation of histone methylation/demethylation plays an important role during development. Mutations and truncations in human plant homeodomain (PHD) finger protein 8 (PHF8) are associated with X-linked m... Dynamic regulation of histone methylation/demethylation plays an important role during development. Mutations and truncations in human plant homeodomain (PHD) finger protein 8 (PHF8) are associated with X-linked mental retardation and facial anomalies, such as a long face, broad nasal tip, cleft lip/cleft palate and large hands, yet its molecular function and structural basis remain unclear. Here, we report the crystal structures of the catalytic core of PHF8 with or without α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) at high resolution. Biochemical and structural studies reveal that PHF8 is a novel histone demethylase specific for di- and mono-methylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2/1), but not for H3K9me3. Our analyses also reveal how human PHF8 discriminates between methylation states and achieves sequence specificity for methylated H3K9. The in vitro demethylation assay also showed that the F279S mutant observed in clinical patients possesses no demethylation activity, suggesting that loss of enzymatic activity is crucial for pathogenesis of PHF8 patients. Taken together, these results will shed light on the molecular mechanism underlying PHF8-associated developmental and neurological diseases. 展开更多
关键词 PHF8 (PHD finger protein 8) histone demethylase chromatin modification methylated H3K9 crystal structure X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) facial anomalies
Climate Variability in Niger: Potential Impacts on Vegetation Distribution and Productivity
作者 Ali Mahamane Boube Morou +6 位作者 MaYnassara Zaman-Alia Mahamane Saadou Karim Saley Yacoubou Bakasso Issoufou Sama Wata Abdoulaye Amadou Oumani Sandrine Jauffret 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第1期49-57,共9页
Since 2003, the sites of the national environmental monitoring system (DNSE) of Niger, set up by the long term ecological monitoring observatories network (ROSELT) with the support of the Sahel and Sahara Observat... Since 2003, the sites of the national environmental monitoring system (DNSE) of Niger, set up by the long term ecological monitoring observatories network (ROSELT) with the support of the Sahel and Sahara Observatory (OSS), were used to collect ecological data with harmonized methods for spatio-temporal comparisons purpose. Floristic and phytoecological data were collected using the phytosociological methodology of Braun-Blanquet (1932). Ecosystem vital attributes used included the specific diversity, alpha diversity, equidistribution, biological types and herbaceous phytomass. At the whole system scale, the analysis revealed that the specific diversity, the alpha diversity and the phytomass values were higher in less disturbed biotopes of the north soudanian and south sahelian bioclimates where the rainfall rate is relatively high. Regarding the north sahelian and saharian bioclimates, the topography may play a critical role in the redistribution of this phytodiversity. Besides, the distribution of the biological types showed the prevalence of therophytes (56.8 ± 11%) regardless of the bioclimate and, to a lesser extent, the perennial species (26.5 ± 7.3%), the later group showing higher values for the north soudanian bioclimate. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological monitoring ecosystem vital attributes alpha diversity environmental gradient ROSELT-Niger.
Additive effect of α-ketoacids in chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 被引量:1
作者 Ru Han Yajing An Rongsheng Zhao 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2017年第1期63-75,共13页
α-Ketoacids (KAs) are widely used in chronic kidney disease (CKD), but their efficacy is not clear. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review of the benefits of KAs. Two reviewers independently searched MEDLINE... α-Ketoacids (KAs) are widely used in chronic kidney disease (CKD), but their efficacy is not clear. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review of the benefits of KAs. Two reviewers independently searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane library (http://www.cochrane.org), CNKI, and Wan Fang databases from inception to May 31, 2016 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing K.As plus low protein diet (LPD) with LPD only on CKD patients. Statistical analyses were performed using both a random effects model and a fixed effects model with Rev Man 5.3, followed by sensitivity analysis. We identified 21 randomized controlled trials that enrolled a total of 1448 patients. 726 had received LPD plus KAs and 722 had received only LPD. Compared with simply using of LPD, combining with KAs could decrease serum creatinine (95% CI, 0.46-0.96; P〈0.00001), serum cholesterol (95% CI, 0.24±3.77; P = 0.02), serum LDL cholesterol (95% CI, 0.12-0.54; P = 0.31), and serum triglyceride (95% CI, 0.28--0.83; P = 0.02) while increasing serum HDL cholesterol (95% CI, -1.73-0.07; P〈0.00001). Likewise, a decrease in p3 (95% CI, 0.90-1.26; P〈0.00001) and PTH (95% CI, 0.70-1.21; P = 0.007) were observed. No hypercalcemia and other ARD or toxicity was reported, which indicated the safety of KAs. Nevertheless, the studies were pooled with considerable heterogeneity. In patients with CKD, there was low-quality evidence suggesting that KAs may perform an additive effect on the improvement of renal function, lipid profile, as well as the correction of calcium-phosphate metabolism disorders. On account of the considerable heterogeneity of the meta-analysis and the costly price and adherence of KAs administration, K.As' roles in the management of mild or moderate CKD patients may need more RCTs of large scale and high quality to confirm. 展开更多
关键词 α-Ketoacids Chronic kidney disease Systematic review META-ANALYSIS RCTS
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