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基于δ法高阶非线性系统相平面实现 被引量:6
作者 张德祥 方斌 吴小培 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第4期781-782,786,共3页
基于二阶线性系统δ法绘制相平面原理,提出一种新而简单计算圆弧圆心和半径的方法实现高阶非线性控制系统相轨迹的作图算法,从而得到高阶非线性控制系统相平面。数值仿真结果表明,该算法与龙格-库塔法等解析法相比具有良好的动静态性能... 基于二阶线性系统δ法绘制相平面原理,提出一种新而简单计算圆弧圆心和半径的方法实现高阶非线性控制系统相轨迹的作图算法,从而得到高阶非线性控制系统相平面。数值仿真结果表明,该算法与龙格-库塔法等解析法相比具有良好的动静态性能,高的控制精度和较强的鲁棒性。数值结果说明了方法的有效性,算法具有计算简单,易于实现的特点。 展开更多
关键词 δ法 相平面 高阶非线性 相轨迹
超声Δ法与TOFD法在薄壁电子束焊缝上的检测结果对比分析 被引量:3
作者 史亦韦 王乃波 卢超 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期20-24,共5页
采用超声Δ衍射法和TOFD法对模拟缺陷进行检测,得出了缺陷检测波形图和B/C扫描图。对比分析了超声Δ衍射法与TOFD法的检测结果。实验表明利用超声Δ衍射法能够识别近表面垂直表面的面状缺陷,有效地对缺陷进行定位,能够很好地克服表面盲... 采用超声Δ衍射法和TOFD法对模拟缺陷进行检测,得出了缺陷检测波形图和B/C扫描图。对比分析了超声Δ衍射法与TOFD法的检测结果。实验表明利用超声Δ衍射法能够识别近表面垂直表面的面状缺陷,有效地对缺陷进行定位,能够很好地克服表面盲区,对缺陷的检测识别能力不受缺陷方向限制。从检测结果数据可以看出超声Δ衍射法的检测灵敏度和缺陷识别能力优于TOFD法。 展开更多
关键词 超声δ法 TOFD 图像 灵敏度
作者 张德祥 方斌 吴小培 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第33期65-66,69,共3页
该文基于二阶线性微分方程δ法绘制相平面原理,提出一种新颖而简单计算圆弧圆心和半径的方法实现高阶时变非线性微分方程相平面的作图,从而得到求解高阶时变非线性微分方程时域解的算法,并与龙格-库塔法等解析法相比具有计算简单、结果... 该文基于二阶线性微分方程δ法绘制相平面原理,提出一种新颖而简单计算圆弧圆心和半径的方法实现高阶时变非线性微分方程相平面的作图,从而得到求解高阶时变非线性微分方程时域解的算法,并与龙格-库塔法等解析法相比具有计算简单、结果精度高的特点。 展开更多
关键词 δ法 相平面 时变非线性 微分方程
作者 李波 胡誉骞 +1 位作者 章勇 田怡 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期111-124,共14页
该文创新性地提出了一种基于DINA模型的Q矩阵修正策略——SHT法,并借助蒙特卡洛模拟技术,将其与现有同类方法进行深入对比,以全面评估其可行性与精确性.该方法具有下述3个方面优势.1)高效修正与稳健性验证:SHT法在不同水平的作答错误率... 该文创新性地提出了一种基于DINA模型的Q矩阵修正策略——SHT法,并借助蒙特卡洛模拟技术,将其与现有同类方法进行深入对比,以全面评估其可行性与精确性.该方法具有下述3个方面优势.1)高效修正与稳健性验证:SHT法在不同水平的作答错误率下均展现出了卓越的修正效能,显著提升了Q矩阵的精确度;2)小样本与大样本环境的双重优势:与国内外同类研究成果相比,SHT法在小样本场景下尤为突出,其稳健性和性能优势在面临高作答失误率时更加显著;3)复杂数据集下的显著优势:在实证数据分析中,SHT法不仅提高了认知诊断模型的拟合能力,更在处理数据维度复杂、样本相对受限的数据集时,展现出相比其他算法更为明显的优势. 展开更多
关键词 认知诊断 Q矩阵修正 DINA模型 假设检验 δ法 γ
地震预警中的单台综合定位方法 被引量:4
作者 黄俊 姚运生 +1 位作者 王秋良 李井冈 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期142-144,148,共4页
基于日本基盘强震观测网中某个地震事件首个地震台记录的震级在4级以上、震中距为30100 km的强震数据,运用B-Δ法和Voronoi多边形法相结合的方法计算震中距。结果表明,B-Δ法和Voronoi多边形法相结合计算出的震中距与单用B-Δ法的计算... 基于日本基盘强震观测网中某个地震事件首个地震台记录的震级在4级以上、震中距为30100 km的强震数据,运用B-Δ法和Voronoi多边形法相结合的方法计算震中距。结果表明,B-Δ法和Voronoi多边形法相结合计算出的震中距与单用B-Δ法的计算结果相比,单台定位所用时间相同,但其定位精度明显提高。 展开更多
关键词 单台 地震预警 地震定位 B-δ法 Voronoi多边形
作者 汪进新 白光钊 《北京测绘》 2023年第11期1462-1467,共6页
针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)时间序列粗差多、分布随机的问题,提出一种基于经验模态分解(EMD)的改进型3δ粗差探测方法。新方法基本思想是:先利用3δ准则初步探测全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)时间序列粗差并插补,再将GNSS时间序列分解为若干... 针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)时间序列粗差多、分布随机的问题,提出一种基于经验模态分解(EMD)的改进型3δ粗差探测方法。新方法基本思想是:先利用3δ准则初步探测全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)时间序列粗差并插补,再将GNSS时间序列分解为若干时间尺度的固有模态函数(IMF)分量,再利用相关系数法信噪分离,最后利用3δ准则对残差序列进行粗差探测。利用模拟数据和实际工程数据对比EMD-3δ方法相对于常规LS(Least Squares)-3δ法的粗差探测效果。模拟实验数据表明,EMD-3δ法能够探测92.7%的粗差,LS-3δ方法仅能探测48.3%的粗差。来自斯克里普斯轨道和永久阵列中心(SOPAC)的GNSS时间序列数据进一步表明EMD-3δ能较传统方法更有效地探测粗差。 展开更多
关键词 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)时间序列 经验模态分解(EMD) 粗差探测 EMD-3δ法
基于滑坡监测数据的Elman神经网络动态预测 被引量:21
作者 李寻昌 叶君文 +1 位作者 李葛 李俊 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期113-120,126,共9页
滑坡在我国是一种极为频发的地质灾害,且其积累位移监测曲线有着复杂的非线性特性,对此各研究者建立过许多预测模型,然而这些模型的预测精度不尽如人意。基于Elman神经网络可以任意精度逼近任意非线性函数的特征,并以sigmoid为方程的核... 滑坡在我国是一种极为频发的地质灾害,且其积累位移监测曲线有着复杂的非线性特性,对此各研究者建立过许多预测模型,然而这些模型的预测精度不尽如人意。基于Elman神经网络可以任意精度逼近任意非线性函数的特征,并以sigmoid为方程的核函数,在选择隐含层数时用了试用法,通过"3δ"法及归一化工程实例滑坡累积位移数据,建立了Elman神经网络动态预测模型。基于该模型对多个监测点数据进行动态预测,结果表明该模型的预测结果与实测数据的吻合度较高,且平均误差为1.78%,预测精度较高,验证了Elman神经网络能够在预测滑坡灾害中发挥一定作用。 展开更多
关键词 ELMAN神经网络 3δ法 动态预测 核函数
二阶效应的荷载判别式 被引量:1
作者 胡其高 何煌 +1 位作者 谢建军 朱卫华 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第z1期652-654,651,共4页
关键词 二阶效应 稳定系数 二阶弹性分析 梁柱线刚比 P-δ法
Low temperature molten salt synthesis of porous La_(1-x)Sr_xMn_(0.8)Fe_(0.2)O_3(0≤x≤0.6) microspheres with high catalytic activity for CO oxidation 被引量:4
作者 黄学辉 牛鹏举 商晓辉 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1431-1439,共9页
A molten salt method was developed to prepare porous La1‐xSrxMn0.8Fe0.2O3 (0≤ x ≤ 0.6) micro‐spheres using hierarchical porous δ‐MnO2 microspheres as a template in eutectic NaNO3‐KNO3. X‐ray diffraction patt... A molten salt method was developed to prepare porous La1‐xSrxMn0.8Fe0.2O3 (0≤ x ≤ 0.6) micro‐spheres using hierarchical porous δ‐MnO2 microspheres as a template in eutectic NaNO3‐KNO3. X‐ray diffraction patterns showed that single phase LaMn0.8Fe0.2O3 with good crystallinity was syn‐thesized at 450℃ after 4 h. Transmission electron microscope images exhibited that the LaMn0.8Fe0.2O3 sample obtained at 450?? after 4 h possessed a porous spherical morphology com‐posed of aggregated nanocrystallites. Field emission scanning electron microscope images indicated that the growth of the porous LaMn0.8Fe0.2O3 microspheres has two stages. SEM pictures showed that a higher calcination temperature than 450?? had an adverse effect on the formation of a po‐rous spherical structure. The LaMn0.8Fe0.2O3 sample obtained at 450?? after 4 h displayed a high BET surface area of 55.73 m2/g with a pore size of 9.38 nm. Fourier transform infrared spectra suggested that Sr2+ions entered the A sites and induced a decrease of the binding energy between Mn and O. The CO conversion with the La1‐xSrxMn0.8Fe0.2O3 (0≤x≤0.6) samples indicated that the La0.4Sr0.6Mn0.8Fe0.2O3 sample had the best catalytic activity and stability. Further analysis by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy demonstrated that Sr2+doping altered the content of Mn4+ions, oxygen vacancies and adsorbed oxygen species on the surface, which affected the catalytic performance for CO oxidation. 展开更多
关键词 Molten salt method δ-MnO2 microsphere Porous spherical structure Calcination temperature Carbon monoxide oxidation
Effect of Preparation Methods on Activation of Catalysts BaNi0.2Mn0.8Al11O19-δ for Dimethyl Ether Combustion 被引量:5
作者 余倩 余林 +5 位作者 王苑娜 张绮旎 孙明 黄应敏 卢业玉 戈早川 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期389-393,共5页
Catalytic combustion of dimethyl ether (DME) over hexaaluminate catalyst BaNi0.2Mn0.8Al11O19-δ has been investigated. The catalysts were prepared with the sol-gel method and reverse microemulsion method respectivel... Catalytic combustion of dimethyl ether (DME) over hexaaluminate catalyst BaNi0.2Mn0.8Al11O19-δ has been investigated. The catalysts were prepared with the sol-gel method and reverse microemulsion method respectively and characterized by thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and transimission electron microscope. It was found that the formation of Mn, Ni modified hexaaluminate was a relatively slow process via two solid state reactions and spinel structure was a transition phase. At the same calcined temperature and time, the catalyst prepared with the reverse microemulsion method could form the hexaaluminate phase more easily than that prepared with the sol-gel method. The catalyst BaNi0.2Mn0.8Al11O19-δ prepared with the reverse micro-emulsion method appeared a plate-like morphology, while it appeared a needle-like morphology when using the sol-gel method. The catalytic activities of catalysts BaNi0.2Mn0.8Al11O19-δ prepared with two different methods for DME combustion were tested. It showed that catalyst prepared with the reverse microemulsion method had better catalytic activity, i.e. T10% of DME had decreased by 45℃, about 90% conversion of diemthyl ether at 380℃. 展开更多
关键词 diinethyl ether hexaaluminate catalyst reverse microemulsion catalytic combustion
Preparation and Characterization of a Perovskite-type Mixed Conducting SrFe0.6Cu0.3Ti0.1O3-δ Membrane for Partial Oxidation of Methane to Syngas 被引量:3
作者 董新法 张恒 林维明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期411-415,共5页
Dense membrane with the composition of SrFe0.6Cu0.3Ti0.1O3-δ (SFCTO) was prepared by solid state reaction method. Oxygen permeation flux through this membrane was investigated at operating temperature ranging from ... Dense membrane with the composition of SrFe0.6Cu0.3Ti0.1O3-δ (SFCTO) was prepared by solid state reaction method. Oxygen permeation flux through this membrane was investigated at operating temperature ranging from 750℃ to 950℃ and different oxygen partial pressure. XRD measurements indicated that the compound was able to form single-phased perovskite structure in which part of Fe was replaced by Cu and Ti. The oxygen desorption and the reducibility of SFCTO powder were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and temperature programmed reduction analysis, respectively. It was found that SFCTO had good structure stability under low oxygen pressure at high temperature. The addition of Ti increased the reduction temperature of Cu and Fe. Performance tests showed that the oxygen permeation flux through a 1.5 mm thick SFCTO membrane was 0.35-0.96 ml·min ^-1·cm^-2 under air/helium oxygen partial pressure gradient with activation energy of 53.2 kJ·mol^-1. The methane conversion of 85%, CO selectivity of 90% and comparatively higher oxygen permeation flux of 5 ml·min^-1·cm^- 2 were achieved at 850℃, when a SFCTO membrane reactor loaded with Ni-Ce/Al2O3 catalyst was applied for the partial oxidation of methane to syngas. 展开更多
关键词 oxygen permeation mixed conductor METHANE partial oxidation
Comparison of photodynamic therapy for skin cancers and pre-cancers with δ-aminolevulinic acid
作者 Yingchao Wang Tongxin Shi +1 位作者 Bin Liu Min Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第12期726-728,共3页
Objective:The aim of the study was to compare the effects of photodynamic therapy(PDT) with δ-aminolevulinic acid(ALA) for patients with different kinds of skin cancers and pre-cancers.Methods:The present study enrol... Objective:The aim of the study was to compare the effects of photodynamic therapy(PDT) with δ-aminolevulinic acid(ALA) for patients with different kinds of skin cancers and pre-cancers.Methods:The present study enrolled seventyfive cases,which included 17 cases of actinic keratosis(AK),9 cases of Bowen's disease,11 cases of superficial basal cell carcinomas(BCC),23 cases of nodule basal cell carcinomas and 15 cases of squamous cell carcinomas(SCC),and every patient had single lesion.All patients were treated with 20% ALA topically and He-Ne laser weekly for three times,and followed up 1-3 years.Results:After therapy,the rates of complete reaction(CR) were 100% in AK lesions,77.8% in Bowen's diseases,90.9% in superficial BCCs,47.8% in nodule BCCs,and 50.3% in SCCs,which had significant differences among these five kinds of lesions(H = 18.27,P < 0.05).The therapeutic effectiveness of ALA-PDT for AK was superior to that of Bowen's disease(Q = 4.364,P < 0.05),superficial BCC(Q = 5.55,P < 0.01),SCC(Q = 8.94,P < 0.01) and nodule BCC(Q = 17.91,P < 0.01);the effect of Bowen's disease was better than that of SCC(Q = 7.8,P < 0.01),nodule BCC(Q = 13.44,P < 0.01);the effect of superficial BCC was better than that of SCC(Q = 9.73,P < 0.01),nodule BCC(Q = 16.28,P < 0.01),but similar with Bowen's disease(Q = 0.96,P > 0.05);the effect of SCC was better than that of nodule BCC(Q = 17.74,P < 0.01).Conclusion:Our study shows that therapeutic effectiveness of ALA-PDT for AK is best in five diseases,and Bowen's disease and superficial BCC are secondary,while nodule BCC and SCC are at the bottom. 展开更多
关键词 δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) photodynamic therapy (PDT) actinic keratosis (AK) Bowen's disease basal cellcarcinomas (BCC) squamous cell carcinomas (SCC)
Evaluation of photodynamic therapy of skin cancers with δ-aminolevulinic acid 被引量:6
作者 徐世正 王秀丽 +2 位作者 徐威 夏育民 张春荣 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第8期1141-1145,共5页
Objective To use δ-aminolevulinic acid induced photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) increasingly in treating skin cancers and other diseases in many countries and to explore the efficacy of ALA-PDT for skin cancers in Chi... Objective To use δ-aminolevulinic acid induced photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) increasingly in treating skin cancers and other diseases in many countries and to explore the efficacy of ALA-PDT for skin cancers in China. Methods Eighty-eight patients, including 34 cases of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 32 cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), two cases of basal-squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC), one case of verrucuous carcinoma, nine cases of Bowen disease, two cases Paget disease of the nipple and eight cases of extramammary Paget disease, were treated by the δ-aminolevulinic acid induced photodynamic therapy first in China from 1997 to 2000. Results All BCC, including 11 cases of superficial lesions and 29 solid lesions, achieved complete reaction (CR) by 1-4 times of the ALA-PDT. Except one patient with adenoid SCC (grade Ⅲ), all SCC (grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ) patients achieved complete remission by 3-6 times of ALA-PDT. All Bowen diseases achieved complete reaction by 1-4 times. Although for Paget diseases it could not cure the disease simply by ALA-PDT, it could control the symptoms. The recurrence rates were 11% (4/34) for BCC, and 22% (7/32) for SCC by following up 1-3 years after the therapy. The continuous therapy is still effective. Conclusions ALA-PDT is an effective, non-traumatic treatment for patients with BCC, SCC, Bowen and Paget diseases. It is especially suitable for older and weaker patients or those who are not tolerable to other therapies. It also has a unique advantage for tumors in specific anatomical areas. It is a new alternative modality for skin cancer therapies. 展开更多
关键词 aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy · basal cell carcinoma · squamous cell carcinoma · basal-squamous cell carcinoma · verrucuou s carcinoma · Bowen disease · Paget disease
Factors influencing the accuracy of the denitrifier method for determining the oxygen isotopic composition of nitrate
作者 Man ZHANG Jia-chun SHI Lao-sheng WU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期49-58,共10页
The denitrifier method is widely used as a novel pretreatment method for the determination of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios as it can provide quantitative and high-sensitivity measurements. Nevertheless, the meth... The denitrifier method is widely used as a novel pretreatment method for the determination of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios as it can provide quantitative and high-sensitivity measurements. Nevertheless, the method is limited by relatively low measurement accuracy for δ18 O. In this study, we analyzed the factors influencing the accuracy of δ18 O determination, and then systematically investigated the effects of dissolved oxygen concentrations and nitrate sample sizes on estimates of the δ15 N and δ18 O of nitrate reference materials. The δ18 O contraction ratio was used to represent the relationship between the measured difference and true difference between two reference materials. We obtained the following main results:(1) a gas-liquid ratio of 3:10(v/v) in ordinary triangular flasks and a shaking speed of 120 r/min produced an optimal range(1.9 to 2.6 mg/L) in the concentration of dissolved oxygen for accurately determining δ18 O, and(2) the δ18 O contraction ratio decreased as nitrate sample size decreased within a certain range(1.0 to 0.1 μmol). Our results suggested that δ18 O contraction is influenced mainly by dissolved oxygen concentrations in pure culture, and provided a model for improving the accuracy of oxygen isotope analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Denitrifier method NITRATE δ^15N Δ^18O Dissolved oxygen δ^18O contraction
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