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作者 宋占宝 张尚 +5 位作者 冯楷斌 张永康 王英俊 池桂杰 张宗营 王健强 《陕西农业科学》 2024年第12期56-60,共5页
承德地区2018年引进‘岳华’和‘寒富’3 a生带分枝大苗,与当地的主栽、优势品种‘国光’进行对照试验。研究表明,‘岳华’和‘寒富’均表现出结果早、丰产、品质优、抗寒性强等特点,适宜在承德中南部及气候相近的地区栽培发展。
关键词 苹果 ‘岳华’ ‘寒富’ 引种
3种嫁接方法对‘寒富’苹果矮化中间砧苗生长的影响 被引量:2
作者 王颖达 刘志 +1 位作者 张广仁 于辉 《中国果树》 北大核心 2020年第1期92-94,共3页
关键词 苹果 ‘寒富’ 育苗 矮化中间砧苗 嫁接方法
不同自花授粉方式对‘寒富’果实性状的影响 被引量:2
作者 黄金凤 吕天星 +5 位作者 王冬梅 闫忠业 王颖达 杨锋 何明莉 刘志 《北方果树》 2021年第1期12-14,共3页
为研究不同自花授粉方式对‘寒富’苹果果实性状的影响,采用6种处理方法开展授粉试验。结果表明:综合9项果实性状指标来看,‘寒富’几种自花授粉方式与对照相比,在单果重和种子数量上差异明显,均显著下降,在可溶性固形物和糖含量方面略... 为研究不同自花授粉方式对‘寒富’苹果果实性状的影响,采用6种处理方法开展授粉试验。结果表明:综合9项果实性状指标来看,‘寒富’几种自花授粉方式与对照相比,在单果重和种子数量上差异明显,均显著下降,在可溶性固形物和糖含量方面略有上升。而不同自花授粉方式间的品质无明显差异。自花授粉导致‘寒富’斜果率增加,但方差分析表明,果形偏斜对内在品质无明显影响。本研究为在生产上利用‘寒富’的自花结实性提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 自花授粉 ‘寒富’ 果实 影响
作者 姜云斌 贺强 +3 位作者 王志华 佟伟 王文辉 贾朝爽 《中国果树》 北大核心 2021年第7期7-10,共4页
研究了‘寒富’苹果在高浓度CO_(2)环境下冷藏1个月后,果肉抗氧化酶及活性物质含量的变化,以空气环境下冷藏的果实为对照。结果表明,与对照(果肉无褐变)相比,高浓度CO2环境下冷藏的‘寒富’果肉褐变后,果肉组织中多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性和... 研究了‘寒富’苹果在高浓度CO_(2)环境下冷藏1个月后,果肉抗氧化酶及活性物质含量的变化,以空气环境下冷藏的果实为对照。结果表明,与对照(果肉无褐变)相比,高浓度CO2环境下冷藏的‘寒富’果肉褐变后,果肉组织中多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量均极显著上升,果实硬度、维生素C含量、过氧化氢(H_(2)O_(2))含量、谷胱甘肽氧化型(GSH)含量和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,以及谷胱甘肽氧化型/还原型(GSH/GSSG)均显著或极显著下降。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 ‘寒富’ CO_(2)诱导 果肉褐变 生理变化 抗氧化活性
不同中间砧‘寒富’苹果钙素动态及果实品质比较分析 被引量:3
作者 张艳珍 赵德英 +5 位作者 周江涛 陈艳辉 解斌 杨安 张海棠 程存刚 《中国果树》 北大核心 2021年第3期51-55,62,共6页
研究了6种中间砧‘寒富’苹果(基砧为组培山定子,中间砧分别为‘SH38’‘SH6’‘SH1’‘SH40’‘GM310’‘GM256’)发育期钙素动态变化和累积情况,以及果实品质差异,并采用组合赋权Topsis法评价果实综合品质,以期明确不同中间砧‘寒富... 研究了6种中间砧‘寒富’苹果(基砧为组培山定子,中间砧分别为‘SH38’‘SH6’‘SH1’‘SH40’‘GM310’‘GM256’)发育期钙素动态变化和累积情况,以及果实品质差异,并采用组合赋权Topsis法评价果实综合品质,以期明确不同中间砧‘寒富’钙的吸收规律及果实品质差异,为冷凉地区选择钙高效转运型苹果矮化中间砧提供参考。结果表明,6种中间砧‘寒富’叶片钙浓度变化趋势基本一致,均呈上升趋势。花后160 d,叶片钙浓度按中间砧排序依次为‘GM310’>‘GM256’>‘SH40’>‘SH6’>‘SH38’>‘SH1’。6种中间砧‘寒富’果实钙浓度变化趋势一致,均在花后0~80 d迅速下降,之后缓慢下降。果实成熟期,钙浓度按中间砧排序依次为‘GM256’>‘GM310’>‘SH40’>‘SH1’>‘SH6’>‘SH38’。钙累积量以花后0~60 d较大,占果实全年钙累积比率的52.54%~70.20%,果实成熟期,以‘GM256’为中间砧的‘寒富’钙总累积量显著高于其余中间砧的‘寒富’,为25.83mg,以‘SH38’为中间砧的累积量最少,为18.35mg。各中间砧‘寒富’苹果的果实品质存在显著差异。依据组合赋权Topsis法对果实品质按中间砧进行评价,排序依次为‘GM256’>‘SH1’>‘GM310’>‘SH40’>‘SH6’>‘SH38’。综上所述,‘寒富’果实钙素累积的关键期为盛花后0~60 d,以中间砧‘GM256’‘SH1’的‘寒富’果实钙浓度较高,综合品质较好,东北冷凉地区可优先考虑栽培以‘GM256’和‘SH1’为中间砧的‘寒富’。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 ‘寒富’ 中间砧 累积量 综合品质
‘寒富’苹果免套袋栽培面临问题与应对策略分析 被引量:3
作者 李春灏 张鑫 +3 位作者 张跃 杨凤英 吕德国 秦嗣军 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第2期145-148,共4页
通过实地调查走访,对沈阳地区‘寒富’果园套袋现状和存在的问题进行总结分析,发现‘寒富’苹果套袋生产面临着劳动力极度短缺、从业人员老龄化严重的问题,已经成为生产成本增加的重要因素。加之近年来整体苹果价格持续走低,‘寒富’苹... 通过实地调查走访,对沈阳地区‘寒富’果园套袋现状和存在的问题进行总结分析,发现‘寒富’苹果套袋生产面临着劳动力极度短缺、从业人员老龄化严重的问题,已经成为生产成本增加的重要因素。加之近年来整体苹果价格持续走低,‘寒富’苹果生产效益明显下降。就‘寒富’苹果免袋栽培生产提出如下建议:积极宣传免袋栽培苹果的优势,健全免袋栽培技术体系,建立免袋栽培技术示范园,加大培训力度,引导果农逐步由套袋转向免袋生产,以期转变果农和消费者对苹果套袋的固有看法,促进果园生产模式由套袋转向免套袋,实现节本增效。 展开更多
关键词 ‘寒富’苹果 免套袋栽培 成本分析 对策
‘寒富’苹果优质栽培的配套技术 被引量:1
作者 黄显奇 邹云霄 +2 位作者 常书蓉 高良涛 吴艳霞 《北方果树》 2008年第3期34-35,共2页
关键词 ‘寒富’苹果 配套技术 结果枝组 枝组 中心干 树干
作者 胡思安 吕德国 +1 位作者 孟昭军 马怀宇 《中国果树》 北大核心 2020年第1期117-120,共4页
对辽宁省抚顺地区120个‘寒富’苹果园进行了调查。结果表明,抚顺地区‘寒富’苹果园立地条件差,果园基础设施差,砧穗组合以寒富/GM256/山定子为主,人均管理面积为1.07 hm^2,管理水平不高,树形不规范,不施基肥的果园占63%。常用的杀菌... 对辽宁省抚顺地区120个‘寒富’苹果园进行了调查。结果表明,抚顺地区‘寒富’苹果园立地条件差,果园基础设施差,砧穗组合以寒富/GM256/山定子为主,人均管理面积为1.07 hm^2,管理水平不高,树形不规范,不施基肥的果园占63%。常用的杀菌剂依次是多菌灵、代森锰锌、甲基硫菌灵,最常用的杀虫剂为高效氯氰菊酯,其次是吡虫啉。 展开更多
关键词 辽宁 抚顺 ‘寒富’ 苹果 现状
法库县‘寒富’苹果优质丰产栽培技术研究与推广 被引量:3
作者 韩国忠 郑立新 +3 位作者 乔成军 方昕 叶艳玲 齐淑娟 《北方果树》 2008年第3期43-44,共2页
  法库县'寒富'苹果优质丰产栽培技术研究与推广,是从2002年开始的.几年来,经过不懈努力,刻苦攻关,扎扎实实工作,获得了较好的成果.3年生666.7 m2产量达600 kg,4年生达1200 kg以上,5年生及其后稳定在2000 Kg以内.现将项目完...   法库县'寒富'苹果优质丰产栽培技术研究与推广,是从2002年开始的.几年来,经过不懈努力,刻苦攻关,扎扎实实工作,获得了较好的成果.3年生666.7 m2产量达600 kg,4年生达1200 kg以上,5年生及其后稳定在2000 Kg以内.现将项目完成情况总结如下.…… 展开更多
关键词 ‘寒富’苹果 主枝 开张角度 中间砧 寒富 着生 二重砧 丰产栽培技术 法库县
作者 王政 邓贵义 《中国园艺文摘》 2013年第9期192-192,199,共2页
探索‘寒富’苹果乔化砧大苗培育技术,实践表明,选择山定子作基砧的1年生乔化砧优质苗假植,苗木成活后,每20~30 d在根系四周用追肥枪追1次复合肥,在圃地进行纺锤形整形培育大苗,培育出圃的大苗,一般株高2.0 m以上,枝量平均在20个,花株... 探索‘寒富’苹果乔化砧大苗培育技术,实践表明,选择山定子作基砧的1年生乔化砧优质苗假植,苗木成活后,每20~30 d在根系四周用追肥枪追1次复合肥,在圃地进行纺锤形整形培育大苗,培育出圃的大苗,一般株高2.0 m以上,枝量平均在20个,花株率100%。 展开更多
关键词 ‘寒富’ 乔化砧 大苗 培育技术
作者 刘贞 《园艺与种苗》 CAS 2021年第7期7-8,共2页
关键词 阜新地区 ‘寒富’苹果 营养钵 苗木培育
作者 刘明余 《北方果树》 2008年第4期69-70,共2页
  伏家'寒富'苹果园位于大石桥市东部山区黄土岭镇黄土岭村,1990年开始从沈阳农业大学引进栽植'寒富'苹果,现已发展到53.3 hm2,4.5万株,其中15年生以上3 000株,10~15年生2万株,5~10年生1.5万株,1~4年生7000株.200...   伏家'寒富'苹果园位于大石桥市东部山区黄土岭镇黄土岭村,1990年开始从沈阳农业大学引进栽植'寒富'苹果,现已发展到53.3 hm2,4.5万株,其中15年生以上3 000株,10~15年生2万株,5~10年生1.5万株,1~4年生7000株.2007年产优质果1万t,产值260万元.多年来,伏家'寒富'苹果园注重树下管理,舍得投入,树体健壮,有效地控制了枝干轮纹病和轮纹烂果病的发生,所产的优质果在省政府优质果评选中获得金奖,果品销往省内外,而且远销俄罗斯、新加坡,对大石桥市果业生产可持续发展起到了促进作用.…… 展开更多
关键词 ‘寒富’苹果 大石桥市 优质果 农家肥 有机肥料
‘大果山丁子1 号’高芽接‘寒富’苹果技术
作者 宁广亮 《特种经济动植物》 2021年第12期64-65,共2页
关键词 ‘大果山丁子1号’ ‘寒富’苹果 高芽接 抗病
作者 李茂生 陈国忠 +2 位作者 曹帅 鄂慧娟 吴圣武 《北方果树》 2008年第2期51-53,共3页
  1 凤城市苹果业发展的新起点   辽宁省凤城市从20世纪50年代开始,在政府倡导和支持下,先后在沙里寨、红旗、白旗、草河、东汤、大兴、汤山城等十几个乡镇栽苹果近100万株,均以失败告终,果农灰心了,只好拔树.……
关键词 ‘寒富’苹果 圣武 摘袋
Shrub Communities and Environmental Variables Responsible for Species Distribution Patterns in an Alpine Zone of the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China 被引量:8
作者 HUO Hong FENG Qi SU Yong-hong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期166-176,共11页
Understanding the factors that drive variation in species distribution is a central theme of ecological research. Although several studies focused on alpine vegetation, few efforts have been made to identify the envir... Understanding the factors that drive variation in species distribution is a central theme of ecological research. Although several studies focused on alpine vegetation, few efforts have been made to identify the environmental factors that are responsible for the variations in species composition and richness of alpine shrublands using numerical methods. In the present study, we investigated vegetation and associated environmental variables from 45 sample plots in the middle Qilian Mountains of the northwestern China to classify different community types and to elucidate the species- environment relationships. We also estimated the relative contributions of topography and site conditions to spatial distribution patterns of the shrub communities using the variation partitioning. The results showed that four shrub community types were identified and striking differences in fioristic composition were found among them. Species composition greatly depended on elevation, slope, shrub cover, soil pH and organic carbon. The important determinants of species richness were soil bulk density and slope. No significant differences in species richness were detected among the community types. Topography and site conditions had almost equal effects on compositional variation. Nonetheless,a large amount of the variation in species composition remained unexplained. 展开更多
关键词 Alpine shrublands Floristic composition Cluster analysis Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) Variation partitioning Species composition Species richness
Search of Salmonella in Meat and Dairy Products
作者 Sonia Khosrof Sbei Rim Wejden Suihi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第1期76-83,共8页
The epidemiology of Salmonella involves food, especially meat and dairy products. These have a high salmonella outbreak in the summer. The majority of Salmonella enteritis in young children occurs in the form of scatt... The epidemiology of Salmonella involves food, especially meat and dairy products. These have a high salmonella outbreak in the summer. The majority of Salmonella enteritis in young children occurs in the form of scattered cases. At least 25% of summer gastroenteritis in young children is caused by Salmonella. In Western Europe, S. typhimurium accounts for nearly 70% of isolates. The objective of this study was to investigate the Salmonella contaminating meat and dairy products as well as define the percentages of contamination by Salmonella from 2004 to 2006, by the Department of Hygiene of Tunis. For this study, we collected samples in various motherboard solutions, and conducted a pre-nonselective enrichment in selective enrichment in isolation and identification and ultimately biochemical confirmation. One hundred and sixty two samples, 125 samples of meat products including 68 samples of red meat (beef and sheep, beef, offal and Merguez) and 57 samples of poultry (chicken and turkey), 37 samples of milk products which included 32 samples of cheese and five samples milk, were analysed microbiologically from 2004 to 2006, in the Health Service in Tunis. These analyses include the detection and enumeration of Salmonella. From 2004 to 2006, the rate of infections by the Salmonella, meat and dairy products were: 55.9% for red meat, 71.9% for poultry, 68.8% for cheeses, 40% for milk. The meat of poultry is contaminated with Salmonella that the cheeses, which are more than red meats, which are also more contaminated than milk. This might be due to a lack of hygiene throughout the circuit processing (slaughter, transport, processing, etc.). The increased risk of contamination of milk products by Salmonella is proportional to the manipulation done on these products. The latter must be handled by pasteurization and sterilization. 展开更多
关键词 SALMONELLA meat products dairy products contamination.
Soil burial has a greater effect on litter decomposition rate than nitrogen enrichment in alpine grasslands
作者 Yuan Su Jiajia Le +6 位作者 Xiaofei Ma Xiaolong Zhou Yunxin Zhang Yanming Gong Wenxuan Han Kaihui Li Xuejun Liu 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第6期1047-1059,共13页
Aims Litter is frequently buried in the soil in alpine grasslands due to grassland degradation,serious rodent infestation and frequent strong winds.However,the effects of various litter positions on litter decompositi... Aims Litter is frequently buried in the soil in alpine grasslands due to grassland degradation,serious rodent infestation and frequent strong winds.However,the effects of various litter positions on litter decomposition rates and nutrient dynamics under nitrogen(N)enrichment in such areas remain unknown.Methods A field experiment was performed in the alpine grasslands of northwest China to investigate the influence of litter position(surface,buried in the soil and standing)and N enrichment on litter decomposition,using data from two dominant grass species(Festuca ovina and Leymus tianschanicus)in control and N-enriched plots.Important Findings Litter decomposition rates were much faster in buried litter and slower in standing litter than in surface litter.N enrichment significantly affected litter quality and then influenced decomposition.But no significant differences in litter mass remaining were observed between control and N-enriched soil burial.These results indicated that N enrichment significantly affected litter decomposition by changes in litter quality.In addition,all litter exhibited net carbon(C)and phosphorus(P)release regardless of treatments.Litter exhibited net N accumulation for litter from the control plots but showed N release for litter from N enrichment plots.These suggested that litter decomposition can be limited by N and N enrichment influenced N cycling of litter.Current study presented direct evidence that soil buried litter exhibited faster mass loss and C release,and that soil burial can be a candidate explanation why litter decomposes faster than expected in dryland. 展开更多
关键词 alpine grassland nitrogen enrichment litter position litter decomposition leaf litter traits nutrient release
Distribution and enrichment patterns of selenium in the Ediacaran and early Cambrian strata in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China
作者 TIAN XingLei LUO KunLi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期1268-1282,共15页
The distribution and enrichment patterns of selenium(Se) in the E-?1 strata in the Yangtze Gorges area of South China were obtained. The geochemical characteristics of the significantly and non-significantly enriched ... The distribution and enrichment patterns of selenium(Se) in the E-?1 strata in the Yangtze Gorges area of South China were obtained. The geochemical characteristics of the significantly and non-significantly enriched strata of Se were analyzed.The observed enrichment factor(EF, relative to the upper continental crust) and concentration coefficient(CC, relative to the similar lithology in Eastern China) both suggest that Se is the most enriched/concentrated(SeEF=26.97, SeCC=48.04) among the analyzed23 trace elements the E-?1 strata. The normalized enrichment factor(EF′, EF after Al or Th normalized) shows Se is secondly enriched(SeEF′=218.73), which is slightly lower than cadmium(CdEF′=288.46) but significantly higher than the third enriched trace element arsenic(AsEF′=97.49). Se concentrations in the E-?1 strata vary from <10.5 to 30.08 ppm with an arithmetic mean value of 1.35 ppm. Compared to the Nantuo Formation, Se increased 11.78 times in the whole E-?1 strata and the average EF values are displayed as Shuijingtuo(92.58)>Yanjiahe(54.45)>Doushantuo(24.72)>Dengying(2.48)>Shipai(1.95)>lower Tianheban(1.24)Formations. Se concentrations in the E-?1 strata are best displayed on natural logarithm normal quantile-quantile(Q-Q) plots and shown as a positive-skewed distribution pattern. The Se significantly enriched(EF>10) strata sequences mainly include the lower and upper Doushantuo member II(DST-II), top DST-III, DST-IV, the basal and upper Yanjiahe Formation, and lower and upper Shuijingtuo Formation. Geochemical characteristics indicate that Se concentrations in the significantly enriched strata were generally influenced by terrigenous detrital as well as the combined action of single or multiple factors, such as hydrotherm,volcanic debris and deep source. Moreover, pyrite and organic matter promoted the enrichment of Se in the upper DST-II, DST-IV,upper Shuijingtuo Formation and lower DST-II, upper Shuijingtuo Formation, respectively. The Se concentrations in the not significantly enriched strata(except for DST-I, middle Shuijingtuo Formation, Shipai Formation and lower Tianheban Formation)were also influenced by terrigenous detrital, but other enrichment activities(e.g., hydrothermal, volcanic debris, and deep source)were generally insignificant. 展开更多
关键词 Ediacaran-early Cambrian SELENIUM Distribution and enrichment patterns Elemental geochemistry
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