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新疆吐鲁番产区‘美乐’葡萄成熟度指标体系研究 被引量:6
作者 刘怡萱 袁春龙 +3 位作者 常远 许志良 刘秀海 宋青春 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1566-1575,共10页
为确定新疆吐鲁番产区酿酒葡萄的最佳采收期,对不同成熟期‘美乐’(Merlot,ML)果实和葡萄酒的基本理化指标和多酚指标进行测定,运用主成分分析和感官分析法确定果实中各项成熟指标的相关性,筛选对品质影响最大的指标,并确定最佳采收期... 为确定新疆吐鲁番产区酿酒葡萄的最佳采收期,对不同成熟期‘美乐’(Merlot,ML)果实和葡萄酒的基本理化指标和多酚指标进行测定,运用主成分分析和感官分析法确定果实中各项成熟指标的相关性,筛选对品质影响最大的指标,并确定最佳采收期。结果显示:8月14日及之后的葡萄达到技术成熟;8月28日的‘美乐’葡萄果皮、果籽、葡萄酒中酚类物质总量达到最高,且酿造的葡萄酒质量最佳;主成分分析筛选出一级指标总酸,二级指标皮总单宁,三级指标籽总酚的‘美乐’葡萄最佳采收期判定的指标体系;不同采收期‘美乐’果实主成分综合得分结果显示,8月28日的‘美乐’葡萄品质最好。可见,‘美乐’葡萄适宜在8月28日前后采收。 展开更多
关键词 吐鲁番产区 ‘美乐’葡萄 多酚指标 成熟度
冬前喷施EBR对‘美乐’葡萄枝条生理特性及萌芽的影响 被引量:3
作者 赵芳芳 郭学良 +3 位作者 刘研 汪月宁 殷梦婷 代红军 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期328-334,共7页
研究低温条件下外源油菜素内酯对‘美乐’葡萄枝条生理特性的影响,为其在酿酒葡萄抗寒性方面的研究与应用提供理论依据和技术指导。以酿酒葡萄‘美乐’为试材,外源喷施油菜素内酯(0、0.2、0.4、0.6 mg/L),后置于不同低温(5℃、-5℃、-1... 研究低温条件下外源油菜素内酯对‘美乐’葡萄枝条生理特性的影响,为其在酿酒葡萄抗寒性方面的研究与应用提供理论依据和技术指导。以酿酒葡萄‘美乐’为试材,外源喷施油菜素内酯(0、0.2、0.4、0.6 mg/L),后置于不同低温(5℃、-5℃、-10℃、-20℃)下24 h,研究其对葡萄枝条抗寒性的影响,并运用主成分分析对葡萄枝条的抗寒能力作综合评价。外源油菜素内酯提高了葡萄枝条SOD、POD活性及抗坏血酸的含量,降低了电导率及丙二醛(MDA)含量;同时提高了游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖的含量。与对照相比,0.4 mg/L处理差异显著,POD活性提高48.05%,MDA含量降低73.8%,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量分别提高8.65%和46.96%。外源油菜素内酯通过提高葡萄枝条的抗氧化能力和渗透调节物质含量,从而提高葡萄枝条的抗寒性,其中0.4 mg/L表现最优。 展开更多
关键词 油菜素内酯 ‘美乐’葡萄 生理特性 主成分分析 抗寒性
草炭和微生物菌剂对‘美乐’葡萄生长发育和果实品质的影响 被引量:3
作者 全龙萍 王明 +2 位作者 周波 高振 杜远鹏 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期2344-2354,共11页
以苗龄三年大田葡萄‘美乐’自根苗为试材,进行草炭、微生物菌剂、草炭+微生物菌剂复合处理,以浇灌清水为对照。结果发现,与对照相比,各处理均提高了葡萄的新梢和叶片的生长、叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率、根系活力以及果实的生长、可溶... 以苗龄三年大田葡萄‘美乐’自根苗为试材,进行草炭、微生物菌剂、草炭+微生物菌剂复合处理,以浇灌清水为对照。结果发现,与对照相比,各处理均提高了葡萄的新梢和叶片的生长、叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率、根系活力以及果实的生长、可溶性固形物的积累与果实着色和香气的合成,以复合处理效果最好,草炭在果实次生代谢方面作用优于微生物菌剂。复合处理的葡萄叶片厚度和叶面积分别比对照增加了50.00%和21.54%,根系活力提高了36.11%,果实的纵径、横径、百粒重及果实可溶性固形物的含量分别比对照增加了10.74%、11.77%、20.12%和10.45%,花色苷、总酚、类黄酮、黄烷醇和单宁分别提高了327.08%、26.90%、51.61%、124.75%和91.67%,己醛、反式-2-己烯醛和反式-2,4-己二烯醛的含量提高了32.24%、44.73%和51.19%。3种处理均改善了土壤的微生物状况,其中复合处理假单胞菌相对丰度最高。综上,以草炭+微生物菌剂复合处理对葡萄的新梢和叶片的生长、叶绿素含量、光合速率、根系活力以及果实的生长、可溶性固形物的积累与果实着色、香气的合成和次生代谢促进效果最好,显著提高土壤有益菌假单胞菌的相对丰度。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄‘美乐’ 草炭 微生物菌剂 生长发育 土壤微生物
酿酒葡萄果实发育过程中糖酸积累规律的研究 被引量:5
作者 李治苇 张萍 +2 位作者 李庆 王云霞 靳磊 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第19期7738-7743,共6页
目的探究酿酒葡萄果实在生长发育过程中糖和酸的积累规律。方法采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法和蒽酮法测定果实不同生长发育期酸和糖的含量。结果在生长发育过程中,‘雷司令’果实中可滴定酸、酒石酸和苹果酸的含量呈先升后降趋势,最大值分... 目的探究酿酒葡萄果实在生长发育过程中糖和酸的积累规律。方法采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法和蒽酮法测定果实不同生长发育期酸和糖的含量。结果在生长发育过程中,‘雷司令’果实中可滴定酸、酒石酸和苹果酸的含量呈先升后降趋势,最大值分别为6.20、4.45和6.23 mg/g;‘美乐’果实中3种酸含量均呈下降趋势,可滴定酸、酒石酸和苹果酸含量最大值分别为5.39、4.13和6.05 mg/g。2个品种果实中可溶性糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量均呈上升趋势,‘雷司令’果实中3种糖自2020年7月29日至采收呈剧增趋势,最大值分别为54.51、20.81和22.69 mg/g;‘美乐’果实中可溶性糖含量变化差异显著(P<0.05),可溶性糖和果糖在转色后期分别为48.37和20.47 mg/g,葡萄糖含量在采收期达到最佳值,为16.52 mg/g。结论‘雷司令’果实中的酸和糖含量均高于‘美乐’;同产地的不同品种果实其酸和糖含量积累规律也各不相同。 展开更多
关键词 酿酒葡萄 ‘美乐’ ‘雷司令’ 有机酸
钙果与2种酿酒葡萄酿制复合型果酒的品质分析 被引量:2
作者 温华婷 梁丽红 +3 位作者 李敏 高娉娉 赵美 王婧 《河南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2021年第1期106-114,共9页
为改善钙果果酒乙醇体积分数低、酒体酸涩、滋味结构欠佳以及风味单一的不足之处,将钙果分别与酿酒白葡萄‘霞多丽’和酿酒红葡萄‘美乐’以不同比例复合酿制,对复合型果酒进行基本理化指标和感官评价测定,分析挥发性香气化合物组成,探... 为改善钙果果酒乙醇体积分数低、酒体酸涩、滋味结构欠佳以及风味单一的不足之处,将钙果分别与酿酒白葡萄‘霞多丽’和酿酒红葡萄‘美乐’以不同比例复合酿制,对复合型果酒进行基本理化指标和感官评价测定,分析挥发性香气化合物组成,探讨酿酒白葡萄和酿酒红葡萄应用在钙果复合型果酒酿制的可行性。结果表明,钙果与2种酿酒葡萄酿制的复合型果酒中,乙醇体积分数、残糖和挥发酸质量浓度均符合中华人民共和国农业行业标准NY/T 1508—2017要求。对于总酸质量浓度,只有V(钙果)∶V(‘霞多丽’)=1∶9和V(钙果)∶V(‘美乐’)=2∶8、1∶9复合型果酒符合标准要求。乙醇体积分数随着葡萄汁比例增加而增大;随着钙果比例增加,总酚质量浓度下降,但总酸和钙质量浓度增加。V(钙果)∶V(‘霞多丽’)=1∶9和V(钙果)∶V(‘美乐’)=1∶9复合型果酒颜色分别为瓦红色和宝石红色,且口感圆润,酸甜平衡,香气浓郁,感官评价得分高。对上述2种复合型果酒进行挥发性香气化合物分析,发现V(钙果)∶V(‘霞多丽’)=1∶9复合型果酒中的酯类、高级醇类和有机酸类化合物质量浓度较高,V(钙果)∶V(‘美乐’)=1∶9复合型果酒中其他类化合物质量浓度较高。 展开更多
关键词 钙果 ‘霞多丽’ ‘美乐’ 复合型果酒 感官评价 挥发性香气化合物
Memory and Aesthetics: Study of Musical Quotations in Ives’s and Crumb’s Music
作者 LEUNG Tai-wai David 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第6期852-879,共28页
Throughout Western music history, pre-existing material has long been the aesthetic core of a new composition. Yet there has never been such an epoch as our time in which using pre-existing material, melodic quotation... Throughout Western music history, pre-existing material has long been the aesthetic core of a new composition. Yet there has never been such an epoch as our time in which using pre-existing material, melodic quotation in particular, features so extensively in works of many of the composers. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the use of quoted tunes in a musical piece operates in an interwoven complex where time and space are of the essence. A quote is able to oscillate perpetually between one’s mental worlds of the memorable past and the imaginative present when it is highlighted enough to be recognizable from its surrounding context. Upon interpreting the use of quotation in various contexts, the aesthetic object, I argue, is the shift from original to quoted music, and vice versa. And listeners can respond aesthetically to the quotation itself even without knowledge of its provenance and textual or referential content. 展开更多
关键词 AESTHETICS collage emotional response flashback imaginary world MEMORY metaphor musical borrowing melodic quotation quoted tune real world stream-of-consciousness temporal level
Becoming-Music in 4 Minutes and 33 Seconds
作者 Dorothea Hines 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第4期411-417,共7页
In accordance to Langerian aesthetic theory, Mark Campbell (1992) concludes that Cage's 4 33" (1952) is by no means aesthetic music. I argue the antithesis: Cage's 433" satisfies Langerian aesthetic theory, a... In accordance to Langerian aesthetic theory, Mark Campbell (1992) concludes that Cage's 4 33" (1952) is by no means aesthetic music. I argue the antithesis: Cage's 433" satisfies Langerian aesthetic theory, and is indeed "aesthetic" music. Cage does something more: he satisfies Langerian aesthetic theory, yet he is not limited by it. He does not simply create music, nor does he offer listeners a musical space. He creates what Gilles Deleuze and Fe1ix Guattari (1987) call a line of becoming that passes between music making and a musical space. In 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence, Cage presents a sense of emptiness and numbness felt simultaneously with fullness and explosion. In what appears to be stillness, the listener experiences the flux of movement; what appears to be devoid of depth, is filled with complexities. 433" embraces chance, uncertainty, and the unknown; it is an experimental process; it is becoming-music in 4 minutes and 33 seconds. 展开更多
关键词 John Cage Langerian aesthetic theory Gilles Deleuze Fo1ix Guattari line of becoming music ontology
Music in Prehistoric Armenia
作者 Ani Petrosyan Arsen Bobokhyan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第4期259-265,共7页
Within the syncretic world view of prehistoric people, there was an inseparable link between word, song, and dance Hence it is not easy for the modern researcher to outline the border between these spheres. Using inte... Within the syncretic world view of prehistoric people, there was an inseparable link between word, song, and dance Hence it is not easy for the modern researcher to outline the border between these spheres. Using interdisciplinary methods, present paper touches the case of Armenian monodic music. Through analysis of song types (concerning labour, funeral, wedding, belief, worship, magic, mythology, epic, and dance), music representatives, music performance places, and musical instruments, an attempt is made to consider the phenomenon within certain temporal borders. It turns out that the folk and folk-professional realistic music is simple and static in its essence and includes the invariant component of local culture, going back to the period of formation of early farming communities. Meanwhile with emerging social complexity since the Bronze Age, new and various forms of musical performance come to existence. 展开更多
关键词 early music ethno-historical approach ARMENIA
A Comparative Study of Chinese National Vocal Music and Bel Canto
作者 Guanhong LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期122-124,共3页
Both Chinese national vocal music and bel canto have a very long history of development, but have their own different characteristics. However, the two different ways are mutually influenced and connected along with t... Both Chinese national vocal music and bel canto have a very long history of development, but have their own different characteristics. However, the two different ways are mutually influenced and connected along with the social economic development and globalization. This requires the absorption of the excellent western singing styles on the basis of developing Chinese national vocal music, so as to promote a common development. In this paper, Chinese national vocal music and bel canto are studied and analyzed according to the historical origins, different characteristics, effects, etc. 展开更多
关键词 National Vocal Music Bel Canto Comparative Study
Study on the Teaching Ability of Music Teachers in Colleges and Universities
作者 Yong Fang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期115-117,共3页
Music teachers in colleges and universities play a great role in training the students with the quality of aesthetic education, and their teaching ability can influence the implementation of aesthetic education. The t... Music teachers in colleges and universities play a great role in training the students with the quality of aesthetic education, and their teaching ability can influence the implementation of aesthetic education. The teaching ability of a music teacher comprises of the professional ethics, professional knowledge and teaching competence, etc. In this paper, the teaching ability of music teachers in colleges and universities is studied ~om its value, composition, and standards, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Colleges and Universities Music Teachers Teaching Ability VALUE COMPOSITION STUDY
Study on teaching quality of music teachers in colleges under quality education background
作者 Na Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期125-128,共4页
Aesthetic education is the important component of the character building education, but music education is an important means to implement character building education, train more university students with quality of a... Aesthetic education is the important component of the character building education, but music education is an important means to implement character building education, train more university students with quality of aesthetic education today when could be recommending character building education in a more cost-effective manner, the music teacher' s quality is the key point. The main visual angle of this text is in term of training university student' s character building education, canvass the teaching quality which the music teacher of the university should possess under the character building education background. 展开更多
关键词 Aesthetic education Teaching quality ABILITY
Research on the Novel Pattern of Soft Music Creation based on High-Pitched Melody Element and Aesthetic Point of View
作者 Meirui Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期96-98,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the novel pattern of soft music creation based on high-pitched melody element and aesthetic point of view. Music is the music creation, music is a kind of creation and it is not a... In this paper, we conduct research on the novel pattern of soft music creation based on high-pitched melody element and aesthetic point of view. Music is the music creation, music is a kind of creation and it is not a simple thing, because music is an expression of human thoughts and feelings which reflect the social life of an art. Music creation and other artistic creation need perceptual and rational psychological elements such as the creation principle of participation. This involves the music creation that the relationship between the perceptual thinking and rational thinking. Our research proposed the novel paradigm of art creation which will obtain significant meaning. 展开更多
关键词 Soft Music Creation High-Pitched Melody Aesthetic Point Novel Pattern.
Musical Event Structure Metaphors in Beckett's Ghost Trio
作者 Lihua Huang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期110-112,共3页
Samuel Beckett' s dramaticles are permeated with musical aesthetic thought, which is one of his unique writing styles. Exploration of such style is beneficial and conducive to deepen our understanding of the abstract... Samuel Beckett' s dramaticles are permeated with musical aesthetic thought, which is one of his unique writing styles. Exploration of such style is beneficial and conducive to deepen our understanding of the abstract and fragmented dramatic discourse. This thesis makes attempt to investigate musical aesthetic thought from the angle of the Event Structure Metaphor. 展开更多
关键词 Samuel Beckett musical aesthetic thought Event Structure Metaphor Ghost Trio
Melody- Usul - Poetic Prosodic Meter Relations in Ottoman-Turkish Music
作者 Gozde Colakoglu SARI 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期128-140,共13页
Language, literature, customs and traditions, music and art are cultural items that were transmitted from generation to generation throughout history. In this context, literature is an important source of music cultur... Language, literature, customs and traditions, music and art are cultural items that were transmitted from generation to generation throughout history. In this context, literature is an important source of music culture that takes inspiration from the customs and traditions of a society. Prosodic meter is echoed in form, usul and general structure in works composed from the divan literature and almost lives in the work. In the same way, when examples of folk literature composed by composers and performed by poets and a^lks are examined, it is observed that there are parallels between literary features and form, structure and rhythmic features. The aim of this paper is to reveal the integral link between Melody-Usul and Meter in Ottoman Turkish Music 展开更多
关键词 MELODY usul Aruz Prosodic Metters Meek
Aging With Disney and the Gendering of Evil
作者 Nada Ramadan Elnahla 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期114-127,共14页
Walt Disney animated films are considered synonymous with wholesome family entertainment despite the inherent negative messages of gender, age, and power hierarchies behind them. This paper proposes to explore the asp... Walt Disney animated films are considered synonymous with wholesome family entertainment despite the inherent negative messages of gender, age, and power hierarchies behind them. This paper proposes to explore the aspect of age as intersecting with gender through the villainesses in six of Disney's popular animated films: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Cinderella (1950), Sleeping Beauty (1959), The Little Mermaid (1989), Tangled (2010), and Frozen (2013). How Disney alters the actions of major and minor characters, and the construction of aging female characters and the key characteristics they exhibit during their fight for eternal youth, beauty, and social and political power will be analyzed, attempting to show how Disney is not a harmless substitute for a babysitter for children. 展开更多
"Charme des Impossibilit6s": Variety and Unity in Olivier Messiaen's Technique de Mon Langage Musical
作者 Egidio Pozzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第8期793-807,共15页
In 1944, Messiaen offered a systematic description of his musical language in a text entitled Technique de Mon Langage Musical, an exposition of his compositional techniques that represents one of the most important a... In 1944, Messiaen offered a systematic description of his musical language in a text entitled Technique de Mon Langage Musical, an exposition of his compositional techniques that represents one of the most important accounts of his musical thoughts. This text is important not only in understanding his methods of composition, but also in comprehending the multiplicity and variety of his aesthetic ideas. In spite of the large variety of sources that inspire it, in Technique, Messiaen presents a compositional thought that, at least in part, proves to be substantially cohesive The purpose of this paper is to describe the content of the Technique, with particular attention to aspects concerning rhythm and harmony, which are the elements that received Messiaen's deepest attention and which also had the greatest influence on later 20th-century composers 展开更多
关键词 MESSIAEN TECHNIQUE avantgarde non-retrogradable rhythms limited transposition modes
A Study on the Artistic Dimension of Modem Chinese Popular Music
作者 WANG Jing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1299-1306,共8页
Generally, criticism on popular music is of both political and artistic nature. This paper is intended to investigate modem Chinese popular music in the artistic dimension. On one hand, through analysis and differenti... Generally, criticism on popular music is of both political and artistic nature. This paper is intended to investigate modem Chinese popular music in the artistic dimension. On one hand, through analysis and differentiation in light of the two persistent (and biased) conceptions, it is necessary to acknowledge the inevitability of popular music as an art. On the other hand, this paper aims to analyze specifically the "voice" in popular music in hope of presenting its unique aesthetic characteristics. Above all, a more comprehensive view and more diverse approaches are needed in the study of popular music 展开更多
关键词 artistic quality aesthetic characteristics "voice"
Musical Traditions of Tengrianism
作者 Bakhtiyar Amanzhol 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期46-54,共9页
This paper examines the musical tradition, widespread in the giant habitat of the northern hemisphere--from theUrals in the east to the Pacific and even capturing the regions of North America. The author considers mus... This paper examines the musical tradition, widespread in the giant habitat of the northern hemisphere--from theUrals in the east to the Pacific and even capturing the regions of North America. The author considers music as areflection of worldview and religion. For this purpose the author uses a method of comparison of a mythological picture of the world and properties of musical language. An important element linking the two areas is vertical. In mythology, this is turning the world on several floors in which the world of people occupies the middle one. At the level of music--it is the vertical of overtone sound row. The initial timbre ideal of this tradition are th esounds of throat singing which are associated with the vertical of the universe and consciousness used as an important formative structure of the World Model. In the article the author considers a materialization of musical consciousness in musical instruments. For this purpose, eight instruments under different names are selected andpresented in musical cultures of people. This allows the author to create the card of geographical distribution of tengri consciousness. 展开更多
关键词 musical language vertical of overtone sound row worldview of Tengry throat singing
Study on teaching quality of music teachers in colleges under quality education background
作者 Na Wang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期13-16,共4页
Aesthetic education is the important component of the character building education, but music education is an important means to implement character building education, train more university students with quality of a... Aesthetic education is the important component of the character building education, but music education is an important means to implement character building education, train more university students with quality of aesthetic education today when could be recommending character building education in a more cost-effective manner, the music teacher's quality is the key point. The main visual angle of this text is in term of training university student's character building education, canvass the teaching quality which the music teacher of the university should possess under the character building education background. 展开更多
关键词 Aesthetic education Teaching quality ABILITY
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