Kiwifruit canker and brown spot are significant diseases affecting kiwis,caused by Pseudomonas syringae patho-genic variations(Pseudomonas syringae pv.Actinidiae(Psa))and Corynesporapolytica(Corynespora cassiicola).At ...Kiwifruit canker and brown spot are significant diseases affecting kiwis,caused by Pseudomonas syringae patho-genic variations(Pseudomonas syringae pv.Actinidiae(Psa))and Corynesporapolytica(Corynespora cassiicola).At present,the research on canker disease and brown spot disease mainly focuses on the isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria,drug control,resistance gene mining and functional verification.Practice has proved that breeding disease resistant varieties are an effective method to control canker disease and brown spot disease.However,most existing cultivars lack genes for canker and brown spot resistance.Wild kiwifruit resources in nat-ure exhibit extensive genetic diversity due to prolonged natural selection,containing numerous resistance genes.But,due to insufficient understanding of the resistance of most kiwifruit varieties(lines)to canker disease and brown spot disease,some high-quality resources have not been fully utilized.The incidence of canker and brown spot of 18 kiwifruit cultivars(lines)was measured by inoculating isolated branches and leaves,and their resistance to canker and brown spot was analyzed according to the length,disease index,mean diameter,and systematic clustering.The results were as follows:Among 18 different kiwifruit varieties(lines)for canker disease,there were two highly resistant materials,eight disease-resistant materials,four disease-susceptible materials,and two highly susceptible materials.Moreover,regarding brown spot disease,there were one highly resistant material,five dis-ease-resistant materials,four susceptible materials,and three highly susceptible materials.Furthermore,four resources were resistant to both diseases.The outcomes provided a theoretical basis for breeding kiwifruit against canker and brown spot.展开更多
N6-methyladenosine(m^(6)A)RNA modification is a conserved mechanism that regulates the fate of RNA across eukaryotic organisms.Despite its significance,a comprehensive analysis of m^(6)A-related genes in non-model pla...N6-methyladenosine(m^(6)A)RNA modification is a conserved mechanism that regulates the fate of RNA across eukaryotic organisms.Despite its significance,a comprehensive analysis of m^(6)A-related genes in non-model plants,such as kiwifruit,is lacking.Here,we identified 36 m^(6)A-related genes in the kiwifruit genome according to homology and phylogenetic inference.We performed bioinformatics and evolutionary analyses of the writer,eraser,and reader families of m^(6)A modification.Reanalysis of public RNA-seq data collected from samples under various biotic and abiotic stresses indicated that most m^(6)A-related genes were remarkably expressed under different conditions.Through construction of gene co-expression networks,we found significant correlations between several m^(6)A-related genes and transcription factors(TFs)as well as receptor-like genes during the development and ripening of kiwifruit.Furthermore,we performed ATAC-seq assays on diverse kiwifruit tissues to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of m^(6)A-related genes.We identified 10 common open chromatin regions that were present in at least two tissues,and these regions might serve as potential binding sites for MADS protein,C2H2 protein,and other predicted TFs.Our study offers comprehensive insights into the gene family of m^(6)A-related components in kiwifruit,which will lay foundation for exploring mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation involved in development and adaptation of kiwifruit.展开更多
【目的】针对传统化学方法测定猕猴桃品质存在工序复杂、费时费力、需破坏性检测等问题,提出一种基于高光谱技术的高效无损检测方法。【方法】以110个米良1号猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa‘Miliang-1’)样本为研究对象,利...【目的】针对传统化学方法测定猕猴桃品质存在工序复杂、费时费力、需破坏性检测等问题,提出一种基于高光谱技术的高效无损检测方法。【方法】以110个米良1号猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa‘Miliang-1’)样本为研究对象,利用高光谱仪采集不同贮藏时间果实的高光谱反射光谱。利用光谱-理化值共生距离法(sample set partitioning based on joint X-Y distance sampling,SPXY)将猕猴桃样本按照8∶3的数量比例划分为训练集和测试集,统一采用支持向量机(SVM)对比分析标准正态变换(SNV)、多元散射校正(MSC)、一阶导数(1st-D)、二阶导数(2nd-D)、平滑算法(SG)对原始光谱进行预处理。使用遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)和随机蛙跳(random frog,RF)对猕猴桃高光谱特征波长进行筛选,结合支持向量回归(SVR)、反向传播神经网络(BP)算法,组合构建猕猴桃品质的回归预测模型。【结果】在组合模型中,可溶性固形物含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.903,RMSE为1.731;可滴定酸含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.857,RMSE为0.225。【结论】应用高光谱技术对米良1号猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量进行无损检测具有可行性。为进一步研究不同品种猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量的无损检测模型奠定了基础。展开更多
The variation of sugar, acid and vitamin C contents in fruits of red flesh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) "Hongyang" and green fresh kiwifruit (A. deliciosa) 'Jinkui' were investigated during fruit developmen...The variation of sugar, acid and vitamin C contents in fruits of red flesh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) "Hongyang" and green fresh kiwifruit (A. deliciosa) 'Jinkui' were investigated during fruit development. The results showed that the to- tal sugar soluble contents of "Hongyang' and 'Jinkui" during fruit development ex- isted different variations. With the upward trend of 'Hongyang' fruit development, 95 days after full bloom (DAFB), the total soluble sugar accumulation was relatively slow, and then rose rapidly until harvest with the maximum content (6.87%). While 'Jinkui' fruit showed a fluctuant process, rising in 50 DAFB, then declining, then rising rapidly and decreasing slightly right before harvest. The variation of fruit titrat- able acid between them was more consistent, which was increased and then de- creased. The only difference was that the titratable acid content of 'Jinkui' fruit de- creased slowly from the late of fruit development to fruit ripening, similar to the maximum value, but that of 'Hongyang' fruit decreased rapidly in the late. Titrat- able acid contents of them in the maturity were 1.08% and 1.20%, respectively. The trends of sugar acid ratio for 'Hongyang' and 'Jinkui' fruit were quite different. 'Hongyang' fruit increased slowly and then rapidly; 'Jinkui' changed from decreas- ing to increasing, followed by slight decreasing in mature stage. In addition, the two kiwifruit varieties had a similar change trend of Vc content during fruit development, which changed from rapid increasing to declining, followed by slight growing in the harvest. The changing tendency of 'Jinkui' fruit was later than that of 'Hengyang'.展开更多
[Objective] The variation of sugar, acid and AsA contents in fruits of ‘Ganmi 6' kiwifruit (Actinidia eriantha Benth) were investigated during fruit develop- ment. [Method] Kiwi fruits were randomly taken as mater...[Objective] The variation of sugar, acid and AsA contents in fruits of ‘Ganmi 6' kiwifruit (Actinidia eriantha Benth) were investigated during fruit develop- ment. [Method] Kiwi fruits were randomly taken as materials every 15 days since 20 days after full bloom (DAFB) to 170 DAFB until in mature stage. [Result] The results showed that during fruit development of ‘Ganmi 6', the total sugar soluble contents had a rising trend with relatively stable at 95 DAFB, then rose until har- vest with the maximum content (10.35%). The titratable acid content showed a trend of increasing, then declining, then increase to the harvest content (1.10%). From the sugar acid ratio, we can knew it decreased in 95 DAFB, then up to the max (9.38). The changes of AsA contents showed double ‘S' shape, decreased af- ter the first increased rapidly, slightly increased and then decreased in the early harvest. [Conclusion] It provided a theoretical basis for scientific cultivation methods to explore the nutrients regulation.展开更多
Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson cv. Bruno) was used toinvestigate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, 1.0 mmol/L, pH 3.5) and ethylene (100 mL/L) treat-ments on changes at...Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson cv. Bruno) was used toinvestigate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, 1.0 mmol/L, pH 3.5) and ethylene (100 mL/L) treat-ments on changes at endogenous salicylic acid (SA) levels and other senescence-related factors duringfruit ripening and softening at 20 ℃. The level of endogenous SA in ripening fruits declined and a closerelationship was observed between the change at endogenous SA level and the rate of fruit ripening andsoftening. ASA treatment elevated SA level in the fruit, slowed down the increases in lipoxygenase (LOX)and allene oxide synthase (AOS) activities, decreased the O22-. production in the preclimacteric phase andthe early phase of ethylene climacteric rise, maintained the stability of cell membrane, inhibited ethylenebiosynthesis, postponed the onset of the ethylene climacteric, and delayed the process of fruit ripeningand softening. On the contrary, application of ethylene to ripening kiwifruit resulted at a lower SA level, anaccelerated increases in the activities of LOX and AOS and the rate of O22-. production, an elevated relativeelectric conductivity and an advanced onset of ethylene climacteric, and a quicker fruit ripening andsoftening. It is suggested that the effects of ASA on ripening kiwifruit can be attributed to its ability toscavenge O22-. and/or to maintain stability of cell membrane.展开更多
Objctive The aim was to make better use of the EST-SSR resources of kiwifruit for further molecular biological studies and new EST-SSR marker development by screening and mining the SSR repeats in the EST database of ...Objctive The aim was to make better use of the EST-SSR resources of kiwifruit for further molecular biological studies and new EST-SSR marker development by screening and mining the SSR repeats in the EST database of kiwifruit (Actinidia spp. ) [ Method] 56 400 of EST sequences were randomly selected from EST( Expressed Sequence Tag)sequences of kiwifruit in the database of NCBI. EST sequences were analyzed and the SSR(Microsatellite) was screened by using the SSRHunter software. [ Result] 7 939 SSRs were identified from the ran- domly selected kiwifruit EST resources, among which there were 5 131 (64.63%) dinucleotide, 1 237 ( 15.58% ) trinucleotide, 284 ( 3.58% ) tetra nucleotide, 397 (5.00%) pentanucleotide and 890 ( 11.21% ) hexanucleotide SSRs. Among the dinucleotide sequences, AG/CT repeat motif was accounted for 4 654(90.70% ). The frequency of SSRs was approximately 1/2.48 kb, which could exist to 1 SSR in 7 unigenes. [ Conclusion] The dinucleotide repeats appeared to be the most abundant SSRs, followed by the trinucleotide and hexanucleotide repeats. Among them the repeat motif such as AG/CT was predominant in each type of SSRs.展开更多
早采行为已成为制约猕猴桃产业经济效益提高的主要因素之一。该文基于外观品质、理化特性及贮藏特性等多维度解析早采猕猴桃果实的品质演变规律。结果表明,早采3周和4周的果实的外形还未停止生长,果形指数较高,单果重较低,造成严重的产...早采行为已成为制约猕猴桃产业经济效益提高的主要因素之一。该文基于外观品质、理化特性及贮藏特性等多维度解析早采猕猴桃果实的品质演变规律。结果表明,早采3周和4周的果实的外形还未停止生长,果形指数较高,单果重较低,造成严重的产量损失。其次,无论是采收时(at harvest,AH),常温成熟(room temperature maturation,RTM),还是冷藏成熟(low temperature maturation,LTM),早采猕猴桃的可溶性固形物含量均显著低于正常采收组。早采4周的猕猴桃常温成熟后,果实糖含量较低而酸含量较高;冷藏成熟后,相比正常采收组,早采4周的猕猴桃糖和酸含量分别损失73%和29.76%,糖酸比严重失调。RTM和LTM处理后,早采2~4周猕猴桃的失重率和腐烂率随采收期的提前而显著提高。经LTM处理,早采2~4周猕猴桃均发生了较为严重的冷害症状,其冷害率、冷害指数、细胞膜透性均显著高于正常采收期。该研究探明了早采对猕猴桃外观品质、理化品质和贮藏特性的影响,为猕猴桃适时采收提供一定的理论依据。展开更多
The kiwifruit trees(Actinidia deliciosa cv.Bruno)were sprayed with 5 mmol L-1 oxalic acid(OA)or water(as control)at 130,137 or 144 d after full-blossom,and then the fruit were harvested at commercial maturity and stor...The kiwifruit trees(Actinidia deliciosa cv.Bruno)were sprayed with 5 mmol L-1 oxalic acid(OA)or water(as control)at 130,137 or 144 d after full-blossom,and then the fruit were harvested at commercial maturity and stored at room temperature(20±1)℃ for 13 d.The effect of pre-harvest spraying of OA on postharvest quality of kiwifruit was evaluated during storage.The OA spraying slowed the increase in soluble solids content(SSC)and decrease in titratable acid(TA),as well as increased contents of ascorbic acid(AsA)and total-AsA accompanied with higher AsA/DHA ratio in kiwifruit during storage.Moreover,the OA spraying significantly reduced the contents of acetaldehyde and ethanol in kiwifruit,along with significant decrease in activities of enzymes involved in ethanol fermentation metabolism during the later period of storage,which was beneficial to control off-flavor associated with over accumulation of ethanol during postharvest.It was suggested that pre-harvest spraying of OA might maintain the postharvest quality of kiwifruit in relation to delay in fruit ripening,AsA maintenance and regulation of ethanol fermentation.展开更多
In this study,four genotypes(Acva-1,Acva-2,Acva-3 and ZM-2) of Actinidia germplasm resources were grown in different NaCl concentrations(0,0.4,0.8 and 1.2 g L–1).The growth,physiological and biochemical indicators we...In this study,four genotypes(Acva-1,Acva-2,Acva-3 and ZM-2) of Actinidia germplasm resources were grown in different NaCl concentrations(0,0.4,0.8 and 1.2 g L–1).The growth,physiological and biochemical indicators were measured,and a graded scale was developed as the salt damage index(SDI) according to different damage symptoms in leaves.The results showed SDI increased gradually,and average number and length of new shoot decreased significantly.Three antioxidant enzymes(superoxide dismutase,peroxidase and catalase) and two osmotic adjustment substances(soluble sugar and proline) showed different changes in old and new leaves of four genotypes.SPAD values exhibited a decreased trend in the whole except in the new leaves of Acva-2.Malonaldehyde contents increased and root activity decreased with the increasing salt concentrations.Principal component analysis was used to assess the salt tolerance,and the results showed Acva-3,from Actinidia valvata Dunn.,had the strongest tolerance to salt,and could be a potential resistant resource to the salt-tolerance dedicated rootstock breeding of kiwifruit.展开更多
Kiwifruit is an important fruit crop that is highly sensitive to environmental stresses,such as drought,heat,cold,water logging and phytopathogens.Therefore it is indispensable to identify stress-responsive candidate ...Kiwifruit is an important fruit crop that is highly sensitive to environmental stresses,such as drought,heat,cold,water logging and phytopathogens.Therefore it is indispensable to identify stress-responsive candidate genes in kiwifruit cultivars for the stress resistance improvement.Here we report the isolation and characterization of a novel kiwifruit R1R2R3-MYB homolog(AcMYB3R)whose expression was induced by drought,salinity and cold stress.In vitro assays showed that AcMYB3R is a nuclear protein with transcriptional activation activity by binding to the cis-element of the kiwifruit orthologue of G2/M phase-specific gene KNOLLE.The Arabidopsis transgenic plants overexpressing AcMYB3R showed drastically enhanced tolerance to drought and salt stress.The expressions of stress-responsive genes such as RD29A,RD29B,COR15A and RD22 were prominently up-regulated by ectopic expression of Ac MYB3R.Our study provides a valuable piece of information for functional genomics studies of kiwifruit and molecular breeding in improving stress tolerance for crop production.展开更多
Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization of high value horticultural crops is a common problem that not only increases the cost to farmers, but also negatively affects crop growth and the environment. A three-year field...Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization of high value horticultural crops is a common problem that not only increases the cost to farmers, but also negatively affects crop growth and the environment. A three-year field experiment was conducted in an intensive kiwifruit orchard in Shaanxi Province, China to compare the effects of reduced N fertilization applied as urea (U), and controlled release urea (CRU) on the N nutrition of kiwi vines, fruit yield and quality, and nitrate-N accumulation in the soil profile. The three treatments included a conventional N application rate (CF-U, 900 kg N ha-1 yr-1 as urea), two reduced N fertilization treatments where the amount of N fertilizer applied as U and CRU was reduced by 25% in 2013 and 2014, and by 45% in 2015. The 25 and 45% reduced N treatments had no adverse effects on the N concentrations in leaves and pruning branches and the fruit yield and quality of kiwi vines. However, they significantly enhanced the partial factor productivity of applied N (PFPN) and the economic benefits, and reduced nitrate accumulation in the 0-200 cm soil profile. The same benefits of reduced N fertilization were observed for both the U and CRU treatments, but the CRU treatment had the added benefit of decreasing the loss of nitrate through leaching. We concluded that the current level of N fertilization in kiwi orchards is very excessive, and reducing the N fertilizer rate by 25-45% could not only guarantee fruit yield, but also reduce N accumulation and loss.展开更多
In this thesis, 10 species of kiwifruit rootstocks were treated with hydroponics hypoxia to study their root zone hypoxia tolerance. The results were as follows: growth of all kiwifruit seedlings was inhibited. The ma...In this thesis, 10 species of kiwifruit rootstocks were treated with hydroponics hypoxia to study their root zone hypoxia tolerance. The results were as follows: growth of all kiwifruit seedlings was inhibited. The max length of new root, plant height, plant biomass, root activity, relative growth rate of leaves, and content of chlorophyll in leaves under root zone hypoxia stress obviously declined comparing with control. MDA content, relative conductance in the leaves and roots all increased in 10 kinds of kiwifruit seedlings. The sensitivities of 10 kinds’ kiwifruit seedlings to hypoxia stress were obviously different. With the method of subordinate function and cluster analysis, the adversity resistance coefficient of 10 kinds’ kiwifruit seedlings, were comprehensively evaluated in order to appraise their hypoxia-tolerance abilities. According to the results, “Hayward”, “Qinmei”, “Jinxiang”, “Kuoye”, “Huayou” kiwifruit seedlings held higher tolerance to root zone hypoxia stress, while “Hongyang” kiwifruit seedlings were sensitive to root zone hypoxia stress. The others, including “Xixuan”, “Maohua”, “Jinhua”, “Shanli” kiwifruit seedlings kept moderate resistant intensity to root zone hypoxia stress. The kiwifruit seedlings’ resistance order from strong to weak was: “Hayward” > “Qinmei” > “Jinxiang” > “Kuoye” > “Huayou” > “Xixuan” > “Maohua” > “Jinhua” > “Shanli” > “Hongyang”.展开更多
The changes in the cell ultrastructure of in vitro cultured shoot tips from dwarf genotype of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Ganmi 5) during cryopreservation were investigated. Shoot tips were preserved in liquid ni...The changes in the cell ultrastructure of in vitro cultured shoot tips from dwarf genotype of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Ganmi 5) during cryopreservation were investigated. Shoot tips were preserved in liquid nitrogen using vitrification, and the cell ultrastructure was examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The regular ultrastructure of the cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus of shoot tips could be damaged during the freezing and thawing associated with preservation using liquid nitrogen. The cell plasmolysis was increased and freezing tolerance was improved after precultufing and dehydrating in a preservation and vitrification solution (PVS2) (30% glycerol (Gly)+ 15% ethylene glycol (EG)+ 15% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) + 0.4 mol L^-1 sucrose). The structure of some cells with low degree of injury and reversible damage was similar to that of the control and they could undergo normal cell division and differentiation. Besides, they could recover automatically and regenerate after their reculture.展开更多
AIM: To investigate if increased dietary fiber, in terms of kiwifruit, is effective in Chinese constipated patients. METHODS: 33 constipated patients and 20 healthy volunteers were recruited for a 4-wk treatment of ...AIM: To investigate if increased dietary fiber, in terms of kiwifruit, is effective in Chinese constipated patients. METHODS: 33 constipated patients and 20 healthy volunteers were recruited for a 4-wk treatment of kiwi fruit twice daily. Response during wk 1-4 was defined as an increase in complete spontaneous bowl, motion (CSBM)≥ 1/wk. Secondary efficacy included response during wk 1-4, individual symptoms and scores of bowel habits and constipation. Responses were compared with the baseline run-in period. Colonic transit time and anorectal manometry were performed before and after treatment. RESULTS: Responder rate was 54.5% in the constipated group. The mean CSBM increased after treatment (2.2±2.6 vs 4.4± 4.6, P = 0.013). There was also improvement in the scores for bothersomeness of constipation (P = 0.02), and satisfaction of bowel habit (P = 0.001), and decreased in days of laxative used (P = 0.003). There was also improvement in transit time (P = 0.003) and rectal sensation (P 〈 0.05). However, there was no change in the bowel symptoms or anorectal physiology in the healthy subjects. CONCLUSION: Increasing dietary fiber intake is effective in relieving chronic constipation in Chinese population.展开更多
基金supported by the following grants:Science and Technology Support Plan of Guizhou Province:Breeding Research and Demonstration of all-Red Bud Transformation of“GH-1”Clone of“Hong yang”Kiwifruit(Guizhou Family Combination Support[2021]General 234)the National Key Research and Development Program“Quality and Efficiency Improvement Technology Integration and Demonstration of Advantageous Characteristic Industries in Guizhou Karst Mountain Area(2021YFD1100300)”Post-Subsidy FundTask 3 of National Key Research and Development Program,Green Prevention and Control Technology Integration and Demonstration of Main Diseases and Insect Pests of Kiwifruit in Shuicheng City,China(2022YFD1601710-3).
文摘Kiwifruit canker and brown spot are significant diseases affecting kiwis,caused by Pseudomonas syringae patho-genic variations(Pseudomonas syringae pv.Actinidiae(Psa))and Corynesporapolytica(Corynespora cassiicola).At present,the research on canker disease and brown spot disease mainly focuses on the isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria,drug control,resistance gene mining and functional verification.Practice has proved that breeding disease resistant varieties are an effective method to control canker disease and brown spot disease.However,most existing cultivars lack genes for canker and brown spot resistance.Wild kiwifruit resources in nat-ure exhibit extensive genetic diversity due to prolonged natural selection,containing numerous resistance genes.But,due to insufficient understanding of the resistance of most kiwifruit varieties(lines)to canker disease and brown spot disease,some high-quality resources have not been fully utilized.The incidence of canker and brown spot of 18 kiwifruit cultivars(lines)was measured by inoculating isolated branches and leaves,and their resistance to canker and brown spot was analyzed according to the length,disease index,mean diameter,and systematic clustering.The results were as follows:Among 18 different kiwifruit varieties(lines)for canker disease,there were two highly resistant materials,eight disease-resistant materials,four disease-susceptible materials,and two highly susceptible materials.Moreover,regarding brown spot disease,there were one highly resistant material,five dis-ease-resistant materials,four susceptible materials,and three highly susceptible materials.Furthermore,four resources were resistant to both diseases.The outcomes provided a theoretical basis for breeding kiwifruit against canker and brown spot.
基金the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang province(Grant Nos.LQ23C150003,LR23C150001)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(Grant No.32102318)NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund.
文摘N6-methyladenosine(m^(6)A)RNA modification is a conserved mechanism that regulates the fate of RNA across eukaryotic organisms.Despite its significance,a comprehensive analysis of m^(6)A-related genes in non-model plants,such as kiwifruit,is lacking.Here,we identified 36 m^(6)A-related genes in the kiwifruit genome according to homology and phylogenetic inference.We performed bioinformatics and evolutionary analyses of the writer,eraser,and reader families of m^(6)A modification.Reanalysis of public RNA-seq data collected from samples under various biotic and abiotic stresses indicated that most m^(6)A-related genes were remarkably expressed under different conditions.Through construction of gene co-expression networks,we found significant correlations between several m^(6)A-related genes and transcription factors(TFs)as well as receptor-like genes during the development and ripening of kiwifruit.Furthermore,we performed ATAC-seq assays on diverse kiwifruit tissues to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of m^(6)A-related genes.We identified 10 common open chromatin regions that were present in at least two tissues,and these regions might serve as potential binding sites for MADS protein,C2H2 protein,and other predicted TFs.Our study offers comprehensive insights into the gene family of m^(6)A-related components in kiwifruit,which will lay foundation for exploring mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation involved in development and adaptation of kiwifruit.
文摘【目的】针对传统化学方法测定猕猴桃品质存在工序复杂、费时费力、需破坏性检测等问题,提出一种基于高光谱技术的高效无损检测方法。【方法】以110个米良1号猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa‘Miliang-1’)样本为研究对象,利用高光谱仪采集不同贮藏时间果实的高光谱反射光谱。利用光谱-理化值共生距离法(sample set partitioning based on joint X-Y distance sampling,SPXY)将猕猴桃样本按照8∶3的数量比例划分为训练集和测试集,统一采用支持向量机(SVM)对比分析标准正态变换(SNV)、多元散射校正(MSC)、一阶导数(1st-D)、二阶导数(2nd-D)、平滑算法(SG)对原始光谱进行预处理。使用遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)和随机蛙跳(random frog,RF)对猕猴桃高光谱特征波长进行筛选,结合支持向量回归(SVR)、反向传播神经网络(BP)算法,组合构建猕猴桃品质的回归预测模型。【结果】在组合模型中,可溶性固形物含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.903,RMSE为1.731;可滴定酸含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.857,RMSE为0.225。【结论】应用高光谱技术对米良1号猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量进行无损检测具有可行性。为进一步研究不同品种猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量的无损检测模型奠定了基础。
文摘The variation of sugar, acid and vitamin C contents in fruits of red flesh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) "Hongyang" and green fresh kiwifruit (A. deliciosa) 'Jinkui' were investigated during fruit development. The results showed that the to- tal sugar soluble contents of "Hongyang' and 'Jinkui" during fruit development ex- isted different variations. With the upward trend of 'Hongyang' fruit development, 95 days after full bloom (DAFB), the total soluble sugar accumulation was relatively slow, and then rose rapidly until harvest with the maximum content (6.87%). While 'Jinkui' fruit showed a fluctuant process, rising in 50 DAFB, then declining, then rising rapidly and decreasing slightly right before harvest. The variation of fruit titrat- able acid between them was more consistent, which was increased and then de- creased. The only difference was that the titratable acid content of 'Jinkui' fruit de- creased slowly from the late of fruit development to fruit ripening, similar to the maximum value, but that of 'Hongyang' fruit decreased rapidly in the late. Titrat- able acid contents of them in the maturity were 1.08% and 1.20%, respectively. The trends of sugar acid ratio for 'Hongyang' and 'Jinkui' fruit were quite different. 'Hongyang' fruit increased slowly and then rapidly; 'Jinkui' changed from decreas- ing to increasing, followed by slight decreasing in mature stage. In addition, the two kiwifruit varieties had a similar change trend of Vc content during fruit development, which changed from rapid increasing to declining, followed by slight growing in the harvest. The changing tendency of 'Jinkui' fruit was later than that of 'Hengyang'.
基金Supported by the Special Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(20143ACF60015)National Natural Scientific Fund(31360472)~~
文摘[Objective] The variation of sugar, acid and AsA contents in fruits of ‘Ganmi 6' kiwifruit (Actinidia eriantha Benth) were investigated during fruit develop- ment. [Method] Kiwi fruits were randomly taken as materials every 15 days since 20 days after full bloom (DAFB) to 170 DAFB until in mature stage. [Result] The results showed that during fruit development of ‘Ganmi 6', the total sugar soluble contents had a rising trend with relatively stable at 95 DAFB, then rose until har- vest with the maximum content (10.35%). The titratable acid content showed a trend of increasing, then declining, then increase to the harvest content (1.10%). From the sugar acid ratio, we can knew it decreased in 95 DAFB, then up to the max (9.38). The changes of AsA contents showed double ‘S' shape, decreased af- ter the first increased rapidly, slightly increased and then decreased in the early harvest. [Conclusion] It provided a theoretical basis for scientific cultivation methods to explore the nutrients regulation.
文摘Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson cv. Bruno) was used toinvestigate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, 1.0 mmol/L, pH 3.5) and ethylene (100 mL/L) treat-ments on changes at endogenous salicylic acid (SA) levels and other senescence-related factors duringfruit ripening and softening at 20 ℃. The level of endogenous SA in ripening fruits declined and a closerelationship was observed between the change at endogenous SA level and the rate of fruit ripening andsoftening. ASA treatment elevated SA level in the fruit, slowed down the increases in lipoxygenase (LOX)and allene oxide synthase (AOS) activities, decreased the O22-. production in the preclimacteric phase andthe early phase of ethylene climacteric rise, maintained the stability of cell membrane, inhibited ethylenebiosynthesis, postponed the onset of the ethylene climacteric, and delayed the process of fruit ripeningand softening. On the contrary, application of ethylene to ripening kiwifruit resulted at a lower SA level, anaccelerated increases in the activities of LOX and AOS and the rate of O22-. production, an elevated relativeelectric conductivity and an advanced onset of ethylene climacteric, and a quicker fruit ripening andsoftening. It is suggested that the effects of ASA on ripening kiwifruit can be attributed to its ability toscavenge O22-. and/or to maintain stability of cell membrane.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30660113,30860167)~~
文摘Objctive The aim was to make better use of the EST-SSR resources of kiwifruit for further molecular biological studies and new EST-SSR marker development by screening and mining the SSR repeats in the EST database of kiwifruit (Actinidia spp. ) [ Method] 56 400 of EST sequences were randomly selected from EST( Expressed Sequence Tag)sequences of kiwifruit in the database of NCBI. EST sequences were analyzed and the SSR(Microsatellite) was screened by using the SSRHunter software. [ Result] 7 939 SSRs were identified from the ran- domly selected kiwifruit EST resources, among which there were 5 131 (64.63%) dinucleotide, 1 237 ( 15.58% ) trinucleotide, 284 ( 3.58% ) tetra nucleotide, 397 (5.00%) pentanucleotide and 890 ( 11.21% ) hexanucleotide SSRs. Among the dinucleotide sequences, AG/CT repeat motif was accounted for 4 654(90.70% ). The frequency of SSRs was approximately 1/2.48 kb, which could exist to 1 SSR in 7 unigenes. [ Conclusion] The dinucleotide repeats appeared to be the most abundant SSRs, followed by the trinucleotide and hexanucleotide repeats. Among them the repeat motif such as AG/CT was predominant in each type of SSRs.
文摘早采行为已成为制约猕猴桃产业经济效益提高的主要因素之一。该文基于外观品质、理化特性及贮藏特性等多维度解析早采猕猴桃果实的品质演变规律。结果表明,早采3周和4周的果实的外形还未停止生长,果形指数较高,单果重较低,造成严重的产量损失。其次,无论是采收时(at harvest,AH),常温成熟(room temperature maturation,RTM),还是冷藏成熟(low temperature maturation,LTM),早采猕猴桃的可溶性固形物含量均显著低于正常采收组。早采4周的猕猴桃常温成熟后,果实糖含量较低而酸含量较高;冷藏成熟后,相比正常采收组,早采4周的猕猴桃糖和酸含量分别损失73%和29.76%,糖酸比严重失调。RTM和LTM处理后,早采2~4周猕猴桃的失重率和腐烂率随采收期的提前而显著提高。经LTM处理,早采2~4周猕猴桃均发生了较为严重的冷害症状,其冷害率、冷害指数、细胞膜透性均显著高于正常采收期。该研究探明了早采对猕猴桃外观品质、理化品质和贮藏特性的影响,为猕猴桃适时采收提供一定的理论依据。
基金the financial support provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31671908)the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0400901)
文摘The kiwifruit trees(Actinidia deliciosa cv.Bruno)were sprayed with 5 mmol L-1 oxalic acid(OA)or water(as control)at 130,137 or 144 d after full-blossom,and then the fruit were harvested at commercial maturity and stored at room temperature(20±1)℃ for 13 d.The effect of pre-harvest spraying of OA on postharvest quality of kiwifruit was evaluated during storage.The OA spraying slowed the increase in soluble solids content(SSC)and decrease in titratable acid(TA),as well as increased contents of ascorbic acid(AsA)and total-AsA accompanied with higher AsA/DHA ratio in kiwifruit during storage.Moreover,the OA spraying significantly reduced the contents of acetaldehyde and ethanol in kiwifruit,along with significant decrease in activities of enzymes involved in ethanol fermentation metabolism during the later period of storage,which was beneficial to control off-flavor associated with over accumulation of ethanol during postharvest.It was suggested that pre-harvest spraying of OA might maintain the postharvest quality of kiwifruit in relation to delay in fruit ripening,AsA maintenance and regulation of ethanol fermentation.
基金the fundings from the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-ASTIP2016-ZFRI)the Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute,CAAS (1610192017708)the Modern Agricultural Industry Technology of Henan Province,China (S2014-11)
文摘In this study,four genotypes(Acva-1,Acva-2,Acva-3 and ZM-2) of Actinidia germplasm resources were grown in different NaCl concentrations(0,0.4,0.8 and 1.2 g L–1).The growth,physiological and biochemical indicators were measured,and a graded scale was developed as the salt damage index(SDI) according to different damage symptoms in leaves.The results showed SDI increased gradually,and average number and length of new shoot decreased significantly.Three antioxidant enzymes(superoxide dismutase,peroxidase and catalase) and two osmotic adjustment substances(soluble sugar and proline) showed different changes in old and new leaves of four genotypes.SPAD values exhibited a decreased trend in the whole except in the new leaves of Acva-2.Malonaldehyde contents increased and root activity decreased with the increasing salt concentrations.Principal component analysis was used to assess the salt tolerance,and the results showed Acva-3,from Actinidia valvata Dunn.,had the strongest tolerance to salt,and could be a potential resistant resource to the salt-tolerance dedicated rootstock breeding of kiwifruit.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31471157 and 31700266)
文摘Kiwifruit is an important fruit crop that is highly sensitive to environmental stresses,such as drought,heat,cold,water logging and phytopathogens.Therefore it is indispensable to identify stress-responsive candidate genes in kiwifruit cultivars for the stress resistance improvement.Here we report the isolation and characterization of a novel kiwifruit R1R2R3-MYB homolog(AcMYB3R)whose expression was induced by drought,salinity and cold stress.In vitro assays showed that AcMYB3R is a nuclear protein with transcriptional activation activity by binding to the cis-element of the kiwifruit orthologue of G2/M phase-specific gene KNOLLE.The Arabidopsis transgenic plants overexpressing AcMYB3R showed drastically enhanced tolerance to drought and salt stress.The expressions of stress-responsive genes such as RD29A,RD29B,COR15A and RD22 were prominently up-regulated by ectopic expression of Ac MYB3R.Our study provides a valuable piece of information for functional genomics studies of kiwifruit and molecular breeding in improving stress tolerance for crop production.
基金supported by the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2012BAD15B04)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31372137,41671295)+1 种基金jointly supported by the Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) of UKthe Ministry of Agriculture of China under the Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN)
文摘Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization of high value horticultural crops is a common problem that not only increases the cost to farmers, but also negatively affects crop growth and the environment. A three-year field experiment was conducted in an intensive kiwifruit orchard in Shaanxi Province, China to compare the effects of reduced N fertilization applied as urea (U), and controlled release urea (CRU) on the N nutrition of kiwi vines, fruit yield and quality, and nitrate-N accumulation in the soil profile. The three treatments included a conventional N application rate (CF-U, 900 kg N ha-1 yr-1 as urea), two reduced N fertilization treatments where the amount of N fertilizer applied as U and CRU was reduced by 25% in 2013 and 2014, and by 45% in 2015. The 25 and 45% reduced N treatments had no adverse effects on the N concentrations in leaves and pruning branches and the fruit yield and quality of kiwi vines. However, they significantly enhanced the partial factor productivity of applied N (PFPN) and the economic benefits, and reduced nitrate accumulation in the 0-200 cm soil profile. The same benefits of reduced N fertilization were observed for both the U and CRU treatments, but the CRU treatment had the added benefit of decreasing the loss of nitrate through leaching. We concluded that the current level of N fertilization in kiwi orchards is very excessive, and reducing the N fertilizer rate by 25-45% could not only guarantee fruit yield, but also reduce N accumulation and loss.
文摘In this thesis, 10 species of kiwifruit rootstocks were treated with hydroponics hypoxia to study their root zone hypoxia tolerance. The results were as follows: growth of all kiwifruit seedlings was inhibited. The max length of new root, plant height, plant biomass, root activity, relative growth rate of leaves, and content of chlorophyll in leaves under root zone hypoxia stress obviously declined comparing with control. MDA content, relative conductance in the leaves and roots all increased in 10 kinds of kiwifruit seedlings. The sensitivities of 10 kinds’ kiwifruit seedlings to hypoxia stress were obviously different. With the method of subordinate function and cluster analysis, the adversity resistance coefficient of 10 kinds’ kiwifruit seedlings, were comprehensively evaluated in order to appraise their hypoxia-tolerance abilities. According to the results, “Hayward”, “Qinmei”, “Jinxiang”, “Kuoye”, “Huayou” kiwifruit seedlings held higher tolerance to root zone hypoxia stress, while “Hongyang” kiwifruit seedlings were sensitive to root zone hypoxia stress. The others, including “Xixuan”, “Maohua”, “Jinhua”, “Shanli” kiwifruit seedlings kept moderate resistant intensity to root zone hypoxia stress. The kiwifruit seedlings’ resistance order from strong to weak was: “Hayward” > “Qinmei” > “Jinxiang” > “Kuoye” > “Huayou” > “Xixuan” > “Maohua” > “Jinhua” > “Shanli” > “Hongyang”.
文摘The changes in the cell ultrastructure of in vitro cultured shoot tips from dwarf genotype of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Ganmi 5) during cryopreservation were investigated. Shoot tips were preserved in liquid nitrogen using vitrification, and the cell ultrastructure was examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The regular ultrastructure of the cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus of shoot tips could be damaged during the freezing and thawing associated with preservation using liquid nitrogen. The cell plasmolysis was increased and freezing tolerance was improved after precultufing and dehydrating in a preservation and vitrification solution (PVS2) (30% glycerol (Gly)+ 15% ethylene glycol (EG)+ 15% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) + 0.4 mol L^-1 sucrose). The structure of some cells with low degree of injury and reversible damage was similar to that of the control and they could undergo normal cell division and differentiation. Besides, they could recover automatically and regenerate after their reculture.
文摘AIM: To investigate if increased dietary fiber, in terms of kiwifruit, is effective in Chinese constipated patients. METHODS: 33 constipated patients and 20 healthy volunteers were recruited for a 4-wk treatment of kiwi fruit twice daily. Response during wk 1-4 was defined as an increase in complete spontaneous bowl, motion (CSBM)≥ 1/wk. Secondary efficacy included response during wk 1-4, individual symptoms and scores of bowel habits and constipation. Responses were compared with the baseline run-in period. Colonic transit time and anorectal manometry were performed before and after treatment. RESULTS: Responder rate was 54.5% in the constipated group. The mean CSBM increased after treatment (2.2±2.6 vs 4.4± 4.6, P = 0.013). There was also improvement in the scores for bothersomeness of constipation (P = 0.02), and satisfaction of bowel habit (P = 0.001), and decreased in days of laxative used (P = 0.003). There was also improvement in transit time (P = 0.003) and rectal sensation (P 〈 0.05). However, there was no change in the bowel symptoms or anorectal physiology in the healthy subjects. CONCLUSION: Increasing dietary fiber intake is effective in relieving chronic constipation in Chinese population.