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作者 史敏华 王棣 谢英杰 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第S3期75-79,共5页
在对灌木树种的生物量、产草量、热值、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、氮、磷、钾等参数测定的基础上,采用模糊数学方法对石灰岩区6种主要灌木的"三料"价值进行综合评判.结果表明,6种灌木的"三料"价值由大到小依次为:杭子梢、狼... 在对灌木树种的生物量、产草量、热值、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、氮、磷、钾等参数测定的基础上,采用模糊数学方法对石灰岩区6种主要灌木的"三料"价值进行综合评判.结果表明,6种灌木的"三料"价值由大到小依次为:杭子梢、狼牙刺、虎榛子、黄刺梅、山皂角、连翘. 展开更多
关键词 石灰岩区 灌木 “三料”价值
作者 潘起造 《浙江万里学院学报》 2015年第4期1-7,共7页
对于培育和践行"三个倡导"核心价值观的问题,习总书记将它与承继中华民族二千多年来"修齐治平"的优秀人文传统结合起来作论释,并以一个"德"字,为人们揭示了理解和贯彻"三个倡导"的根本所在。... 对于培育和践行"三个倡导"核心价值观的问题,习总书记将它与承继中华民族二千多年来"修齐治平"的优秀人文传统结合起来作论释,并以一个"德"字,为人们揭示了理解和贯彻"三个倡导"的根本所在。如果说实现民族伟大复兴的"中国梦"是当代中国人在"做事"方面树立的终极目标,那么按"三个倡导"价值取向追求"止于至善"的道德境界则是在"做人"方面的终极目标。要使"三个倡导"核心价值观融入人心的关键在于信守社会主义良知观。 展开更多
关键词 “三个倡导”的社会主义核心价值 终极意义 社会主义良知观
作者 刘秀芬 《唯实》 CSSCI 1999年第7期22-24,共3页
在新的历史条件下,邓小平提出了当代共产党人活动的价值标准,这就是:“是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平”。如何评价和确立这一标准的理论地位和实践意义,理论... 在新的历史条件下,邓小平提出了当代共产党人活动的价值标准,这就是:“是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平”。如何评价和确立这一标准的理论地位和实践意义,理论界众说不一。笔者认为,“三个有利于”标准,是当代共产党人改变世界的价值标准。 展开更多
关键词 改变世界 建设社会主义 发展生产力 当代共产党人 价值标准体系 价值目标 “三个有利于”价值标准 综合国力 社会主义国家 发展社会主义
作者 谭玉川 《兵团党校学报》 1999年第3期17-19,共3页
关键词 “三个有利于”价值标准 制度创新 价值取向 制度变迁 发展生产力 邓小平 社会主义制度的自我完善 社会主义市场经济 社会管理制度 创新过程
作者 杨友国 《时代农机》 2016年第8期68-69,共2页
"三严三实"思想内容丰富,对我国各级领导干部的作风与工作提出了更新的要求,要真正的为人民谋福利,必须要深刻发扬出党的优良作风,"三严三实"的思想与践行社会主义核心价值观有着密切的关系,两者的本质是有机统一的... "三严三实"思想内容丰富,对我国各级领导干部的作风与工作提出了更新的要求,要真正的为人民谋福利,必须要深刻发扬出党的优良作风,"三严三实"的思想与践行社会主义核心价值观有着密切的关系,两者的本质是有机统一的,同时,落实"三严三实"的思想是践行社会主义核心价值观的一项需求。文章主要针对现阶段广大农村落实"三严三实"与践行社会主义核心价值观核心构建的关系与具体途径进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 落实“三实”社会主义核心价值 农村
作者 邵德兴 钟海舟 《中共浙江省委党校学报》 1999年第1期94-96,共3页
中国的改革一直是靠“摸着石子过河”走过来的,到目前已经走到一个关键的历史阶段:这就是要逐步推进全社会的制度创新。这种制度创新无疑是在两大前提下进行的:一是保持现有的“宪法秩序”;二是保持改革的市场取向。然而,这只是规定了... 中国的改革一直是靠“摸着石子过河”走过来的,到目前已经走到一个关键的历史阶段:这就是要逐步推进全社会的制度创新。这种制度创新无疑是在两大前提下进行的:一是保持现有的“宪法秩序”;二是保持改革的市场取向。然而,这只是规定了制度创新的外部边界,而实际的制度创新过程则是一个极其复杂的利益调整过程,始终存在着尖锐复杂的斗争。为了确保制度创新的正确方向,必须坚持科学的价值导向。那么,现今中国社会的制度创新实践又应坚持什么样的价值导向呢?本文试对此作点粗浅的分析。 展开更多
关键词 制度创新 价值导向 “三个有利于”价值标准 制度变迁 发展生产力 社会主义初级阶段 创新过程 制度建设 价值体系 邓小平同志
坚持有中国特色的社会主义价值导向 被引量:1
作者 杨发民 高锋 阎树群 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第2期5-9,共5页
坚持有中国特色的社会主义价值导向杨发民,高锋,阎树群任何社会变革,都需要一个顺应时代潮流而又为社会普遍认同的鲜明价值导向。改革是中国的第二次革命。这场革命的目标,是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,使社会主义充满生机和... 坚持有中国特色的社会主义价值导向杨发民,高锋,阎树群任何社会变革,都需要一个顺应时代潮流而又为社会普遍认同的鲜明价值导向。改革是中国的第二次革命。这场革命的目标,是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,使社会主义充满生机和活力。实践表明,我国社会结构特别是... 展开更多
关键词 社会主义价值目标 建设有中国特色社会主义 社会主义价值导向 有中国特色的社会主义 价值主体 人民利益 社会主义市场经济 人民群众 “三个有利于”价值标准 共同富裕
作者 曹健华 《湖湘论坛》 1998年第2期35-37,共3页
真理、真理标准与价值、价值标准关系诠解曹健华在人的实践活动中,主客体的双向运动,既包括外在环境和条件对人的活动的制约,又包括人以自己的需要为价值尺度,对外在对象的创造性选择,使外在对象与人的需要相接近或一致。人的实践... 真理、真理标准与价值、价值标准关系诠解曹健华在人的实践活动中,主客体的双向运动,既包括外在环境和条件对人的活动的制约,又包括人以自己的需要为价值尺度,对外在对象的创造性选择,使外在对象与人的需要相接近或一致。人的实践活动本身涵摄着合规律性与会目的性、... 展开更多
关键词 “三个有利于”价值标准 真理标准 真理性认识 价值 普遍主体 价值目标 社会行为 广大人民群众 社会发展 价值
作者 王金鑫 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1995年第4期136-138,共3页
关于“三个有利于”标准之我见王金鑫自小平同志提出“三个有利于”的标准之后,理论界讨论颇为热烈。有的认为是“判断改革开放得失成败的标准”,有的觉得应当是“姓资姓杜的判断标准”;有的认为“既是检验各方面工作是非得失的标准... 关于“三个有利于”标准之我见王金鑫自小平同志提出“三个有利于”的标准之后,理论界讨论颇为热烈。有的认为是“判断改革开放得失成败的标准”,有的觉得应当是“姓资姓杜的判断标准”;有的认为“既是检验各方面工作是非得失的标准,又是判断姓资姓社的标准”;有的则... 展开更多
关键词 “三个有利于”价值标准 行为准则 社会主义事业 改革开 建设有中国特色社会主义 社会主义本质 价值取向 综合国力 资本主义 社会主义初级阶段
高职地质专业建设改革初探——以江苏联合职业技术学院南京工程分院为例 被引量:3
作者 冀应斌 《江苏教育》 2017年第44期79-80,共2页
一、地质专业建设改革'一平台'当下,地质行业面临的困境越来越突出,传统地质专业学生的培养已经不能满足行业的要求。在此背景下,地质技能大赛应运而生,为职业院校的专业建设提供了风向标,构建了地质专业建设的工学结合的'... 一、地质专业建设改革'一平台'当下,地质行业面临的困境越来越突出,传统地质专业学生的培养已经不能满足行业的要求。在此背景下,地质技能大赛应运而生,为职业院校的专业建设提供了风向标,构建了地质专业建设的工学结合的'一平台',即形成校级一行业一国家级技能大赛平台。 展开更多
关键词 专业建设改革 “一平台” “两载体” “三价值”
Changes in Grassland Ecosystem Service Values in the Three-River Headwaters Region,China 被引量:3
作者 赖敏 吴绍洪 +1 位作者 尹云鹤 潘韬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期654-660,共7页
[Method] This study aimed to assess the changes in grassland ecosystem Service values in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China, the source of the Yangtze, Yellow (Huang He) and Lantsang (Mekong) rivers. [Meth... [Method] This study aimed to assess the changes in grassland ecosystem Service values in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China, the source of the Yangtze, Yellow (Huang He) and Lantsang (Mekong) rivers. [Method] Biophysical values of four services were monetized within the region, including water regulation, air quality regulation, climate regulation and soil conservation. [Result] The total ESVs were 884.97×10^8 Yuan, 1 302.06×10^8 Yuan and 1 299.49×10^8 Yuan in 2000, 2005 and 2008, respectively. The amount of value per unit area experienced a steep increase from 2000 to 2005(18.10×10^4 Yuan/km2), and then remained almost unchanged from 2005 to 2008 (-0.31×10^4 Yuan/km2). The ESV tended to decline from the southeastern to the northwestern. ESV in the eastern and central part increased faster than that in the south-central and western part of the TRHR from 2000 to 2008. It could be seen that the ecosystem condition of grassland in the TRHR improved signifi- cantly over the study period of 2000-2008. [Conelusion] The results provided good information to assess the effectiveness of current ecological protection measures in the TRHR and support regional sustainable management policies. 展开更多
关键词 Grassland ecosystem Ecosystem service value (ESV) VALUATION The Three-River Headwaters Region (TRHR)
刘家试验点防护林生态经济效益评价 被引量:1
作者 杜翠萍 康桂兰 李美文 《山西林业》 2002年第S1期46-47,共2页
关键词 生态经济 防护林体系 试验点 森林水源涵养 效益评价 经济林产品 水土保持效益 生态环境 “三料”价值 保持水土
Value of three-dimensional reconstructions in pancreatic carcinoma using multidetector CT:Initial results 被引量:16
作者 Miriam Klauβ Max Schbinger +4 位作者 Ivo Wolf Jens Werner Hans-Peter Meinzer Hans-Ulrich Kauczor Lars Grenacher 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第46期5827-5832,共6页
AIM:To evaluate the use of three-dimensional imaging of pancreatic carcinoma using multidetector computed tomography(CT)in a prospective study.METHODS:Ten patients with suspected pancreatic tumors were examined prospe... AIM:To evaluate the use of three-dimensional imaging of pancreatic carcinoma using multidetector computed tomography(CT)in a prospective study.METHODS:Ten patients with suspected pancreatic tumors were examined prospectively using multidetec-tor CT(Somatom Sensation 16,Siemens,Erlangen,Germany).The images were evaluated for the pres-ence of a pancreatic carcinoma and invasion of the peripancreatic vessels and surrounding organs.Using the isotropic CT data sets,a three-dimensional image was created with automatic vascular analysis and semi-automatic segmentation of the organs and pancreatic tumor by a radiologist.The CT examinations and the three-dimensional images were presented to the sur-geon directly before and during the patient's operation using the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit-based software "ReLiver".Immediately after surgery,the value of the two images was judged by the surgeon.The operation and the histological results served as the gold standard.RESULTS:Nine patients had a pancreatic carcinoma(all pT3),and one patient had a serous cystadenoma.One tumor inf iltrated the superior mesenteric vein.The inf iltration was correctly evaluated.All carcinomas were resectable.In comparison to the CT image with axial and coronal reconstructions,the three-dimensional image was judged by the surgeons as better for operation planning and consistently described as useful.CONCLUSION:A 3D-image of the pancreas repre-sents an invaluable aid to the surgeon.However,the 3D-software must be further developed in order to be integrated into daily clinical routine. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic carcinoma 3D-reconstruction Multidetector computed tomography Pancreatic carcinomainvasion SEGMENTATION
The diagnostic value of 3D spiral CT imaging of cholangiopancreatic ducts on obstructive jaundice 被引量:1
作者 Linquan Wu Xiangbao Yin +3 位作者 Qingshan Wang Bohua Wu Xiao Li Huaqun Fu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第11期659-661,共3页
Objective: Computerized tomography (CT) plays an important role in the diagnosis of diseases of biliary tract. Recently, three dimensions (3D) spiral CT imaging has been used in surgical diseases gradually. This study... Objective: Computerized tomography (CT) plays an important role in the diagnosis of diseases of biliary tract. Recently, three dimensions (3D) spiral CT imaging has been used in surgical diseases gradually. This study was designed to evaluate the diagnostic value of 3D spiral CT imaging of cholangiopancreatic ducts on obstructive jaundice. Methods: Thirty patients with obstructive jaundice had received B-mode ultrasonography, CT, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and 3D spiral CT imaging of cholangiopancreatic ducts preoperatively. Then the diagnose accordance rate of these examinational methods were compared after operations. Results: The diagnose accordance rate of 3D spiral CT imaging of cholangiopancreatic ducts was higher than those of B-mode ultrasonography, CT, or single PTC or ERCP, which showed clear images of bile duct tree and pathological changes. As to malignant obstructive jaundice, this examinational technique could clearly display the adjacent relationship between tumor and liver tissue, biliary ducts, blood vessels, and intrahepatic metastases. Conclusion: 3D spiral CT imaging of cholangiopancreatic ducts has significant value for obstructive diseases of biliary ducts, which provides effective evidence for the feasibility of tumor-resection and surgical options. 展开更多
关键词 obstructive jaundice three dimensions (3D) spiral computerized tomography (CT)imaging cholangiopancreatic ducts DIAGNOSIS
Eco-compensation of Wetlands in Yellow River Delta of Shandong Province,China 被引量:3
作者 HAN Mei CUI Jinlong +2 位作者 HAO Zhen WANG Yi WANG Renqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期119-126,共8页
Wetlands play an important ecological role and provide many functions for people, yet wetlands are cur- rently decreasing and deteriorating. The ability to calculate an economic value for the loss of wetlands is becom... Wetlands play an important ecological role and provide many functions for people, yet wetlands are cur- rently decreasing and deteriorating. The ability to calculate an economic value for the loss of wetlands is becoming in- creasingly important for policy makers. In this study, remote sensing, field investigations, department visits, and other methods were used to survey wetland types, assess wetland area changes, and calculate wetland economic value. Mar- ket value loss and ecological ftmction value loss, caused by reduction of wetland area and environmental pollution were calculated using commonly accepted methods of market valuation, ecological valuation, environmental protection investment cost analysis, and outcome parameters. According to market value loss and ecological function value loss, preliminarily fund allocation for wetland and ecological compensation was calculated. This will provide an important reference for future Yellow River Delta eco-compensation studies. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow River Delta WETLAND eco-compensation compensation standard
Diagnostic Value of Hepatic Enzymes, Triglycerides and Serum Proteins for the Detection of Hepatic Lipidosis in Chelonoidis carbonaria in Captivity
作者 Gustavo Henrique Pereira Dutra 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第8期633-639,共7页
Hepatic lipidosis is a common lesion in chelonians and may be related with vitellogenesis, hyperparathyroidism, follicular stasis, fatty diets or lacking nutrients, sedentary life and obesity, bacterial toxins in live... Hepatic lipidosis is a common lesion in chelonians and may be related with vitellogenesis, hyperparathyroidism, follicular stasis, fatty diets or lacking nutrients, sedentary life and obesity, bacterial toxins in liver and starvation. Clinical signs are unspecific. Routine biochemical tests don't have specificity and it is better defined through biopsy. The objective was evaluated the biochemical hepatic profile of red footed tortoises (Chelonoidis carbonaria) with the histopathological findings of lipidosis by laparoscopic biopsy. Samples of blood were collected for biochemistry of thirty-six animals from two different groups, twenty animals from a zoo and sixteen from a breeder. The animals were submitted to liver biopsy by videolaparoscopy. Three fragments were collected, two of them were processed by histology and one went to electron microscopy. Nineteen tortoises from the zoo had lipidosis in laparoscopy and macrovesicular degeneration. Fifteen tortoises from the breeder had microvesicular degeneration. The diagnosis of steatosis was confirmed by electron microscopy. There was no statistical difference of aspartate aminotransferase levels between the two groups; however there was significant difference of triglycerides levels. The enzymatic activity of transaminases is not related to the histological grading of lipidosis in tortoises, however triglycerides levels are higher in animals with more severe gradation. 展开更多
关键词 BIOPSY STEATOSIS LIVER Chelonoidis enzymes.
Clinical value of three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy for postoperation cervix cancer
作者 Yaqin Qu Yubao He Xin Jiang Zhiming Chen 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2008年第4期237-240,共4页
Objective: To observe the clinical value of three dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) followed by radical surgery and discuss the best radiation technique for cervical cancer patients after radical hys... Objective: To observe the clinical value of three dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) followed by radical surgery and discuss the best radiation technique for cervical cancer patients after radical hysterectomy. Methods: From February 2003 to June 2006, 115 stage Ⅰ-Ⅲa uterus cervix cancer patients received postoperation radiotherapy in our department after radical surgery. They were randomly divided into two groups. There were 81 patients in 3D-CRT group and 74 patients in traditional radiation group. According to FIGO, there were 45 in stage Ⅰ, 77 in stage Ⅰa, 31 in stage Ⅱb, 2 in stage Ⅲa. Pathological examination confirmed that 148 cases had squamous carcinoma and 7 cases had adenocarcinoma. The target volume included supravaginal portion, the cervical stump, paracervical tissue, common iliac lymph nodes, intemal and extemal lilac lymph nodes, obturator and sacral lymph nodes. For 3D-CRT group we designed four-field or two-fields rotating irradiation in the left-right and the anterior-posterior direction. For traditional radiation group we designed two-field, anterior-posterior, at opposed lateral directions. The radiation dose ranged from 48-50 Gy. Stage lib patients with a cervical stump recurrence received postoperative boost radiation by 8-10 Gy. Results: There were no significant difference in 0.5-year, 1-year, 1.5-year, 2-year local control rate between 3D-CRT group and traditional radiation group (P 〉 0.05). The occurrence of early and late complications was significant lower in 3D-CRT group than that in traditional radiation group (P 〈 0.05). There was significant difference in gastrointestinal reaction and urinary system reaction between the two groups (P 〈 0.05). In postoperation radiotherapy 3D-CRT was superior compared with traditional two-field radiation at opposed lateral direction. Conclusion: 3D-CRT is superior compared with traditional radiation. Four-field rotating irradiation in 3D-CRT has advantages of dose focusing, even dose distribution and cause less side effects and complications. The side-field and cervical stump-targeted boost irradiation are apparent advantages of 3D-CRT. 展开更多
关键词 utedne cervical neoplasms radiotherapy intensity-modulated radiotherapy dosage
A Study on Additional Electric Energy Accommodation of Three Gorges Hydropower Station 被引量:1
作者 Chen Zheng Lin Tingwei +2 位作者 Li Ke Xia Kai Wang Xue 《Electricity》 2011年第1期29-33,共5页
Considering the additional electric energy generated after the full operation of the underground hydropower station, the electric energy accommodation of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) is reviewed. It is .focused on... Considering the additional electric energy generated after the full operation of the underground hydropower station, the electric energy accommodation of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) is reviewed. It is .focused on the additional electricity accommodation, based on the research at the earl), stage. The electric energ), accommodation solutions ate recommended as that. based on the cost-benefit analysis of the power distribution area, the additional electric energy of the Three Gorges should be given ptqority to meet the needs at the supply end of Hubei and Chongqing. The results of this research has a reference value on the implementation of the Three Gorges electric power accommodation, after the further optimization of the transmission curves in both wet and dry seasons. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Hydropower Station electric energy accommodation cost-benefit analysis
作者 于会见 《时代文学(下半月)》 2011年第7期227-228,共2页
近来国际艺术市场中,中国当代艺术品市场行情暴涨暴跌,本文尝试运用丹纳文艺社会学理论中的"三动因"公式分析国际艺术市场环境中,中国当代艺术主流风格产生的背景、原因,以及用他的艺术品价值判断"三标准"来对国际... 近来国际艺术市场中,中国当代艺术品市场行情暴涨暴跌,本文尝试运用丹纳文艺社会学理论中的"三动因"公式分析国际艺术市场环境中,中国当代艺术主流风格产生的背景、原因,以及用他的艺术品价值判断"三标准"来对国际市场环境中的中国当代艺术进行批评,并尝试提出中国当代艺术评价体系应有的模式。 展开更多
关键词 丹纳“三动因”公式 艺术价值判断“三标准”
Resident Willingness to Pay for Ecotourism Resources and Associated Factors in Sanjiangyuan National Park,China 被引量:6
作者 MA Ting MIN Qingwen +1 位作者 XU Kun SANG Weiguo 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期693-706,共14页
Willingness to Pay(WTP),Willingness to Work(WTW)and Willingness to Accept Compensation(WTA)are the three quantitative criteria for assessing local ecological asset values for the social aspects of ecosystem services a... Willingness to Pay(WTP),Willingness to Work(WTW)and Willingness to Accept Compensation(WTA)are the three quantitative criteria for assessing local ecological asset values for the social aspects of ecosystem services and residents’willingness to contribute to and receive compensation for tourism ecology.The objectives of this study are to estimate the residents’willingness to pay,work and accept compensation for conservation at Sanjiangyuan National Park,and to analyze the relationship between residents’attitude towards tourism ecology and the ecological assets of the National Park based on a standard questionnaire survey.The dichotomous choice Contingent Valuation Method(CVM)was employed to determine the willingness.The survey conducted in 2018 collected WTP,WTW,WTA,socio-demFographical information,social trust and resident perceptions toward tourism impacts and relevant management strategies from 244 residents in two counties.Based on generalized linear modeling,income and education level are important for residents’WTP and WTA,but other social characteristics,such as gender and age,do not have significant effects.The social trust is found to be a significant factor on residents’willingness,despite the limitation on education level.Also,government funding is associated with residents’inclination to WTP,WTW and WTA,but the support levels differ among the two counties due to geographical and social heterogeneities.The estimated WTP,WTW and WTA for the Sanjiangyuan National Park in 2018 were 1.2448×10^(7) yuan,1.247×10^(6) hours and 2.3232×10^(7) yuan yr^(-1) based on the survey and published demographics.This study,for the first time,estimates the WTP,WTW and WTA for the Sanjiangyuan National Park and informs ecological conservation managers and policy makers.Ultimately,to maintain the long-term benefits arising from sustainable development,compensation should be specifically tailored and site-dependent,and development measures based on local resources should be adopted by governments to actively support eco-tourism activities. 展开更多
关键词 willingness to pay tourism ecology compensation contingent valuation method Sanjiangyuan National Park
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