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作者 陈国强 《山东农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期111-117,共7页
自治、法治、德治相结合的乡村治理体系,是国家对于加强乡村治理提出的一种新要求。这一要求在回应当前乡村治理困局的同时,也提出了一个新课题:即“三治”结合的形态为何?本文在阐明自治、法治和德治主要关系及主要内容的基础上,通过... 自治、法治、德治相结合的乡村治理体系,是国家对于加强乡村治理提出的一种新要求。这一要求在回应当前乡村治理困局的同时,也提出了一个新课题:即“三治”结合的形态为何?本文在阐明自治、法治和德治主要关系及主要内容的基础上,通过考察分析作为“三治”发源地的桐乡高桥镇“三团”实践,提出了“三治”结合中的嵌套性关系。这一发现表明,乡村社会治理需要嵌入于乡村紧密型利益关系中,通过以体现个体权利为主的“自治-法治”机制,和以体现共同体作用的“自治-德治”机制,共同调节乡村社会事务的处理。 展开更多
关键词 “三治”结合 “三团” 乡村治理
涉农高校服务乡村振兴的组织动员逻辑——以校地协同“三团一队”模式为例 被引量:2
作者 穆军全 张芸嘉 王家武 《中国农业教育》 2022年第2期31-37,55,共8页
组织动员是中国共产党百年来乡村工作的重要抓手。脱贫攻坚的伟大胜利源于党中央集中统一领导下各级各类组织广泛协同,冲破“本位主义”的藩篱,实现参与主体的集聚、组织资源的整合和行动网络的协同。西北农林科技大学作为部属高校,积... 组织动员是中国共产党百年来乡村工作的重要抓手。脱贫攻坚的伟大胜利源于党中央集中统一领导下各级各类组织广泛协同,冲破“本位主义”的藩篱,实现参与主体的集聚、组织资源的整合和行动网络的协同。西北农林科技大学作为部属高校,积极参与国家战略,并在此过程中形成了“三团一队”校地合作模式。该模式探索的高校与地方政府协同动员的组织权责配置、跨界资源整合路径,对于乡村振兴战略实施中调和多元行动主体的利益分歧,增进组织化行动具有重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 组织动员 “三一队” 乡村振兴 机制创新
作者 祝增华 《现代教育科学(考试专参初中篇)》 2004年第9期44-45,共2页
“新课程改革”是一个系统工程,它包括教育教学的方方面面,而教育教学管理是其中的一个重要部分,因为它是保障实施的关键。班级是实施教育教学的最小单位,它是教学的“细胞”。班级管理作为一种基层管理行为,它又是潜移默化的德育... “新课程改革”是一个系统工程,它包括教育教学的方方面面,而教育教学管理是其中的一个重要部分,因为它是保障实施的关键。班级是实施教育教学的最小单位,它是教学的“细胞”。班级管理作为一种基层管理行为,它又是潜移默化的德育行为,它的成败得失直接关系到教育教学管理的全局。因此要完善教育管理机制就必须从班级管理入手。 展开更多
关键词 “三建设” 班级内聚力 课程改革 班级管理 管理机制 小学 班主任
绝密情报 促使“三人团”决计提前突围长征
作者 刘晓农 《党史文苑》 2001年第3期16-19,共4页
关键词 长征 1934年 “三团” 项与年 第五次“围剿” 国民党 周恩来 "铁桶计划"
作者 赵妍 华玉瑶 王兴华 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2023年第12期133-135,共3页
本文以“三台一团”模式下高校美育教学体系创新为论题,针对该模式的定义和内容以及在高校美育教学中的应用现状进行了概述;分析了社会背景和发展需求的变化以及高校美育教学存在的问题和挑战,阐述了创新需求的重要性;提出了在“三台一... 本文以“三台一团”模式下高校美育教学体系创新为论题,针对该模式的定义和内容以及在高校美育教学中的应用现状进行了概述;分析了社会背景和发展需求的变化以及高校美育教学存在的问题和挑战,阐述了创新需求的重要性;提出了在“三台一团”模式下高校美育教学体系创新的路径与策略,包括教学内容、教学方法、教学资源和环境方面的创新与提升;通过实践案例分析与评析,总结出“三台一团”模式下高校美育教学体系创新的效果与启示,为高校美育教学体系的创新提供理论参考和实践指导。 展开更多
关键词 “三台一团”模式 高校美育教学 创新
关于长征途中毛泽东军事领导地位确立问题的再考察 被引量:8
作者 杨奎松 《苏区研究》 2016年第4期4-14,共11页
遵义会议后,由毛泽东、周恩来、王稼祥组成的全权负责军事指挥的"三人团"(又称"三人军事指挥小组")究竟成立于何时,一直以来都是一个众说纷纭的问题。与此问题相联系,却又往往为研究者所忽略的,是遵义会议后为什么... 遵义会议后,由毛泽东、周恩来、王稼祥组成的全权负责军事指挥的"三人团"(又称"三人军事指挥小组")究竟成立于何时,一直以来都是一个众说纷纭的问题。与此问题相联系,却又往往为研究者所忽略的,是遵义会议后为什么要成立这样一个三人小组,而且为什么毛泽东建议由这三人合组这样的小组,来代替中央政治局全权指挥军事?显然,这并不像许多研究者所说的,当时"亟需成立一个具有权威的军事指挥机构以保证毛泽东同志实施正确的军事"。梳理中共中央设置新"三人团"决定生成发展的逻辑脉络,进一步探析新"三人团"成立的时间及原因,对于正确认识毛泽东在长征途中军事领导地位、权力变动情况具有重要的历史意义。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 张闻天 “三团” 长征 中央红军
作者 杨奎松 《苏区研究》 2018年第3期5-23,共19页
有关1935年遵义会议后中共中央何时成立了由周恩来、毛泽东、王稼祥三人组成的"军事指挥小组"(又称新"三人团")的问题,中共党史研究者中间一直有所争论。2005年孙果达等提出了一个与众不同的说法,即认为新"三... 有关1935年遵义会议后中共中央何时成立了由周恩来、毛泽东、王稼祥三人组成的"军事指挥小组"(又称新"三人团")的问题,中共党史研究者中间一直有所争论。2005年孙果达等提出了一个与众不同的说法,即认为新"三人团"应该是在鲁班场作战失利,中央红军被迫三渡赤水后,于3月17日在赤水河西一个叫陈福村的小村子里,通过政治局扩大会议的形式决定的。对此说法,笔者曾简单地提出过一点不同看法,没料到引起孙果达教授相当激烈的反应和驳斥。不得已,笔者花时间对此问题做了一些考析,却发现颇有影响的"陈福村会议"一说的主要论据及其论辩逻辑,都是不能成立的。 展开更多
关键词 孙果达 陈福村会议 毛泽东 “三团” 长征
作者 郭西平 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2021年第14期87-89,共3页
建设和完善"三全育人导师团",是实现全员、全过程、全方位育人新体系的重要途径,是改进新时代大学生思想政治教育工作的有力举措。要在思想认识、制度保障、组织机构、人员组成、工作职责、过程管理、考核评价等方面统筹安排... 建设和完善"三全育人导师团",是实现全员、全过程、全方位育人新体系的重要途径,是改进新时代大学生思想政治教育工作的有力举措。要在思想认识、制度保障、组织机构、人员组成、工作职责、过程管理、考核评价等方面统筹安排,建设完善,多方推进,使学生思想政治教育工作体系贯通学科体系、教学体系、教材体系、管理体系,形成学校全员全过程全方位育人的新格局。 展开更多
关键词 “三全育人导师团” 建设完善 考核
3D-QSAR Analysis of DDPH Derivatives for α_1-Adrenoceptor Antagonist Activity
作者 方浩 卢景芬 夏霖 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第3期149-153,共5页
Aim and methods The study of three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) of DDPH and its derivatives has been performed using Apex-3D programme. Results The result indicates that substit... Aim and methods The study of three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) of DDPH and its derivatives has been performed using Apex-3D programme. Results The result indicates that substituents of para- and ortho-positions in phenyl ring of aryloxyalkylamine greatly influence the bioactivity. Conclusion The biophore model and 3D-QSAR equation help us not only further understand receptor-ligand interactions, but also design new compounds with better bioactivity. 展开更多
关键词 Apex-3D α^1-adrenoceptor ANTAGONIST 3D-QSAR
论中共党内教条主义宗派的初步瓦解 被引量:1
作者 李茂 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第6期84-90,共7页
中共党内教条主义宗派的初步瓦解是马克思主义中国化进程中的一个标志性事件。其瓦解经历了三个阶段:长征之前对党中央"左"倾错误政策的认识分歧,导致教条主义宗派内部出现分化;长征开始之后对红军战略转移方向的争论与第五... 中共党内教条主义宗派的初步瓦解是马克思主义中国化进程中的一个标志性事件。其瓦解经历了三个阶段:长征之前对党中央"左"倾错误政策的认识分歧,导致教条主义宗派内部出现分化;长征开始之后对红军战略转移方向的争论与第五次反围剿军事路线的反思,加速教条主义宗派的分裂;遵义会议改组中共中央领导层,直接导致教条主义宗派的初步瓦解。 展开更多
关键词 教条主义宗派 长征 遵义会议 中央队“三团” 马克思主义中国化
Infrared-Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of Neutral Trimethylamine Dimer
作者 张冰冰 孔祥涛 +6 位作者 蒋述康 赵志 谢华 郝策 戴东旭 杨学明 江凌 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期691-695,I0002,共6页
Infrared-vacuum ultraviolet (IR-VUV) spectra of neutral trimethylamine dimer were mea- sured in the 2500-3800 cm-1 region. Quantum chemical calculations were performed to identify the structure of the low-lying isom... Infrared-vacuum ultraviolet (IR-VUV) spectra of neutral trimethylamine dimer were mea- sured in the 2500-3800 cm-1 region. Quantum chemical calculations were performed to identify the structure of the low-lying isomers and to assign the observed spectral features. The bands at 2975 and 2949 cm-1 were assigned to the antisymmetric C-H stretching and the band at 2823 cm-1 to the symmetric C-H stretching, respectively. The 2739 cm-1 band was due to the CH3 bending overtone, which disappeared at low IR laser power of 1 mJ/mm2. The extra band at 2773 cm-1 could be due to Fermi resonance behavior of the light isotopologue, these are often close in energy and can strongly mix through cubic terms in the potential function. Experimental and theoretical results indicate the likely coexistence of multiple structures. The peak widths of IR spectra of neutral trimethylamine dimer are not significantly affected by the structural transformation, allowing the stretching modes to be well resolved. 展开更多
关键词 Infrared-vacuum ultraviolet Neutral cluster TRIMETHYLAMINE Quantum chemical calculation
作者 石仲泉 《长征学刊》 2023年第4期1-17,107,共18页
红军取得第四次反“围剿”的伟大胜利后,面对国民党军准备新“围剿”之机,周恩来和朱德据理力争在运动中消灭敌人的正确军事方针,但博古和李德却简单照搬苏联军事斗争经验,顽固坚持扩大苏区和夺取中心城市的战略方针,轻视毛泽东、周恩... 红军取得第四次反“围剿”的伟大胜利后,面对国民党军准备新“围剿”之机,周恩来和朱德据理力争在运动中消灭敌人的正确军事方针,但博古和李德却简单照搬苏联军事斗争经验,顽固坚持扩大苏区和夺取中心城市的战略方针,轻视毛泽东、周恩来、朱德等人在实践中总结的正确战略战术,致使红军第五次反“围剿”战争节节失败,不得不离开中央苏区进行战略转移。为准备红军主力撤离中央苏区,实行战略转移,中央书记处会议决定由博古、李德和周恩来三人组成中央“三人团”,负责筹划和准备工作,尽管周恩来与博古、李德在战略战术上有分歧,却以极强的组织观念“相忍为党”,根据共产国际的战略转移指示,周恩来负责或参与了红七军团北上、红六军团西征、与粤军陈济棠谈判达成借道协议、组建第八军团和中央教导师、确定红军主力集结地等诸多秘密准备工作,参与指挥中央机关和红军主力集结于都、组织部队抢渡湘江渡口等军事行动,指挥红军西征通过四道封锁线。 展开更多
关键词 周恩来 第五次反“围剿” 中央“三团” 战略转移
Spatial Structure and Location of Multi-national Corporations in China—A Case Study of Samsung
作者 WANG Dan WANG Shijun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期297-303,共7页
The investment of Samsung Electronics in China is divided into three types: production companies, sales companies and R&D institutions. Based on an analysis of the spatial structure of Samsung's three types of inve... The investment of Samsung Electronics in China is divided into three types: production companies, sales companies and R&D institutions. Based on an analysis of the spatial structure of Samsung's three types of investment and parent company, it is put forward that regional bias exists during the operation of a multi-national corporation (MNC) in China, i.e., regional biases of technology, price, sales as well as decision-making. Front office and back ofrice, two terms related closely with the location of modern MNCs, are defined and locational principles of each are studied. It is pointed out that production companies and R&D institutions belong to back office, while sales company falls into the type of front office. Based on a summarization on the spatial distribution of production companies, sales companies and R&D institutions, the locational principles of front office and back office are then applied in explaining the location of Samsung's operating entities in China. By analyzing the spatial structure and locational principles of Samsung, a typical MNC in China, this paper aims to understand the internal operating mechanism of modern MNCs and then bring assistance to related policies to cope with those problems about MNCs that have attracted growing attention in recent years. 展开更多
关键词 multi-national corporation (MNC) regional bias front office back office SAMSUNG
Spectroscopic Properties and Three-photon Absorption Induced Optical Limiting of Series of Novel Nonlinear Chromophores
作者 Fu-quan Guo Xiao-lao Sun +3 位作者 Hao Liang Zhi-yuan Hu Qi-jin Zhang Hai Ming 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期227-232,共6页
Three novel nonlinear chromophores with symmetric D-π-D molecular structure and extended conjugated length were synthesized. Solvatochromism analysis shows great symmetric intramolecular charge transfer occurring in ... Three novel nonlinear chromophores with symmetric D-π-D molecular structure and extended conjugated length were synthesized. Solvatochromism analysis shows great symmetric intramolecular charge transfer occurring in chromophores by the enhancement in the dipole moment between the ground and excited states. The properties of optical power limiting induced by three-photon absorption (3PA) are demonstrated. Large 3PA coefficients and the corresponding molecular cross sections as high as 10^-74 cm^6s^2 were obtained for nanosecond laser pulses at 1.06μm from nonlinear transmission measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear chromophores SOLVATOCHROMISM Three-photon absorption Optical limiting
Computational Evaluation of Selectivity of Triazole-and Amide-Based Drug Candidates, Flavanone Derivatives and Synthesized Steroid Compounds for Treatment of Diabetes Type II
作者 Hong-Phuc N. Nguyen Diem-Trang T. Tran +1 位作者 Thanh N. Truong Ly Le 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1277-1284,共8页
Inhibition of 11βHSD1 (11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1) is a promising strategy in drug treatment of diabetes. Several 11βHSDI inhibitors have been proposed; however, their selectivity to 11βHSD1 over its ... Inhibition of 11βHSD1 (11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1) is a promising strategy in drug treatment of diabetes. Several 11βHSDI inhibitors have been proposed; however, their selectivity to 11βHSD1 over its isozyme 11βHSD2 (11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2) has not been fully reported. The authors sought to provide a short list of top potent and selective compounds along with their detailed binding modes and pharmacophore models, Molecular docking was used for initial screening of a set of 23 potent inhibitors reported by previous experimental studies. After that, selected promising entries were reassessed by molecular dynamics simulations, followed by hydrogen bond analysis. Pharmacophore models of all drug candidates and binding modes of some selected drugs were analyzed. Among the 23 compounds, only four inhibitors were identified as potent and selective drug candidates. Binding energies, 3D pharmacophores and binding modes of the four compounds with 11βHSDI are also discussed in detail in this study. 展开更多
关键词 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase INHIBITORS binding mode pharmacophore models.
Teleportation Capability of Six-Qubit Cluster State 被引量:2
作者 查新未 宋海洋 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期1007-1009,共3页
Recently Wei-Bo Gao et al.[Phys.Rev.Lett.104 (2010) 020501]; reported on the creation of a 4-photon6-qubit cluster state.It is shown this states can be utilized for perfect teleportation of arbitrary three qubit syste... Recently Wei-Bo Gao et al.[Phys.Rev.Lett.104 (2010) 020501]; reported on the creation of a 4-photon6-qubit cluster state.It is shown this states can be utilized for perfect teleportation of arbitrary three qubit systemsand controlled teleportation of an arbitrary two-qubit state.Therefore, the six-qubit cluster state as quantum channelsis equivalent to that of maximally six-qubit entangled state. 展开更多
关键词 six-qubit cluster state TELEPORTATION controlled teleportation
Damage and deterioration mechanism and curing technique of concrete structure in main coal cleaning plants 被引量:10
作者 LV Heng-lin ZHAO Cheng-ming +2 位作者 SONG Lei MA Ying XU Chun-hua 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期750-755,共6页
Concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants have been rebuilt and reinforced in the coal mines of the Shanghai Datun Energy Sources Co. Ltd., the first colliery of the Pingdingshan Coal Co. Ltd. and the Sanhejian... Concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants have been rebuilt and reinforced in the coal mines of the Shanghai Datun Energy Sources Co. Ltd., the first colliery of the Pingdingshan Coal Co. Ltd. and the Sanhejian mine of the Xuzhou Mining Group Co. Ltd. In these projects, the operating environment and reliability of concrete structures in the main plants of the three companies were investigated and the safety of the structures inspected. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were made on the special natural, technological and mechanical environments around the structures. On the basis of these analyses, we discuss the long-term, combined actions of the harsh natural (corrosive gases, liquids and solids) and mechanical environments on concrete structures and further investigated the damage and deteriorating mechanisms and curing techniques of concrete structures in the main coal cleaning plants. Our study can provide a theoretical basis for ensuring the reliability of concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants. 展开更多
关键词 main coal cleaning plants concrete structure operating environment reliability detection and inspection damage anddeteriorating mechanisms curing technique
Selective removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions with surface functionalized silica nanoparticles by different functional groups 被引量:3
作者 孔祥峰 杨斌 +4 位作者 熊恒 周阳 薛生国 徐宝强 王世兴 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3575-3579,共5页
The industrial silica fume pretreated by nitric acid at 80 °C was re-used in this work. Then, the obtained silica nanoparticles were surface functionalized by silane coupling agents, such as(3-Mercaptopropyl) tri... The industrial silica fume pretreated by nitric acid at 80 °C was re-used in this work. Then, the obtained silica nanoparticles were surface functionalized by silane coupling agents, such as(3-Mercaptopropyl) triethoxysilane(MPTES) and(3-Amincpropyl) trithoxysilane(APTES). Some further modifications were studied by chloroaceetyl choride and 1,8-Diaminoaphalene for amino modified silica. The surface functionalized silica nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared(FI-IR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The prepared adsorbent of surface functionalized silica nanoparticles with differential function groups were investigated in the selective adsorption about Pb2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ions in aqueous solutions. The results show that the(3-Mercaptopropyl) triethoxysilane functionalized silica nanoparticles(SiO2-MPTES) play an important role in the selective adsorption of Cu2+ and Hg2+, the(3-Amincpropyl) trithoxysilane(APTES) functionalized silica nanoparticles(SiO2-APTES) exhibited maximum removal efficiency towards Pb2+ and Hg2+, the 1,8-Diaminoaphalene functionalized silica nanoparticles was excellent for removal of Hg2+ at room temperature, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 industrial silica fume surface functionalization heavy metal ions selective removal
Two novel terpyridine-based chromophores with donor-acceptor structural model containing modified triphenylamine moiety: Synthesis, crystal structures and two-photon absorption properties 被引量:2
作者 LIU Jie ZHANG Qiong +8 位作者 DING HongJuan ZHANG Jun TAN JingYun WANG ChuanKui WU JieYing LI ShengLi ZHOU HongPing YANG JiaXiang TIAN YuPeng 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1315-1324,共10页
Two novel terpyridine-based chromophores with D-A (D = donor, A = acceptor) structural model containing modified triphenylamine moiety (L1 and L2 ) have been conveniently synthesized via formylation and reduction in s... Two novel terpyridine-based chromophores with D-A (D = donor, A = acceptor) structural model containing modified triphenylamine moiety (L1 and L2 ) have been conveniently synthesized via formylation and reduction in satisfactory yields, and fully characterized. The single crystals of them were obtained and determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The relationships between structure and photophysical properties of the two chromophores were investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The measured maximum TPA cross-sections per molecular weight (δmax /MW) of the chromophores are 0.63 GM/(g mol) (L1) and 0.72 GM/(g mol) (L2), respectively, in DMF as a high polar solvent. The results indicate that the value of δmax/MW could be well tuned by the intramolecular charge transfer (ICT), which could be realized by introducing additional elecron-donor/acceptor groups. 展开更多
关键词 terpyridine derivatives photophysical properties structure-property relationships TD-DFT calculation two-photon-excited fluorescence
作者 王善德 《中国纪念馆研究》 2015年第1期235-239,共5页
毛泽东同志多次提及王稼祥同志是对革命有功的人,"他是从教条宗派中第一个站出来,支持我的"。在长征中,王稼祥是"遵义会议"的策划者和倡导者,在"黎平会议"上就与机会主义展开不懈的斗争,确立毛泽东军事... 毛泽东同志多次提及王稼祥同志是对革命有功的人,"他是从教条宗派中第一个站出来,支持我的"。在长征中,王稼祥是"遵义会议"的策划者和倡导者,在"黎平会议"上就与机会主义展开不懈的斗争,确立毛泽东军事思想在党内领导地位不断巩固,促成"遵义会议"胜利召开。在"遵义会议"上提出撤销李德军事上的指挥权,毛泽东同志应参与军事指挥。"遵义会议"以后,在苟坝会议上,作为中央最主要领导机构的"三人团",在毛泽东同志领导下指挥红军实现战略转移,夺取长征的伟大胜利,王稼祥成为以毛泽东同志为代表的第一代中央领导集体的成员之一。 展开更多
关键词 王稼祥 遵义会议 “三团” “对革命有功的人”
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