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巧将金针度与人——黄厚江文言文教学“三文”融合思想简评 被引量:1
作者 张广武 赵子厚 《中学语文教学参考(教师版)》 2007年第5期30-31,共2页
在新课改中,文言文教学一直是个难题,老师们普遍感到头疼的是:怎样让学生过文言文的语言关?文章的内容及写作的技法教学如何处理?如何实现文化的传承?自主、合作和探究等新课标提出的学习方式是否可行?如果可行,该怎样操作?等... 在新课改中,文言文教学一直是个难题,老师们普遍感到头疼的是:怎样让学生过文言文的语言关?文章的内容及写作的技法教学如何处理?如何实现文化的传承?自主、合作和探究等新课标提出的学习方式是否可行?如果可行,该怎样操作?等等。我们有幸听了江苏省语文特级教师、苏教版语文教材编写组成员、 展开更多
关键词 教学 特级教师 简评 技法教学 学习方式 教材编写 新课改 “三文”融合思想
作者 张一 《课堂内外(初中教研)》 2021年第3期8-9,共2页
利用乡土文化资源是开展传统文化教育,增强民族情感和文化自觉自信的有效手段。本文结合上海乡土文化资源“莲湘舞”的课堂教学,阐释在初识莲湘、欢乐莲湘汇、品味莲湘韵三个阶段,利用“三文”艺术课堂的理念,引导学生认识、体验和感悟... 利用乡土文化资源是开展传统文化教育,增强民族情感和文化自觉自信的有效手段。本文结合上海乡土文化资源“莲湘舞”的课堂教学,阐释在初识莲湘、欢乐莲湘汇、品味莲湘韵三个阶段,利用“三文”艺术课堂的理念,引导学生认识、体验和感悟莲湘舞魅力,以激发学生对上海乡土传统文化的喜爱,增强民族自豪感和文化自信。 展开更多
关键词 打莲湘 乡土 “三文”艺术课堂 民族情感
作者 汪淑青 《生活教育》 2022年第24期114-116,共3页
以“三本”传“三文”,其重要目的就是在实际教学时坚持以学生为根本,使学生在文化熏陶的氛围下理解文字内容文学创作和文化传承的意义,并对个人品质方面存在的影响及作用,同时这也是现今时代发展下初中语文教学的主要发展任务。在新时... 以“三本”传“三文”,其重要目的就是在实际教学时坚持以学生为根本,使学生在文化熏陶的氛围下理解文字内容文学创作和文化传承的意义,并对个人品质方面存在的影响及作用,同时这也是现今时代发展下初中语文教学的主要发展任务。在新时代氛围下,初中生应当明确自己的责任与位置,通过学习语文知识、方法和背后的文化,合理对语文态度和精神进行应用,浸润自己,进而使自己成为可以为社会做出贡献的人。笔者将以生本、文本、语本为主要对象,对教育和文化传承提出了基本的策略,意在促进每个学生都会因学习语文而变得了解文化,并发展得更加美好。 展开更多
关键词 初中语 “三本” “三文”
作者 夏能权 《中国文字研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期181-187,共7页
宋濂跋本王仁啕《刊谬补缺切韵》(以下简称《王三》)收录了1600余组重文,这些重文是以记词功能相同为标准而录入《王三》的,并非全是异体字。从构形和功能两个层面对《王三》重文材料进行定性分析,发现除异体字外,还包含假借字、... 宋濂跋本王仁啕《刊谬补缺切韵》(以下简称《王三》)收录了1600余组重文,这些重文是以记词功能相同为标准而录入《王三》的,并非全是异体字。从构形和功能两个层面对《王三》重文材料进行定性分析,发现除异体字外,还包含假借字、同源字、古今字、同义替换字等,这些重文与异体字有着本质区别。厘清《王三》中的这些非异体现象,有助于更全面深入地认识《王三》重文。 展开更多
关键词 《王 异体字 假借字 同源字 古今字 同义替换字
作者 吴晶 叶冲 《新闻论坛》 2020年第5期99-102,共4页
"三文鱼事件"始于2018年5月央视财经频道的报道:位于青海龙羊峡水库的三文鱼养殖场,供应了全国三分之一的三文鱼产品。此说引发各方关注和质疑,其中,澎湃新闻网的报道颇具特色:抢点及时,与事件同频;多方求证,力求准确;报道全... "三文鱼事件"始于2018年5月央视财经频道的报道:位于青海龙羊峡水库的三文鱼养殖场,供应了全国三分之一的三文鱼产品。此说引发各方关注和质疑,其中,澎湃新闻网的报道颇具特色:抢点及时,与事件同频;多方求证,力求准确;报道全面,手法多样。澎湃新闻的表现体现了风险时代下媒体应有的品格,它的启示有三:风险时代要有风险意识;科学报道避免变成"反科学报道";食品安全报道要突破地方保护的藩篱。 展开更多
关键词 “三鱼事件” 澎湃新闻网 风险时代
作者 陈晏中 《语文教学之友》 2023年第3期42-44,共3页
“文风端正、文脉清晰、文气顺畅”是近两年基于新课标提出的写作评价标准,也是提升学生写作能力的关键。以2022年高考语文全国甲卷作文题为例,试从真题材料的解读到“三文主义”的理解,从具体的写作方法、写作能力的训练到个性化的表... “文风端正、文脉清晰、文气顺畅”是近两年基于新课标提出的写作评价标准,也是提升学生写作能力的关键。以2022年高考语文全国甲卷作文题为例,试从真题材料的解读到“三文主义”的理解,从具体的写作方法、写作能力的训练到个性化的表达进行解读。 展开更多
关键词 “三主义” 写作指导 2022年高考语全国甲卷
作者 张栋鑫 《现代语文》 2020年第9期26-30,共5页
关键词 《永乐大典戏种》 “将”字句 处置式 致使式
作者 雷铭 《宜春学院学报》 2017年第2期86-89,共4页
自郑玄注解《三礼》之后,始有《三礼》之名。郑玄注经,先是统观全局,提纲挈领,总体上纲举目张,以点带面,从而达到"解一卷而众篇明"的目的。并根据已有的研究成果,兼采今、古,既注重名物训诂,又注重章句之释,吸纳今文经学派和... 自郑玄注解《三礼》之后,始有《三礼》之名。郑玄注经,先是统观全局,提纲挈领,总体上纲举目张,以点带面,从而达到"解一卷而众篇明"的目的。并根据已有的研究成果,兼采今、古,既注重名物训诂,又注重章句之释,吸纳今文经学派和古文经学派互不兼容的注经方式。然后再具体而微,深入到经文的具体字词,兼用直训和义界的方法注解之。如此,从面到点,从全局到具体,郑玄注经犹如层层剥笋,既兼顾得当,有条不紊,又透彻深入,巨细无遗。 展开更多
关键词 郑玄 注经方法
忠节与斯文并重之典范:宋代崇安五夫里刘氏家族文化探析 被引量:1
作者 王小珍 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期82-84,共3页
福建崇安(今武夷山市)的五夫里在宋代是人才荟萃之地,累世簪缨的刘氏家族在此日渐形成了忠节与斯文并重的家族文化传承,堪称传统家国文化中的典范。本文尝试通过对刘韐祖孙三代尽忠为国的壮举、教化乡里的风尚和刘韐对岳飞的提携以及刘... 福建崇安(今武夷山市)的五夫里在宋代是人才荟萃之地,累世簪缨的刘氏家族在此日渐形成了忠节与斯文并重的家族文化传承,堪称传统家国文化中的典范。本文尝试通过对刘韐祖孙三代尽忠为国的壮举、教化乡里的风尚和刘韐对岳飞的提携以及刘子羽、刘子翚对朱熹的教导,探析刘氏家族忠节之操守与斯文之风尚的相互关联和家族文化传承。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 崇安五夫里 刘氏“三忠一文” 岳飞 朱熹 忠节思想 家风
澳门高校的语言教学与教学语言 被引量:4
作者 崔明芬 《中国大学教学》 CSSCI 2008年第6期36-37,共2页
独特的历史与文化积淀,给澳门社会留下了富有深厚独特底蕴的语言文化遗产,“三文四语”。回归祖国后,澳门的高等教育正是通过“三文四语”的多元语言教学和教学语言体系,为澳门、中华大地乃至世界各国培养出许多杰出的语言人才,同... 独特的历史与文化积淀,给澳门社会留下了富有深厚独特底蕴的语言文化遗产,“三文四语”。回归祖国后,澳门的高等教育正是通过“三文四语”的多元语言教学和教学语言体系,为澳门、中华大地乃至世界各国培养出许多杰出的语言人才,同时把澳门建造成了在整个国家举足轻重的语言教育重地。 展开更多
关键词 澳门 “三四语” 语言教学 教学语言
Studies on the Isolation, Identification and In Vitro Growth Rates of the Three Pathogenic Fungi from Panax notoginseng Cultivated in Wenshan Eparchy 被引量:2
作者 王文亚 赵昶灵 +5 位作者 陈中坚 文国松 魏富刚 龙廷菊 李孙文 王崇德 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1165-1171,1258,共8页
Objective] The aim of this study was to simultaneously isolate and identify the main pathogenic fungi of the root rot, black spot and round spot from the Panax notoginseng plants cultivated in Wenshan Eparchy of Yunna... Objective] The aim of this study was to simultaneously isolate and identify the main pathogenic fungi of the root rot, black spot and round spot from the Panax notoginseng plants cultivated in Wenshan Eparchy of Yunnan Province of China. [Method] The pathogenic fungi were isolated and purified by using potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. The morphological identification was accomplished first according to the colony forms of the fungi when cultivated in vitro, then accord-ing to the symptom characteristics and colony forms of the re-isolated fungi in the reverse inoculation experiments. The molecular identification was performed accord-ing to the amplification and alignment of the internal transcribed space (ITS) se-quences of the fungi. The increases of the diameters and thickness of the colonies of the fungi cultivated in vitro were employed to indicate the growth rates of the fungi. [Results] The consistency of the colony forms and symptom characteristics and the 96%-99% similarities revealed in the ITS sequence alignments al proved that the main pathogenic fungi of the root rot, black spot and round spot of the P. notoginseng plants raised in Wenshan were Cylindrocarpon didymium, Alternaria panax and Mycocentrospora acerina, respectively. When cultivated in vitro in the same temperature, humidity and il umination, the increases of the colony diameters and thickness of C. didymium were the highest, fol owed by those of A. panax, then those of M. acerina. During different cultivation periods, the differences of the colony diameters and thickness of the three fungi al reached extremely significant level. However, at the same cultivation time, the differences of the diameters and thickness among the three fungi only reached significant level. [Conclusion] The main pathogenic fungi which result in the root rot, black spot and round spot of the P. notoginseng in Wenshan are C. didymium, A. panax and M. acerina, respec-tively. When these three diseases break out at the same time, the root rot wil spread fastest, fol owed orderly by the black spot and the round spot. 展开更多
关键词 Panax notoginseng cultivated in Wenshan Eparchy Root rot black spot and round spot Pathogenic fungus Growth rate in vitro
Forest Evapotranspiration in Pearl River Delta based on Remote Sensing Technology 被引量:1
作者 杨静学 黄本胜 +3 位作者 欧阳显良 陈亮雄 林时君 樊风雷 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期457-462,共6页
Evapotranspiration ratio of six major forest types in the Pearl River Delta was studied in this paper, and the six forest types included eucalyptus forest, fruit forest, coniferous forest, shrub forest, coniferous for... Evapotranspiration ratio of six major forest types in the Pearl River Delta was studied in this paper, and the six forest types included eucalyptus forest, fruit forest, coniferous forest, shrub forest, coniferous forest, and broad-leaved mixed for- est. The mechanism of PT-T model was analyzed based on Priestley-Taylor ex- tended model, and the result showed that land surface temperature or temperature difference between day and night could be used to evaluate the evapotranspiration factor. The evapotranspiration of 6 forest types was estimated with MODIS data and TM data and weather information during 2008-2009. The result suggested that water consumption of different forest differs insignificantly, and the EF of eucalyptus is not high. 展开更多
作者 郭未 马炬申 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期52-69,共18页
基于2017年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,使用Logit模型、Firth惩罚极大似然估计、KHB模型、广义精准匹配等系列计量模型探索流动人口中最主要群体—农民工的流动模式新趋势及其背后的健康选择机制,并进一步探究“国内跨省”“省内跨... 基于2017年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,使用Logit模型、Firth惩罚极大似然估计、KHB模型、广义精准匹配等系列计量模型探索流动人口中最主要群体—农民工的流动模式新趋势及其背后的健康选择机制,并进一步探究“国内跨省”“省内跨市”和“市内跨县”的空间流动模式下农民工健康的群体性差异究竟是受迁移影响还是由社会环境所致这一重要议题。研究发现,在农民工这一群体中,传统意义上的“流动”与“不流动”的“健康移民”效应和“三文鱼”偏误仍然存在:农民工群体健康状况要明显好于流入地户籍人口健康状况;缺乏良好健康状况的农民工“返乡意愿”更为强烈。此外,健康选择机制还存在于“流近”与“流远”的农民工群体中。农民工健康状况在“国内跨省”“省内跨市”和“市内跨县”流动模式转向下呈现出健康状况梯级下降的空间格局。考虑到客观健康指标和流入地的社会环境(个人收入与流入地政府财政支出作为测量)后,“健康移民”效应仍在局部范围内存在。 展开更多
关键词 流动人口 农民工 “健康移民”效应 “三鱼”偏误 社会环境
作者 关卓威 张晔 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第3期289-293,共5页
Most of local feature descriptors assume that the scene is planar. In the real scene, the captured images come from the 3-D world. 3-D corner as a novel invariant feature is important for the image matching and the ob... Most of local feature descriptors assume that the scene is planar. In the real scene, the captured images come from the 3-D world. 3-D corner as a novel invariant feature is important for the image matching and the object detection, while automatically discriminating 3-D corners from ordinary corners is difficult. A novel method for 3-D corner detection is proposed based on the image graph grammar, and it can detect the 3-D features of corners to some extent. Experimental results show that the method is valid and the 3-D corner is useful for image matching. 展开更多
关键词 graph grammar 3-D corner detection production rule
澳门回归后“三文四语”教育现状研究 被引量:4
作者 张桂菊 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期13-16,共4页
澳门中小学仍旧保留着教学语言多元化的特征,中文和英文学校发展迅速,教育政策注重教学语言的多元化及其合理规划,改变了独尊葡语与放任自流的问题,加强了政府的责任与监管。多种语言和谐共处的局面已基本形成。制定多元化语言课程标准... 澳门中小学仍旧保留着教学语言多元化的特征,中文和英文学校发展迅速,教育政策注重教学语言的多元化及其合理规划,改变了独尊葡语与放任自流的问题,加强了政府的责任与监管。多种语言和谐共处的局面已基本形成。制定多元化语言课程标准与评价体系以及适切的"三文四语"教育政策,把语言资源转化为文化资源和经济资源,是目前澳门"三文四语"教育发展的迫切需要。 展开更多
关键词 澳门 “三四语” 语言教育政策 语言教学
作者 夏青(执教) 贾玲(观察) 《语文教学通讯(高中)(A)》 2018年第7期85-88,共4页
这堂课在教学目标的设计上体现出阶梯提升的特点, 针对文言文教学中存在的重言轻文的现象制定了 “三文” 目标,在落实文言字词的基础上对文本进行了深刻解读, 并上升到理解和传承中华传统文化的高度.整堂课紧紧围绕目标展开, 圆满地完... 这堂课在教学目标的设计上体现出阶梯提升的特点, 针对文言文教学中存在的重言轻文的现象制定了 “三文” 目标,在落实文言字词的基础上对文本进行了深刻解读, 并上升到理解和传承中华传统文化的高度.整堂课紧紧围绕目标展开, 圆满地完成了预定教学任务. 展开更多
关键词 核心素养 “三文”目标 中华传统
Correlation of eco-hydrographic benefit and height increment of Robinia pseudoacacia stand with climatic environmental factors in Yellow River Delta Wetland of China
作者 高鹏 杨慧玲 +1 位作者 张光灿 周泽福 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期215-218,共4页
The relationship between eco-hydrographic benefit of forest vegetation and climatic environmental factors is one of the focuses in the research on environmental protection and ecosystem countermeasures in Wetland. Th... The relationship between eco-hydrographic benefit of forest vegetation and climatic environmental factors is one of the focuses in the research on environmental protection and ecosystem countermeasures in Wetland. The runoff, sediment and soil moisture rate dynamics in Robinia pseudoacacia plantation and its clearcut area were investigated in the natural runoff experiment plots in Yellow River Delta Wet- land, Shandong Province, China. The correlation of height increment ofR. pseudoacacia with nine climate factors such as light, water, heat, etc. was analyzed by stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that the amounts of runoff and sediment in clearcut area of R. pseudoacacia were 53.9%-150.8% and 172.8%-387.1% higher than that in Robinia pseudoacacia plantation, respectively. The runoff peak value in R. pseudoacacia stand was obviously lower than that in clerarcut area, meantime, the occurrence of runoffpeak in R. pseudoacacia stand was 25 min later than in its clerarcut area. The soil moisture rates in R. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut varied periodically with annual rainfall precipitation in both dry season and humid season. The annual mean soil moisture rate in R. pseudoacacia stand was 23.3%-25.6% higher than that in its clearcut area. Meanwhile, a regression model reflecting the correlation between the height increment of R. pseudoacacia and climatic factors was developed by stepwise regression procedure method. It showed that the light was the most important factor for the height increment ofR. pseudoacacia, followed by water and heat factors. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow River Delta wetland Robinia pseudoacacia stand Eco-hydrographic benefit height increment climatic factors
宋代崇文院双重职能探析——以三馆秘阁官实职、贴职为中心 被引量:11
作者 龚延明 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期133-144,共12页
北宋崇文院是宋王朝国家藏书馆,内分昭文馆、史馆、集贤院、秘阁,通称"三馆秘阁",分藏经、史、子、集四部古籍、书画及本朝著述。在宋代右文国策驱动下,三馆秘阁配置了大量馆阁官,他们的实际职务是藏书编目、校对版本、读书深... 北宋崇文院是宋王朝国家藏书馆,内分昭文馆、史馆、集贤院、秘阁,通称"三馆秘阁",分藏经、史、子、集四部古籍、书画及本朝著述。在宋代右文国策驱动下,三馆秘阁配置了大量馆阁官,他们的实际职务是藏书编目、校对版本、读书深造,既是藏书家、修书匠,又是深造儒学、杂学的高级研读者。崇文院在保护古籍、弘扬传统文化、培养具有深厚儒学修养的官僚人才方面,发挥了突出作用。馆阁官之选,自集贤殿修撰至史馆检讨,皆天下英俊,然必试而后命。一经此职,遂为名流,中外皆称为"学士",是升迁捷径,宰执官的后备队。馆阁官实职是崇文院首要的职能,宋代士大夫都以能任馆阁官为殊荣,但馆阁官编制有限,这就催生了崇文院虚职功能职名、贴职的产生。职名作为官员文学行义标志性的荣衔,构成了北宋前期以"官、职(职名)、差遣"为核心的职官制度。虚衔职名在宋代官制史上具有特殊重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 馆秘阁 馆职贴职 双重职能
Long-term culture-induced phenotypic difference and efficient cryopreservation of small intestinal organoids by treatment timing of Rho kinase inhibitor 被引量:1
作者 Sung-Hoon Han Sehwan Shim +7 位作者 Min-Jung Kim Hye-Yun Shin Won-Suk Jang Sun-Joo Lee Young-Woo Jin Seung-Sook Lee Seung Bum Lee Sunhoo Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第6期964-975,共12页
To investigate a suitable long-term culture system and optimal cryopreservation of intestinal organoid to improve organoid-based therapy by acquiring large numbers of cells.METHODSCrypts were isolated from jejunum of ... To investigate a suitable long-term culture system and optimal cryopreservation of intestinal organoid to improve organoid-based therapy by acquiring large numbers of cells.METHODSCrypts were isolated from jejunum of C57BL/6 mouse. Two hundred crypts were cultured in organoid medium with either epidermal growth factor/Noggin/R-spondin1 (ENR) or ENR/CHIR99021/VPA (ENR-CV). For subculture, organoids cultured on day 7 were passaged using enzyme-free cell dissociation buffer (STEMCELL Technologies). The passage was performed once per week until indicated passage. For cryopreservation, undissociated and dissociated organoids were resuspended in freezing medium with or without Rho kinase inhibitor subjected to different treatment times. The characteristics of intestinal organoids upon extended passage and freeze-thaw were analyzed using EdU staining, methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium assay, qPCR and time-lapse live cell imaging.RESULTSWe established a three-dimensional culture system for murine small intestinal organoids using ENR and ENR-CV media. Both conditions yielded organoids with a crypt-villus architecture exhibiting Lgr5<sup>+</sup> cells and differentiated intestinal epithelial cells as shown by morphological and biochemical analysis. However, during extended passage (more than 3 mo), a comparative analysis revealed that continuous passaging under ENR-CV conditions, but not ENR conditions induced phenotypic changes as observed by morphological transition, reduced numbers of Lgr5<sup>+</sup> cells and inconsistent expression of markers for differentiated intestinal epithelial cell types. We also found that recovery of long-term cryopreserved organoids was significantly affected by the organoid state, i.e., whether dissociation was applied, and the timing of treatment with the Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632. Furthermore, the retention of typical morphological characteristics of intestinal organoids such as the crypt-villus structure from freeze-thawed cells was observed by live cell imaging.CONCLUSIONThe maintenance of the characteristics of intestinal organoids upon extended passage is mediated by ENR condition, but not ENR-CV condition. Identified long-term cryopreservation may contribute to the establishment of standardized cryopreservation protocols for intestinal organoids for use in clinical applications. 展开更多
关键词 intestinal organoid Rho kinase inhibitor three-dimensional culture CRYOPRESERVATION long-term culture
Geomorphic Habitat Type, Drift Cell, Forage Fish and Juvenile Salmon: Are They Linked?
作者 J. Anne Shaffer Patrick Crain +2 位作者 Todd Kassler Dan Penttila Dwight Barry 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第5期688-703,共16页
The role of geomorphic habitat type, drift cell scale, and geographic scale in defining fish use of nearshore habitats is poorly known, particularly for Pacific salmon and their prey. In this study, key areas of nears... The role of geomorphic habitat type, drift cell scale, and geographic scale in defining fish use of nearshore habitats is poorly known, particularly for Pacific salmon and their prey. In this study, key areas of nearshore habitat in central and western Strait of Juan de Fuca were categorized by geomorphic habitat type and assessed for fish use within a degraded (Elwha) and intact comparative drift cells over a one year period. Juvenile Chinook and coho salmon were also sampled for genetic analysis to define regional dispersal patterns. Key findings are: (1) Ecological function of the area's nearshore is complex, with very strong seasonal variation in fish use both within and across GMHT (geomorphic habitat type); (2) GMHT link to nearshore function for fish use differs depending on the fish species and time of year. Surf smelt and sand lance were the most abundant. And they were seasonally used embayed, spit, and bluff shorelines more than lower rivers. Juvenile Chinook, coho, and chum salmon occurred in much lower density than forage fish species, and used lower rivers more than other GMHTs; (3) When GMHTs were combined and analyzed at the drift cell scale, the degraded drift cell had different ecological patterns than the intact drift cell; (4) Cross regional juvenile fish use of nearshore is an important component of habitat use: juvenile Chinook and coho from as far away as the Columbia River Oregon and Klamath River California utilize central Strait of Juan de Fuca shorelines. Forage fish species may do so as well. Drift cell and cross regional scales are therefore most important for accurately defining nearshore ecological function, management, and restoration actions. 展开更多
关键词 NEARSHORE geomorphic habitat type fish use Elwha Chinook.
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