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新时代“枫桥经验”视域下诉源治理“三端共治”机制研究 被引量:1
作者 穆随心 常毅 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期111-116,共6页
新时代“枫桥经验”逐渐从党领导基层治理与群众工作的经验发展为全局性综合性的社会治理理论,是习近平法治思想的重要理论贡献。诉源治理“三端共治”机制是坚持党的全面领导的政治逻辑,是以人民为中心发展理念的司法体现,是中国式现... 新时代“枫桥经验”逐渐从党领导基层治理与群众工作的经验发展为全局性综合性的社会治理理论,是习近平法治思想的重要理论贡献。诉源治理“三端共治”机制是坚持党的全面领导的政治逻辑,是以人民为中心发展理念的司法体现,是中国式现代化时代主题的法治回应。坚持和发展新时代“枫桥经验”,必须主动适应新时代社会主要矛盾新变化,着力打造“三端共治”机制模式,解决前端预防不足、中端化解失灵、末端控制欠缺的问题,提升“前端、中端、末端”全流程诉源治理能力,融入网格化、多元化、智能化解纷体系,让矛盾纠纷化在源头、解在诉前、消在萌芽。 展开更多
关键词 新时代“枫桥经验” “三共治”机制 诉源治理
作者 肖姗姗 曹娜 《湖北警官学院学报》 2024年第3期73-85,共13页
作为一种音视频欺骗技术,深度伪造技术的高度仿真性、操作便捷性、高速进化性以及人身关联性使其与个人信息保护密不可分,且存在极大的异化风险,如导致科技向善理念失守、侵犯公民人身财产权益、引发公众信任危机、妨害司法公正、危害... 作为一种音视频欺骗技术,深度伪造技术的高度仿真性、操作便捷性、高速进化性以及人身关联性使其与个人信息保护密不可分,且存在极大的异化风险,如导致科技向善理念失守、侵犯公民人身财产权益、引发公众信任危机、妨害司法公正、危害公共安全。由于当前我国刑法对该行为的规制仍存在个人信息保护缺弱、打击非法使用行为疲软等不足,故应当根据深度伪造技术运用的流程构建“三端共治”模式,即前端对个人生物识别信息进行提级保护、中端治理非法使用行为、末端准确认定下游犯罪,从而有效治理滥用深度伪造技术的犯罪行为,引导科技向善。未来还应当基于“三端共治”模式细化相关规定、增强公民的信息素养,并提高深度伪造检测技术,实现技术与法律的综合治理。 展开更多
关键词 深度伪造技术 个人生物识别信息 侵犯公民个人信息罪 “三共治”模式
“三端员定型”法识别滨岸相砂岩储层隔夹层:以塔里木盆地哈得逊油田东河砂岩为例 被引量:9
作者 周学慧 丁文龙 +4 位作者 昌伦杰 牛玉杰 尹帅 张敏 孙雅雄 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期328-338,共11页
滨岸相砂岩储层发育薄层隔夹层,由于测井垂向分辨率和薄层效应的影响,用于识别不同类型隔夹层的关键测井参数的数值范围部分重合,使常用测井识别方法面临困难。针对这一问题,本研究在多口井岩心观察描述的基础上,基于常规测井资料、岩... 滨岸相砂岩储层发育薄层隔夹层,由于测井垂向分辨率和薄层效应的影响,用于识别不同类型隔夹层的关键测井参数的数值范围部分重合,使常用测井识别方法面临困难。针对这一问题,本研究在多口井岩心观察描述的基础上,基于常规测井资料、岩心实验分析资料,创新性采用"三端员定型"法识别三类隔夹层:钙质隔夹层、泥灰质隔夹层和泥质隔夹层。不同类型隔夹层在图版上不仅能有效区分,同时还能反映出钙质含量、泥质含量变化对隔夹层物性的影响。依据隔夹层识别结果,将研究区隔夹层垂向上分为4种接触关系:单一型、渐变型、突变型和多峰型;平面上分为4种分布模式:片状大面积分布型、突变接触型、渐变接触型和随机分布型,明确了隔夹层的发育特征。研究认为,垂直渗透率与钙质含量具有正相关性,与泥质含量相关性差;应用产量控制系数C(与隔夹层厚度和垂直渗透率相关)论证了具有一定厚度的隔夹层对产量的控制能力按泥质隔夹层、泥灰质隔夹层、钙质隔夹层顺序依次增强,因此钙质隔夹层在研究区对油水垂向运动的影响最大。研究成果对滨岸相砂岩储层油田开发后期剩余油挖潜及制订开发调整方案具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 滨岸相 隔夹层 “三员定型”法 垂直渗透率 产量控制系数
作者 施龙有 吴峰平 《新闻战线》 2018年第10X期26-28,共3页
媒体融合依然在路上。媒体深度融合的战略重心在于"融",更在于"合",新型主流媒体建设只有真正做到"三端"传媒的扁平化,才能真正把纸媒做深、网媒做广、端媒做快。新型主流媒体也只有在推进媒体深度融合... 媒体融合依然在路上。媒体深度融合的战略重心在于"融",更在于"合",新型主流媒体建设只有真正做到"三端"传媒的扁平化,才能真正把纸媒做深、网媒做广、端媒做快。新型主流媒体也只有在推进媒体深度融合的过程中做到"三端"传播扁平化,才能适应多元立体传播的新格局,走出一条有序传播、有效传播、有力传播的成功路径。 展开更多
关键词 媒体融合 “三端”传播 扁平化 流程再造 资源整合
基于“三端一体”的数学课程混合式教学研究——以鞍山开放大学为例 被引量:1
作者 韩默陶 《电大理工》 2023年第3期59-63,共5页
随着信息技术的高速发展与普及,传统的开放大学数学公共课教学模式已经不能满足人才培养的需求。混合式教学模式填补了传统数学教学的不足,为数学课程的教学改革提供了一条有效的路径。通过分析鞍山开放大学传统数学课堂教学模式,探索... 随着信息技术的高速发展与普及,传统的开放大学数学公共课教学模式已经不能满足人才培养的需求。混合式教学模式填补了传统数学教学的不足,为数学课程的教学改革提供了一条有效的路径。通过分析鞍山开放大学传统数学课堂教学模式,探索数学课程的混合式教学模式实施方案,并总结了数学课程开展混合式教学模式改革的意义所在。 展开更多
关键词 开放大学数学教学 数学公共课 混合式教学模式 “三一体” 教学改革
甘肃省退役动力蓄电池梯次利用和回收的“三端式”应用研究 被引量:1
作者 刘宾年 《兰州职业技术学院学报》 2023年第4期73-75,93,共4页
开展退役动力蓄电池的利用和回收,是甘肃省落实碳达峰碳中和国家战略的关键举措,是推进省域内新能源产业健康发展的必然要求。从“技术、市场、政策”三个端口,研究分析影响该产业发展的关键技术、难点问题,对解决目前甘肃省新能源产业... 开展退役动力蓄电池的利用和回收,是甘肃省落实碳达峰碳中和国家战略的关键举措,是推进省域内新能源产业健康发展的必然要求。从“技术、市场、政策”三个端口,研究分析影响该产业发展的关键技术、难点问题,对解决目前甘肃省新能源产业发展过程中出现的瓶颈问题意义重大,对系统协调推动退役动力蓄电池梯次利用和回收产业的持续增效,具有一定的推广和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 “三式” 废旧动力蓄电池 利用和回收 甘肃省
作者 李梦嘉 张廷君 《福建技术师范学院学报》 2022年第4期413-421,共9页
生活垃圾分类是城市治理的难点,也是提高居民生活幸福感的重点。福州市“三端四定”垃圾分类治理模式以垃圾分类处理流程的优化,驱动整个垃圾收运工作形成“源头高效化、收集机械化、中转无缝化、末端循环化”的收运体系。文章重点阐述... 生活垃圾分类是城市治理的难点,也是提高居民生活幸福感的重点。福州市“三端四定”垃圾分类治理模式以垃圾分类处理流程的优化,驱动整个垃圾收运工作形成“源头高效化、收集机械化、中转无缝化、末端循环化”的收运体系。文章重点阐述了城市生活垃圾分类双循环治理模式的运作机制,分析了“三端四定”的垃圾分类模式与传统生活垃圾治理模式的特征差异以及双循环模式对治理流程和治理主体之间关系优化的重要意义。最后,讨论了基于双循环治理流程的生活垃圾分类治理的推广策略。 展开更多
关键词 垃圾分类 “三四定” 双循环模式 流程优化
作者 张礼恒 《韩国研究论丛》 2013年第1期102-117,共16页
袁世凯作为驻朝商务委员,在1887~1891年间,秉承清政府的旨意,全力处理"朴定阳事件",由此引起中朝外交纠纷。但随着对朝交涉的失利与对时局认识的深入,从1890年起,袁世凯一改此前的强硬做法,用和缓的办法、劝说的策略,艰难地... 袁世凯作为驻朝商务委员,在1887~1891年间,秉承清政府的旨意,全力处理"朴定阳事件",由此引起中朝外交纠纷。但随着对朝交涉的失利与对时局认识的深入,从1890年起,袁世凯一改此前的强硬做法,用和缓的办法、劝说的策略,艰难地履行着自己的职责,为中朝两国在"朴定阳事件"上的体面收场铺垫了基础。史实说明,史学界对袁世凯驻朝期间的评价并不客观、公允。 展开更多
关键词 袁世凯 李熙 朴定阳 “三端”
Climate state of the Three Gorges Region in the Yangtze River basin in 2022–2023
作者 Tong Cui Xianyan Chen +3 位作者 Xukai Zou Linhai Sun Qiang Zhang Hongling Zeng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第5期61-66,共6页
Based on daily observation data of the Three Gorges Region(TGR)of the Yangtze River basin and global reanalysis data,the climate characteristics,climate events,and meteorological disasters of the TGR in 2022 and 2023 ... Based on daily observation data of the Three Gorges Region(TGR)of the Yangtze River basin and global reanalysis data,the climate characteristics,climate events,and meteorological disasters of the TGR in 2022 and 2023 were analyzed.For the TGR,the average annual temperature for 2022 and 2023 was 0.8℃ and 0.4℃ higher than normal,respectively,making them the two warmest years in the past decade.In 2022,the TGR experienced its warmest summer on record.The average air temperature was 2.4℃ higher than the average,and there were 24.8 days of above-average high temperature days during summer.Rainfall in the TGR varied significantly between 2022 and 2023.Annual rainfall was 18.4%below normal and drier than normal in most parts of the region.In contrast,the precipitation in 2023 was considerably higher than the long-term average,and above normal for almost the entire year.The average wind speed exhibited minimal variation between the two years.However,the number of foggy days and relative humidity increased in 2023 compared to 2022.In 2022–2023,the TGR mainly experienced meteorological disasters such as extreme high temperatures,regional heavy rain and flooding,overcast rain,and inverted spring chill.Analysis indicates that the abnormal western Pacific subtropical high and the abnormal persistence of the eastward-shifted South Asian high were the two important drivers of the durative enhancement of record-breaking high temperature in the summer of 2022. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Region Climate state Extreme high temperature Torrential summer rainfall Climate analysis
作者 刘明明 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2023年第2期57-60,共4页
本文研究了“应用统计学”课程思政教学机制问题,根据“应用统计学”课程特点,提出了“三端”探索方法,“三端”即教师端、教学端、学生端。分别指出,教师要准确深刻理解课程思政内涵,教学要进行课程思政全面改造,学生要积极参与课程思... 本文研究了“应用统计学”课程思政教学机制问题,根据“应用统计学”课程特点,提出了“三端”探索方法,“三端”即教师端、教学端、学生端。分别指出,教师要准确深刻理解课程思政内涵,教学要进行课程思政全面改造,学生要积极参与课程思政教学评价。通过“三端”探索,实现对“应用统计学”课程整个教学价值链的课程思政改造,实现思政课程教育与专业课程教育紧密融合,从而更好的为实现立德树人目标打下基础。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 应用统计学 “三端”探索 教学机制 立德树人
作者 柴晋平 《山西水利科技》 2005年第2期24-25,共2页
万家寨引黄工程是一项跨流域的大型引水工程,共5座泵站串联运行,保证供电系统的安全稳定非常重要。引黄工程110KV供电线路采用了法国ALSTOM MICOM P540系列光纤电流纵差保护作为主保护,实现了全线速动保护功能,满足了五座泵站机组稳定... 万家寨引黄工程是一项跨流域的大型引水工程,共5座泵站串联运行,保证供电系统的安全稳定非常重要。引黄工程110KV供电线路采用了法国ALSTOM MICOM P540系列光纤电流纵差保护作为主保护,实现了全线速动保护功能,满足了五座泵站机组稳定运行的要求。 展开更多
关键词 光纤电流纵差保护 “T”接线路 “三端”保护 “两端”保护
A Tri-Port MIMO Antenna Designed for Micro/Pico Cell Applications with Self-Decoupled Structure 被引量:1
作者 WANG Han LIU Longsheng ZHANG Zhijun 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第11期1-6,共6页
A tri-port MIMO antenna designed for Micro/Pico-Cell application is proposed.It is based on printed elements with X-shaped arms,which are oriented to 0°,120° and240° in the azimuth plane.The arms of the... A tri-port MIMO antenna designed for Micro/Pico-Cell application is proposed.It is based on printed elements with X-shaped arms,which are oriented to 0°,120° and240° in the azimuth plane.The arms of these elements are connected,with which a selfdecoupled structure is formed.The mutual coupling between adjacent elements is below-15 dB.Meanwhile,it size is compact and bidirectional radiation patterns with around 4dBi Gain and 92° 3dB beam width is achieved,which can provide good pattern diversity and full azimuth coverage in real applications. 展开更多
关键词 MIMO antenna antenna diversity mutual coupling
Spin-Tunneling Time in Ferromagnetic/Semiconductor/Ferromagnetic Three-Terminal Heterojunction in the Presence of Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Ying-Tao XIE Zun LI You-Cheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5X期945-951,共7页
We study theoretically the transmission coefficients and the spin-tunneling time in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic three-terminal heterojunction in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction, in which on... We study theoretically the transmission coefficients and the spin-tunneling time in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic three-terminal heterojunction in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction, in which onedimensional quantum waveguide theory is developed and applied. Based on the group velocity concept and the particle current conservation principle, we calculate the spin-tunneling time as the function of the intensity of Rashba spinrblt coupling and the length of the semiconductor. We find that as the length of the semiconductor increases, the spintunneling time does not increase linearly but shows behavior of slight oscillation, i;brthermore, with the increasing of the soin-orbit coupling, the spin-tunneling time increases. 展开更多
关键词 spin-tunneling time three-terminal heterojunction spin-orbit coupling
Realization of Spin Switch in a Triple-Terminal Double-Quantum-Dot Structure
作者 江翠 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期185-189,共5页
Electron transport through a triple-terminal double-quantum-dot structure is theoretically studied. By adjusting the chemical potential in leads, two channels in this system are created, and in the presence of magneti... Electron transport through a triple-terminal double-quantum-dot structure is theoretically studied. By adjusting the chemical potential in leads, two channels in this system are created, and in the presence of magnetic flux the conductances for the two channels present remarkable difference from each other. When the quantum dots are made of ferromagnetic materials, the levels of quantum dots are spin dependent, then spin polarization comes about in the two channels. Furthermore, in some regions spin polarization in the different channels are opposite. We consider that this model can be a device prototype for spin filtering and spin separation. 展开更多
关键词 quantum dot CONDUCTANCE spin switch
An Analytical Study of Three-State Potts Model on Lattice
作者 ZHAO Pei-Ying WU Ji-Min 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期877-881,共5页
We investigate the phase structure of the three-state Ports model by the variational cumulant expansion approach, it is shown that there is a weak first-order phase transition in three and four dimensions. The critica... We investigate the phase structure of the three-state Ports model by the variational cumulant expansion approach, it is shown that there is a weak first-order phase transition in three and four dimensions. The critical coupling given by this method is in good agreement with MC data. 展开更多
关键词 variational cumulant expansion Potts model phase structure
A General Study on Equivalent Resistance of Three-Terminal Ladder Network
作者 WuGuoxiang TanZhizhong +1 位作者 SongGuohua SongChangqing 《Electricity》 2005年第1期38-40,共3页
In view of the application importance of resistance network in modern science and technology, this paper presents the basic structure of a three terminals ladder shaped resistance network, for which, to study in- dept... In view of the application importance of resistance network in modern science and technology, this paper presents the basic structure of a three terminals ladder shaped resistance network, for which, to study in- depth the equivalent resistance, carry out network analysis by applying virtual current method and construct a model of two elements three orders differential equation. Based on different marginal conditions, two general adaptive rules for the three-terminal ladder shaped inlet resistance, as well as two ultimate rules for the equiva- lent resistance of three-terminal infinite ladder shaped were given. 展开更多
关键词 three-terminal network virtual current equivalent resistance
An Observational Analysis of the Relationship Between Wind and the Expansion of the Changjiang River Diluted Water during Summer 被引量:2
作者 LIU Bao-Chao FENG Li-Cheng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第5期384-388,共5页
This paper presents an analysis of the impact of wind on the transport of the Changiiang River Diluted Water (CRDW) in August by using the salinity data col- lected on two zonal sections near Cheju-do. Based on the ... This paper presents an analysis of the impact of wind on the transport of the Changiiang River Diluted Water (CRDW) in August by using the salinity data col- lected on two zonal sections near Cheju-do. Based on the climatological mean conditions and four extreme events, the analysis indicates that wind-induced Ekman transport plays an important role in the extension of the CRDW. The strong northeastward Ekman transport induced by southeasterly wind in 1996, 2003, 2004, and 2006 pushes the core of the CRDW to the sea adjacent to Cheju-do. A comparison of the wind variation before observation among these four extreme events indicates that the expan- sion pattern of the CRDW is primarily changed by synop- tic variation with tirnescales of days to weeks, such as during a typhoon. The weak eastward extension of the CRDW in 2004, accompanied with a relatively strong southerly wind, implies that the oceanographic state (e.g., the depth of halocline) may strongly affect the impact of wind on the extension of the CRDW. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang River diluted water WIND Ekmantransport
Development and Static Mode Characterization of a New Low-Loss AC Switch Based on Super-gain BJT
作者 Zheng Ren Sebastien Jacques Yubing Song Adelphe Caldeira Guillaume Goubard Ambroise Schellmanns NathalieBatut 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第2期357-364,共8页
This paper deals with an innovative low-loss AC switch, named as TBBS (transistor based bidirectional switch), based on the association of super-gain BJTs developed by the GREMAN laboratory. The main characterizatio... This paper deals with an innovative low-loss AC switch, named as TBBS (transistor based bidirectional switch), based on the association of super-gain BJTs developed by the GREMAN laboratory. The main characterization results of the super-gain BJT are reminded to identify the key parameters that are essential to build the TBBS. A complete characterization database in static mode of this new AC switch is discussed. In particular, its forward and reverse-biased features have been measured to see the evolution of the DC current gain as a function of the current density. The TBBS makes sense when using the super-gain BJT (bipolar junction transistor) in reverse mode. It means that the reverse DC current gain has to be sufficient (at least higher than l compared with the conventional BJT one). This new AC switch is bidirectional in current and voltage, totally controllable (turn-on and turn-off) and the most attractive solution in terms of on-state power losses. Further, its manufacturing process is as easier as existing device such as triac. 展开更多
关键词 AC switch BJT super-gain static characterization low power consumption.
Effect of realgar on telomerase activity and hTERT-mRNA expression in NB4 cells 被引量:1
作者 李静 刘陕西 张梅 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2003年第3期165-169,共5页
Objective: To evaluate whether realgar could down-regulate human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene expression and telomerase activity in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line-NB4 cells. Methods: The expre... Objective: To evaluate whether realgar could down-regulate human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene expression and telomerase activity in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line-NB4 cells. Methods: The expression of hTERT-mRNA was analyzed by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Telomerase activity was determined by polymerase chain reaction enzyme-linked immunoassay (PCR-ELISA). Flow cytometry using PI staining was applied to analyze the cell cycle and apoptosis. Results: Treatment of NB4 cells with 155, 300, 600 μg/L realgar reduced telomerase activity significantly accompanying with decrease of hTERT-mRNA and increasing cell apoptosis. G2/M phase arrest appeared when treated with realgar in 300, 600 μg/L. Conclusion: It is suggested that telomerase activity of NB4 cells can be specifically inhibited by realgar through the down-regulation of hTERT gene expression. G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis by realgar in NB4 cells might be related to the reduction of telomerase activity and hTERT-mRNA expression. 展开更多
关键词 REALGAR TELOMERASE hTERT gene NB4 cell line cell cycle APOPTOSIS
Three dimensional finite element analysis of anatomic distal radius Nitinol memory connector treating distal radius fracture 被引量:4
作者 苏佳灿 张春才 +8 位作者 禹宝庆 许硕贵 王家林 纪方 张雪松 吴建国 王保华 薛召军 丁祖泉 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2003年第4期226-229,共4页
Objective: To study the memory biomechanical character of anatomic distal radius Nitinol memory connector (DRMC) in treating distal radius fracture. Methods: Establishing three dimensional model and finite element ana... Objective: To study the memory biomechanical character of anatomic distal radius Nitinol memory connector (DRMC) in treating distal radius fracture. Methods: Establishing three dimensional model and finite element analysis, we calculated the stress in and around the fracture faces when distal radius fracture was fixated with DRMC. Results: Axial holding stress produced by holding part of DRMC on distal radius was 14.66 MPa. The maximum stress of holding part was 40-70 MPa, the minimum stress was 3-7 MPa,and the stress of compression part was 20-40 MPa. Conclusion: The distribution of stress produced by DRMC around the fracture line is reasonable, and axial holding stress can help stabilize fracture during earlier period. The existence of longitudal compression and memory effect can transfer fixated disused section into developed section and enhance fracture healing. 展开更多
关键词 distal radius Nitinol memory connector distal radius fracture 3 dimensional finite element analysis memory biomechanics
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