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应用型本科高校“三维设计”课程改革与资源建设 被引量:1
作者 刘勇军 彭华 胡乾坤 《江苏科技信息》 2021年第1期71-73,80,共4页
文章针对传统的"三维设计"教材和教法存在重指令、轻应用、功能逐个讲解、案例孤立无序、教学效果不佳的缺点,在多年教学实践的基础上,以设计典型机械产品为主线,对"三维设计"课程教学内容进行了重构,设计了教学任... 文章针对传统的"三维设计"教材和教法存在重指令、轻应用、功能逐个讲解、案例孤立无序、教学效果不佳的缺点,在多年教学实践的基础上,以设计典型机械产品为主线,对"三维设计"课程教学内容进行了重构,设计了教学任务清单。针对每个教学任务,录制了预习短视频和课堂教学视频资源,实现课前、课中、课后学习有参考、有指导的学习资源库。与传统逐个讲解指令的教学模式相比,课堂秩序、学习兴趣和教学效果均有了显著提高。本课程的教学改革与资源建设也可以为类似设计类课程的教学改革提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 “三维设计” 内容重构 任务驱动 教学资源建设
以学生能力培养为导向的“三维实体建模与仿真设计”课程教学改革 被引量:6
作者 吴飞 何永玲 +3 位作者 宋孟天 庞启硕 韩星晖 胡文睿 《装备制造技术》 2021年第10期155-157,184,共4页
"三维实体建模与仿真设计"课程是应用型本科院校机械专业的必修专业课程。针对三维实体建模与仿真设计的传统教学模式存在的问题,根据学生实际问题,提出了以大学生学科竞赛为背景的课程改革与创新,通过以赛促教,以赛促学的教... "三维实体建模与仿真设计"课程是应用型本科院校机械专业的必修专业课程。针对三维实体建模与仿真设计的传统教学模式存在的问题,根据学生实际问题,提出了以大学生学科竞赛为背景的课程改革与创新,通过以赛促教,以赛促学的教学思路。从教学内容、教学实践、教学方法和教学模式等四方面入手进行改革,同时将课程思政元素融入到教学课程的学习中,能够全面培养学生个人的整体素质。 展开更多
关键词 学科竞赛 “三维设计” 改革与实践 思政元素
需求导向和能力本位理念的项目教学探索——以无锡太湖学院“三维数字化设计”课程为例 被引量:1
作者 陈炎冬 邓斌 +1 位作者 李文霞 张亚勤 《江苏科技信息》 2020年第31期55-58,共4页
传统教学方法在"三维数字化设计"课程的实施过程中存在各种问题,采用新信息技术下的项目教学方法非常必要,可有效避免传统的"教师讲,学生听"的纯粹讲授命令而忽略结合专业知识的软件应用能力。文章根据"能力本... 传统教学方法在"三维数字化设计"课程的实施过程中存在各种问题,采用新信息技术下的项目教学方法非常必要,可有效避免传统的"教师讲,学生听"的纯粹讲授命令而忽略结合专业知识的软件应用能力。文章根据"能力本位,需求导向"的理念,以减速器为例介绍了项目内容的设计思路,并以"轴"为案例介绍了教学实施过程,采用线下和线上混合模式,来实现"讲""学""练"一体化的项目式教学目标。实践表明,线上、线下混合式的项目教学有效提高了学生的学习兴趣、综合素质和技能应用能力。 展开更多
关键词 项目化教学 “三维数字化设计” 能力本位 需求导向 线上线下混合模式
高职英语阅读“三维一体”教学设计实践效果研究 被引量:1
作者 杨敏 《沙洋师范高等专科学校学报》 2010年第4期79-81,共3页
在高职英语阅读教学中,以课堂、教师、学生三者关系的重新确立为基础,以阅读资源的广泛性、人文性、启发性为目的,构建以生动的课堂导入为手段、互动的学习形式为路径、感动学生心灵为效果的"三维一体"教学模式,一改传统教学... 在高职英语阅读教学中,以课堂、教师、学生三者关系的重新确立为基础,以阅读资源的广泛性、人文性、启发性为目的,构建以生动的课堂导入为手段、互动的学习形式为路径、感动学生心灵为效果的"三维一体"教学模式,一改传统教学只重知识和技巧的传授方式,把塑造高情商、高智商的复合型人才看作教学重点,促使学生基本素质得到全面而充分的发展。结合教学实际,文章对此模式的具体实施效果做了实证性分析与研究。 展开更多
关键词 英语阅读 情商培养 “三维一体”设计 实证研究
作者 孙小捞 杨哲 张诚 《西部素质教育》 2021年第15期152-154,共3页
关键词 “三维造型设计” 主干课程 师资队伍
作者 唐锐 《科技经济市场》 2022年第11期119-121,共3页
“三维微缩效果设计与制作”是艺术设计专业的必修课程,是培养学生空间造型能力和空间表现力的重要学科。文章结合“三维微缩效果设计与制作”特点,提出设计基于B/S架构系统“三维微缩效果设计与制作”教学资源库,设置三维虚拟场景漫游... “三维微缩效果设计与制作”是艺术设计专业的必修课程,是培养学生空间造型能力和空间表现力的重要学科。文章结合“三维微缩效果设计与制作”特点,提出设计基于B/S架构系统“三维微缩效果设计与制作”教学资源库,设置三维虚拟场景漫游与交互功能、专业知识与技能展示功能和自主学习功能。测试研究表明:“三维微缩效果设计与制作”教学资源库提高了学生的空间思维能力、促进了教育信息化发展,丰富了在线教学模式、加深了校企合作,推动了产教融合的发展,更好地满足了“1+X”证书制度要求。 展开更多
关键词 “三维微缩效果设计与制作” 教学资源库 “1+X”证书制度 创新能力
系统观下“三维”教学设计探析——以极大似然估计为例 被引量:1
作者 刘艳娜 王瑞 +1 位作者 胡宝安 李长国 《军事交通学院学报》 2021年第4期71-75,共5页
为提高军队院校基础课教学质量,以课堂教学为载体,分析影响课堂教学质量的主要因素,提出系统观下"主体—时间—策略"的"三维"教学设计,将其运用到概率统计中的极大似然估计课堂教学设计中,并从体现教育理念、创新... 为提高军队院校基础课教学质量,以课堂教学为载体,分析影响课堂教学质量的主要因素,提出系统观下"主体—时间—策略"的"三维"教学设计,将其运用到概率统计中的极大似然估计课堂教学设计中,并从体现教育理念、创新教学策略、优化教学内容等3个方面说明"三维"教学设计的实践路径。 展开更多
关键词 “三维”教学设计 系统观 主体维度 时间维度 策略维度
作者 胡建平 《生活教育》 2020年第14期14-16,共3页
笔者通过调研,发现目前“三维造型技术”课程存在“教学”与“社会生活”相脱节现象,究其原因主要体现在教学观念落后、教学内容陈旧和脱离生活、教学设计过于传统等方面,这就导致学生学习的兴致不高、效果不佳。本文从教学现状、教学... 笔者通过调研,发现目前“三维造型技术”课程存在“教学”与“社会生活”相脱节现象,究其原因主要体现在教学观念落后、教学内容陈旧和脱离生活、教学设计过于传统等方面,这就导致学生学习的兴致不高、效果不佳。本文从教学现状、教学生活化意义、具体应用与实践等方面阐述生活化教学在“三维造型设计”课程中的应用与实践。 展开更多
关键词 “三维造型设计”课程 教学生活化 应用与实践
《机电产品开发与创新》 2005年第4期126-127,共2页
为了打破国外三维数字化设计核心技术的垄断,研究我国自主知识版权核心系统,2003年初.国家科技部863计划现代集成制造系统技术主题组组织了国产三维数字化设计核心系统的研究项目的招标工作,经过激烈的竞争,北京清软英泰信息技术... 为了打破国外三维数字化设计核心技术的垄断,研究我国自主知识版权核心系统,2003年初.国家科技部863计划现代集成制造系统技术主题组组织了国产三维数字化设计核心系统的研究项目的招标工作,经过激烈的竞争,北京清软英泰信息技术有限公司成功中标,并于2003年6月开始承担863计划课题”三维数字化设计核心系统(2003AA423110)”的研究工作。本课题主要着眼于数字化设计技术最新发展.完成商品化的三维数字化设计核心系统,取得关键技术突破和自主知识产权.形成制造业信息化创新设计的内核:带动一批应用技术研究:实施三维数字化创新设计的典型应用.促进省市制造业信息化咨询公司和技术服务中心的发展:拉动国产系统软件(如国产操作系统、国产数据库管理系统)的应用:支持三维CAD系统在典型企业的应用,取得显著的经济社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 现代集成制造系统 “三维数字化设计核心系统” 863计划 北京清软英泰信息技术有限公司
Parallel rapid relaxation inversion of 3D magnetotelluric data 被引量:8
作者 林昌洪 谭捍东 佟拓 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期77-83,104,共8页
We implement a parallel algorithm with the advantage of MPI (Message Passing Interface) to speed up the rapid relaxation inversion for 3D magnetotelluric data. We test the parallel rapid relaxation algorithm with sy... We implement a parallel algorithm with the advantage of MPI (Message Passing Interface) to speed up the rapid relaxation inversion for 3D magnetotelluric data. We test the parallel rapid relaxation algorithm with synthetic and real data. The execution efficiency of the algorithm for several different situations is also compared. The results indicate that the parallel rapid relaxation algorithm for 3D magnetotelluric inversion is effective. This parallel algorithm implemented on a common PC promotes the practical application of 3D magnetotelluric inversion and can be suitable for the other geophysical 3D modeling and inversion. 展开更多
关键词 MAGNETOTELLURIC MPI 3D rapid relaxation inversion parallel algorithm
Applications of Computer Aided Modeling Techniques to Complex ICE Components 被引量:1
作者 左正兴 冯慧华 +1 位作者 廖日东 邹文胜 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第4期451-458,共8页
Design of internal combustion engine (ICE) components is one of the earliest and also the most active areas in which computer aided modeling techniques are applied. Computer aided modeling techniques could provide req... Design of internal combustion engine (ICE) components is one of the earliest and also the most active areas in which computer aided modeling techniques are applied. Computer aided modeling techniques could provide requisite information for follow up designing segments such as structural analysis, design of technological process and manufacturing etc, and thereby lead to the reduction of product design period and the quality and reliability improvement of ICE components. So the developing situations of ICE components' 2 D drafting, 3 D modeling of ICE, overall CAD of ICE as well as component design expert system etc. are surveyed, which are the typical applications of computer aided modeling techniques in ICE component design process, and some existent problems and tasks are pointed out so as to make some references for the further research work. 展开更多
关键词 internal combustion engine(ICE) components computer aided modeling CAD 3 D model
3-D computational method of wave loads on turret moored FPSO tankers 被引量:4
作者 REN Hui-long, ZHANG Hai-bin, DAI Yu-zhi, SONG Jing-zheng School of Shipbuilding Engineering , Harbin Engineering University , Harbin 150001, China 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2003年第1期1-10,共10页
A three-dimensional method of calculating wave loads of turret moored FPSO (Flo ating Production Storage and Offloading) tankers is presented. The linearized restoring forces acting on the ship hull by the mooring sys... A three-dimensional method of calculating wave loads of turret moored FPSO (Flo ating Production Storage and Offloading) tankers is presented. The linearized restoring forces acting on the ship hull by the mooring system are calculated according to the catenary theory, which are expressed as the function of linear stiffness coefficients and the displacements of the upper ends of mooring chains. The hydrodynamic coefficients of the ship are calculated by the three-dimensional potential flow theory of the linear hydrodynamic problem for ships with a low forward speed. The equations of ship motions are established with the effect of the restoring forces from the mooring system included as linear stiffness coefficients. The equations of motions are solved in frequency domain, and the responses of wave-induced motions and loads on the ship can be obtained. A computer pro gram based on this method has been developed,and some calculation examples are illustrated. Analysis results show that the method can give satisfying prediction of wave loads. 展开更多
关键词 FPSO tanker wave loads potential flow theory mooring system
2 kHz High Power Smart Transducer for Acoustic Sub-bottom Profiling Applications 被引量:1
作者 R. Sathishkumar 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第3期361-365,共5页
In this study,a 2kHz Tonpilz projector was designed using a Terfenol-D and modeled in ATILA.For the purpose of modeling studies,it has been determined that a radiating head mass exhibits better transmitting current re... In this study,a 2kHz Tonpilz projector was designed using a Terfenol-D and modeled in ATILA.For the purpose of modeling studies,it has been determined that a radiating head mass exhibits better transmitting current response(TCR) at 136 mm diameter,where the resonance occurs at 2.4kHz and the peak value of 118 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1 m occurs at 12 kHz.Also bolt at a 46mm distance from the center of the head mass offers resonance at 2.4kHz,and the peak value of 115.3 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1m occurs at 11.5kHz.This optimized design is fabricated and molded with polyurethane of 3mm thickness.The prototype was tested at the Acoustic Test Facility(ATF) of National Institute of Ocean Technology(NIOT) for its underwater performances.Based on the result,the fundamental resonance was determined to be 2.18kHz and the peak value of TCR of 182 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1m occurs at 14 kHz.The maximum value of the RS was found to be -190 dB re 1V/μPa at 1m at a frequency of 2.1kHz. 展开更多
关键词 smart transducer MAGNETOSTRICTION acoustic sub-bottom profiling transmitting current response(TCR)
Research on an Integrated Modeling Method of Virtual Ship Assembly 被引量:1
作者 袁华 赵耀 严俊 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第4期447-455,共9页
A new method of virtual ship assembly modeling which integrates ship three-dimensional design and ship construction planning was described in this paper. A workflow model of simulation modeling based on the virtual sh... A new method of virtual ship assembly modeling which integrates ship three-dimensional design and ship construction planning was described in this paper. A workflow model of simulation modeling based on the virtual ship assembly process was also established; furthermore, a method of information transformation between the ship three-dimensional design and ship construction plan was formulated. To meet the requirements of information sharing between different systems in the ship virtual assembly, a simulation database was created by using the software engineering design method and the relational data model. With the application of this database, the information of ship three-dimensional design, construction planning, and virtual assembly can be integrated into one system. Subsequently, this new method was applied as a tool to simulate the virtual assembly of a ship, and the results guarantee its rationality and reliability. 展开更多
关键词 ship virtual assembly simulation modeling workflow model simulation database three-dimensional design construction planning
Quantitative determination of PFC3D microscopic parameters 被引量:3
作者 LI Zhuo RAO Qiu-hua 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第3期911-925,共15页
It is important to calibrate micro-parameters for applying partied flow code(PFC)to study mechanical characteristics and failure mechanism of rock materials.Uniform design method is firstly adopted to determine the mi... It is important to calibrate micro-parameters for applying partied flow code(PFC)to study mechanical characteristics and failure mechanism of rock materials.Uniform design method is firstly adopted to determine the microscopic parameters of parallel-bonded particle model for three-dimensional discrete element particle flow code(PFC3D).Variation ranges of microscopic of the microscopic parameters are created by analyzing the effects of microscopic parameters on macroscopic parameters(elastic modulus E,Poisson ratio v,uniaxial compressive strengthσc,and ratio of crack initial stress to uniaxial compressive strengthσci/σc)in order to obtain the actual uniform design talbe.The calculation equations of the microscopic and macroscopic parameters of rock materials can be established by the actual uniform design table and the regression analysis and thus the PFC3D microscopic parameters can be quantitatively determined.The PFC3D simulated results of the intact and pre-cracked rock specimens under uniaxial and triaxial compressions(including the macroscopic mechanical parameters,stress−strain curves and failure process)are in good agreement with experimental results,which can prove the validity of the calculation equations of microscopic and macroscopic parameters. 展开更多
关键词 quantitative relationship of microscopic and macroscopic parameters uniform design method three-dimensional particle flow code(PFC3D) ROCK
3D structure parameterization design and modeling for irregular structure of stope bottom 被引量:3
作者 曾庆田 Wang Liguan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2016年第1期55-62,共8页
Stope mining design is a very important and complicated task in daily production design and technical management of an underground mine.Based on workface technology and human-computer interaction technology,this study... Stope mining design is a very important and complicated task in daily production design and technical management of an underground mine.Based on workface technology and human-computer interaction technology,this study introduces a method of 3D parametric design for the irregular structure of stope bottoms,and focuses on solving technical problems in surface modeling of stope bottom structure.Optimization of the minimum span length algorithm(MSLA) and the shortest path search algorithm(SPSA) is conducted to solve the problem of contour-line based instant modeling of stope bottom structures,which makes possible the 3D parametric design for irregular structure of stope bottom.Implementation process and relevant methods of the proposed algorithms are also presented.Feasibility and reliability of the proposed modeling method are testified in a case study.In practice,the proposed 3 D parameterization design method for irregular structure stope bottom proves to be very helpful to precise 3D parametric design.This method is capable of contributing to improved efficiency and precision of stope design,and is worthy of promotion. 展开更多
关键词 irregular stope bottom structure STOPE structure parameterization design surface reconstruction modeling
Computerized three-dimensional design system for rectangular tile coating on hull surface 被引量:4
作者 CHEN Zhi-biao ZHAO Yao YAN Jun 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2006年第2期13-18,共6页
To better guide the coating process of rectangular tiles on a ship hull, a computerized three-dimensional design method is proposed. Research was done on a tile generating algorithm, tile laying design flow, tiles gap... To better guide the coating process of rectangular tiles on a ship hull, a computerized three-dimensional design method is proposed. Research was done on a tile generating algorithm, tile laying design flow, tiles gap examination algorithm, and tiles slight displacement, as well as cutting and rotating algorithms.A three-dimensional design system was developed using an MDT platform. The application of this system indicates that using the design arrangement to coat tiles on a ship’s hull can result in enhanced coating quality. 展开更多
关键词 rectangular tile hull coating ship design
Designing an optimal stope layout for underground mining based on a heuristic algorithm 被引量:2
作者 Sandanayake Don Suneth Sameera Topal Erkan Asad Mohammad Waqar Ali 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期767-772,共6页
An optimal layout or three-dimensional spatial distribution of stopes guarantees the maximum profitability over life span of an underground mining operation.Thus,stope optimization is one of the key areas in undergrou... An optimal layout or three-dimensional spatial distribution of stopes guarantees the maximum profitability over life span of an underground mining operation.Thus,stope optimization is one of the key areas in underground mine planning practice.However,the computational complexity in developing an optimal stope layout has been a reason for limited availability of the algorithms offering solution to this problem.This article shares a new and efficient heuristic algorithm that considers a three-dimensional ore body model as an input,maximizes the economic value,and satisfies the physical mining and geotechnical constraints for generating an optimal stope layout.An implementation at a copper deposit demonstrates the applicability and robustness of the algorithm.A parallel processing based modification improving the performance of the original algorithm in terms of enormous computational time saving is also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Stope optimization Underground mining Underground mine planning Heuristic algorithm
Component-based Topological Data Model for Three-dimensional Geology Modeling 被引量:3
作者 HOUEnke WULixin WUYuhua JUTianyi 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第2期122-127,共6页
On the study of the basic characteristics of geological objects and the special requirement for computing 3D geological model, this paper gives an object-oriented 3D topologic data model. In this model, the geological... On the study of the basic characteristics of geological objects and the special requirement for computing 3D geological model, this paper gives an object-oriented 3D topologic data model. In this model, the geological objects are divided into four object classes: point, line, area and volume. The volume class is further divided into four subclasses: the composite volume, the complex volume, the simple volume and the component. Twelve kinds of topological relations and the related data structures are designed for the geological objects. 展开更多
关键词 geology modeling 3D data models 3DGIS
Performance analysis of jig for coal cleaning using 3D response surface methodology 被引量:3
作者 Kumar Shravan Venugopal R. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期333-337,共5页
Beneficiation of coal of -4.76 mm + 3 mm size fraction was investigated in a laboratory model Denver jig.Process variables were studied to analyze their effect on the performance of jig in terms of yield and ash conte... Beneficiation of coal of -4.76 mm + 3 mm size fraction was investigated in a laboratory model Denver jig.Process variables were studied to analyze their effect on the performance of jig in terms of yield and ash content of clean coal. Three-factor three-level Box-Behnken design of experiments with response surface methodology(RSM) was employed to understand the performance behavior of jig. From the study, the bed height was found to be the most significant parameter affecting the yield and ash content of clean coal. It was possible to reduce the ash content from 24.32% in feed to an ash content of 16.55% in clean coal at 2 L/min water flow rate and 10 min jigging time. Influence of operating variables of the jig on responses was presented and discussed in 3D surface plots. The developed model was found to be significant within the range of parameters under investigation with correlation of co-efficient values as 0.99(yield) and 0.98(ash). 展开更多
关键词 Coal beneficiation Jigging Bed height 3D-RSM Box-Behnken
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