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作者 刘慧 《智库时代》 2019年第52期3-4,共2页
古县位于临汾市东北部,是太岳革命老区,省定贫困县。全县辖4镇3乡,总面积1206平方公里,总人口9.4万人。整体贫困乡1个,建档立卡贫困村38个,贫困总规模6537户19826人。2014年以来累计脱贫6392户、19452人,38个贫困村全部退出。贫困发生率... 古县位于临汾市东北部,是太岳革命老区,省定贫困县。全县辖4镇3乡,总面积1206平方公里,总人口9.4万人。整体贫困乡1个,建档立卡贫困村38个,贫困总规模6537户19826人。2014年以来累计脱贫6392户、19452人,38个贫困村全部退出。贫困发生率从2014年底的29.3%降至现在的0.55%。贫困县退出14项指标全部完成达标。2018年脱贫成效考核位列全省第一方阵。省政府已批准退出贫困县,目前进入巩固提升阶段。2019年以来,古县按照“四个不摘”重大要求,继续把脱贫攻坚作为全县的头等大事和第一民生工程来抓,持续抓好责任、政策、工作“三个聚焦”,脱贫攻坚巩固提升工作扎实开展。 展开更多
关键词 古县 “三聚焦” 脱贫攻坚 提升
作者 龚颖 《城市党报研究》 2023年第11期54-56,66,共4页
2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,是实施“十四五”规划承前启后的关键一年,娄底日报社认真落实新时代党的建设总体要求,积极探索“三个聚焦”党建工作体系,始终坚持党报姓党,始终坚持政治家办报,以高质量党建引领党媒强... 2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,是实施“十四五”规划承前启后的关键一年,娄底日报社认真落实新时代党的建设总体要求,积极探索“三个聚焦”党建工作体系,始终坚持党报姓党,始终坚持政治家办报,以高质量党建引领党媒强劲发展。 展开更多
关键词 党的建设 “三聚焦” 高质量发展
构建高校“三全育人”工作体系的策略 被引量:8
作者 刘彬 《党政论坛》 2020年第8期44-46,共3页
“三全育人”的三者之辩证关系,“三全育人”工作的推进面临的现实问题与困境要求,聚焦“三全育人”中的关键少数、关键环节与关键领域,从“三个如何”化解育人困境的内在逻辑出发,着眼高校“三全育人”顶层设计的“大思政”格局建构,... “三全育人”的三者之辩证关系,“三全育人”工作的推进面临的现实问题与困境要求,聚焦“三全育人”中的关键少数、关键环节与关键领域,从“三个如何”化解育人困境的内在逻辑出发,着眼高校“三全育人”顶层设计的“大思政”格局建构,关注“社会课堂”的资源引入与辐射,以学生为主体,整合各方资源搭建大思政平台,将显性引领和隐性引领相结合,实现育人的精准性和实效性,为构建高校“三全育人”工作体系奠定坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 立德树人 “三全育人” “三聚焦”
以系统思维把握学术期刊高质量内涵建设的三大维度 被引量:2
作者 钱锋 董毅敏 +1 位作者 李军凯 彭一骎 《出版发行研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第12期40-47,共8页
当前,无论是媒体自身发展的要求,还是服务于国家发展需要,学术期刊都需要进一步高质量发展,而学术期刊内涵建设则是关键。2023年9月21日,中国期刊协会会长吴尚之在第十三届(2023敦煌)中国期刊创新年会上发表的主旨报告中,从系统思维角... 当前,无论是媒体自身发展的要求,还是服务于国家发展需要,学术期刊都需要进一步高质量发展,而学术期刊内涵建设则是关键。2023年9月21日,中国期刊协会会长吴尚之在第十三届(2023敦煌)中国期刊创新年会上发表的主旨报告中,从系统思维角度提出加强学术出版和培育一流期刊,需要“三个聚焦”和“三支队伍”,提升“三个能力”。“三个聚焦”是指高水平研究成果、高质量学术论文和高品质学术期刊;“三支队伍”是指一流的作者队伍、一流的主编队伍和一流的编辑队伍;“三个能力”是指学术引领能力、编辑把关能力和出版服务能力。“三个聚焦”“三支队伍”“三个能力”是学术期刊内涵建设的三个维度,彼此相辅相成。我们要从系统性、整体性、综合性、协同性等多角度认识和把握三者的关系,因刊制宜,精准施策,实现学术期刊高质量创新发展。 展开更多
关键词 系统观念 学术期刊 “三聚焦” “三支队伍” “三个能力” 内涵建设 出版即服务
作者 王军峰 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期82-85,共4页
“把道理讲深、讲透、讲活”为教师上好思政课提供了根本遵循和评价标准。讲深高职思想道德与法治课,要坚持把准教材关键问题,坚持厘清学生疑难问题,坚持聚焦教学效果问题。讲透高职思想道德与法治课,要聚焦具象化,讲清楚“是什么”的道... “把道理讲深、讲透、讲活”为教师上好思政课提供了根本遵循和评价标准。讲深高职思想道德与法治课,要坚持把准教材关键问题,坚持厘清学生疑难问题,坚持聚焦教学效果问题。讲透高职思想道德与法治课,要聚焦具象化,讲清楚“是什么”的道理;聚焦“三个大”,讲明白“为什么”的原理;聚焦学生行,讲到位“如何做”的事理。讲活高职思想道德与法治课,要以活动载体“做活”课堂,以故事载体“激活”课堂,以技术载体“盘活”课堂。综合运用“三个坚持”“三个聚焦”“三个强化”,有利于推动高职思政教育高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 高职思政课 思想道德与法制课 “讲深、讲透、讲活” “三个坚持” “三聚焦” “三个强化”
作者 郭治成 《求贤》 2024年第4期50-51,共2页
在社会发展进程中,社会工作十分关键。通常情况下,我国会借助设定社会工作制度以及管理机构、社会组织等形式开展日常工作,而随着时代发展,传统的社会工作已经难以满足实际所需,要求借助“三个聚焦”理念构建社会工作发展新格局,为社会... 在社会发展进程中,社会工作十分关键。通常情况下,我国会借助设定社会工作制度以及管理机构、社会组织等形式开展日常工作,而随着时代发展,传统的社会工作已经难以满足实际所需,要求借助“三个聚焦”理念构建社会工作发展新格局,为社会治理创造良好条件,有效改善民生。本文围绕基于“三个聚焦”理念构建社会工作发展新格局开展研究,并为做好社会治理提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 “三聚焦” 社会工作 发展新格局
Model and optimization of ultrasonic phased array parameters 被引量:1
作者 钱雪微 王召巴 赵霞 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第2期115-122,共8页
Beam focusing is one of the unique characteristics of ultrasonic phased array compared with conventional ultrasound.On the basis of two-dimensional radiated sound field of phased array,the three-dimensional radiated s... Beam focusing is one of the unique characteristics of ultrasonic phased array compared with conventional ultrasound.On the basis of two-dimensional radiated sound field of phased array,the three-dimensional radiated sound field was simulated in the paper,and then the effect of different frequencies,different number of array elements and different element spacings on focal spot,the depth of focus and the effect on horizontal and vertical resolution were analyzed.The optimal results of transducer parameters have certain reference value for the design of phased array probe. 展开更多
关键词 beam focusing ultrasonic phased array three-dimensional sound field radiation focal spot depth of focus
A Three-Dimensional Velocity-Map Imaging Setup Designed for Crossed Ion-Molecule Scattering Studies
作者 Guo-dong Zhang Li-chang Guan +2 位作者 Zi-feng Yan Min Cheng Hong Gao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第1期71-80,I0011,共11页
In this study,we report the design and simulation of an electrostatic ion lens system consisting of 22 round metal plates.The opening of the extractor plate is covered withmetal mesh,which is for shielding the interac... In this study,we report the design and simulation of an electrostatic ion lens system consisting of 22 round metal plates.The opening of the extractor plate is covered withmetal mesh,which is for shielding the interaction region of the lens system from the high DC voltages applied to all other plates than the repeller and extractor plates.The Simion simulation shows that both velocity-mapping and time focusing can be achieved simultaneously when appropriate voltages are applied to each of the plates.This makes the ion lens system be able to focus large ionic volumes in all three dimensions,which is an essential requirement for crossed ion-molecule scattering studies.A three-dimensional ion velocity measurement system with multi-hit and potential multi-mass capability is built,which consists of a microchannel plate(MCP),a P47 phosphor screen,a CMOS camera,a fast photomultiplier tube(PMT),and a high-speed digitizer.The two velocity components perpendicular to the flight axis are measured by the CMOS camera,and the time-of-flight,from which the velocity component along the flight axis can be deduced,is measured by the PMT.A Labview program is written to combine the two measurements for building the full three-dimensional ion velocity in real time on a frame-by-frame basis.The multi-hit capability comes from the fact that multiple ions from the camera and PMT in the same frame can be correlated with each other based on their various intensities.We demonstrate this by using the photodissociation of CH31 at 304 nm. 展开更多
关键词 Three-dimensional image Velocity-mapping Time-focusing Ion-molecule scattering PHOTODISSOCIATION
Third-order nonlinear optical adjusting behavior in azobenzene metal complexes 被引量:1
作者 Chang Xing Jianxun Liu +6 位作者 Linpo Yang Zhichao Shao Wenjuan Xu Yujie Zhao Kai Li Yinglin Song Hongwei Hou 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第2期408-419,共12页
The third-order nonlinear optical(NLO)materials with stimuli-responsive properties have received extraordinary attention due to their controllable photophysical properties.In this work,two attractive metal complexes t... The third-order nonlinear optical(NLO)materials with stimuli-responsive properties have received extraordinary attention due to their controllable photophysical properties.In this work,two attractive metal complexes third-order NLO switches,which are far superior to congeneric optical switches in terms of their performance conversion,versatility,and fast response,were successfully designed and synthesized.The test of their third-order NLO properties proves that the metal complexes exhibit reverse saturable absorption and self-defocusing refraction.After light irradiation,the third-order NLO behavior turns quickly into self-focusing refraction.The relation between the molecular structures and the third-order NLO properties was investigated via1H nuclear magnetic resonance and ultraviolet-visible absorption.The results show that the metal ions have a significant influence on the NLO behavior and reveal the origin of third-order NLO properties via Z-scan determinations,pump-probe technology,and density functional theory calculations.These metal complexes can be used as third-order NLO switches with excellent fatigue resistance and broaden the application range of third-order NLO materials with adjustable performances. 展开更多
关键词 third-order nonlinear optical photo-controllable REVERSIBLE signal inversion metal complex
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