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作者 吕游 《学会》 2023年第10期43-49,共7页
面向广西壮族自治区下辖市县乡三级的“三长”人员、基层科协人员以及“三长”人员的服务对象,对广西科协基层组织“三长”人员能力提升开展全方位调查分析,针对存在的问题,从政策支持、制度体系、工作机制、平台搭建、队伍建设等方面,... 面向广西壮族自治区下辖市县乡三级的“三长”人员、基层科协人员以及“三长”人员的服务对象,对广西科协基层组织“三长”人员能力提升开展全方位调查分析,针对存在的问题,从政策支持、制度体系、工作机制、平台搭建、队伍建设等方面,提出操作性强、易推广的举措建议。 展开更多
关键词 基层科协 “三长”人员 能力建设 广西
从“素心”说到“三长”论:晋唐间史家修养论的形成 被引量:2
作者 汪高鑫 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期150-159,共10页
史家作为史籍撰述的主体,其素质修养如何,直接决定着史籍的价值。中国古代史学重视史家修养,由此形成了丰富的史家修养理论。纵观中国古代史家修养论的形成过程,先秦秦汉为滥觞时期,其直书不隐的"良史"观、论载历史的使命感,... 史家作为史籍撰述的主体,其素质修养如何,直接决定着史籍的价值。中国古代史学重视史家修养,由此形成了丰富的史家修养理论。纵观中国古代史家修养论的形成过程,先秦秦汉为滥觞时期,其直书不隐的"良史"观、论载历史的使命感,为此后史家修养理论的初步总结留下了思想财富。南朝刘勰《文心雕龙·史传》作为中国古代史学理论第一个专篇,提出了"素心"以"析理居正"的史家修养思想,对中国古代史家修养理论做出了初步总结。唐初以三篇帝王诏令、《隋书·经籍志》和《晋书》为代表,对史家修养与史官选择问题进行了深入论述,推进了南朝以来史家修养理论的发展。唐代史学理论家刘知幾在讨论"自古以来文士多史才少"问题时,提出了史家需具才、学、识"三长"的理论,所撰中国古代第一部史学理论专著《史通》对此作了系统阐述,标志着中国古代史家修养理论的形成。 展开更多
关键词 史家修养论 “素心”说 “三长” 晋唐时期
作者 黄少慧 练三锋 +1 位作者 肖炜 黄泳 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2012年第23期149-149,共1页
"一切为了学生、为了一切学生、为了学生的一切"是学生工作的宗旨,是学生专职(兼职)辅导员上岗培训的第一课,也是学生工作考评的核心指标[1,2]。南方医科大学中医药学院贯彻以学生为中心的教育理念,以学生为中心,不断探索学生工作... "一切为了学生、为了一切学生、为了学生的一切"是学生工作的宗旨,是学生专职(兼职)辅导员上岗培训的第一课,也是学生工作考评的核心指标[1,2]。南方医科大学中医药学院贯彻以学生为中心的教育理念,以学生为中心,不断探索学生工作新模式,形成了"三长"(师长、学长、家长)全时空工作模式,要求辅导员不仅以"师长"的身份加强学生管理,也要以"学长"的身份帮助学生学习,以"家长"身份关心学生生活。 展开更多
关键词 “三长” 学生管理模式 学生工作
作者 李雪冰 《江苏警官学院学报》 2007年第1期185-190,共6页
“三长”学校(江苏省公安派出所长学校、刑警队长学校、交巡警队长学校)根据自身的功能定位进行教学改革,在课程设置、师资配备等诸多环节强化特色创建,以培养所队长职业能力为目标,突出课程设置、教学内容、教学方法、师资配备、考核... “三长”学校(江苏省公安派出所长学校、刑警队长学校、交巡警队长学校)根据自身的功能定位进行教学改革,在课程设置、师资配备等诸多环节强化特色创建,以培养所队长职业能力为目标,突出课程设置、教学内容、教学方法、师资配备、考核制度、训练方式的多元性、针对性。通过综合测试、所队长论坛、战训研合一等方式全面优化培训质量,在推动公安教育体制改革的进程中开辟了一条警察训练职业化、职业训练正规化的新途径。 展开更多
关键词 “三长”学校 课程设置 教学改革 警察训练
作者 樊道明 《江苏警官学院学报》 2007年第4期195-197,共3页
"控制训练"是"三长"学校的主要训练科目。控制训练体系包括打防、控制、人身搜查、押解带离、警械具使用、夺凶器、配套演练等内容。要以为战而训、战训合一为教学内容,树立为战而训的思想,发挥教员和学员的主观能... "控制训练"是"三长"学校的主要训练科目。控制训练体系包括打防、控制、人身搜查、押解带离、警械具使用、夺凶器、配套演练等内容。要以为战而训、战训合一为教学内容,树立为战而训的思想,发挥教员和学员的主观能动性,建立长效训练机制。 展开更多
关键词 “三长”学校 控制训练 公安教育
黑岱沟露天煤矿“三长”联动机制的探索与实践 被引量:2
作者 刘小杰 颜杰 翟瑀 《露天采矿技术》 CAS 2021年第5期111-113,共3页
为了全面落实安全主体责任、加强安全管理工作、切实保障安全生产,黑岱沟露天煤矿提出了由“一个核心、三大机制”为整体构架的“三长”联动机制,形成了以“三长”联动为现场安全管控抓手的矿、队、班组三级管理体系。结果表明“三长”... 为了全面落实安全主体责任、加强安全管理工作、切实保障安全生产,黑岱沟露天煤矿提出了由“一个核心、三大机制”为整体构架的“三长”联动机制,形成了以“三长”联动为现场安全管控抓手的矿、队、班组三级管理体系。结果表明“三长”联动弥补了管理短板、夯实了管理基础,实现了由“被动抓安全”向“主动管安全”的转变。 展开更多
关键词 安全主体责任 安全管理 “三长” 管理体系 联动机制
作者 刘名洋 左琦琦 《新闻文化建设》 2021年第7期159-160,共2页
当前,网络文化正以迅猛的发展速度影响着人们的日常生活,娱乐方式和思维方式,对大学生价值观的形成有着越来越深远的影响。媒介信息纷繁复杂,影响着大学生的健康成长。因此,在“互联网+”背景下,浅析“三长”精神(长江精神、长城精神和... 当前,网络文化正以迅猛的发展速度影响着人们的日常生活,娱乐方式和思维方式,对大学生价值观的形成有着越来越深远的影响。媒介信息纷繁复杂,影响着大学生的健康成长。因此,在“互联网+”背景下,浅析“三长”精神(长江精神、长城精神和长征精神)传播路径,目的在于提升大学生“自强不息、坚韧挺拔、执着进取、勇于挑战”的精神,传承红色基因、弘扬“三长”精神,培养大学生树立正确的社会主义核心价值观,树立高尚的爱国主义情怀,成为新时代合格的建设者和接班人。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+” “三长”精神 传播路径
关于推进“河、林、田”三长共治问题的思考 被引量:1
作者 李珍珠 童玲 +2 位作者 王炳焱 郭俊强 刘全山 《河南林业科技》 2023年第3期44-46,60,共4页
关键词 漯河市 “三长”共治 研究与思考
门诊部“三长一短”成因及改善方法探究 被引量:19
作者 刘玉琦 李进 段惠娟 《西南国防医药》 CAS 2006年第2期210-210,共1页
关键词 门诊管理 “三长一短” 改善方法
《上海党史与党建》 2016年第7期47-49,共3页
党小组长、村(居)民小组长(楼组长)和社区群众团队负责人队伍是基层社会治理、联系服务群众的桥梁和纽带。当前,"三长"队伍建设中存在身份、结构、保障、管理等方面诸多共性问题。对此,上海市闵行区虹桥镇党委结合地区实际,... 党小组长、村(居)民小组长(楼组长)和社区群众团队负责人队伍是基层社会治理、联系服务群众的桥梁和纽带。当前,"三长"队伍建设中存在身份、结构、保障、管理等方面诸多共性问题。对此,上海市闵行区虹桥镇党委结合地区实际,提出了对"三长"实施条件管理、清单管理、网格管理等措施,逐步使乡镇"三长"队伍建设规范化、制度化、常态化。 展开更多
关键词 社会治理 “三长” 条件管理 队伍建设
作者 邓伟 《北方论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期15-17,共3页
梁启超在"诗界革命"的伊始,提出了对诗歌"新意境"、"新语句"和"古人之风格"的要求,试图达到在旧体诗中表现新的现代性体验的目的。随着"诗界革命"的发展,梁启超又以"旧风格含... 梁启超在"诗界革命"的伊始,提出了对诗歌"新意境"、"新语句"和"古人之风格"的要求,试图达到在旧体诗中表现新的现代性体验的目的。随着"诗界革命"的发展,梁启超又以"旧风格含新意境"来调适其中的矛盾,完成了"诗界革命"的历史定位,从中体现出两难的文化心态。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 “诗界革命” “三长” 旧风格
建设正规化公安队伍的基础工程——创办公安基层所队长学校的实践与思考 被引量:3
作者 黄明 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第5期6-10,共5页
江苏省公安厅在认真总结反思多年来公安基层基础建设和教育训练工作的基础上,在全国率先创办了公安派出所长、刑警队长、交巡警队长学校。创办“三长”学校,是顺应形势任务要求、打牢公安工作根基的战略选择,走出了一条警察训练职业化... 江苏省公安厅在认真总结反思多年来公安基层基础建设和教育训练工作的基础上,在全国率先创办了公安派出所长、刑警队长、交巡警队长学校。创办“三长”学校,是顺应形势任务要求、打牢公安工作根基的战略选择,走出了一条警察训练职业化、职业训练正规化的新路子,在夯实基层基础工作、提高队伍素质上显示出强大的生命力。应充分发挥“三长”学校的放大效应,推动公安教育训练改革不断向纵深发展。 展开更多
关键词 公安队伍 正规化建设 “三长”学校
胡应麟的“公心”与“直笔”说 被引量:3
作者 王记录 《史学史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第4期78-79,共2页
胡应麟的“公心”与“直笔”说王记录中国古代关于史家素养的论述,影响较大者,前有唐代刘知几的才、学、识“史家三长”说,后有清代章学诚的德、才、学、识“史家四长”说。然而,在刘知几之后,章学诚之前,明代学者胡应麟在《史书... 胡应麟的“公心”与“直笔”说王记录中国古代关于史家素养的论述,影响较大者,前有唐代刘知几的才、学、识“史家三长”说,后有清代章学诚的德、才、学、识“史家四长”说。然而,在刘知几之后,章学诚之前,明代学者胡应麟在《史书毕》中提出的“公心”与“直笔”二... 展开更多
关键词 胡应麟 直笔 章学诚 刘知几 “三长” 名教观念 《少室山房笔丛》 裴子野 客观效果 直书与曲笔
Characteristics and Transformation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil and Rice of Yangtze River Delta Region 被引量:1
作者 肖俊清 袁旭音 李继洲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期148-151,163,共5页
[Objective]Characteristics of heavy metal pollution in soil and rice of Yangtze River Delta Region were studied.[Method]Heavy metal contents of more than 150 samples in Yangtze River Delta region were determined so as... [Objective]Characteristics of heavy metal pollution in soil and rice of Yangtze River Delta Region were studied.[Method]Heavy metal contents of more than 150 samples in Yangtze River Delta region were determined so as to make the soil environmental quality assessment and study the content distribution,transformation and distribution characteristics of heavy metals in different regions and different plant parts.[Result]The Yangtze River Delta region was polluted by Cd,Pb,Cr,Cu and Zn,among them Cd pollution was the most serious;Pb,Cu and Zn took second place;Cr appears the lightest;And there was almost no Hg and As pollution in this area.The Nemero pollution index of soil was 0.880 which was at the alert level.Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg and Zn in rice grains exceeded the background values.Heavy metal pollutions in soils divided by regions were in order of Taihu Lake region 〉Zhejiang region〉 Yangtze River region and urban areas 〉towns and rural areas.Heavy metal pollutions in soil divided by the uptake level were in order of rhizosphere soil 〉rice straw 〉rice grain.Transformation coefficients were in order of Cd〉 Cu 〉Zn〉 As 〉Hg〉 Pb〉 Cr.Distribution coefficients were in order of Zn〉 Cr〉 Cd 〉Cu〉 Hg 〉Pb 〉As.[Conclusion]There were larger value ranges of contaminated elements in the Yangtze River Delta Region,moreover individual samples had serious pollution,so the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution should be strengthened. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals Yangtze River Delta Region SOIL RICE
Topographic effects on long offset transient electromagnetic response 被引量:5
作者 唐新功 胡文宝 严良俊 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期277-284,370,共9页
The forward modeling procedure used in this article is formulated with the volume integral equation based on the tensor Green's function. The electromagnetic components responses are first calculated in the frequency... The forward modeling procedure used in this article is formulated with the volume integral equation based on the tensor Green's function. The electromagnetic components responses are first calculated in the frequency domain and then transformed to the time domain by digital filtering. The valley and hill topography with a layered earth is stimulated by a horizontal electric dipole (HED) transmitter, which is common in field surveys, and the TEM responses are calculated at the transmitter and receivers. The topography effects on the long offset electromagnetic transient (LOTEM) responses are discussed in detail. The results show that both valley and hill topography has significant effect on the LOTEM measurement. If the HED is located in the bottom of a valley, the distortion of the observed anomalous field at distance is severe. A valley at the receiver locations show a strong effect but are localized in space and time. In general, hill-shaped topography shows smaller effects no matter where its located. When the topography is located between source and receivers, the influence is negligible. We conclude that the location of the source is much more important than the receivers and it is critical to put the transmitter in an open flat area in the field survey. 展开更多
关键词 THREE-DIMENSION TOPOGRAPHY transient electromagnetic long offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM)
作者 万力睿 《乐山师范学院学报》 2022年第9期51-57,共7页
乾隆三十六年,王昶随军入川平定大、小金川之乱,在川中结识了时为锦江书院山长的彭端淑,后作《寄彭观察乐斋端淑》一诗寄与彭端淑,于诗中记述了二人相交的种种情状。王昶与彭端淑于乾隆三十九年正式订交,品评诗文与委托校书构成了二人... 乾隆三十六年,王昶随军入川平定大、小金川之乱,在川中结识了时为锦江书院山长的彭端淑,后作《寄彭观察乐斋端淑》一诗寄与彭端淑,于诗中记述了二人相交的种种情状。王昶与彭端淑于乾隆三十九年正式订交,品评诗文与委托校书构成了二人交游的主要内容。彭端淑于诗文观上吸收了唐代刘知几“三长”并立的观点,学、识、才三者并重。在掌教锦江书院之后,他的隐逸思想也在其文学创作上有所展现,具体表现为对自然冲淡之风的推崇与大量山水田园诗的创作。 展开更多
关键词 彭端淑 王昶 交游考 “三长” 隐逸思想
创新组织设置形式 建立市直机关科协——桐城市科协探索“3+1”试点工作新模式
作者 胡艳凌 《学会》 2019年第6期45-47,共3页
桐城市科协以"3+1"试点为抓手,有力推进基层科协改革,成立由市委副书记任组长的试点工作领导小组,市委组织部、科协、民政局联合召开全市科协基层组织建设推进会,凝聚合力,高位推动,基层科协组织建设取得突破性进展,初步实现... 桐城市科协以"3+1"试点为抓手,有力推进基层科协改革,成立由市委副书记任组长的试点工作领导小组,市委组织部、科协、民政局联合召开全市科协基层组织建设推进会,凝聚合力,高位推动,基层科协组织建设取得突破性进展,初步实现了组织全覆盖、服务无盲区。 展开更多
关键词 基层科协改革 “三长” 科协组织力 事业单位科协
Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Water Stress on the Growth Response of Subterranean Clover of Different Genotypes
作者 许兴 郑国琦 +1 位作者 邓西平 Hipolito MEDRANO 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第12期1425-1431,共7页
The response of subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum L.) to different abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations (10 -6 , 10 -5 , 10 -4 mol/L) in nutrient solution and to water stress were studied in g... The response of subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum L.) to different abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations (10 -6 , 10 -5 , 10 -4 mol/L) in nutrient solution and to water stress were studied in growth room. Six cultivars of contrasting yield capacity were compared. Plants remained growing in Hoagland solution or pots until at least four full_developed leaves appeared. The ABA was then applied and the fresh weight, leaf number and length of the largest root were measured at 1, 4, 7 and 11 d after ABA treatment. The above parameters were also measured at 15 d under water stress. In all the tested genotypes ABA caused similar reduction in these growth parameters, as well as a significant decrease of leaf water potential which was dependent on ABA concentration. The average growth reduction after 11 d under 10 -4 mol/L ABA coincided with the range of these crops under water stress in pot experiments. On average of the different genotypes, leaf number, area of full_developed leaf and the dry weight per plant decreased by about 50% whereas the root/shoot ratio increased by 80%.The genotype variation and ranking for this treatment were rather similar to the same genotypes in pot experiments. The genotypes, Clare, Nuba and Seaton Park, showed the best results under both control and ABA treated conditions and water stress conditions. The similarity between the response to ABA in nutrient solution and to water stress opens the possibility to use this approach as a way to quantify the drought resistance of subterranean clover genotypes. 展开更多
关键词 Trifolium subterraneum water stress abscisic acid nutrient solution GROWTH
A Preliminary Study on Pollination Biology of an Endangered Orchid, Changnienia amoena, in Shennongjia 被引量:9
作者 孙海芹 罗毅波 葛颂 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第9期1019-1023,共5页
Changnienia amoena Chien is a monotypic species and endemic to China, and was listed on the Chinese Red Book in 1992. The species was once abundant but has become rare and endangered in recent years because of the hab... Changnienia amoena Chien is a monotypic species and endemic to China, and was listed on the Chinese Red Book in 1992. The species was once abundant but has become rare and endangered in recent years because of the habitat fragmentation and unduly commercial collections. Previous observation showed that this species has very low and even no fruit set, and the pollinators are not observed before this report. The present observation was conducted at the Shennongjia, Hubei Province during the spring of 2002. The results showed that Bombus (Diversobombus) trifasciatus Smith, B. imitator Pittion and one species of Apis visited the flowers of the orchid, but only B. tritasciatus could carry pollinaria on its body and was the legitimate pollinators of C amoena. During 113 h of observation, only nine visitations were recorded. The bumblebees mainly appeared during 12:00-15:00 during the day. Bumblebees stayed in a flower only a few seconds and never more than ten seconds. The flowers would persist in fresh for about three weeks when they were not pollinated, but 3 or 4 d after pollinated, the pollinated flowers underwent a series of color and morphological changes including stalk elongation and ovary swelling. Therefore, stalk elongation can be considered an index of fruits set. Artificial pollination indicated that C amoena is a highly self-compatible and outcrossing species, but dependent on pollinators for fruit set. Based on the field observations, we concluded that pollination system of C amoena is deceptive. The fruit set in nature is not very low (26.98% on average) compared to other deceptive orchids, which may be related to small population sizes. The number of pollinia removal is much higher than that of fruit set, indicating that there are some degrees of pollinia wasting in C amoena. 展开更多
关键词 Changnienia amoena Bombus (Diversobombus) trifasciatus deceptive pollination stalk elongation
Chinese Economy in the “New Normal”: Realities and Prospects
作者 汪同三 《China Economist》 2016年第1期47-70,共24页
Great achievements were made in the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015) in such areas as economic growth, living standards, industrial restructuring, innovation- driven growth, new-type urbanization and ecologica... Great achievements were made in the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015) in such areas as economic growth, living standards, industrial restructuring, innovation- driven growth, new-type urbanization and ecological civilization, trade and investment, and reform. These achievements have paved the way for China to enhance the quality and efficiency of growth in the new normal. China's future growth prospects are highly correlated with the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020). For the 13th Five-Year Plan period, China is committed to maintaining an annual growth rate of no less than 6.5%, which is both necessary for China to build an all-round, well-off society before 2020 and consistent with the characteristics of China's current economic development stage. Meanwhile, efforts must be made to give prominence to consumption, investment, and export as drivers of growth while continuing to improve labor and capital input and efficiency which is vital to mid- and long- term economic development. 展开更多
关键词 the 13th Five-Year Plan "new normal" medium-high growth
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