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作者 肖章良 《数学小灵通(启智版)(低年级)》 2009年第5期13-13,11,共2页
关键词 “上”字 小学 数学教学 教学方法
作者 冯国生 《中学语文(教师版)》 2004年第6期15-15,共1页
袁宏道《虎丘记》有一句描绘虎丘中秋游人的盛况:“从千人石上至山门,栉比如鳞,檀板丘积,樽曩云泻。”备课时,发现第一个分句有两种读法:第一种是“从千人石上/至山门”.第二种是“从千人石/上至山门”。许多人是照第二种读的... 袁宏道《虎丘记》有一句描绘虎丘中秋游人的盛况:“从千人石上至山门,栉比如鳞,檀板丘积,樽曩云泻。”备课时,发现第一个分句有两种读法:第一种是“从千人石上/至山门”.第二种是“从千人石/上至山门”。许多人是照第二种读的,我从网上下载来的范读也是这样停顿的。 展开更多
关键词 《虎丘记》 袁宏道 “上”字 读法 探究意识 中学 语文
作者 刘坤泽 盛益民 《辞书研究》 2023年第4期74-90,I0002,共18页
文章介绍了美国传教士郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss)以高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford)等传教士创制的上海土音新字翻译编写的上海话本《伊娑菩个比方》(即《伊索寓言》),将其内容与罗伯聃(Robert Thom)所翻译的文言本的《意拾喻言》进... 文章介绍了美国传教士郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss)以高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford)等传教士创制的上海土音新字翻译编写的上海话本《伊娑菩个比方》(即《伊索寓言》),将其内容与罗伯聃(Robert Thom)所翻译的文言本的《意拾喻言》进行了比较,并整理分析了该书所反映的19世纪50年代上海话的音系特点。 展开更多
关键词 上海土音新 郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss) 《伊娑菩个比方》 《意拾喻言》 上海方言
从音韵学角度审视京剧上口字 被引量:2
作者 武晔卿 《河北工程技术职业学院学报》 2004年第4期47-48,共2页
凡是京剧爱好者,都知道京剧有一个上口字的问题。什么是上口字昵?简而言之,就是在京剧唱念中与北京生活语言声、韵不同的字,被称为上口字。这些上口字字音的来源很复杂,有的是保留了古音,有的是吸收了地方方音。本文试图从音韵学... 凡是京剧爱好者,都知道京剧有一个上口字的问题。什么是上口字昵?简而言之,就是在京剧唱念中与北京生活语言声、韵不同的字,被称为上口字。这些上口字字音的来源很复杂,有的是保留了古音,有的是吸收了地方方音。本文试图从音韵学的角度,以《中原音韵》为坐标,分析上口字字音的种类,参照《广韵》音系,揭示这些字音的来源,指出京剧演员和爱好者如何识别、运用上口字,并对上口字存在的意义作了阐述。 展开更多
关键词 音韵 京剧 上口
作者 卢晓荣 《教学与管理(小学版)》 2008年第9期40-41,共2页
案例: 距离下课还有十分钟,进入写字教学环节。“同学们,这节课我们来学写‘上’字。”老师在黑板上的田字格中一笔一画地范写。教师范写生字“上”后,学生练习写两遍。简单的一个“上”字,在学生的练习本上竟然出现多种写法:有... 案例: 距离下课还有十分钟,进入写字教学环节。“同学们,这节课我们来学写‘上’字。”老师在黑板上的田字格中一笔一画地范写。教师范写生字“上”后,学生练习写两遍。简单的一个“上”字,在学生的练习本上竟然出现多种写法:有先写短横再写竖的;有先写长横再写竖的;还有把横从右往左写的……老师从学生练写开始,始终没有离开过讲台,没有到学生中去巡视。这些错误老师当然不可能发现。学生更不知自己错了,带着错误走出课堂。 展开更多
关键词 书写 “上”字 教学环节 学生 老师 练习
作者 徐新伟 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期73-75,共3页
《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去... 《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去的某些楚文字误释;大量新补字形更充分地显示了战国楚方域内的一些特殊字词对应关系。 展开更多
关键词 楚简 楚文 《楚文编》 《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》
作者 杜志炎 《中国石化》 2004年第9期26-31,共6页
关键词 中国石化 中国企业 股份公司 国际 炼油化工 中国 生产 赛道 “上”字 体育竞技
金代铜印 被引量:1
作者 尹改运 李红梅 《档案管理》 北大核心 2005年第2期72-72,共1页
关键词 “上”字 档案馆 长方体 收藏 方向 内容 金代 金朝 形制
作者 赵仲春 《阅读与写作》 2002年第9期33-33,共1页
潇潇春雨洒芭蕉。想起前人题咏芭蕉的诗句,便想起诗的巧慧之美。诗歌在构思、造境、驰想、遣字、修辞上常以巧慧取胜。“芭蕉分绿上窗纱”,“分”与“上”字何其灵动,既写出了芭蕉与窗纱不相干事物间的默契与情谊,又将绿扇当窗、广... 潇潇春雨洒芭蕉。想起前人题咏芭蕉的诗句,便想起诗的巧慧之美。诗歌在构思、造境、驰想、遣字、修辞上常以巧慧取胜。“芭蕉分绿上窗纱”,“分”与“上”字何其灵动,既写出了芭蕉与窗纱不相干事物间的默契与情谊,又将绿扇当窗、广荫障暑的广阔境界留给读者去想象。“小窗斜日到芭蕉”,一个“到”字,透露出一种孤处小轩、静观日影、难遣寂寥的心态。字面虽属平常,而一经组合,便生意趣。 展开更多
关键词 春雨 诗歌 造境 意趣 想象 默契 情谊 “上”字 构思 读者
作者 易可 蔡良生 《科学生活》 2016年第12期79-79,共1页
十几年前,为改善居住条件,我们的家从徐汇区搬到了闵行区,那时起,也开始更多关注闵行区的方方面面,我打开闵行区地图,看着就像上海的“上”字,其“一”横正沿着黄浦江。毗邻黄浦江,位于江川路3805号,上海韩湘水博园就坐落于此... 十几年前,为改善居住条件,我们的家从徐汇区搬到了闵行区,那时起,也开始更多关注闵行区的方方面面,我打开闵行区地图,看着就像上海的“上”字,其“一”横正沿着黄浦江。毗邻黄浦江,位于江川路3805号,上海韩湘水博园就坐落于此,它是闵行区马桥镇彭渡村数千村民为保护上海饮用取水口安全而建的一个水生态园林,占地400亩。去韩湘水博园还是比较方便快捷的,在莘庄搭车5号线地铁,再换乘公交坐几站就可到。 展开更多
关键词 闵行区 居住条件 “上”字 生态园林 黄浦江 徐汇区 上海 “一”
作者 林楚 《读写算(小学低年级)》 2013年第7期37-39,61,共4页
1.“上”字国王在出访标点王国的途中,被暴徒劫持到汽车里,疾驰而去。 2.“上”字王国安全部立即调查,得知暴徒已将国王绑架到成语王国。
关键词 国王 失踪 “上”字 王国 安全部
作者 何占涛 《贵州教育学院学报》 2006年第5期65-70,共6页
《新唐书》,二百二十五卷,宋欧阳修、宋祁撰。在众多的版本中,清刻本武英殿刻本附宋董衝撰《唐书释音》25卷。本文在对《唐书释音》爬梳整理的基础上,归纳出反切11325条,除去重复出现的,剩余的有效反切为4422条,共有反切上字580个,参照... 《新唐书》,二百二十五卷,宋欧阳修、宋祁撰。在众多的版本中,清刻本武英殿刻本附宋董衝撰《唐书释音》25卷。本文在对《唐书释音》爬梳整理的基础上,归纳出反切11325条,除去重复出现的,剩余的有效反切为4422条,共有反切上字580个,参照《广韵》、《集韵》,理出声母系统。《唐书释音》声母系统主要特征是:轻唇与重唇、舌头与舌上两分,泥、娘合一,精、庄、章分立,船、禅有别,喻纽三、四两分,浊音清化趋势明显,并与送气音的距离更近。 展开更多
关键词 《唐书释音》 反切 系联
A 16bit 96kHz Chopper-Stabilized Sigma-Delta ADC 被引量:1
作者 曹楹 任腾龙 洪志良 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1204-1210,共7页
A 16bit sigma-delta audio analog-to-digital converter is developed.It consists of an analog modulator and a digital decimator.A standard 2-order single-loop architecture is employed in the modulator.Chopper stabilizat... A 16bit sigma-delta audio analog-to-digital converter is developed.It consists of an analog modulator and a digital decimator.A standard 2-order single-loop architecture is employed in the modulator.Chopper stabilization is applied to the first integrator to eliminate the 1/f noise.A low-power,area-efficient decimator is used,which includes a poly-phase comb-filter and a wave-digital-filter.The converter achieves a 92dB dynamic range over the 96kHz audio band.This single chip occupies 2.68mm2 in a 0.18μm six-metal CMOS process and dissipates only 15.5mW power. 展开更多
关键词 sigma-delta modulation chopper stabilize decimator poly phase wave digital filter on-chip noise
Numerical simulation on the movement law of overlying strata in the stope with a fault and analysis of its influence on the ground gas drainage boreholes
作者 胡千庭 闫晶晶 程国强 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第3期266-270,共5页
In order to study the influence of a fault on the movement law of the overlying strata as well as its effect on the gas drainage boreholes, based on the practical situation of 1242(1) panel at Xieqiao Mine in Huaina... In order to study the influence of a fault on the movement law of the overlying strata as well as its effect on the gas drainage boreholes, based on the practical situation of 1242(1) panel at Xieqiao Mine in Huainan, the Finite Element Method (FEM) model was built up, and the distribution of the stress field and the displacement field of the overlying strata in the stope with a fault were simulated by using the FEM software ANSYS. The results indicate that because of the existence of the fault, the horizontal displacement of overlying strata near the gas drainage borehole becomes larger than that in the stope without a fault, and the distribution of the stress field of the overlying strata changes greatly. When the working face is far away from the fault, the distribution of the stress field is approximately symmetrical. As the working face advances to the place 50 m away from the fault, the stress range at the right side goaf area is as twice as that at the left side. Here, the stress distribution area of goaf area and the fault plane run through, the fracture-connected-zone is formed. It can be presumed that the gas adsorbed in the coal and rock will flow into the fault zone along the fracture-connected-zone, which causes the quantity of gas drainage reduce remarkably. 展开更多
关键词 FAULT overlying strata numerical simulation gas drainage borehole
Research and Review on Computer Forensics
作者 Guo Hong Jin Bo Huang Daoli 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期37-43,共7页
With the development of Internet and information technology, the digital crimes are also on the rise. Computer forensics is an emerging research area that applies computer investigation and analysis techniques to help... With the development of Internet and information technology, the digital crimes are also on the rise. Computer forensics is an emerging research area that applies computer investigation and analysis techniques to help detection of these crimes and gathering of digital evidence suitable for presentation in courts. This paper provides foundational concept of computer forensics, outlines various principles of computer forensics, discusses the model of computer forensics and presents a proposed model. 展开更多
关键词 computer forensics computer crime digital evidence
A Relationship Between the Weight Enumerators and Minimal Codewords
作者 SeldaCALKAVUR 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第8期409-411,共3页
In this paper using the weight enumerators of a linear [n, k]--code, we give a theorem about minimal codewords. In this n context, we show that while 1 E C if Wmin〉 n/2 in the binary [n, k] --code C, then all of the... In this paper using the weight enumerators of a linear [n, k]--code, we give a theorem about minimal codewords. In this n context, we show that while 1 E C if Wmin〉 n/2 in the binary [n, k] --code C, then all of the nonzero codewords of C are 2 minimal. Therefore, we obtain a corollary. 展开更多
关键词 Linear code the code of a symmetric design secret sharing scheme minimal access set.
Shanghai International Digital Printing Industry Fair presents interview with EFI Reggiani
作者 Zhao Zihan 《China Textile》 2018年第2期45-47,共3页
The 9th Shanghai International Digital Printing Industry Fair(TPF2018)will be held from the 19th to the 21st of April,2018,in Shanghai New International Expo Centre.TPF 2018 is organized by UBM China and SUNEXPO.
关键词 EFI In Shanghai International Digital Printing Industry Fair presents interview with EFI Reggiani TPF
Digital Control Design for the Boiler Drum BDT921
作者 Tatang Mulyana Mohamad Nor Mohd Than Dirman Hanafi Afrodi Ali 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第5期392-397,共6页
A boiler drum BDT921 that is installed in the Control Laboratory, Department of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Faculty of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is be... A boiler drum BDT921 that is installed in the Control Laboratory, Department of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Faculty of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is being used as a model plant to achieve the digital control system since its analog. Implementing a digital system to boiler quite a though work. This paper covers analysis from the experiment done to match with digital design that will be implemented to the real system. The digital control design will come up with the mathematical model and will be analyzed with MATLAB and SIMULINK software named as "Discrete Analysis ofBDT921 Simulation". A proportional integral and derivative (PID) controller is being chosen as the control element in discrete form as the real system is using the same control element. The output responses behave as the second order system with a bit difference in rise times and peak times compared with data obtained from experiment. With regarding to the analysis done, the digital control can be implemented and for further viewing, to be controlled digitally with computer in the control room. 展开更多
关键词 Boiler drum digital control PID (proportional integral and derivative) controller MATLAB and SIMULINK.
Pyramidal Structure of Chinese Publicly-Listed Private Firms:Motivations, Correlations and Paths to Governance 被引量:1
作者 韩忠雪 李维安 《China Economist》 2013年第4期110-123,共14页
It is generally believed in academia that there are two theoretical explanations of tunneling and financing advantage for the creation of pyramidal structure. However, there is no definitive conclusion on which explan... It is generally believed in academia that there are two theoretical explanations of tunneling and financing advantage for the creation of pyramidal structure. However, there is no definitive conclusion on which explanation holds sway. Based on non-equilibrium panel data of seven years between 2004 and 2010, this empirical study uses the product market competition variables of "inter-sector competition" and "intra-sector competition" and the hierarchy and complexity of pyramidal structure, examines the correlation between pyramidal structure of Chinese private manufacturing listed firms and product market competition and patterns of change, and reveals the major causes of pyramidal structure. Empirical result indicates that, for Chinese private manufacturing listed companies, there is a significant negative correlation between product market competition and the hierarchy and complexity of pyramidal structure, which indicates that the creation of pyramidal structure has a preference on tunneling by controlling shareholders. On the basis of further considerations on corporate tunneling and financing restraint categorization, high-tunneling firms and firms with low financing restraint demonstrate significant tunneling motivations; low-tunneling firms and firms with high financing restraint demonstrate significant effect of financing advantage, which further testifies both theoretical explanations for the creation of pyramidal structure. Conclusions of these studies have not only enriched and supplemented relevant studies on the root causes for the creation of pyramidal structure by Chinese private business groups, but provide practical support for firms to make correct and effective use of pyramidal structure as well. 展开更多
关键词 Pyramidal structure TUNNELING financing advantage product marketcompetition
Games-Based Learning Framework
作者 Antonio Garcia-Cabot Eva Garcia Roberto Barchino Luis de-Marcos Jose-Maria Gutierrez Jose-Antonio Gutierrez Jose-Javier Martinez Salvador Oton Jose-Ramon Hilera 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第11期906-911,共6页
This work presents the authors' experience in the field of mobile technologies, from which several initiatives have emerged. As result of this, a games-based framework for learning has been developed in these last ye... This work presents the authors' experience in the field of mobile technologies, from which several initiatives have emerged. As result of this, a games-based framework for learning has been developed in these last years. This framework is composed by a competition called Mobigame, which has as main aim to stimulate the participation of the students. By participating in this competition participants learn to develop for mobile devices. A game to practice Japanese is also presented in this article, which was presented in the above mentioned competition. This game has been developed for mobile phones or PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) based on the JME (Java Mobile Edition) technology. Finally, another initiative is also presented: A free download platform of digital contents for mobile devices based on info-educational games. 展开更多
关键词 Game-based learning MOBILE framework.
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