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新闻泛化与当代新闻理论研究的“下沉” 被引量:14
作者 杨保军 张博 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期164-172,共9页
伴随着互联网技术在新闻信息生产与传播领域的广泛应用,新闻泛化成为传统媒体网络化与数字化转型过程中重要的新闻现象。新闻泛化现象最早出现在商业门户网站与报纸媒体网站的内容探索与改革之中,兴盛于移动互联网与社会化媒体强势崛起... 伴随着互联网技术在新闻信息生产与传播领域的广泛应用,新闻泛化成为传统媒体网络化与数字化转型过程中重要的新闻现象。新闻泛化现象最早出现在商业门户网站与报纸媒体网站的内容探索与改革之中,兴盛于移动互联网与社会化媒体强势崛起之时。新闻泛化主要表现在传统新闻价值观念淡化、新闻形式的信息化与资讯化及内容的日常生活化、新闻叙事方式的故事化三个方面,实质是新闻信息与其他信息混杂交融的状态。新闻泛化不是偶然的新闻现象,而是媒介技术变革、社会文化变迁与后现代社会语境共同作用的结果。作为重要的新闻现象,新闻泛化在实践层面拓宽了传统新闻业关注的目标领域,却弱化了专业化新闻的公共价值追求,并由此对传统新闻观念与新闻理论研究观念产生了重要影响。面对新闻泛化,新闻理论研究应该“下沉”至整个社会生活领域,回应新闻业在面向更广阔生活世界时的现实问题。这并不意味着对专业化新闻的轻视,而是要努力在专业化新闻与泛化新闻的社会功能之中找到平衡点,从而更好地指导当代新闻业发展。 展开更多
关键词 新闻泛化 新闻理论研究 新闻实践 新闻观念 “下沉”
作者 黄敦文 黄穗光 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期50-56,共7页
过量抽取地下水并非造成地沉的主因,应对密集的高楼大厦的荷载压力方向加以甄别.对地沉原因的新解是,地面荷载压力和地层支撑应力较劲的结果,从而导出荷应平衡理论.分析摩擦地桩荷载压力传递机理,发现地层具有整体的支撑应力,提出认识... 过量抽取地下水并非造成地沉的主因,应对密集的高楼大厦的荷载压力方向加以甄别.对地沉原因的新解是,地面荷载压力和地层支撑应力较劲的结果,从而导出荷应平衡理论.分析摩擦地桩荷载压力传递机理,发现地层具有整体的支撑应力,提出认识这种无形应力是有价值的自然资源.进而研究它受压的因应规律,可利用它在城市地质片区的整体中进行调济和配置,在防治地沉中发挥中心作用,并可从中获得较大的资源效益.治理地沉的方向应在于增强地层支撑应力,应用沙桩可直接和间接增强软弱地质的支撑应力,力求使它能够和地面不断增荷加载的压力取得并保持平衡状态,就有可能保持地面永不"下沉". 展开更多
关键词 城市地面 “下沉”原因 治理
仰卧单腿“下沉”体位在股骨近端防旋髓内钉治疗老年股骨转子间骨折的临床应用 被引量:3
作者 周蓓 唐淼 +1 位作者 赵鹏 刘长征 《实用骨科杂志》 2018年第8期748-750,共3页
目的分析采用仰卧单腿"下沉"体位在股骨近端防旋髓内钉(proximal femoral nail anti-rotation,PFNA)治疗老年股骨转子间骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2016年5月至2017年5月应用PFNA治疗的50例老年股骨转子间骨折患者临床资... 目的分析采用仰卧单腿"下沉"体位在股骨近端防旋髓内钉(proximal femoral nail anti-rotation,PFNA)治疗老年股骨转子间骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2016年5月至2017年5月应用PFNA治疗的50例老年股骨转子间骨折患者临床资料,依据体位不同分为仰卧单腿"下沉"体位组(A组)与单腿截石位组(B组)。A组25例,男15例,女10例;年龄64~83岁,平均(74.3±3.7)岁;左侧12例,右侧13例;受伤原因:交通伤3例,意外跌倒22例;按国际内固定研究学会股骨转子间骨折分型:A1型5例,A2型14例,A3型6例。B组25例,男16例,女9例;年龄65~82岁,平均(76.3±4.0)岁;左侧15例,右侧10例;受伤原因:交通伤4例,意外跌倒21例;按国际内固定研究学会股骨转子间骨折分型:A1型6例,A2型15例,A3型4例。两组患者一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。统计分析手术时间、术中透视次数、术中出血量、骨折愈合时间及末次随访时髋关节Harris评分等,评价两组患者的临床疗效。结果术后两组患者手术刀口均Ⅰ期或甲级愈合,均无相关并发症发生。A组患者的术中出血量、手术时间及术中透视次数均少于B组患者(P<0.05),差异有统计学意义;两组患者在末次随访时髋关节Harris评分和骨折愈合时间比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。B组患者术后出现2例健侧肌肉牵拉损伤和6例会阴部不适,A组患者均未发生手术相关并发症。结论在PFNA内固定治疗老年股骨转子间骨折中,应用单腿"下沉"体位,具有手术时间短、术中透视次数、术中出血量及并发症少等优点,临床疗效确切,操作简便快捷,适合基层医院推广。 展开更多
关键词 股骨转子间骨折 仰卧“下沉”体位 单腿截石体位 老年患者
县级融媒体建设与舆论治理“下沉” 被引量:10
作者 葛明驷 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期162-167,共6页
从治理理性看,县级融媒体作为基层新型主流媒体,追求工具理性和价值理性的统一。舆论治理“下沉”作为当前整个社会治理重心下移的重要内容,具有丰富的语境内涵,包括历史语境、现实语境和政治语境。从实践层面看,要实现舆论治理的“下沉... 从治理理性看,县级融媒体作为基层新型主流媒体,追求工具理性和价值理性的统一。舆论治理“下沉”作为当前整个社会治理重心下移的重要内容,具有丰富的语境内涵,包括历史语境、现实语境和政治语境。从实践层面看,要实现舆论治理的“下沉”,必须从三个方面强化县级融媒体的建设:第一,强化县级融媒体的技术开放性和易接近性,发挥其平台化的作用;第二,创新县级融媒体的内容生产,加大作为内容的政务服务供给;第三,树立用户思维,抓住小镇青年这一基层舆论主力人群,增强其自我身份认同和主流价值观念认同。 展开更多
关键词 县级融媒体建设 舆论治理“下沉” 多重语境
下沉市场崛起背景下的互联网保险转型研究 被引量:1
作者 刘德文 车辉 《保险职业学院学报》 2021年第6期9-14,共6页
近年来,我国保险业发展整体向好,但个别一线城市保费收入出现负增长情况,在高新技术产业不断革新的时代下,互联网保险拥有巨大的发展空间,而下沉市场不断刺激互联网平台交易的大趋势,使得我国互联网保险的"下沉"转型势在必行... 近年来,我国保险业发展整体向好,但个别一线城市保费收入出现负增长情况,在高新技术产业不断革新的时代下,互联网保险拥有巨大的发展空间,而下沉市场不断刺激互联网平台交易的大趋势,使得我国互联网保险的"下沉"转型势在必行。本文基于PEST模型,从政治、经济、社会、技术四个因素宏观阐述"下沉"转型的可行性,进而从政策、平台、产品三个角度来研究其实现路径,同时通过分析转型可能产生的新问题,从多方面给出互联网保险"下沉"转型的保障建议。 展开更多
关键词 互联网保险 “下沉”转型 PEST模型
地市纸媒如何筑起传播高地破解“虹吸效应” 被引量:1
作者 何瑛儿 《传媒》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第12期27-29,共3页
关键词 端口“下沉” 传播变革 多元生成 内容为王
作者 王建 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2019年第1期80-81,共2页
不断提升国家治理的能力和水平,是解决好新时代社会主要矛盾的要求,也是实现现代化强国的重要条件。从历史中汲取国家治理的智慧,从哲学视角再探国家治理现代化,基于马克思对历史法学派的批判,结合中国实际,完善国家治理体系,拓宽国家... 不断提升国家治理的能力和水平,是解决好新时代社会主要矛盾的要求,也是实现现代化强国的重要条件。从历史中汲取国家治理的智慧,从哲学视角再探国家治理现代化,基于马克思对历史法学派的批判,结合中国实际,完善国家治理体系,拓宽国家治理思路,为社会发展提供方法论基础。 展开更多
关键词 国家治理 历史法学派 法制建设 智库“下沉”
作者 吴朝俣 《中国初级卫生保健》 2014年第4期3-5,共3页
自《阿拉木图宣言》明确对PHC(初级卫生保健)做出准确的定义和解释之后,认真组织实施初级卫生保健策略已成为世界各国发展本国卫生事业的共识。在各国政府落实初级卫生保健策略的过程中,基层社区的参与发挥着重要作用。针对如何理解并... 自《阿拉木图宣言》明确对PHC(初级卫生保健)做出准确的定义和解释之后,认真组织实施初级卫生保健策略已成为世界各国发展本国卫生事业的共识。在各国政府落实初级卫生保健策略的过程中,基层社区的参与发挥着重要作用。针对如何理解并充分发挥社区在落实初级卫生保健策略过程中的作用提出一些有益的探讨,以期推动基层社区更好地参与并促进初级卫生保健体系的建设和完善。 展开更多
关键词 社区卫生服务 初级卫生保健 全科医生 卫生资源“下沉”
Wheel slip-sinkage and its prediction model of lunar rover 被引量:9
作者 丁亮 高海波 +1 位作者 邓宗全 陶建国 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期129-135,共7页
In order to investigate wheel slip-sinkage problem, which is important for the design, control and simulation of lunar rovers, experiments were carried out with a wheel-soil interaction test system to measure the sink... In order to investigate wheel slip-sinkage problem, which is important for the design, control and simulation of lunar rovers, experiments were carried out with a wheel-soil interaction test system to measure the sinkage of three types of wheels in dimension with wheel lugs of different heights and numbers under a series of slip ratios (0-0.6). The curves of wheel sinkage versus slip ratio were obtained and it was found that the sinkage with slip ratio of 0.6 is 3-7 times of the static sinkage. Based on the experimental results, the slip-sinkage principle of lunar's rover lugged wheels (including the sinkage caused by longitudinal flow and side flow of soil, and soil digging of wheel lugs) was analyzed, and corresponding calculation equations were derived. All the factors that can cause slip sinkage were considered to improve the conventional wheel-soil interaction model, and a formula of changing the sinkage exponent with the slip ratio was established. Mathematical model for calculating the sinkage of wheel according to vertical load and slip ratio was developed. Calculation results show that this model can predict the slip-sinkage of wheel with high precision, making up the deficiency of Wong-Reece model that mainly reflects longitudinal slip-sinkage. 展开更多
关键词 lunar rover slip-sinkage loose lunar soil stress distribution slip ratio
Analysis of factors and countermeasures of mining subsidence in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine 被引量:11
作者 邓建 边利 +2 位作者 李夕兵 赵国彦 王新民 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期733-737,共5页
Ground crack and subsidence were investigated in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine as an example. Contribution factors to cause ground crack and mining subsidence were studied, including mining method, mining depth and ore thic... Ground crack and subsidence were investigated in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine as an example. Contribution factors to cause ground crack and mining subsidence were studied, including mining method, mining depth and ore thickness and stope size, dip angle of orebody, geological structure, nature of overburden and water contents, and roof supports, etc. Countermeasures against cracks and subsidence were put forward. The uniaxial compressive strength of compounded phosphorus gypsum after 28 d of curing period was tested to be more than 1 MPa. Phosphorus gypsum can be used as materials for the backfill of stope. By comparison and numerical simulation, cut and fill mining method with middle-deep drilling holes and ore transportation by blasting force was selected as the optimum mining method in Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine. 展开更多
关键词 mining subsidence ground crack cut and fill mining method Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine
Experimental research on the impact of Corbicula flumineaon DIN exchange at a tidal flat sediment-water interface 被引量:3
作者 刘杰 陈振楼 +1 位作者 许世远 郑祥民 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期434-443,共10页
Based on a simulative experiment and a comparison analysis, the effect of bivalve Corbiculafluminea activity on sediment-water exchange of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) is studied. The areas included three inte... Based on a simulative experiment and a comparison analysis, the effect of bivalve Corbiculafluminea activity on sediment-water exchange of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) is studied. The areas included three intertidal flat sites of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary in China. The interface exchange flux of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite in the short experiment (6 h) was -46.4-40, -74.8-929.1 and 2.5-14.6 μmol/(m^2·h), respectively. It was found that the burrowing activities of C. fluminea increased NH4 and NOi release from sediments to overlying water in the short-term experiment. During long-term incubation, NH4 and NOi released in turn from the sediments. At the beginning of incubation, bioturbation by C. fluminea could accelerate NH2 release from sediments 2-17 times in different sites, resulting in stronger nitrification and increased NOi concentrations in the overlying water. Sediment profile analysis post-incubation shows that organic matter mineralization and sediment-water NH4 exchange had been stimulated by C. fluminea bioturbation and bioirrigation during the experiment. Therefore, C. fluminea activities such as excretion, burrowing, irrigation and turbation can effectively alter nitrogen dynamics and accelerate and stimulate nitrogen exchange and cycling at the sediment-water interface. 展开更多
关键词 Corbicula fluminea sediment-water interface DIN IMPACT Changjiang (Yangtze) Riverestuary
Time series ground subsidence inversion in mining area based on CRInSAR and PSInSAR integration 被引量:5
作者 邢学敏 朱建军 +1 位作者 王永哲 杨亚夫 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2498-2509,共12页
The subsidence of the mining area was monitored by analyzing the phase of permanent scatters (PS) which maintained high coherence in magnitude of SAR images.A hew method of spatial unwrapping was presented which use... The subsidence of the mining area was monitored by analyzing the phase of permanent scatters (PS) which maintained high coherence in magnitude of SAR images.A hew method of spatial unwrapping was presented which used the subsidence rates calculated on comer reflector (CR) points as constraints for PS network to perform the spatial unwrapping using the parametric adjustment method.The algorithm achieved the integration of CR data and PSInSAR algorithm.The colliery dense distributed area around Baisha reservoir was chosen as the study area in the experiment.The time series of subsidence from February in 2007 to February in 2010 is successfully inversed by using the periodic function to simulate the linear and nonlinear components of the deformation.The simulation results show that the accuracy can be ± 2.1 mm with the leveling data being used as the external validation data. 展开更多
关键词 permanent scatters comer reflector (CR) constraint adjustment mining subsidence nonlinear deformation
Horizontal roof gap of backfill hydraulic support 被引量:4
作者 张强 张吉雄 +2 位作者 邰阳 方坤 殷伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3544-3555,共12页
For the backfill hydraulic support as the key equipment for achieving integration of backfilling and coal mining simultaneously in the practical process, its characteristics will directly influence the backfill body&#... For the backfill hydraulic support as the key equipment for achieving integration of backfilling and coal mining simultaneously in the practical process, its characteristics will directly influence the backfill body's compression ratio. Horizontal roof gap, as a key parameter of backfilling characteristics, may impact the backfilling effect from the aspects of control of roof subsidence in advance, support stress, backfilling process and the support design. Firstly, the reason why horizontal roof gap exists was analyzed and its definition, causes and connotation were introduced, then adopting the Pro/E 3D simulation software, three typical 3D entity models of backfill hydraulic supports were built, based on the influence of horizontal roof gap on backfilling effect, and influence rules of four factors, i.e. support height, suspension height, suspension angle and tamping angle, were emphatically analyzed on horizontal roof gap. The results indicate that, the four factors all have significant impacts on horizontal roof gap, but show differences in influence trend and degree, showing negative linear correlation, positive linear correlation, positive semi-parabolic correlation and negative semi-parabolic correlation, respectively. Four legs type is the most adaptive to the four factors, while six legs(II) type has the poorest adaptability, and the horizontal roof gap is small under large support height, small suspension height, small suspension angle and large tamping angle situation. By means of optimizing structure components and their positional relation and suspension height of backfill scrape conveyor in the process of support design and through controlling working face deployment, roof subsidence in advance, mining height and backfilling during engineering application, the horizontal roof gap is optimized. The research results can be served as theoretical basis for support design and guidance for backfill support to have better performance in backfilling. 展开更多
关键词 horizontal roof gap backfill hydraulic support support height suspension height suspension angle tamping angle
A new approach to predicting mining induced surface subsidence 被引量:4
作者 丁德馨 张志军 毕忠伟 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第4期438-444,共7页
There are many parameters influencing mining induced surface subsidence. These parameters usually interact with one another and some of them have the characteristic of fuzziness. Current approaches to predicting the s... There are many parameters influencing mining induced surface subsidence. These parameters usually interact with one another and some of them have the characteristic of fuzziness. Current approaches to predicting the subsidence cannot take into account of such interactions and fuzziness. In order to overcome this disadvantage, many mining induced surface subsidence cases were accumulated, and an artificial neuro fuzzy inference system(ANFIS) was used to set up 4 ANFIS models to predict the rise angle, dip angle, center angle and the maximum subsidence, respectively. The fitting and generalization prediction capabilities of the models were tested. The test results show that the models have very good fitting and generalization prediction capabilities and the approach can be applied to predict the mining induced surface subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 mining induced surface subsidence fuzziness and interaction of parameters artificial neural fuzzy inference system
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Distribution Features in Water and Sediment off Fujian Shore 被引量:2
作者 王宪 徐鲁荣 +2 位作者 李文权 李凌云 钱爱红 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期187-192,共6页
This study on the distribution features of petroleum hydrocarbon in water and sediment off the Fujian shore using data obtained from the baseline research on oceanic contamination in Fujian showed that: during the res... This study on the distribution features of petroleum hydrocarbon in water and sediment off the Fujian shore using data obtained from the baseline research on oceanic contamination in Fujian showed that: during the research period, petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in water varied from 5.77 μg/L to 37.28 μg/L, averaged 14.48 μg/L; was lower in the wet season than in the dry season; and was highest in the Minjiang Estuary and Jiulong Estuary in both seasons. The petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in shore sediment varied from 14.48 mg/kg to 784.36 mg/kg, averaged 133.3 mg/kg, and was closely related to sediment types (granularity). 展开更多
关键词 petroleum hydrocarbon distribution feature shore water SEDIMENT
Effect of Cu-ZnO-Al_2O_3 supported on H-ferrierite on hydrocarbons formation from CO hydrogenation 被引量:2
作者 J.H.Flores M.E.H.Maia da Costa M.I.Pais da Silva 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期378-388,共11页
Methanol synthesis catalysts based on Cu, Zn and Al were prepared by three methods and subsequently mixed with H-ferrierite zeolite in an aqueous suspension to disperse the catalysts over the support. These materials ... Methanol synthesis catalysts based on Cu, Zn and Al were prepared by three methods and subsequently mixed with H-ferrierite zeolite in an aqueous suspension to disperse the catalysts over the support. These materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption, transmission electron microscopy, temperature programmed reduction, NH3 and H2 temperature-programmed desorption, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. They were also applied to the CO hydrogenation reaction to produce dimethyl ether and hydrocarbons. The catalysts were prepared by coprecipitation under low and high supersaturation conditions and by a homogeneous precipitation method. The preparation technique was found to affect the precursor structural characteristics, such as purity and crystallinity, as well as the particle size distribution of the resulting catalyst. Low supersaturation conditions favored high dispersion of the Cu species, increasing the methanol synthesis catalyst's metallic surface area and resulting in a homogeneous particle size distribution. These effects in turn were found to modify the zeolite properties, promoting both a low micropore volume and blockage of the zeolite acid sites. The effect of the methanol synthesis catalyst on the reaction was verified by the correlation between the Cu surface area and the CO conversion rate. 展开更多
关键词 Methanol synthesis catalyst Low supersaturation precipitation High supersaturation precipitation SYNGAS HYDROTALCITE HYDROCARBON Dimethyl ether
Suspension principle of deep-ocean nodule collector 被引量:1
作者 郑皓 刘少军 胡琼 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期920-925,共6页
To make sure that the nodule collector can walk on the soft sediments of seafloor effectively, suspension principle of deep-ocean nodule collector is proposed. The supporting and driving mechanisms are separated to av... To make sure that the nodule collector can walk on the soft sediments of seafloor effectively, suspension principle of deep-ocean nodule collector is proposed. The supporting and driving mechanisms are separated to avoid collector sinking. The supporting mechanism is a streamlined body with large and smooth supporting area. The grounding pressure is reduced to 0.5- 1 N/cm2 to make sure that the sinkage is limited. The impellers serve as the driving mechanism to supply enough driving power. The position between the supporting mechanism and the driving mechanism can be adjusted according to the operating condition to decrease the walking resistance and to increase driving efficiency. The test results indicate that the collector can walk on the surface of the soft sediments with the limited sinkage. The traction forces were up to 800 kg and the sinkage of the impeller was under the limitation. 展开更多
关键词 deep-ocean mining suspension principle NODULE COLLECTOR SINKING
Research on inspection of stability of subsiding area in composite rock-mass roadway 被引量:2
作者 来兴平 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第1期21-26,共6页
The research concentrates mainly on the development of failure process in composite rock-mass through acoustic emission, convergence inspection, stress measurement, subside area measurement, level measurement in the p... The research concentrates mainly on the development of failure process in composite rock-mass through acoustic emission, convergence inspection, stress measurement, subside area measurement, level measurement in the process of stability and safety monitoring as well as inspecting of subside area in composite hard rock. In terms of the modern signal analysis technology, various aspects are discussed. The monitoring result and the stability of rock mass can be synthetically evaluated and inferred, and the location of acoustic origin according to the acoustic emission regularity can be successfully detected. Finally the key factors of the deformation can be inferred from in subside area. 展开更多
关键词 composite rock-mass material stability monitoring and inferring acoustic emission
A smart calibration model on track's pressure-sinkage characteristic of a tracked vehicle moving on soft seabed sediments 被引量:1
作者 曾谊晖 周育才 +1 位作者 刘道才 左青松 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期911-917,共7页
The bentonite-water mixture was selected as the substitute of seabed sediments according to the in-situ measurement data of sediments 15-20 cm deep in China's ocean poly-metallic mining contract area and the soft ... The bentonite-water mixture was selected as the substitute of seabed sediments according to the in-situ measurement data of sediments 15-20 cm deep in China's ocean poly-metallic mining contract area and the soft seabed sediments could be simulated with certain proportion of the bentonite and water; besides, based on the theory on the interaction between the vehicle and ground and referenced to Bekker's apparatus and related experimental methods, a scenario on the experimental system of the pressure-sinkage characteristics of interaction between the track of tracked vehicle and soft seabed sediments was designed. The pressure-sinkage experiments were performed with different dimensions of penetration plates. The "pressure-sinkage" model based on Bekker's formula and correlation parameters were obtained to describe the corresponding characteristics of the seabed sediments and a smart calibration model on the pressure-sinkage characteristic of the track was established based on the function chain neural network, which could provide boundary loading conditions for simulation analysis of the tracked vehicle moving on the seabed. 展开更多
关键词 tracked vehicle TRACK seabed sediments pressure-sinkage characteristic smart calibration
Surface mining subsidence control based on grouting-recovery ratio theory 被引量:1
作者 WANG Su-hua FU Zhi-liang GAO Yan-fa 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第2期135-139,共5页
From an analysis of the relationships of grouting coefficients under the conditions of grouting reducing subsidence, it is concluded that the reducing subsidence rate is in direct proportion to the grouting-recovery r... From an analysis of the relationships of grouting coefficients under the conditions of grouting reducing subsidence, it is concluded that the reducing subsidence rate is in direct proportion to the grouting-recovery ratio, and its proportional coefficient depends on the coefficient of reducing subsidence and collapsing coefficient.The coefficient for reducing subsidence volume φ=ΔV/V_(ash) is related to overburden lithology.The coefficient for reducing subsidence volume φ is always larger than 1.This improves the reducing subsidence rate,the grouting-recovery ratio, and the coefficient for reducing subsidence volume, which can maximize the control of surface subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 coefficient for reducing subsidence volume collapsing volume coefficient grouting-recovery ratio fly ash
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