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作者 伍红军 《职业教育研究》 2017年第4期5-9,共5页
"专"在古今语义演化中,从本义"纺锤"到"专一""专门",再到今日通行的"专业""专科""高职高专"等,与"专士"所取的"专业人士""专门家&qu... "专"在古今语义演化中,从本义"纺锤"到"专一""专门",再到今日通行的"专业""专科""高职高专"等,与"专士"所取的"专业人士""专门家"的语义向来契合。作为成词出现的"专士"则多以"博士"的反讽或专业学位的别译出现,亦与学位名称密切关联。作为学位名称,有日本的"专门士"、俄罗斯的"专士"(通译"专家")及我国台湾地区"专士"学位名称的创生等诸多中外之渊源。国内学术界也有提及将"专士"作为专科层次的学位名称,国内高职院校曾有授予"专业副学士"学位、设计"专士服"的具体实践。从"专士"之词源追溯到国内外"专士"学位名称的理论与实践渊源,可见以"专士"作为专科层次或高等职业教育的学位名称确有其得当之处。 展开更多
关键词 “专士”学位 高等职业教育 学位名称
为什么是学位设立之争而不是学位名称之争--“工士”学位之争的回顾与反思 被引量:4
作者 伍红军 秦虹 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2015年第18期32-38,共7页
2014年6月,湖北职业技术学院试水为毕业生授予"工士"学位,由此引发出一场持续半年之久的"工士"学位之争。然而,这场声势浩大的大讨论仅是关乎设立专科学位制度的意义和价值的争论,却规避了"工士"学位这... 2014年6月,湖北职业技术学院试水为毕业生授予"工士"学位,由此引发出一场持续半年之久的"工士"学位之争。然而,这场声势浩大的大讨论仅是关乎设立专科学位制度的意义和价值的争论,却规避了"工士"学位这一学位名称是否得当的问题。在国家明确了研究和建立符合职业教育特点的学位制度的政策之后,为专科高职设立专门学位已是大势所趋,真正要讨论的正是如这一学位名称如何确定的更为细节性和操作层面的问题。而我国有关专科高职的学位名称如何定名并没有达成学界共识,当前有三条选择路径:一是引进和改造西方的"副学士学位";二是再次论证"工士"学位的可行性;三是创生新的学位名称,如"专士"学位。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 学位制度 “工士”学位 “专士”学位
从“工士”到“专士”:高等职业教育学位名称再探 被引量:1
作者 伍红军 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2017年第1期73-77,共5页
高等职业教育学位名称的定名,应与上层学位名称相匹配,不能自成一派;需讲究美誉度,不能有歧义,且要做到古今通义,与当前的通行语境保持一致性;而且作为一个层次的学位,应有概括度和包容性,但也不能具备明确的内容指向,应有一定的抽象性... 高等职业教育学位名称的定名,应与上层学位名称相匹配,不能自成一派;需讲究美誉度,不能有歧义,且要做到古今通义,与当前的通行语境保持一致性;而且作为一个层次的学位,应有概括度和包容性,但也不能具备明确的内容指向,应有一定的抽象性。"工士"学位名称与上层的学士、硕士、博士三个学位名称的匹配性不佳,其内容指向太过明显、抽象性不够、概括度较差,且其语义过于繁杂,美誉度欠缺。而"专士"之定名取"专业人士"、"专门之士"之义,与上层诸学位的"学问"或"学术"在同一语境当中,不似"工士"、"技士"等名称有别支之感,且"专士"之定名并非无中生有,追古则有迹可循,溯今亦有中外实践之基础,堪为国家在定名专科层次职业教育学位名称时的备选之项。 展开更多
关键词 高等职业教育 学位名称 “工士”学位 “专士”学位
Hidden Crises and Communication: An Interactional Analysis of Hidden Crises
作者 Annette Klarenbeek 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第3期168-184,共17页
In this paper I describe the ways in which the communication discipline can make a hidden crisis transparent. For this purpose I examine the concept of crisis entrepreneurship from a communication point of view. Using... In this paper I describe the ways in which the communication discipline can make a hidden crisis transparent. For this purpose I examine the concept of crisis entrepreneurship from a communication point of view. Using discourse analysis, I analyse the discursive practices of crisis entrepreneurs in the domain of education in the Netherlands. This paper is part of my Ph.D. project in which I examine the dilemmas encountered by crisis entrepreneurs and the interactional solutions they choose in addressing a crisis. In my Ph.D. project I have analysed how crisis entrepreneurs use discursive practices: (1) to show thefactuality of the problem. For example, the way the problem is presented is too theoretical and is not a problem in reality; (2) to present the credibility of the messenger as an authentic, legitimate spokesman. Crisis entrepreneurs may be accused of wanting to attract attention to their own cause; (3) to create the accountability for the problem and the solution. For example, crisis entrepreneurs can be accused of nursing personal grievances or of drawing attention to the issue without actively attempting to solve it. The conclusion is that a communication professional is able to recognize a problem raised by crisis entrepreneurs. Knowledge of interactional dilemmas helps communication professionals understand the potential of crisis entrepreneurs. A communication professional can therefore contribute to the recognition of crises by acknowledging that a crisis entrepreneur is someone who can have a strong hand in the public agenda, i.e., public affairs that are important to the authorities. 展开更多
关键词 hidden crisis crisis communication crisis entrepreneurs discourse analyses INTERACTION
Analysis of Vocational Skills and Employment Countermeasures of the Art Postgraduates
作者 Zhou Shiquan Wang Chengguo 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期454-458,共5页
In the year of 2011, the ministry of education increased the art discipline and established the Master of Fine Art (MFA). At present, the national employment of art postgraduates has made progress in the training an... In the year of 2011, the ministry of education increased the art discipline and established the Master of Fine Art (MFA). At present, the national employment of art postgraduates has made progress in the training and development, however, the employment rate is relatively low. This article carries out an analysis on the causes of this current phenomenon combined with the orientation of professional skills and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 ART POSTGRADUATES vocational skills employment Countermeasures
Development and challenges of professional Master of pharmacy education in China 被引量:4
作者 Jie Gu Yanli Liu +3 位作者 Fengguo Xu Yongze Zhang Rong Shao Tao Lu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2021年第1期69-76,共8页
In the present work,we aimed to describe the current situation and developing trend of professional Master of pharmacy education in China.Systematic searches of websites for literatures related to the specialty of pro... In the present work,we aimed to describe the current situation and developing trend of professional Master of pharmacy education in China.Systematic searches of websites for literatures related to the specialty of professional Master of pharmacy were conducted.E-mail or telephone inquires were made directly to 108 pharmacy institutions(schools and universities)in China offering the MPharm program.The MPharm program was established in China in 2010,which primarily focuses on cultivating professionals in fields,such as drug technology transformation,inspection and regulation of drugs,registration and distribution of drugs,and pharmaceutical services.After 9 years of development,it has almost completed the overall design of its higher education paradigm with Chinese characteristics.With the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in China,the professional degree of pharmacy education program at the master’s level is insufficient to meet social and market demand for qualified professionals.Therefore,doctoral-level programs are now being promoted. 展开更多
关键词 China Pharmacy education Professional Master of Pharmacy Chinese graduate program
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