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清末民初的“中国意识”与文学中的“国家想像” 被引量:4
作者 杨霞 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期203-207,共5页
本文通过考察文学中的"国家想像"书写与"中国意识"推动下的民族国家建设话语之间的互动关系,围绕"国家想像"在清末民初文学书写中主体地位的确立以及文学中"国家想像"书写的内驱力和基本语境... 本文通过考察文学中的"国家想像"书写与"中国意识"推动下的民族国家建设话语之间的互动关系,围绕"国家想像"在清末民初文学书写中主体地位的确立以及文学中"国家想像"书写的内驱力和基本语境等问题,来展开对清末民初文学特质及其文学史意义的分析。 展开更多
关键词 清末民初 “中国意识” “国家想像”
“中国意识”的视觉传播与构建——基于利玛窦《坤舆万国全图》的考察 被引量:1
作者 袁荷 段运冬 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第3期170-174,共5页
视觉传播的"中国意识"是在中西文化互动中得以确立的。尽管以文字为介质的文化载体显示出强大的影响力,但传统的文化传播大都局限于文字介质,忽略了图像对"中国意识"的构建。回溯中西图像传播史,利玛窦及其绘制的... 视觉传播的"中国意识"是在中西文化互动中得以确立的。尽管以文字为介质的文化载体显示出强大的影响力,但传统的文化传播大都局限于文字介质,忽略了图像对"中国意识"的构建。回溯中西图像传播史,利玛窦及其绘制的《坤舆万国全图》意义明显,其文化的"他者"视角对建构具有学科自觉的中国视觉传播学来说,具有一定的启示作用。 展开更多
关键词 利玛窦 《坤舆万国全图》 “中国意识” 视觉传播 中国中心观
作者 杨霞 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2009年第3期143-147,共5页
关键词 清末民初 “中国意识” 文学想象力
高校英语教学中“中国梦”意识的培养研究 被引量:3
作者 张崎静 刘亚栋 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第10期135-137,共3页
高校英语教学"中国梦"意识的培养关键在于教育理念的不断创新,"开拓创新"是教育模式"标新立异"的前提,促使"民主化"教育为"中国梦"意识的培养奠定基础,也是高校英语教学实现和谐发... 高校英语教学"中国梦"意识的培养关键在于教育理念的不断创新,"开拓创新"是教育模式"标新立异"的前提,促使"民主化"教育为"中国梦"意识的培养奠定基础,也是高校英语教学实现和谐发展的有效条件,为其教学模式以及人才培养实践活动的有效开展提供支持,使高校英语教学走上科学发展道路,为"中国梦"的伟大复兴提供动力。 展开更多
关键词 高校英语 开拓创新 “中国梦”意识 创新发展
从执着的故国家山之思向宏通的大中华观念提升——元好问文学中“中国”意识和华夏正统观的呈现 被引量:2
作者 刘扬忠 《忻州师范学院学报》 2008年第6期1-5,共5页
元好问文学中"中国"意识和华夏正统观的呈现,在青年时期有大定——明昌时期乐观、明朗和自信的特色;在中年时期已经从一般的感情系念开始向理性思考的层次跃升;晚年又从怀念前朝转变为关切现实社会、关心华夏文化的前途和命运... 元好问文学中"中国"意识和华夏正统观的呈现,在青年时期有大定——明昌时期乐观、明朗和自信的特色;在中年时期已经从一般的感情系念开始向理性思考的层次跃升;晚年又从怀念前朝转变为关切现实社会、关心华夏文化的前途和命运,致力于抢救、保存和宣扬摇摇欲坠的华夏文化,由反对蒙古占领者转变为捍卫华夏文明并愿意与认同华夏文明的新朝在一定程度上合作。他的大中华文化观和民族观比起同一文化环境中的众多金代文人来都要开放、宏达。 展开更多
关键词 元好问 “中国意识 华夏正统观
《现代台湾研究》 2003年第5期36-39,共4页
关键词 台湾省 祖国统一 台湾问题 两岸关系 “中国意识”
作者 杨霞 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期143-147,共5页
清末民初是20世纪中国文学新传统形成的重要阶段,特别是在"中国意识"的影响下,中国文学的文学观念、制度建构和审美趋向等方面都出现了有别于古典文学和西方文学的新传统因素,诸如文学功能的历史化、文学建构的社会化和文学... 清末民初是20世纪中国文学新传统形成的重要阶段,特别是在"中国意识"的影响下,中国文学的文学观念、制度建构和审美趋向等方面都出现了有别于古典文学和西方文学的新传统因素,诸如文学功能的历史化、文学建构的社会化和文学演进的尚武化等都较大地改变了文学书写的整体面貌。 展开更多
关键词 清末民初 “中国意识” 新传统
作者 常宗耀 《唐都学刊》 2014年第6期22-27,共6页
从政治学的视野分析,"中国梦"可以是由"中国梦"意识、"中国梦"制度和"中国梦"行为构成的协调有序的社会系统组成。其中,"中国梦"意识是"中国梦"的灵魂;"中国梦"... 从政治学的视野分析,"中国梦"可以是由"中国梦"意识、"中国梦"制度和"中国梦"行为构成的协调有序的社会系统组成。其中,"中国梦"意识是"中国梦"的灵魂;"中国梦"制度是"中国梦"的规范要求和制度保障;"中国梦"行为是"中国梦"的路径。"中国梦"是由这三个部分构成的完整体系。解析"中国梦"结构,对于认识"中国梦"的理论基础、制度保障和路径依靠等具有重大的意义。 展开更多
关键词 “中国梦”意识 “中国梦”制度 “中国梦”行为
作者 俞丽君 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2016年第6期5-8,共4页
心理因素是探讨台湾问题时不可或缺的重要方面,台湾在发展历程中逐步形成了"中国意识"及"台湾意识"并存的局面。以不同认同对象为前提的两种意识,对台湾民众心理产生了重要影响。二者在台湾历史上此消彼长,并与经... 心理因素是探讨台湾问题时不可或缺的重要方面,台湾在发展历程中逐步形成了"中国意识"及"台湾意识"并存的局面。以不同认同对象为前提的两种意识,对台湾民众心理产生了重要影响。二者在台湾历史上此消彼长,并与经济、政治等其他因素相互渗透,成为今天考察两岸关系的重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 “中国意识” “台湾意识” 台湾问题
宋人“中国”意识的凸显与出使行记的文化呈现 被引量:1
作者 刘师健 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期62-72,共11页
宋代出使行记上承晋唐,既有早期行记“纪行”与“传人”的文本特征,又是源于赵宋王朝这个特定政治外交环境的产物。赵宋王朝先后与辽、金、元政权形成对峙,对外关系主要模式从“朝贡体系”转为“对等外交”,宋人的“中国”意识凸显。这... 宋代出使行记上承晋唐,既有早期行记“纪行”与“传人”的文本特征,又是源于赵宋王朝这个特定政治外交环境的产物。赵宋王朝先后与辽、金、元政权形成对峙,对外关系主要模式从“朝贡体系”转为“对等外交”,宋人的“中国”意识凸显。这种意识与文化认同植根于士人心中,形诸笔端。行记书写中,宋朝是他们心目中的唯一的“中国”,以此为书写视角,宋辽、宋金边界,被视作一种主观、文化的表述,地理的悬隔被赋予了“界隔夷夏”的文化意蕴。基于自身社会文化与伦理情感的影响,宋代士人对“异族”他者的展现,传递着他们敏锐的“夷夏”感知,承载着他们对“以夷变夏”的沉重焦虑与思考,并昭示出宋人以“华夷之辨”为标准的“中国”意识。行记中所呈现出的这种中国历史和文明内部的多元性、丰富性、异质性,给我们重新认识古代中国10至13世纪的文明提供了一个独特视角。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 出使行记 “中国意识 边界感知
Chinese-to-English Translation of Publicity on Chinese Minority Culture: Discourse Ideology and Translation Strategies 被引量:2
作者 XIAO Tang-jin XIAO Zhi-peng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1307-1313,共7页
Discourse ideology refers to the position, attitude and guideline employed by a writer or speaker constructing a discourse in relation to the readers/hearers. This paper defines the notion of discourse ideology in the... Discourse ideology refers to the position, attitude and guideline employed by a writer or speaker constructing a discourse in relation to the readers/hearers. This paper defines the notion of discourse ideology in the practice of translation, highlights the relationship between discourse ideology and the translator's subjectivity, and illustrates the translation strategies appropriate to the context of publicity of Chinese minority culture to the readers outside China. A tentative conclusion is drawn that the top-down approach from discourse ideology to translation strategies and the bottom-up approach from translation strategies to discourse ideology complement with each other in the Chinese-to-English translation of publicity on Chinese minority culture. 展开更多
关键词 DISCOURSE IDEOLOGY Chinese minority culture translation strategy
Rock Music in Contemporary China: An Ideological Arena
作者 ZHOU Xiao-yan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1146-1151,共6页
The rock music in contemporary China is a filed for the folk, official, elite and other multi-element ideology competition. Wang Feng is a winner walking on the ideological balance beam. After deconstructing Cui Jian... The rock music in contemporary China is a filed for the folk, official, elite and other multi-element ideology competition. Wang Feng is a winner walking on the ideological balance beam. After deconstructing Cui Jian's grand narrative mode and strong critical feature, his works have been endowed with heavy critical color and reflection value by a grassroots band named "Xuriyanggang". Besides, Wang Feng's works have eliminated the distinction between the official and folk feature, elegance and worldly feature, as well as elite and mass. To a large extent, they have defined the rock music in contemporary China, and pushed the Chinese rock to the mainstream market. Consequently, the Chinese rock has been gradually developed into multiple and compound culture modes. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese rock IDEOLOGY ARENA
The Fault Line in Chinese Reflective Thinking 被引量:1
作者 Jim Platts 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期945-957,共13页
Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly... Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly present in the ancient Chinese philosophers. This is a loss felt by all Chinese as a psychological sense of hollowness, a loss of identity, made worse by the seeming inaccessibility of the ancient Chinese wisdom to the modern Chinese mind. It is clear that at some historical point China suffered an extreme psychological blow sufficient to traumatise it at the threshold of reflective thought, unable to look inwards any more. The paper identifies that point as the utter devastation wrought by Kublai Khan and the Mongols 750 years ago. What devastates reflective thought is wilfulness, the insistent focusing of all attention and energy on external, material things, and Kublai Khan was wilful in the extreme. What confirms this as the crippling point is that, in response to Kublai Khan's Mongol invasion the Chinese, over time, not only completely altered the geography of China itself, moving their capital to the North (Beijing), but have ever since fought to establish as "China" all the territory over which Kublai Khan ruled. China is clearly not free of Kublai Khan's shadow. But even more precisely, in the process of doing this--and showing their own wilfulness--in building the Forbidden City in Beijing they built it in the shape of the Chinese metaphysical model of the universe, the Chinese version of the Tree of Life metaphysical glyph But it has an error in it. And the error is precisely that in where it places things, it makes what would have been the attributes of reflective thought subservient to wilfulness. The model itself thus shows the hollowness of the Chinese mind from that moment on. The outer form--the "appearance"---of the ancient wisdom was still there. But the content--the "substance"--of it was not. And with no reflective thought, true creativity disappears. 展开更多
关键词 Needham's grand question Kublai Khan the Forbidden City the Tree of Life reflective thinking wilfulness psychological block
The Tragedy of Women Rebels: Figures of Women Rebels in the Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties
作者 Ying Zheng 《Sociology Study》 2014年第7期634-640,共7页
In the volume of Chinese literature of Ming and Qing dynasties, there are a lot of well-known figures of women rebels, who have been highly spoken of by many later critics for their braveness in breaking the conventio... In the volume of Chinese literature of Ming and Qing dynasties, there are a lot of well-known figures of women rebels, who have been highly spoken of by many later critics for their braveness in breaking the conventional and unfair rules made for women in that male-centered society. In the traditional point of view, the appearance of these literary figures marks the awareness of self-consciousness of women. But this paper, by analyzing two of the representative figures of them, Miss Du Liniang (杜丽娘) in Tang Xianzu's drama The Peony Pavilion (牡丹亭) and the women in the Women's Kingdom (女儿国) in Li Ruzhen's novel Flowers in the Mirror (镜花缘), tries to figure out and distinguish the superficial gender dependence and the real but hidden role of "the other" in these characters. It purports to convince that such processes of rebellion are none the less women's tragedies, for they serve only to show Chinese women's unchangeable position of "the second sex" in the traditional male-centered society of old China, but merely in some new and different ways. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese literary works Ming and Qing dynasties women rebels SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS "the second sex"
The Practice of Socialist Core Values
作者 Yang Jie 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期367-368,共2页
Ideology presents a tendency of thought and value diversification under the promotion of globalization which also brings about some peoples loss of mainslream value. It needs mainstream ideology to lead people's mind... Ideology presents a tendency of thought and value diversification under the promotion of globalization which also brings about some peoples loss of mainslream value. It needs mainstream ideology to lead people's minds to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation which is put forward by general secretary, People's consc:iously practice is the key to the socialist core values. Socialist core values play an important role in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 socialist core values the necessity of practice the route of practice
New Leader's Image-shaping of Hua Guofeng
作者 Ye Juanjuan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期353-355,共3页
The process ofHua Guofeng's image shows how political manipulates the literature and art, it is also a performance process of ideology. As Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng used the the model of god-man to copy-write his... The process ofHua Guofeng's image shows how political manipulates the literature and art, it is also a performance process of ideology. As Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng used the the model of god-man to copy-write his own image, which is naturally related to the CCP's leadership, and related to psychological expectations of the Chinese people in time. And the image-shaping process ofHua Guofeng has the obvious transitional characteristic and was a sense of its apotheosis, meanwhile it was a humanization too. The paradox and mix of the two gives us a great space of research. 展开更多
关键词 Iraage-shaping Hua Guofeng Leader Politic Momentum-making
Political Satire in the Chinese Blogosphere: The Case of Wang Xiaofeng
作者 Hai Tang 《Sociology Study》 2014年第12期1016-1041,共26页
This paper is built on the study of one key blog-Wang Xiaofeng's No Guess (2006-2011) to explore how a Chinese intellectual uses his satirical skills in the blogosphere, how his blog reshapes the form of political ... This paper is built on the study of one key blog-Wang Xiaofeng's No Guess (2006-2011) to explore how a Chinese intellectual uses his satirical skills in the blogosphere, how his blog reshapes the form of political culture, and how the blogosphere through such interventions proceeds in the development of political communications in China. Two key issues are addressed in the paper. Firstly, drawing on the concept of "blogging culture", the author argues that blogging has potentially reconfigured political information around people's everyday lives, offering alternative modes of "public talk". The case of Wang Xiaofeng shows that satire can be used to make fun of the state, policies, and established ideologies, improving a previously restricted communicative environment toward more open. Secondly, the rise in the value placed on individualism in China, and the rise of peer-to-peer media mean that bloggers who pursue self-expression simultaneously through such self-expression. In other words, Wang Xiaofeng's No Guess blog demonstrates that individual opinions across the blogosphere have implicitly challenged political discourse; however, they always have to struggle with an ongoing censorship, negotiate an unstable discursive space and thus, can only enjoy a limited success. 展开更多
关键词 Blogging China satirical biog political expression established ideologies
Comparative Study of Chinese and foreign independent films
作者 Xiangyang Zheng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期111-113,共3页
The concept of "Independent film" comes from the middle of last century's in Hollywood. Hollywood at that time, because of the monopolization of the so-called "eight movie companies", the shooting and operation o... The concept of "Independent film" comes from the middle of last century's in Hollywood. Hollywood at that time, because of the monopolization of the so-called "eight movie companies", the shooting and operation of a film followed rigorous steps of "producer system." The target of the "producer system" entirely aimed at the market in order to get the maximum profits; therefore, although this system brought a lot of money to the film industry, it also limited the filmmakers' play space. Thus, a group of filmmakers got rid of the eight movie companies' control and made self-financing, or even wrote and direct red by themselves, they shot a lot of strong ideological films which were different with commercial films, known as the" Independent Film ". 展开更多
关键词 comparative study independent films film companies.
A Critical Analysis of CCTV News Crossover Discourse
作者 HE Meng-jie LI Dong-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第1期18-24,共7页
The discourse we would like to go over and analyze is an episode of crossover. Crossover is a popular program of the international channel of CCTV (Chinese central television) news, which is broadcasted in English. ... The discourse we would like to go over and analyze is an episode of crossover. Crossover is a popular program of the international channel of CCTV (Chinese central television) news, which is broadcasted in English. In this paper, one of these topics, law of marriage is selected for our analysis, in which the interlocutors intend to discuss about the debate among people towards the new addition of marriage law. Corresponding to the development of every aspects of Chinese society, people's ideology, mindsets, and attitudes towards marriage are constantly changing; consequently, some traditional values are collapsed. Therefore, it is of great significance to have an insight into the ongoing changes of peoples' value towards marriage. The participants of this discourse cooperate very well to carry on their conversation in a very interesting way in a broadcast studio. This paper will primarily cover textual analysis, context analysis, and make a clear comparison from other genres of discourse to highlight its characteristics. 展开更多
Discussion about contemporary Chinese cultural criticism and mass culture
作者 Shaoxiang Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期82-84,共3页
Contemporary Chinese cultural criticism is facing traditional three factors. That are: literary criticism, belletristic criticism and Chinese-style criticism; contemporary transformation from western cultural critici... Contemporary Chinese cultural criticism is facing traditional three factors. That are: literary criticism, belletristic criticism and Chinese-style criticism; contemporary transformation from western cultural criticism and consciousness of problems in contemporary Chinese culture together form a problem domain of cultural criticism; during the 30 years, literary discipline knowledge has evolved from the aesthetic to the culture and the weakening and missing of beauty and poetry become a weakness of cultural criticism. Concerning about the study of repression mechanism for appreciation as well as strengthening the aesthetic nature is the proper attitude literary researcher should have while intervening cultural criticism. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural criticism contemporary transformation theory of literature and art and discipline reconstruction.
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