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美国“中国行动计划”的演进和后果评析 被引量:1
作者 万晓宏 林岳明 《当代美国评论》 2024年第1期25-45,128,129,共23页
“中国行动计划”是特朗普政府试图运用司法手段构建美国的学术、商业、情报和网络信息安全体系,以实现对华科技遏制的重要政策规划。该计划主要以法律诉讼的方式,对参与协助中国科技发展的美国科学家进行追责。自该计划于2018年11月启... “中国行动计划”是特朗普政府试图运用司法手段构建美国的学术、商业、情报和网络信息安全体系,以实现对华科技遏制的重要政策规划。该计划主要以法律诉讼的方式,对参与协助中国科技发展的美国科学家进行追责。自该计划于2018年11月启动以来,有数百名美国科学家遭到调查和起诉,其中多数是华裔。这项计划出台的背景包括近年来美国对华战略竞争加剧、中美关系恶化,美国对中国“窃取”其技术的担忧逐渐上升,美国反华势力对华侨华人长期存在歧视和偏见。“中国行动计划”遭到美国有正义感的政府官员、学界精英、社会组织和美国华人社会的强烈批评。虽然拜登执政后,美国司法部宣布终止该计划,但其精髓却被保留,并以更隐蔽、更精准的形式继续发挥着作用。 展开更多
关键词 美国 中美关系 “中国行动计划” 华裔科学家 法律诉讼
美国“中国行动计划”对我国高校国际交流合作工作的启示 被引量:1
作者 张晓珊 肖小芳 《西部学刊》 2024年第5期43-46,共4页
美国司法部发起并主导的“中国行动计划”名义上结束两年多了,但其对各国之间的国际交流与合作产生的破坏性负面影响仍然在持续,不仅严重阻碍着中美科技人文领域的人才交流与合作,还进一步诱发着世界范围内科技人文领域的“寒蝉效应”... 美国司法部发起并主导的“中国行动计划”名义上结束两年多了,但其对各国之间的国际交流与合作产生的破坏性负面影响仍然在持续,不仅严重阻碍着中美科技人文领域的人才交流与合作,还进一步诱发着世界范围内科技人文领域的“寒蝉效应”。我国现行的高校国际学术科研合作模式、科技人才培养和人才引进方式势必受到“中国行动计划”严重影响。面对挑战,高校应紧跟国家对外政策指向,通过加强科技合作和海外人才引进的合规性引导、拓宽国际交流的渠道等方式,积极稳妥地开展国际交流合作工作。 展开更多
关键词 “中国行动计划” 高校国际交流合作 挑战 机遇 启示
我国工程技术类英文科技期刊办刊特点与启示—以“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”入选期刊为例 被引量:2
作者 田旭 薛丽苗 +2 位作者 董怡君 向映姣 张彤 《传播与版权》 2023年第1期36-39,67,共5页
近年来,作为国家科技创新体系中重要角色的工程技术类期刊取得了快速发展,尤其是工程技术类英文科技期刊发展迅速。文章在梳理Scopus数据库中入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”的工程技术类英文科技期刊的基本情况的基础上,对其办刊特... 近年来,作为国家科技创新体系中重要角色的工程技术类期刊取得了快速发展,尤其是工程技术类英文科技期刊发展迅速。文章在梳理Scopus数据库中入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”的工程技术类英文科技期刊的基本情况的基础上,对其办刊特点进行归纳总结,得出我国工程技术类优秀英文科技期刊在服务国家重大工程需求、举办高端学术会议、办刊专家的国际化和拓展融媒体出版方面积累了有益的经验,但期刊数量、学科分布、国际影响力等存在不足。针对存在的不足之处,文章提出应对措施,如增加我国工程技术类英文科技期刊数量与种类,促进发文量与期刊学术质量双增长,推进集群化和集团化发展。 展开更多
关键词 “中国科技期刊卓越行动计划” 工程技术 英文科技期刊 办刊特点 应对措施
作者 EEI项目小组 《环境教育》 2003年第4期13-14,共2页
关键词 “中国中小学绿色教育行动” 第二阶段 进展情况 课程改革 阶段性成果 试点学校
《世界环境》 2004年第2期91-91,共1页
日前,“中国保护海洋环境免受陆源污染国家行动研讨会”在青岛市召开。会议由联合国环境署保护海洋环境免受陆源污染全球行动计划(GPA)协调处资助召开,旨在使各方对中国保护海洋环境免受陆源污染工作的现状有全面的了解,同时整合思路、... 日前,“中国保护海洋环境免受陆源污染国家行动研讨会”在青岛市召开。会议由联合国环境署保护海洋环境免受陆源污染全球行动计划(GPA)协调处资助召开,旨在使各方对中国保护海洋环境免受陆源污染工作的现状有全面的了解,同时整合思路、提出建议、协调力量和资源。 展开更多
关键词 “中国保护海洋环境免受陆源污染国家行动研讨会” 青岛市 环境保护 环境污染
作者 农业农村部 《中华人民共和国农业农村部公报》 2020年第3期46-56,共11页
农渔发[2020]2号各省、自治区、直辖市农业农村(农牧)厅(局、委),福建省海洋与渔业局,新疆生产建设兵团农业农村局:为贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,践行乡村振兴战略,积极适应新时代新形势对渔政执法工作提出的... 农渔发[2020]2号各省、自治区、直辖市农业农村(农牧)厅(局、委),福建省海洋与渔业局,新疆生产建设兵团农业农村局:为贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,践行乡村振兴战略,积极适应新时代新形势对渔政执法工作提出的新要求,加强水域生态文明建设,深入推进渔业高质量发展,我部决定2020年继续组织开展"中国渔政亮剑"系列专项执法行动。 展开更多
关键词 主管部门 渔政执法 “中国渔政亮剑2020”系列专项执法行动方案》 “三无”船舶 伏季休渔 禁渔期 渔业工程研究所 农业农村
作者 申素玲 杨旺平 陈彬 《传播与版权》 2024年第5期11-16,共6页
近年来,我国科技期刊进入快速发展期,能源类英文科技期刊也发展迅速。文章梳理2019—2023年入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”能源类英文科技期刊的基本情况,分析该类期刊的办刊特征。我国能源类英文科技期刊瞄准学科高度交叉方向、突... 近年来,我国科技期刊进入快速发展期,能源类英文科技期刊也发展迅速。文章梳理2019—2023年入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”能源类英文科技期刊的基本情况,分析该类期刊的办刊特征。我国能源类英文科技期刊瞄准学科高度交叉方向、突出学科优势,以“借船出海”、开放获取为主流办刊形式,借助国际能源专家力量办刊,但是也存在一些不足,如定位不精准、期刊规模小、学科分散、主管和主办单位不集中等。为了解决目前存在的问题,文章对我国能源类英文科技期刊的建设提出建议,以期促进我国科技期刊的繁荣发展。 展开更多
关键词 “中国科技期刊卓越行动计划” 能源 英文科技期刊 办刊特征
作者 魏明 《哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报》 2020年第1期78-85,共8页
1996年,美国颁布《经济间谍法》,核心目的是运用系统、强大的法律武器,更好地维护美国以先进科学技术为基石的全球价值链利益分配优势地位,以及在国际政治经济格局中的引领者地位。《经济间谍法》不仅是美国联邦层面第一部专门保护商业... 1996年,美国颁布《经济间谍法》,核心目的是运用系统、强大的法律武器,更好地维护美国以先进科学技术为基石的全球价值链利益分配优势地位,以及在国际政治经济格局中的引领者地位。《经济间谍法》不仅是美国联邦层面第一部专门保护商业秘密的刑事类法律,而且是全球范围内的第一部专门规制经济间谍的单独立法。此后,美国通过颁布《外国经济间谍惩罚加重法》、《盗窃商业秘密澄清法》、《保护商业秘密法》等法律,不断完善经济间谍法律规制体系。近年来,美国政府将我国的崛起视为其世界霸主地位的最严重威胁,为抑制我国经济和技术发展,美国在加强经济间谍法律规制方面针对我国的意图愈发明显:立法方面,美国司法部2018年11月制定了“中国行动”,专门针对涉华经济间谍等行为制定法律规范;司法实践方面,2011年以来,美国检方起诉的所有经济间谍案件中,90%以上涉及我国,美国司法机关还对华为等中国高技术企业进行歧视性打压。当前,世界处于百年未有之大变局,中美两个世界最大经济体的政治经济博弈牵动全球格局走向。在此背景下,美国运用系统的经济间谍法律制度在中美战略博弈中抢占了法律制高点,而我国因相关法律制度空白,面临无法有效反制美国的掣肘。文章对美国经济间谍法律制度的立法和强化背景以及“中国行动”进行了系统介绍,并论述了我国建立经济间谍法律规制体系的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 经济间谍 商业秘密 法律制度 “中国行动”
Factors Influencing Large-scale Operation of Large Grain Farmers in Northeast China
作者 刘文新 何秀丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2622-2627,2632,共7页
With the grain yield accounting for 20% of the whole country, the north- east China is a strategic region for ensuring national grain security and also a most centralized region of large grain farmers. Through a sampl... With the grain yield accounting for 20% of the whole country, the north- east China is a strategic region for ensuring national grain security and also a most centralized region of large grain farmers. Through a sampling survey of large grain farmers in 15 counties and cities of northeast China, with the aid of SPSS and AMOS software, using multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling, this paper made a quantitative analysis on the influence of the subjective and ob- jective factors of large grain farmers on their large-scale management. The results showed that the age structure, educational level, family operating capital, yield ex- pectation and protective farming awareness of large grain farmers are the positive factors influencing their large scale operation due to agricultural subsidy policy. By comparison, the number of agricultural machinery and equipment owned by family, regional labor force, expectation for future income, and expectation for contractual scale become negative factors influencing large-scale operation of large grain farm- ers because of agricultural policies. When the future expectation, self conditions, family endowment, and operation conditions of large grain farmers increase one unit, their large scale operation motivation will increase by 0.692, 0.689, 0.487 and 0.363 units respectively. Thus, increasing the future expectation and self conditions of large grain farmers is a key factor for promoting large scale operation of farmland. 展开更多
关键词 Large grain farmers Large-scale operation Motivation Northeast China
“以企带户”补贴模式能否增加优质粮油供给?——基于“中国好粮油”行动计划的准实验设计 被引量:4
作者 王术坤 杨国蕾 郑沫利 《中国农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期87-108,共22页
本文基于实验设计收集的企业和农户调查数据,采用双重差分模型,评估了"中国好粮油"行动计划对企业收购优质粮油和农户种植优质粮油的影响,并进一步分析了该政策的影响机制和异质性。研究发现:"好粮油"行动计划显著... 本文基于实验设计收集的企业和农户调查数据,采用双重差分模型,评估了"中国好粮油"行动计划对企业收购优质粮油和农户种植优质粮油的影响,并进一步分析了该政策的影响机制和异质性。研究发现:"好粮油"行动计划显著提高了企业优质粮油订单数、订单收购量和订单收购面积,间接优化了农户种植结构;"好粮油"行动计划的实施使种植优质粮油的农户数量平均提高了7.62%,优质粮油的播种比例平均扩大了8.71%。机制分析表明,优质粮油作物和普通粮油作物的生产投入和单产差异很小,但优质粮油的销售价格更高,种植优质粮油作物农户净收益的增加主要得益于优质粮油价格较高。异质性分析发现,劳动力越丰富、耕地面积越大的农户种植优质粮油的意愿越高。 展开更多
关键词 “以企带户”补贴模式 “中国好粮油”行动计划 优质粮油 双重差分模型
Residents′Activity-travel Behavior Variation by Communities in Beijing,China 被引量:15
作者 ZHAO Ying CHAI Yanwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期492-505,共14页
China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship bet... China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship between the built environment and activity-travel behavior.This paper draws upon data from an activity diary survey conducted in Beijing in 2007.The survey sample comprised 652 residents living in Danwei(work unit),commodity housing,and affordable housing neighborhoods.On the basis of the three-dimensional geo-visualization analysis of the space-time path and statistical multivariate regression models of daily travel and leisure time,it was found that both residential spatial factors and socio-demographics influence residents' daily behaviors.The findings show that Danwei residents have less daily travel time than those who live in commodity housing,but people living in affordable housing endure the longest travel time.Daily leisure time is associated more with individual attributes.We argue that although China's transition is currently gradual,the Danwei system may continue to play significant roles in daily life,and it might provide a valuable model for neighborhood spatial planning. 展开更多
关键词 built environment activity-travel behavior Danwei(work unit) housing reform BEIJING
关于我国高校英文科技期刊国际影响力提升的思考 被引量:1
作者 沈怡欣 《今传媒》 2022年第9期72-74,共3页
本文从办刊体制、编辑人员专业水平、期刊评价体制、学术界唯SCI论四个方面对高校英文科技期刊的发展弊端进行了调研,总结出Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)(JTTE,交通运输工程学报(英文版))创刊... 本文从办刊体制、编辑人员专业水平、期刊评价体制、学术界唯SCI论四个方面对高校英文科技期刊的发展弊端进行了调研,总结出Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)(JTTE,交通运输工程学报(英文版))创刊以来所采取的提升期刊国际影响力的措施和方法:在“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”的支持下,JTTE充分发挥自身优势,依靠长安大学在道路工程、交通运输领域强大的学术影响力,团结作者、学者、编委三方力量,将期刊介绍给全世界,从而提高了期刊的国际显示度;在新媒体背景下,期刊利用跨平台推荐、社交媒体推广等方式宣传期刊内容,加快了期刊内容传播。 展开更多
关键词 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition)(JTTE 交通运输工程学报(英文版)) 英文科技期刊 国际影响力 “中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”
Postconflict behavior among female Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus roxellana within one-male units in the Qinling Mountains,China 被引量:9
作者 Jian ZHANG Dapeng ZHAO Baoguo LI 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期222-226,共5页
For group-living primates, the information on postconflict management is crucial for understanding primate competition and cooperation. However, such information is poorly known for snub-nosed monkeys, especially for ... For group-living primates, the information on postconflict management is crucial for understanding primate competition and cooperation. However, such information is poorly known for snub-nosed monkeys, especially for wild populations. In this study, from September 2007 to June 2008, we investigated postconflict behavior among adult females Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus roxellana within one-male units in a wild, provisioned group in the Qinling Mountains of China by means of the time-rule method and the PC-MC method. We obtained a total of 81 PC-MC pairs and each individual was involved in only 0.004 aggressive behavior per observation hour. The first affiliative behavior was more likely to occur within the first minute after a conflict. The postconflict affiliative behaviors most often seen were contact-sit, embrace and grooming. The affiliative contacts between adult females occur due to selective attraction, i.e. reconciliation. The pattern of postconflict affiliation demonstrates that the R. roxellana belongs to a tolerant species. 展开更多
关键词 Sichuan snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus roxellana FEMALE Postconflict behavior RECONCILIATION
Lewin Behavior Model-Based Study on Influence Factors of Individuals to Mobile Service Demand 被引量:1
作者 Tong Lili, Li Xiaowen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期154-162,共9页
How to fmd main influence factors of individuals to mobile service demand is investiga- ted. The empirical research is conducted in the sample of high-value customers in China mobile market. Based on Lewin behavior mo... How to fmd main influence factors of individuals to mobile service demand is investiga- ted. The empirical research is conducted in the sample of high-value customers in China mobile market. Based on Lewin behavior model, this pa- per establishes factors-matrix from personal and environmental dimensions. Relationships among multiple factors are tested in the structural equa- tion model and their impacts on customers' de- mands are elaborated. Findings indicate that opera- tional convenience and business brand image have significant effects on sample users' demands. Fur- thermore, annual income, gender, occupation, the needs of access to information and the needs of enriching and improving social relationships are al- so important factors for high-value users. The re- suits may provide further insights into mobile service demand and the model can be popularized to other behavior researches. 展开更多
关键词 individuals' behavior research distin-guish path Lewin behavior model influence fac-tors mobile service demand
《今日民族》 2004年第5期62-64,共3页
关键词 云南 “中国少数民族民歌保护行动” 思茅市 民族工作 西藏 义务教育 红河州 财政收入 赵藩 学术研讨会
The Enlightenment and Reference of American Medical Insurance Operation Mechanism to the Modernization of Medical Insurance in China
作者 CHEN Aiyuan 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期13-15,共3页
The United States is unique in terms of health insurance, supplemented by commercial health insurance, supplemented by government medical care and medical assistance, and the United States has been criticized for bein... The United States is unique in terms of health insurance, supplemented by commercial health insurance, supplemented by government medical care and medical assistance, and the United States has been criticized for being the only developed country that has failed to achieve universal health insurance. Although the United States in the health insurance operation also encountered a variety of problems, but its health insurance operation mechanism in the commercial insurance model and legislation first, democratic participation and other experience, it is worth in China's medical insurance management in the modernization of learning to learn from. 展开更多
关键词 US Medicare Operating mechanism Governance modernization
Chinese UN Peacekeepers Safeguard World Peace
作者 ZHANG YUE 《China Today》 2015年第7期28-29,共2页
ON April 8,2015 an infantry contingent from China arrived in South Sudan.This was the last batch of the 700-member Chinese infantry battalion designated for UN peacekeeping missions there,China's first,marking a new ... ON April 8,2015 an infantry contingent from China arrived in South Sudan.This was the last batch of the 700-member Chinese infantry battalion designated for UN peacekeeping missions there,China's first,marking a new stage of its participation in UN peacekeeping deployment.An Active Helper The UN aims to defend peace in the spirit of the UN Charter via peacekeeping operations.China,a permanent 展开更多
关键词 participation Safeguard Sudan Peace permanent marking designated batch deployment spirit
Illocutionary Force and Translation: A Case Study of Chinese Renditions of The Merry Wives of Windsor
作者 GUAN Xing-zhong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第5期359-368,共10页
This research seeks to contribute to translation studies by examining the illocutionary force of the speech act theory. It identifies two senses of illocutionary force: The active function of language is defined as l... This research seeks to contribute to translation studies by examining the illocutionary force of the speech act theory. It identifies two senses of illocutionary force: The active function of language is defined as lFl and the varying degrees of the strength of the speech act are defined as IF2. The implications of the two senses ofillocutionary force for translation studies are discussed in a case study of the translation of directives in Chinese versions of Shakespeare's play, The Merry Wives of Windsor. Translation shifts in transferring IF2, as manifested in pragmatic duality features of directness/indirectness, tone articles, repetition of verbs, action measure verbs, upgrader ",给我" and honorific addressing terms and vocatives are discussed. The notion's potential as a criterion to evaluate translation quality is also explored. 展开更多
关键词 illocutionary force speech act theory DIRECTIVES Chinese versions of The Merry Wives of Windsor SHAKESPEARE
Coal price fluctuations and the impact on financial risk Evidence from China's coal listed companies
作者 SHENG Hu FENG Yao-ping 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第8期32-36,共5页
With the rise of coal price, the proportion of loss-making enterprises shows an upward trend in China's coal industry. This paper uses Altman Z-Score model to measure financial risk of 19 listed companies in the coal... With the rise of coal price, the proportion of loss-making enterprises shows an upward trend in China's coal industry. This paper uses Altman Z-Score model to measure financial risk of 19 listed companies in the coal industry in A-share market from 1995 to 2007. Empirical results show that Year-Based price index of coal price has a negative correlation with the financial risk but has no significance, and coal chain price has a significant negative correlation with the financial risk. Further research indicates that enterprises increase bad investment, and a lot of debts caused by short-term rise in coal prices. The results also show that the financial risk in the coal industry declines with the rise of GDP growth rate and increases with the rise of inflation rate. 展开更多
关键词 coal listed companies coal price financial risk corporate investment and financing
Empirical Analysis on the Peasants' Cultivated Land Abandonment Decision-making Behaviors in Central China and the Subjective Factors of the Peasants --Jiangxi Province Is Taken as an Example
作者 Qi CHENG Zhuhui LI Yaohui WANG Jianghua WU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期19-23,共5页
Following China's rapid advance the process of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of rural labor into cities, abandoned land becomes a universal phenomenon and shows an enlarge spread trend. Therefore... Following China's rapid advance the process of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of rural labor into cities, abandoned land becomes a universal phenomenon and shows an enlarge spread trend. Therefore, the food security of our country is threatened. This article will according to the farmers' angle of view, from the farmers owned their own labor, land and capital three aspects, uses field survey data to analyze the relationship between the situation of human capital, employment policy, farmland status and management decision, income and investment decision-making this five aspects and land reclamation. The result shows that age, education, arable area, whether the land transfer, engaged in non-agricultural sector employment time, work area, per capita income, non-agricultural income and investment has a significant impact on arable land abandonment, and reflect the development potential of the family of peasants and a tendency of development having a positive correlation with arable land abandonment, this phenomenon reflects in our nation, the rural residents are divorced from the original rural living environment and integrate into cities, a gradual process of get rid of the original way of life in the new way. 展开更多
关键词 Arable Land Abandonment PEASANT Empirical Analysis
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