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胡锦涛“为民”思想与马克思主义群众观 被引量:1
作者 李聪明 张乃娟 《中国劳动关系学院学报》 北大核心 2006年第5期75-79,共5页
关键词 胡锦涛 “为民”思想 马克思主义群众观 权力观 情意观 利益观
论中国共产党人的“为民”思想 被引量:1
作者 彭栋梁 《科学社会主义》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期37-40,共4页
中国共产党人在中国革命和建设的实践中,形成了丰富的“为民”思想。毛泽东“全心全意为人民服务”的思想,确立了党的宗旨,是党的“为民”思想基础;邓小平使全体人民“最终达到共同富裕”的思想,实现了党“为民”工作的历史转折;江泽民... 中国共产党人在中国革命和建设的实践中,形成了丰富的“为民”思想。毛泽东“全心全意为人民服务”的思想,确立了党的宗旨,是党的“为民”思想基础;邓小平使全体人民“最终达到共同富裕”的思想,实现了党“为民”工作的历史转折;江泽民“立党为公,执政为民”的观点体现了“为民”思想的升华和与时俱进;胡锦涛“权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋”的思想,是新时期“为民”的实践指南。三代领导人和新的中央领导集体的“为民”思想,不仅是中国共产党的政治品格和共产党人的行为准则,而且是我们党在新世纪进一步加强执政能力建设的根本保证。 展开更多
关键词 “为民”思想 共同富裕 执政为民
论胡锦涛“为民”思想的理论价值和实践意义 被引量:1
作者 张荣华 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2010年第2期124-128,共5页
以胡锦涛为总书记的新一代中央领导集体,从当今中国的实际出发,提出了具有时代特色的"为民"思想。胡锦涛"为民"思想,升华了中国传统民本思想,发展了马克思主义唯物史观,细化了党的根本宗旨,深化了党的执政理念,为... 以胡锦涛为总书记的新一代中央领导集体,从当今中国的实际出发,提出了具有时代特色的"为民"思想。胡锦涛"为民"思想,升华了中国传统民本思想,发展了马克思主义唯物史观,细化了党的根本宗旨,深化了党的执政理念,为保持党的先进性、实现党群关系和谐、巩固党的执政地位提供了行动指南,为构建社会主义和谐社会、推进党的建设和社会主义现代化建设新的伟大工程提供了有力的思想武器。 展开更多
关键词 “为民”思想 理论价值 实践意义
论胡锦涛同志的“为民”思想 被引量:3
作者 朱其训 《徐州教育学院学报》 2004年第1期1-4,共4页
新一届中央领导集体提出“权为民所用 ,情为民所系 ,利为民所谋”的“为民”观点 ,为我们党员干部在新的历史条件下如何坚持群众利益提出了历史性课题 ,也凸现了胡锦涛同志的“平民政治”
关键词 胡锦涛 “为民”思想 中国共产党 马克思主义 “三个代表”
作者 赵永新 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期32-35,共4页
以胡锦涛为总书记的新一代中央领导集体围绕"权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋",提出了新的"为民"观以及具体的实践途径,为新时期加强和改进党的建设、更好地履行全心全意为人民服务的宗旨提供了实践指南。胡锦... 以胡锦涛为总书记的新一代中央领导集体围绕"权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋",提出了新的"为民"观以及具体的实践途径,为新时期加强和改进党的建设、更好地履行全心全意为人民服务的宗旨提供了实践指南。胡锦涛"为民"思想的实践途径是:积极推进经济建设,满足人民的物质需求;积极推进政治建设,保障人民的政治权益;积极推进文化建设,丰富人民的精神生活;积极推进社会建设,切实改善民生。 展开更多
关键词 胡锦涛 “为民”思想 实践途径
作者 洪涛 赵晨寅 《中共杭州市委党校学报》 2020年第3期24-30,共7页
习近平继承并创造性地发展了中国共产党执政历史中的“为民”思想,吸收中国传统文化中的“民本”理念,结合马克思历史唯物主义的群众观,形成自己独特的“民本”思想。在实践和探索中,形成了“先调研后决策”的实事求是工作方法以深入人... 习近平继承并创造性地发展了中国共产党执政历史中的“为民”思想,吸收中国传统文化中的“民本”理念,结合马克思历史唯物主义的群众观,形成自己独特的“民本”思想。在实践和探索中,形成了“先调研后决策”的实事求是工作方法以深入人民;形成了“习近平式”群众语言风格以贴近人民;最终形成以“人民为中心”的发展思想这一伟大理论成果,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴提供了科学的理论指导和行动指南。 展开更多
关键词 “为民”思想 习近平 以人民为中心
作者 李彤彤 《中共成都市委党校学报》 2007年第1期35-37,共3页
关键词 马克思 恩格斯 “为民”思想 研究
作者 王增佳 《文教资料》 2021年第18期88-89,共2页
李大钊同志的革命精神,是一代代中国共产党人的灵魂和皈依。特别是他“为国为民”的矢志追求,深刻体现了中国共产党为人民谋幸福、为民族谋复兴的初衷。在救国救民道路的探索中,李大钊同志心系民众,关注工人、农民、青年学生、妇女儿童... 李大钊同志的革命精神,是一代代中国共产党人的灵魂和皈依。特别是他“为国为民”的矢志追求,深刻体现了中国共产党为人民谋幸福、为民族谋复兴的初衷。在救国救民道路的探索中,李大钊同志心系民众,关注工人、农民、青年学生、妇女儿童等各种社会弱势群体,又把民族解放的希望寄托在千万民众身上,肯定人民群众在民族解放和复兴中的地位。研究李大钊同志的“为民”思想,对新时代中国共产党人坚守初心和使命,筑牢理想和信念,具有重要现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 李大钊 民生 初心和使命 “为民”思想
作者 刘云 崔佳 王紫玉 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期150-156,共7页
“为民幸福”情怀是心怀天下苍生幸福的仁爱情怀。作家宫泽贤治心怀悲悯、关心农民疾苦,以“为农民谋幸福”为己任、扶民济世,肩负时代使命和责任担当,倾注大量心血为农民幸福乃至世界全体幸福而艰苦奋斗,演绎了深沉的“为民幸福”情怀... “为民幸福”情怀是心怀天下苍生幸福的仁爱情怀。作家宫泽贤治心怀悲悯、关心农民疾苦,以“为农民谋幸福”为己任、扶民济世,肩负时代使命和责任担当,倾注大量心血为农民幸福乃至世界全体幸福而艰苦奋斗,演绎了深沉的“为民幸福”情怀。宫泽贤治受家庭环境、社会环境、成长经历、宗教等因素的影响,萌生出了悲悯苍生的仁爱情怀和济世救民的爱民情怀。宫泽贤治胸怀良知、肩负责任使命,甘愿放弃继承丰厚家业,投身于救济农民的农业改革实践活动中。他躬身指导农业生产实践、成立罗须地人协会、指导东北碎石厂石灰岩粉末肥料生产,用实际行动来践行“为民幸福”情怀。同时,宫泽贤治还以笔抒怀言志,通过文字表达为民幸福的心声、传播爱与温暖、传递真善美和抒发“为农民谋取幸福”的情怀。细读宫泽贤治的文学作品,其字里行间感人至深的温暖力量正是来源于他“心忧百姓、扶民济世、甘愿牺牲自我、为他人谋取幸福”的为民情怀。宫泽贤治用切实行动书写了“圣人志在天下苍生”的内涵,用行动、用文字、用生命诠释了深沉的“为民幸福”情怀,堪称时代典范,也是世人学习的榜样。 展开更多
关键词 宫泽贤治 “为民幸福” 济世救民 农村改革 文学书写
作者 高桦 《采写编》 2003年第4期11-11,共1页
今年"七一",胡锦涛同志在"三个代表"重要思想理论研讨会上明确提出:"学习贯彻‘三个代表'重要思想,必须牢牢把握立党为公、执政为民.这是衡量有没有真正学懂、是不是真心实践‘三个代表'重要思想最重... 今年"七一",胡锦涛同志在"三个代表"重要思想理论研讨会上明确提出:"学习贯彻‘三个代表'重要思想,必须牢牢把握立党为公、执政为民.这是衡量有没有真正学懂、是不是真心实践‘三个代表'重要思想最重要的标志."作为党委机关报来讲,学习贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,必须坚持"办报为民",坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,使"办报为民"成为我们主流媒体的旗帜. 展开更多
关键词 主流媒体 “为民意识” 服务方面 关心热点 主动反映性 基层新闻 自觉性
党的群众路线的时代内涵及其践行 被引量:2
作者 刘文科 李传兵 《学校党建与思想教育》 北大核心 2014年第11期78-79,82,共3页
新时期,中国共产党根据不断变化的世情、国情、党情赋予了群众路线新的时代内涵——"为民务实清廉"。面对个人主义、利己主义以及形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义、奢靡之风"四风"对党的群众路线所形成的现实挑战,只... 新时期,中国共产党根据不断变化的世情、国情、党情赋予了群众路线新的时代内涵——"为民务实清廉"。面对个人主义、利己主义以及形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义、奢靡之风"四风"对党的群众路线所形成的现实挑战,只有始终坚持执政为民、践行宗旨意识,坚持求真务实、密切党群关系,坚持清正廉洁、重塑党的形象,群众路线才能与时俱进,真正发挥其实践价值。 展开更多
关键词 群众路线 现实挑战 对策 “为民务实清廉”
作者 李光炎 《领导科学论坛》 2014年第3期50-52,共3页
关键词 政绩观 群众路线 “为民”
作者 郭飞 《中共成都市委党校学报》 2017年第5期39-43,共5页
中国共产党的群众路线,处理的是党员干部与群众之间的关系,二者之间关系的形成有着深厚的古今政治哲学以及相应的观念根基。研究传统民本政治中"为民"思想、现代民主政治中的"代表"观念,分析群众路线对前两者的综... 中国共产党的群众路线,处理的是党员干部与群众之间的关系,二者之间关系的形成有着深厚的古今政治哲学以及相应的观念根基。研究传统民本政治中"为民"思想、现代民主政治中的"代表"观念,分析群众路线对前两者的综合超越,是揭示群众路线内在机理的恰当途径。 展开更多
关键词 群众路线 “为民”思想 民主政治
作者 曹正 娄之佐 《邮政研究》 2012年第4期31-32,共2页
关键词 “为民” “利他” 员工 客户 社会
Seed Sector in Turkey and Analysis of Sunflower Seed Purchasing Behaviour of Farmers: Example of Thrace Region
作者 Hasan Güngor Kamil Cenk Saracoglu Günay Güngor 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2018年第2期105-114,共10页
Selection of suitable seed in agriculture has great importance in terms of scarce resources and efficient use of facilities. Efficient use of inputs has been one of the key objectives of agricultural policies in all o... Selection of suitable seed in agriculture has great importance in terms of scarce resources and efficient use of facilities. Efficient use of inputs has been one of the key objectives of agricultural policies in all over the world. Therefore, studies continue about production of new seeds with high yield and resist to diseases. The 66.7% of the total seed production in Turkey are met by the private sector (hybrid sunflower, corn, potato, soybean, cotton and vegetable seed). And 53.4% of the total sunflowers in Turkey are grown in Thrace region. It is therefore appropriate to be selected as the research area. In this regard, the aim of this study was to examine the dynamics in seed sector and particularly investigate the sunflower seed purchasing behavior of farmers with special attention to Thrace region. As a methodology, 198 questionnaires which pursued sunflower farm activities in the region were utilized. As a result of the descriptive statistics, it could be concluded that almost 20% of seed supply in Turkey is imported and that 70%-80% of it is directly used as an “input” for growing vegetative products and the remaining is used as “intermediate goods” for growing “certified seeds” for domestic or international markets. 展开更多
关键词 SUNFLOWER seed selection farmers’ preferences.
Effect of Physical Environment on the Behaviors of Residents with Dementia: A Comparison between a Small-Group Unit and a Traditional Care Unit 被引量:1
作者 Sookyoung Lee Habib Chaudhury Soojin Lee 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第11期1353-1363,共11页
This is a comparative study examining the influence of a small-scale dementia unit and a traditional dementia unit on behaviors of the residents. The small-scale unit and the traditional unit were selected through two... This is a comparative study examining the influence of a small-scale dementia unit and a traditional dementia unit on behaviors of the residents. The small-scale unit and the traditional unit were selected through two phases in Vancouver, Canada. Seven residents from each facility completed the study. Physical environmental assessments were performed using two tools: PEAP (professional environmental assessment protocol) and TESS-NH (therapeutic environment screening survey for nursing homes). For the assessment of residents' behaviors, three assessment tools were used: MOSES (multidimensional observation scale for elderly subjects), MDS (minimum data set) and DCM (dementia care mapping). The study found that the residents living in a small-scale environment were more engaged in activities and more likely to respond in understanding their fellow residents. Residents living in a traditional long-term care exhibited fewer signs of social interaction. The findings suggest that a small-scale homelike environment could positively influence people with dementia to be more engaged in social exchanges and activities, and consequently help in reducing their withdrawn behavior. 展开更多
关键词 DEMENTIA small scale dementia unit homelike environment long-term care.
Sanitation in Urban Slums: Perception, Attitude and Behavior: The Case of Kibera, Nairobi-Kenya
作者 A.N. Omambia 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第3期70-80,共11页
Over 60 percent of Kenya's urban dwellers live in slum settlements. Here, people live under life-threatening conditions characterized with poverty, inadequate food and shelter, physical overcrowding, unsafe drinking ... Over 60 percent of Kenya's urban dwellers live in slum settlements. Here, people live under life-threatening conditions characterized with poverty, inadequate food and shelter, physical overcrowding, unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation. The flimsiness of these dwellers is not always due to low incomes. It is often the result of insecurity of tenure and other deprivations: the lack of entitlement inhibits their investment in better health. In Kibera Slum, Africa's second largest and Kenya's oldest and largest slum, poor sanitation and inadequate water supply is a daily challenge for the residents. Over 150 persons share one shallow pit latrine while 75 percent of the population uses sanitation practices that involve direct handling of human waste increasing in spread of infectious diseases. Insecurity of tenure; low levels of education; inadequate socio-economic, infrastructural and physical entitlements all affect the Kibera's residents' perception and attitude towards investing in better sanitation behavior. 展开更多
The Comparative Role of Intervening Variables in Understanding Farmers' Adoption Behavior
作者 C. Annor-Frempong G. H. Duvel 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第3期290-297,共8页
The purpose of this study was to indentify the most important determinants associated with behavior change by comparing the influence of intervening variables and the characteristics of the farmer and the farm (indep... The purpose of this study was to indentify the most important determinants associated with behavior change by comparing the influence of intervening variables and the characteristics of the farmer and the farm (independent variables) on the adoption behavior of farmers for recommended agronomic practices. A total of 107 farmers out of a population of 214 were randomly selected from two adjoining districts of South Africa and Lesotho. Chi-square and correlations and regression analyses were used to determine the relationship between the independent, dependent and intervening variables. The results show clear differences between the independent in regard to their influence on adoption behavior, but these influences also vary significantly between the practices. In general the influence of independent variable is limited, and together their total contribution in explaining the variance in adoption (R2) varied between about 20 to 40 percent whilst that of the intervening variables varied between 50 and over 70 percent, which clearly supports the research hypothesis that their prediction arid explanation value in terms of behavior is much bigger than that of independent, personal and environmental factors. 展开更多
关键词 ADOPTION intervening variables behavior change DECISION-MAKING innovations.
Application of Clothing Ergonomics in Clothing Design
作者 Yue Min 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期59-60,共2页
With the continuous development of society and culture,clothing is not just to make people feel warn. Production, design, and continuous innovation of appare aim to make clothing serve people better, satisfy the deman... With the continuous development of society and culture,clothing is not just to make people feel warn. Production, design, and continuous innovation of appare aim to make clothing serve people better, satisfy the demand of more people, and let people feel more comfortable, safer, more hygienic and more convenient. People would have more scientific and effective way in dominating his own clothing style, making clothes serving for people. 展开更多
关键词 fashion design human ergonomics PEOPLE-ORIENTED SAFE comfortable conform to
RMB Appreciation, Corporate Behavior and Export Trade:
作者 张会清 唐海燕 《China Economist》 2013年第3期96-109,共14页
This paper sets up a simplified dynamic discrete selection model to analyze two-stage decision of corporate export behavior and influence of exchange rate under the framework of profit maximization. Then we adopt Heck... This paper sets up a simplified dynamic discrete selection model to analyze two-stage decision of corporate export behavior and influence of exchange rate under the framework of profit maximization. Then we adopt Heckman selection model to estimate general effects and structural effects of RMB appreciation on export based on the sample data of China Industrial Enterprises from 2005 to 2009. Findings reveal that RMB appreciation has exerted a significant negative impact to corporate export through extensive margins and intensive margins. Meanwhile, due to different corporate strategies of heterogeneous enterprises, RMB appreciation cannot achieve the expected effect of "survival of the fittest" and is instead unfavorable to the optimization of export structure. RMB appreciatiou drives industry structure of export to evolve towards advanced levels to a certain extent. However, such a positive effect mainly derives from the contribution of foreign-funded enterprises while restricting development space of indigenous firms in the sector of advanced manufacturing. 展开更多
关键词 RMB appreciation export behavior extensive margins intensive margins ckman selection model
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