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作者 黎彩莹 李殷(指导教师) 《小学生作文》 2009年第5期6-7,共2页
“学校要举行一个讲故事比赛,决定让你当主持人。”当李老师把这个消息告诉我时,我有些哭笑不得。 我从小就是一个非常腼腆的女孩子。别说当主持人了,就连上课发言我都要在心里犹豫很久才会举手。唉,这可怎么办?我正犹疑着,站在... “学校要举行一个讲故事比赛,决定让你当主持人。”当李老师把这个消息告诉我时,我有些哭笑不得。 我从小就是一个非常腼腆的女孩子。别说当主持人了,就连上课发言我都要在心里犹豫很久才会举手。唉,这可怎么办?我正犹疑着,站在一旁的李老师似乎看穿了我的心思.她拍拍我的肩膀,微笑着说:“别担心,我会帮你的!” 展开更多
关键词 《我为“主持”狂》 小学 语文教学 作文
“主持式”大学英语教学模式的探索 被引量:1
作者 姚春燕 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2007年第32期108-109,共2页
目前我国旨在提高大学生语言综合应用能力的大学英语教学改革方兴未艾,也取得了一定成绩。但口语表达能力不尽如人意的现状是整个大学英语教学和英语教师的极大尴尬。与此同时,应试教学的倾向依然存在。针对这一现状,笔者提出了“主持... 目前我国旨在提高大学生语言综合应用能力的大学英语教学改革方兴未艾,也取得了一定成绩。但口语表达能力不尽如人意的现状是整个大学英语教学和英语教师的极大尴尬。与此同时,应试教学的倾向依然存在。针对这一现状,笔者提出了“主持式”大学英语教学模式,并列举了一系列行之有效的具体方法,以期达到兼顾提高口语水平和应试能力的目的。 展开更多
关键词 “主持式”教学模式 口语水平 词汇
电视节目“主持人群集”现象研究 被引量:2
作者 陈立强 马君姝 《现代视听》 2011年第7期35-38,共4页
我们将四个或四个以上主持人以集体的方式共同主持某一固定栏目的现象,称之为"主持人群集"。"主持人群集"大体经历了三个发展阶段,从电视晚会集体主持的初期形态发展到"两人转三人"的过渡形态,再到"... 我们将四个或四个以上主持人以集体的方式共同主持某一固定栏目的现象,称之为"主持人群集"。"主持人群集"大体经历了三个发展阶段,从电视晚会集体主持的初期形态发展到"两人转三人"的过渡形态,再到"团队品牌化"的成熟形态。"主持人群集"是电视发展尤其是综艺娱乐节目迅速突破的产物,受众审美水准的提升是其驱动力。"主持人群集"的文本策略可表现三方面:一是团队的标识化,二是成员的功能化,三是协作的动态化。 展开更多
关键词 电视节目 “主持人群集” 综艺娱乐节目 文本策略
作者 叶昌前 《声屏世界》 2001年第10期45-46,共2页
关键词 节目主持 “主持文化” 文化灵气 语言符号 传播形态 主导信息
作者 汪琦 《剧影月报》 2021年第1期66-67,共2页
有多位主持人组成的"主持人群"可以让一档节目的多元化氛围在现场被时刻调动起来,将节目主题一步步推向高潮。多位主持人的角色配合,也应遵守主角和配角的关系。因此,戏剧化的语言能够通过多位主持人不同意蕴和形象的表述,展... 有多位主持人组成的"主持人群"可以让一档节目的多元化氛围在现场被时刻调动起来,将节目主题一步步推向高潮。多位主持人的角色配合,也应遵守主角和配角的关系。因此,戏剧化的语言能够通过多位主持人不同意蕴和形象的表述,展示出语言艺术的博大精深与精炼等特征。幽默、庄重等舞台表现力在不同节目上穿插使用,可以让"主持人群"充分调动起现场观众的参与热情以及预透节目内涵推动节目的进程。正确掌握戏剧语言艺术是每个主持人应知应会的基础专业知识。也是让参与"主持人群"的主持人提升自身专业素质不可或缺的渠道之一。 展开更多
关键词 戏剧语言艺术 “主持人群” 语言应用
我国电视综艺“主持群”现象研究 被引量:1
作者 席嘉一 《中国地市报人》 2022年第4期51-54,共4页
从二十世纪九十年代以来,我国的影视制作水平有了巨大的飞跃,电视综艺节目作为电视节目中一种很重要的形态,越来越受观众欢迎。而“主持群”在电视综艺节目中的崛起,为节目带来了锦上添花的效果。本文从我国“主持群”现状入手,分析了... 从二十世纪九十年代以来,我国的影视制作水平有了巨大的飞跃,电视综艺节目作为电视节目中一种很重要的形态,越来越受观众欢迎。而“主持群”在电视综艺节目中的崛起,为节目带来了锦上添花的效果。本文从我国“主持群”现状入手,分析了电视综艺节目“主持群”发展中存在的一些问题并提出了对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 电视综艺节目 “主持群” 传播技巧 发展策略
“主持式”教学模式下的土木工程专业英语课程改革 被引量:3
作者 张旭辉 陈秋池 《科技视界》 2018年第25期122-123,共2页
土木工程专业英语专业性强,传统教学中存在"词汇难,句子难,翻译难"等"三难问题",学生压力大,学习兴趣不高;再加之教学者的重视不够,教学方式单一等问题,使得土木工程专业英语的教学停滞不前。笔者在长期的教学实践... 土木工程专业英语专业性强,传统教学中存在"词汇难,句子难,翻译难"等"三难问题",学生压力大,学习兴趣不高;再加之教学者的重视不够,教学方式单一等问题,使得土木工程专业英语的教学停滞不前。笔者在长期的教学实践中,将"主持式"教学模式运用到土木工程专业英语的教学中,实现以教师为中心转变到以学生为中心的教学模式。使学生在具体情境中学会英语的实践应用,从而达到提高学生使用英语,解决实际问题的能力的目的。 展开更多
关键词 “主持式”教学模式 土木工程专业英语 教学改革
作者 陈跃华 田佳慧 《新闻研究导刊》 2019年第17期65-66,共2页
随着观众对综艺节目需求的进一步增加,由3个或3个以上个性不一的主持人组成"主持群"的主持模式出现在观众视野中。"主持群"类综艺节目与单一主持人主持的综艺节目相比,舞台气氛更加轻松愉快,传播效果较好。但"... 随着观众对综艺节目需求的进一步增加,由3个或3个以上个性不一的主持人组成"主持群"的主持模式出现在观众视野中。"主持群"类综艺节目与单一主持人主持的综艺节目相比,舞台气氛更加轻松愉快,传播效果较好。但"主持群"类综艺节目在发展过程中仍有弊端,如:"主持群"成员过多,易增加节目经济成本;"主持群"成员表演过度,易喧宾夺主;"主持群"中辅助主持人话语权较少,易游离于节目边缘。面对当前"主持群"类综艺节目发展的问题,制作者应合理构建"主持群"队伍,完善嘉宾与"主持群"的表演比例,培养"主持群"成员团队意识,积极引导综艺节目向既符合电视节目发展规律,又能得到观众喜爱的道路前进。 展开更多
关键词 综艺节目 “主持群” 观众
作者 郭璎夏 《文化产业》 2018年第5期79-80,共2页
"主持人群"节目可以充分发挥主持人多元化的现场观点,让气氛活跃,使节目具有很强的引导力,要求现场多位主持人在角色语言的使用和配合上,严格遵从主客体语言的关系互动。因此,戏剧表演语言艺术中语言的形象性、含蓄性、精练... "主持人群"节目可以充分发挥主持人多元化的现场观点,让气氛活跃,使节目具有很强的引导力,要求现场多位主持人在角色语言的使用和配合上,严格遵从主客体语言的关系互动。因此,戏剧表演语言艺术中语言的形象性、含蓄性、精练性、谐谑性等特征,所展现出来深厚的思想内涵、丰富的表现力、多样化的表达方式和幽默十足的趣味性就成为应用在"主持人群"节目的优势。由此可见,正确掌握主持人团体利用戏剧表演语言艺术中语言组织能力和掌控力度,是提高"主持人群"每一位主持人语言质量和表达技巧的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 戏剧语言 “主持人群” 语言应用
谈谈法律法规中的一些立法语言问题 被引量:5
作者 蔡宝瑞 《修辞学习》 北大核心 2001年第2期17-18,共2页
看了全国人大常委会办公厅研究室李伯均的<人大工作中需要规范的一些提法>后,我们觉得现行法律、法规中的语言也存在一些问题.其中有些问题可以提出来讨论. 一、国家法律 1、<中华人民共和国民法通则>(以下简称<民法通则... 看了全国人大常委会办公厅研究室李伯均的<人大工作中需要规范的一些提法>后,我们觉得现行法律、法规中的语言也存在一些问题.其中有些问题可以提出来讨论. 一、国家法律 1、<中华人民共和国民法通则>(以下简称<民法通则>)第33条:"个人合伙可以起字号,依法经核准登记,在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营." 展开更多
关键词 立法语言 “从事” “二” “主持” 语法
Pathogenesis of occult chronic hepatitis B virus infection 被引量:12
作者 Rocio Aller de la Fuente María L Gutiérrez +3 位作者 Javier Garcia-Samaniego Conrado Fernández-Rodriguez Jose Luis Lledó Gregorio Castellano 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1543-1548,共6页
Occult hepatitis B infection(OBI) is characterized by hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA in serum in the absence of hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) presenting HBsAg-negative and anti-HBc positive serological patterns.Occul... Occult hepatitis B infection(OBI) is characterized by hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA in serum in the absence of hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) presenting HBsAg-negative and anti-HBc positive serological patterns.Occult HBV status is associated in some cases with mutant viruses undetectable by HBsAg assays;but more frequently it is due to a strong suppression of viral replication and gene expression.OBI is an entity with world-wide diffusion.The failure to detect HBsAg,despite the persistence of the viral DNA,is due in most cases to the strong suppression of viral replication and gene expression that characterizes this"occult"HBV infection;although the mechanisms responsible for suppression of HBV are not well understood.The majority of OBI cases are secondary to overt HBV infection and represent a residual low viremia level suppressed by a strong immune response together with histological derangements which occurred during acute or chronic HBV infection.Much evidence suggests that it can favour the progression of liver fibrosis and the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Occult hepatitis B virus infection Hepatitis B virus-DNA Anti-HBc alone Hepatitis B virus Hepadnaviral hepatitis Occult viral persistence Primary occult infection Secondary occult infection Virus reactivation
Combination Method of Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine for On-line Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis 被引量:2
作者 赵旭 文香军 邵惠鹤 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期53-58,共6页
On-line monitoring and fault diagnosis of chemical process is extremely important for operation safety and product quality. Principal component analysis (PCA) has been widely used in multivariate statistical process m... On-line monitoring and fault diagnosis of chemical process is extremely important for operation safety and product quality. Principal component analysis (PCA) has been widely used in multivariate statistical process monitoring for its ability to reduce processes dimensions. PCA and other statistical techniques, however, have difficulties in differentiating faults correctly in complex chemical process. Support vector machine (SVM) is a novel approach based on statistical learning theory, which has emerged for feature identification and classification. In this paper, an integrated method is applied for process monitoring and fault diagnosis, which combines PCA for fault feature extraction and multiple SVMs for identification of different fault sources. This approach is verified and illustrated on the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process as a case study. Results show that the proposed PCA-SVMs method has good diagnosis capability and overall diagnosis correctness rate. 展开更多
关键词 principal component analysis multiple support vector machine process monitoring fault detection fault diagnosis.
Analyze the Thinking Quality of Host from the Host Competition reTake "the Sixth CCTV Television Presenter Contest" for Example
作者 Lei Deng Wenling Chen 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期96-99,共4页
Based on analysis of schedule setting and player performance of the sixth CCTV host contest, we discuss the selection contest idea and point out that the good quality of thinking is the core host of outstanding qualit... Based on analysis of schedule setting and player performance of the sixth CCTV host contest, we discuss the selection contest idea and point out that the good quality of thinking is the core host of outstanding quality, and the thinking quality of excellent host has three dimensions (depth of thinking, thinking, breadth and sensitivity thinking). Hosts should made efforts to nurture their spirituality and personality under the guidance of this scale. 展开更多
关键词 Host Competition Breadth of Thinking Quality of Thinking Sensitivity of Thinking Depth of Thinking
Mastering Presenters by Means of Visual Aids: Assessing Students' Oral Presentations
作者 Maria Luisa Renau Renau 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第5期345-351,共7页
The introduction of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in education has set a new paradigm in knowledge acquisition. The Internet, overhead projectors and interactive boards, presentation and anim... The introduction of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in education has set a new paradigm in knowledge acquisition. The Internet, overhead projectors and interactive boards, presentation and animation software, and online databases are only some resources that teachers use in order to present information in a more dynamic, immediate, and stunning way, transforming and revitalizing the teaching-learning process. The ICTs have been established in the university classroom and nowadays, they have become an essential part in this teaching-learning process. Lecturers make use of them in the same proportion as they make of traditional materials. At the same time, students have to be acquainted with these new technologies and they also have to be able to deal with them. The objective of this paper is twofold: On the one hand, we study and show how our students make use of the technologies when they have to face their oral presentations in the subject Advanced English: Professional Settings (English Studies Degree at Universitat Jaume I in Castellen, Spain). It is acknowledged that visual aids can be helpful to support a speech, but we want to analyze if the visual aids are successfully applied, how and to which extent. On the other hand, we want to make out the opinions of their classmates about the use of these graphical resources (students fill in a questionnaire about the effectiveness of the visual aids in their classmates' presentations and how they would improve them). Results demonstrate that not only teachers make advantage of the new technological resources, we show, based on the students' oral presentations and their peer-reviews, that also our university students are increasingly aware of the advantage and importance of the ICTs in the classroom. 展开更多
关键词 VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) multimedia resources visual aids oral presentations
Application of SVM and PCA-CS algorithms for prediction of strip crown in hot strip rolling 被引量:7
作者 JI Ya-feng SONG Le-bao +3 位作者 SUN Jie PENG Wen LI Hua-ying MA Li-feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期2333-2344,共12页
To make up the poor quality defects of traditional control methods and meet the growing requirements of accuracy for strip crown,an optimized model based on support vector machine(SVM)is put forward firstly to enhance... To make up the poor quality defects of traditional control methods and meet the growing requirements of accuracy for strip crown,an optimized model based on support vector machine(SVM)is put forward firstly to enhance the quality of product in hot strip rolling.Meanwhile,for enriching data information and ensuring data quality,experimental data were collected from a hot-rolled plant to set up prediction models,as well as the prediction performance of models was evaluated by calculating multiple indicators.Furthermore,the traditional SVM model and the combined prediction models with particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm and the principal component analysis combined with cuckoo search(PCA-CS)optimization strategies are presented to make a comparison.Besides,the prediction performance comparisons of the three models are discussed.Finally,the experimental results revealed that the PCA-CS-SVM model has the highest prediction accuracy and the fastest convergence speed.Furthermore,the root mean squared error(RMSE)of PCA-CS-SVM model is 2.04μm,and 98.15%of prediction data have an absolute error of less than 4.5μm.Especially,the results also proved that PCA-CS-SVM model not only satisfies precision requirement but also has certain guiding significance for the actual production of hot strip rolling. 展开更多
关键词 strip crown support vector machine principal component analysis cuckoo search algorithm particle swarm optimization algorithm
Three Stages and Three Principles of "Three-Dimensional Teaching" in Broadcasting and Hosting Program
作者 Jiang HE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期16-18,共3页
The calls for the employment demand are making a change to the rigid, backward teaching method. In this paper, the "three- dimensional teaching" as a very scientific, flexible, and efficient classroom teaching model... The calls for the employment demand are making a change to the rigid, backward teaching method. In this paper, the "three- dimensional teaching" as a very scientific, flexible, and efficient classroom teaching model currently is mainly discussed. Meanwhile, the dynamic internal composition of the "three-dimensional teaching" is mainly introduced from its three stages and three principles, and also the three-dimensional teaching reform plan is supported and promoted based on two advantages. 展开更多
关键词 Teaching Reform Three-dimensional Teaching EMPLOYMENT Practice First
EQ Training of TV Show Host
作者 Jiang He 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期82-84,共3页
"EQ" has become one of the modem professional qualities; it is a capacity to deal with emotions. In the current work, the pressure of living is low and the ability to make personal frustration TV presenter faced sev... "EQ" has become one of the modem professional qualities; it is a capacity to deal with emotions. In the current work, the pressure of living is low and the ability to make personal frustration TV presenter faced severe psychological crisis. "EQ" on the TV show host has important implications; they focus on "emotional intelligence" training TV show host; the "EQ" Test selection criteria included the host, it is to improve the professional competence of TV presenter quality. 展开更多
关键词 TV Show Host EQ Psychological Crisis Learning Culture
Effect of transcatheter aortic valve replacement on P-wave duration, P-wave dispersion and left atrial size 被引量:2
作者 Huseyin Dursun Zulkif Tanriverdi +1 位作者 Tugce Colluoglu Dayimi Kaya 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期613-617,共5页
Background P-wave dispersion (PWD), a measure of heterogeneity of atrial refractoriness, is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum P-wave duration. In patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS), ... Background P-wave dispersion (PWD), a measure of heterogeneity of atrial refractoriness, is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum P-wave duration. In patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS), P-wave duration and PWD were shown to be increased, indicating atrial electrical remodeling. However, the effect of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) on P-wave morphology has not been established yet. The aim of this study is to assess the short and long-term effects of TAVR with two types of bioprosthetic valves on P-wave duration and PWD in association with left atrial (LA) size. Methods Fifty-two (36 female) eligible patients in sinus rhythm who underwent transfemoral TAVR between June 01, 2012 and July 31, 2014 with either a Medtronic CoreValve (MCV) (n = 32) or an Edwards SAPIEN XT Valve (n = 20) were enrolled. Standard 12-lead electrocardiogram and echocardiographic evaluations were per- formed pre-procedurally, post-TAVR day one and 6 months post-TAVR. P-wave duration and PWD were measured and correlation analyses with echocardiographic variables were performed. Results P-wave duration and PWD were significantly decreased on post-TAVR day one (P 〈 0.05). They continued to decrease during the six month follow-up period, but were not significantly different from short-term values (P 〉 0.05). The decrease of LA diameter was found significant at the sixth-months of follow-up (P 〈 0.05). These changes were independent from the types of bioprosthetic valves implanted (P 〉 0.05). A positive correlation was detected between minimum P-wave duration and maximum aortic valve gradients at post-TAVR day one (r = 0.297, P = 0.032). Conclusions P-wave duration and PWD were significantly reduced early after TAVR indicating early reverse atrial electrical remodeling. Moreover, structural reverse remodeling of atrium was detected at the 6-months of follow-up. The effects of two types of bioprosthetic valves on atrial remodeling were similar. 展开更多
关键词 Aortic stenosis P-wave dispersion Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Purgatory: A Study of the Historical Development and Its Compatibility with the Biblical Teaching on the Afterlife
作者 Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第4期286-299,共14页
When it comes to the afterlife, Seventh-day Adventists advocate "soul sleep" condition, in which the dead person is in some sort of suspended state until the final judgment. On the other hand, many Evangelical Chris... When it comes to the afterlife, Seventh-day Adventists advocate "soul sleep" condition, in which the dead person is in some sort of suspended state until the final judgment. On the other hand, many Evangelical Christians believe that the dead go directly to Heaven to be with the Lord. But in Roman Catholicism, purgatory is considered as the place where most dead believers expiate their remaining sins before entering the visible presence of God. This doctrine has been criticized extensively both by Catholics and Evangelicals in spite of its massive defence by the Holy office. Several alternative views about the resurrection of the dead have been propounded by some twentieth-century Protestants and some notable Catholic theologians. Although the doctrine of purgatory has been approved and reaffirmed by several Church councils, the questions that still remain are: Is the doctrine of purgatory biblically justifiable? Does the work of salvation extend beyond the grave? This study attempts to find answers to these questions. The study therefore surveys the doctrine of purgatory in the light of the biblical teachings about death. The second section surveys the background to the doctrine with reference to Judaism, the Apocrypha, the New Testament, the Church Fathers, and Church Councils. The third section looks at the nature of purgatory, the duration and the nature of the punishment meted out to those who go to purgatory and how souls are released from purgatory. The fourth section also examines the biblical teaching on death. The study concludes that the doctrine of purgatory is based on tradition rather than the Bible. The Bible emphasizes the finality of one's destiny in this life rather than after this life. 展开更多
Reflection on Education of Broadcasting and Hosting Major in Today's Universities
作者 Shimin Yang Qiaoling Dai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期83-85,共3页
According to the development trend in China' s radio and television industry, the requirements of the media for broadcasters and hosts are totally different from before, and they differ from each other. Good appearan... According to the development trend in China' s radio and television industry, the requirements of the media for broadcasters and hosts are totally different from before, and they differ from each other. Good appearance, elegant temperament and pleasant voice are no longer the sole criteria for being employed. This paper analyzes the problems with the education of broadcasting and hosting majors in China' s universities and proposes strategies and suggestions on this, so as to offer a guideline for its future development. 展开更多
关键词 Broadcasting and hosting major PROBLEMS strategies
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