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《说文解字》中的“喬”族字试析 被引量:2
作者 刘卫宁 《广西社会科学》 2004年第12期171-174,共4页
关键词 “喬”族字 “母文表义” 同源字 同源词 形声字
“乔”族字试析 被引量:1
作者 柳玉宏 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第2期33-36,共4页
从同一母文孳乳分化出来的一族字,和母文在意义上是相通的,且和母文形体上有密切的联系,读音相同或相近。笔者试以“乔”族字为例,把“乔”族字分成具有“高”义、“大”义、“长”义、“曲”义的几组字,论证这些字与其母文“乔”的引... 从同一母文孳乳分化出来的一族字,和母文在意义上是相通的,且和母文形体上有密切的联系,读音相同或相近。笔者试以“乔”族字为例,把“乔”族字分成具有“高”义、“大”义、“长”义、“曲”义的几组字,论证这些字与其母文“乔”的引申关系。 展开更多
关键词 《说文解字》 “乔”族字 母文 外化符号 母文外化字
作者 蔡妍婧 《现代语文》 2019年第10期33-39,共7页
以传世先秦文献和出土先秦文献为材料,对"乔"的字形、字义进行探究。在前人对"乔"字古文考释的基础上,推拟其字形演变过程,分析"乔"在先秦文献的用法与语义,并归纳整理其同源词。切实可靠的"乔"... 以传世先秦文献和出土先秦文献为材料,对"乔"的字形、字义进行探究。在前人对"乔"字古文考释的基础上,推拟其字形演变过程,分析"乔"在先秦文献的用法与语义,并归纳整理其同源词。切实可靠的"乔"字初形产生在春秋早期,经过演变发展,其字形呈现从又、从屮、从止、从力、从尤、从九等多种异体。先秦文献"乔"多用作通假,被通假字大多与"乔"同源。通过对"乔"字形、字义的多重考证,它的本义应从许慎之说"高而曲"。 展开更多
关键词 “乔” 字形 字义 传世先秦文献 出土先秦文献
作者 刘洋 门通路 《大学(研究与管理)》 2024年第11期151-154,共4页
家庭经济困难学生认定工作是高职院校辅导员资助育人工作中的重要环节与主要内容,其认定成果能直接影响辅导员资助育人工作的开展效果。乔哈里资讯窗理论将沟通分为开放区、盲目区、隐藏区、未知区四个象限,高职院校辅导员可通过乔哈里... 家庭经济困难学生认定工作是高职院校辅导员资助育人工作中的重要环节与主要内容,其认定成果能直接影响辅导员资助育人工作的开展效果。乔哈里资讯窗理论将沟通分为开放区、盲目区、隐藏区、未知区四个象限,高职院校辅导员可通过乔哈里咨询窗理论指导班级民主评议小组开展工作,提升沟通技巧,强化沟通成果。通过扩大申请认定学生的开放区,缩小对申请认定事件的认知盲目区,选择性开放隐秘区,共同探索未知区等形式,推动高职院校家庭经济困难认定工作优化落实。 展开更多
关键词 “乔哈里资讯窗” 资助育人 家庭经济困难学生
生命张力形成的曲线美——“夭、乔”文学内涵探源 被引量:1
作者 李炳海 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第6期75-81,共7页
夭最初指人的幼龄阶段 ,虽然尚未充分舒展开来 ,却充满生命的张力。夭用于形容植物时 ,表现的是屈曲状态中蕴含的丰富潜能 ,以此象征妙龄女子旺盛的生命力所显示的美。乔从夭 ,有高大屈曲之义 ,在文学作品中呈现较为复杂的情况。夭乔组... 夭最初指人的幼龄阶段 ,虽然尚未充分舒展开来 ,却充满生命的张力。夭用于形容植物时 ,表现的是屈曲状态中蕴含的丰富潜能 ,以此象征妙龄女子旺盛的生命力所显示的美。乔从夭 ,有高大屈曲之义 ,在文学作品中呈现较为复杂的情况。夭乔组合在一起构成的词语 ,或用于动态描写 ,或用于静态刻划 ,所展示的基本是屈曲状态所蕴含的张力。夭乔作为美的符号出现 ,是先民生命哲学的显示。 展开更多
关键词 屈曲 生命力
打开乔哈里窗,提升对话教学质量--小学道德与法治学科优化对话教学策略探析 被引量:6
作者 缪青 《小学教学研究》 2020年第14期84-86,共3页
基于小学道德与法治学科性质,引入有助于实现群体对话、知识共享的"乔哈里窗"模型,优化对话教学。在教学实践中,可以通过精选话题,延展"公开区",营造对话氛围;倾听反馈,缩小"盲目区",促使学生自我发现;... 基于小学道德与法治学科性质,引入有助于实现群体对话、知识共享的"乔哈里窗"模型,优化对话教学。在教学实践中,可以通过精选话题,延展"公开区",营造对话氛围;倾听反馈,缩小"盲目区",促使学生自我发现;主动分享,明晰"隐藏区",激发学生无限潜能;延展思维触角,探索"未知区",引导师生追寻自身人格提升的理想途径。 展开更多
关键词 “乔哈里窗” 对话教学 公开区 盲目区 隐藏区 未知区
作者 刘辉黎 《求知导刊》 2013年第12期34-35,共2页
"乔哈瑞窗口"理论将"我"分为四个象限,包括:"公众我""私密我""背脊我""潜能我"。在高中政治课的教学中如果从心理角度出发,扩大"公众我",缩小"私密我&quo... "乔哈瑞窗口"理论将"我"分为四个象限,包括:"公众我""私密我""背脊我""潜能我"。在高中政治课的教学中如果从心理角度出发,扩大"公众我",缩小"私密我",消除"背脊我",突破"未知我",可以达到在新课改下优化政治课教学的目的。 展开更多
关键词 “乔哈瑞窗口” 高中政治课 教法
作者 И А +1 位作者 басов 朱佛宏 《海洋地质动态》 2002年第2期27-28,共2页
关键词 “乔德治·决心者”号 大洋钻探计划 钻探船
作者 王泽坤 王厅 王先梅 《市场调查信息(综合版)》 2020年第11期232-233,共2页
教师对学生成长与发展十分重要,在当下师生沟通中,教师普遍存在自我察觉缺失、不会倾听、情绪管理不当等沟通问题。本文基于“乔哈里视窗”理论及衍生出来的四种沟通风格模型的特性,结合“钟美美”视频中教师沟通方面存在的问题,认为教... 教师对学生成长与发展十分重要,在当下师生沟通中,教师普遍存在自我察觉缺失、不会倾听、情绪管理不当等沟通问题。本文基于“乔哈里视窗”理论及衍生出来的四种沟通风格模型的特性,结合“钟美美”视频中教师沟通方面存在的问题,认为教师沟通能力的提升一方面应加强自我察觉,避免无为型沟通;另一方面要学会倾听,避免封闭型沟通。 展开更多
关键词 “钟美美”视频 教师沟通能力 师生沟通 “乔哈里视窗”
Variable chlorophyll fluorescence in response to water plus heat stress treatments in three coniferous tree seedlings 被引量:10
作者 喻方圆 Robert D.Guy 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期24-28,J001-J002,共7页
Effects of water and heat stress treatments on chlorophyll fluorescence of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata D. Don)_seedlings were monitored dur... Effects of water and heat stress treatments on chlorophyll fluorescence of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata D. Don)_seedlings were monitored during a three-cycle stress period. It was shown that ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of these three species responded differently to water stress treatments. The Fv/Fm ratio of western redcedar decreased dramatically after water stress, while that of Chinese fir had only a slight reduction and that of Masson pine had no significant change. The experiment also showed that the Fv/Fm ratio of all three species differed significantly under heat stress treatments. Concerning three different water plus heat stress cycles, it was found that the Fv/Fm ratios of Chinese fir and Masson pine measured at the end of each water plus heat stress cycle were not significantly different. However, the Fv/Fm ratio of western redcedar was diminished significantly in response to an increase of stress time. Keywords Chinese fir - Chlorophyll fluorescence - Heat stress - Masson pine - Water stress - Western redcedar CLC number Q945.17 - S791.248 Document code A Biography: Yu Fang-yuan (1965-), male, Ph. Doctor. Associate professor in College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing, Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Zhu Hong 展开更多
关键词 Chinese fir Chlorophyll fluorescence Heat stress Masson pine Water stress Western redcedar
Chemical Constituents of Rubia yunnanensis Root 被引量:1
作者 徐晓莹 周金云 方起程 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1995年第3期157-160,共4页
从云南茜草[Rubiayunnanensis(France.)Diels]根部的乙醚提取物中分离得到六个化合物,经光谱(UV,IR,MS, ̄1HNMRand ̄13CNMR)分析和文献对照,证明其中五个为已知化合物:茜... 从云南茜草[Rubiayunnanensis(France.)Diels]根部的乙醚提取物中分离得到六个化合物,经光谱(UV,IR,MS, ̄1HNMRand ̄13CNMR)分析和文献对照,证明其中五个为已知化合物:茜草乔木醇A,茜草乔木醇G,茜草乔木酮A,1,3,6-三羟基-2-甲基蒽醌和β-谷甾醇。一个新化合物7β,19α,28-三羟基乔木-9(11)-烯-3-酮(Ⅲ),命名为茜草乔木酮B。 展开更多
关键词 Rubia yunnanellsis TRITERPENES Rubiarbonone B AnthraquinoneReferences
Functional Equilibrium Between Photosynthetic and Above-ground Nonphotosynthetic Structures of Plants: Evidence from a Pruning Experiment with Three Subtropical Tree Species 被引量:4
作者 曾波 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第2期152-157,共6页
It is well known that plants have functional equilibrium between their above-ground parts (shoots) and below-ground parts (roots), but whether the above-ground parts of plants have functional equilibrium between their... It is well known that plants have functional equilibrium between their above-ground parts (shoots) and below-ground parts (roots), but whether the above-ground parts of plants have functional equilibrium between their photosynthetic structures (leaves) and non-photosynthetic structures (branches and stem) is unknown. The purpose of this study is to test the hypotheses that: (1) the above-ground parts of plants have functional equilibriums between their photosynthetic structures and non-photosynthetic structures; (2) the maintenance of the equilibriums is guaranteed by the alteration of biomass partitioning to photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic structures. To test these hypotheses, a pruning experiment with four pruning intensities (0%, 20%, 50%, and 70%) were carried out with three subtropical Chinese tree species ( Ficus microcarpa, Ficus virens, Cinnamomum camphora). Pruning treatments were conducted in two successive years. The results were in conformity with the hypothesis, i.e. above-ground parts of trees had functional equilibriums between photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic structures. Pruning decreased instantaneously the mass ratios of photosynthetic structures to non-photosynthetic structures (P/NP) of all three tree species, the reduction in P/NP was strengthened with pruning intensity. However, one year after pruning, the P/NP of all pruned trees increased and were not smaller than those of unpruned trees. In agreement with the expectation, the biomass partitioning of pruned trees was altered, more newly produced above-ground biomass was partitioned to leaf growth and less to branch and stem growth, thus enabled the damaged trees to restore their functional equilibrium between photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic structures. It is clear that the maintenance of functional equilibrium between photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic structures guaranteed by the alteration of biomass partitioning provides plants a good strategy to resist external disturbance and damage. 展开更多
关键词 biomass partitioning functional equilibrium non-photosynthetic structures photosynthetic structures tree
《儒林外史》词语札记一则 被引量:1
作者 刘倩 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期12-12,共1页
关键词 《儒林外史》 词语 “乔” 词义
Effects of Shading Treatments on Growth of Asimina triloba(L.) Dunal Seedlings
作者 朱延林 黄建全 +4 位作者 张江涛 张娜 翟晓巧 王念 赵蓬辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第3期42-44,78,共4页
[Objective]The study was conducted to investigate the effects of shading treatments on growth of Asimina triloba (L) Dunal seedlings and provided the theoretical basis for seedling production. [Method]70 day-old A. ... [Objective]The study was conducted to investigate the effects of shading treatments on growth of Asimina triloba (L) Dunal seedlings and provided the theoretical basis for seedling production. [Method]70 day-old A. triloba seedlings had similar stem diameter and plant height and good growth vigour were taken as tested materials in 2005. 4 light gradient treatments which were the natural light with 100% light intensity, one-layer, two-layer and three-layer black shading network with the light transmittance rate of 50%, 25% and 12.5% were set up to study the effects of different shading treatments on growth of A. triloba. [ Result] With the shading treatments of one-layer and two-layer net, the plants of A. triloba seedlings grew rapidly. As the intensity of illumination decreased, the cetents of chlorophyll a ( Chl. a), chlorophyll b ( Chl. b) and total chlorophyll increased at first and then reduced. At the same time the chlorophyll a/b value became smaller. Under natural light, the plants tended to consume more water and the soil temperature at 15:00 p. m was higher. There was a smaller difference among various treatments. [ Conclusion]The suitable shading treatment to the growth of A. triloba seedlings was under the light transmittance rate of 50% and height and stem diameter of trees increased fast. Chlorophyll a ( Chl. a), chlorophyll b ( Chl. b) content in leaves of A. triloba seedlings were highest comparing with those in other conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Asimina triloba Shading treatment GROWTH Chlorophyll content
Carbon Storage Dynamics of Forest Vegetation In Karst Mountain——A Case Study in Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County
作者 谢世友 赵娣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1733-1737,共5页
Based on the data in 2002 and 2012 of forest inventory in Chongqing, using a regression model between stand biomass and volume which was appropri-ate for the southwest district, this paper estimated forest vegetation ... Based on the data in 2002 and 2012 of forest inventory in Chongqing, using a regression model between stand biomass and volume which was appropri-ate for the southwest district, this paper estimated forest vegetation carbon storage dynamics in recent 10 years in Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County. And then carbon dynamics of different sorts of vegetation was calculated. The results in-dicated that, in the recent 10 years, total of forest carbon increased strikingly, and among whole species, China fir’s increment was the maximum, among al ages, middle-age forests had the largest increase. Then it can be concluded that, the for-est in Youyang is a carbon sink, and with the growing of young forests and devel-opment of plantation, the function of carbon sink wil rise. 展开更多
关键词 VEGETATION Carbon storage Dynamic Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County
作者 李宜冰 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第24期222-223,共2页
近年,日语教育领域内教室内学习者.教师.支援者等各类参加者通过谈话方式交流的研究很多.此类活动不仅促进学习者的自我成长,对多文化共存活动也有巨大的推动作用.但因其理论基础薄弱很难作为日语教育方法论被接受.本文在承认交流型语... 近年,日语教育领域内教室内学习者.教师.支援者等各类参加者通过谈话方式交流的研究很多.此类活动不仅促进学习者的自我成长,对多文化共存活动也有巨大的推动作用.但因其理论基础薄弱很难作为日语教育方法论被接受.本文在承认交流型语言教室对日语教育发展所起的促进作用基础上,寻觅此类活动的理论基础及语言观,探求交流型语言教室活动发展的更大可能性. 展开更多
关键词 交流型语言教室活动 需求层次说 “乔哈里的资讯窗” “人类中心教育论” “格式塔疗法”
作者 CHEN Nengcheng GONG Jianya 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2001年第2期63-69,共7页
Distribution,interoperability,interactivity,component are four main features of distributed GIS.Based on the principle of hypermap,hypermedia and distributed database,the paper comes up with a kind of distributed spat... Distribution,interoperability,interactivity,component are four main features of distributed GIS.Based on the principle of hypermap,hypermedia and distributed database,the paper comes up with a kind of distributed spatial data model which is in accordance with those features of distributed GIS.The model takes catalog service as the outline of spatial information globalization,and defines data structure of hypermap node in different level.Based on the model,it is feasible to manage and process distributed spatial information,and integrate multi_source,heterogeneous spatial data into a framework.Traditionally,to retrieve and access spatial data via Internet is only by theme or map name.With the concept of the model,it is possible to retrieve,load,and link spatial data by vector_based graphics on the Internet. 展开更多
关键词 King George Island DISTRIBUTION GIS hypermap data model INTEROPERABILITY
An Integrated Tool for Power/Ground Network Design, Optimization,and Verification for Cell Based VLSIs
作者 傅静静 武晓海 +1 位作者 洪先龙 蔡懿慈 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期266-273,共8页
A CAD tool based on a group of efficient algorithms to verify,design,and optimize power/ground networks for standard cell model is presented.Nonlinear programming techniques,branch and bound algorithms and incomplete ... A CAD tool based on a group of efficient algorithms to verify,design,and optimize power/ground networks for standard cell model is presented.Nonlinear programming techniques,branch and bound algorithms and incomplete Cholesky decomposition conjugate gradient method (ICCG) are the three main parts of our work.Users can choose nonlinear programming method or branch and bound algorithm to satisfy their different requirements of precision and speed.The experimental results prove that the algorithms can run very fast with lower wiring resources consumption.As a result,the CAD tool based on these algorithms is able to cope with large-scale circuits. 展开更多
关键词 VLSI power/ground network nonlinear programming techniques ICCG branch and bound CAD tool
作者 Matthias Braun F.Rau Jefferson Cardia Si"非汉字字符"mes 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2001年第2期15-24,共10页
The aim of the international project “Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS)" headed by the US Geological Survey is to establish a world wide glacier inventory based on satellite imagery.This data set w... The aim of the international project “Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS)" headed by the US Geological Survey is to establish a world wide glacier inventory based on satellite imagery.This data set will form a first digital baseline study for future glacier monitoring.The presented GIS_based glacier inventory for King George Island is a case study for the area of the Antarctic Peninsula.In the database of the glacier inventory topographic information,specific glaciological parameters as well as metadata will be included.The topographic data consists of drainage basin limits,basin areas,altitudinal ranges,perimeters and mean lengths.Glaciological data sets should comprise information on glacier retreat in different periods,glacier velocities,ice thickness and bedrock topography as well as derived parameters.Modelled and measured mass balance parameters could be included as additional data layers.In particular,these metadata records must comprise background information on data accuracy and data sources and should be compatible with a future data model for the King George Island GIS (KGIS).Three examples illustrate that the GLIMS database will not only contain information valuable for glaciological applications,but also other environmental studies on the island will benefit from this standardised remote sensing data sets.Therefore,a very close link between the data models of KGIS and GLIMS has to be established to enable these synergisms.Finally,better access to historic aerial photography would enable a continuous record of glacier retreat from the beginning of the 1950’s onward. 展开更多
关键词 King George Island South Shetland Islands geographic information system glacier inventory glacier retreat glacier parameters
The inextricable perplexity: Simple analysis on the theme of Ulysses
作者 王金凤 吴格非 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第11期66-69,共4页
Joyce began his literary career with strong discontent with his social condition. Ulysses is Joyce's optimum work, which takes 3 Dublin characters' experience in one day as the main line to show the paralysation and... Joyce began his literary career with strong discontent with his social condition. Ulysses is Joyce's optimum work, which takes 3 Dublin characters' experience in one day as the main line to show the paralysation and crisis of the whole Western society, people's emptiness on their minds, loneliness on their feelings and labefaction on their spirits, also, it showed the inextricable perplexity. To treat the theme of inextricable perplexity, this paper is trying to set about the inextricable Catholic Church and identity problems, with the ideas of Alick West-the outstanding English Marxist literary critic of the 20th century. 展开更多
关键词 JOYCE ULYSSES Alick West inextricable perplexity
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