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“临近”与“互惠”作用下的族群交往——以汶川地震羌族灾难移民的异地安置为例 被引量:2
作者 王俊鸿 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期21-30,共10页
受文献和方法的限制,历史进程中的族群交往过程难以再现,因而有关此过程影响因素和影响机理的研究也不尽完备。灾难移民与迁入地当地族群之间的交往为理解上述过程提供了现实场景。选取汶川地震羌族灾难移民的外迁安置为个案,通过对外... 受文献和方法的限制,历史进程中的族群交往过程难以再现,因而有关此过程影响因素和影响机理的研究也不尽完备。灾难移民与迁入地当地族群之间的交往为理解上述过程提供了现实场景。选取汶川地震羌族灾难移民的外迁安置为个案,通过对外迁安置后羌族移民族群交往基本类型及交往状况的详尽调查,发现其背后的影响机理,进而寻求增进族群交往和改善社会文化适应状况的有益方式。 展开更多
关键词 “临近” “互惠” 族群交往 灾难移民 异地安置
作者 徐辉章 《教书育人(校长参考)》 2024年第4期57-59,共3页
以“自育·互惠·立范”为核心的德育新样态是在多年的初中班级育人教育实践历程中逐步萌芽、发展、完善和最终形成的,其与苏霍姆林斯基提出的自我教育理念和孔子见贤思齐教育观念是一脉相承的。“自育”即激发学生自我教育潜能... 以“自育·互惠·立范”为核心的德育新样态是在多年的初中班级育人教育实践历程中逐步萌芽、发展、完善和最终形成的,其与苏霍姆林斯基提出的自我教育理念和孔子见贤思齐教育观念是一脉相承的。“自育”即激发学生自我教育潜能;“互惠”即通过品格教育,着力构建“成长共同体”;“立范”即注重规则意识的培养和榜样激励,以榜样效应聚力立德树人。“自育”是基础,“互惠”是关键,“立范”是归旨,三者共同支撑起了完整的班级育人体系,这种班级育人新样态将会在实践中发挥出强大的育人效应,为培养全面发展的人提供智力支持。 展开更多
关键词 班级育人 “自育” “互惠” “立范” 德育新样态
“互惠性共同体”视阈下学前教育学习共同体构建的研究 被引量:1
作者 李潇 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期104-106,共3页
应用型本科学前教育,其教育和服务的对象是幼儿园这个实体机构,但由于幼儿园儿童的生理和心理、心智处于一个人成长过程中的类"白板式"的特殊时期,需要本科学前教育和幼儿园以"互惠性共同体"的视阈,开展教育的研究... 应用型本科学前教育,其教育和服务的对象是幼儿园这个实体机构,但由于幼儿园儿童的生理和心理、心智处于一个人成长过程中的类"白板式"的特殊时期,需要本科学前教育和幼儿园以"互惠性共同体"的视阈,开展教育的研究和实践,而不是作对各自为阵、分化分离互不沟通的买家和卖家这种单向度的关系,构建"校园—幼儿园"的共同体教育学习实践实践平台,是改善当前高校本科学前教育和幼儿园买卖分离的有效路径。重点分析了学习共同体的构建和面临的问题。 展开更多
关键词 “互惠性共同体”视阈 学前教育 学习共同体 构建 研究
互惠共生,促进共同体学校教科研一体化发展 被引量:1
作者 周朝晖 黄思国 《中小学管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期22-24,共3页
安徽省马鞍山市通过构建"‘1+4’互惠教育研究共同体",为共同体学校搭建教育研究平台,形成了共同体教科研一体化发展的新形态。马鞍山市第八中学"1+4"互惠教育研究共同体在探索中,首先是通过对共同体学校教科研存... 安徽省马鞍山市通过构建"‘1+4’互惠教育研究共同体",为共同体学校搭建教育研究平台,形成了共同体教科研一体化发展的新形态。马鞍山市第八中学"1+4"互惠教育研究共同体在探索中,首先是通过对共同体学校教科研存在的问题、共同体农村学校的诉求开展调研,明确共同体学校教科研一体化发展的具体目标。其次是通过建制度、建队伍,构建了共同体学校教科研一体化规范发展的保障机制。最后是科学开展教学研究,包括课堂教学研究、考试研究等,真正提高共同体学校教师的教育教学能力和学校办学水平。 展开更多
关键词 教研组织 学校发展共同体 教科研管理 “互惠教育研究共同体” 考试研究
作者 韩骁 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第6期131-136,共6页
为克服自然权利说的"双向缺陷",优越利益说与法确证原则相继被提出,但以上两种解释路径或因为立论基础(共享价值理论)或因为方法原理(功利主义)均面临不同程度的困境。实际上,主流观点就自然权利说展开的批判大多是在误解&qu... 为克服自然权利说的"双向缺陷",优越利益说与法确证原则相继被提出,但以上两种解释路径或因为立论基础(共享价值理论)或因为方法原理(功利主义)均面临不同程度的困境。实际上,主流观点就自然权利说展开的批判大多是在误解"自然状态"的前理解下做出的,基因实用主义在重新定义这一概念的同时,能够证立防卫权的自然法基础是经过自利主义理性计算后形成的,有助于社群凝聚的自我保护本能,之后再辅以协作理论,将防卫权制度化的正当性建立在法规范的可行性上。由此演绎而来的"互惠性"保全能够妥善协调防卫双方的集体行为逻辑,在防卫人的优势地位与有限度的防卫权之间实现自洽,并为后者的规范内含提供法解释依据。 展开更多
关键词 自然权利说 基因实用主义 协作理论 “互惠性”保全
作者 乔纲 何明辉 《现代管理》 2022年第6期692-698,共7页
所谓“互惠式”社区治理是社会治理现代化与社区治理创新的集中体现。“互惠式”治理并非将“互惠”与“治理”概念简单叠加,而是基于当前客观存在的“半熟人”社会的复杂生境而提出的治理思考。通过“互惠式”社区治理加强社区居民交往... 所谓“互惠式”社区治理是社会治理现代化与社区治理创新的集中体现。“互惠式”治理并非将“互惠”与“治理”概念简单叠加,而是基于当前客观存在的“半熟人”社会的复杂生境而提出的治理思考。通过“互惠式”社区治理加强社区居民交往,强化社区内部团结,为城市“熟人社区”的建构奠定重要基础。基于江苏省H市相关社区的调查,可以看到“互惠式”社区治理有助于社区社会资本的积累、推动社区多元主体协同发展、提高居民参与治理的积极性等特点,对城市“熟人社区”的建构产生重大影响。“熟人社区”并非传统共同体的再造,它是基于当前社会现实与基层治理创新背景下,作为城市社区未来建设发展的一种可行性方案而被提出来的。城市“熟人社区”的建构对于我国社会治理的长效发展有着深刻影响。通过对社区日常的“互惠”实践的观察以及对城市“熟人社区”建构方向的思考,期望本文能够为新时期社会治理的相关研讨提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 “互惠式”治理 “熟人社区” 社区治理
作者 傅海艳 《牙膏工业》 2003年第3期60-61,共2页
在传统雇佣制度下,企业的优势很大程度上来自于对员工能力的垄断支配权,从而实现降低成本和提高效率等目标。虽然近年来企业越来越重视员工的职业生涯发展,将员工的地位提到了前所未有的高度,但员工为公司发挥最大潜力的途径是公司业务... 在传统雇佣制度下,企业的优势很大程度上来自于对员工能力的垄断支配权,从而实现降低成本和提高效率等目标。虽然近年来企业越来越重视员工的职业生涯发展,将员工的地位提到了前所未有的高度,但员工为公司发挥最大潜力的途径是公司业务和活动的专业化。在这一点上,他们和机器发挥作用的形式实质上是一回事:员工针对公司特殊的顾客、技术、设备等的知识和技能越是专业化,他们的生产率就越高,公司在所从事的领域里就越有效率。 展开更多
关键词 雇用关系 伦理分析 企业管理 员工 “互惠忠诚”
作者 王光露 《海外英语》 2022年第14期99-100,共2页
众所周知,在条件允许的情况下,第二语言学习者为了提高自身的二语水平,往往会选择出国留居的方式以获得“沉浸式”的语言学习环境。其中,越来越多的年轻人通过“互惠生项目”赴欧生活学习,收获颇丰。文章试图通过舒曼的文化适应理论对... 众所周知,在条件允许的情况下,第二语言学习者为了提高自身的二语水平,往往会选择出国留居的方式以获得“沉浸式”的语言学习环境。其中,越来越多的年轻人通过“互惠生项目”赴欧生活学习,收获颇丰。文章试图通过舒曼的文化适应理论对比分析出“互惠生项目”如何为外语习得创造出有利的学习环境。 展开更多
关键词 文化适应理论 “互惠生项目” 二语习得
行为法律经济学:新知还是旧论——波斯纳与桑斯坦等的论战及其意义 被引量:5
作者 胡长兵 陈培秀 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 2009年第2期141-147,共7页
行为法律经济学的新近崛起挑战了主流法律经济学的理论公设,拓宽了法律的经济分析的研究领域,但同时也引起了主流学者如波斯纳等的诘难。双方在理性概念、经济学行为研究方法的证据支持、"互惠人"模型及其法律应用等论题上展... 行为法律经济学的新近崛起挑战了主流法律经济学的理论公设,拓宽了法律的经济分析的研究领域,但同时也引起了主流学者如波斯纳等的诘难。双方在理性概念、经济学行为研究方法的证据支持、"互惠人"模型及其法律应用等论题上展开了激烈的交锋。从整体上观察,论战各方其实只是名义之争,相互融合的趋势显然。作为这次学术论战的潜在影响,国内相关的理论研究和政策实践将会获得相当程度的促进功用。 展开更多
关键词 行为法律经济学 波斯纳 桑斯坦 “互惠人”模型
The Intensification of Sino-African Economic Cooperation: What Is the Role of the Congolese Economy in the Game of Equality and Mutual Benefit?
作者 Gabin Merlin Gambou Paulin Houanye Zhao Zhongxiu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1541-1559,共19页
The main goal of this paper is to examine the economic relations of the Republic of Congo in its bilateral cooperation with China and to see its real implications in the Congolese economy. In other words, this paper i... The main goal of this paper is to examine the economic relations of the Republic of Congo in its bilateral cooperation with China and to see its real implications in the Congolese economy. In other words, this paper is going to highlight the real status of the Republic of Congo in the recent intensification of cooperation with the Middle Kingdom. Indeed, China has always been criticized as a predator of African raw materials by its opponents (traditional partners of Africa). Thus, in the Congolese context, the authors try to analyze and see whether this cooperation has corroborated that anti-thesis or not. After examining various facets of Chinese interventions in Congo, the authors conclude that: The cooperation between these two countries is a kind of cooperation for the modernization and industrialization of the Congo, which is now developing in a satisfactory way. It brings real benefits to people of both countries, and it is also welcomed by both of them. Congo and China are bound by a traditional friendship, they have cooperated with each other since 1964, and both countries must be determined to further strengthen this cooperation to achieve a common development. It should also be noted that China is first and foremost a strategic partner of development for the Congo because of the positive results recorded by its actions in different areas of its operations in that country. The authors have also noted some pitfalls and have made some suggestions accordingly, in order to enhance the performance of cooperation between the two countries. It is particularly in terms of the transfer of technology, compliance with the regulations in force in Congo by Chinese enterprises, the adjustments made by China concerning the training of Congolese students who receive scholarships from the Chinese government for their training in China and on Chinese language, and finally the area of diversification of production, it is worth pointing out that the Congo only exports its main raw materials to China, such as oil and wood, and moreover, those materials are exported in the raw state, thus reducing the incentives of diversification of its domestic production. The data used in this article cover the periods from 1995 to 2005, which are inadequate for this work, given the momentum taken by the development of cooperation between the two countries. Then, for future researchers, they have to refine the work concerning the next state of Sino-African cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 Sino-Africa trade economic cooperation Congolese and Chinese economic presence in Africa
Numerical Study of Thermoelectric Generation within a Reciprocal Flow Porous Media Burner
作者 Luis Henrlquez-Vargas Pablo Donoso 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第6期367-377,共11页
A numerical study based on direct thermal to electric energy conversion was performed in a reciprocal flow porous media burner embedded with two layers of thermoelements. The burner lean combustibility limit was sough... A numerical study based on direct thermal to electric energy conversion was performed in a reciprocal flow porous media burner embedded with two layers of thermoelements. The burner lean combustibility limit was sought in order to maximize global efficiency of thermal to electrical energy conversion by minimizing fuel consumption. Once the pairs of operational variables, composition and filtrational velocity of gas inlet mixture were found, the optimal length and placement of thermoelectric elements within the reactor high thermal gradients were sought to maximize the electric current, thermoelements and system overall efficiency. A two temperature-resistance model for finite time thermodynamics was developed for the thermoelectric elements energy fluxes. Results indicate a distribution of current and efficiencies that presents a maximum at different themoelements length. Maximum values for current and system efficiency obtained were 44.3 m A and 2.5%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 COMBUSTION Porous media thermoelectric generation.
作者 付海艳 《财经政法资讯》 2003年第2期28-31,38,共5页
一、问题的提出:为什么传统的员工忠诚日渐失去魅力? 在传统的雇用制度下,企业的优势很大程度上来自于对员工能力的垄断支配权,从而实现降低成本和提高效率等目标。虽然近年来企业越来越重视员工的职业生涯发展,将员工的地位提到了前所... 一、问题的提出:为什么传统的员工忠诚日渐失去魅力? 在传统的雇用制度下,企业的优势很大程度上来自于对员工能力的垄断支配权,从而实现降低成本和提高效率等目标。虽然近年来企业越来越重视员工的职业生涯发展,将员工的地位提到了前所未有的高度,但员工为公司发挥最大潜力的途径是公司业务和活动的专业化。在这一点上,他们和机器发挥作用的形式实质上是一回事:员工针对公司特殊的顾客、技术、设备等的知识和技能越是专业化,他们的生产率就越高,公司在所从事的领域里就越有效率。 展开更多
关键词 企业 雇用关系 “互惠忠诚” 员工 伦理分析
作者 王笃勤 邹立森 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2005年第3期3-13,126,共12页
The goal of education is to cultivate learner autonomy. Studies in metacognition suggest that the ideal way to accomplish this is through metacognitive strategy training. Research also indicates that effective trainin... The goal of education is to cultivate learner autonomy. Studies in metacognition suggest that the ideal way to accomplish this is through metacognitive strategy training. Research also indicates that effective training programs depend on monitoring. To cultivate self-regulation or learner autonomy, it is necessary to exert external monitoring at the beginning, and gradually reduce external supervision as the students become more autonomous. The present study argues for cooperative group learning and regular evaluation as the main monitoring strategies. A semester long study indicates that cooperative group learning, besides being valuable in cultivating social relationship, and fostering cooperation and learner autonomy, can also serve as a good monitoring strategy in metacognitive strategy training. Regular evaluation, when it is progress- oriented and learner-centered, and conducted at proper times, will also provide valuable information for students to check, evaluate and adjust their learning. Self-questioning sheets and learner portfolios are also useful techniques in monitoring students' learning. 展开更多
关键词 metacogntive strategy training MONITORING learner autonomy cooperative group learning regular evaluation
Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions of Competitor-Competitor-Mutualist Lotka-Volterra Systems with Infinite Delays 被引量:9
作者 ZHANG Daoxiang DING Weiwei ZHU Min 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期316-326,共11页
In this paper,the authors primarily explore a delayed competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra model,which is a system of differential equation with infinite integral.The authors first study the existence of pos... In this paper,the authors primarily explore a delayed competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra model,which is a system of differential equation with infinite integral.The authors first study the existence of positive periodic solutions of the model by using the Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem,and then present an example to illustrate the main results. 展开更多
关键词 Competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra systems with infinite delays Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem positive periodic solutions.
The Belt and Road and the Rediscovery of Reciprocity-Based Anthropology 被引量:2
作者 Zhao Xudong Li Changjiang 《Social Sciences in China》 2019年第1期171-185,共15页
Reciprocity has core significance for understanding basic human living conditions:our social nature is founded on reciprocal relations,and reciprocity strengthens the ties between people.Reciprocity-based anthropology... Reciprocity has core significance for understanding basic human living conditions:our social nature is founded on reciprocal relations,and reciprocity strengthens the ties between people.Reciprocity-based anthropology is a kind of cultural logic,one that stresses the interaction between different groups.Fundamentally,it involves studying forms of the mutually beneficial relations involved in complementary differences.This perspective reconciles differences,creating a communicative space for diverse cultures’coexistence,symbiosis and sharing.The various channels formed through human activity include ways in and ways out,constant incomings and outgoings,the coexistence of different cultures,ways of life and ideas,and complementarity.The launching of the Belt and Road Initiative includes channels with multiple characteristics and functions,so research on this topic involves the analysis of society and culture based on roadways rather than locations. 展开更多
关键词 reciprocity-based anthropology Belt and Road channel cultural corridor roadology
Diverse plant mixtures sustain a greater arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spore viability than monocultures after 12 years 被引量:2
作者 Peter Dietrich Christiane Roscher +3 位作者 Adam Thomas Clark Nico Eisenhauer Bernhard Schmid Cameron Wagg 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第4期478-488,共11页
Aims Intensive land management practices can compromise soil biodiversity,thus jeopardizing long-term soil productivity.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)play a pivotal role in promoting soil productivity through oblig... Aims Intensive land management practices can compromise soil biodiversity,thus jeopardizing long-term soil productivity.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)play a pivotal role in promoting soil productivity through obligate symbiotic associations with plants.However,it is not clear how properties of plant communities,especially species richness and composition influence the viability of AMF populations in soils.Methods Here we test whether monocultures of eight plant species from different plant functional groups,or a diverse mixture of plant species,maintain more viable AMF propagules.To address this question,we extracted AMF spores from 12-year old plant monocultures and mixtures and paired single AMF spores with single plants in a factorial design crossing AMF spore origin with plant species identity.Important Findings AMF spores from diverse plant mixtures were more successful at colonizing multiple plant species and plant individuals than AMF spores from plant monocultures.Furthermore,we found evidence that AMF spores originating from diverse mixtures more strongly increased biomass than AMF from monocultures in the legume Trifolium repens L.AMF viability and ability to interact with many plant species were greater when AMF spores originated from 12-year old mixtures than monocultures.Our results show for the first time that diverse plant communities can sustain AMF viability in soils and demonstrate the potential of diverse plant communities to maintain viable AMF propagules that are a key component to soil health and productivity. 展开更多
关键词 aboveground–belowground interactions biodiversity biomass production MUTUALISM plant–AMF interaction root colonization
Physiological dormancy broken by endozoochory:Austral parakeets(Enicognathus ferrugineus)as legitimate dispersers of calafate(Berberis microphylla)in the Patagonian Andes
作者 Carolina Bravo Daniel Chamorro +4 位作者 Fernando Hiraldo Karina Speziale Sergio A.Lambertucci JoséL.Tella Guillermo Blanco 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期538-544,共7页
Aims Seed dispersal by endozoochory is an important process in plant regeneration and the establishment of new populations.Seeds with dormancy may especially benefit after disperser gut passage.However,the ways in whi... Aims Seed dispersal by endozoochory is an important process in plant regeneration and the establishment of new populations.Seeds with dormancy may especially benefit after disperser gut passage.However,the ways in which gut passage affect the germination of plant species with physiological dormancy remain unclear.Here,we experimentally assessed the mutualistic interaction between the Austral parakeet(Enicognathus ferrugineus)as a disperser of calafate(Berberis microphylla),a thorny bush inhabiting the understory of the Austral temperate forests of South America with seeds that are characterized by deep physiological dormancy.Methods Germination success and viability of calafate seeds obtained from faeces and from intact fruits were tested under four treatments:(i)digested seeds,(ii)digested seeds with faecal extract,(iii)intact seeds from fruit and(iv)intact seeds from fruit with pulp.Important Findings About 65%of the Austral parakeet droppings contained calafate seeds.Viability of seeds did not differ between treatments.However,germination was significantly higher in digested seeds than in intact seeds from fruits,while no difference was found between faecal and pulp extracts.Neither faecal matter nor fruit pulp provided seeds with any ecological advantages derived from enhancing germinability,but did confer some disadvantage in germination time.Faecal matter is expected to be completely lacking around seeds after several months under snow before germinating in the following spring,given intense washing due to persistent rain and the spring thaw in the Patagonian Andes.The higher germinability along with faster germination of digested seeds supports the hypothesis of a legitimate mutualistic interaction between Austral parakeets and calafate.We hypothesized that the passage through the disperser digestive tract might break physiological dormancy as differences in germinability between ingested and non-ingested seeds.Our results highlight the relevant role of endozoochory in plant species with physiological dormancy living in highly seasonal environments. 展开更多
关键词 seed dispersal Austral forest MUTUALISM gut passage VIABILITY germination success GERMINABILITY
Pollination interactions reveal direct costs and indirect benefits of plant-plant facilitation for ecosystem engineers
作者 Gianalberto Losapio Christian Schöb 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第1期107-113,共7页
Aims Ecosystem engineers substantially modify the environment via their impact on abiotic conditions and the biota,resulting in facilitation of associated species that would not otherwise grow.Yet,reciprocal effects a... Aims Ecosystem engineers substantially modify the environment via their impact on abiotic conditions and the biota,resulting in facilitation of associated species that would not otherwise grow.Yet,reciprocal effects are poorly understood as studies of plant–plant interactions usually estimate only benefits for associated species,while how another trophic level may mediate direct and indirect feedback effects for ecosystem engineers is hardly considered.Methods We ran a field experiment with two ecosystem engineers(Arenaria tetraquetra and Hormathophylla spinosa)blooming either alone or with associated plants to decompose net effects and to test the hypothesis that pollinator-mediated interactions provide benefits that balance costs of facilitation by ecosystem engineers.Important Findings We found that net costs of facilitation are accompanied by pollinator-mediated benefits.Despite ecosystem engineers producing fewer flowers per plant,they were visited by more and more diverse pollinators per flower when blooming with associated plants than when blooming alone.Although seed production per plant was higher when ecosystem engineers bloomed alone,fruit set and seed set varied between species.In one case(A.tetraquetra),fruit and seed sets were negatively affected by the presence of associated plants,whereas,in another case(H.spinosa),fruit set and seed set were higher and unaffected when ecosystem engineers bloomed with associated plants,respectively.Our findings suggest that besides experiencing direct costs,ecosystem engineers can also benefit from facilitating other species via increasing their own visibility to pollinators.Thus,we highlight that pollination interactions can compensate for costs of facilitation depending on ecosystem engineer species.This study illuminates how the outcome of direct plant–plant interactions might be mediated by indirect interactions including third players. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY COMMENSALISM ecosystem engineering MUTUALISM niche construction three-way interactions
The spreading fronts in a mutualistic model with delay
作者 Mei Li 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2016年第6期1-16,共16页
This paper is concerned with a system of semilinear parabolic equations with two free boundaries describing the spreading fronts of the invasive species in a mutualistic eco- logical model. The local existence and uni... This paper is concerned with a system of semilinear parabolic equations with two free boundaries describing the spreading fronts of the invasive species in a mutualistic eco- logical model. The local existence and uniqueness of a classical solution are obtained and the asymptotic behavior of the free boundary problem is studied. Our results indi- cate that two free boundaries tend monotonically to finite or infinite limits at the same time, and the free boundary problem admits a global slow solution with unbounded free boundaries if the intra-specific competitions are strong, while if the intra-specific competitions are weak, there exist the blowup solution and global fast solution. 展开更多
关键词 Free boundary mutualistic model BLOWUP global fast solution global slowsolution.
Global stability for multi-species Lotka-Volterra cooperative systems: One hyper-connected mutualistic-species
作者 Cruz Vargas-De-Leon 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2015年第3期215-223,共9页
We propose two models of one hyper-connected mutualistic-species described by delay differential equations of Lotka-Volterra type. An hyper-connected model comprises a central species interacting with a number of peri... We propose two models of one hyper-connected mutualistic-species described by delay differential equations of Lotka-Volterra type. An hyper-connected model comprises a central species interacting with a number of peripheral species around it, that is to say, one animal species (pollinators or dispersers) that interacts with several plant species (flowering plants or fruit trees), or several animal species that interact with one plant species. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability of the unique coexisting steady state of hyper-connected systems by means of novel Lyapunov functionals. 展开更多
关键词 Lotka Volterra cooperative system discrete delays distributed delays Lyapunov functional global stability.
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