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医院-社区联动模式提高社区护士“互联网+护理”服务能力的效果研究 被引量:3
作者 施巧玲 贺丽君 +4 位作者 黄道花 张玉梅 王洪娟 万红燕 黄雪梅 《当代护士(下旬刊)》 2024年第6期156-160,共5页
目的探讨医院-社区联动模式提高社区护士“互联网+护理”服务能力的效果。方法成立医院-社区联动管理小组,对5家社区卫生服务中心和1家养老护理院的护士“互联网+护理”服务能力进行横断面调研,基于调研结果建立“专科护理工作站”,开... 目的探讨医院-社区联动模式提高社区护士“互联网+护理”服务能力的效果。方法成立医院-社区联动管理小组,对5家社区卫生服务中心和1家养老护理院的护士“互联网+护理”服务能力进行横断面调研,基于调研结果建立“专科护理工作站”,开展“请进来、走下去、同服务”的联动管理方案,比较实施医院-社区联动管理前后护士的“互联网+护理”服务核心能力、操作考核、“互联网+护理”服务数量、患者满意度。结果实施后护士居家护理实践能力、评判性思维能力、沟通协调能力和自我保护能力4个维度的评分高于实施前(P<0.05),而管理能力和专业发展潜力2个维度的评分与实施前比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);实施后护士技能操作成绩较实施前提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实施后社区护士开展“互联网+护理”服务数量明显增长;患者满意度显著提高。结论实施医院-社区联动管理模式可有效提升社区护士“互联网+护理”服务能力,社区护士开展“互联网+护理”服务的单数大幅增长,满足了区域内患有慢性病且行动不便的社区居民的家庭照料需要。 展开更多
关键词 医院-社区联动管理 养老护理 社区护士 “互联网+护理”服务
作者 廖庆方 潘广利 范平 《智慧健康》 2024年第31期161-164,168,共5页
目的 探究“互联网1+4”服务模式在老年群体健康管理中的应用价值。方法 本研究选取2022年1月—2023年8月茶滘街辖区内65岁及以上常住居民为研究对象。其中2022年1月—8月居民作为参照组(9487例),2023年1月—8月居民作为观察组(8538例)... 目的 探究“互联网1+4”服务模式在老年群体健康管理中的应用价值。方法 本研究选取2022年1月—2023年8月茶滘街辖区内65岁及以上常住居民为研究对象。其中2022年1月—8月居民作为参照组(9487例),2023年1月—8月居民作为观察组(8538例)。对照组采用传统服务模式,实验组则运用“互联网1+4”服务模式。对两组的健康管理接受率进行对比分析;评估老年人项目年度中期考核的评分情况;统计体检频次,包括每月总体检频次及每月深入社区开展的体检频次,并计算体检覆盖率;对比两组的服务满意度;对体检工作人员所提供的服务价值进行评分比较。结果 观察组接受健康管理率、平均老年人项目年中考核评分、每月平均总体检次数、每月平均下社区体检次数、体检率、服务满意度、对体检工作人员的服务价值各方面评分及总分均较参照组高(P<0.05)。结论 在基层老年群体健康管理中构建并运用“互联网1+4”服务模式,可提升老年人的健康管理率以及体检次数、体检率,且还可能辅助提升服务满意度、体检工作人员的服务价值,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网1+4”服务模式 老年 健康管理 体检率 管理效能
基于“互联网+政务”的房产交易与不动产登记服务的研究及成果——以南京市房产交易与不动产登记全流程优化整合为例 被引量:3
作者 蔡潇 汪静如 《改革与开放》 2019年第11期39-41,共3页
2016年下半年开始,全国范围内将不动产登记职责从原来的住建部门调整到了国土资源部门,并将原来的“房产证”和“土地证”两证合一为“不动产权证”。在此过程中,由于职能调整、数据迁移、数据整合等原因,出现了市民办理房产交易和不动... 2016年下半年开始,全国范围内将不动产登记职责从原来的住建部门调整到了国土资源部门,并将原来的“房产证”和“土地证”两证合一为“不动产权证”。在此过程中,由于职能调整、数据迁移、数据整合等原因,出现了市民办理房产交易和不动产登记需要跑多个部门和多个窗口、等待时间较长等现象。按照国务院“放管服”改革部署和省委省政府的工作要求,南京市以承接国家“互联网+政务服务”试点为契机,通过对南京市房产交易与不动产登记全流程优化,解决了现阶段市民办理房产交易登记难点、痛点和堵点,提高了业务办理效率,规避了房产交易与不动产登记中存在的问题,进而实现了省、市明确的5个工作日内获得不动产权证的“3550”目标。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+政务”服务 房产交易 不动产登记 全流程优化
基于“互联网+”服务的社区老年2型糖尿病患者自我管理能力和血糖控制的相关性研究 被引量:32
作者 张晓辰 顾艳荭 +4 位作者 余峰 张蕾 韦莉君 刘凤珍 徐莎 《海南医学》 CAS 2022年第12期1623-1626,共4页
目的探讨基于“互联网+”服务的社区老年2型糖尿病患者自我管理能力和血糖控制的相关性研究。方法选取2020年12月至2021年6月在七宝社区卫生服务中心进行体检的老年2型糖尿病患者262例,依据有无应用闵行捷医“互联网+”服务分为对照组... 目的探讨基于“互联网+”服务的社区老年2型糖尿病患者自我管理能力和血糖控制的相关性研究。方法选取2020年12月至2021年6月在七宝社区卫生服务中心进行体检的老年2型糖尿病患者262例,依据有无应用闵行捷医“互联网+”服务分为对照组和研究组,每组131例,比较应用6个月后两组患者的自我管理能力[采用糖尿病患者自我管理行为量表(SDSCA)评估]、血脂指标[甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)]、血糖指标[糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)、空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2 h血糖(2 hPG)]、体质量指数、疾病知识掌握情况和生活质量[采用生活质量评分量表(QOL-BREF)评估]。结果观察组患者应用6个月后各指标与对照组比较:规律锻炼、血糖监测、脚部护理、饮食控制评分明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);HbAlc、FPG、2 hPG、BMI、TG、LDL-C、TG水平明显低于对照组,HDL-C水平明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);餐后血糖控制适宜值、综合治疗方法、糖尿病饮食、并发症、空腹血糖控制适宜值知晓率明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);社会关系、生理、环境、心理评分明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论老年2型糖尿病患者应用闵行捷医“互联网+”服务效果较好,可以有效改善其血脂、血糖指标水平和体质量指数,提高其自我管理能力和对疾病向知识的知晓率,有利于提高患者的生活质量,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+”服务 社区 老年2型糖尿病 自我管理能力 血糖控制
“互联网+”服务模式的护理干预对社区高血压合并糖尿病患者ESCA评分及SF-36评分的效果 被引量:1
作者 林秀霞 周燕燕 《心血管病防治知识(学术版)》 2023年第26期81-83,共3页
目的观察“互联网+”服务模式的护理干预对社区高血压合并糖尿病患者自我护理能力量表(ESCA)评分及生活质量量表(SF-36)评分的效果。方法以随机方式抽选在2020年6月至2022年6月研究时段内在该社区接受治疗的的社区高血压合并糖尿病患者8... 目的观察“互联网+”服务模式的护理干预对社区高血压合并糖尿病患者自我护理能力量表(ESCA)评分及生活质量量表(SF-36)评分的效果。方法以随机方式抽选在2020年6月至2022年6月研究时段内在该社区接受治疗的的社区高血压合并糖尿病患者88例,以盲选法划分44例实施常规护理为参照组,其余44例实施“互联网+”服务模式的护理为观察组,对比两组患者的干预前后的自护意识、生活质量收缩压和舒张压水平。结果干预前,两组患者的自护意识、生活质量水平以及收缩压和舒张压水平对比差异不显著(P>0.05);干预后,观察组患者自护意识更高、生活质量更高,血压水平控制更低,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论“互联网+”服务模式的护理可依托于信息化平台联合护理服务,综合性地增强高血压糖尿病患者的自护意识,提高其自护能力,利于生活质量改善,血压水平控制理想。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+”服务模式 社区 高血压合并糖尿病 自我护理能力 生活质量
“互联网+养老”服务平台研究 被引量:2
作者 吕心如 欧牧山 +2 位作者 杨倩 朱嘉妍 刘婷 《合作经济与科技》 2019年第22期174-175,共2页
面对日益严峻的老龄化和空巢化趋势,发展“互联网+养老”新型服务模式势在必行。本文通过案例分析法,对南京市鼓楼区“云平台”新服务模式进行研究分析,在现有养老状况调查基础上,利用SWOT分析法与传统养老模式进行对比分析,探求新型养... 面对日益严峻的老龄化和空巢化趋势,发展“互联网+养老”新型服务模式势在必行。本文通过案例分析法,对南京市鼓楼区“云平台”新服务模式进行研究分析,在现有养老状况调查基础上,利用SWOT分析法与传统养老模式进行对比分析,探求新型养老模式的优势,并探索开展“互联网+养老”云平台模式的可行性,提出提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+养老”服务模式 老年人 互联网+ 养老综合信息平台
作者 姜丰伟 《图书馆工作》 2019年第3期25-29,共5页
社会力量参与基层公共文化“互联网+”服务建设,可以减轻政府独立建设的资金、人才、资源投入成本,为基层群众提供精准化、精细化的服务。以合肥市三家文化企业运营的城市阅读空间为例,分析城市阅读空间“互联网+”服务的建设现状,指出... 社会力量参与基层公共文化“互联网+”服务建设,可以减轻政府独立建设的资金、人才、资源投入成本,为基层群众提供精准化、精细化的服务。以合肥市三家文化企业运营的城市阅读空间为例,分析城市阅读空间“互联网+”服务的建设现状,指出“互联网+”服务存在的不足,提出挖掘社会力量优势、拓宽特色服务内容,加强对“互联网+”服务的宣传,树立大数据服务理念,建设统一公共服务平台的改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 社会力量 城市阅读空间 “互联网+”服务 社会化管理
作者 《杭州政报》 2019年第7期80-82,共3页
杭民发[2019]85号各区、县(市)民政局,杭州钱塘新区、杭州西湖风景名胜区社发局:现将《杭州市"互联网+养老"服务工作实施方案》印发给你们,请遵照执行。2019年8月9日杭州市"互联网+养老"服务工作实施方案为进一步... 杭民发[2019]85号各区、县(市)民政局,杭州钱塘新区、杭州西湖风景名胜区社发局:现将《杭州市"互联网+养老"服务工作实施方案》印发给你们,请遵照执行。2019年8月9日杭州市"互联网+养老"服务工作实施方案为进一步深化养老服务业综合改革,促进养老服务提质增效,根据《国务院办公厅关于推进养老服务发展的意见》(国办发[2019]5号)、《浙江省人民政府办公厅关于深化养老服务综合改革提升养老服务质量的实施意见》(浙政办发[2018]77号)、《杭州市全面推进"三化融合"打造全国数字经济第一城行动计划(2018—2022年)》等文件精神,结合我市实际,制定本实施方案。 展开更多
关键词 杭州市 民政局 《杭州市“互联网+养老”服务工作实施方案》 养老服务补贴
电力市场营销策略及优质服务在其中的作用 被引量:21
作者 刘邦伟 《中国新技术新产品》 2016年第1期171-172,共2页
在新的经济发展形势下,制定适宜的市场营销策略,采用优质的电力服务,这对社会、用户及电力企业都具有重要意义。本文探讨了新时期电力市场营销策略,主要包括价格营销、品牌营销以及服务营销,并在此基础上,阐述了优质服务在电力市场营销... 在新的经济发展形势下,制定适宜的市场营销策略,采用优质的电力服务,这对社会、用户及电力企业都具有重要意义。本文探讨了新时期电力市场营销策略,主要包括价格营销、品牌营销以及服务营销,并在此基础上,阐述了优质服务在电力市场营销中的作用,从不同方面分析了电力企业开展优质服务策略,并对深圳供电局开展的"互联网+电网"服务战略进行介绍,望对推动电力企业深化改革有所助力。 展开更多
关键词 电力市场 营销策略 优质服务 “互联网+电网”服务战略
大型煤炭企业健康管理服务机制的研究与实践 被引量:1
作者 上官萍 《能源科技》 2021年第4期12-16,共5页
基于“健康中国”战略目标,某大型煤炭企业从健康管理的角度出发,统计近年来企业职工健康水平,客观真实地分析企业职工健康的群体性特征及企业健康管理机制的局限,突出职工健康需求与服务供应之间的结构性差异。本文从构建服务体系、完... 基于“健康中国”战略目标,某大型煤炭企业从健康管理的角度出发,统计近年来企业职工健康水平,客观真实地分析企业职工健康的群体性特征及企业健康管理机制的局限,突出职工健康需求与服务供应之间的结构性差异。本文从构建服务体系、完善支撑体系角度提出建立基于“互联网+”的健康管理模式,对同类企业推进健康管理工作具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 健康管理 健康特征 机制局限 “互联网+”服务 大型煤炭企业
秦巴山区生鲜农产品电商供应链模式创新研究:以陕南为例 被引量:3
作者 王东生 《农村经济与科技》 2021年第24期118-120,共3页
生鲜农产品电商是陕南实现乡村振兴的重要手段之一。总结了陕南生鲜农产品电子商务发展的现状,分析了其存在的上行电商规模有限、物流设施不完善、市场竞争力低、农户直接参与率低等问题,从陕南农业产业发展的根本矛盾、乡村振兴、生鲜... 生鲜农产品电商是陕南实现乡村振兴的重要手段之一。总结了陕南生鲜农产品电子商务发展的现状,分析了其存在的上行电商规模有限、物流设施不完善、市场竞争力低、农户直接参与率低等问题,从陕南农业产业发展的根本矛盾、乡村振兴、生鲜农产品电商发展等方面,分析了陕南生鲜农产品电商供应链模式创新的必要性,提出了陕南生鲜农产品电子商务供应链模式创新的思路,包括基础条件建设、"互联网+"服务体系建立、保障体系构建。 展开更多
关键词 秦巴山区 陕南 生鲜农产品 电子商务 乡村振兴 供应链模式创新 “互联网+”服务
A survey of the Internet application in the AEC industry
作者 周琦 罗伯特J.克罗切克 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期225-230,共6页
The Internet is becoming increasingly more valuable in the field ofarchitectural design so that what we conventionally called CAD might soon be changed to Internetaided design (iAD). In order to have a clear vision of... The Internet is becoming increasingly more valuable in the field ofarchitectural design so that what we conventionally called CAD might soon be changed to Internetaided design (iAD). In order to have a clear vision of what IAD will be or could be, we should firstexamine what is currently available. This research focuses on an investigation of selected Webvendors, which are typical and most influential in providing Internet related services for the AECindustry. By comparing and analyzing their functionality, services provided, business models,technology and financial situation, we have seen that Internet application in the AEC industry isstill in early stage, especially in the area of on-line engineering consulting for architects. 展开更多
关键词 internet aided design web services web vendors in the AEC industry
A Novel Approach for QoS Prediction Based on Bayesian Combinational Model 被引量:3
作者 Pengcheng Zhang Yingtao Sun +2 位作者 Hareton Leung Meijun Xu Wenrui Li 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期269-280,共12页
As an important factor in evaluating service,QoS(Quality of Service) has drawn more and more concerns with the rapid increasing of Web services. However,due to the great volatility of services in Mobile Internet envir... As an important factor in evaluating service,QoS(Quality of Service) has drawn more and more concerns with the rapid increasing of Web services. However,due to the great volatility of services in Mobile Internet environments,such as internet of vehicles,Web services often do not work as announced and thus cause unacceptable problems. QoS prediction can avoid failure before it takes place,which is considered a more effective way to assure quality. However,Current QoS prediction approaches neither consider the highly dynamic of Web services,nor maintain good prediction performance all the time. Consequently we propose a novel Bayesian combinational model to predict QoS by continuously adjusting credit values of the basic models so as to keep good prediction accuracy. QoS attributes such as response time,throughput and reliability are used to validate the proposed model. Experimental results show that the model can provide stable prediction results in Mobile Internet environments. 展开更多
关键词 internet of vehicles web service quality of service bayesian combinational model
Explicit Rate Based Transmission Control Scheme in Vehicle-to-lnfrastructure Communication Networks 被引量:2
作者 BI Yuanguo Xuemin (Sherman) SHEN ZHAO Hai 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期46-59,共14页
In Vehicle-to-infrastructure(V2I)communication networks,mobile users are able to access Internet services,such as video streaming,digital map downloading,database access,online gaming,and even safety services like acc... In Vehicle-to-infrastructure(V2I)communication networks,mobile users are able to access Internet services,such as video streaming,digital map downloading,database access,online gaming,and even safety services like accident alarm,traffic condition broadcast,etc.,through fixed roadside units.However,the dynamics of communication environment and frequent changing topology critically challenge the design of an efficient transport layer protocol,which makes it difficult to guarantee diverse Quality of Service(QoS) requirements for various applications.In this paper,we present a novel transport layer scheme in infrastructure based vehicular networks,and aim to resolve some challenging issues such as source transfer rate adjustment,congestion avoidance,and fairness.By precisely detecting packet losses and identifying various causes of these losses(for example,link disconnection,channel error,packet collision,buffer overflow),the proposed scheme adopts different reacting mechanisms to deal with each of the losses.Moreover,it timely monitors the buffer size of the bottleneck Road-Side Unit(RSU),and dynamically makes transfer rate feedbacks to source nodes to avoid buffer overflow or vacancy.Finally,analysis and simulation results show that the proposed scheme not only successfully reduces packet losses because of buffer overflow and link disconnection but also improves the utilization efficiency of channel resource. 展开更多
关键词 transmission control loss differentiation congestion avoidance buffer over- flow vehicle-to-infrastructure communications
Accurate Classification of P2P Traffic by Clustering Flows 被引量:2
作者 何杰 杨岳湘 +1 位作者 乔勇 唐川 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第11期42-51,共10页
P2P traffic has always been a dominant portion of Internet traffic since its emergence in the late 1990s. The method used to accurately classify P2P traffic remains a key problem for Internet Service Producers (ISPs... P2P traffic has always been a dominant portion of Internet traffic since its emergence in the late 1990s. The method used to accurately classify P2P traffic remains a key problem for Internet Service Producers (ISPs) and network managers. This paper proposes a novel approach to the accurate classification of P2P traffic at a fine-grained level, which depends solely on the number of special flows during small time intervals. These special flows, named Clustering Flows (CFs), are de- fined as the most frequent and steady flows generated by P2P applications. Hence we are able to classify P2P applications by detecting tlle appearance of corresponding CFs. Com- pared to existing approaches, our classifier can realise high classification accuracy by ex- ploiting only several generic properties of flows, instead of extracting sophisticated fea- tures from host behaviours or transport layer data. We validate our framework on a large set of P2P traffic traces using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Experimental results show that our approach correctly classifies P2P ap- plications with an average true positive rate of above 98% and a negligible false positive rate of about 0.01%. 展开更多
关键词 traffic classification P2P fine-gr-ained support vector machine
A model for mold collaborative manufacturing execution system based on Web Service 被引量:2
作者 赵立忠 Wang +2 位作者 Yanbin Gao Guoan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第4期372-378,共7页
Mold manufacturing Extended Enterprise (EE) has the following characteristics: distributed in locality, tight cooperation and frequent information exchange. It needs a collaborative, highly efficient, reliable and ... Mold manufacturing Extended Enterprise (EE) has the following characteristics: distributed in locality, tight cooperation and frequent information exchange. It needs a collaborative, highly efficient, reliable and intelligent manufacturing management system. The background of the Collaborative Manufacturing is introduced. A mold Collaborative Manufacturing Execution System (c-MES) is proposed. The feature of Web Service platform is analyzed. The necessity and feasibility of importing the Web Service to mold c-MES are discussed. Based on Web Service, the model of mold c-MES is built. Every module' s function is described in detail, including the functions it supplies and the mechanism of information interaction among them. The feasibility of mold c-MES model is validated by a real mold manufacturing case. 展开更多
关键词 collaborative manufacturing execution system web service mold manufacturing Extended Enterprise
Web-services-based Integration Design of PDM and DNC Systems 被引量:1
作者 周炳海 王世进 曹永上 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期30-34,共5页
In a networked manufacturing environment, product data integration is the foundation of collaborative manufacturing among manufacturing enterprises. It is very important to build an effective integration mechanism for... In a networked manufacturing environment, product data integration is the foundation of collaborative manufacturing among manufacturing enterprises. It is very important to build an effective integration mechanism for product data sharing of manufacturing enterprises in geographically dispersed, heterogeneous system platform. In order to integrate enterprise level product data management (PDM) system and shop floor level distributed numerical control (DNC) system, based on the description of Web services technology, a Web-services-based integration approach is presented for facilitating seamless sharing of product data between PDM and DNC systems in a networked manufacturing environment. In order to verify the validity of the proposed approach, an example-based integration development has been implemented with Java 2 Software Development Kit and Java Web Services Developer Pack in Windows 2000 Professional environment. 展开更多
关键词 Product data management Distributed numerical control Web services Information integration.
“Free-Try”虚拟试衣在网上商城中的实现 被引量:1
作者 李颖 方浪 武瑞婵 《襄阳职业技术学院学报》 2019年第6期64-66,共3页
服装是一种具有个性化特点的商品,仅通过图片、尺码和模特试穿效果等信息进行线上选购远不能满足消费者的需求。文章依据"互联网+体验"服务理念,运用3DMax建模技术构建个性化的人体模型,并通过模糊匹配的方式呈现人体与服装... 服装是一种具有个性化特点的商品,仅通过图片、尺码和模特试穿效果等信息进行线上选购远不能满足消费者的需求。文章依据"互联网+体验"服务理念,运用3DMax建模技术构建个性化的人体模型,并通过模糊匹配的方式呈现人体与服装模型的匹配效果,实现了在线商城与虚拟试衣功能的完美结合,使在线购衣更真实、更高效、更有温度。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+体验”服务 虚拟试衣 3DMax人体建模 网上商城
Implications of E-banking in Entrepreneurial Marketing --.Case From Albania 被引量:1
作者 Kozeta Sevrani Klodiana Gorica 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第1期67-75,共9页
The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to dete... The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to determine if our banking system is actually in the Internet era. In the last decade we notice that banks pay a growing attention to their marketing services and in particular to the use of the latest technologies for their promotions. The use of the lnternet has influenced in the fact that customers now are closer to their banks, their number has increased, and of course through the Internet we have a more efficient exchange of products and services. A questionnaire was developed to help us understand the internet banking acceptance in Albania and other issues related to it. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 9 banks operating in Albania and from the evaluation of the collected data results that all banks that underwent questionnaire, have a separate marketing department. So marketing has an important role in the banking business. The importance of marketing rose by increased interbank competition in recent years. Crisis and economic and financial difficulties have shown that banks, which face these difficult periods, have been those which had not only a healthy bank policy, but also a strong commercial policy. These things depend on many factors, among which we can mention: the tradition, which has taught people to trust "their financial secrets" only to someone who exercises the profession of banker; the cultural and infrastructural level of development of the population, which gives approval and insures the continuousness of any discovery or development in various fields; the ability of this kind of banking to be successful, that is and remains the basis on which to establish a trustful cooperation relationship of any kind. Strong policies to e-marketing have targeted to increase the percentage of elements such as banking and credit granting. E-banking also consists of counseling online with a bank employee or financial advisor. This kind of service is not only effective for the client, who saves his time, but also more economical for the bank, which reduces its costs in human resources (an adviser to the window only deals with a client, while he can handle online more than two credit cases simultaneously, so we decrease the number of employees in general). With its low-cost structure, direct consumer marketing and innovative services, the internet is going to present a real challenge to traditional forms of banking. E-banking is seen from the banks as an opportunity to create competitive advantage over its competitors. It offers a great deal of advantages both to the banks and to the customers. Clients are becoming more and more demanding and they are expecting even higher levels of service from their banks. 展开更多
Modeling the Appraisal of Cloud Systems' Implementation
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第12期1888-1897,共10页
Intensity of competition, especially global competition, has driven many organizations to search for innovative ways to improve productivity and performance. This trend has led many firms to adopt approaches to implem... Intensity of competition, especially global competition, has driven many organizations to search for innovative ways to improve productivity and performance. This trend has led many firms to adopt approaches to implement cloud systems. Cloud systems have distinct characteristics that differentiate it from traditional internet services, due to a number of significant innovation factors. For example, firms need improved access to high-speed intemet as well as access to customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) capacities. This means that the interest of many firms in the implementation of cloud systems has increased. Although cloud systems are designed to facilitate knowledge transfer, currently, there is no method to ensure that knowledge transfer is useful or relevant to a firm. This in turn means that finns need to ensure that the cloud system has the capabilities to screen knowledge for compliance against some known knowledge characteristics. The use of cloud systems could result in an efficient delivery of innovation knowledge in an effective way. This paper presents an approach for assessment of the successful implementation of cloud systems. This paper also discusses the various success factors of cloud systems for global innovation. 展开更多
关键词 cloud systems MANAGEMENT INNOVATION knowledge management performance
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