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Eco-mindfulness in Buddhism
作者 Kenneth Lee 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1645-1650,共6页
Many of those involved in the ecological movement have found inspiration and parallels within the Buddhist tradition. The Buddhist philosophy of karmic causality and dependent origination (pratitya-samutpada) convey... Many of those involved in the ecological movement have found inspiration and parallels within the Buddhist tradition. The Buddhist philosophy of karmic causality and dependent origination (pratitya-samutpada) convey the notion of interdependence of humans and nature. Today, especially in the United States, there are many movements, such as the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, to promote eco-living and sustainable communities, which call for humans to be mindful of the environment and make conscientious choices for the benefit of all sentient beings and non-sentient entities. Just as humans have been the cause of the gradual deterioration of Nature, we can also be the solution towards an coo-conscious living, which not only fosters a healthy environment, but also enables us to build good merit. The core Buddhist teaching, which must be embraced by all eco-minded practitioners is the notion of interdependence, which has been expounded by notable Japanese Buddhist figures in the eighth century, such as Kukai (774-835) of the Shingon School and Dogen (1200-1253) of the Soto Zen sect, who both viewed that non-living life forms--trees, plants, and the earth--could also achieve enlightenment. Their view is based on the ontological notions of Buddha-nature (tathagata-garbha) and Indra's Jewel Net, which is a powerful image found in Huayen's (Jpn. Kegon) Avatamsaka Sutra. This paper examines Buddhist teachings and sutras, which support eco-friendly and sustainable movements in our society and world today. 展开更多
关键词 MINDFULNESS BUDDHISM nature environment dependent origination Eco-living Indra's Net
慈航普度:近代中国佛教慈善事业论纲 被引量:8
作者 曾桂林 《中国文化研究》 北大核心 2014年第4期42-58,共17页
在杨文会开启近代中国佛教复兴运动帷幕之后,太虚高举佛教改革的旗帜,提出了"人生佛教"的构想,并努力付诸实践,以挽救清中期以来佛教的衰微局面。这在一定程度上推动了近代中国佛教慈善事业的兴起与发展。在"人生佛教&qu... 在杨文会开启近代中国佛教复兴运动帷幕之后,太虚高举佛教改革的旗帜,提出了"人生佛教"的构想,并努力付诸实践,以挽救清中期以来佛教的衰微局面。这在一定程度上推动了近代中国佛教慈善事业的兴起与发展。在"人生佛教"的指引下,佛教僧众秉承着传统的慈悲观念,广行布施,热忱参与慈善教育、灾害救济、恤孤济贫、疾病医治等多项慈善公益事业,以裨益社会,普度芸芸众生。在近代佛教慈善事业的发展进程中,由于佛教各宗的义理不一,修持各异,其慈善事功表现迥异,其中以净土宗、禅宗弘法利生之举最多,贡献最大。同时,居士成为近代佛教慈善事业的一支重要力量,拓展了传统佛教慈善事业的内容,涵盖面广,其社会影响也有所扩大。从一定意义上说,慈善活动是佛教作为弘法的重要内容与手段而存在的,慈善与弘法相依相存。 展开更多
关键词 近代 中国 佛教 慈善事业 “人生佛教”
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