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档案第一,书籍第二,古玩第三——一位收藏家的“价值观” 被引量:1
作者 杜裕禄 《北京档案》 北大核心 2006年第3期21-22,共2页
关键词 档案学者 收藏家 “价值观” 书籍 古玩 社会实践活动 人类社会 社会记忆
作者 米彦喜 高树范 韩涛 《林业财务与会计》 2001年第2期45-46,共2页
关键词 管理会计 “价值观” 顾客价值 价值 核心能力 财务会计 会计方法
作者 熊蓓 《低碳世界》 2024年第7期10-12,共3页
为了对环境价值观与环境行为之间的差异现象进行验证并分析其产生原因,以北京市为例,研究影响居民生活垃圾分类“价值观-行为差距”的因素。研究结果显示:(1)居民生活垃圾分类存在显著的“价值观-行为差距”现象。(2)环境价值观和环境... 为了对环境价值观与环境行为之间的差异现象进行验证并分析其产生原因,以北京市为例,研究影响居民生活垃圾分类“价值观-行为差距”的因素。研究结果显示:(1)居民生活垃圾分类存在显著的“价值观-行为差距”现象。(2)环境价值观和环境行为二者一致与否受个性、责任与可行性等障碍因素影响。(3)个性、责任与可行性3组障碍之间存在交互作用。因此,克服生活垃圾分类“价值观-行为差距”需要全面考虑个体内部与外部环境因素。 展开更多
关键词 生活垃圾分类 “价值观-行为差距” 结构方程模型
历史唯物主义视域中的制度与价值观 被引量:9
作者 吴向东 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期124-127,共4页
关键词 历史唯物主义 视域 新制度经济学 “价值观” 当代社会学 实际生活 “制度” 现实生活 制度变迁 存在形式 基本精神 理论界
从“价值观外交”到“积极的亚洲外交”--日本安倍、福田内阁亚洲外交的比较分析 被引量:10
作者 孙承 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期42-47,59,共7页
安倍内阁推行建立"民主国家联盟"和"自由与繁荣之弧"的"价值观外交"提高国际作用,因其不合时宜的冷战思维而受挫;福田内阁在吸取教训的基础上实行以合作为主的"积极的亚洲外交",进一步改善中... 安倍内阁推行建立"民主国家联盟"和"自由与繁荣之弧"的"价值观外交"提高国际作用,因其不合时宜的冷战思维而受挫;福田内阁在吸取教训的基础上实行以合作为主的"积极的亚洲外交",进一步改善中日关系。安倍、福田亚洲外交的变化,反映了日本民族主义外交政策的曲折演进,从中可以看出日本要求提高外交自主性,却不能忽视美国的影响;重视同亚洲和中国的关系,特别是对华认识和对华关系开始出现历史性转折;对华外交的两面性将交替反映并可能牵动中美日关系的调整。 展开更多
关键词 安倍内阁 福田内阁 日本外交 “价值观外交”
关系性价值观:“价值观间”的价值自觉 被引量:7
作者 贺来 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期10-18,196,共10页
价值观的排他性和难以兼容性以及由此所导致的价值观之间的矛盾、分裂和冲突性质,也即"价值观间"问题,是我们的现实世界和当代社会所面临的最为深层和最为重大的挑战和危险之一。价值观所带来的冲突和风险需要价值观自身来调... 价值观的排他性和难以兼容性以及由此所导致的价值观之间的矛盾、分裂和冲突性质,也即"价值观间"问题,是我们的现实世界和当代社会所面临的最为深层和最为重大的挑战和危险之一。价值观所带来的冲突和风险需要价值观自身来调节和化解,为此,我们需要寻求一种协调价值观间关系的价值观;或者说,一种处理价值观之间关系的更高层面的价值观,即"关系性价值观"。尊重彼此自由、相互承认、社会正义是现代社会寻求"关系性价值观"的三个重要面向,它们从不同方面协调价值观之间的关系,对于现代社会的稳定与发展具有重大意义。 展开更多
关键词 价值观 “价值观间”问题 关系性价值观
正确解读文本的价值观 被引量:1
作者 李红云 《语文教学通讯(小学)(C)》 2014年第2期64-64,80,共2页
准确把握教材文本价值取向,自觉坚持社会主义核心价值观,正确引领儿童精神世界的健康成长,是课程标准的要求,也是广大语文教育工作者关注的重要课题。语文教学中,教师必须尊重文本已存在的客观意蕴,以自身在文化上的优势,正确解... 准确把握教材文本价值取向,自觉坚持社会主义核心价值观,正确引领儿童精神世界的健康成长,是课程标准的要求,也是广大语文教育工作者关注的重要课题。语文教学中,教师必须尊重文本已存在的客观意蕴,以自身在文化上的优势,正确解读和预设文本的主体价值,肩负起道义引领的责任,唤醒学生的主体意识。 展开更多
关键词 “价值观” 时代精神 英雄情结
作者 程广丽 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2016年第6期89-92,共4页
"价值观预设"是将某一种价值观先验地预定为某种言说对象的前提和旨归。在现实思想政治教育的理论研究与教学实践中,"价值观预设"往往被当作思想政治教育的逻辑起点来对待。这虽然在现实中产生了一定的正面效应,但... "价值观预设"是将某一种价值观先验地预定为某种言说对象的前提和旨归。在现实思想政治教育的理论研究与教学实践中,"价值观预设"往往被当作思想政治教育的逻辑起点来对待。这虽然在现实中产生了一定的正面效应,但同时也暴露出其不可忽视的问题和缺陷,影响了思想政治教育所特有的科学性和真理性,甚至在很大程度上窒息了思想政治教育的生命力,这个问题应当引起我们的充分重视。 展开更多
关键词 “价值观预设” 思想政治教育 逻辑起点 局限性
作者 吉焕焕 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期119-120,共2页
The practice of four-character Chinese idioms alteration used in the signboards by substituting character (s) with their homophonous words has grown into a general trend. Fifty-one altered idioms are collected. The ... The practice of four-character Chinese idioms alteration used in the signboards by substituting character (s) with their homophonous words has grown into a general trend. Fifty-one altered idioms are collected. The majority of the modifiers are medium-small store owners. Idiom alteration for specific purpose differs from the idiom misinterpretation. Speedy economic growth and material wealth pursuit social context stimulate the idiom alteration behavior which enforces the pragmatism value orientation. By modifying idioms into four-character structures of strong practical effect, the obvious pragamtic value of the businessmen and of Chinese are manifested. A causal analysis method is used. 展开更多
关键词 idiom alteration UTILITARIANISM VALUE traditional culture
“真理”与“价值”关系问题的理论辨正 被引量:1
作者 刘宗碧 《观察与思考》 2014年第12期12-17,共6页
在哲学上,"真理"与"价值"的关系问题,属于传统哲学的论题,而非马克思主义的论题。马克思主义哲学的论题,是基于实践论基础上提出的"真理观"与"价值观"的辩证统一问题。但是,长期以来学界往往... 在哲学上,"真理"与"价值"的关系问题,属于传统哲学的论题,而非马克思主义的论题。马克思主义哲学的论题,是基于实践论基础上提出的"真理观"与"价值观"的辩证统一问题。但是,长期以来学界往往把前者混淆并等同于后者,这是误解。这种误解发端于苏联教科书,也构成中国理论界的一种范式和理论立场并反映在教科书中。其实,唯物史观不是在"真理"与"价值"这两个范畴的直观视野上直接讨论二者的关系,而是在实践的基础上讲真理观与价值观的统一,即唯物史观没有"真理"与"价值"的关系论题,"真理观"与"价值观"的辩证统一问题才是马克思主义哲学的应有论题。 展开更多
关键词 唯物史观 “真理”与“价值”的关系问题 “真理观”与“价值观”
Research on a Cultural Ecosystem Service Evaluation System for National Parks:An Analysis based on Tourists’Perception of Aesthetic Value
作者 WANG Peng LI Nan +3 位作者 MA Ting HE Youjun LI Le LIU Zhudi 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第6期1448-1460,共13页
Among cultural ecosystem services,aesthetic value is one of the most strongly related to humans.Thescientific assessment of the aesthetic value of cultural ecosystem services plays a vital role in achieving the refine... Among cultural ecosystem services,aesthetic value is one of the most strongly related to humans.Thescientific assessment of the aesthetic value of cultural ecosystem services plays a vital role in achieving the refinedmanagement of national park ecosystems.In the current study,Qianjiangyuan National Park in China was taken asan example,three typical types of aesthetic ecosystem services(AESs)were extracted,and an AES evaluationindex system was constructed by combining the cultural attributes and landscape aesthetic value of national parks.Tourists’value perception of AESs was analyzed based on 542 valid survey questionnaires,and the influences ofvarious demographic characteristics were explored using one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA).Based on this,the importance and overall level of various AESs in national parks were systematically evaluated using the entropymethod and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The results reveal the following.(1)Tourists believe thatnational parks have natural,cultural,and social aesthetic service value.The value perception of physical andmental health services is the highest(2.44),while that of spiritual worship services is the lowest(1.86).(2)Differentdemographic characteristics have significant impacts on the value perception of aesthetic services.The greater thenumber of visits to the national park,the higher the tourists’value perception of primitive wilderness,spiritual worship,folk culture,and human settlement services.Moreover,tourists visiting the national park for research purposeshave the highest value perception of natural ASEs.(3)There are cognitive differences in the importance of variousAESs:cultural aesthetic services(0.8473)>natural aesthetic services(0.7032)>social aesthetic services(0.5780).Moreover,tourists consider spiritual worship services to be the most important(0.3695).(4)The value perceptionevaluation of the AESs of the national park is generally high,with a comprehensive evaluation score of 4.11,amongwhich the value of physical and mental health services is the highest(4.44)and that of folk culture aesthetic services is the lowest(3.79).The results of this study are helpful for further improving the management level of nationalpark ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 ECOTOURISM national park ecosystem service aesthetic value LANDSCAPE
作者 姜雪 《东亚评论》 2024年第1期196-227,8-9,共34页
尹锡悦政府执政后,一改韩国在后冷战时代平衡外交的战略惯性,在对外政策上推行“价值观外交”,通过强调共享“普遍价值”,强化与美国的同盟关系,改善韩日关系,推进与“志同道合”国家合作。这一外交基调的转变是体系压力、国内政治以及... 尹锡悦政府执政后,一改韩国在后冷战时代平衡外交的战略惯性,在对外政策上推行“价值观外交”,通过强调共享“普遍价值”,强化与美国的同盟关系,改善韩日关系,推进与“志同道合”国家合作。这一外交基调的转变是体系压力、国内政治以及对外战略谋划多个层面上的因素互动的结果。体系层面,美国的对华战略牵引、朝鲜的军事威胁增加以及乌克兰危机的外溢效应对韩国外交政策形成压力。国内政治层面,尹锡悦的对外战略认知及保守派政府的执政倾向对外交政策基调的转变发挥直接作用。对外战略层面,尹锡悦政府把“全球枢纽国家”作为对外战略目标,因而试图以价值观为纽带扩大韩国地区影响力。尹锡悦政府的“价值观外交”实质上是以西方“自由民主”价值观为抓手,加强与美日欧等国家和地区的关系,其内核是保守派政府和政党保守化的政策倾向,并且在实践中存在不符合“价值观外交”标准的外交行动。“价值观外交”不利于韩国外交自主性的提高,激化了朝鲜半岛南北对立的局势,加剧了东北亚地区阵营化趋势。同时,受到美韩利益分歧、经济利益诉求、国内政治变动等因素的影响,“价值观外交”在未来执行过程中具有较大的不确定性。 展开更多
关键词 尹锡悦政府 “价值观外交” “自由民主”价值观 美韩同盟
我国企业组织中领导与员工信任状况分析 被引量:1
作者 史保金 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2006年第05X期249-250,共2页
关键词 企业组织 企业领导 信任 员工 20世纪90年代 美国学者 “价值观” 社会资本 专业标准 国内外
Process model of IT impacts on firm competitiveness based on application capability of information technology 被引量:4
作者 王念新 仲伟俊 梅姝娥 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期114-118,共5页
To investigate the process of information technology (IT) impacts on firm competitiveness, an integrated process model of IT impacts on firm competitiveness is brought forward based on the process-oriented view, the... To investigate the process of information technology (IT) impacts on firm competitiveness, an integrated process model of IT impacts on firm competitiveness is brought forward based on the process-oriented view, the resource-based view and the complementary resource view, which is comprised of an IT conversion process, an information system (IS) adoption process, an IS use process and a competition process. The application capability of IT plays the critical role, which determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the aforementioned four processes. The process model of IT impacts on firm competitiveness can also be used to explain why, under what situations and how IT can generate positive organizational outcomes, as well as theoretical bases for further empirical study. 展开更多
关键词 application capability of IT IT business value process-oriented view process model
Research on Evaluation of Terrace Cultural Landscape Heritage Value from the Perspective of AVC——Take Three Famous Terraces in Southern China for Example 被引量:1
作者 雷锦锦 罗盛锋 黄燕玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2842-2846,2858,共6页
The objective evaluation to the terrace cultural landscape heritage value can provide targeted scientific basis for continuation of terrace culture landscape and establishment of protection measures. On the basis of f... The objective evaluation to the terrace cultural landscape heritage value can provide targeted scientific basis for continuation of terrace culture landscape and establishment of protection measures. On the basis of field investigation, expert consultation and literature review, combined with the AVC (Attraction、Vitality and Ca-pacity)theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evalu-ation, the terrace cultural landscape heritage protection evaluation system and eval-uation model, which selects 22 indicators from three levels including terrace culture landscape resources attraction, resources vitality and resources bearing capacity were structured. Based on col ection of data, material from field survey of China&#39;s most representative Yunnan Yuanyang Hani terrace, Hunan Ziquejie terrace and Longsheng Longji terrace and relevant mathematical calculation to determine evalua-tion index weights, organical y combined of qualitative with quantitative analysis, the diversity, reasonableness and accuracy of evaluation system is improved. Compre-hensive result of mathematical statistics showed that the rank of the cultural land-scape heritage value with the three most representative terraces in southern China is: γ(Hani)〉γ(Longji)〉γ(Ziquejie). 展开更多
关键词 Terrace cultural landscape heritage Value evaluation Analytic hierarchy process Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
Value co-creation model based on IS application capabilities 被引量:1
作者 朱树婷 仲伟俊 梅姝娥 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期368-373,共6页
To illustrate how firms and customers co-create value in business to business (B2B) e-commerce, an integrated value co-creation model is proposed based on information systems (IS) application capabilities from the... To illustrate how firms and customers co-create value in business to business (B2B) e-commerce, an integrated value co-creation model is proposed based on information systems (IS) application capabilities from the relational view. IS application capabilities, relational assets, customer agility and relational value are constructed and tested by empirical analysis. The empirical research tests and verifies the mediating effect of customer agility, and the interactions of IS application capabilities and relational assets, as well as their effect on relational value. This model expands the research framework of value co-creation in service dominant logic, and reveals the mechanism of how f'n'ms and customers co-create value in B2B e-commerce based on IS application capabilities, which provides the basis for further theory development and a practice guide. 展开更多
关键词 information systems (IS) application capabilities customer agility relational view service dominant logic value co-creation
作者 王建宇 《新疆教育学院学报》 1991年第4期41-47,共7页
关键词 “民主社会主义” “科学社会主义” “东欧” “西欧” “社会民主党” “价值观” “无产阶级革命和专政” “多党制” “社会主义” “资本主义” “马克思主义” “坚持党的领导”
美西方构筑“价值观联盟”的动因、表现及中国应对 被引量:2
作者 蒋蕊韩 吴艳东 《国外理论动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期16-24,共9页
拜登政府上台以来,鉴于对国际格局“东升西降”的极度焦虑、修复盟友关系的迫切需要,以及对美国软实力衰退的现实隐忧,便纠集盟友以“价值共识”为纽带构筑“价值观联盟”。“价值观联盟”本质上是美国维护霸权主义、强权政治的意识形... 拜登政府上台以来,鉴于对国际格局“东升西降”的极度焦虑、修复盟友关系的迫切需要,以及对美国软实力衰退的现实隐忧,便纠集盟友以“价值共识”为纽带构筑“价值观联盟”。“价值观联盟”本质上是美国维护霸权主义、强权政治的意识形态工具,折射出世界百年未有之大变局背景下资本主义与社会主义愈益激烈的主义之争、制度之争和道路之争。在“价值观联盟”下,美西方通过扩大“价值分歧”、限定“民主标准”、构造“舆论陷阱”等方式拓展反华包围圈、抹黑中国式民主、打响对华认知战。为此,我们要以凝聚价值共识为前提推动构建人类命运共同体,以创新全过程人民民主的话语为基础加强中国式民主的国际传播,以筑牢舆论阵地为依托坚决维护马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,主动回击美西方“价值观联盟”下的战略攻势,维护我国意识形态安全和政权安全。 展开更多
关键词 “价值观联盟” 人类命运共同体 全人类共同价值
The Form and Comparison of Value between China and Western Countries 被引量:3
作者 明虹 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期70-72,共3页
Value is a criterion which can help people to distinguish good and bad, beauty and ugliness, fight and wrong and true and false. Value varies from different counties, which is the main cause of the conflict and misund... Value is a criterion which can help people to distinguish good and bad, beauty and ugliness, fight and wrong and true and false. Value varies from different counties, which is the main cause of the conflict and misunderstanding in communication between China and western countries. It is first introduced in this paper about how these differences are formed and then explain them in several ways. It is of great significance to know and learn the cultural differences in cross-cultural communication. 展开更多
Lower baseline ALT cut-off values and HBV DNA levels better differentiate HBeAg(-) chronic hepatitis B patients from inactive chronic carriers 被引量:7
作者 Nimer Assy Zaza Beniashvili +3 位作者 Agness Djibre Gattas Nasser Maria Grosovski William Nseir 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第24期3025-3031,共7页
AIM: To determine whether new cut-off values for aianine aminotransferase (ALT) and baseline hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels better differentiate HBeAg(-) chronic hepatitis B (CriB) patients from inactive ... AIM: To determine whether new cut-off values for aianine aminotransferase (ALT) and baseline hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels better differentiate HBeAg(-) chronic hepatitis B (CriB) patients from inactive chronic carriers. METHODS: Ninety-one patients [32 HBeAg(+) CriB, 19 inactive carriers and 40 HBeAg(-) CriB] were followed up for 2 years and were tested for HBV DNA levels by a PCR-based assay. ALT was tested twice during the last 6 mo using new cut-off values: ULN (upper limit of normal) 30 IU/L for males, 19 IU/L for females. Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were calculated by discriminant analysis. RESULTS: When using the revised ALT cut-off values, the lowest optimal HBV DNA level that differentiated HBeAg(-) CHB patients from inactive carriers was 50000 copies/mL. The diagnostic accuracy of HBV DNA to determine inactive carriers with a cut-off of 50000 copies/mL was similar to the previously recommended cut-off of 100000 copies/mL (91%). HBV DNA levels were lower than the cut-off value in 95% of inactive carriers and in 28% of HBeAg(-) CHB patients. With ALT 〈 30 IU/L in men and 〈 19 IU/L in women and HBV DNA levels 〈 100000 copies/mL, the risk of CHB is 5%. On the other hand, if ALT values were 〉 30 IU in men and 〉 19 IU in women and baseline HBV DNA levels were 〉 100000 copies/mL, the risk is 86%. CONCLUSION: New cut-off values for ALT together with HBV DNA levels proposed by AASLD (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases) and NIH (National Institute of Health) consensus seem appropriate to characterize inactive carriers. 展开更多
关键词 Alanine aminotransferase Chronic hepatitis B Hepatitis B antigens Viral DNA
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