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作者 颜江 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2021年第3期38-39,共2页
文东油田储层物性差、埋藏深以及在钻井完井和生产过程中产生的储层伤害,部分注水井必须采取储层改造措施消除伤害才能恢复其产能。但是常规酸化改造措施存在着对储集层造成伤害的凤险。本文分析了低渗透酸敏性储层酸化工艺应用存在的问... 文东油田储层物性差、埋藏深以及在钻井完井和生产过程中产生的储层伤害,部分注水井必须采取储层改造措施消除伤害才能恢复其产能。但是常规酸化改造措施存在着对储集层造成伤害的凤险。本文分析了低渗透酸敏性储层酸化工艺应用存在的问题,阐述了双重缓速酸化工艺研究情况及应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 双重速酸 文东 渗油藏 注效果
延长油田低渗储层新型降压增注体系研制及应用 被引量:2
作者 张刚 韩迎鸽 +5 位作者 任春燕 焦卫华 吴利超 郑娜娜 杨亮 杜秀秀 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期107-114,共8页
针对延长油田低渗区块注水井压力升高、注水量下降以及常规酸化施工效果较差等问题,研制出了一种新型阳离子双子表面活性剂缓速剂HS-Ⅱ,并以此为基础,选择合适的主体酸液和缓蚀剂,制定了适合延长油田低渗储层的新型缓速酸降压增注体系... 针对延长油田低渗区块注水井压力升高、注水量下降以及常规酸化施工效果较差等问题,研制出了一种新型阳离子双子表面活性剂缓速剂HS-Ⅱ,并以此为基础,选择合适的主体酸液和缓蚀剂,制定了适合延长油田低渗储层的新型缓速酸降压增注体系。新型缓速剂HS-Ⅱ不仅具有良好的界面活性和润湿性能,还能有效提高主体酸液体系的缓速性能,当其质量分数为0.8%时,缓速率可以达到95%以上;新型缓速酸降压增注体系各处理剂之间具有良好的配伍性,且体系的溶蚀性能较好,其缓速性能和沉淀抑制性能明显优于常规土酸、多氢酸和现场缓速酸;新型缓速酸体系残酸的黏度和表面张力均较低,有利于其返排;岩心流动实验结果表明,随着新型缓速酸降压增注体系注入孔隙体积倍数的增大,岩心渗透率提高倍数明显增大,酸化效果明显优于常规土酸。新型缓速酸降压增注体系投入现场应用,能够明显降低注水井的注入压力,提高单井的日注水量,并且具有较长的有效期,实现了注水井长期降压增注的目的。研究成果可为延长油田低渗区块注水井的降压增注提供一定的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 延长油田 渗储层 阳离子双子表面活性剂 速酸 降压
低伤害缓速深部酸化工艺在濮城油田的应用 被引量:3
作者 杨建华 吴生 《清洗世界》 CAS 2004年第8期5-8,共4页
濮城油田沙二下油藏属于多油层非均质油藏。在长期的注水开发过程中,注水井油层近井地带均受到堵塞、结垢、污染等伤害,严重制约油田的高效开发。针对此问题,我们运用降压增注技术,通过在井网注采关系完善区,选择在生产过程中由于污染... 濮城油田沙二下油藏属于多油层非均质油藏。在长期的注水开发过程中,注水井油层近井地带均受到堵塞、结垢、污染等伤害,严重制约油田的高效开发。针对此问题,我们运用降压增注技术,通过在井网注采关系完善区,选择在生产过程中由于污染、结垢、堵塞造成注水量下降或注水压力上升的水井,整体实施,收到良好效果。该工艺不仅能达到较好的降压、增注的目的,而且有效期长,是改善非均质油层注水开发技术的主要措施之一,具有广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 濮城油田 伤害速深部酸化工艺 注水井油层 降压 沙二下油藏 油田地质
文东油田特低渗储层酸化增注体系的研究与应用 被引量:8
作者 刘晶 《精细石油化工进展》 CAS 2016年第2期6-11,共6页
针对传统酸液体系反应速度快、酸化半径小和酸化有效期短等缺点,结合文东油田实际情况,研制了高温缓速、深部穿透的缓速酸主体酸配方,并优化筛选得到酸化液添加剂配方。岩心流动试验表明,该缓速酸使天然岩心的渗透率由0.26×10^(-3)... 针对传统酸液体系反应速度快、酸化半径小和酸化有效期短等缺点,结合文东油田实际情况,研制了高温缓速、深部穿透的缓速酸主体酸配方,并优化筛选得到酸化液添加剂配方。岩心流动试验表明,该缓速酸使天然岩心的渗透率由0.26×10^(-3)μm^2提高至0.47×10^(-3)μm^2。与纳米聚硅体系复合制备HS-L/WFS复合降压增注体系,解决注水过程中黏土水化膨胀问题,大幅延长酸化有效期。已成功实施16井次,施工工艺成功率100%,累计增油量1 395.4 t,取得了良好的酸化增注效果。 展开更多
关键词 文东油田 渗储层 酸化 速酸 纳米聚硅注体系
作者 房艮孙 李冱岸 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期1-4,共4页
证明了当 f∈PWπ时 ,‖s(k)2mf - f(k) ‖ Lp(R) → 0 (m→∞ ,2≤p≤∞ ,k =0 ,1,2 ,… ) ,其中PWπ是经典的Paley Wiener类 ,s2mf是在实Riesz基序列上对 f插值的唯一确定 2m - 1次缓增样条 .同时还证明了当 { f(tj) }∈l2 ,f∈Lp(R)... 证明了当 f∈PWπ时 ,‖s(k)2mf - f(k) ‖ Lp(R) → 0 (m→∞ ,2≤p≤∞ ,k =0 ,1,2 ,… ) ,其中PWπ是经典的Paley Wiener类 ,s2mf是在实Riesz基序列上对 f插值的唯一确定 2m - 1次缓增样条 .同时还证明了当 { f(tj) }∈l2 ,f∈Lp(R) (p≥ 2 ) ,‖s2mf‖2 ≤A一致成立时 ,若limm→∞ ‖f -s2mf‖ p=0 ,则 f∈Bπ ,p,其中Bπ ,p为指数π型整函数在R上的限制与Lp(R) 展开更多
关键词 Riesz基 样条 样条函数 非正规样本 插值 指数π型整函数 节点
作者 杨建华 《油田节能》 2002年第4期42-44,共3页
濮城油田南区沙二下1-8油藏是一套多油层开发的油田,纵向上发育8个砂层组37个含油小层,油藏储层在物性上表现为较强的非均质性,胶结物黏土含量高,易膨胀,长期的注水开发使注水井油层近井地带受到堵塞,结垢,污染等伤害。严重制约... 濮城油田南区沙二下1-8油藏是一套多油层开发的油田,纵向上发育8个砂层组37个含油小层,油藏储层在物性上表现为较强的非均质性,胶结物黏土含量高,易膨胀,长期的注水开发使注水井油层近井地带受到堵塞,结垢,污染等伤害。严重制约油田的高效开发,针对这种问题,我们运用降压增注工艺技术,通过在井网注采关系完善区,选择在生产过程中由于污染,结垢,堵塞造成注水量下降或注水压力上升的水井,整体实施,收到良好效果,该工艺不仅能达到较好的降压,增注的目的,而且有效期长,是改善非均质油层注水开发油田状况的主力措施之一,具有广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 降压 伤害速深部酸化工艺 濮城油田 应用
姬塬油田长8层高压欠注井酸化增注技术研究 被引量:1
作者 王伟华 帅群 +4 位作者 张文来 张红岗 李海燕 朱明昭 杨欢 《石油天然气学报》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期86-92,共7页
姬塬油田长8层由于注水井储层物性较差,结垢较严重,孔喉堵塞,前期储层改造污染,造成注水井高压欠注。研究注水井的解堵深穿透缓速酸DSP-106体系,该酸液体系溶蚀能力能达到氟硼酸、氢氟酸的溶蚀能力,具有较好的缓蚀性能,有效地改... 姬塬油田长8层由于注水井储层物性较差,结垢较严重,孔喉堵塞,前期储层改造污染,造成注水井高压欠注。研究注水井的解堵深穿透缓速酸DSP-106体系,该酸液体系溶蚀能力能达到氟硼酸、氢氟酸的溶蚀能力,具有较好的缓蚀性能,有效地改善了岩心的渗透率,且没有出现岩心破损、岩屑脱落现象,不会破坏岩石骨架。2016年4月在池2X井实施降压增注工艺,日增注11m^3,注水压力下降2.9MPa,视吸水指数平均提高3.17倍,降压增注效果明显,酸化后完全达到配注要求。 展开更多
关键词 降压 深穿透速酸 酸化流动性 渗透
酸化增注技术在胜利油田的应用 被引量:4
作者 陈东升 姜红 《内江科技》 2011年第4期119-119,155,共2页
本文分析了注水井欠注原因,总结了近几年来酸化增注技术在胜利油田的应用情况,重点介绍了氧化解堵增注技术、缓速酸酸化增注技术、氟硼酸深部酸化增注技术酸液特点、主要机理及应用情况。文章还有针对性的介绍了缓速多氢酸增注技术、乳... 本文分析了注水井欠注原因,总结了近几年来酸化增注技术在胜利油田的应用情况,重点介绍了氧化解堵增注技术、缓速酸酸化增注技术、氟硼酸深部酸化增注技术酸液特点、主要机理及应用情况。文章还有针对性的介绍了缓速多氢酸增注技术、乳液型注水井增注剂等增注新技术的试验情况,并结合注水井注水现状及增注中存在问题,提出了增注技术发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 注水井 堵塞特征 酸化 速多氢 乳液型注水井注剂
作者 卫国志 《上海管理科学》 1995年第3期41-42,共2页
关键词 两性人 国有资产保全 虚盈 政府官员 隐性亏损 政企分开 官服
作者 刘偲 《初中生世界(初中教学研究)》 2021年第4期25-26,共2页
关键词 进城务工人员子女 德育工作 “低”“缓”“增”“实”
Design and analysis on four stage SiGe HBT low noise amplifier 被引量:2
作者 井凯 Zhuang Yiqi +1 位作者 Li Zhenrong Lin Zhiyu 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第3期358-363,共6页
Focusing on the linearity shortcoming on a bipolar low noise amplifier(LNA),a new 6 ~14GHz four stage SiGe HBT LNA is proposed.This amplifier adopts a method of gain allocation on multiple stages to avoid the limitati... Focusing on the linearity shortcoming on a bipolar low noise amplifier(LNA),a new 6 ~14GHz four stage SiGe HBT LNA is proposed.This amplifier adopts a method of gain allocation on multiple stages to avoid the limitation on linearity especially with the addition of negative gain on the third stage.To realize gain flatness,extra zero is introduced to compensate the gain roll-off formed by pole,and local shunt-shunt negative feedback is used to widen the bandwidth as well as optimize circuit' s noise.Simulated results have shown that in 6 ~14GHz,this circuit achieves noise figure(NF) less than 3dB,gain of 17.8dB(+0.2dB),input and output reflection parameters of less than- 10 dB,and the K factor is above 1.15. 展开更多
关键词 low noise amplifier (LNA) pole-zero cancellation noise figure (NF) SiGe HBT BJT LINEARITY
Effects of Fatty Acids on Low-Sulfur Diesel Lubricity:Experimental Investigation, DFT Calculation and MD Simulation 被引量:6
作者 Luo Hui Fan Weiyu +2 位作者 Li Yang Zhao Pinhui Nan Guozhi 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期74-81,共8页
The continuous reduction in sulfur content of fuels would lead to diesel fuel with poor lubricity which could re- sult in engine pump failure. In the present work, fatty acids were adopted as lubricity additives to lo... The continuous reduction in sulfur content of fuels would lead to diesel fuel with poor lubricity which could re- sult in engine pump failure. In the present work, fatty acids were adopted as lubricity additives to low-sulfur diesel fuel. It was attempted to correlate the molecular structures of fatty acids, such as carbon chain length, degree of saturation and hy- droxylation, to their lubricity enhancement, which was evaluated by the High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) meth- od. The efficiency order was supported by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations and the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The lubricity enhancing properties of fatty acids are mainly determined by the cohesive energy of adsorbed films furmed on iron surface. The greater the cohesive energy, the more efficiently the fatty acid would enhance the lubricity of low-sulfur diesel fuel. 展开更多
关键词 LUBRICITY fatty acid DFT MD simulation ADSORPTION
Imaging findings of primary hepatic leiomyoma
作者 Wei Tan Guangyao Wu Chuansheng Zheng 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第3期134-136,共3页
Objective: To investigate the imaging features of primary hepatic leiomyoma. Methods: 3 patients of primary hepatic leiomyoma confirmed by pathology without immunodeficiency were retrospectively analyzed about CT an... Objective: To investigate the imaging features of primary hepatic leiomyoma. Methods: 3 patients of primary hepatic leiomyoma confirmed by pathology without immunodeficiency were retrospectively analyzed about CT and MRI findings, clinical and pathological correlation. 2 cases had routine CT scan, 2 cases had routine MRI. Results: 2 case CT scans showed low-density lesions, 2 cases MRI showed lesions with long T1 and long T2 signal. One case of uniform density and signal showed homogeneous enhancement; two cases showed uneven density and signal, of which one case was inhomogeneous enhancement. 3 cases presented pseudocapsule without hepatic cirrhosis and venous tumor thrombus. Pathology showed spindle tumor cell proliferation and capillary hyperplasia; one case showed central hyalinization and one case central liquefaction necrosis. Conclusion: Primary hepatic leiomyoma is a hypervascular tumor, and CT and MRI help in the diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 hepatic neoplasms LEIOMYOMA X-ray computed tomography magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
通信枢纽楼能耗运行分析研究 被引量:2
作者 樊春锋 伍建萍 《电信工程技术与标准化》 2016年第5期89-92,共4页
关键词 枢纽楼 变压器 能耗 红色预警 搬迁
Effects of Suxiao Jiuxin Pill (速效救心丸) on Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response in Rats with Experimental Atherosclerosis 被引量:8
作者 李春深 曲竹秋 +4 位作者 王莎莎 郝旭雯 张秀琴 关晶 韩霏 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期107-111,共5页
Objective: To observe the preventive role of Suxiao Jiuxin Pill (SX速效救心丸) on atherosclerosis (AS) and to probe into the mechanism in the atherosclerosis rat model. Methods: The AS rat model was established by a h... Objective: To observe the preventive role of Suxiao Jiuxin Pill (SX速效救心丸) on atherosclerosis (AS) and to probe into the mechanism in the atherosclerosis rat model. Methods: The AS rat model was established by a high fat diet and a large dose of calcium (vitamin D3, 0.6 million U/kg, i.p, once). Sixty healthy male adult Sprague-Dawlay (SD) rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, a normal control group (N), a model group (M), a SX low dose group (SXL), a SX middle dose group (SXM), a SX high dose group (SXH), and an atorvastatin group (ATO) (n=10 in each group). The rats in the treatment groups were given with the specific drugs from the first day by oral administration, and the normal control group and the model group were given with normal saline for 12 weeks. Afterwards, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the content of oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) in the serum were detected. In addition, the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) proteins were tested by Western-blot method. Results: The serum ox-LDL and MDA level significantly decreased, SOD activity increased in the SX middle, high dose groups and the atorvastatin group compared to the model group (all P<0.05). While the expression of PPARγ and NF-κb proteins significantly decreased in the SX low, middle, high dose groups and the atorvastatin group compared to the model group (all P<0.01), with the best effect in the SX high dose group .These results indicate that SX could elevate the activity of serum SOD, decrease serum level of MDA and ox-LDL, and reduce the expression of PPARγ and NF-κB proteins. Conclusion: SX plays an important role in anti-inflammation and inhibition of oxidative stress, which possibly are the mechanism of its preventing and treating atherosclerosis. 展开更多
关键词 ATHEROSCLEROSIS RATS Suxiao Jiuxin Pill oxidized low density lipoprotein MALONDIALDEHYDE superoxide dismutase
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