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论凉山彝族“克智”与“尔比”的混融性 被引量:4
作者 阿牛木支 吉则利布 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期80-83,共4页
"克智尔比"是经过彝族人民在长期生活中的不断锤炼和积累起来的知识与经验成果,是异常精妙绝伦的民间口头文学语。"克智"与"尔比"紧密相连,缺一不可。凉山彝族"克智尔比"伴随着人类话语的产生... "克智尔比"是经过彝族人民在长期生活中的不断锤炼和积累起来的知识与经验成果,是异常精妙绝伦的民间口头文学语。"克智"与"尔比"紧密相连,缺一不可。凉山彝族"克智尔比"伴随着人类话语的产生而形成和发展,其思想内容包罗万象,语言艺术独具一格,在民间中有广泛传播性。"克智尔比"语料不仅具有较高的文学价值,而且对研究彝族历史也是十分宝贵的素材。展演"克智尔比"能够起到沟通与增进感情,教育后代,以及鼓劲和安慰的作用。 展开更多
关键词 “克智 “尔比” “尔吉” 特点 功能
谈彝族“克智”与“尔比”的独特性和共用性 被引量:2
作者 阿牛木支 吉则利布 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第4期93-96,共4页
"克智"与"尔比"是一种独特的说唱艺术,是彝族人民根据长期的生产实践和生活经验中逐渐积累起来的精品语言,包涵着深刻的哲理和丰富的审美,在彝族的生活中占有十分重要的位置,被彝族人民称为"语言中的盐巴"... "克智"与"尔比"是一种独特的说唱艺术,是彝族人民根据长期的生产实践和生活经验中逐渐积累起来的精品语言,包涵着深刻的哲理和丰富的审美,在彝族的生活中占有十分重要的位置,被彝族人民称为"语言中的盐巴"。"克智"大多在婚丧节庆等重大场合中使用,"尔比"则适用于调解纠纷和教育场景之中。但"克智"与"尔比"也可以互相交融、互相掺合使用,从而形成了"克智"与"尔比"共用的独特语言格局。这种共用性主要体现在群众性、社会性、娱乐性和传播性上,具有普遍而深厚的群众基础。 展开更多
关键词 “克智 “尔比” 传播 说唱艺术 特性
凉山彝族“克智”文化初探 被引量:4
作者 顾尔伙 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第6期27-31,共5页
"克智"作为凉山彝族民间社会的口头论辩活动,既是一种对话艺术,也是人们讲述历史、探求知识、明辨事理的一种口头交流和传播方式。本文考察了"克智"的内涵、演述规则、演述内容、演述场景和演述程式,分析了"克... "克智"作为凉山彝族民间社会的口头论辩活动,既是一种对话艺术,也是人们讲述历史、探求知识、明辨事理的一种口头交流和传播方式。本文考察了"克智"的内涵、演述规则、演述内容、演述场景和演述程式,分析了"克智"在当代社会的传承危机及其原因。 展开更多
关键词 凉山 彝族 “克智 ”场景 程式 危机
凉山彝族“克智”传承的过去现在和未来 被引量:3
作者 顾尔伙 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2011年第1期124-128,共5页
关键词 凉山 彝族 “克智”传承 学校教育
作者 顾尔伙 张诗亚 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期3-7,共5页
作为一种极其独特的传承方式,凉山彝族山区"克智"口头论辩传承方式采取的是一种先背诵后书写、口头与书面相结合的口头"诗教"方式。这种传承方式既有其传承上的优势,也有自身的不足。它对儿童教育有着重要的启示,... 作为一种极其独特的传承方式,凉山彝族山区"克智"口头论辩传承方式采取的是一种先背诵后书写、口头与书面相结合的口头"诗教"方式。这种传承方式既有其传承上的优势,也有自身的不足。它对儿童教育有着重要的启示,如应充分发挥儿童与生俱来的口头天赋;发扬口头"诗教"传统;创设氛围进行情境教学;尝试对话式教学方法等。 展开更多
关键词 “克智 传承方式 口头“诗教” 儿童教育
作者 顾尔伙 《当代教育与文化》 CSSCI 2014年第6期44-47,共4页
作为一种"辩"的教育,"克智"在彝族文化结构中对人性发展起重要平衡作用。从本质上看,"克智"活动是一种苏格拉底式的对话教育。我们在喜德民族小学对"克智"文化进校园进行了田野实验,并取得了... 作为一种"辩"的教育,"克智"在彝族文化结构中对人性发展起重要平衡作用。从本质上看,"克智"活动是一种苏格拉底式的对话教育。我们在喜德民族小学对"克智"文化进校园进行了田野实验,并取得了积极的效果,其实践逻辑为:在课堂学习中融入"克智"对话精神,以便发展学生的思维;学校仪式中用"克智",以培育"对立"之人文精神;学校各种知识竞赛中用"克智"方法,以便传授知识;学校课外生活中组建"克智"论辩队,以便学习历史。这种把"克智"文化作为一个整体,在学校教育中进行传承和建设的思路,给我们民族文化进校园带来重要启示。 展开更多
关键词 彝族“克智 学校教育 民族文化 传承
作者 沙学锋 《今古传奇(文化评论)》 2019年第2期0035-0036,共2页
彝族“克智”不仅在彝族传统文化中据重要地位,而且在现实生活中仍具有重要影响,与人们的日常生活息息相关,是彝族传统文学中最活跃,应用最广,也最具艺术生命力的民间文学形式之一,因此研究“克智”文学不仅具有重要的学术价值,而且具... 彝族“克智”不仅在彝族传统文化中据重要地位,而且在现实生活中仍具有重要影响,与人们的日常生活息息相关,是彝族传统文学中最活跃,应用最广,也最具艺术生命力的民间文学形式之一,因此研究“克智”文学不仅具有重要的学术价值,而且具有重要的现实意义。“克智”文学研究是一个博大精深的领域,需要从多学科的角度进行深层次的整理和研究,以期实现“克智”研究的新突破,使彝族“克智”这一独具魄力的民间文学形式得到进一步发扬光大,丰富和完善中华民族的传统文化。本文只是彝族“克智”的起源和发展方面谈了一些粗浅认识,其广度和深度都还不够,只能起到抛砖引玉的作用。 展开更多
关键词 彝族“克智 说唱艺术 辩论
仪式结构与口头实践:彝族葬礼中的“克智”研究 被引量:1
作者 罗燕 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期79-85,共7页
“克智”是凉山彝族口头传统的一种典型本土文类。在葬礼中,通过喜丧仪式中的乐舞与激辩,“克智”演述利用其夸张、讽刺的语言风格,对抗、竞争的表演形式,在仪式中呈现出了以“迎—聚—分—送”为基本特点的结构形式,它同时观照了仪式... “克智”是凉山彝族口头传统的一种典型本土文类。在葬礼中,通过喜丧仪式中的乐舞与激辩,“克智”演述利用其夸张、讽刺的语言风格,对抗、竞争的表演形式,在仪式中呈现出了以“迎—聚—分—送”为基本特点的结构形式,它同时观照了仪式中的人、祖、神。并将通过礼仪与祖灵信仰作为一种内动力,形成了活态的循环体系,从而奠定了彝族社会、仪式的结构基础。 展开更多
关键词 仪式 结构 口头传统 彝族“克智
作者 顾尔伙 巴登尼玛 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期63-67,共5页
"克智"既是一种言语行动,一种对话艺术,也是彝族民众讲述传统、探求知识、明辨事理、回顾历史的一种口头传播方式。文字出现后,"克智"口头论辩并没有消失,反而与彝文字并存共荣,这是其教育意义的凸显。作为论辩的教... "克智"既是一种言语行动,一种对话艺术,也是彝族民众讲述传统、探求知识、明辨事理、回顾历史的一种口头传播方式。文字出现后,"克智"口头论辩并没有消失,反而与彝文字并存共荣,这是其教育意义的凸显。作为论辩的教育,"克智"具有"活"的教育、"对话"教育、"自我"教育之意义。 展开更多
关键词 “克智 程式 对话 “自我”教育
论口传文学书面化过程中文化要素的遗失——兼谈彝族克智的收集与整理 被引量:7
作者 沙马打各 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第8期45-48,共4页
口传文学在书面化过程中,不可避免地失去自身非书面语的一些文化要素,给口传文学带来负面影响,不利于口传文学的传承。在收集和整理彝族口传文学"克智"的过程中,应当深入实地,以多种方式互为补充地开展收集和整理工作,避免片... 口传文学在书面化过程中,不可避免地失去自身非书面语的一些文化要素,给口传文学带来负面影响,不利于口传文学的传承。在收集和整理彝族口传文学"克智"的过程中,应当深入实地,以多种方式互为补充地开展收集和整理工作,避免片面性和不准确性。 展开更多
关键词 口传文学 彝族“克智 书面化 文化要素 遗失
凉山彝族民间诗歌的类型及特征 被引量:2
作者 孙正华 沈莉 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期116-119,共4页
凉山彝族民间诗歌内容丰富,形式多样,在大众中有广泛的流传和影响。从类型来说,大致有"克智"、"史诗"、"哲理诗"、"抒情诗"四种。每一种诗歌都个性鲜明,富有特色,尤其长于叙事和抒情。这些民... 凉山彝族民间诗歌内容丰富,形式多样,在大众中有广泛的流传和影响。从类型来说,大致有"克智"、"史诗"、"哲理诗"、"抒情诗"四种。每一种诗歌都个性鲜明,富有特色,尤其长于叙事和抒情。这些民间诗歌不仅有较高的文学价值,而且为研究凉山社会、历史文化和凉山彝族思想意识等方面也提供了宝贵的参考资料。 展开更多
关键词 彝族 民间诗歌 “克智 “尔比尔吉”
Numerical simulation of subsonic and transonic flow flieds and aerodynamic characteristics of anti-tank intelligent mine
作者 王妍 周春桂 王志军 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第3期264-269,共6页
Anti-tank intelligent mine is a kind of new intelligent anti-tank bomb relying on high precision detector.It can effectively capture and damage targets with wind resistance coefficient and other factors affecting its ... Anti-tank intelligent mine is a kind of new intelligent anti-tank bomb relying on high precision detector.It can effectively capture and damage targets with wind resistance coefficient and other factors affecting its flight characteristics under consideration.This article is based on the three-dimensional model of intelligent mine.To analyze its subsonic and transonic flow fields and the change law of aerodynamic force factor with the growth of the angle of attack,computational fluid dynamics software is used for intelligent mine flow field numerical calculation and the change law of pressure center.The results show that the large drag coefficient is conducive to the stability of scanning.Drastic changes of the flow field near the intelligent mine will disable its scanning movement.The simulation results can provide a reference for scanning stability analysis,overall performance optimization and appearance improvement. 展开更多
关键词 anti-tank intelligent mine flow flied aerodynamic characteristics numerical simulation
Smartphone Malware Detection Model Based on Artificial Immune System 被引量:1
作者 WU Bin LU Tianliang +2 位作者 ZHENG Kangfeng ZHANG Dongmei LIN Xing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第A01期86-92,共7页
In order to solve the problem that me traditional signature-based detection technology cannot effectively detect unknown malware, we propose in this study a smartphone malware detection model (SP-MDM) based on artif... In order to solve the problem that me traditional signature-based detection technology cannot effectively detect unknown malware, we propose in this study a smartphone malware detection model (SP-MDM) based on artificial immune system, in which static malware analysis and dynamic malware analysis techniques are combined, and antigens are generated by encoding the characteristics extracted from the malware. Based on negative selection algorithm, the mature detectors are generated. By introducing clonal selection algorithm, the detectors with higher affinity are selected to undergo a proliferation and somatic hyper-mutation process, so that more excellent detector offspring can be generated. Experimental result shows that the detection model has a higher detection rate for unknown smartphone malware, and better detection performance can be achieved by increasing the clone generation. 展开更多
关键词 artificial immune system smartphonemalware DETECTION negative selection clonalselection
Human Nature, Personality, and Human Freedom in Feng Qi's On Wisdom
作者 He Ping Li Weiwu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第6期403-415,共13页
In creating his theory of wisdom, Feng Qi emphasizes that Chinese Marxist philosophy should move from the theory of knowledge to a discourse on wisdom and concentrate on Chinese people's living world and life existen... In creating his theory of wisdom, Feng Qi emphasizes that Chinese Marxist philosophy should move from the theory of knowledge to a discourse on wisdom and concentrate on Chinese people's living world and life existence, so as to provide a spiritual home for the Chinese people and thereby highlight the importance of human nature, personality, and human freedom in Chinese Marxist philosophy. In researching human nature, he expatiates on the problems of mind (xin) and human nature (xing), natural instincts (tian xing) and virtues (de xing), and general character and individual character; in emphasizing personality, he puts forward the idea that the ideal personality is "free personality as a member of ordinary people;" in probing into the problems of human freedom, he explains how to get freedom from the basis of practical materialism. This philosophical inquiry enriches Chinese Marxist philosophy's researches into the understanding of humanity and the connection of philosophy with the living world, which opens up a new area of development in the sinicization of Marxist philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 Feng Qi On Wisdom human nature PERSONALITY FREEDOM Chinese Marxist philosophy
Corporate Governance Intelligence: Minority Shareholder's Aspects (Evidence From Ukraine)
作者 Tetiana Momot Oleksandr Vashchenko Nina Avanesova Anna Chudopal 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第4期210-218,共9页
The paper is devoted to the corporate governance intelligence system investigation as the part of the complex stakeholder-related approach to the corporate strategic intelligence system (CSIS). The special attention... The paper is devoted to the corporate governance intelligence system investigation as the part of the complex stakeholder-related approach to the corporate strategic intelligence system (CSIS). The special attention is given to the minority shareholders activism in the system of corporate governance. Some existing methods of abusing minority shareholders rights, made by joint-stock companies executives, are generalized. The recommendations for minority shareholder's rights protection are given. The necessity for the implementation of the stakeholders-oriented approach for the CSIS creation on the base of companies' security principles is substantiated. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance intelligence minority shareholders rights corporate governance financial and economic security system corporate strategic intelligence
Gradualism and Optimism—A Comparative Study on John Dewey and Hu Shi
作者 Zhang Shuang-li 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2010年第1期113-131,共19页
This paper is an attempt to investigate the relationship between John Dewey's philosophy and Hu Shi's thought. It is argued that the reason for Flu Shi to be attracted by Dewey's philosophy lies in his special vers... This paper is an attempt to investigate the relationship between John Dewey's philosophy and Hu Shi's thought. It is argued that the reason for Flu Shi to be attracted by Dewey's philosophy lies in his special version of evolutionism, namely, it-is-up-to-us-ism. However, it is then argued clearly that their understandings of evolutionism are very different from each other and that it is just because of this difference that later Hu Shi's thought had to give way to Marxism in China. The first two parts tell us that John Dewey's philosophy, influenced by Hegel's philosophy and inspired by Darwin's evolutionary theory, is a critique of the traditional contemplative philosophy. It is about how to sustain our commitment to experience in the situation where the given End of life has been shattered, that is, it is the philosophy about democracy. The last two parts argue that Hu Shi did not derive this problem consciousness fi-om Dewey. He tried to insert Dewey's theory of intelligent inquiry into the special, Chinese version of evolutionism, it-is-up-to-us- ism. In this way, he did not see the key issue in Dewey's philosophy of democracy. This finally led to his inability to solve the problem of how to unify and motivate the Chinese people. 展开更多
关键词 contemplative philosophy democracy GRADUALISM It-is-up-to-us-ism EXPERIMENTALISM OPTIMISM MARXISM
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