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作者 魏佳乐 《现代商贸工业》 2022年第18期200-201,共2页
起诉期限是行政相对人寻求权利救济时的法定期间,属于时效制度的一种,是行政诉讼合法性的根本性要件。明确行政公益诉讼起诉期限可以帮助行政机关依法履职,从而能够及时地对公共利益进行保护。行政公益诉讼的起诉期限应当包括一般期限... 起诉期限是行政相对人寻求权利救济时的法定期间,属于时效制度的一种,是行政诉讼合法性的根本性要件。明确行政公益诉讼起诉期限可以帮助行政机关依法履职,从而能够及时地对公共利益进行保护。行政公益诉讼的起诉期限应当包括一般期限规定、期限的延长规定以及最长期限等。当前《行政诉讼法》中的起诉期限与行政公益诉讼不配套的问题可以通过制定《公益诉讼法》或者修改《行政诉讼法》的途径来解决。 展开更多
关键词 “行政诉讼” “公益诉讼” “起诉期限”
论环境行政公益诉讼制度的反思与重构 被引量:4
作者 刘恩媛 《环境保护》 CSSCI 2020年第16期19-23,共5页
环境行政公益诉讼实践存在受案数量少、证据获取难度大、检察建议的严肃性不足等问题,原因在于检察机关身份定位模糊、起诉主体受限、检察系统考核过于严格。在反思行政公益诉讼制度设计缺陷的基础上,提出从将人民检察院(以下简称“检... 环境行政公益诉讼实践存在受案数量少、证据获取难度大、检察建议的严肃性不足等问题,原因在于检察机关身份定位模糊、起诉主体受限、检察系统考核过于严格。在反思行政公益诉讼制度设计缺陷的基础上,提出从将人民检察院(以下简称“检察院”)定位为“公益诉讼公诉人”、放宽起诉主体的范围、加强检察院的取证能力建设、常规化“回头看”制度等方面重构环境行政公益诉讼制度。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政公益诉讼 “公益诉讼公诉人” 取证能力建设
Compensatory Damages in Personal Information Public Interest Litigation in China: Challenges and Prospects
作者 Qi Haixia 《科技与法律(中英文)》 CSSCI 2024年第6期138-148,共11页
In contrast to private interest litigation,public interest litigation provides a more potent solution to personal information infringements marked by extensive scope,unspecified victims,and limited individual loss.How... In contrast to private interest litigation,public interest litigation provides a more potent solution to personal information infringements marked by extensive scope,unspecified victims,and limited individual loss.However,com⁃pensatory damages remain a contentious issue,both in theory and in practice,within the legal framework of personal in⁃formation public interest litigation.Through an empirical study conducted within China's judicial practice,this paper reveals that the pending issue concerning the nature and function of compensatory damages has caused highly contra⁃dictory verdicts regarding their calculation and allocation,as well as their relationship with other forms of pecuniary li⁃abilities.Only by acknowledging the role of compensatory damages imposed in personal information public interest liti⁃gation as"Skimming off Excess Profits",and affirming their function as deterrence rather than compensation can they truly achieve the broader objective of safeguarding personal information security and promoting public welfare,as well as avoid disrupting the harmony of the existing legal landscape. 展开更多
关键词 personal information protection compensatory damages public interest litigation skimming-off excess profits equal liability
作者 彭志宇 符平才 谭本耀 《中国检察官》 2024年第6期60-62,共3页
针对赤水河流域养殖污染治理不到位的问题,检察机关通过诉前检察建议,督促行政机关依法履职,探索建立“公益诉讼+绿色金融”检察机关与金融机构协作新模式,为生态环境修复责任人搭建金融借款平台,有效破解生态环境修复资金短缺与养殖产... 针对赤水河流域养殖污染治理不到位的问题,检察机关通过诉前检察建议,督促行政机关依法履职,探索建立“公益诉讼+绿色金融”检察机关与金融机构协作新模式,为生态环境修复责任人搭建金融借款平台,有效破解生态环境修复资金短缺与养殖产业持续发展难题,确保受损生态环境得以修复,促进企业转型升级发展。 展开更多
关键词 行政公益诉讼诉前程序 赤水河流域保护 “公益诉讼+绿色金融”
On the Plaintiff's Subject Qualification for Environmental Public Interest Litigation Instituted by People's Procuratorates 被引量:1
作者 Mei Hong Yin Yanjie 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第1期91-96,共6页
Although it is not the main duty for the People's Procuratorate to institute environmental public interest litigation proceedings, the existence of "reserve" prosecution right of plaintiff not only is be... Although it is not the main duty for the People's Procuratorate to institute environmental public interest litigation proceedings, the existence of "reserve" prosecution right of plaintiff not only is beneficial to timely prevention and cure of environmental damage, but also contributes indispensable judicial supervision force to the environmental legality construction. In order to safeguard environmental public interests, many local prosecutorial organizations have practiced environmental public interests litigation. Since Chinese law has not made explicit stipulation on the function of the People's Procuratorate instituting environmental public interest litigation, the plaintiff's subject qualification for environmental public interest litigation instituted by the People's Procuratorate is still in question. In order to propel the People's Procuratorate to completely and fully exercise their power of supervision and prosecution, there shall be corresponding legislation that provides powerful guarantee for the People's Procuratorate instituting environmental public interest litigation. 展开更多
关键词 the people's procuratorate environmental public interest litigation the plaintiff's subject qualification
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