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“养成”教育在德育中的意义和地位 被引量:2
作者 曹承慧 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第2期60-64,41,共6页
近几年,在教育界经常提起“养成”教育。这主要是指道德教育中的良好习惯的培养。人的行为不但依赖于其动机,而且还取决于他的习惯。平时,透过一个细微的习惯,往往能看出一个人的思想、作风、道德和精神文明的程度。从习惯所具有的... 近几年,在教育界经常提起“养成”教育。这主要是指道德教育中的良好习惯的培养。人的行为不但依赖于其动机,而且还取决于他的习惯。平时,透过一个细微的习惯,往往能看出一个人的思想、作风、道德和精神文明的程度。从习惯所具有的社会意义来看。 展开更多
关键词 良好道德习惯 “养成”教育 道德行为习惯 道德品质 道德认识 文明礼貌用语 品德发展 不良行为习惯 德育 道德信念
偶像低龄化的媒介“养成”分析 被引量:1
作者 史伊伶 《视听》 2019年第6期15-16,共2页
娱乐工业化的流水线生产,使得媒介"养成"低龄偶像的方式成为娱乐新走向。媒介文化的变化发展与社会转型升级的碰撞加速了偶像低龄化的进程;而低龄化偶像自我建构的媒介形象有益于娱乐行业,因为偶像年龄与价值成反比。在此过程... 娱乐工业化的流水线生产,使得媒介"养成"低龄偶像的方式成为娱乐新走向。媒介文化的变化发展与社会转型升级的碰撞加速了偶像低龄化的进程;而低龄化偶像自我建构的媒介形象有益于娱乐行业,因为偶像年龄与价值成反比。在此过程中,粉丝社群为媒介"养成"偶像低龄化提供了市场基础。 展开更多
关键词 偶像低龄化 媒介“养成” 综艺
作者 罗裕齐 《时代人物》 2023年第6期68-70,共3页
自从2018年——“中国养成系偶像综艺元年”以来,偶像养成的机制在改变,参与到这场造星运动的粉丝人数在增多。养成系偶像逐渐受到社会的广泛关注,偶像养成的过程中出现的问题也值得我们着眼关注。本文通过列举案例和文本调研,阐释了“... 自从2018年——“中国养成系偶像综艺元年”以来,偶像养成的机制在改变,参与到这场造星运动的粉丝人数在增多。养成系偶像逐渐受到社会的广泛关注,偶像养成的过程中出现的问题也值得我们着眼关注。本文通过列举案例和文本调研,阐释了“养成系”偶像在大学生群体中流行的原因,并分析了“养成系”偶像带来的积极影响和消极影响。 展开更多
关键词 “养成系”偶像 粉丝 影响
从网络养成类选秀节目看粉丝角色的构建——以《偶像练习生》为例 被引量:3
作者 王瑶 《视听》 2020年第2期38-39,共2页
当下的网络"养成类"选秀通过传播媒介的变革实现了粉丝对偶像的回馈,议程设置的重构让粉丝的角色从"追随者"变为"领导者",这两方面条件实现了进行粉丝"养成"的外在强化。在粉丝的内在强化方面... 当下的网络"养成类"选秀通过传播媒介的变革实现了粉丝对偶像的回馈,议程设置的重构让粉丝的角色从"追随者"变为"领导者",这两方面条件实现了进行粉丝"养成"的外在强化。在粉丝的内在强化方面,构建共同在场的仪式感增强了互动,粉丝群体被进一步培养成熟。本文以《偶像练习生》为例,分析粉丝角色的形成、粉丝群体的构建,提出对粉丝文化的批判和建议。 展开更多
关键词 《偶像练习生》 网络选秀节目 粉丝文化 “养成”
作者 郑婉怡 郭飞 曾庆涛 《人力资源管理》 2015年第10期152-152,共1页
本文阐述了英语分层次教学的实施和此模式下对素质"养成"环境的营造,教师在课堂传授英语知识的同时,通过紧抓"养成式"行为的实施,帮助学生将好的行为习惯延续到日常生活中,有效地推进了素质"养成式"教育... 本文阐述了英语分层次教学的实施和此模式下对素质"养成"环境的营造,教师在课堂传授英语知识的同时,通过紧抓"养成式"行为的实施,帮助学生将好的行为习惯延续到日常生活中,有效地推进了素质"养成式"教育,真正地实现把学生培养成主动学习的人、智慧的人、创新的人、具有优良品质的人,最终促进学生成长和社会更好的发展。 展开更多
关键词 英语 分层次教学 素质教育 “养成”
作者 郑智斌 李群 《视听界》 2018年第5期55-58,共4页
当前娱乐行业低龄偶像的生产与管理沿用外来的"养成系"模式,采用边包装边训练边曝光的方式,成为娱乐行业的新风向,粉丝在偶像成长中担任重要角色。低龄"养成系"偶像背后的产供销体系更加灵活,特有的变现方式使得粉... 当前娱乐行业低龄偶像的生产与管理沿用外来的"养成系"模式,采用边包装边训练边曝光的方式,成为娱乐行业的新风向,粉丝在偶像成长中担任重要角色。低龄"养成系"偶像背后的产供销体系更加灵活,特有的变现方式使得粉丝群体更易慷慨解囊,娱乐公司坐收渔翁之利……种种因素的综合作用下,媒介偶像低龄化现象应运而生。 展开更多
关键词 媒介偶像 泛偶像 低龄化 “养成系”
“养成系”偶像粉丝群体形成的社会学分析 被引量:6
作者 陈婧涵 蒋平 《当代青年研究》 CSSCI 2021年第6期39-44,77,共7页
"养成系"偶像是一种新型偶像类型,对新生代"养成系"偶像及青年粉丝群体社会学研究,有助于探寻"养成系"偶像粉丝从趣缘群体向非正式组织蜕变的过程。青年粉丝群体在为"养成系"偶像应援的过程中... "养成系"偶像是一种新型偶像类型,对新生代"养成系"偶像及青年粉丝群体社会学研究,有助于探寻"养成系"偶像粉丝从趣缘群体向非正式组织蜕变的过程。青年粉丝群体在为"养成系"偶像应援的过程中,体现的是当代青年行动的高效率与高组织性,是他们对独立与自由的追求,对文化工业的反抗,他们热情投身于网络文化空间,参与网络文化娱乐活动,从中体会到个人与团队成就感,他们在网络文化空间中体验到全然不同于现实的文化娱乐生活。这是当代青年现实生活状态的真实反映,通过粉丝行为研究青年群体特征和他们的生活现状,有助于大众对当代青年有更加全面而具体的认识。 展开更多
关键词 “养成系”偶像 趣缘群体 非正式组织
相对贫困治理下“养成式”农业电商模式研究 被引量:3
作者 李梓屹 郑琳玥 周佳琪 《国际商务财会》 2021年第17期93-96,共4页
在相对贫困的大背景下,随着大量电商直播、短视频推广等新型营销模式的出现,农产品创新开发及经营模式的转型迎来了新的发展机遇。文章结合互联网农业及“认养”农业模式相关典型案例,对农产品特色开发基础设施建设、运行模式进行分析,... 在相对贫困的大背景下,随着大量电商直播、短视频推广等新型营销模式的出现,农产品创新开发及经营模式的转型迎来了新的发展机遇。文章结合互联网农业及“认养”农业模式相关典型案例,对农产品特色开发基础设施建设、运行模式进行分析,探索农产品创新开发的机理;对“养成式”农业电商模式的供给端与需求端进行研究,明确消费者和农户在此过程中的“心理—认知—行为”模式,及其对巩固脱贫攻坚成果等经济效应的影响。 展开更多
关键词 相对贫困 “养成式” 农业电商 扶贫
表象、成因及影响:当代大学生“养成系”偶像崇拜现象解读 被引量:2
作者 李墨涵 《视听》 2019年第2期219-221,共3页
偶像崇拜是当代大学生群体中普遍存在的社会现象。"养成系"偶像是近年来我国兴起的偶像类型,由于偶像的"养成"由粉丝群体决定,且参与度与互动性强,"养成系"偶像对大学生的发展产生深远的影响。本文通过梳... 偶像崇拜是当代大学生群体中普遍存在的社会现象。"养成系"偶像是近年来我国兴起的偶像类型,由于偶像的"养成"由粉丝群体决定,且参与度与互动性强,"养成系"偶像对大学生的发展产生深远的影响。本文通过梳理"养成系"偶像的特征与发展,解读当代大学生对"养成系"偶像崇拜的现状,剖析当代大学生"养成系"偶像崇拜现象的原因与实质,分析"养成系"偶像崇拜对大学生的影响,以便于各界从深层次理解当代大学生对"养成系"崇拜的认识,增强其积极的影响,减弱其消极的影响。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 “养成系” 偶像崇拜
高职高专院校实践训练体系初探 被引量:1
作者 陶向东 《河南职业技术师范学院学报(职业教育版)》 2008年第1期113-114,共2页
高职高专是以培养高等技术应用性专门人才为根本任务,而实践训练体系的构造与设置是高职高专院校形成自己品牌特色的关键内容之一。无锡城市职业技术学院在实践训练体系方面立足“四能四证”,注意教育教学的阶段化、融合化、全程化,... 高职高专是以培养高等技术应用性专门人才为根本任务,而实践训练体系的构造与设置是高职高专院校形成自己品牌特色的关键内容之一。无锡城市职业技术学院在实践训练体系方面立足“四能四证”,注意教育教学的阶段化、融合化、全程化,以以人为本为思想,以“养成”教育为方式构造实践训练体系,旨在实践训练体系方面作一些探索和尝试,以培养基础理论知识适度、知识面宽、素质高的高职高专毕业生。 展开更多
关键词 四能四证 顶岗实习 “养成”教育
Comparative Study on Muscle Fiber Characteristics and Muscle Nutritional Quality between Two Groups of Yellow River Carps 被引量:3
作者 杨又兵 卞军平 +2 位作者 马秀英 王伟 曾珍珍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1432-1436,1483,共6页
The aim was to protect the Henan Yellow River carp germplasm resources and provide a scientific basis for the meat quality improvement of Yellow River carps. With artificially farmed and wild Henan Yellow River carps ... The aim was to protect the Henan Yellow River carp germplasm resources and provide a scientific basis for the meat quality improvement of Yellow River carps. With artificially farmed and wild Henan Yellow River carps as the research objects, comparative study on muscle fiber diameter and density, routine nutritional composition, calcium and phosphorus contents and amino acids composition was conducted between the two groups of carps. The results showed that the moisture content was significantly higher (P 〈0.05), the crude fat and crude protein contents were significantly lower (P〈0.05), the essential amino acids and total amino acids contents were lower (P〉0.05), the phosphorus content was higher (P 〉0.05), and the calcium content was lower (P〉0.05) in the wild group compared with those in the farming group. The analysis of muscle fiber characteristics showed that there were significant differences in the average muscle fiber diameter (P〈0.05) and muscle fiber density (P〈0.01) between the two groups of Henan Yellow River carps. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow River carp PROTEIN Amino acids NUTRIENTS Muscle fiber
A Review on Tibetan Swine(a)——Carcass,Meat Quality,Basic Nutrition Component,Amino Acids,Fatty Acids,Inosine Monophosphate and Muscle Fiber 被引量:4
作者 王蜀金 李嘉英 +3 位作者 王欢 韩帅娟 郭春华 王永 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1369-1374,1391,共7页
In this review, the carcass, meat quality, internal organs, basic nutrition component, amino acids (AAs), fatty acids, inosine monophosphate (IMP) and mus- cle fiber of Tibetan swine were summarized for the first ... In this review, the carcass, meat quality, internal organs, basic nutrition component, amino acids (AAs), fatty acids, inosine monophosphate (IMP) and mus- cle fiber of Tibetan swine were summarized for the first time. The formation mecha- nism of excellent features was analyzed from the aspects of physiological traits, ge- ographical environments and constraint reasons. Thereby, the outstanding features of Tibetan swine could be extended continuously, and the poor characteristics should be improved in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan swine Meat quality Amino acids Fatty acids Muscle fiber
Evaluation of Chinese Cabbage Sensory Quality and Its Relationship with Contents of Main Nutrient Components 被引量:1
作者 龚振平 于拴仓 +5 位作者 张凤兰 余阳俊 赵岫云 张德双 汪维红 苏同兵 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1592-1596,共5页
In order to establish a comprehensive evaluation system for quality of Chinese cabbage, 28 Chinese cabbage cultivars or inbreeds were selected as ex- perimental materials to identify the raw and cooked taste and deter... In order to establish a comprehensive evaluation system for quality of Chinese cabbage, 28 Chinese cabbage cultivars or inbreeds were selected as ex- perimental materials to identify the raw and cooked taste and determine the nutrient component contents, and the subjective factors (taste) and objective factors (nutrient component contents) influencing the sensory quality of Chinese cabbage were ana- lyzed by multiple regression and path analysis. The results showed that two regres- sion equations were obtained: yr (raw quality)=0.310 3+0.254 0xl (juiciness)+0.176 2 x2 (sweetness)+0.221 6x3 (crispness)+0.319 9x4 (flavor); Yc (cooked quality)=0.204 4+ 0.250 9 xs (residue)+0.246 9x6 (cooked sweetness)+0.182 5x7 (softness)+0.323 lx8 (cooked flavor). The path analysis results showed that among the sensory indices, the total coefficients of sweetness and juiciness were 0.445 3 and 0.427 6, respec- tively. It indicated they were the main factors affecting the raw quality of Chinese cab- bage, followed by flavor and crispness. Sweetness, with total coefficient of 0.515 2, showed the greatest effect on the cooked quality of Chinese cabbage, followed by residue, cooked flavor and softness. The effects of nutrient component contents on the sensory quality of Chinese cabbage were further analyzed, and the regression equa- tions were obtained: y, =-32.192 0+0.389 3xw (moisture content)+1.169 8x~ (soluble sugar content); Yc = 7.497 1+0.732 6xs - 5.668 8x, (organic acid content)-2.176 3x~ (crude fiber content). The standardized regression coefficients of soluble sugar con- tent were all highest with the value of 0.580 7 in the raw quality regression equa- tion and 0.325 0 in the cooked quality one, indicating that among the six nutrient components, the soluble sugar content was the main factor affecting both raw and cooked quality of Chinese cabbage. This study will provide certain basis for quality evaluation, selection and breeding of high-quality Chinese cabbage. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese cabbage Sensory quality Nutritional component Path analysis Regression analysis
Study on Germplasm Resources of Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) in Shanxi Province 被引量:1
作者 张丽君 马名川 +3 位作者 刘龙龙 康国帅 周建萍 崔林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1217-1222,1270,共7页
This study analyzed the tartary buckwheat recorded in the books Catalogue of Crop Germplasm Resources in Shanxi Province and Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat Germplasm Resources by Excel 2003 and DPS 7.5 from the aspect... This study analyzed the tartary buckwheat recorded in the books Catalogue of Crop Germplasm Resources in Shanxi Province and Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat Germplasm Resources by Excel 2003 and DPS 7.5 from the aspects of distribution areas,main agronomic traits and nutritional components,so as to lay a foundation for the selection of excellent buckwheat germplasm resources and improvement of buckwheat varieties.The results showed that different buckwheat varieties vary in plant height,node number of the main stem,grain weight per plant,grain weight per plant and kilo-grain weight.Compared with the national average values,buckwheat in Shanxi is higher in protein and fat,but lower in vitamin E and vitamin PP;it is rich in Ca,Mg,Cu,P,Se,Fe,Mn and Zn;and it contains 18 amino acids with the content of glutamic acid being the highest and the content of tryptophane being the lowest.After analyzing and classifying the tartary buckwheat germplasm resources recorded in Catalogue of Grop Germplasm Resources in Shanxi Province and Catalogue of Chinese Buckwheat Germplasm Resources,breeders could breed new varieties with high yield and quality and strong stress resistance by crossbreeding with these germplasm resources. 展开更多
关键词 Tartary buckwheat Agronomic traits Nutritional composition Germplasm resources SHANXI
Research on Nourishing Compositions of Fagopyrum tataricum 被引量:2
作者 宋毓雪 黄凯丰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第9期115-117,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to identify the nourishing compositions of Fagopyrum tataricum and screen high-quality buckwheat materials.[Method]A total of 10 species of buckwheat including T32,T31,T30,T14,T28,T23,T24,Jiuji... [Objective] The aim was to identify the nourishing compositions of Fagopyrum tataricum and screen high-quality buckwheat materials.[Method]A total of 10 species of buckwheat including T32,T31,T30,T14,T28,T23,T24,Jiujiang Buckwheat,Weiku 2 and WK-1 were employed as experimental materials,and the contents of the nutritional components(including total sugar,reducing sugar,starch,amylose,amylopectin and protein),flavonoids content,physical and chemical characteristics(such as expansive force,water holding capacity)of them were respectively measured.[Result]There were significant differences in contents of soluble protein,total sugar,reduced sugar,amylase and expansive force among the cultivars,but the differences in contents of total starch,amylopectin,flavonoids content and water holding capacity were not significant.[Conclusion]The starch content in seeds of buckwheat was relatively high,and amylopectin was the main composition. 展开更多
关键词 BUCKWHEAT Nourishing compositions Physical and chemical characteristics
Slaughter Performance, Muscle Quality and Muscle Nutrients of Twelve-month-old Tibetan Goat
作者 杨平贵 周明亮 +5 位作者 王燕军 毛进彬 陈明华 阿龙呷 肖文平 庞倩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2837-2841,2849,共6页
This study aimed to study the germplasm characteristics of Tibetan goat distributed in Sichuan. Three male and three female goats of twelve-month-old Ti-betan goat were selected, and they were slaughtered for analysis... This study aimed to study the germplasm characteristics of Tibetan goat distributed in Sichuan. Three male and three female goats of twelve-month-old Ti-betan goat were selected, and they were slaughtered for analysis of slaughter per-formance, muscle quality and muscle nutrients. The results showed that the pre-slaughter body weights, dressing percentages, meat percentages and carcass meat production rates of male and female Tibetan goats were (14.33±1.53) and (12.50±2.18) kg, (42.11±5.26)% and (43.85±4.51)%, (31.34±3.36)% and (32.84±3.16)%, and (72.34±0.54)% and (72.30±0.78)%, respectively. There were smal differences in car-cass size, carcass segmentation, muscle fiber properties, muscle quality, muscle nu-tritional composition, muscle minerals contents and muscle heavy metals contents between male and female Tibetan goats. A total of 18 kinds of amino acids were detected in the muscle of male and female Tibetan goats. The EAA/TAA ratios and EAA/NEAA ratios of male and female Tibetan goats were (39.18&#177;0.38)%and (38.70±0.72)%, and (64.31±1.03)% and (63.21±1.92)%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan goat Slaughter performance Muscle quality Nutritional compo-nents
Nutritional Compositions of Maca Grown in Ebian and HPLC Fingerprints of Macaene and Macamide
作者 陈建 夏陈 +1 位作者 朱永清 栢凤女 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期947-950,共4页
In the present study, the nutritional compositions of maca which was grown in a mountain area at an elevation of 2 200-2 800 m of Ebian County,Sichuan Province were measured, and then HPLC analysis on two representati... In the present study, the nutritional compositions of maca which was grown in a mountain area at an elevation of 2 200-2 800 m of Ebian County,Sichuan Province were measured, and then HPLC analysis on two representative active compounds(macaene and macamide) in the maca sample was performed.The results revealed that there were 24.20% total protein, 18.40% total amino acids(including 3.84% arginine), 42.80% total sugars, 1.36% fat and kinds of minerals(including 1.14% potassium) in Ebian maca. HPLC fingerprints of macaene and macamide of Ebian maca were similar to those of Peru maca. The results suggested that maca could be cultivated with good quality in some mountain areas with an altitude1 000 m lower than the origin place in Peru. 展开更多
关键词 MACA Nutritional compositions Macaene Macamide HPLC fingerprints
强化实习生管理 培养合格人才 被引量:1
作者 赵红深 谢孝义 《卫生职业教育》 1999年第2期36-37,共2页
前几年,由于社会办学的增加和职业中专招生的扩大,实习单位实习生人数急剧膨胀,实习生素质参差不齐,整体质量有着明显的滑坡现象,实习风气连年逆转。在没有专门的教学医院,实习基地分散且同时承担不同性质的多所学校的学生实习的... 前几年,由于社会办学的增加和职业中专招生的扩大,实习单位实习生人数急剧膨胀,实习生素质参差不齐,整体质量有着明显的滑坡现象,实习风气连年逆转。在没有专门的教学医院,实习基地分散且同时承担不同性质的多所学校的学生实习的情况下,如何扬我校A级学校的严谨校... 展开更多
关键词 强化实习 培养合格人才 素质培养 “养成”教育 带教老师 实习前 学校 “四个结合” 管理体系 立体育人
针对青年学生特点 进行“学会做人”教育
作者 田海勇 李书敏 王永芬 《衡水师专学报》 2002年第2期54-55,共2页
“学会做人”教育已引起全世界的关注 ,在我国对青年学生进行“学会做人”教育尤为重要。在教育中 ,要利用青年特点 ,突出“养成”教育、“公德”教育两个重点 ;发掘青年亮点 ,解决教育难点 ;注重汲取传统文化的营养 ,以身作则 ,持之以... “学会做人”教育已引起全世界的关注 ,在我国对青年学生进行“学会做人”教育尤为重要。在教育中 ,要利用青年特点 ,突出“养成”教育、“公德”教育两个重点 ;发掘青年亮点 ,解决教育难点 ;注重汲取传统文化的营养 ,以身作则 ,持之以恒。抓住人生最关键的时期 。 展开更多
关键词 青年学生 做人教育 道德教育 儒家思想 “养成”教育
Chemical Constituents of the Suspension Cell Cultures of Maytenus hookeri 被引量:6
作者 鲁春华 张建新 +1 位作者 甘烦远 沈月毛 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第5期603-610,共8页
Suspension cell cultures of Maytenus hookeri Loos. (Celastraceae) in SH media were established from the calli induced from the leaves and young steins of M. hookeri on MS media with the supplement of 2 mg/L 2,4-D and ... Suspension cell cultures of Maytenus hookeri Loos. (Celastraceae) in SH media were established from the calli induced from the leaves and young steins of M. hookeri on MS media with the supplement of 2 mg/L 2,4-D and 0.1 mg/L KIN (kinetin). Ethyl acetate extract of the cultures showed inhibitory activities against Penicillium avellaneum UC-4376 which was sensitive to maytansinoids. Exhaustive isolation of natural products from a large scale of suspension cell cultures did not yield maytansine instead of affording nine compounds including one novel triterpenoid, named 2, 3-diacetoxyl maytenusone (1), and eight known ones including squalene (2), beta-sitosterol (3), 2', 3', 4-triacetyl-sitoindoside I (4), salaspermic acid (5), maytenonic acid (6), 2alpha-hydroxy-maytenonic acid (7), 6, 11,12-trihydroxy-8, 11, 13-abietrien-7-one (8) and 11, 12-dihydroxy-8, 11, 13-abietatrien-7-one (9) elucidated on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR data. The H-1-NMR and C-13-NMR assignments were made for 1, 5, 6 and 7, while the C-13-NMR assignments for 5 and 6 were revised. The chemical results suggested that the suspension cell cultures of M. hookeri did not produce maytansinoids under the reported experiment conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Maytenus hookeri CELASTRACEAE suspension cell cultures maytansine 2 3-diacetoxyl maytenusone
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