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论产学研合作中的“创新驱动失灵” 被引量:4
作者 孙庆梅 李兆友 李有刚 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期6-9,共4页
在产学研合作中,政府失灵或市场失灵都会导致合作创新驱动力不足,造成"创新驱动失灵",影响合作创新的效率和成果。产学研合作中"创新驱动失灵"表现各异,原因也有很多。科学分析这些表现和因素,提出现代政府预防和... 在产学研合作中,政府失灵或市场失灵都会导致合作创新驱动力不足,造成"创新驱动失灵",影响合作创新的效率和成果。产学研合作中"创新驱动失灵"表现各异,原因也有很多。科学分析这些表现和因素,提出现代政府预防和纠治产学研合作"创新驱动失灵"的领域,确定干预与管理范围,为产学研合作创新驱动提供发展环境。 展开更多
关键词 产学研合作 “创新驱动失灵” 政府失灵 市场失灵
众创时代的大学变革:理念、战略与路径——评《“创新驱动”战略下高等教育与社会互动机制研究——基于大学变革的视角》 被引量:1
作者 赵中建 《创新与创业教育》 2017年第2期1-2,13,共3页
《"创新驱动"战略下高等教育与社会互动机制研究——基于大学变革的视角》一书由王志强和卓泽林博士所著,该书以大学的变革为研究视角,对全球范围内国家、地区和大学层面建设创新创业生态系统的理念与实践展开研究,以创新驱... 《"创新驱动"战略下高等教育与社会互动机制研究——基于大学变革的视角》一书由王志强和卓泽林博士所著,该书以大学的变革为研究视角,对全球范围内国家、地区和大学层面建设创新创业生态系统的理念与实践展开研究,以创新驱动背景下大学变革的五个关键领域(目标、基础、动力、路径和机制)为框架,以多案例分析解读了大学变革的理念、实践和新态势。研究落脚在中国大学与社会的互动上,从历史演进和现实发展两个方面探讨了我国高校与社会的互动。并在此基础上思考了我国同一领域存在的问题和对策。 展开更多
关键词 王志强 卓泽林 “创新驱动”战略下高等教育与社会互动机制研究--基于大学变革的视角》 创新驱动发展战略 社会互动机制 学术性企业
从体制机制角度看“创新驱动发展”战略之实施 被引量:1
作者 闫亚平 《华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期59-61,共3页
体制机制创新是实施"创新驱动发展"战略的前提、基础、根本途径与动力。因此,我们要沿着创新组织管理体制、创新运行机制、创新保障体制的思路,改革、完善和创新相关体制机制,为实施"创新驱动发展"战略提供坚实的... 体制机制创新是实施"创新驱动发展"战略的前提、基础、根本途径与动力。因此,我们要沿着创新组织管理体制、创新运行机制、创新保障体制的思路,改革、完善和创新相关体制机制,为实施"创新驱动发展"战略提供坚实的制度保障。 展开更多
关键词 “创新驱动发展” 体制机制 创新
上海“创新驱动,转型发展”评价指标体系研究 被引量:28
作者 上海财经大学课题组 徐国祥 +2 位作者 龙硕 郑雯 刘新姬 《科学发展》 CAS 2014年第5期5-16,共12页
构建上海"创新驱动,转型发展"评价指标体系,应遵循体现"创新驱动,转型发展"的特点、兼顾区域比较、结合当前重点和着眼长远需要4个原则,从多个维度展开分析和研究:一是经济结构合理化,主要从产业结构、投资与消费... 构建上海"创新驱动,转型发展"评价指标体系,应遵循体现"创新驱动,转型发展"的特点、兼顾区域比较、结合当前重点和着眼长远需要4个原则,从多个维度展开分析和研究:一是经济结构合理化,主要从产业结构、投资与消费结构、收入分配结构、企业所有制结构等的优化方面加以考察;二是创新驱动和经济运行质量提升,主要从创新成果、节能减排、经济效益、居民收入、就业等方面加以考察;三是社会生态环境优化,主要从生态环境、社会环境等方面加以考察。上海的"创新驱动,转型发展"评价指标体系应包含"创新驱动""转型发展"和"民生改善"3个子指标体系和30个具体的评价指标。 展开更多
关键词 “创新驱动 转型发展” 评价指标体系 经济发展方式
《中国科技产业》 2005年第7期29-30,共2页
科技部副部长尚勇6月11日在深圳举行的“自主创新与区域经济结构调整高层论坛”上指出.在经济、科技全球化的新形势下.技术创新已经取代自然资源成为决定国家竞争力的决定性因素。在这种情况下.我国经济发展必须实现从资源依赖型向... 科技部副部长尚勇6月11日在深圳举行的“自主创新与区域经济结构调整高层论坛”上指出.在经济、科技全球化的新形势下.技术创新已经取代自然资源成为决定国家竞争力的决定性因素。在这种情况下.我国经济发展必须实现从资源依赖型向创新驱动型的转变.实现从对国外技术的依赖型向自主创新型的战略转变。 展开更多
关键词 尚勇 中国 经济发展 “创新驱动型” 区域经济结构
作者 李鑫 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2019年第3期89-92,共4页
学科走创新发展之路是"双一流"建设战略任务和创新驱动发展战略的双重要求。学科的发展之路可以从创新驱动发展战略的理论内涵中汲取思路。从内涵上看,走学科创新发展之路包括,走创新学科发展理念之路,走创新学科配套管理机... 学科走创新发展之路是"双一流"建设战略任务和创新驱动发展战略的双重要求。学科的发展之路可以从创新驱动发展战略的理论内涵中汲取思路。从内涵上看,走学科创新发展之路包括,走创新学科发展理念之路,走创新学科配套管理机制之路,走创新学科文化氛围之路。学科创新发展之路要"量体裁衣",以特色学科为发展突破点,校内、校间形成一流的学科团队,建立具有高度学科创新意识并且科学高效的学科管理机制等。 展开更多
关键词 “创新驱动”发展战略 学科发展 创新发展之路 创新学科发展理念 创新学科管理机制 创新学科发展文化氛围 创新发展缘由 内涵 特色学科发展突破点
“创新驱动”发展战略下艺术设计专业素描教学改革路径探讨 被引量:4
作者 胡飞 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2016年第7期162-164,共3页
随着"创新驱动"发展战略实施,我国高校艺术设计教育需要及时调整思路,深化教学改革,强化创新能力培养,素描作为艺术设计教育重要的基础课程,其教学效果直接关系到后续专业设计创新能力培养,因此急需探索一条以创新能力培养为... 随着"创新驱动"发展战略实施,我国高校艺术设计教育需要及时调整思路,深化教学改革,强化创新能力培养,素描作为艺术设计教育重要的基础课程,其教学效果直接关系到后续专业设计创新能力培养,因此急需探索一条以创新能力培养为目的的教学改革路径。通过引导学生主动探究事物本质,把握事物之间的特定关系,对事物本质形态进行重构,对事物形态进行意象化表现等一系列实践训练,能够有效培养学生创新思维能力,是素描教学改革实现创新能力培养的理想路径。 展开更多
关键词 “创新驱动”发展战略 高校艺术设计教育 创新能力培养 素描教学改革
Economists’Judgement on China’s Socio-Economic Development in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period 被引量:2
作者 Editorial Division of China Economist Chen Sumei 《China Economist》 2020年第4期64-99,共36页
2020 is the final year of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan period and an intersection between the“two centennial goals.”It is also a vital year for drafting the 14th Five-year Plan and embarking on a new journey of soci... 2020 is the final year of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan period and an intersection between the“two centennial goals.”It is also a vital year for drafting the 14th Five-year Plan and embarking on a new journey of socialist modernization.What socio-economic progress has China achieved during the 13th Five-Year Plan period and what are the opportunities,challenges and countermeasures for the 14th Five-Year Plan period?In May 2020,the China Economist conducted a questionnaire survey among economists.Results suggest that during the 13th Five-Year Plan period,China has achieved remarkable progress in the following areas:significant socio-economic development,deepening industry-ICT integration,and rapid growth of new economy;mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation,and enhanced R&D capabilities for cutting-edge technologies;green production and the abatement of air and water pollution;and poverty reduction.In the 14th Five-Year Plan period,opportunities co-exist with challenges for China’s socio-economic development,which brims with resiliency.Surveyed economists felt sanguine about China’s development outlook.Based on the results,surveyed economists believed that the Chinese government should focus on the following priorities during the 14th Five-Year Plan period:expediting industrial transition,strengthening the real economy,and exploring domestic consumption potentials;ramping up research in fundamental science,and accelerating the research of critical technologies;increasing equal access to basic public services;and promoting green development in all respects,including green consumption,production,distribution,innovation,and finance. 展开更多
关键词 14th Five-Year Plan period economic development innovation-led growth public welfare environmental protection
Driving Factors of Organizational Innovation
作者 Pedro Carlos Resende Junior Antonia Regina de Oliveira Ricardo Ken Fujihara 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2016年第6期330-343,共14页
This article seeks to outline the main driving factors of organizational innovation within 19 Brazilian companies from both the public and private spheres, whose performances have stood out at national level. The stud... This article seeks to outline the main driving factors of organizational innovation within 19 Brazilian companies from both the public and private spheres, whose performances have stood out at national level. The study comprises one of the stages of APMNI, an assessment methodology for prizes, which emerged from the need for the National Quality Foundation's (FNQ) Technical Group for Innovation to disseminate the concept of innovation management to Brazilian organizations and universities. The technical group, coordinated by the FNQ and the Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV/EAESP, is made up of the following organizations: AES, Ampla, Brasilata, Cemig, Coelba, Correios, Cummins, EDP, Embraer, FGV, Fibria, Fleury, GPC Quimica, Itau, Natura, Promon, Senac, Senai, and Volvo. The problem-situation discussed is that these organizations have different models, dimensions, factors, and scales for assessing innovation management, thus making it necessary to identify in the sample the common factors that drive organizational innovation. 展开更多
Theoretical review and trend orientation of innovation driven development strategy research
作者 Jiang Guofeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期34-37,共4页
innovation driven development strategy,as a national strategy of our country,has attracted wide attention in the academic field,and it is very rich in theory and practice of innovation driven development.But innovatio... innovation driven development strategy,as a national strategy of our country,has attracted wide attention in the academic field,and it is very rich in theory and practice of innovation driven development.But innovation driven development,as a national strategy,is a long-term,not only from institutional and policy perspective,but also need to build a theoretical framework of relatively rich,can practice on the guiding role of theory. 展开更多
关键词 innovation driven innovation driven development strategy INNOVATION
Innovation of Practice Education in Applied Universities: A Study on the "Base"-driven Practice Education System in Zhejiang University City College
作者 Chen Yao Jin Shouhong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期68-70,共3页
Practice education is an important part of application-oriented higher education. Yet it poses many challenges when the design of practice education is questioned concerning whether it actually fulfills the education ... Practice education is an important part of application-oriented higher education. Yet it poses many challenges when the design of practice education is questioned concerning whether it actually fulfills the education purpose for high quality future professionals. This paper thus introduces an innovated "base"-driven model of practice education in Zhejiang University City College in China, with a purpose to provide empirical experiences that may be valuable for the decision-making of practice education design in higher education institutions. The paper progresses by examining the philosophy of its innovated model, discussing the framework, and further highlights a strategic consideration when designing practice education activities in higher education institutions. 展开更多
关键词 application-oriented education practice education innovation and entrepreneurship
Could Innovation be Driven by Globalization?
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第12期1848-1860,共13页
This paper examines the critical role of globalization as a driver for innovation. The introduction of the global strategy quadruple model truly links the three known strategy perspectives (namely, industry competiti... This paper examines the critical role of globalization as a driver for innovation. The introduction of the global strategy quadruple model truly links the three known strategy perspectives (namely, industry competition, resources and institution views) and performance. The model could assist in advancing the cause of sustainable competitive advantages. This study could assist scholars in addressing the three important research questions: (1) Why are some finns more innovative than others? (2) What effects do product, firm, industry, and market innovativeness have on business performance? and (3) Does the link between innovativeness and business performance depend on all or some of the innovativeness factors of product, firm, industry, and market? The presented set of four hypotheses, when tested, will result in a better understanding of the links and relationships among a firm's global strategy, innovativeness, and business performance. The quadruple model presented can be used to examine these relationships in general and in the context of innovation. It is anticipated that this paper will assist researchers, business management, and analysts in developing global innovation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 strategy INNOVATIVENESS product innovativeness firm innovativeness industry innovativeness marketinnovativeness
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