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从古典到现代:应用型大学的“创生”逻辑与“类型”超越 被引量:1
作者 陈明 冯用军 《江苏高教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期25-37,共13页
知识逻辑与地域逻辑是应用型大学“创生”和通过“类型”超越实现高质量发展的核心要义。应用型大学的“创生”得益于现代大学从古典大学转型中迸发出来的勃勃生机,也植根于现代大学蕴含的“新知识”、民族性与民主化的血脉基因中,然而... 知识逻辑与地域逻辑是应用型大学“创生”和通过“类型”超越实现高质量发展的核心要义。应用型大学的“创生”得益于现代大学从古典大学转型中迸发出来的勃勃生机,也植根于现代大学蕴含的“新知识”、民族性与民主化的血脉基因中,然而它们又被不同的国情和文化土壤所栽培,形成了不同形态的“应用型”大学。美国式大学的形态是模糊的,但精神却遍布在不同层次不同类型的高校中;德国式大学被推向了独立的“合法”地位;日本式大学本身是“科技发电站”。在高等教育大众化时代,中国创建了不同于传统大学的“新大学”——应用型大学;在高等教育普及化时代,应用型大学“理想化”“同质化”“线性化”的类型症结逐渐凸显。在加快建设教育强国的新时代,中国应用型大学集群必须从高等教育普及化时代的阶段性特征、个体探索的方法、生态环境营造等视界实现“类型”超越和应用型高等教育体系重构,支撑中国式高等教育现代化助力实现中国式现代化。 展开更多
关键词 应用型大学 “创生”逻辑 “类型”超越 大学集群 教育强国
作者 季春梅 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期37-46,共10页
“造就一批教育家,倡导教育家办学”,是面向2035教育强国的战略要求,也是我国基础教育学校教育改革的内在需求。在“弘扬教育家精神”背景下构建教育家型校长培育“创生”范式,一方面需要对“教育家型校长是什么样的”“教育家型校长是... “造就一批教育家,倡导教育家办学”,是面向2035教育强国的战略要求,也是我国基础教育学校教育改革的内在需求。在“弘扬教育家精神”背景下构建教育家型校长培育“创生”范式,一方面需要对“教育家型校长是什么样的”“教育家型校长是培育出来的吗”予以厘清与确定、明确教育家型校长培育的行动逻辑与意义;另一方面需要超越“培训”范式的局限性,有利于阐释教育家型校长培育“创生”范式的“一体化创造”与“一致性生成”内涵,及其在场性、协同性与生态性特质。构建教育家型校长培育“创生”范式的实践路径,需要以价值引领为前提、实践创新为根本、机制重构为关键、自觉发展为目标。 展开更多
关键词 教育家精神 教育家型校长 教育家型校长培育 “培训”范式 “创生”范式
教师文化的变革与重构:由“适应”到“创生” 被引量:2
作者 张典兵 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2019年第11期30-32,共3页
在传统学校组织模式和应试教育思想影响下,积淀形成的教师"适应"文化表现为封闭的个人主义文化、强制的捆绑主义文化和孤立的派别主义文化。教师"创生"文化实现了由"沉积"到"创建"、由"消... 在传统学校组织模式和应试教育思想影响下,积淀形成的教师"适应"文化表现为封闭的个人主义文化、强制的捆绑主义文化和孤立的派别主义文化。教师"创生"文化实现了由"沉积"到"创建"、由"消极"到"积极"、由"规约"到"解放"、由"自在"到"自觉"的超越。"创生"视野下教师文化的变革与重构需要激发教师的文化自觉,在对话合作中寻求理解,在积极反思中开展批判,在自主自觉中进行学习,在教育研究中开拓创新。 展开更多
关键词 教师文化 “适应”文化 “创生”文化
工业遗产再利用的“创生”设计 被引量:1
作者 邱训兵 《华中建筑》 2017年第3期64-68,共5页
通过工业遗产现状的介绍,阐述了教育学的"创生"概念、来源及创新内涵。以武汉锅炉厂403车间的工业遗产为例,介绍了包括建筑形式和建筑材料的外部创生设计;保留旧结构增加新构件、分隔原有空间增建新空间和保持原外部环境拓展... 通过工业遗产现状的介绍,阐述了教育学的"创生"概念、来源及创新内涵。以武汉锅炉厂403车间的工业遗产为例,介绍了包括建筑形式和建筑材料的外部创生设计;保留旧结构增加新构件、分隔原有空间增建新空间和保持原外部环境拓展地下新空间的内部创生设计;外墙内保温和断桥彩铝门窗的围护体系创生设计;亮面与亚光面、粗糙与细滑、透明与半透明、冷硬与温软材料对比的设计要素创生设计,新旧元素相得益彰的同时,增加建筑的趣味性。 展开更多
关键词 工业遗产 再利用 “创生”设计
小学“创生”英语AI课程的开发与实施研究 被引量:1
作者 李艳 张晓敏 《英语教师》 2021年第18期167-171,共5页
从构建以生命发展的自主性、创造性和差异性三大特征为依据的小学“创生”英语AI课程内容结构模式,探索小学“创生”英语AI课程的三大实施路径,创建小学“创生”英语AI课程的“五度+五性”评测机制等方面,研究小学“创生”英语AI课程开... 从构建以生命发展的自主性、创造性和差异性三大特征为依据的小学“创生”英语AI课程内容结构模式,探索小学“创生”英语AI课程的三大实施路径,创建小学“创生”英语AI课程的“五度+五性”评测机制等方面,研究小学“创生”英语AI课程开发与实施的具体思路。指出小学“创生”英语AI课程有效解决了小学英语教学在学生、教师、家长三个层面存在的问题,全面提升了学生的英语学科核心素养和生命价值。 展开更多
关键词 小学 “创生”英语 AI课程
作者 舒智龙 《中学教学参考》 2017年第13期61-61,共1页
关键词 “创生”理念 政治课堂 教学方式
作者 袁莉 《江西教育》 2024年第35期26-27,共2页
在初中综合实践活动中,教师要积极建构学生的综合实践活动场域,引导学生开展综合实践活动;要注重学生彼此之间的互动,“催生”学生积极的综合实践活动创造;要充分发挥综合实践活动课程的育人功能与价值,让学生享受综合实践活动学习的成... 在初中综合实践活动中,教师要积极建构学生的综合实践活动场域,引导学生开展综合实践活动;要注重学生彼此之间的互动,“催生”学生积极的综合实践活动创造;要充分发挥综合实践活动课程的育人功能与价值,让学生享受综合实践活动学习的成功与快乐。 展开更多
关键词 综合实践 活动课程 “创生”实践
论综合实践活动课程实施的“创生”取向 被引量:3
作者 蔡慧琴 《理论界》 2007年第2期125-126,共2页
关键词 综合实践活动课程 课程实施 “创生”取向
作者 武强 《教育研究与评论(中学教育教学)》 2022年第7期90-93,共4页
地理学科在国际理解教育方面有独特的优势,在地理教学中渗透国际理解教育至关重要。以“创生融入”的方式在地理课堂上实施国际理解教育,可以从分析课标与教材、确定目标与评价标准、设计明暗教学主线、创设情境与活动四个方面进行教学... 地理学科在国际理解教育方面有独特的优势,在地理教学中渗透国际理解教育至关重要。以“创生融入”的方式在地理课堂上实施国际理解教育,可以从分析课标与教材、确定目标与评价标准、设计明暗教学主线、创设情境与活动四个方面进行教学设计。 展开更多
关键词 国际理解教育 地理教学 “创融入” 《污染物跨境转移与环境安全》
作者 胡蓉 《教师》 2009年第7期91-93,共3页
在小学数学教学中,教师不能单纯地“顸设”教学,要根据师生具体教学交流情况,“生成”教学,使课堂充满生机与活力。本文针对如何让小学数学课堂教学有效生成进行了阐述,其具体方法包括:尊重“创生”;倾听意见;善待错误;放大亮... 在小学数学教学中,教师不能单纯地“顸设”教学,要根据师生具体教学交流情况,“生成”教学,使课堂充满生机与活力。本文针对如何让小学数学课堂教学有效生成进行了阐述,其具体方法包括:尊重“创生”;倾听意见;善待错误;放大亮点;给予机会。 展开更多
关键词 尊重“创生” 倾听意见 善待错误 放大亮点 给予机会
How is a black hole created from nothing?
作者 Zhongchao Wu 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期35-38,34,I0002,共6页
Using the synchronous coordinates,the creation of a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in a de Sitter spacetime can be viewed as a coherent creation of a collection of timelike geodesics.The previously supposed conical... Using the synchronous coordinates,the creation of a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in a de Sitter spacetime can be viewed as a coherent creation of a collection of timelike geodesics.The previously supposed conical singularities do not exist at the horizons of the constrained instanton.Instead,the unavoidable irregularity is presented as a nonvanishing second fundamental form elsewhere at the quantum transition 3-surface.The same arguments can be applied to charged,topological,or higher dimensional black hole cases. 展开更多
关键词 black hole creation quantum black hole quantum cosmology
读写结合 学会表达——以人教版五年级教材为例
作者 黄锦珠 《中小学教学研究》 2017年第11期14-16,共3页
读和写的关系是输入和输出关系,二者相辅相成,互相促进。教学中,如果强调写而忽视了读,写就会陷入盲目性,写者会江郎才尽;但如果强调读而忽视了写,读也会失去有效的巩固和检验机会,读者会眼高手低。因此,语文阅读教学中要加强读写的有... 读和写的关系是输入和输出关系,二者相辅相成,互相促进。教学中,如果强调写而忽视了读,写就会陷入盲目性,写者会江郎才尽;但如果强调读而忽视了写,读也会失去有效的巩固和检验机会,读者会眼高手低。因此,语文阅读教学中要加强读写的有机结合,"以读带写""以写促读",才能更好地落实指导学生学习语言文字运用这一课程目标。 展开更多
关键词 读写结合 “仿写” “创生” “迁移”
Routes Choice of Urban Agriculture,Ecotourism and Cultural Innovation Industry Fusion
作者 朱启酒 钱静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2667-2670,共4页
The fusion of urban agriculture, ecotourism and cultural innovation industry has been a necessary way for industry updating, value increase and income im- provement of farmers in suburbs. The methods available of the ... The fusion of urban agriculture, ecotourism and cultural innovation industry has been a necessary way for industry updating, value increase and income im- provement of farmers in suburbs. The methods available of the fusion are as fol- lows: corporation development and operation, led by government with an integrated plan; corporation management and development under guidance of market with sup- port from government; collective development under guidance of market and policies; individual development and operation with the model of "villagers participation de- pending on infrastructure provided by government". The four routes enjoy exclusive advantages and characters. Hence, different villages and towns should adopt the most suitable one according to local conditions for further development and management. 展开更多
关键词 Choice of route Industry fusion Culture innovation ECOTOURISM Urbanagriculture
作者 薛源 王拯 +3 位作者 杨绿林 冯罡宁 胡学宇 金群华 《临床医学进展》 2020年第8期1855-1861,共7页
在临床上,关节软骨损伤是一种常见病,其发生发展可由外伤、骨性关节炎(osteoarthritis, OA)以及剥脱性骨软骨炎等原因造成,而且这种损坏发生后很难修复。关节软骨损伤主要表现为关节疼痛及功能障碍,关节软骨的损伤以及退变都不同程度地... 在临床上,关节软骨损伤是一种常见病,其发生发展可由外伤、骨性关节炎(osteoarthritis, OA)以及剥脱性骨软骨炎等原因造成,而且这种损坏发生后很难修复。关节软骨损伤主要表现为关节疼痛及功能障碍,关节软骨的损伤以及退变都不同程度地发生在老年人及长期剧烈运动的人群中。关节镜检查被认为是诊断关节软骨病变的金标准。但由于其有创检查的性质,对检查者的技术水平要求很高,且无法深入了解软骨的内部情况。定量磁共振成像(quantitative magnetic resonance imaging, qMRI)既可显示软骨形态学变化,又可以定量评估软骨的生化成分,由于该技术具有无创、良好的软组织分辨力、多参数、多平面成像的优势,它能以非侵入性的定量测量来敏感地监测软骨的微细变化,提供可靠和可重复的成像生物标志物。 展开更多
关键词 定量磁共振成像 关节软骨损伤 物标志物
Innovative therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:10
作者 Jesus K Yamamoto-Furusho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第13期1893-1896,共4页
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, which clinically present as one of two disorders, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Mainstays of drug treat... Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, which clinically present as one of two disorders, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Mainstays of drug treatments for IBD include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, methotrexate and cyclosporin. Advances in basic research of the pathophysiological process in IBD have been applied to generate a variety of new therapeutics targeting at different levels of the inflammatory processes. New therapies are classified as: (1) Anti-TNFα antibodies; (2) Recombinant cytokines; (3) Selective adhesion blockade; (4) Growth factors; (5) Innate immunostimulation; (6) Nucleic acid based therapies; (7) Gene therapy; (8) Autologous bone-marrow transplantation; (9) Helminths and (10) Extracorporeal immunomodulation. All treatments have the potential to provide more effective and safe treatment for IBD. 展开更多
关键词 Novel agents Inflammatory bowel diseases Biologic therapy Future agents
Green technical innovation, environmental expenditure, and the environmental Kuznets curve:a dynamics model 被引量:1
作者 Cai Zhonghua 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第1期35-40,共6页
The relationship between the emission of pollutant and economic growth has attracted a lot of attention in the environmental debate of the recent decades. Based on some theoretical and empirical research on environmen... The relationship between the emission of pollutant and economic growth has attracted a lot of attention in the environmental debate of the recent decades. Based on some theoretical and empirical research on environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), this paper introduces the environmental technical innovation and environmental investment into Salow growth model to discuss the relationship between GDP per capital and the emission of pollutant By the dynamic simulation and parameters analysis, the results of the model indicate: (1) when "green" technical progress and environmental investment are fixed, the relationship between GDP per capital and the emission shows the linear relationship; (2) "green" technical progress can lead to the positive growth rates with a decreasing level of emission, which is compatible with an EKC; (3) the proportion of the environmental investment can lead the different growth rates and level of emission. These results can explain that developing countries are "too poor to be green". 展开更多
关键词 Environmental Kuznets curve Environmental investment Green technical progress DYNAMICS
Thermal Treatment of Hydrocarbon-Impacted Soils" A Review of Technology Innovation for Sustainable Remediation 被引量:32
作者 Julia E. Vidonish Kyriacos Zygourakis +2 位作者 Caroline A. Masiello Gabriel Sabadell Pedro J. J. Alvarez 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期426-437,共12页
Thermal treatment technologies hold an important niche in the remediation of hydrocarbon- contaminated soils and sediments due to their ability to quickly and reliably meet cleanup standards. However, sustained high t... Thermal treatment technologies hold an important niche in the remediation of hydrocarbon- contaminated soils and sediments due to their ability to quickly and reliably meet cleanup standards. However, sustained high temperature can be energy intensive and can damage soil properties. Despite the broad applicability and prevalence of thermal remediation, little work has been done to improve the environmental compatibility and sustainahility of these technologies. We review several common thermal treatment technologies for hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, assess their potential environmental impacts, and propose frameworks for sustainable and low-impact deployment based on a holistic consideration of energy and water requirements, ecosystem ecology, and soil science. There is no universally appropriate thermal treatment technology. Rather, the appropriate choice depends on the contamination scenario (including the type of hydrocarbons present) and on site-specific considerations such as soil properties, water availability, and the heat sensitivity of contaminated soils. Overall, the convergence of treatment process engineering with soil science, ecosystem ecology, and plant biology research is essential to fill critical knowledge gaps and improve both the removal efficiency and sustainability of thermal technologies. 展开更多
关键词 Soil decomposition Land reclamation INCINERATION PYROLYSIS DESORPTION
Calculation of the influence of Green Technology Innovation to Eco-Industrial Management in China 被引量:1
作者 Lawrence Malesu HU Xiao-min GUO Li 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第7期29-36,共8页
The function of Green Technology Innovation (GTI) in the Eco-Industrial Management (ELM) appears more and more important, but the research on how much this function plays is scarce. The influence of Green Technolo... The function of Green Technology Innovation (GTI) in the Eco-Industrial Management (ELM) appears more and more important, but the research on how much this function plays is scarce. The influence of Green Technology Innovation to the Eco-Industrial Management has gradually received the academic and the industrial attention. In this article an empirical research was attempted to inspect whether such influence exists and to what value. The study attempts to empirically explore the influencing degree of GTI on EIM in China based on the double logarithmic regression equation. 展开更多
关键词 Green Technology Innovation Eco-Industrial Management influencing degree empirical study
An innovative trigeneration system using biogas as renewable energy 被引量:1
作者 Grazia Leonzio 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1179-1191,共13页
One of the ways to decrease the global primary energy consumption and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions is the application of the combined cooling, heating and power generation technologies, known as trigener... One of the ways to decrease the global primary energy consumption and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions is the application of the combined cooling, heating and power generation technologies, known as trigeneration system. In this research an innovative trigeneration system, composed by an absorption heat pump, a mechanical compression heat pump, a steam plant, and a heat recovery plant is developed. The low tem- perature heat produced by absorption chiller is sent to a mechanical compression heat pump, that receives pro- cess water at low temperature from the heat recovery plant and bring it to higher temperatures. The trigeneration system is fed by biogas, a renewable energy. A design and a simulation of the system are developed by ChemCad 6.3 software. The plant produces 925 kW of electrical energy, 2523 kW of thermal energy and 473 kW of cooling energy, by the combustion of 3280 kW of biogas. Primary energy rate (P.E.R.) is equal 1.04 and a sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate the effect of cooling capacity, produced electrical energy and process water temperature. The first has a negative effect, while other parameters have a positive effect on P.E.R. Compared to a cogeneration system, the tdgeneration plant produces the 28% higher of power and the 40% lower of carbon dioxide emissions. An economic analysis shows that the plant is economically feasible only consid- ering economic incentives obtained by the use of heat pumps and steam plant at high efficiency. Saving 6431 t.a-1 corresponding to 658000 EUR.a-1 of incentives, the plant has a net present value (N.P.V.) and a pay back period (P.B.P.) respectively equal to 371000 EUR and 4 year. Future works should optimize the process considering cost and energetic efficiency as the two objective functions. 展开更多
关键词 Trigeneration system BIOGAS Energy efficiency Process simulation Heat pumps Environmental analysis
Major historical events affecting the accounting profession: An overview
作者 LIU Ying Dong Li-wei 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2009年第9期40-46,共7页
The accounting result from science and technology innovation and the development of productivity, with management modes and financial reforms as its opportunity and the operation of international capital, as well as e... The accounting result from science and technology innovation and the development of productivity, with management modes and financial reforms as its opportunity and the operation of international capital, as well as economic integration helping improve it. An invention, a president, the occurrence of an organization, a historical lesson may directly or indirectly change accounting regulations, and even trigger an accounting revolution. We will put a variety of significant impacts on an accounting, so as to get a fundamental understanding of the close relationship between such events and accounting events, including innovation of accounting theory, and accounting practice; we adopted the "table-style" form of papers, with many self-evident and intuitive tables, we compile a series of major historical events reasonably. Only in accordance with evolution of objective environment, can we design proper accounting practice, and thus innovate and develop accounting. 展开更多
关键词 social development accounting method accounting principles international united front
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