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作者 陈正正 《语文学刊》 2023年第3期31-36,共6页
“初文”是古文字学的一个术语。它指的是一个字的早期写法,一般是为了追溯形源而使用的一种术语。但是,不少文字学著作和字书、字典对“初文”都有滥用之嫌,不考虑二字的音义认同,简单认定某为某之初文。文章在总结学界相关定义的基础... “初文”是古文字学的一个术语。它指的是一个字的早期写法,一般是为了追溯形源而使用的一种术语。但是,不少文字学著作和字书、字典对“初文”都有滥用之嫌,不考虑二字的音义认同,简单认定某为某之初文。文章在总结学界相关定义的基础上,对前人的一些初文认定提出相关意见,同时提出要区分学术史概念的“初文”与学术概念使用的“初文”,并讨论了汉字字源研究的几个问题。 展开更多
关键词 “初文” 字源 音义认同
论《文始》“初文”的价值与局限 被引量:1
作者 陈晓强 《民俗典籍文字研究》 2022年第2期146-158,279,共14页
《文始》以《说文解字》中的独体字为“初文”、以省变独体字或介于独体与合体之间的字为“准初文”。字不同于词,《文始》以“初文”为出发点系联汉语词族存在很多问题。《文始》“初文”兼有字根和语根双重功能,汉字字根和汉语语根关... 《文始》以《说文解字》中的独体字为“初文”、以省变独体字或介于独体与合体之间的字为“准初文”。字不同于词,《文始》以“初文”为出发点系联汉语词族存在很多问题。《文始》“初文”兼有字根和语根双重功能,汉字字根和汉语语根关系密切,《文始》以“初文”为基点、以“字根”通“语根”、以“语根”统词族的方法又有其合理性。 展开更多
关键词 文始 初文 字根 语根
作者 张虹倩 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期38-47,127,共11页
章太炎《文始》为近代汉语语源学开山之作,书中首创"初文""准初文",并以其为汉语词汇系统之"根"。准确把握"初文""准初文"可谓是理解《文始》一大关键,但据考察,书中"声具而形... 章太炎《文始》为近代汉语语源学开山之作,书中首创"初文""准初文",并以其为汉语词汇系统之"根"。准确把握"初文""准初文"可谓是理解《文始》一大关键,但据考察,书中"声具而形残"类准初文值得商榷;进一步考察发现章氏所谓初文、准初文"都五百十字"中,实际符合标准者四百九十二;而合乎标准的初文、准初文中亦有若干归类失当者。 展开更多
关键词 章太炎 语源学 《文始》 初文 初文
《初学记》《艺文类聚》比较研究——以“诗文”为中心的考察 被引量:2
作者 刘全波 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第3期76-83,共8页
《初学记》与《艺文类聚》皆是唐人编纂的经典类书,前辈学者多认为二书是绝无关系的彼此,文章通过比较研究认为《初学记》之“诗文”题名及排列顺序毫无置疑地受到了《艺文类聚》的影响。再者,《初学记》之“诗文”内容对《艺文类聚》... 《初学记》与《艺文类聚》皆是唐人编纂的经典类书,前辈学者多认为二书是绝无关系的彼此,文章通过比较研究认为《初学记》之“诗文”题名及排列顺序毫无置疑地受到了《艺文类聚》的影响。再者,《初学记》之“诗文”内容对《艺文类聚》之“诗文”内容的因袭亦是明显,但此因袭绝不是剿袭,二者之“诗文”部分可谓因袭与变革同在、删并与增补共存。总之,《初学记》与《艺文类聚》是关系紧密的两个文本,二者之间既有继承更有发展。 展开更多
关键词 《初学记》 《艺文类聚》 类书 编纂 诗文
作者 顾海蓉 《中国科教创新导刊》 2009年第3期86-86,共1页
目前初中语文教学中实施综合性学习方式存在初中语文教师的教学理念尚未得到实质性的转变﹑对过程和主体的整体性关注不够﹑存在“唯语文”倾向等诸多问题。教师要切实转变教学理念、对过程和主体的整体性关注程度等措施的提出对初中语... 目前初中语文教学中实施综合性学习方式存在初中语文教师的教学理念尚未得到实质性的转变﹑对过程和主体的整体性关注不够﹑存在“唯语文”倾向等诸多问题。教师要切实转变教学理念、对过程和主体的整体性关注程度等措施的提出对初中语文教学中实施综合性学习方式具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 初中语文 教学 综合性学习
Attribute-Based Access Control for Multi-Authority Systems with Constant Size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing 被引量:16
作者 CHEN Yanli SONG Lingling YANG Geng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期146-162,共17页
In most existing CP-ABE schemes, there is only one authority in the system and all the public keys and private keys are issued by this authority, which incurs ciphertext size and computation costs in the encryption an... In most existing CP-ABE schemes, there is only one authority in the system and all the public keys and private keys are issued by this authority, which incurs ciphertext size and computation costs in the encryption and decryption operations that depend at least linearly on the number of attributes involved in the access policy. We propose an efficient multi-authority CP-ABE scheme in which the authorities need not interact to generate public information during the system initialization phase. Our scheme has constant ciphertext length and a constant number of pairing computations. Our scheme can be proven CPA-secure in random oracle model under the decision q-BDHE assumption. When user's attributes revocation occurs, the scheme transfers most re-encryption work to the cloud service provider, reducing the data owner's computational cost on the premise of security. Finally the analysis and simulation result show that the schemes proposed in this thesis ensure the privacy and secure access of sensitive data stored in the cloud server, and be able to cope with the dynamic changes of users' access privileges in large-scale systems. Besides, the multi-authority ABE eliminates the key escrow problem, achieves the length of ciphertext optimization and enhances the effi ciency of the encryption and decryption operations. 展开更多
关键词 cloud computing attribute-basedencryption access control multi-authority constant ciphertext length attribute revocation
Water exchange and circulation structure near the Luzon Strait in early summer 被引量:3
作者 陈更新 侯一筠 储小青 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期470-481,共12页
Using hydrographic data covering large areas of ocean for the period from June 21 to July 5 in 2009, we studied the circulation structure in the Luzon Strait area, examined the routes of water exchange between the Sou... Using hydrographic data covering large areas of ocean for the period from June 21 to July 5 in 2009, we studied the circulation structure in the Luzon Strait area, examined the routes of water exchange between the South China Sea (SCS) and the Philippine Sea, and estimated the volume transport through Luzon Strait. We found that the Kuroshio axis follows a e-shaped path slightly east of 121°E in the upper layer. With an increase in depth, the Kuroshio axis became gradually farther from the island of Luzon. To study the water exchange between the Philippine Sea and the SCS, identification of inflows and outflows is necessary. We first identified which flows contributed to the water exchange through Luzon Strait, which differs from the approach taken in previous studies. We determined that the obvious water exchange is in the section of 121°E. The westward inflow from the Philippine Sea into the SCS is 6.39 Sv in volume, and mainly in the 100-500 m layer at 19.5°-20°N (accounting for 4.40 Sv), while the outflow from the SCS into the Philippine Sea is concentrated in the upper 100 m at 19°-20°N and upper 400 m at 21°-21.5°N, and below 240 m at 19°-19.5°N, accounting for 1.07, 3.02 and 3.43 Sv in volume transport, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 water exchange the Luzon Strait circulation structure KUROSHIO
The Kingdom of Lettering: The Films Titles in the Early Years of Turkish Cinema
作者 Nazh Eda Noyan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期230-241,共12页
This paper explores the film title design in Turkish cinema with the aim of understanding the link between Turkish cinema and Turkish graphic design. It is carried through first with the interviews with producers, dir... This paper explores the film title design in Turkish cinema with the aim of understanding the link between Turkish cinema and Turkish graphic design. It is carried through first with the interviews with producers, directors, title designers, and an extensive use of iconography and textual analysis has been made first between the title and the poster of the same film, and then the titles of the same period. The study focuses on the early period of Turkish cinema during a unique time of political, economical, and social change. In these years, the new Turkish Republic is born with very significant reforms such as the new alphabet. This has also been the time of the first fictional film, first sound film, and the first advertising agency and commercial poster in Turkish. The earliest title sequence that could be reached date back to 1932. From this year on, until the 1950s, which is named here as the early years of Turkish cinema, we see the kingdom of lettering where the typographic elements dominate the titles. During the kingdom of lettering, early Turkish film titles reflect the conditions of the time in terms of film production and the changing society. The paths of Turkish cinema and graphic design seem not to be fully crossed yet; nevertheless we witness the birth of a new visual form and a new nation in these titles 展开更多
关键词 film titles Turkish cinema graphic design TYPOGRAPHY
模型水轮机初生空化的特征谱提取识别方法 被引量:6
作者 韩文福 倪晋兵 +5 位作者 桂中华 满哲 丁景焕 肖微 李东阔 汪刚 《水力发电学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期69-79,共11页
目前水轮机模型初生空化识别方法仍采用人工识别法,这种方法获得结果的周期较长、主观性强、准确度及效率都较低。针对于此,对水轮机模型初生空化识别方法进行了研究与优化创新,提出了一种基于炮声谱与特殊脉动谱特征提取的水轮机空化... 目前水轮机模型初生空化识别方法仍采用人工识别法,这种方法获得结果的周期较长、主观性强、准确度及效率都较低。针对于此,对水轮机模型初生空化识别方法进行了研究与优化创新,提出了一种基于炮声谱与特殊脉动谱特征提取的水轮机空化智能识别方法,即多态泡音智能识别方法 PSVFR。该方法依据自主开发的水轮机空化噪声多态算法MTCSPC,对数据进行处理,通过采集初生空化音态特征向量,建立矩阵模型,与样本数据库中的定性矩阵进行特征比对、计算、判断,以帮助机器完成对模型水轮机空化噪声的学习和识别。与现有技术相比,该方法能够提高机器对水轮机初生空化现象的识别准确度和识别效率,识别效率可达80%。 展开更多
关键词 模型水轮机空化 空化识别 泡音智能识别 音态特征向量 特征谱
A Note on Fermat Equation's Fascination
作者 Enzo Bonacci 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2016年第4期139-146,共8页
As former Fermatist, the author tried many times to prove Fermat's Last Theorem in an elementary way. Just few insights of the proposed schemes partially passed the peer-reviewing and they motivated the subsequent fr... As former Fermatist, the author tried many times to prove Fermat's Last Theorem in an elementary way. Just few insights of the proposed schemes partially passed the peer-reviewing and they motivated the subsequent fruitful collaboration with Prof. Mario De Paz. Among the author's failures, there is an unpublished proof emblematic of the FLT's charming power for the suggestive circumstances it was formulated. As sometimes happens with similar erroneous attempts, containing out-of-context hints, it provides a germinal approach to power sums yet to be refined. 展开更多
关键词 Fermat's equation Fermat's Last Theorem power sums
On the Regional Enlarged Observability for Linear Parabolic Systems
作者 Hayat Zouiten Ali Boutoulout Fatima Zahrae El Alaoui 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2017年第3期79-87,共9页
In this paper, we study the notion of the enlarged observability for distributed parabolic systems, where the aim is to reconstruct the initial state between two prescribed profiles P1 and P2 in an internal subregion ... In this paper, we study the notion of the enlarged observability for distributed parabolic systems, where the aim is to reconstruct the initial state between two prescribed profiles P1 and P2 in an internal subregion c0 of the evolution domain f2. We give some definitions and properties of this concept, and then we solve the problem of the reconstruction of initial state using the Hilbert Uniqueness Method (HUM). This leads to several interesting results which are performed through numerical example and simulations. 展开更多
关键词 Distributed systems Parabolic systems Enlarged observability HUM Approach.
论南朝至唐代“人文化成”文学观的流行历史 被引量:4
作者 钱志熙 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期72-84,共13页
“人文化成”之说源于《周易》“文”说,具有原始美学的价值。在齐梁文学风气兴盛、文笔说流行的背景下,被刘勰及萧氏兄弟等人适时引入文学理论范畴,成为齐梁文学的基本原理。唐初诸史沿用齐梁文说,使此说更得以流行,成为初唐文论的常... “人文化成”之说源于《周易》“文”说,具有原始美学的价值。在齐梁文学风气兴盛、文笔说流行的背景下,被刘勰及萧氏兄弟等人适时引入文学理论范畴,成为齐梁文学的基本原理。唐初诸史沿用齐梁文说,使此说更得以流行,成为初唐文论的常调。但在初盛唐复古文学流行之后,其说逐渐淡出。传统评价,将此论仅视为对齐梁文学的批评观点、单纯从文学复古、重视教化的方面来阐述,并没有凸现从齐梁到唐代人文说流行的全部事实真相。“人文化成说”,至少是在使用过程中,具有用其来缘饰上层的文治及其文学创作的功能。 展开更多
关键词 人文化成说 《周易》文说 齐梁文笔说 初盛唐文论
“Love” as the Key Word: New Sexual Morality and New Literature in the Late Qing and Early Republican Years(1900-1920)
作者 杨联芬 Chen Si 《Social Sciences in China》 2014年第4期65-82,共18页
Courtesy of translation, the word "love" (lian "ai 恋爱) entered the modem Chinese language in the early 20th century, leading to changes in the mode, experience, meaning and evaluation of "feelings between men ... Courtesy of translation, the word "love" (lian "ai 恋爱) entered the modem Chinese language in the early 20th century, leading to changes in the mode, experience, meaning and evaluation of "feelings between men and women" by virtue of this new nomenclature. The word entered public discourse and became the point of entry for new Chinese ethical construction, spawning a series of new moral propositions from the late Qing to the May Fourth Movement together with corresponding works of new literature. The "free marriage" advocated in the late Qing confirmed the modem consciousness of marriage premised on love and determined primarily by the will of the parties themselves, initiating a new style of civilized marriage. In the early Republican period, the word "love" was temporarily stigmatized in the course of sinicization, with the result that it was generally avoided in romance fiction. However, the widespread cult of the "spiritual character of love" in novels of tragic love laid the foundation for the emergence of"the sanctity of love" in the May Fourth period. The theory of love constructed at this time under the influence of Western theories made a subtle distinction between the "freedom of love" and "free love," reflecting the ideological divergence within the New Culture community. In terms of spatial imagery and descriptions of love, the pioneering creation of romantic literature during the May Fourth period deconstructed the patriarchal authority that suppressed individual freedom, undermining traditional morality and opening up new fields for literary expression. But since the one-dimensional pursuit of individual freedom also led to weaknesses such as superficial emotionalism, May Fourth romantic literature could not take the experiences and expression of love to a deeper level. 展开更多
关键词 LOVE late Qing and early Republican period new word new morality new literature
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