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作者 王韵然 《天工》 2023年第7期22-24,共3页
当代首饰(Contemporary Jewelry)从20世纪80年代末进入中国。随着当代艺术的发展,首饰艺术也被赋予了新的时代元素,首饰不再是传统意义上的装饰品,而是逐渐发展成为强调情感表达、精神内涵、文化理念的艺术形式。从罗兰·巴特在《... 当代首饰(Contemporary Jewelry)从20世纪80年代末进入中国。随着当代艺术的发展,首饰艺术也被赋予了新的时代元素,首饰不再是传统意义上的装饰品,而是逐渐发展成为强调情感表达、精神内涵、文化理念的艺术形式。从罗兰·巴特在《明室——摄影纵横谈》中提到的“studium”(“意趣”)和“punctum”(“刺点”)角度对当代首饰艺术进行解读。从观念表达、材料运用、佩戴方式三个方面入手,阐释当代首饰中“刺点”的具体表达方式,为当代首饰艺术创作提供新的思考路径。 展开更多
关键词 当代首饰 艺术 “意趣” “刺点”
作者 赵菁 《今传媒》 2022年第9期110-113,共4页
本文以中国当代诗人舒洁的诗歌为例,在对符号景观、意象、“刺点”理论等内容进行界定后,分别从立象尽意、境生象外、象征交换三个层面分析了诗歌中的景观符号及其表征,并从结构、内容、主旨三个层面讨论了诗歌中的“刺点”是如何在景... 本文以中国当代诗人舒洁的诗歌为例,在对符号景观、意象、“刺点”理论等内容进行界定后,分别从立象尽意、境生象外、象征交换三个层面分析了诗歌中的景观符号及其表征,并从结构、内容、主旨三个层面讨论了诗歌中的“刺点”是如何在景观中生产和表达意境的。 展开更多
关键词 景观 符号 “刺点” 舒洁
作者 许芷萱 叶玲 相宁 《当代音乐》 2024年第10期132-134,共3页
近年来,中华民族文化认同感和文化自信不断增强,“国潮”舞蹈热作为一种新的现象,渐渐成为国人表达民族情怀和文化态度的新方式,人们对于“国潮”舞蹈的追寻成为一种时尚。而“国潮”舞蹈现象中“刺点”的出现,使中华民族历史悠久的传... 近年来,中华民族文化认同感和文化自信不断增强,“国潮”舞蹈热作为一种新的现象,渐渐成为国人表达民族情怀和文化态度的新方式,人们对于“国潮”舞蹈的追寻成为一种时尚。而“国潮”舞蹈现象中“刺点”的出现,使中华民族历史悠久的传统文化与现代元素进行“破圈、融合、发展、再创”,以突破常规的解读方式讲述中国故事,同时也在“国潮”文化发展的趋势下为中国本土舞蹈的创作与传播增添了更多的可能。本文聚焦“国潮”舞蹈现象,以生态学为理论视角,构筑“国潮”舞蹈现象中“刺点”的生态模型,探讨本体与客体生态位的多元构建。“刺点”与舞蹈创作内涵是否息息相关还有待进一步研究,故详细梳理“国潮”舞蹈现象中“刺点”的生态学释义,对中国本土舞蹈创作具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 “国潮”舞蹈现象 “刺点” 生态学
史料学写作与“刺点”思维——评《迷影:创发一种观看的方法,书写一段文化的历史1944—1968》 被引量:1
作者 安燕 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期104-111,共8页
安托万·德巴克的著作《迷影:创发一种观看的方法,书写一段文化的历史1944—1968》,在对档案、史料的处理及其材料对思想、精神“刺点”的激发上,亦即史与论的融贯上,堪称典范。该书通过三大资料来源——私人档案、访谈和对话、杂志... 安托万·德巴克的著作《迷影:创发一种观看的方法,书写一段文化的历史1944—1968》,在对档案、史料的处理及其材料对思想、精神“刺点”的激发上,亦即史与论的融贯上,堪称典范。该书通过三大资料来源——私人档案、访谈和对话、杂志,将历史掌故化、故事化,深察入微地揭示了法国迷影史上复杂吊诡的历史现象;其抽丝剥茧、归纳演绎的史料学写作方法凸显的并非史料本身,而是思想和精神的“刺点”;无论是材料选择,还是结构布局中人物、观念的复杂交汇,都反映了该书对迷影精神和迷影文化“扩而充之”的认知,由此使电影本身呈现出无限的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 安托万·德巴克 《迷影》 史料学写作 “刺点”思维
中国民族民间舞蹈创作中“刺点”的原理分析 被引量:3
作者 袁杰雄 《北京舞蹈学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期98-104,共7页
从符号学角度来看,舞蹈作品是在“双轴”操作中形成的,要使舞蹈作品意义丰富,就须在作品聚合轴上选择某一关键性元素进行突破常规的巧设。当这些巧设的元素被置入舞蹈作品,它们就成为反常、突出、不拘一格的“刺点”,此时其他具有传达... 从符号学角度来看,舞蹈作品是在“双轴”操作中形成的,要使舞蹈作品意义丰富,就须在作品聚合轴上选择某一关键性元素进行突破常规的巧设。当这些巧设的元素被置入舞蹈作品,它们就成为反常、突出、不拘一格的“刺点”,此时其他具有传达一般认知功能的大部分成分就成为“展面”。“刺点”将意义引向不同的认知域,强调“跨域映射”的转义生成,故突出表现为一种隐喻特征,并主要以动作、服饰、音乐、道具等方式来表现。“刺点”有两个特点:一是“刺点”的聚合系突然拓宽,超出了我们一贯对这一成分的经验认知;二是“刺点”的“在场”恰好替代了原有经验系统中“离场”的成分,“在场”与“离场”元素之间产生的解释类比与联想,造就了作品的与众不同。由此可见,舞蹈作品是否有深度,关键就看“刺点”安排得是否巧妙。故厘清“刺点”在舞蹈作品中的表意原理,对舞蹈创作具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国民族民间舞蹈 “刺点” “展面” 双轴关系 表意原理
作者 李艳云 臧新华 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期30-35,共6页
张二棍是近年来凭借网络写作闯入诗坛的山西优秀诗人,其作品内敛、深沉,充满着对于底层民众生计与命运的关注和同情,具有现实主义写作的向度。其诗作简洁、流畅,语言通俗易懂,然而诗歌意旨又含蓄蕴藉、意味深长。其诗歌之所以能够在较... 张二棍是近年来凭借网络写作闯入诗坛的山西优秀诗人,其作品内敛、深沉,充满着对于底层民众生计与命运的关注和同情,具有现实主义写作的向度。其诗作简洁、流畅,语言通俗易懂,然而诗歌意旨又含蓄蕴藉、意味深长。其诗歌之所以能够在较短时间内被诗坛接受、具有感人的力量,除了“及物”的写作向度,更与其诗意空间的构建有关。其诗歌诗意空间的构建主要体现为三方面:抒情与叙事的共融、“刺点”的巧妙设置、语言平直中的“陌生化”追求。 展开更多
关键词 张二棍 诗意空间 “刺点” “陌生化”
罗曼·雅各布森的“主导”理论视野下的余秀华:一颗稗子提心吊胆的春天 被引量:1
作者 菅娜娜 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期46-52,共7页
余秀华在2014年年底至2015年年初,迅速爆红,在社会上以及诗歌界产生了一股"余秀华热"。时隔一年后,这种热度渐渐沉淀,批评界也开始思考余秀华的诗歌是否真的能够承担起文学界如此"热度"的阐释,余秀华是否担得起&qu... 余秀华在2014年年底至2015年年初,迅速爆红,在社会上以及诗歌界产生了一股"余秀华热"。时隔一年后,这种热度渐渐沉淀,批评界也开始思考余秀华的诗歌是否真的能够承担起文学界如此"热度"的阐释,余秀华是否担得起"语言天才""天才诗人""中国的艾米丽·狄金森"等称誉。结合罗曼·雅各布森的"主导"理论以及罗兰·巴尔特的"刺点"(赵毅衡翻译)两个符号学概念来细读余秀华本人最喜爱的一首诗歌:《我爱你》。从中可以管窥她在诗歌的温暖和向往之中带来的刺痛感,而这种刺痛正是犀利的语言以及经由此直接穿透到生命内部所感知到的诗歌独特美学张力所主导的。 展开更多
关键词 “余秀华热” 《我爱你》 “刺点”与“主导” 稗子
纪录电影《四个春天》的符号化影像分析 被引量:3
作者 王心明 徐明 《教育传媒研究》 2022年第1期78-80,共3页
《四个春天》用镜头记录了导演陆庆屹四个春天回家陪父母过年的家庭点滴,跳脱出传统纪录片固定叙事模式和符号空间的窠臼,一口天井、一方水池、一窝燕子等影片中反复出现的意象符号作为组合轴在展现父母朴素又富有诗意的生活的同时,也... 《四个春天》用镜头记录了导演陆庆屹四个春天回家陪父母过年的家庭点滴,跳脱出传统纪录片固定叙事模式和符号空间的窠臼,一口天井、一方水池、一窝燕子等影片中反复出现的意象符号作为组合轴在展现父母朴素又富有诗意的生活的同时,也从聚合轴的层面向观众传递出人生百味的生活体验,实现了对家庭记忆和乡村认同的集体建构。本文将符号学相关理论引入影像分析,深挖符号背后的情感,以期为纪录片创作的升级进阶提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 符号化影像 《四个春天》 “刺点” 聚合轴 情感记忆
Establishing and validating a spotted tongue recognition and extraction model based on multiscale convolutional neural network 被引量:7
作者 PENG Chengdong WANG Li +3 位作者 JIANG Dongmei YANG Nuo CHEN Renming DONG Changwu 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2022年第1期49-58,共10页
Objective In tongue diagnosis,the location,color,and distribution of spots can be used to speculate on the viscera and severity of the heat evil.This work focuses on the image analysis method of artificial intelligenc... Objective In tongue diagnosis,the location,color,and distribution of spots can be used to speculate on the viscera and severity of the heat evil.This work focuses on the image analysis method of artificial intelligence(AI)to study the spotted tongue recognition of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Methods A model of spotted tongue recognition and extraction is designed,which is based on the principle of image deep learning and instance segmentation.This model includes multiscale feature map generation,region proposal searching,and target region recognition.Firstly,deep convolution network is used to build multiscale low-and high-abstraction feature maps after which,target candidate box generation algorithm and selection strategy are used to select high-quality target candidate regions.Finally,classification network is used for classifying target regions and calculating target region pixels.As a result,the region segmentation of spotted tongue is obtained.Under non-standard illumination conditions,various tongue images were taken by mobile phones,and experiments were conducted.Results The spotted tongue recognition achieved an area under curve(AUC)of 92.40%,an accuracy of 84.30%with a sensitivity of 88.20%,a specificity of 94.19%,a recall of 88.20%,a regional pixel accuracy index pixel accuracy(PA)of 73.00%,a mean pixel accuracy(m PA)of73.00%,an intersection over union(Io U)of 60.00%,and a mean intersection over union(mIo U)of 56.00%.Conclusion The results of the study verify that the model is suitable for the application of the TCM tongue diagnosis system.Spotted tongue recognition via multiscale convolutional neural network(CNN)would help to improve spot classification and the accurate extraction of pixels of spot area as well as provide a practical method for intelligent tongue diagnosis of TCM. 展开更多
关键词 Spotted tongue recognition and extraction The feature of tongue Instance segmentation Multiscale convolutional neural network(CNN) Tongue diagnosis system Artificial intelligence(AI)
Click-Formed Polymer Gels with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Dual Stimuli-Responsive Behaviors 被引量:2
作者 Sheng-yu Shi Guo-ying Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第3期365-372,I0001-I0008,I0048,共17页
Stimuli-responsive polymer gels have recently attracted great attention due to their heat/solvent resistance,dimensional stability,and unique sensitivity to external stimuli.In this work,we synthesized thiol-functiona... Stimuli-responsive polymer gels have recently attracted great attention due to their heat/solvent resistance,dimensional stability,and unique sensitivity to external stimuli.In this work,we synthesized thiol-functionalized tetraphenylethylene(TPE)and constructed polymer gels through thiol-ene click reaction.The synthetic process of the polymer gels could be monitored by fluorescence emission of TPE moieties based on aggregation-induced emission mechanism.In addition,due to the dual redox-and acid responsiveness of the polymer gels,in the presence of dithiothreitol and trifluoroacetic acid,fluorescence quenching of the polymer gels can be observed.This stimuli-responsive characteristics endows the polymer gels with potential applications in fluorescent sensing and imaging,cancer diagnosis and selfhealing materials. 展开更多
关键词 Polymer gels Thiol-ene click reaction STIMULI-RESPONSIVE Aggregation-induced emission
新质生产力与中国电影数据库建设 被引量:1
作者 丁亚平 《当代电影》 北大核心 2024年第6期4-12,共9页
计算机技术引领的数字革命,改变了传统电影工业时代的经济基础。在中国电影转型与创新过程中,新质生产力发挥着强有力的作用。科技创新之于数据,电影产业创新之于电影数据化逻辑,电影发展方式之于电影的两极化选择及数据技术的“刺点”... 计算机技术引领的数字革命,改变了传统电影工业时代的经济基础。在中国电影转型与创新过程中,新质生产力发挥着强有力的作用。科技创新之于数据,电影产业创新之于电影数据化逻辑,电影发展方式之于电影的两极化选择及数据技术的“刺点”作用,电影体制机制创新与电影数据科学要素的整体结构的意义,各有优势,成为中国电影新质生产力的主要形式。多纬度地考察中国电影数据体系及其协同性,积极回应现实诉求,关注其多元性和复杂性,构成新质生产力引领下的电影创新范式及观念,具有重要的时代性与当下性。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 范式更新 电影数据库 “数”化“刺点” 电影新质态
作者 肖晓华 李瑞春 +3 位作者 朱红霞 帅记炎 徐明芳 傅缨 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2008年第3期15-22,共8页
Objective To probe methods and therapeutic effects of Head Acupuncture on ischemic stroke. Methods One hundred and twelve cases were randomly divided into observation group (head acupuncture group) and control group (... Objective To probe methods and therapeutic effects of Head Acupuncture on ischemic stroke. Methods One hundred and twelve cases were randomly divided into observation group (head acupuncture group) and control group (body acupuncture group). After treatment of 28 days, changes of linguistic function and paralysis level of limbs before and after treatment were investigated. Results The total effective rate was 96.6% in the observation group and 90.7%, in the control group, with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion The electroacupuncture head point-through-point by penetrating two point therapy is one of effective methods for ischemic stroke. 展开更多
关键词 Ischemic Stroke/acupuncture Head Acupuncture Point-Through-Point Method Electroacupuncture
作者 东红升 东贵荣 白妍 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第4期33-40,共8页
Objective: To study the mechanism of electroacupuncture (EA) of scalp-points for regulating abnormal discharges of neurons in different regions around the cerebral hemorrhage focus by using neuro-electrophysiological ... Objective: To study the mechanism of electroacupuncture (EA) of scalp-points for regulating abnormal discharges of neurons in different regions around the cerebral hemorrhage focus by using neuro-electrophysiological methods. Methods: 80 Wistar rats (anesthetized with 20% urethane 1 g/kg, i.p.) were randomly divided into normal, saline, model and EA groups, with 20 cases in each group. Cerebral hemorrhage model was established by intracerebral injection of the rat’s own arterial blood sample (40 uL). In rats of saline group, the same volume of saline was given for intracerebral injection. Extracellular electrical activity of neurons of the caudate nucleus and parafascicular nucleus and Tail flicking latency (TFL) were used as the indexes. “Baihui”(百会 GV 20) and “Taiyang”(太阳 EX-HN 5) were punctured from GV 20 towards EX-HN 5 with filiform needles and stimulated electrically with stimulating parameters of strength of 1 V, frequency of 15 Hz and duration of 15 min. Results: Compared with normal group, TFL values of model group and EA group increased significantly (P<0.01); and compared with model group, those of EA group decreased significantly (P<0.01), suggesting that the pain threshold increased significantly in cerebral hemorrhage rats while after acupuncture stimulation, it lowered strikingly. Compared with normal and saline groups, the latency values of the pain excitement and inhibitory responses of the cellular discharges of the caudate and parafascicular nuclei in model and EA groups increased significantly (P<0.05~0.01), while after EA, it recovered apparently (P<0.01), showing an apparent regulative effect of EA on the abnormal changes of discharges of neurons around the cerebral hemorrhage focus. Conclusion: Scalp-acupuncture possesses an apparent regulatory effect on the abnormal electrical activity of neurons around the cerebral hemorrhage focus which may favor the early recovery of functional activity of neurons near the focus tissues. 展开更多
关键词 Scalp-acupuncture Acute cerebral hemorrhage Extracellular discharge Caudate nucleus Parafascicular nucleus
Discovery and clinical application of Neimádian(内麻点) point 被引量:6
作者 常青 常庚申 赵丽艳 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2015年第2期53-57,共5页
Objective To introduce a new acupoint that has a good analgesic effect clinically. Methods According to the discovery, clinical exploration and clinical practice of Neimadian (内麻点) point, local anatomy, positioni... Objective To introduce a new acupoint that has a good analgesic effect clinically. Methods According to the discovery, clinical exploration and clinical practice of Neimadian (内麻点) point, local anatomy, positioning, manipulation, clinical application, precautions for manipulation and handling of adverse reactions of Nei madian point were summarized. Results After acupuncture at Neimadian point with continuous stimulation, it was shown that the level of serum β-endorphin increased significantly, while the level of angiotensin II was unchanged, indicating that acupuncture at Neimadian point has a good analgesic effect. Conclusion Acupuncture at Neimadian point can be used for clinical treatment of acute and chronic pain. 展开更多
关键词 Neimadian-point manipulation of acupuncture pain treatment
Treatment on 65 cases of pediatric functional dyspepsia by pricking needling with filiform needles 被引量:7
作者 娄立娟 杨丽萍 张拴成 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2014年第1期55-57,共3页
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of pricking needling by filiform needles in trea ng pediatric func onal dyspepsia. Methods Pricking needling was carried out on the 65 children with func onal dyspepsia on Sh... Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of pricking needling by filiform needles in trea ng pediatric func onal dyspepsia. Methods Pricking needling was carried out on the 65 children with func onal dyspepsia on Shàngwǎn(上脘 CV 13),Zhōngwǎn(中脘 CV 12),Xiàwǎn(下脘 CV 10),Guānyuán(关元 CV 4),Tiānshū(天枢 ST 25) at both sides,Zúsānlǐ(足三里 ST 36) at both sides and Sìfèng(四缝 EX-UE 10). The treatments were carried out once every three days for totally three times,and the clinical efficacy was observed. Results Fiftyeight cases were cured,eff ec ve in 7 cases and no invalid case; the cure rate was 89.2% and the total eff ec ve rate was 100%. Conclusion Treatments on pediatric functional dyspepsia by pricking needling with filiform needles are simple and convenient,the therapeutic efficacy is accurate,and it deserves further generaliza on. 展开更多
关键词 functional dyspepsia PEDIATRIC pricking needling
Effect of acupuncture combined with medicated thread moxibustion of Zhuang medicine on insomnia rats injected with orexin in lateral ventricle 被引量:2
作者 唐汉庆 郑建宇 +6 位作者 李克明 李晓华 窦锡彬 黄春传 莫小强 朱晓莹 廉春容 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2016年第2期48-54,共7页
Objective To explore the effect of acupuncture combined with medicated thread moxibustion of Zhuang medicine on insomnia rats. Methods Sixty SPF Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups, including a normal c... Objective To explore the effect of acupuncture combined with medicated thread moxibustion of Zhuang medicine on insomnia rats. Methods Sixty SPF Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups, including a normal control group (control group), a sham operation group, a model group and a treatment group, with 15 rats in each group. In the model group and treatment group, insomnia model were established by injecting orexin into lateral ventricle of rats. In the sham operation group, artificial cerebrospinal fluid was injected into lateral ventricle of rats, and the rats in control group were not treated. On the basis of modeling, the rats in treatment group were treated by acupuncture combined with medicated thread moxibustion of Zhuang medicine which was conducted once a day, and the treatment lasted for 14 days. The expression of orexin mRNA and orexin content were detected, and the changes of associated receptors, including orexin 1 receptor (OX I R) and orexin 2 receptor (OX 2 R) were observed. Results The expression of orexin mRNA in model group (6.54 ± 1.21) significantly increased when compared with control group (0.66±0.12, P〈0.01), and orexin content in model group [(i 156.35±126.88) pg/mL] significantly increased when compared with control group [(427.12_± 32.54) pg/mL, P〈O.OI]. The expression of orexin mRNA in treatment group (0.87 ± 0.26) significantly reduced when compared with the model group (P〈0.01), and orexin content in the treatment group [(585.23 ± 89.21) pg/mL] significantly reduced when compared with the model group (P〈O.01). The percentage of OX I R positive cells in the model group (0.64±0.15) significantly increased when compared with the control group (0.21±0.03, P〈0.01), and the percentage of OX 2 R positive cells in the model group (0.76±0.18) significantly increased when compared with the control group (0.24±0.01, P〈O.01). The percentage of OX 1 R positive cells in the treatment group (0.36_±0.08) significantly reduced when compared with the model group (P〈0.01). The percentage of OX 2 R positive cells in treatment group (0.25_± 0.03) significantly reduced when compared with model group (P〈0.01). Conclusion It might be an effective link of acupuncture combined with medicated thread moxibustion of Zhuang medicine in treatment of insomnia that the treatment could inhibit the awakening promotion effect of orexin by affecting orexin, OX I R and OX 2 R. 展开更多
关键词 INSOMNIA ACUPUNCTURE Zhuang medicine medicated threadmoxibustion
Muscle regions of meridians warm needling method plus pricking Jing-Well points for blood-letting in the treatment of shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke 被引量:4
作者 Tang Xiao-li Pan Hai-yan 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2021年第4期291-299,共9页
Objective To observe the effect of muscle regions of meridians warm needling method plus pricking Jing-Well points for blood-letting in improving nail fold microcirculation in the patients with shoulder-hand syndrome(... Objective To observe the effect of muscle regions of meridians warm needling method plus pricking Jing-Well points for blood-letting in improving nail fold microcirculation in the patients with shoulder-hand syndrome(SHS)after stroke,and the effects on hemorrheology,calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP)and serum substance P(SP).Methods A total of 72 patients were randomized into an observation group and a control group by the random number table method,with 36 cases in each group.The control group was treated with physical rehabilitation training,and the observation group was treated with additional muscle regions of meridians warm needling method plus pricking Jing-Well points for blood-letting treatment.The treatment course lasted for 4 weeks.After treatment,the clinical efficacy of the two groups was compared.The changes in shoulder-hand syndrome scale(SHSS),simplified Fugl-Meyer assessment-upper extremity(FMA-UE),visual analog scale(VAS),activities of daily living(ADL),traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome score,nail fold microcirculation hemorheology indictors[whole blood viscosity(high-shear,low-shear),hematocrit,erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)],CGRP and SP levels were observed.Results The total effective rate in the observation group was 86.1%,higher than 63.9%in the control group(P<0.05).The overall curative effect in the observation group was better than that in the control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the scores of pain sensation,edema,external turn and rotation of the arm in SHSS,and the total score were significantly decreased in both groups(all P<0.05),and each score in the observation group was lower than that in the control group(all P<0.05).After treatment,the scores of VAS and TCM syndrome in both groups decreased significantly(all P<0.05),and the scores of FMA-UE and ADL increased significantly(all P<0.05).The scores of VAS and TCM syndrome in the observation group were lower than those in the control group(both P<0.05),and the scores of FMA-UE and ADL were higher than those in the control group(both P<0.05).After treatment,the whole blood viscosity(high-shear and low-shear)and hematocrit in both groups decreased obviously(all P<0.05),and ESR increased obviously(both P<0.05),and the whole blood viscosity(high-shear and low-shear)and hematocrit in the observation group were lower than those in the control group(all P<0.05),and ESR was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the peritubular state,loop shape,blood flow and total score of nail fold microcirculation in both groups decreased significantly(all P<0.05),and each score in the observation group was lower than that in the control group(all P<0.05).After treatment,SP in both groups decreased obviously(both P<0.05),CGRP increased obviously(both P<0.05),and SP in the observation group was lower than that in the control group(P<0.05),CGRP was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with conventional physical rehabilitation training,muscle regions of meridians warm needling method plus pricking Jing-Well points for blood-letting treatment can significantly reduce the clinical symptoms of SHS,promote the recovery of physical functions,improve the nail fold microcirculation and hemorrheology indictors,and regulate the serum cytokine levels such as CGRP and SP. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Warm Needling Therapy Acupuncture-moxibustion Therapy Pricking Therapy Points Jing-Well(Five Shu-Transmitting) Poststroke Syndrome Shoulder-hand Syndrome Blood Circulation
Prick-bloodletting combined with cupping on the back for 52 cases of acne 被引量:1
作者 FU Qi-fei ZHANG Qian +5 位作者 DUAN Bi-feng ZHANG Hao-bin YIN Ke-jing LI Min OU Guo-feng DING Tian-hong 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2016年第4期61-64,共4页
Objective To introduce the experience of professor YIN Ke-jing in selecting reaction points on taiyang meridian on the back for acne. Methods Positive reaction points on taiyang meridian of the medial border of scapul... Objective To introduce the experience of professor YIN Ke-jing in selecting reaction points on taiyang meridian on the back for acne. Methods Positive reaction points on taiyang meridian of the medial border of scapulae on the both sides of the back were selected for prick-bloodletting combined with cupping, and the treatment was conducted once every three days,3 treatments as one course of treatment and 2–3 courses of treatment were needed. Results After treatment for two courses of treatment, the total effective rate of the 52 patients was 96.2%. Conclusion The application of the theory of corresponding meridian of meridians and collaterals in treatment of acne made the treatment simple and convenient; with less acupoints selected, rapid effect and definite clinical efficacy, this method is worthy of being generalized. 展开更多
关键词 ACNE positive reaction point prick-bloodletting combined with cupping
Clinical observation on acupoint pressure therapy plus electroacupuncture for post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis 被引量:7
作者 刘晓瑜 蒋学余 +5 位作者 谢慰 严森 刘芝俐 严全 王克斌 贾一凡 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2017年第3期214-218,共5页
Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Zhang's acupoint pressure therapy plus electroacupuncture(EA) in treating post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis.Methods: A total of 98 eligible patients with post-t... Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Zhang's acupoint pressure therapy plus electroacupuncture(EA) in treating post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis.Methods: A total of 98 eligible patients with post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis were divided into group A and B by the random number table, 49 cases in each group. Group A was intervened by Zhang's acupoint pressure therapy plus EA; group B was given medicinal fumigation. The clinical efficacies of the two groups were compared. Results: The markedly effective rate of group A was significantly higher than that of group B. Conclusion: Zhang's acupoint pressure therapy plus EA can produce a satisfactory clinical efficacy in treating post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis, and is worth promotion. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Acupoint Pressure Therapy TUINA MASSAGE Steaming Washing Therapy OSTEOARTHRITIS Knee
Brodie's abscess of medial distal femoral condyle after thorn prick: rare clinical presentation
作者 Hira L Nag Ramprasad Kancherla Aftab Malpura 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2012年第2期126-128,共3页
Thorn prick injuries are generally conceded frivolous and rarely demand medical attention. Howbeit deep seated injuries are well described in the literature. We presented a case of thorn prick injury to the knee that ... Thorn prick injuries are generally conceded frivolous and rarely demand medical attention. Howbeit deep seated injuries are well described in the literature. We presented a case of thorn prick injury to the knee that manifested as Brodie's abscess of the medial distal femoral condyle and synovitis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MILl) and ultrasonography could only construe the affliction but not spot the thorn. Arthrotomy was undertaken for explora- tion and debridement. Empirical therapy with initial systemicCefotaxime and subsequent Ofloxacin worked well after the surgery. Deep seated injuries by a thorn prick may take a protracted and torpid course. Thorough curettage of the bony lesion and debridement are vital for proper management. 展开更多
关键词 THORN Wounds and injuries Knee OSTEOMYELITIS SYNOVITIS
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