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作者 胡国洪 《教育与教学研究》 2011年第12期84-85,89,共3页
在加速度存在的情况下,速度随着时间增加而加快。而在中国目前的英语教学中,每一个阶段和每一类语言知识讲授几乎都是采用同样的节奏和方式逐一进行,忽视了"加速度"的存在。针对英语课堂教学中的这些问题,构建一种全新"... 在加速度存在的情况下,速度随着时间增加而加快。而在中国目前的英语教学中,每一个阶段和每一类语言知识讲授几乎都是采用同样的节奏和方式逐一进行,忽视了"加速度"的存在。针对英语课堂教学中的这些问题,构建一种全新"加速度"式的英语教学模式。在理论上,要明确"加速度"英语的本质和应用范围,要统一和明确教学目的,要建立"学而思,思而用"的教学方式,创造性地教与学。在教学实践中,典型例子法、数学模型法、逆向思维法、英汉对照法在一定程度上能促进学生创造性思维能力的发展。 展开更多
关键词 英语教学 “加速度”式英语教学模式 理论 实践
新课标教材“加速度”的教学设计 被引量:1
作者 孙早利 《物理教学探讨(中学教学教研版)》 2006年第11期30-32,共3页
高中物理新课程的总目标之一是:“学习科学探究方法,发展自主学习能力,养成良好的思维习惯,能运用物理知识和科学探究方法解决一些问题。”应当说,在高中物理新课标教材中蕴含着众多的培养学生探究能力的资源。高中物理新课程共同... 高中物理新课程的总目标之一是:“学习科学探究方法,发展自主学习能力,养成良好的思维习惯,能运用物理知识和科学探究方法解决一些问题。”应当说,在高中物理新课标教材中蕴含着众多的培养学生探究能力的资源。高中物理新课程共同必修模块l中的《速度改变快慢的描述——加速度》就是其中一例。 展开更多
关键词 课标教材 教学设计 科学探究 自主学习 高中 物理 思维习惯 “加速度”
作者 马芳 《文理导航》 2015年第26期33-33,共1页
教育一直以来都是我国高度重视的项目,由此许多有关教育的改革方式也不断涌现出来,有关于教育的科技手段也层出不穷,高中生接触物理的时间不长,而且学习的知识也较为浅显,高中物理上升到了一个新的台阶,这就给高一物理教学增加了... 教育一直以来都是我国高度重视的项目,由此许多有关教育的改革方式也不断涌现出来,有关于教育的科技手段也层出不穷,高中生接触物理的时间不长,而且学习的知识也较为浅显,高中物理上升到了一个新的台阶,这就给高一物理教学增加了难度,尤其是其中的“加速度”教学,一直是教师比较头疼的部分,本文就简单对高一物理“加速度”进行了教学设计。 展开更多
关键词 高一 物理 “加速度” 教学
作者 吴朝霞 付馨媛 《中学物理》 2020年第17期2-4,共3页
依据课堂教学板块理论,采用解释结构模型等定量研究方法分别对成熟型教师和新手型教师的"加速度"的常态课剖析发现:相较于新手型教师而言,成熟型教师更加注重提高课堂学生参与程度,授课的过程中教师教的方式与学生学习的方式... 依据课堂教学板块理论,采用解释结构模型等定量研究方法分别对成熟型教师和新手型教师的"加速度"的常态课剖析发现:相较于新手型教师而言,成熟型教师更加注重提高课堂学生参与程度,授课的过程中教师教的方式与学生学习的方式较为丰富多彩,更加注重课堂教学过程中对于课堂调控类教学行为的实施.而上述的差异性也提示新手型教师在教学过程中应该更加关注学生的课堂参与度,让学生成为课堂的主人. 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学结构 教学板块理论 教学行为 “加速度”教学
运用物理高端备课,促进教师专业发展——以人教版“加速度”为例 被引量:1
作者 董友军 夏良英 《课程教学研究》 2016年第9期75-78,共4页
一般的物理备课教学常简化为师生问答的对话模式,缺少深度思考,难以促进教师自己的专业成长。对人教版"加速度"进行高端备课,通过显化物理教学的科学方法,揭示比值定义法的物理本质,重视物理教学的逻辑结构,能够落实物理学科... 一般的物理备课教学常简化为师生问答的对话模式,缺少深度思考,难以促进教师自己的专业成长。对人教版"加速度"进行高端备课,通过显化物理教学的科学方法,揭示比值定义法的物理本质,重视物理教学的逻辑结构,能够落实物理学科的核心素养,促进物理教师的专业发展。 展开更多
关键词 高端备课 教师专业发展 “加速度” 教学逻辑
全面认识融媒体 跑出媒体融合“加速度” 被引量:2
作者 郑春雷 《国际公关》 2020年第3期26-26,共1页
近年来,"融媒体"成为传媒界热度最高的词。2019年1月25日,中央政治局开年后第一次集体学习又把"课堂"设在了媒体融合发展的第一线。由此可见,中央对媒体融合的重视程度。县级融媒体中心建设可以说是我国一次自下而... 近年来,"融媒体"成为传媒界热度最高的词。2019年1月25日,中央政治局开年后第一次集体学习又把"课堂"设在了媒体融合发展的第一线。由此可见,中央对媒体融合的重视程度。县级融媒体中心建设可以说是我国一次自下而上的改革,就上来看,没有固定成型的模式和样板,就下来看,全国各地情况复杂,也很难有一种放之四海而皆准的模式。目前,全国各地第一批县级融媒体中心试点建设都在探索中砥砺前行。对县级融媒体中心建设来说,非常有必要认真学习习近平总书记系列讲话精神,全面准确定位认识融媒体,以习近平总书记系列讲话精神为指引,走出误区,跑出媒体融合"加速度",夯实党的基层宣传阵地,抢占舆论制高点。 展开更多
关键词 县级融媒体 媒体融合 “加速度”
基片式光纤光栅传感器加速度试验研究 被引量:2
作者 杜翠翠 孔德仁 徐春冬 《应用光学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期152-159,共8页
为测试光纤光栅(FBG)传感器是否可以承受由加速度引起的稳态惯性载荷,以及在承受这些载荷期间的传感性能,设计了一种铝合金基片封装式光纤光栅应变和温度传感器,并对其进行了加速度性能验证。确定了FBG应变和温度传感器的设计尺寸,阐述... 为测试光纤光栅(FBG)传感器是否可以承受由加速度引起的稳态惯性载荷,以及在承受这些载荷期间的传感性能,设计了一种铝合金基片封装式光纤光栅应变和温度传感器,并对其进行了加速度性能验证。确定了FBG应变和温度传感器的设计尺寸,阐述了封装过程,分析了FBG传感器的应变和温度传感机理,开发了基于体相位光栅和线阵光电探测器的光谱检测解调系统。搭建了加速度试验装置,并按照GJB150.15A“加速度试验”要求和方法对选取的FBG应变和温度传感器进行了加速度性能测试。试验结果表明:在加速度试验前后的2 min性能测试中,波长偏移量均未超过±50 pm,且光强变化未超过0.3 V;在加速度试验中,波长偏移量最大波动为±7 pm,光强均在1.3 V~4.003 V内。验证了所设计的光纤光栅传感器具备承受加速度载荷的能力,且承受载荷期间传感性能良好。 展开更多
关键词 基片式光纤光栅传感器 铝合金封装 波长解调技术 GJB150.15A“加速度试验”
作者 李婉婷 《现代商贸工业》 2023年第17期69-71,共3页
新发展格局下,通过丰富多元的行业化和专业化互联网平台,中石油企业在“工业、产业、消费”方面实现“互联网+”加速走向平台化、集群化、特色化发展。加快中石油企业从起点到终端的“全盘互联网+”布局,增强数字技术引领,是新时代发展... 新发展格局下,通过丰富多元的行业化和专业化互联网平台,中石油企业在“工业、产业、消费”方面实现“互联网+”加速走向平台化、集群化、特色化发展。加快中石油企业从起点到终端的“全盘互联网+”布局,增强数字技术引领,是新时代发展的必经之路。就中石油销售公司而言,互联网平台与数字化技术是实现客户把脉、管理赋能、效率提升、方向引领的利器,更是帮助中石油销售公司推开市场经济大门的助力器。要以互联网背景下的数字转型应对发展的不确定性,从探索挖掘客户需求、优化精致企业管理、整体调控产业体系、护航政策发展和引导社交网络正向监督等方面出发,运用“云网和算网”融合协同打造中石油“工业、产业、消费”“全盘互联网+”建设,抓住新机遇,制胜新赛道。 展开更多
关键词 “全盘互联网+” 中石油销售公司 “加速度”战略
物理的“加速度与力、质量的关系”实验的探究实践 被引量:1
作者 李雨轩 《高考》 2019年第5期267-268,共2页
在高中物理学习过程中,要不断学习总结,养成良好的物理习惯,掌握合理的学习方法,加强对一系列物理实验的有效探究,提高自身实验操作能力,进而方可收获理想的物理学习效果。在此背景下,本文通过从平衡滑动摩擦力、小车质量M与小盘质量m... 在高中物理学习过程中,要不断学习总结,养成良好的物理习惯,掌握合理的学习方法,加强对一系列物理实验的有效探究,提高自身实验操作能力,进而方可收获理想的物理学习效果。在此背景下,本文通过从平衡滑动摩擦力、小车质量M与小盘质量m的关系、利用图像法处理及分析实验结果等角度对物理的'加速度与力、质量的关系'实验展开探讨。 展开更多
关键词 “加速度与力、质量的关系” 牛顿第二定律 摩擦力
Research on velocity and acceleration geophones and their acquired information 被引量:5
作者 刘振东 吕庆田 +1 位作者 董世学 陈明春 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期149-158,234,共11页
Based on the research of two geophone types (10 Hz moving-coil velocity and piezoelectric acceleration) and their velocity and acceleration parameters, frequency response functions have been determined, as well as t... Based on the research of two geophone types (10 Hz moving-coil velocity and piezoelectric acceleration) and their velocity and acceleration parameters, frequency response functions have been determined, as well as the differences between them. Also, shock- vibration tests have been accomplished, not only to explain the two shock response signal differences, but also to analyze the response signal characteristics and its ability to carry information. In addition, seismic data acquisition experiments have been carried out under comparable conditions in the field. A contrast analysis of shot gathers and stack profiles acquired with the two geophone types is given in this paper. The results show that the acceleration signal from the acceleration geophone has a better advantage in terms of high signal-to-noise ratio, high accuracy, high resolution, and quantity of information to better meet current and future requirements for seismic exploration. 展开更多
关键词 seismic exploration GEOPHONE acceleration signal INTEGRITY ACCURACY
Measurement of Angular and Linear Accelerations Using Linear Accelerometers 被引量:5
作者 熊永虎 马宝华 彭兴平 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第3期307-311,共5页
In order to solve the problem, which may be encountered by those former schemes, such as six accelerometer, nine accelerometer configuration, under specific conditions, a ten accelerometer configuration was pre... In order to solve the problem, which may be encountered by those former schemes, such as six accelerometer, nine accelerometer configuration, under specific conditions, a ten accelerometer configuration was presented to compute the rotational and translational accelerations of a rigid body, based on well known kinematics principles. The theoretical analysis shows that the configuration can meet the requirement. The simulation results of this scheme show promise for measuring a rigid body's rotational and translational accelerations. 展开更多
关键词 MEASUREMENT angular acceleration linear acceleration
Calculation,Simulation,and Testing for the Natural Frequency of a Micro Accelerometer 被引量:2
作者 熊继军 范波 +1 位作者 郭虎岗 高建飞 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1715-1722,共8页
A calculation and test method for the natural frequency of a high-g micro accelerometer with complex structures is presented. A universal formula for natural frequency, which can significantly simplify the structural ... A calculation and test method for the natural frequency of a high-g micro accelerometer with complex structures is presented. A universal formula for natural frequency, which can significantly simplify the structural design process, is deduced and confirmed by experiment. A simplified analytical model is established to describe the accelerometer's mechanical behavior and deduce the formula for the natural frequency. Finite element modeling is also conducted to evaluate the natural frequency of the micro-accelerometer and verify the formula. The results obtained from the analytical model and the finite element simulation show good agreement. Finally, a shock comparison method designed for acquiring the high frequency characteristics of the accelerometer is introduced to verify the formula by testing its actual natural frequency. 展开更多
关键词 natural frequency micro accelerometer Rayleigh-Ritz formula
Bulk-Silicon Resonant Accelerometer 被引量:3
作者 贾玉斌 郝一龙 张嵘 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期281-286,共6页
Resonant accelerometer is designed,which includes two double-ended tuning forks,a proof mass,four-leverage system amplifying inertial force,and drive/sense combs.Each tuning fork is electrostatically actuated and sens... Resonant accelerometer is designed,which includes two double-ended tuning forks,a proof mass,four-leverage system amplifying inertial force,and drive/sense combs.Each tuning fork is electrostatically actuated and sensed at resonance using comb electrodes.The device is fabricated using MEMS bulk-silicon technology,whose sensitive degree is 27 3Hz/g,and the resolution is 167 8μg. 展开更多
关键词 MEMS accelerometer resonant driving and sensing bulk-silicon process frequency shift
作者 李玎 卜雄洙 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第2期106-112,共7页
In allusion to the limitations of the traditional attitude measurement system consisting of a three-axis magnetic sensor and two accelerometers on high-spinning projectile, a new scheme comprised of two magnetic senso... In allusion to the limitations of the traditional attitude measurement system consisting of a three-axis magnetic sensor and two accelerometers on high-spinning projectile, a new scheme comprised of two magnetic sensors and two accelerometers installed in a particular way is given. The configuration of the sensors is described. The calculation method and the mathematical model of the projectile attitude based on the sensor configuration are discussed. The basic calculation method including the Magsonde Window, the proof of the ratios of maximums and minimums and the calculation of the attitude angles are analyzed in theory. Finally, the system is simulated under the given conditions. The simulation result indicates that the estimated attitude angles are in agreement with the true attitude angles. 展开更多
关键词 PROJECTILE MAGNETOMETERS accelerometers attitude solution digital simulation
作者 刘凯 赵东标 陆永华 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第4期241-247,共7页
The feedrate profile of non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) interpolation due to the contour errors is analyzed. A NURBS curve interpolator with adaptive acceleration-deceleration control is presented. In interpo-... The feedrate profile of non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) interpolation due to the contour errors is analyzed. A NURBS curve interpolator with adaptive acceleration-deceleration control is presented. In interpo- lation preprocessing, the sensitive zones of feedrate variations are processed with acceleration-deceleration control. By using the proposed algorithm, the machining accuracy is guaranteed and the feedrate is adaptively adjusted to he smoothed. The mechanical shock imposed in the servo system is avoided by the first and the second time derivatives of feedrates. A simulation of NURBS interpolation is given to demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of the algorithm. The proposed interpolator can also be applied to the trajectory planning of the other parametric curves. 展开更多
关键词 numerical control systems INTERPOLATION adaptive algorithms NURBS curve interpolator adaptive acceleration and deceleration limited jerk
Generation of artificial earthquakes for matching target response unsmooth spectrum via wavelet package transform 被引量:2
作者 彭康 王泽伟 孙晶晶 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第8期2612-2617,共6页
The seismic records of target response spectrum used in the time-history analysis should be allowed to meet the norms. However, the previous fitting methods of target spectrum are mostly for the situations that the ta... The seismic records of target response spectrum used in the time-history analysis should be allowed to meet the norms. However, the previous fitting methods of target spectrum are mostly for the situations that the target spectrum is a smooth curve. In many cases, it needs to match unsmooth target spectrum for single determined response spectrum. An adjustment of time history via wavelet packet transform was presented, which is able to fit unsmooth target spectrum. It was found that there is a certain bias between the band center frequency of the component of seismic record after wavelet packet decomposition and the peak frequency of response spectra of wavelet packet components. For this reason, five strategies were presented to select iteration points, and the effects of the five strategies were compared with two calculation examples. It was turned out that the peak frequency of the response spectrum of wavelet packet component can lead to good fitting effect when it is selected as the iteration point. In the iteration process, it shows great promise in fitting non-smooth target spectrum and has a trend of converge. 展开更多
关键词 time history acceleration wavelet packet transform spectral matching peak frequency of response spectrum
Experimental study on concrete columns hybrid reinforced by steel and FRP bars under seismic loading 被引量:1
作者 孙泽阳 吴刚 +1 位作者 王燕华 吴智深 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期439-444,共6页
In order to study the dynamic behavior of hybrid reinforced concrete columns, shaking table tests of three concrete columns with equal initial stiffness were conducted.The longitudinal reinforcements include an ordina... In order to study the dynamic behavior of hybrid reinforced concrete columns, shaking table tests of three concrete columns with equal initial stiffness were conducted.The longitudinal reinforcements include an ordinary steel bar,a steel-fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) composite bar(SFCB), and hybrid reinforcement(steel bar and FRP bar, CH). Test results show that the peak ground acceleration(PGA) responses of different columns are similar to each other. For an ordinary reinforced concrete(RC) column, the plastic strain of the steel bar develops rapidly after the PGA of the input ground motion reaches 100 cm / s^2, and the corresponding residual strain develops dramatically. For a SFCB column, even after the peak strain reaches 0. 015, the residual strain is below 5 × 10^- 4. For the hybrid column C-H,the residual strain of the FRP bar is similar to that of the SFCB column. In general, concrete columns with hybrid steel and FRP bar reinforcement can achieve smaller residual deformation, and the SFCB reinforced columns can be constructed in extreme environments, such as offshore bridges, due to good anti-corrosion performance. 展开更多
关键词 concrete column shaking table test hybrid reinforcement peak ground acceleration strain distribution
System-Level Modeling and Simulation of Force-Balance MEMS Accelerometers 被引量:1
作者 张宇峰 刘晓为 陈伟平 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期917-922,共6页
This paper presents two approaches for system-level simulation of force-balance accelerometers. The derivation of the system-level model is elaborated and simulation results are obtained from the implementation of tho... This paper presents two approaches for system-level simulation of force-balance accelerometers. The derivation of the system-level model is elaborated and simulation results are obtained from the implementation of those strategies on the fabricated silicon force-balance MEMS accelerometer. The mathematical model presented is implemented in VHDL- AMS and SIMULINK TM,respectively. The simulation results from the two approaches are compared and show a slight difference. Using VHDL-AMS is flexible,reusable,and more accurate. But there is not a mature solver developed for the language and this approach takes more time, while the simulation model can be easily built and quickly evaluated using SIMULINK. 展开更多
关键词 MEMS force-balance accelerometers system-level simulation mathematical model
Numerical simulation of projectiles with different structures penetrating multi-storey concrete target board 被引量:2
作者 靳书云 朱倩倩 宁倩慧 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2014年第3期1-5,共5页
Because the difference between the acceleration curve of traditional projectile structure and the measured accelera- tion curve is large, refining projectile structure is proposed. After setting up multi-storey concre... Because the difference between the acceleration curve of traditional projectile structure and the measured accelera- tion curve is large, refining projectile structure is proposed. After setting up multi-storey concrete target board penetrated by the projectiles with different structures, the simulations with traditional projectile structure and refining projectile structure are conducted using ANSYS/LS-DYNA, and two acceleration curves are obtained, respectively. And then the target experi- ment that the projectile penetrates eight-storey concrete board is conducted and the measured acceleration curves are ob- tained. By comparing the simulation acceleration curves with the measured acceleration curves, it can be concluded that the acceleration curve with refined projectile structure is closer to the measured curve. Therefore, the simulation curve with re- fined projectile structure is of higher reference value for simulation research. 展开更多
关键词 refined projectile structure LS-DYNA acceleration curve
Improving IAC Algorithm Based on Range Rate Measurement 被引量:1
作者 张鸿业 王月涌 蔡颖臻 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第3期276-281,共6页
Aim Interactive multiple model(IMM) algorithm was introduced into two? stage estimation to improve the estimating accuracy for system position and velocity.Methods The state estimation was carried out in mixed coor... Aim Interactive multiple model(IMM) algorithm was introduced into two? stage estimation to improve the estimating accuracy for system position and velocity.Methods The state estimation was carried out in mixed coordinates according to the nonlinear measure equation, a generalized interactive acceleration compensation(IAC) algorithm in mixed coordinate was presented. Results Simulation result shows the estimation accuracy is improved through changing measure equation in polar coordinates. Conclusion The estimation accuracy for position and velocity estimation, has been improved greatly, and the proposed algorithm has the advantage of less calculating time comparing with other multiple model methods. 展开更多
关键词 range rate measurement interactive acceleration compensation two-stage estimation
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