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作者 孟丹青 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期88-92,共5页
关键词 柳亚子 “南社” “新南社” 进步性
“南社”与图书馆 被引量:4
作者 金建陵 张末梅 《新世纪图书馆》 2003年第6期68-71,共4页
关键词 文学团体 “南社” 公共图书馆 近代
作者 金建陵 《档案与建设》 北大核心 2005年第7期44-46,共3页
关键词 “南社” 连横 笔墨 华中师范大学 中国国民党 1906年 2002年 学位论文 关系问题
作者 徐文初 《江南论坛》 2019年第3期59-61,共3页
民间戏曲在苏州地区源远流长,绵延至今依然群星璀璨,惠泽民生,为“人间天堂”增色添彩。吴江县(今苏州市吴江区)历代隶属苏州,在苏州民间戏曲百花丛中一枝独秀。当明代中晚期以昆曲为代表的传奇剧盛行时,以沈璟为首的昆曲“吴江派”开... 民间戏曲在苏州地区源远流长,绵延至今依然群星璀璨,惠泽民生,为“人间天堂”增色添彩。吴江县(今苏州市吴江区)历代隶属苏州,在苏州民间戏曲百花丛中一枝独秀。当明代中晚期以昆曲为代表的传奇剧盛行时,以沈璟为首的昆曲“吴江派”开始脱颖而出,成为昆曲发展的“南派”中坚,与戏曲大家汤显祖的“临川派”即昆曲“北派”齐名,曾发生激烈的学术争鸣,推动昆曲步入鼎盛时期。这也是中国戏曲发展史上的一座重要里程碑。 展开更多
关键词 民间戏曲 “南社” 革新 苏州地区 明代中晚期 学术争鸣 鼎盛时期 中国戏曲
作者 金建陵 张末梅 《江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第1期85-88,共4页
本文是在检索、编制《“南学”论文索引》的基础上 ,对 1994年以来的“南社”研究概况进行了较为详尽的阐述 ,并指出“南社”研究应当与以网络为主要载体的当代电脑技术完美、和谐地结合起来。
关键词 网络时代 “南社” 信息检索 学报 哲学社会科学 文献信息 研究信息 服务保障
略论南社的国粹主义和民族主义渊源 被引量:3
作者 刘春明 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期46-50,128,共6页
作为中国近现代文学转型时期规模最大的文学社团,南社脱胎于"旧"又企望着"新",与国粹主义和民族主义有着无法割裂的渊源。新旧杂糅的特点使南社始终无法摆脱论争、分歧与内讧,其所导致的自身局限与内因使南社文人... 作为中国近现代文学转型时期规模最大的文学社团,南社脱胎于"旧"又企望着"新",与国粹主义和民族主义有着无法割裂的渊源。新旧杂糅的特点使南社始终无法摆脱论争、分歧与内讧,其所导致的自身局限与内因使南社文人以渴慕"新"而登场,以被定义为"旧"而收尾。当新文化运动产生了新的阵地和新的英雄时,南社文人便被迫从"自己的时代"退场。 展开更多
关键词 文学社团 南社 国粹主义 民族主义
南社中的民族教育家伍仲文 被引量:1
作者 金建陵 《档案与建设》 北大核心 2006年第2期49-52,共4页
关键词 民族民主革命 “南社” 教育家 辛亥革命 中国近代史 文学社团 柳亚子 陈去病 同盟会 人发展
南社风云流转中的“苏州元素” 被引量:2
作者 杨江波 《现代苏州》 2009年第21期42-43,共2页
关键词 “南社” 苏州 元素 流转 创办人 学者
作者 金建陵 张末梅 《档案与建设》 北大核心 2004年第7期22-23,共2页
关键词 文学社 “南社” 李书城 中国共产党 第一次全国代表大会
作者 于祥 《现代苏州》 2009年第21期44-45,共2页
一百年前,由陈去病、柳亚子、高天梅在苏州虎丘张公祠发起成立了南社。其之所以取名为“南社”,意在“反抗北庭”。南社成立时,初始会员只有17人。 在南社成立一百周年的时候,中国唯一全国性的南礼纪念馆在苏州山塘街800号张公祠... 一百年前,由陈去病、柳亚子、高天梅在苏州虎丘张公祠发起成立了南社。其之所以取名为“南社”,意在“反抗北庭”。南社成立时,初始会员只有17人。 在南社成立一百周年的时候,中国唯一全国性的南礼纪念馆在苏州山塘街800号张公祠成立,将于2009年11月13日开馆。 展开更多
关键词 “南社” 陈去病 柳亚子 纪念馆 苏州
“南社内讧”新探 被引量:1
作者 徐爱华 黄志辉 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期87-92,共6页
"南社内讧"事件是中国近现代文学史中的著名事件。此事件因论诗而引发,持续发酵,而成舍我号召另组南社是事件的高潮,由此正式拉开了南社解散的帷幕,成舍我是事件的关键性角色。新挖掘的材料显示:成舍我入社后境遇不佳,导致他... "南社内讧"事件是中国近现代文学史中的著名事件。此事件因论诗而引发,持续发酵,而成舍我号召另组南社是事件的高潮,由此正式拉开了南社解散的帷幕,成舍我是事件的关键性角色。新挖掘的材料显示:成舍我入社后境遇不佳,导致他早就有退出南社、另寻他路的想法;在柳亚子驱逐朱鸳雏出社之前,柳、成两人已因伶人陆子美而交恶。这两个原因交织一起,驱使成舍我退出南社,并最终号召另组南社。 展开更多
关键词 成舍我 柳亚子 南社 “南社内讧”
忍负平生用世心 剩有诗笔忆故乡——记民国福州奇人林庚白
作者 林怡 《福建理论学习》 2016年第8期31-34,共4页
林庚白(1897-1941),字凌南,又字众难,福州螺洲洲尾人。1912年15岁的林庚白与柳亚子订交,成了“南社”健将。同年,民国南京临时政府成立,因汪精卫举荐,林庚白任内务部参事月余。1913年16岁的林庚白在北京与国民党人汤漪共同主... 林庚白(1897-1941),字凌南,又字众难,福州螺洲洲尾人。1912年15岁的林庚白与柳亚子订交,成了“南社”健将。同年,民国南京临时政府成立,因汪精卫举荐,林庚白任内务部参事月余。1913年16岁的林庚白在北京与国民党人汤漪共同主持《民国报》,撰写时政论文,其中《辟日人有贺长雄关于宪法》一文,享誉当时,与稍后出版的《急救集》一起得到梁启超的激赏。 展开更多
关键词 林庚 民国 福州 奇人 故乡 诗笔 “南社” 政府成立
俄罗斯文学 名词解释
《远程教育杂志》 1988年第2期10-10,15,共2页
十二月党人起义 十九世纪初,在法国资产阶级革命的影响下,在农奴起义的推动下,俄国一些进步贵族军官认识到祖国这么落后、人民这么痛苦的根本原因是专制农奴制的黑暗和反动。他们都主张废除农奴制,有的要用民主共和制,有的要用君... 十二月党人起义 十九世纪初,在法国资产阶级革命的影响下,在农奴起义的推动下,俄国一些进步贵族军官认识到祖国这么落后、人民这么痛苦的根本原因是专制农奴制的黑暗和反动。他们都主张废除农奴制,有的要用民主共和制,有的要用君主立宪制来代替它。他们组织了秘密的革命团体“南社”和“北社”。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯文学 名词解释 法国资产阶级革命 民主共和制 君主立宪制 农奴制 十九世纪 “南社”
作者 黄子云 《红广角》 2015年第5期49-52,共4页
兼之文武此全才,重向江东卷土来。我喜故乡消息好,前锋直指雨花台。 这是“南社”著名创始人、闻名中外的诗人柳亚子的一首诗《寄陈毅将军》。
关键词 诗作 陈毅 全才 解读 体育 “南社” 雨花台 创始人
名人手迹 宋大章
作者 宋大章 《档案春秋》 2014年第8期3-3,共1页
宋大章(1888~1955),字寰文,号辽鹤,自幼喜读诗书。早岁留学日本,加入孙中山所创同盟会,投身革命,又加入“南社”,与柳亚子等切磋诗词,收藏书画。辛亥武昌起义胜利后,任关外都督府秘书长,孙中山大元帅府参议,后受孙中山特... 宋大章(1888~1955),字寰文,号辽鹤,自幼喜读诗书。早岁留学日本,加入孙中山所创同盟会,投身革命,又加入“南社”,与柳亚子等切磋诗词,收藏书画。辛亥武昌起义胜利后,任关外都督府秘书长,孙中山大元帅府参议,后受孙中山特派任驻东北联络员,一心致力于“南北统一”。 展开更多
关键词 手迹 名人 孙中山 留学日本 “南社” 武昌起义 大元帅府
简论马尔库塞关于当代西方社会革命力量的观点 被引量:2
作者 柏元海 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期24-28,共5页
马尔库塞通过对西方发达工业社会的工人阶级、青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级的分析,认为工人阶级由于被资本主义社会同化不再是当代资本主义社会革命的主力,而把革命的希望寄托在青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级身上。马尔库塞对当代... 马尔库塞通过对西方发达工业社会的工人阶级、青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级的分析,认为工人阶级由于被资本主义社会同化不再是当代资本主义社会革命的主力,而把革命的希望寄托在青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级身上。马尔库塞对当代资本主义社会的矛盾和革命力量的分析有失于偏颇和片面,但他的观点在一定程度上反映了发达工业社会革命的现实境况,有助于我们对现代社会革命的全面和深入认识。 展开更多
关键词 革命力量 工人阶级 青年学生 同化 亚阶级
Analysis of the Key Issues about the Regularized Construction of Hainan National Breeding and Multiplication Base
作者 陈冠铭 林亚琼 +1 位作者 李劲松 汪李平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1450-1456,1465,共8页
Based on winter nursery and shuttle breeding, Hainan National Breeding and Multiplication (HNBM), with off-season breeding and seed production as the essence, has become a national strategic resource. The way of HNB... Based on winter nursery and shuttle breeding, Hainan National Breeding and Multiplication (HNBM), with off-season breeding and seed production as the essence, has become a national strategic resource. The way of HNBM rising to the national strategy was analyzed through the aspects of technology features, historical characteristics, irreplaceability, function and value hierarchy, and the key problems. As the major achievement of the practice of scientific research and historical selec- tion, HNBM played an irreplaceable role in the climatic conditions, scientific breed- ing, and seed production in disaster relief, protecting the safety of the seed industry and Iocational advantages. Based on the analysis on the functions, values and ex- isted problems of HNBM, the function and value hierarchical structure of HNBM was established through introducing concepts of value engineering, industrial clusters and regional economy. But to fully achieve the industrial clustering development and functional values of HNBM, it needed to solve the key problems existed in top-level planning, experimental bases, system design, hardware construction and ecological security. Some suggestions were put forward in this paper, including setting up key scientific research protection zones, improving the regulations and policies safeguard mechanism and management system of HNBM, drawing up and carrying out the base development planning of HNBM, and striving for financial support from national policies. 展开更多
关键词 Hainan National Breeding Basic functions: Technoloov functions: and Multiplication (HNBM) Value engineering Social value: Location of HNBM
The impact of perceived social support, loneliness, and physical activity on quality of life in South Korean older adults 被引量:10
作者 Hyun-Wook Kang Meungguk Park Juliane Poock Wallace (Hernandez) 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第2期237-244,共8页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to propose and test a conceptual model that explains the interrelationships among perceived social support, loneliness, physical activity(PA), and quality of life(QoL) among acti... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to propose and test a conceptual model that explains the interrelationships among perceived social support, loneliness, physical activity(PA), and quality of life(QoL) among active older adults in South Korea.Methods: Data were collected from 332 individuals over the age of 65 using a systematic stratified convenience sampling method. Survey data were collected and analyzed using a structural equation model(SEM).Results: Perceived social support had a significantly positive effect on PA(b = 0.14, p < 0.01) and QoL(b = 0.28, p < 0.001) while decreasing loneliness(b = —0.55, p < 0.001). PA had a significant positive effect on QoL(b = 0.12, p < 0.01), and loneliness had a negative effect on QoL(b = —0.37, p < 0.001). Loneliness mediated the relationship between perceived social support and QoL.Conclusion: The SEM results of the current study support the proposed model that explained the interrelationships among perceived social support, loneliness, PA, and QoL among active older adults in South Korea. These findings suggest the importance of incorporating social support mechanisms for PA interventions in order to enhance QoL. The findings of this study can help create more effective health and physical education programs for the older generations in South Korea to enhance their QoL. 展开更多
关键词 LONELINESS Perceived social support Physical activity Quality of life South Korean older adults Structural equation modeling
Livelihood changes and evolution of upland ethnic communities driven by tourism:a case study in Guizhou Province,southwest China 被引量:12
作者 LI Ya-juan VV Hu +2 位作者 CHEN Tian HU Jing CUI Hai-yang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期1313-1332,共20页
As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional li... As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional livelihood approaches. This article applies the theories of livelihood to study the community evolution driven by tourism livelihood and examine three mountainous tourism communities in different stages of tourist area life cycle. Drawing on the methods of GIS spatial analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this article proposes a sustainable livelihood framework for ethnic tourism to explore the evolution of ethnic tourism communities by identifying changes in livelihood assets(natural, financial, social, cultural and human capitals) in the process of tourism development. The results show that the development of ethnic tourism has led to changes in the increase of building land, and the diversification of land use functions with a trend of shifting from meeting local villagers' living needs to satisfying tourists, income composition and uneven distribution of tourism income spatially. Ethnic tourism also led to the deterioration of traditional social management structure, collapse of neighboring relationship, the over- commercialization and staged authenticity of ethnic culture, as well as the gradual vanish of agricultural knowledge with a trend of increasing modern business knowledge and higher education. In addition, these changes, involving livelihood assets from natural, economic, human, social and cultural aspects are interrelated and interactive, which form new evolution characters of ethnic community. This study reveals the conflicts over livelihood approaches which have formed new vulnerabilities to impact on sustainable evolution of ethnic communities. This research provides implications for achieving the sustainable development of ethnic communities with the driving force of tourism livelihood. 展开更多
关键词 Community evolution Tourism livelihood Livelihood assets Ethnic tourism Guizhou
作者 ZHU Xi-gang,ZHANG Jing-xiang,CHEN Hu (Department of Urban and Resources Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjin g 210093,P.R.China,) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第3期212-217,共6页
In rapid socio-economic developme nt,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously in fluencing the shaping and transform ation of the space in metropolitan area... In rapid socio-economic developme nt,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously in fluencing the shaping and transform ation of the space in metropolitan area.Survey of spatial concentration and decent ralization has thus become a basic me thod in examining metropolitan spatial evolution.In this research,three elements were selected as the essential indicato rs of the process:demographic density distribu-tion,employment density distribut ion and business office location.Performance of these elements in Nanji ng City was exam-ined historically.As Nanjing City c ould be regarded as a representative of metropolitan areas in China,its s ituation large-ly suggestes the general characteristics in similar areas of China.Hence based on the investigation of Nanji ng City,four general implications were highligh ted.First,metropolitan areas inChina are in a violentprocess and shift of spatialconcentra-tion and decentralization.Second,from now to at least the near future,c oncentration will continue to be the central fea-ture.Third,the landscape of metrop olitan areas basically exhibits a dual structure character.The gap in en vironmental and ecological qualities among different districts will continue for a l ong time.Fourth,Central Business District(CBD)is playing an important role in helpi ng to convert the traditionally single-centered city structure into a polycentric one. 展开更多
关键词 CONCENTRATION DECENTRALIZATION dynamic mechanism nanjing metropolis
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