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针灸“即时疗效”法配合康复健康指导在脑卒中康复中的应用与观察 被引量:9
作者 蔡海娟 史劳绩 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2187-2188,共2页
目的运用针灸“即时疗效”法配合康复健康指导,达到短时间内产生疗效的良好效应。即在进针后10~20min内即可出现让病人或家属认同的患肢功能好转。方法对98例脑卒中患者实施针灸“即时疗效”法并辅以相应的康复指导及健康教育。即针... 目的运用针灸“即时疗效”法配合康复健康指导,达到短时间内产生疗效的良好效应。即在进针后10~20min内即可出现让病人或家属认同的患肢功能好转。方法对98例脑卒中患者实施针灸“即时疗效”法并辅以相应的康复指导及健康教育。即针灸前循经络按摩一次,针剌相关穴位10—15min后让病人活动患侧肢体,找出肢体功能好转的动作并告诉病人及家人,让他们确定这个进步。每天1次,连续7天,以后每周三次,连续4~5周。结果经治疗的98例中,出现针灸“即时疗效”的90例。全部痊愈病例均是在发病后15d内开始进行针灸治疗的。有效病例最早是在发病后十几天,最晚10年的病例。结论在发病后15d内开始进行针灸“即时疗效”法并辅以相应的康复指导及健康教育,能在较短的时间内出现运动功能的恢复,给患者增加康复的信心。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 针灸“即时疗效” 运动功能康复
作者 俞良蒂 严庚涛 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第11期79-79,共1页
关键词 “统计学”课程教学 “即时定制”模式 教育理念 教育内容 “人本”思想 教育方法 教育功能 教学改革
作者 李曼雪 《中国信息化》 2004年第5期74-74,共1页
关键词 企业信息化 “即时工作系统” 企业发展 企业管理
作者 宋延荣 李洋 《会计师》 2022年第13期154-158,共5页
政府会计制度下,高校需要平行记录两套账:财务会计和预算会计。高校的现金收支在预算会计中一般都能够得到“即时”入账,例外的情况是,当现金收入的资金性质、现金支出的列支项目和列支金额等因素不确定时,其在预算会计中将不得不“延... 政府会计制度下,高校需要平行记录两套账:财务会计和预算会计。高校的现金收支在预算会计中一般都能够得到“即时”入账,例外的情况是,当现金收入的资金性质、现金支出的列支项目和列支金额等因素不确定时,其在预算会计中将不得不“延时”入账。本文将分别对现金收支在预算会计中的“即时”入账与“延时”入账展开探讨和分析。 展开更多
关键词 高校现金收支 预算会计 “即时”入账 “延时”入账
论媒体个性化推荐模式对“信息茧房”的影响——以新浪新闻“即时推”功能为例 被引量:7
作者 刘聪 《新闻研究导刊》 2017年第23期11-11,44,共2页
个性化推荐模式发展到今天,所有的新闻客户端,甚至直播平台、视频内容生产平台等都已采用这种推荐模式,一时间,个性化的内容推荐模式成为各大媒体平台的标准算法配置和主要传播手段。这是人工智能在这一领域的重要发展与应用,但是当所... 个性化推荐模式发展到今天,所有的新闻客户端,甚至直播平台、视频内容生产平台等都已采用这种推荐模式,一时间,个性化的内容推荐模式成为各大媒体平台的标准算法配置和主要传播手段。这是人工智能在这一领域的重要发展与应用,但是当所有平台都采用个性化推荐的时候,个性化已不再个性,"信息茧房"开始形成。本文以新浪新闻客户端为例,分析其"即时推"功能对"信息茧房"的突破作用与意义,以期引起媒体平台对其个性化内容推荐模式的思考和功能的完善,规避甚至打破"信息茧房"。 展开更多
关键词 “即时推” “信息茧房” 个性化推荐 新闻客户端
Interlib图书馆集群管理系统添加“即时信息”功能模块构想 被引量:1
作者 刘进静 《德州学院学报》 2011年第S1期271-273,共3页
为弥补在当前Interlib图书馆集群管理系统内,各个终端之间缺乏信息交流渠道的缺憾,在此系统上添加"即时信息"功能模块,该模块通过即时交流功能、公用资源的上传与下载功能、信息公告功能实现图书馆各服务终端之间随时随地的... 为弥补在当前Interlib图书馆集群管理系统内,各个终端之间缺乏信息交流渠道的缺憾,在此系统上添加"即时信息"功能模块,该模块通过即时交流功能、公用资源的上传与下载功能、信息公告功能实现图书馆各服务终端之间随时随地的进行信息交流,进而使图书馆集群内部、各业务部门甚至每个在线工作人员之间进行无障碍的沟通. 展开更多
关键词 Iterlib图书馆集群管理系统 “即时信息”功能模块 必要性分析 模块的主要功能 模块的工作模式
谈“即时反思”及其在高中思想政治课教学中的运用 被引量:1
作者 金玉荣 《教学月刊(中学版)》 2006年第5期37-38,共2页
关键词 思想政治课 高中 反思性教学 教学理念 “即时反思” 教学目标
作者 范志国 胡玉山 《外国军事学术》 2003年第9期60-63,共4页
美军在伊拉克战争中运用其最新的“即时后勤补给”理论,并取得了成功,是后勤保障方式的一次巨大变革。本文分别就“即时后勤补给”的内涵、产生动因及其主体环节、外部条件等方面进行了深入的分析研究,对于了解和认识信息化战争条件... 美军在伊拉克战争中运用其最新的“即时后勤补给”理论,并取得了成功,是后勤保障方式的一次巨大变革。本文分别就“即时后勤补给”的内涵、产生动因及其主体环节、外部条件等方面进行了深入的分析研究,对于了解和认识信息化战争条件下后勤保障具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 美国 “即时后勤补给”理论 后勤保障 军事战略 后勤效益 信息网 投送能力 分发配送系统
《个人电脑》 2004年第10期113-113,共1页
关键词 即时科研集团 LINUX系统 多媒体软件 “即时轻松影院” 操作系统
创新思维训练的问题与对策 被引量:4
作者 杜志强 董方 《江西广播电视大学学报》 2011年第2期32-34,共3页
当前创新思维训练存在着"知识中心论"、"专门训练论"和"即时效果论"三大认识误区,从根本上制约了创新思维的深入发展。传递知识的教育使思维训练式微;专门化的思维训练并非学生创新能力形成的"福音&... 当前创新思维训练存在着"知识中心论"、"专门训练论"和"即时效果论"三大认识误区,从根本上制约了创新思维的深入发展。传递知识的教育使思维训练式微;专门化的思维训练并非学生创新能力形成的"福音";创新思维训练功利主义的实效追求并不恰当。面对知识经济社会的变迁,应树立新的创新思维训练观,以"合力教育论"、"生活体验论"和"长效训练论"走出创新思维训练的认识误区,推动创新思维训练的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 创新思维训练 “知识中心论” “专门训练论” “即时效果论” 新的思维训练观
分享经济商业模式的运用与发展 被引量:1
作者 张思弘 《泉州师范学院学报》 2019年第3期96-101,共6页
因科技、经济和政治的重要支持,分享经济商业模式作为组织分享、交换、借用、交易、租用、赠礼的体系,得以稳步落地中国并席卷多个行业领域。在分享经济商业模式不断壮大、重组与整合的同时,平台方企业准确把握运用分享经济商业模式的... 因科技、经济和政治的重要支持,分享经济商业模式作为组织分享、交换、借用、交易、租用、赠礼的体系,得以稳步落地中国并席卷多个行业领域。在分享经济商业模式不断壮大、重组与整合的同时,平台方企业准确把握运用分享经济商业模式的三个核心,即'即时''简单'和'吸睛',利用平台优化供给端和需求端价值链关系实现本土化扩张。政府方面,应与企业合作共同营造更规范、更安全的经济发展环境,由监管部门、数据管控和征信体系三管齐下,以解决由分享经济商业模式所带来的用户人身和隐私安全等问题。 展开更多
关键词 分享经济 商业模式 “即时” “简单” “吸睛” 消费者行为
论书籍的未来命运——基于莱文森媒介进化论的解读 被引量:2
作者 梁颐 《东南传播》 2014年第4期3-7,共5页
媒介技术的发展使书籍有了纸质、电子和DNA书籍之分。互联网、手机等新媒介阅读方式的流行使人们担心纸质书籍的命运。保罗·莱文森媒介进化的"完成任务程度决定存活程度"、人类感觉的"即时/永远"轴线、"... 媒介技术的发展使书籍有了纸质、电子和DNA书籍之分。互联网、手机等新媒介阅读方式的流行使人们担心纸质书籍的命运。保罗·莱文森媒介进化的"完成任务程度决定存活程度"、人类感觉的"即时/永远"轴线、"特定领域生存"和人性化趋势理论指出了三种书籍的未来命运。三者在与语词的关系、与"太阳光"和"电光"之间的依赖关系及传播效果的物质场所感等方面各有优劣势,决定了纸质书未来将与人类相伴。三种书籍各具不同的"即时""永远"传播特性以平衡人类感觉,未来都将在人类社会中有属于自己的领地。 展开更多
关键词 纸质书籍 电子书籍 DNA书籍 视觉媒介语词 “即时/永远”轴线 特定领域生存原理
Incremental Multi Step R Learning
作者 胡光华 吴沧浦 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第3期245-250,共6页
Aim To investigate the model free multi step average reward reinforcement learning algorithm. Methods By combining the R learning algorithms with the temporal difference learning (TD( λ ) learning) algorithm... Aim To investigate the model free multi step average reward reinforcement learning algorithm. Methods By combining the R learning algorithms with the temporal difference learning (TD( λ ) learning) algorithms for average reward problems, a novel incremental algorithm, called R( λ ) learning, was proposed. Results and Conclusion The proposed algorithm is a natural extension of the Q( λ) learning, the multi step discounted reward reinforcement learning algorithm, to the average reward cases. Simulation results show that the R( λ ) learning with intermediate λ values makes significant performance improvement over the simple R learning. 展开更多
关键词 reinforcement learning average reward R learning Markov decision processes temporal difference learning
作者 吴子秋 《艺术科技》 2019年第10期144-144,146,共2页
彼得·布鲁克在其论集《空的空间》中提及并批判了'僵化剧场',指出了戏剧发展瓶颈。几十年后,他又在另外一本论集《敞开的门》中论述了他对于'什么是戏剧'的看法,提出了戏剧应是'活'的这一概念。本文通过... 彼得·布鲁克在其论集《空的空间》中提及并批判了'僵化剧场',指出了戏剧发展瓶颈。几十年后,他又在另外一本论集《敞开的门》中论述了他对于'什么是戏剧'的看法,提出了戏剧应是'活'的这一概念。本文通过《敞开的门》中彼得·布鲁克论述的观点,尝试分析他口中的'活'的戏剧究竟为何物,以及该观点对中国戏剧发展的启示。 展开更多
关键词 “活”戏剧 彼得·布鲁克 “即时”
关于“互联网+”校园生活服务APP软件平台设计构想 被引量:9
作者 李语晴 宋书勤 +2 位作者 李超 郭赟超 何巡 《电子技术与软件工程》 2017年第8期62-63,共2页
在中国具有庞大教学规模的大学生群体中,移动APP的应用为大学生的学习和生活更加便捷提供了技术保障,但是针对大学生的需求,以大学生的利益为基本出发点提供信息,方便大学生的学习和生活的应用软件却少之又少。该款APP旨在"互联网... 在中国具有庞大教学规模的大学生群体中,移动APP的应用为大学生的学习和生活更加便捷提供了技术保障,但是针对大学生的需求,以大学生的利益为基本出发点提供信息,方便大学生的学习和生活的应用软件却少之又少。该款APP旨在"互联网+校园生活服务"的整体背景下,以提供各种生活小事互帮以及"校园通"为基础内容,用于解决生活中琐碎小事对时间和精力的浪费,打造一个全新的生活模式和信息平台,实现人人帮人人的生活方式,提供便捷的大学校园APP的技术性创新项目。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+” APP软件平台 “即时帮” 校园通
Forward kinematics analysis of parallel manipulator using modified global Newton-Raphson method 被引量:20
作者 杨炽夫 郑淑涛 +2 位作者 靳军 朱思斌 韩俊伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第6期1264-1270,共7页
In order to obtain direct solutions of parallel manipulator without divergence in real time,a modified global Newton-Raphson(MGNR) algorithm was proposed for forward kinematics analysis of six-degree-of-freedom(DOF) p... In order to obtain direct solutions of parallel manipulator without divergence in real time,a modified global Newton-Raphson(MGNR) algorithm was proposed for forward kinematics analysis of six-degree-of-freedom(DOF) parallel manipulator.Based on geometrical frame of parallel manipulator,the highly nonlinear equations of kinematics were derived using analytical approach.The MGNR algorithm was developed for the nonlinear equations based on Tailor expansion and Newton-Raphson iteration.The procedure of MGNR algorithm was programmed in Matlab/Simulink and compiled to a real-time computer with Microsoft visual studio.NET for implementation.The performance of the MGNR algorithms for 6-DOF parallel manipulator was analyzed and confirmed.Applying the MGNR algorithm,the real generalized pose of moving platform is solved by using the set of given positions of actuators.The theoretical analysis and numerical results indicate that the presented method can achieve the numerical convergent solution in less than 1 ms with high accuracy(1×10-9 m in linear motion and 1×10-9 rad in angular motion),even the initial guess value is far from the root. 展开更多
关键词 parallel manipulator forward kinematics global Newton-Raphson real-time system
Real-Time Spreading Thickness Monitoring of High-core Rockfill Dam Based on K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm 被引量:4
作者 Denghua Zhong Rongxiang Du +2 位作者 Bo Cui Binping Wu Tao Guan 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2018年第3期282-289,共8页
During the storehouse surface rolling construction of a core rockfilldam, the spreading thickness of dam face is an important factor that affects the construction quality of the dam storehouse' rolling surface and... During the storehouse surface rolling construction of a core rockfilldam, the spreading thickness of dam face is an important factor that affects the construction quality of the dam storehouse' rolling surface and the overallquality of the entire dam. Currently, the method used to monitor and controlspreading thickness during the dam construction process is artificialsampling check after spreading, which makes it difficult to monitor the entire dam storehouse surface. In this paper, we present an in-depth study based on real-time monitoring and controltheory of storehouse surface rolling construction and obtain the rolling compaction thickness by analyzing the construction track of the rolling machine. Comparatively, the traditionalmethod can only analyze the rolling thickness of the dam storehouse surface after it has been compacted and cannot determine the thickness of the dam storehouse surface in realtime. To solve these problems, our system monitors the construction progress of the leveling machine and employs a real-time spreading thickness monitoring modelbased on the K-nearest neighbor algorithm. Taking the LHK core rockfilldam in Southwest China as an example, we performed real-time monitoring for the spreading thickness and conducted real-time interactive queries regarding the spreading thickness. This approach provides a new method for controlling the spreading thickness of the core rockfilldam storehouse surface. 展开更多
关键词 Core rockfill dam Dam storehouse surface construction Spreading thickness K-nearest neighbor algorithm Real-time monitor
Efficient Temporal Difference Learning with Adaptive λ
作者 毕金波 吴沧浦 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第3期251-257,共7页
Aim To find a more efficient learning method based on temporal difference learning for delayed reinforcement learning tasks. Methods A kind of Q learning algorithm based on truncated TD( λ ) with adaptive scheme... Aim To find a more efficient learning method based on temporal difference learning for delayed reinforcement learning tasks. Methods A kind of Q learning algorithm based on truncated TD( λ ) with adaptive schemes of λ value selection addressed to absorbing Markov decision processes was presented and implemented on computers. Results and Conclusion Simulations on the shortest path searching problems show that using adaptive λ in the Q learning based on TTD( λ ) can speed up its convergence. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic programming delayed reinforcement learning absorbing Markov decision processes temporal difference learning Q learning
Recommending Friends Instantly in Location-based Mobile Social Networks 被引量:4
作者 QIAO Xiuquan SU Jianchong +4 位作者 ZHANG Jinsong XU Wangli WU Budan XUE Sida CHEN Junliang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期109-127,共19页
Differently from the general online social network(OSN),locationbased mobile social network(LMSN),which seamlessly integrates mobile computing and social computing technologies,has unique characteristics of temporal,s... Differently from the general online social network(OSN),locationbased mobile social network(LMSN),which seamlessly integrates mobile computing and social computing technologies,has unique characteristics of temporal,spatial and social correlation.Recommending friends instantly based on current location of users in the real world has become increasingly popular in LMSN.However,the existing friend recommendation methods based on topological structures of a social network or non-topological information such as similar user profiles cannot well address the instant making friends in the real world.In this article,we analyze users' check-in behavior in a real LMSN site named Gowalla.According to this analysis,we present an approach of recommending friends instantly for LMSN users by considering the real-time physical location proximity,offline behavior similarity and friendship network information in the virtual community simultaneously.This approach effectively bridges the gap between the offline behavior of users in the real world and online friendship network information in the virtual community.Finally,we use the real user check-in dataset of Gowalla to verify the effectiveness of our approach. 展开更多
关键词 mobile social network service friend recommendation location-basedservice location proximity user behaviorsimilarity singular value decomposition
Analysis of Runoff in Ungauged Mountain Watersheds in Sichuan,China using Kinematic-wave-based GIUH Model 被引量:5
作者 CAO Shuyou LEE Kwan Tun +3 位作者 HO Juiyi LIU Xingnian HUANG Er YANG Kejun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期157-166,共10页
Floods are one of the most common natural hazards occurring all around the world.However,the knowledge of the origins of a food and its possible magnitude in a given region remains unclear yet.This lack of understandi... Floods are one of the most common natural hazards occurring all around the world.However,the knowledge of the origins of a food and its possible magnitude in a given region remains unclear yet.This lack of understanding is particularly acute in mountainous regions with large degrees in Sichuan Province,China,where runoff is seldom measured.The nature of streamflow in a region is related to the time and spatial distribution of rainfall quantity and watershed geomorphology.The geomorphologic characteristics are the channel network and surrounding landscape which transform the rainfall input into an output hydrograph at the outlet of the watershed.With the given geomorphologic properties of the watershed,theoretically the hydrological response function can be determined hydraulically without using any recorded data of past rainfall or runoff events.In this study,a kinematic-wave-based geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph (KW-GIUH) model was adopted and verified to estimate runoff in ungauged areas.Two mountain watersheds,the Yingjing River watershed and Tianquan River watershed in Sichuan were selected as study sites.The geomorphologic factors of the two watersheds were obtained by using a digital elevation model (DEM) based on the topographic database obtained from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission of US's NASA.The tests of the model on the two watersheds were performed both at gauged and ungauged sites.Comparison between the simulated and observed hydrographs for a number of rainstorms at the gauged sites indicated the potential of the KW-GIUH model as a useful tool for runoff analysis in these regions.Moreover,to simulate possible concentrated rainstorms that could result in serious flooding in these areas,synthetic rainfall hyetographs were adopted as input to the KW-GIUH model to obtain the flow hydrographs at two ungauged sites for different return period conditions.Hydroeconomic analysis can be performed in the future to select the optimum design return period for determining the flood control work. 展开更多
关键词 Kinematic-wave-based geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph (KW-GIUH) Ungauged watershed Rainfall-runoff simulation Digital elevation model
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