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作者 王榕 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期27-35,共9页
对于历史唯物主义认识论而言,物自体仍然是一个难题。历史唯物主义认识论的基本任务是探求理论和实践的特定的历史关系,而考察物自体从理论理性到实践理性的含义转化恰恰为此奠定了基础。康德认为实践理性具有优先性,所以物自体的实在... 对于历史唯物主义认识论而言,物自体仍然是一个难题。历史唯物主义认识论的基本任务是探求理论和实践的特定的历史关系,而考察物自体从理论理性到实践理性的含义转化恰恰为此奠定了基础。康德认为实践理性具有优先性,所以物自体的实在性首先指向作为社会总体的现实性,但他的分析仍然停留在观念论中。马克思曾尝试解密物自体,并将“实践理性的优先性”转换为“社会存在决定社会意识”。索恩一雷特尔通过阐发“现实抽象”,丰富了该论断的内涵,表明认识的基础不是先验主体的综合,而是由商品交换作为社会构序功能而形成的社会综合,后者在最普遍的意义上被称为“历史先验”。然而,用“历史先验”取代“社会存在”,虽然推进了马克思对物自体的“解密”,却忽略了政治经济学批判所指明的历史特殊性,反而回到了康德先验哲学的语境中,这在一定程度上背离了历史唯物主义。 展开更多
关键词 历史唯物主义认识论 物自体 “历史先验” 实践
The two Kantian notions of causality: an analytic enquiry
作者 Yu Wujin 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第3期5-15,共11页
In response to the tricky problem, raised by Hume, of the relationship between causality and freedom, Kant came up with the concept of two kinds of causality: causality of nature and causality of freedom. While the f... In response to the tricky problem, raised by Hume, of the relationship between causality and freedom, Kant came up with the concept of two kinds of causality: causality of nature and causality of freedom. While the former belongs in the phenomenal realm in the context of speculative reason, the latter, no more than a negative notion in the transcendental realm of things-in-themselves, nevertheless acquires actual objectivity in the context of practical reason. What causality of freedom confirms is freedom in the transcendental rather than the psychological sense. As Kant saw it, these two kinds of causality coexist in divided form in man, who is an existing being both in the realm of phenomena and in that of things-in-themselves. After Kant, it was Marx who, critically synthesizing the contributions of Hegel and Sehopenhauer, succeeded in revealing the hidden answer to the question of Kant's concept of two kinds of causality. That is productive labor, which implies both the dimension of goals and the causality of freedom and that of the causality of nature and historical causality. In the context of Marx's historical materialism, productive labor emerges as a kingdom of necessity at the very basis of the kingdom of freedom. 展开更多
关键词 causality of nature causality of freedom a priori freedom historical causality productive labor relations of production
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