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西周代词“厥”的性质再探 被引量:2
作者 张玉金 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第11期144-144,共1页
关键词 西周 “厥” 性质 古代汉语 代词
论西周汉语代词“厥”的性质 被引量:2
作者 张玉金 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2005年第2期57-62,共6页
目前西周汉语中代词“厥”的性质问题尚有争议。本文评述了学术界对这个问题的五种主要看法,运用现代语法学和语用学理论分析了所有有关的语料,得出了如下结论:“厥”主要是第三人称代词,它有本用,也有活用;有些“厥”已由第三人称代词... 目前西周汉语中代词“厥”的性质问题尚有争议。本文评述了学术界对这个问题的五种主要看法,运用现代语法学和语用学理论分析了所有有关的语料,得出了如下结论:“厥”主要是第三人称代词,它有本用,也有活用;有些“厥”已由第三人称代词转化为远指代词。 展开更多
关键词 西周汉语 代词 性质
石学敏院士对六“厥”证的认识 被引量:2
作者 许军峰 卞金玲 吕建明 《中华针灸电子杂志》 2016年第2期48-50,共3页
中国工程院院士石学敏教授认为对六经之"厥"的概念,应从文理和医理相结合的角度考虑,并紧密结合临床进行全面分析。六经之"厥"应是十二经的病候之一,且与其所居经脉的诸病候形成并列关系,其病变机制应从本经脉的经... 中国工程院院士石学敏教授认为对六经之"厥"的概念,应从文理和医理相结合的角度考虑,并紧密结合临床进行全面分析。六经之"厥"应是十二经的病候之一,且与其所居经脉的诸病候形成并列关系,其病变机制应从本经脉的经络循行和所属脏腑的病变反映去解释,在治疗上具有与其发病机制相对应的治疗原则、配方和操作方法,符合《灵枢经》的原旨。 展开更多
关键词 灵枢经 十二经脉 “厥”
中国传统译论“厥中”论探究 被引量:1
作者 任强 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期68-73,共6页
随着新时期中国译学的发展,有必要对传统译学理念进行探本溯源和内涵厘清,以促进本土译论体系的重构与完善.借助典籍文献对东晋慧远的“厥中”论进行分析归纳,发现“厥中”论的观点经历了由模糊到明确的变化,其议论的对象是译经语体而... 随着新时期中国译学的发展,有必要对传统译学理念进行探本溯源和内涵厘清,以促进本土译论体系的重构与完善.借助典籍文献对东晋慧远的“厥中”论进行分析归纳,发现“厥中”论的观点经历了由模糊到明确的变化,其议论的对象是译经语体而非方法,而“厥中”论的产生自有深刻的社会文化原因.“厥中”论体现了原文为标准的早期翻译观念,是我国传统翻译理论“案本”阶段的理论典型. 展开更多
关键词 慧远 “厥中”论 译经语体 文化融合
作者 郭晓云 《江西教育学院学报》 2004年第2期109-109,共1页
《南方周末》报2004年3月18日B10版所载记者南香红写的《产权,绕不开的门槛》中有一段话:“门楼上依稀可见‘修厥德’三个木雕大字,住在院子里的史铭经告诉记者,‘厥’与‘齐’同,表明这里的原主人是一个很崇尚儒家思想的人。”有... 《南方周末》报2004年3月18日B10版所载记者南香红写的《产权,绕不开的门槛》中有一段话:“门楼上依稀可见‘修厥德’三个木雕大字,住在院子里的史铭经告诉记者,‘厥’与‘齐’同,表明这里的原主人是一个很崇尚儒家思想的人。”有“修厥德”三个字的门楼是山西平遥县古城仓巷37号大院里的二进院的二道门门楼,说“‘厥’与‘齐’同”的史铭经是这所院子的原主人的后代,年纪74岁。 展开更多
关键词 古汉语 “厥” 《尚书》 释义
作者 井庆彦 张国骏 《河南中医》 2009年第11期1047-1047,共1页
关键词 张仲景 《伤寒论》 “厥热胜复” 病机 证候 转归 治疗 现实意义
作者 丁德正 《河南中医》 2017年第12期2064-2065,共2页
"厥成为巅疾"是指因情志所伤,气机紊乱逆上而形成的头晕痛、眩仆类昏厥病变,这为临证诊治急性应激障碍、癔症性昏厥等突发急症提供了理论指导。但需注意的是,临证时应慎查此"巅仆"类证候是否为出血性脑部器质性病变... "厥成为巅疾"是指因情志所伤,气机紊乱逆上而形成的头晕痛、眩仆类昏厥病变,这为临证诊治急性应激障碍、癔症性昏厥等突发急症提供了理论指导。但需注意的是,临证时应慎查此"巅仆"类证候是否为出血性脑部器质性病变;若是,应迅送患者于相应科室,以免延误有效的抢救时间。应慎重对待此类宝贵性经典论述,能释则释,但必须符合临床实际,理顺义明,否则,留下存疑,切忌释之不通,又添令人费解之辞。 展开更多
关键词 “厥” “巅疾” 《黄帝内经》 急性应激障碍 癔症性昏
《周易》新证一例——“厥孚”可能是“有孚”之误 被引量:1
作者 张新俊 《开封大学学报》 2005年第1期41-42,共2页
传世本《周易》卦爻中常见有“有孚”一词,凡26见;又有“厥孚”一词,仅仅一见。过去的学者都把“厥”当作虚词。根据古文字中“又”、“厥”二字形近容易相混的情况,此处的“厥”可能是“又(有)”字之误。从上海博物馆藏战国竹书《周易... 传世本《周易》卦爻中常见有“有孚”一词,凡26见;又有“厥孚”一词,仅仅一见。过去的学者都把“厥”当作虚词。根据古文字中“又”、“厥”二字形近容易相混的情况,此处的“厥”可能是“又(有)”字之误。从上海博物馆藏战国竹书《周易》已经写作“厥”来看,这种讹误发生的时间相当早。 展开更多
关键词 《周易》 有孚
Synergistic effect of pinellia total alkaloids and uncaria total alkaloids on anticonvulsant action in mice and rats 被引量:12
作者 成银霞 王明正 +5 位作者 陈靖京 杨蓉 何欣嘏 马永刚 杨李华 张明升 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2007年第2期139-145,共7页
Aim To investigate the synergistic effect of the combination of pinellia total alkaloid (PTA) and uncaria total alkaloid (UTA), and explore the mechanism of anticonvulsant action. Methods Anticonvulsant and toxic ... Aim To investigate the synergistic effect of the combination of pinellia total alkaloid (PTA) and uncaria total alkaloid (UTA), and explore the mechanism of anticonvulsant action. Methods Anticonvulsant and toxic effect profiles of combinations of PTA with UTA, alone and at three fixed ratios of 1:4, 1 :1, 4:1, were evaluated in maximal electroshock (MES)-induced seizures and acute toxicity test in mice. Respective ED50 and LD50 were calculated with Bliss's method. Their synergistic effect were evaluated by isobolographic analysis and allowed the determination of benefit indices (BI) for respective combinations. The model of convulsive rats kindled by penicillin topically injected into cortex was used to investigated the content of Glu, Asp, Gly and GABA in hippocampus using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results Combinations of PTA and UTA at the ratio of 4:1 were synergistic in MES test and antagonistic in acute toxicity test, showing the best profile for combinations of PTA with UTA. In contrast, the ratios of 1 :4 and 1 : 1, despite synergistic in MES test, were additive in acute toxicity test. The 4:1 combination and two drugs alone significantly decreased Glu level and increased GABA level in the hippocampus, but the GABA level in the 4:1 combination group was higher than that in the two drugs alone groups. They did not have significant influence on the levels of ASp and Gly. Conclusion Combinations of PTA and UTA at 4:1 ratio demonstrated synergistic effect in anticonvulsant action and antagonistic effect in toxicity. The anticonvulsant mechanism might be related to decreasing the excitability of Glutamatergic neurons and increasing the inhibition of GABAergic neurons. 展开更多
关键词 Pinellia total alkaloids Uncaria total alkaloids Synergistic effect Anticonvulsant action Isobolographic analysis Maximal electroshock Penicillin kindling NEUROTRANSMITTERS
文中子“三教可一”观及“中道”思想论说 被引量:2
作者 袁刚 景晶 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第7期201-216,共16页
儒家汉宋学术间有一段受佛、道冲击的严峻历史,隋出身儒宗门阀的王通在儒学式微的逆势下,退居河汾续六经,企图匡复儒学。王通提出"三教可一"论,站在儒家立场上学习和融通佛、道二教,受佛教"中道"思想影响,强调意识形态争斗中讲究中... 儒家汉宋学术间有一段受佛、道冲击的严峻历史,隋出身儒宗门阀的王通在儒学式微的逆势下,退居河汾续六经,企图匡复儒学。王通提出"三教可一"论,站在儒家立场上学习和融通佛、道二教,受佛教"中道"思想影响,强调意识形态争斗中讲究中庸之道不走极端,其学说辑为《中说》,谥曰"文中子",突出"中"字,其融通佛、道的思路实开宋明理学之先河。文中子改造汉儒学风开创新经学,以心性讲经开一代风气,经世致用使汉儒走向宋儒,儒家意识形态的主导地位得以重新树立。文中子思想资料虽因亡佚残存不多,但从其"三教可一论"及"中道"思想,仍可确认其为我国中古时代继往开来承先启后的大思想家,是时代先驱者。 展开更多
关键词 《中说》 《中论》 《中庸》 允执 三教可一
《周易》第三身代词考察 被引量:2
作者 赵振兴 李新飞 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期56-62,共7页
文章考察《周易》中的第三身代词:其、之、厥、彼。“其”、“厥”作领属性定语,“之”、“彼”作宾语;“其”、“厥”处承指位置,“之”、“彼”处非承指位置。“其”、“之”、“厥”基本完成转化为第三身代词,“彼”还没有完成转化... 文章考察《周易》中的第三身代词:其、之、厥、彼。“其”、“厥”作领属性定语,“之”、“彼”作宾语;“其”、“厥”处承指位置,“之”、“彼”处非承指位置。“其”、“之”、“厥”基本完成转化为第三身代词,“彼”还没有完成转化。文章认为,西周末年已经有了只有称代作用,没有指别作用的单纯第三身代词。 展开更多
关键词 《周易》 第三身代词 称代
李楷固东征与渤海建国问题新考察 被引量:3
作者 辛时代 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期110-113,共4页
营州之乱后,唐朝为了巩固在东北地区的统治,重新调整东北民族关系,特派李楷固率兵出征辽西、辽东地区。李楷固东征发生在武则天统治末年。以李楷固奉命讨伐契丹(700年)为开端,以天门岭之战李楷固败还(702年)而结束,李楷固东征的直接后... 营州之乱后,唐朝为了巩固在东北地区的统治,重新调整东北民族关系,特派李楷固率兵出征辽西、辽东地区。李楷固东征发生在武则天统治末年。以李楷固奉命讨伐契丹(700年)为开端,以天门岭之战李楷固败还(702年)而结束,李楷固东征的直接后果就是大祚荣建国。以往学界都认为渤海建国的时间是698年,本文通过对史料的钩沉与解读,认为渤海建国的时间是公元702年。 展开更多
关键词 李楷固 东突 渤海建国
亚洲共同体概念的回溯与展望 被引量:2
作者 章立明 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第7期217-227,共11页
自2000年以来,亚洲共同体一词就不断地被提及并引发各方持续关注,其实把历史与文化多样性的亚洲视为一个整体概念的做法由来已久,从东方主义的东方幻象到泛亚洲主义(Pan-Asianism)的亚洲共同体想象莫不如此。特别是后者可上溯至19世... 自2000年以来,亚洲共同体一词就不断地被提及并引发各方持续关注,其实把历史与文化多样性的亚洲视为一个整体概念的做法由来已久,从东方主义的东方幻象到泛亚洲主义(Pan-Asianism)的亚洲共同体想象莫不如此。特别是后者可上溯至19世纪中后期,并一直贯穿在诸如中日和中印关系的复杂历史进程乃至世界的近代思想史中,时至今日对它的讨论仍然可能引发争论。通过梳理近现代日本、中国和印度的亚洲观,我们可以发现亚洲共同体这个承载梦想概念的迷人之处,但是从地理、种族和文明来整合共同体的做法已证明会遭遇现实的坚冰。当然,要建构21世纪的亚洲共同体则需要考虑地缘政治因素并摒弃独断论思维。 展开更多
关键词 东方主义 泛亚洲主义 亚洲共同体 地缘政治
作者 张诒三 《枣庄学院学报》 2020年第6期1-5,共5页
《论语·为政》“多闻阙疑”包咸解释为“疑则阙之”,“多见阙殆”包咸解释为“所见危者,阙而不行”,历来注释沿用包说,释“阙”为“缺”。本文利用传统训诂学的“因声求义”方法,参照现代语言学的研究思路,把具体的字词放到文本发... 《论语·为政》“多闻阙疑”包咸解释为“疑则阙之”,“多见阙殆”包咸解释为“所见危者,阙而不行”,历来注释沿用包说,释“阙”为“缺”。本文利用传统训诂学的“因声求义”方法,参照现代语言学的研究思路,把具体的字词放到文本发生时代的特定语境中进行考察,同时参考近年出土的简帛文献,认为此处“阙”乃“厥”之借字,义同“其”。“多闻阙疑”为“多闻其疑”,“多见阙殆”为“多见其殆”。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》
作者 郭绍林 《洛阳工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第2期16-19,41,共5页
唐太宗尚未成年即开始了戎马生涯 ,多次平定地方割据叛乱 ,抵抗突厥入侵 ,每每大获全胜 ,为唐朝的缔造、巩固和国威远扬奠定下坚实的基础。他的军事艺术十分高超 ,诸如知彼知己、兵不厌诈、欲取故纵、骄寇夺志、虚实相兼等 。
关键词 唐太宗 军事艺术 割据势力
Serious response during tilt-table test in elderly and its prophylactic management 被引量:2
作者 韩阳 李晓霞 +2 位作者 蒋伟莉 王招娣 陈天秩 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期304-306,共3页
Objective: To evaluate the serious response during tilt-table test (TTT) and its prophylactic management. Method: Seventy-six elderly patients were tested at a tilt angle of 70 degrees for a maximum of 45 min and then... Objective: To evaluate the serious response during tilt-table test (TTT) and its prophylactic management. Method: Seventy-six elderly patients were tested at a tilt angle of 70 degrees for a maximum of 45 min and then subjected to isoprotere- nol-provocative tilt testing. ECG and blood pressure were monitored during the test and patients were kept at normal saline con- dition through a peripheral intravenous duct. Results: Fifty-one of 76 patients were defined as positive including 23 having serious response; 6 of the 23 patients had arteriosclerosis involving internal carotid arteries and 7 cases had bradycardia, two of which were associated with II°-I A-V block and the others with chronic atrial fibrillation. The serious response consisted of cardiac arrest for more than 5 s (6 cases), or serious bradycardia for more than 1 min (7 cases) or serious hypotension for more than 1 min (10 cases). Those with serious response were managed by returning to supine position, thus driving up legs and intravenous atropine, CPR (2 cases with cardiac arrest) and needing oxygen supplementation (11 cases). Only 2 hypotension patients recovered gradually by 10 min after emergency management, while others recovered rapidly with no complications. Conclusion: Although non-invasive, TTT may result in serious response, especially in elderly. Therefore proper patient selection, control of isoproterenol infusion and close observation of vital signs are decisive for a safe consequence. 展开更多
关键词 Tilt-table test (TTT) Vasovagal syncope (VVS) Serious response Prophylactic management
Evaluation of cilazapril in vasovagal syncope treatment 被引量:1
作者 蒋伟莉 金美珍 +2 位作者 葛炜 陈天秩 韩阳 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第3期378-380,共3页
Objective: to evaluate cilazapril in vasovagal syncope treatment. Method: eighty\|six cases of VVS patients found positive in TTT tilt were medicated with 2.5 mg cilazapril daily for three months and followed up by TT... Objective: to evaluate cilazapril in vasovagal syncope treatment. Method: eighty\|six cases of VVS patients found positive in TTT tilt were medicated with 2.5 mg cilazapril daily for three months and followed up by TTT. Results: seven cases quit due to cough or unexplained reason; 79 VVS patients had no more fainting spells; 75.95% of TTT results of patients changed to negative after 3 months therapy. The before and after cilazapril treatment average blood pressures (taken in lying position) were 121/73 mm Hg (1 mm Hg= 0.133kPa) and 120/76 mm Hg respectively ( P > 0.05); and mean heart rates were 68.63±12.37/min and 70.13±13.15/min respectively with no significant changes ( P > 0.05). Conclusion: Cilazapril was effective in treatment of VVS; did not affect normal blood pressure and heart rate; was safe; and had little side effect. 展开更多
关键词 Vasovagal syncope(VVS) CILAZAPRIL Blood pressure & heart rate Tilt table test
Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of some potent 5,6-bis aryl 1,2,4-triazines
作者 MALLIKARJUNA B.P. SURESH KUMAR G.V. +2 位作者 SASTRY B.S. NAGARAJ MANOHARA K.P. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期526-532,共7页
In the present research, a series of 5,6-bis aryl 1,2,4-triazines 5a^5f were synthesized by condensation of various benzils 4a^4f with aminoguanidine bicarbonate and were screened in vivo, for their anticonvulsant and... In the present research, a series of 5,6-bis aryl 1,2,4-triazines 5a^5f were synthesized by condensation of various benzils 4a^4f with aminoguanidine bicarbonate and were screened in vivo, for their anticonvulsant and neurotoxicity studies. Compounds 5a, 5b and 5d were found to be potent molecules of this series, when compared with the reference drugs phenytoin sodium, diazepam and lamotrigine. The structures of these compounds were established by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and mass spectroscopic data. 展开更多
关键词 5 6-Bis aryl 1 2 4-triazines SYNTHESIS Anticonvulsant activity
Clinical Observation of Irbesartan in Treatment of Vasovagal Syncope
作者 YangHan Xue-yingLü Wei-liJiang Yun-meiYang Tian-zhiChen 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期15-15, ,共1页
关键词 Adult Aged Biphenyl Compounds Blood Pressure Female Heart Rate Humans Male Middle Aged Receptor Angiotensin Type 2 Syncope Vasovagal TETRAZOLES
Synthesis and evaluation of 4-substituted semicarbazones of levulinic acid for anticonvulsant activity
作者 AGGARWAL Navneet MISHRA Pradeep 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期617-621,共5页
Objective: A series of 4-aryl substituted semicarbazones of levulinic acid (4-oxo pentanoic acid) was designed and synthesized to meet the structural requirements essential for anticonvulsant activity. Methods: All th... Objective: A series of 4-aryl substituted semicarbazones of levulinic acid (4-oxo pentanoic acid) was designed and synthesized to meet the structural requirements essential for anticonvulsant activity. Methods: All the compounds were evaluated for anticonvulsant activity. Anticonvulsant activity was determined after intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration to mice by maximal electroshock (MES) and subcutaneous metrazol (ScMet) induced seizure methods and minimal motor impairment was determined by rotorod test. Results: A majority of the compounds exhibited significant anticonvulsant activity after intraperitoneal administration. In the present study 4-(4'-fluoro phenyl) levulinic acid semicarbazone emerged as the most active molecule, showing broad spectrum of activity with low neurotoxicity. Unsubstituted levulinic acid semicarbazone was found to be inactive in all the screens. Conclusion: The results obtained validate the hypothesis that presence of an aryl group near the semicarbazone moiety is essential for anticonvulsant activity. The results also indicate that the hydrophilic-hydrophobic site can accommodate hydrophilic groups. 展开更多
关键词 Substituted semicarbazones ANTICONVULSANT Levulinic acid
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