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推动农村妇女“参政” 促进政治文明进程 被引量:4
作者 林建 《中共福建省委党校学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期28-33,共6页
农村妇女在村级选举、村民自治中的参与度已经成为一个地区民主化进程、社会文明程度的标志。对于福建省来说,推动农村妇女参政,具有更独特而深刻的政治意义、经济意义和国家战略意义。文章通过分析福建省的农村妇女"参政"(... 农村妇女在村级选举、村民自治中的参与度已经成为一个地区民主化进程、社会文明程度的标志。对于福建省来说,推动农村妇女参政,具有更独特而深刻的政治意义、经济意义和国家战略意义。文章通过分析福建省的农村妇女"参政"(进两委任主干)的现状和问题,提出推动农村妇女参政、促进政治文明进程的基本思路:需要制定倾斜政策,为妇女参政提供制度支持;形成工作合力,建立协调联动的社会支持机制;加强全面培训,提高妇女自身素质和参政能力;广泛宣传教育,营造有利于妇女参政的舆论环境。 展开更多
关键词 农村妇女“参政” 扩大民主参与 村级选举
作者 渠桂萍 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期98-106,共9页
清代保甲制度名存实亡。长期以来,有识之士要求士绅"参政",主持地方事务的呼声不绝于耳。清末新政,国家现代化政权建置,给士绅"参政"提供了重要契机。20世纪二三十年代,阎锡山迎合现代的潮流,顺应历史的要求,倚靠... 清代保甲制度名存实亡。长期以来,有识之士要求士绅"参政",主持地方事务的呼声不绝于耳。清末新政,国家现代化政权建置,给士绅"参政"提供了重要契机。20世纪二三十年代,阎锡山迎合现代的潮流,顺应历史的要求,倚靠地方士绅名流主持地方自治事务。在阎锡山政府的驱动之下,地方士绅名流参与地方自治,成为体制内成员,一定程度上推动了阎锡山新政的进程,但是士绅向"权绅"转变以及"劣绅"的出现,也成为地方士绅名流的政治常态。他们常常与政府对抗,派系斗争不断,又成了阎锡山施政的障碍。 展开更多
关键词 士绅“参政” 正绅 劣绅 地方自治
作者 张湘 《探索(浙江)》 1986年第2期11-14,共4页
随着领导决策科学化的加强,政府部门在决策过程中的难度越来越高,尤其是一些重大战略决策问题所涉及的范围越来越广,其影响与后果也必然越来越大。在这种形势下,领导者个人或领导者集体的经验和知识结构断然决策是远远不够的,凭靠领导... 随着领导决策科学化的加强,政府部门在决策过程中的难度越来越高,尤其是一些重大战略决策问题所涉及的范围越来越广,其影响与后果也必然越来越大。在这种形势下,领导者个人或领导者集体的经验和知识结构断然决策是远远不够的,凭靠领导者个人拍脑袋进行的传统决策模式往往会产生重大的失误。因此,政府部门在决策时。 展开更多
关键词 思想库 政府决策 经济学家 “参政” 立政 研究机构 脑库 社会科学家 经济学理论 领导者
作者 秦鹤声 《渝州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1995年第1期79-83,共5页
基层单位民主党派组织具有“参政”、“议政”作用,其依据是宪法和《中共中央关于坚持和完善共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见》的有关内容.从理论与实践的结合上明确这个问题,有利于研究和发展多党合作的理论以及坚持和完善... 基层单位民主党派组织具有“参政”、“议政”作用,其依据是宪法和《中共中央关于坚持和完善共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见》的有关内容.从理论与实践的结合上明确这个问题,有利于研究和发展多党合作的理论以及坚持和完善党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度. 展开更多
关键词 基层单位 民主党派 “参政” “议政”
作者 李委莎 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第4期37-40,共4页
关键词 女性参政 女性解放运动 社会生活 政治领域 社会条件 商品经济 社会地位 社会主义时期 生产方式 “参政”
作者 陆方 《人大研究》 1997年第4期12-12,共1页
“参政议政”质疑□陆方笔者认为,用“参政议政”来概括人大代表的职能作用是不恰当的,而应改为“议政督政”。众所周知,人大代表作为人民派往国家权力机构的使者,在国家政治生活中有着十分重要的地位,他们不是来“参政”(参与国... “参政议政”质疑□陆方笔者认为,用“参政议政”来概括人大代表的职能作用是不恰当的,而应改为“议政督政”。众所周知,人大代表作为人民派往国家权力机构的使者,在国家政治生活中有着十分重要的地位,他们不是来“参政”(参与国家机关的政务活动)的,而是来“当政... 展开更多
关键词 参政议政 人大代表 职能作用 检察机关 “议政” 人民当家作主 “参政” 人大常委 江苏省 代表地位
作者 蒋佩私 《瞭望》 北大核心 1998年第12期34-34,共1页
别在家乡乱“参政”湖南蒋佩私笔者近期走访了许多乡村,不少乡村干部反映如今的基层干部难当。即便是乡村的计划生育、收缴各种提留、分派村民义务工这些农村的日常工作,也受到在外工作的干部的干扰。这些“参政”者不是直接打招呼,... 别在家乡乱“参政”湖南蒋佩私笔者近期走访了许多乡村,不少乡村干部反映如今的基层干部难当。即便是乡村的计划生育、收缴各种提留、分派村民义务工这些农村的日常工作,也受到在外工作的干部的干扰。这些“参政”者不是直接打招呼,就是间接打招呼,要为其在农村的亲属... 展开更多
关键词 “参政” 乡村干部 家乡 计划生育 办实事 机关干部 销售渠道 办学条件 基层干部 农副产品
《宋史》校勘四则 被引量:1
作者 吴怀连 《中州学刊》 1987年第5期112-112,共1页
(一) 《宋史》卷398《倪思传》:“史弥远拟除两从官,参政钱象祖不与闻。”应为“史弥远拟除两从官、参政,钱象祖不与闻。” 史弥远实际控制朝廷大权是在“诛韩”政变之后,这时钱象祖已经是宰相而不是参政了,故“参政”断后,于史实不符。... (一) 《宋史》卷398《倪思传》:“史弥远拟除两从官,参政钱象祖不与闻。”应为“史弥远拟除两从官、参政,钱象祖不与闻。” 史弥远实际控制朝廷大权是在“诛韩”政变之后,这时钱象祖已经是宰相而不是参政了,故“参政”断后,于史实不符。(参见《建炎以来朝野杂记》乙集卷七《开禧去凶和敌日记》;《宋史》卷213《宰辅表(四)》) (二)《宋史》卷436《李道传传》:“时薛拯、胡榘等皆以新进用事……”。“薛拯”,应为“薛极”。史弥远时期,薛极,胡榘、聂子述、赵汝述四人号称“四木”,是史弥远集团的主要成员。“拯” 展开更多
关键词 《宋史》 史弥远 史嵩之 诛韩 辅表 “参政” 李全 集卷 建炎 侍从
作者 陆言文 《社会》 北大核心 1996年第5期28-29,共2页
关键词 实在说 情绪波动 建筑项目 “参政” 平衡木 排除杂念 功利色彩 “进步” 外界环境 打毛衣
作者 林兴科 《领导科学》 北大核心 1995年第6期16-16,共1页
加强党委团结应注意的几个问题林兴科党的十四届四中全会明确提出,要把加强党的建设作为一项新的伟大的工程来进行。要加强党的建设必须先把党委抓好,增强团结。这是党委建设的一个关键。注意任用干部这个“敏感点”,防止不正之风的... 加强党委团结应注意的几个问题林兴科党的十四届四中全会明确提出,要把加强党的建设作为一项新的伟大的工程来进行。要加强党的建设必须先把党委抓好,增强团结。这是党委建设的一个关键。注意任用干部这个“敏感点”,防止不正之风的使人用人问题,是个“敏感点”,也是... 展开更多
关键词 “参政” 加强党的建设 用人问题 敏感点 使用干部 党委集体领导 班子成员 导火索 党委建设 少数服从多数
作者 胡春旺 立文 《经济工作导刊》 1999年第8期16-16,共1页
现在许多地方已经相继改组成立了不少公司制企业。但这其中有一定数量的公司制企业空有现代企业制度的壳子,实际上并未按现代企业制度的要求进行运作。 表现之一:董事会不“懂事”。《公司法》明确规定:“有限责任公司的董事会有聘任或... 现在许多地方已经相继改组成立了不少公司制企业。但这其中有一定数量的公司制企业空有现代企业制度的壳子,实际上并未按现代企业制度的要求进行运作。 表现之一:董事会不“懂事”。《公司法》明确规定:“有限责任公司的董事会有聘任或者解聘公司经理(总经理)的权力,同时,依据经理提名,可聘公司副经理、财务负责人,并决定其报酬事项。” 展开更多
关键词 现代企业制度 监事会 董事会 公司制企业 股东大会 董事长 总经理 “议政” 《公司法》 “参政”
作者 刘吉斌 《秘书之友》 1994年第6期35-35,共1页
一般地说,秘书人员的工作被动性和依附性较强,一定程度上抑制着秘书人员潜在能力的发挥和聪明才智的显示.在“抓住机遇,加快发展”成为人们共识的今天,秘书人员也应走出被动服务的误区,消除猥琐谦卑的心理,树立强烈的机遇意识,及时把握... 一般地说,秘书人员的工作被动性和依附性较强,一定程度上抑制着秘书人员潜在能力的发挥和聪明才智的显示.在“抓住机遇,加快发展”成为人们共识的今天,秘书人员也应走出被动服务的误区,消除猥琐谦卑的心理,树立强烈的机遇意识,及时把握和抓住各种稍纵即逝的机遇,通过积极主动地参与显示出能力和才干.抓住新政策出的台的机遇,通过深化认识和提出落实措施显示出“参政”能力.中央或省里某项政策的出台,总是带有宏观性和普遍性,多数借助新闻媒介迅速传递到千家万户.同时。 展开更多
关键词 秘书人员 文秘人员 深化认识 领导决策 机遇意识 股份制改革 秘书工作 加快发展 “参政” 农村股份合作制
作者 陆志坚 《人事与人才》 1998年第9期17-17,共2页
家庭是社会的细胞,没有一个健康的家庭,就不可能有健康的社会。而妻子作为家庭的主要成员,对家风的好坏起着举足轻重的作用。俗话说:“妻贤夫祸少,妻廉夫生威。”妻子怎样帮助丈夫,“助”法是否得当,不但直接影响到丈夫的人生,而且关系... 家庭是社会的细胞,没有一个健康的家庭,就不可能有健康的社会。而妻子作为家庭的主要成员,对家风的好坏起着举足轻重的作用。俗话说:“妻贤夫祸少,妻廉夫生威。”妻子怎样帮助丈夫,“助”法是否得当,不但直接影响到丈夫的人生,而且关系到家庭的幸福与社会的稳定。孔繁森的妻子王庆芝在丈夫两次进藏工作期间,主动挑起家庭重担。 展开更多
关键词 丈夫 家庭 工作期间 孔繁森 依法行使职权 当代女性 妻子 受贿犯罪 主要成 “参政”
Systems Analysis in the Study of the Political Elite
作者 Nadezhda Ponomarenko 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第7期354-359,共6页
The main topic of the research is applying of systems approach in studying of political elite. This approach was applied in the analysis of Russia's regional power elite (1991 to 2010). The elite was studied as a c... The main topic of the research is applying of systems approach in studying of political elite. This approach was applied in the analysis of Russia's regional power elite (1991 to 2010). The elite was studied as a complex self-reference system oriented at its own environment, not only in an adaptive way, but first and foremost in structure. The systems approach specifies the following conceptual framework of the study: self-reference, system boundaries, and interaction between the political elite and the surrounding world. Application of the systems analysis to studying the political elite enabled to analyze the structure and functions of the elite, create a model of elitogenesis, and receive study matrix. 展开更多
关键词 political elite system SELF-REFERENCE boundaries of the political elite political elite systems analysis structure of political elite
Study on the Characteristics, Problems, and Models of China's Aid to Africa under the New Situation
作者 Kanghui SONG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期84-86,共3页
In this paper, the characteristics of China's aid to Africa under the new situation are summarized, and also the existing problems are smmnarized from the level of strategy, the level of public opinion, the level of ... In this paper, the characteristics of China's aid to Africa under the new situation are summarized, and also the existing problems are smmnarized from the level of strategy, the level of public opinion, the level of methods and contents, and the level of effect. Combined with the change of the current international political and economic trend, the model of China's aid to Afiica is innovatively concluded by tile author as Ihe model of"Bidirectional Balance Improved Aid" and also its definition, main contents, and practice keys are expounded. This model provides a reference model for China's aid to Africa and is good for solving the problems in the aid, so that a better actual effect can be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 Bidirectional Balance hnprovcd Aid China's Aid to Africa Aid Model
Knowledge, Understanding and Attitude Toward Civic Rights and Duties in Administrative Affairs and People's Participation in Local Administration of Mahasarakham Municipality
作者 Yupaporn Yupas 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期269-277,共9页
This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of kn... This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs was at a high level but participation in the local administration was rated at a low level. The relationship between knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs of the community was positive correlated. The relationship between knowledge and understanding toward civic rights and duties and participation in the community administration and the relationship between attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs and participation in the local government administration were not correlated. Some recommendations were the local government organizations should promote and provide more information to build the right understandings and improve good attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs. Local administrators and local leaders should play an important role to advocate and encourage public opinions toward a political ideology to ensure the public mind and make the vision "people-centered". Most importantly, the State shall pursue directive principles of State policies in relation to public participation. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative affairs ATTITUDES civic rights and duties PARTICIPATION
Urban Services Delivery in Limbo: A Provisional Assessment of Gweru's Water Supply System
作者 MatsaMark 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第8期993-1002,共10页
This study sought to assess Gweru's water supply system from the source to the consumer to find out whether the water is safe for domestic purposes, mainly consumption. Water samples were taken from Gwenoro dam (raw... This study sought to assess Gweru's water supply system from the source to the consumer to find out whether the water is safe for domestic purposes, mainly consumption. Water samples were taken from Gwenoro dam (raw water), Gwenoro treatment plant (treated water) as well as from GIS-generated random points of residential areas closest to Gwenoro and furthest from both the dam and the treatment plant. These were taken for laboratory testing where parameters like pH, hardness, turbidity and DO (dissolved oxygen) were tested. Questionnaires were used to solicit the views of the consumers on water quality and water service delivery from eight randomly selected residential suburbs. Interviews were also administered to Gwenoro Water Treatment Plant superintendent and deputy to get insight into the day to day challenges that they have to grapple with. Results generally show that treated water from Gwenoro treatment plant is relatively safe to drink for those who have access to it. However, some consumer points like Mkoba 13 and Mkoba 18 receive water whose DO is out of the recommended range. Suburbs which lie on higher ground like Mkoba 19 and Mkoba 14 however rarely receive water from Gwenoro with some residents of Mkoba 19 having had no water from their taps for more than three years now. The study recommends that new equipment be bought for the treatment plant so that treated water reaches all parts of the city. Newly resettled farmers in the Upper Runde Catchment must be resettled elsewhere while urban stream bank cultivation must be banned to reduce water pollution as well as possible sedimentation of Gwenoro dam. 展开更多
关键词 Gwenoro dam PH TURBIDITY dissolved oxygen water hardness water quality water service delivery.
Children's participatory design for sustainable development and community planning 被引量:2
作者 TASHIRO Kumi 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第1期44-50,共7页
The urban developments have been carried out by only professionals for a long time because of efficiency and safety. However, most residents are ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the awareness of s... The urban developments have been carried out by only professionals for a long time because of efficiency and safety. However, most residents are ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the awareness of sustainable living environments, not only on the construction side but also the residents. In recent years, the number of cases of residents' participation in planning, maintaining, and repairing increased. However, sometimes youths and children, who might spend a lifetime longer than adults in a city after the developments have been done, are not included in this "Residents". Conceming youth and children's participation, CFC (child friendly city) is one of the good practices for sustainable development. It was launched by UNICEF (United Nations Intemational Children's Emergency Fund) and UN-Habitat in the Habitat II in 1996. City governments, especially in European countries, started to view CFC as their key concept for preservation and/or sustainable development. CFC means not only being "Children" friendly but also "All people" friendly. Various effects have been reported since the Historic Cities/districts included CFC in their city planning as a common concept, especially in education, community re-development, and operation and maintenance by the community. It is expected that better city planning in preservation and sustainable development can be achieved by adding CFC concept. In this research, an ideal way of city planning involving resident participation and the possibility in the future are analyzed based on case studies. Then a strategy of sustainable development and community planning involving youth and children's participation is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 child-friendly city participatory design design education urban planning SUSTAINABILITY
Public participation in environmental protection activities
作者 JIANG Shi-ping WEN Li 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第1期67-71,77,共6页
Great importance is attached to public participation in environmental protection activities. Public participation is the requirement for human race to protect themselves and to realize their environmental rights. The ... Great importance is attached to public participation in environmental protection activities. Public participation is the requirement for human race to protect themselves and to realize their environmental rights. The issue of respecting human rights is the substance. Public participation will produce tremendous deterrent power and impact to solve environmental problems, for it's strong, extensive and wise. World forms of public participation include political parties, non-government organizations, and environmental movements. History indicates that the initial power of protecting environmental was from the public. No public participation, no environmental movements. Therefore, our government and environmental protection departments should encourage good conditions for it. public participation and create 展开更多
关键词 ENVIRONMENT public participation environmental movements
Post-2015 Development Priorities for the Arab World
作者 Ibrahim Elnur Eileen Kuttab 《Management Studies》 2016年第2期49-59,共11页
The paper addresses the failure of renewing the same millennium development goals (MDGs) format in measuring achievement in a region like the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region which is drastically being t... The paper addresses the failure of renewing the same millennium development goals (MDGs) format in measuring achievement in a region like the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region which is drastically being transformed. A new approach focusing on "human security" principles based on freedom, dignity, justice, equality, solidarity, tolerance, and respect articulated in the millennium declaration is needed. Achieving this requires a more integrated, inclusive, and comprehensive development framework that is able to analyze and understand the context with its progress and setbacks. The paper realizes that measuring MDGs achievement does not only need a comprehensive integrated approach, but also a defmition of risks and challenges that the region faces. Issues like poverty, inequality, unemployment of graduates, personal and collective insecurity due to conflict, migration, and brain drain, food insecurity, and gender inequality are all issues that need to be redefined when analyzing the region to suit the context. The paper concludes that in order to understand the context, re-definition of concepts like poverty reduction, participation, and empowerment is needed to make concepts more relevant to the context. Lastly, the paper reflects the new call from youth for a new development model that is not based on market economy, ends political economy of the rentier states, and emphasizes a productive oriented economy that is able to generate employment and decent work. It also emphasizes democratic governance as an only path for a sustainable participatory development that can realize ambitions and aspirations of the majority of population. 展开更多
关键词 human security POVERTY gender inequality EMPOWERMENT millennium development goals (MDGs)
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