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从汉语语法“变化”研究传统看变换分析法 被引量:2
作者 李延梅 《广西社会科学》 2004年第6期132-135,共4页
变换和“变化”都是研究“变”的 ,但是它们所联系的方法论不同 ,所牵涉到的结构变化范围不同。考察变换和传统语言学中“变化”研究的联系 ,指出变换分析法的价值所在。
关键词 “变化”研究 变换分析法 句法同构式
作者 赵彬元 梁永林 《浙江中医学院学报》 2003年第4期84-84,共1页
关键词 《黄帝内经》 “变化” 中医理论 中医教学
作者 邓国均 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第4期74-81,共8页
《列仙传》《神仙传》等书所载神仙故事,往往以"变化"作为其主要情节,这类情节又分为神仙自身的"变化"或驱使外物发生的"变化",二者均是其"神通"与"道术"的突出体现。获得"变化... 《列仙传》《神仙传》等书所载神仙故事,往往以"变化"作为其主要情节,这类情节又分为神仙自身的"变化"或驱使外物发生的"变化",二者均是其"神通"与"道术"的突出体现。获得"变化"之术的途径则颇具现实性,主要为"服食"和"行气",反映了汉晋道教"寓道于术"的思想倾向。汉晋神仙小说的"变化"情节及其所反映的"变化"观念,既是"与道同体""道法自然"等思想的形象体现,同时也受到了西域文化的影响。 展开更多
关键词 道教 神仙小说 “变化”情节
作者 于希斌 《新闻研究导刊》 2017年第4期111-111,142,共2页
新媒体的强势扩张,让以广播、电视、报纸为代表的传统主流媒体倍感压力。如何应对?是"变"还是"不变"?是把受众拱手相让,还是积极适应受众的新需求?本文以"重庆之声968早间新闻"为例,探讨了作为传统媒体... 新媒体的强势扩张,让以广播、电视、报纸为代表的传统主流媒体倍感压力。如何应对?是"变"还是"不变"?是把受众拱手相让,还是积极适应受众的新需求?本文以"重庆之声968早间新闻"为例,探讨了作为传统媒体的广播如何既"坚守底线"又"适时而变"的思路,希望为广播从业人员提供一些思考。 展开更多
关键词 广播 早间节目 “不变” “变化”
作者 吴新田 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学参考)》 2021年第7期71-74,共4页
发展即变化,“适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力”就是终身自我改变的能力和适应社会变化的能力.因此,教会学生发现变化、描述变化、研究变化、利用和控制变化等相当重要.在物理学科教学中实施“变化”教育,教师要以学... 发展即变化,“适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力”就是终身自我改变的能力和适应社会变化的能力.因此,教会学生发现变化、描述变化、研究变化、利用和控制变化等相当重要.在物理学科教学中实施“变化”教育,教师要以学科教学内容为载体,以变化的要素为线索,明确目的,采取科学、必要的措施,引导学生认识变化、研究变化,落实核心素养的培育. 展开更多
关键词 物理教学 “变化”教育 变化要素
作者 薛红霞 《江苏科技信息》 2015年第6期12-13,共2页
数学课堂教学中的"计划"即上课前的预设。包括情境设计、例题设计、练习设计以及课堂小结设计。文章对课堂中出现的"变化",就是在课堂上学生的临时反应、突发的事件以及学生说到而老师没有预想到的(包括做题时的思... 数学课堂教学中的"计划"即上课前的预设。包括情境设计、例题设计、练习设计以及课堂小结设计。文章对课堂中出现的"变化",就是在课堂上学生的临时反应、突发的事件以及学生说到而老师没有预想到的(包括做题时的思路、方法、技巧等)一些情况进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 数学课堂教学 “计划” “变化”
作者 来瑛 《电脑知识与技术》 2015年第11期182-183,共2页
丰富多彩的"图形与几何"的世界,就是一个"运动"和"变化"的世界。教学中,将这种"动感"呈现出来,我们可以通过巧妙引入,初步感知图形的变化;媒体运用,促进有效教学;交流合作,构建智慧课堂;多样练习,演绎缤纷思考这几方面的整合,... 丰富多彩的"图形与几何"的世界,就是一个"运动"和"变化"的世界。教学中,将这种"动感"呈现出来,我们可以通过巧妙引入,初步感知图形的变化;媒体运用,促进有效教学;交流合作,构建智慧课堂;多样练习,演绎缤纷思考这几方面的整合,让学生在"运动"和"变化"中增强对图形的体验,可以更好地促进学生的发展。 展开更多
关键词 图形与几何 “运动”和“变化” 多媒体
七普数据质量与中国人口新“变化” 被引量:31
作者 翟振武 刘雯莉 《人口研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期46-56,共11页
第七次全国人口普查漏报率达到历史最低水平,是一次高质量的普查。七普质量的提高既得益于中国政府巨大的社会组织和动员能力,也与此次普查采用电子化方式采集数据、增设普查对象互联网自主填报通道、加强多部门行政记录数据比对、增加... 第七次全国人口普查漏报率达到历史最低水平,是一次高质量的普查。七普质量的提高既得益于中国政府巨大的社会组织和动员能力,也与此次普查采用电子化方式采集数据、增设普查对象互联网自主填报通道、加强多部门行政记录数据比对、增加身份证号码采集等新措施密切相关。七普数据体现了中国人口的新"变化",有助于形成对中国人口客观事实的新认识,即当前中国人口呈现出"总量增多、两头上翘、中间塌陷"的状况。 展开更多
关键词 人口普查 数据质量 电子化数据采集 身份证号码 人口新“变化”
作者 时晓英 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期150-156,共7页
关键词 尤金·奥尼尔书籍 “变化”主题
论朱熹“变化气质”的思想 被引量:1
作者 崔涛 李红 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2020年第2期74-76,81,共4页
朱熹的"变化气质"就是指通过修身养性使人的后天气质之性恢复到全无不善的先天本然之性;使被后天气质所遮蔽的人心恢复到纯粹清明的义理之心,也即道心。这个过程被朱子诠释为"修为以复其性"。在朱熹的哲学里,"... 朱熹的"变化气质"就是指通过修身养性使人的后天气质之性恢复到全无不善的先天本然之性;使被后天气质所遮蔽的人心恢复到纯粹清明的义理之心,也即道心。这个过程被朱子诠释为"修为以复其性"。在朱熹的哲学里,"变化气质"既是作为修养的最终目标和结果而存在,更是作为修养过程而存在,其本质是一种通过"为学"以实现"为德"的君子修养论,主要途径即"格物""主敬"与"力行"。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹 “变化气质” 本体论 价值论 工夫论
作者 张逸 《中外文论》 2015年第1期134-142,共9页
石涛《画语录》提出'变化'说,既来源于《周易》哲学'变则通'传统,亦来自石涛对'变通''变化'之道的认识。'变化'说是石涛画学理论体系的重要组成部分,在阐发概念含义及其内涵外延基础上,以其&#... 石涛《画语录》提出'变化'说,既来源于《周易》哲学'变则通'传统,亦来自石涛对'变通''变化'之道的认识。'变化'说是石涛画学理论体系的重要组成部分,在阐发概念含义及其内涵外延基础上,以其'化者'的创作主体观念构成论、'天下变通之大法'的绘画艺术本体论、'变画'的创作论等进一步分析其'变化'说理论构成及其地位、价值、作用,肯定其发展至今仍然具有历史价值与现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 石涛《画语录》 “变化” “变通” “化者” “变画”
作者 李欣 《天津美术学院学报》 2003年第3期57-59,共3页
本文以自然界的生物为例,阐明变化与适应在自然界的重要性,从而表明如果"变化与适应"出现在工业设计中,也应具有一定的生命力。随着工业产品与人类的关系越来越密切,人们的审美不断提高,变化适应性应用于工业设计之中,有它存... 本文以自然界的生物为例,阐明变化与适应在自然界的重要性,从而表明如果"变化与适应"出现在工业设计中,也应具有一定的生命力。随着工业产品与人类的关系越来越密切,人们的审美不断提高,变化适应性应用于工业设计之中,有它存在的必要,能够丰富工业设计,它将作为工业设计中一种独立的形式出现。然后通过作者设计的三个实例,表明"变化与适应"设计的优势,以及"变化与适应"对人、环境、工业产品三者的协调。最后说明如何使"变化与适应"在工业设计上有更广泛的应用。 展开更多
关键词 “变化与适应” 产品设计 工业设计 材质选择
基于加涅的“九大教学事件”理论的高中物理教学实践——以美国高中主流物理教材《原理与问题》中的“变化的电流产生磁场”为例 被引量:1
作者 康学娥 李林森 冯自贤 《西部素质教育》 2021年第10期171-172,共2页
关键词 高中物理教学 “九大教学事件”理论 “变化的电流产生磁场”
作者 李平 《价值工程》 2010年第31期274-274,共1页
通过对"微格教学"技能的研究,从三个方面论述了变化技能对化学教学的指导作用,即:变化技能能激发并保持学生对教学活动的注意,能激发学生学习兴趣,同时为不同水平的学生创造参与教学活动的条件,从而说明变化技能的功能,为进... 通过对"微格教学"技能的研究,从三个方面论述了变化技能对化学教学的指导作用,即:变化技能能激发并保持学生对教学活动的注意,能激发学生学习兴趣,同时为不同水平的学生创造参与教学活动的条件,从而说明变化技能的功能,为进一步搞好课堂教学提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 “微格教学” “变化技能”
作者 祝成 蒋燕明 +9 位作者 管莹 易翔 左可成 万朕 柯锋 詹苏 孙婷婷 施鹏 罗高建 童国强 《酿酒科技》 2023年第11期70-76,共7页
为了弄清楚不同香型白酒在陶缸陈酿过程中的变化情况,更好地指导原酒的科学贮存,选取3种香型白酒(清香、浓香、酱香)分别放入陶缸中进行陈酿3年,研究3种香型白酒在陶缸陈酿过程中酒精度、金属元素、微量风味成分和感官风格的变化情况。... 为了弄清楚不同香型白酒在陶缸陈酿过程中的变化情况,更好地指导原酒的科学贮存,选取3种香型白酒(清香、浓香、酱香)分别放入陶缸中进行陈酿3年,研究3种香型白酒在陶缸陈酿过程中酒精度、金属元素、微量风味成分和感官风格的变化情况。随着储存时间的延长,酯类物质含量总体呈现下降趋势,三年左右趋于平衡,酸类物质缓慢增加,高级醇含量轻微下降;Na、K、Mg、Fe、Zn等金属元素显示出升高的趋势;感官评分呈一定的增加趋势。 展开更多
关键词 白酒 微量成分 陶缸陈酿
Projected changes in extreme snowfall events over the Tibetan Plateau based on a set of RCM simulations 被引量:1
作者 Yuanhai Fu Xuejie Gao 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第5期3-9,共7页
Extreme snowfall events over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)cause considerable damage to local society and natural ecosystems.In this study,the authors investigate the projected changes in such events over the TP and its surr... Extreme snowfall events over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)cause considerable damage to local society and natural ecosystems.In this study,the authors investigate the projected changes in such events over the TP and its surrounding areas based on an ensemble of a set of 21st century climate change projections using a regional climate model,RegCM4.The model is driven by five CMIP5 global climate models at a grid spacing of 25 km,under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 pathways.Four modified ETCCDI extreme indices-namely,SNOWTOT,S1mm,S10mm,and Sx5day-are employed to characterize the extreme snowfall events.RegCM4 generally reproduces the spatial distribution of the indices over the region,although with a tendency of overestimation.For the projected changes,a general decrease in SNOWTOT is found over most of the TP,with greater magnitude and better cross-simulation agreement over the eastern part.All the simulations project an overall decrease in S1mm,ranging from a 25%decrease in the west and to a 50%decrease in the east of the TP.Both S10mm and Sx5day are projected to decrease over the eastern part and increase over the central and western parts of the TP.Notably,S10mm shows a marked increase(more than double)with high cross-simulation agreement over the central TP.Significant increases in all four indices are found over the Tarim and Qaidam basins,and northwestern China north of the TP.The projected changes show topographic dependence over the TP in the latitudinal direction,and tend to decrease/increase in low-/high-altitude areas. 展开更多
关键词 Extreme snowfall Regional climate model Tibetan plateau Climate change
A study on the simulation of carbon and water fluxes of Dangxiong alpine meadow and its response to climate change 被引量:1
作者 Lingyun He Lei Zhong +3 位作者 Yaoming Ma Yuting Qi Jie Liu Peizhen Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第5期22-27,共6页
The alpine meadow ecosystem accounts for 27%of the total area of the Tibetan Plateau and is also one of the most important vegetation types.The Dangxiong alpine meadow ecosystem,located in the south-central part of th... The alpine meadow ecosystem accounts for 27%of the total area of the Tibetan Plateau and is also one of the most important vegetation types.The Dangxiong alpine meadow ecosystem,located in the south-central part of the Tibetan Plateau,is a typical example.To understand the carbon and water fluxes,water use efficiency(WUE),and their responses to future climate change for the alpine meadow ecosystem in the Dangxiong area,two parameter estimation methods,the Model-independent Parameter Estimation(PEST)and the Dynamic Dimensions Search(DDS),were used to optimize the Biome-BGC model.Then,the gross primary productivity(GPP)and evapotranspiration(ET)were simulated.The results show that the DDS parameter calibration method has a better performance.The annual GPP and ET show an increasing trend,while the WUE shows a decreasing trend.Meanwhile,ET and GPP reach their peaks in July and August,respectively,and WUE shows a“dual-peak”pattern,reaching peaks in May and November.Furthermore,according to the simulation results for the next nearly 100 years,the ensemble average GPP and ET exhibit a significant increasing trend,and the growth rate under the SSP5–8.5 scenario is greater than that under the SSP2–4.5 scenario.WUE shows an increasing trend under the SSP2–4.5 scenario and a significant increasing trend under the SSP5–8.5 scenario.This study has important scientific significance for carbon and water cycle prediction and vegetation ecological protection on the Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon and water flux Water use efficiency Alpine meadow Biome-BGC model Climate change
Shear mechanical properties and frictional sliding responses of rough joint surfaces under dynamic normal displacement conditions
作者 ZHU Qiang YIN Qian +9 位作者 TAO Zhi-gang HE Man-chao ZHENG Bo-wen JING Hong-wen REN Shu-lin ZHANG Qiang MENG Bo BAI Dong-feng WU Sai-sai WU Jiang-yu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2393-2410,共18页
A comprehensive understanding of the dynamic frictional characteristics in rock joints under high normal load and strong confinement is essential for ensuring the safety of deep engineering construction and mitigating... A comprehensive understanding of the dynamic frictional characteristics in rock joints under high normal load and strong confinement is essential for ensuring the safety of deep engineering construction and mitigating geological disasters.This study conducted shear experiments on rough rock joints under displacement-controlled dynamic normal loads,investigating the shear behaviors of joints across varying initial normal loads,normal loading frequencies,and normal loading amplitudes.Experimental results showed that the peak/valley shear force values increased with initial normal loads and normal loading frequencies but showed an initial increase followed by a decrease with normal loading amplitudes.Dynamic normal loading can either increase or decrease shear strength,while this study demonstrates that higher frequencies lead to enhanced friction.Increased initial normal loading and normal loading frequency result in a gradual decrease in joint roughness coefficient(JRC)values of joint surfaces after shearing.Positive correlations existed between frictional energy dissipation and peak shear forces,while post-shear joint surface roughness exhibited a negative correlation with peak shear forces through linear regression analysis.This study contributes to a better understanding of the sliding responses and shear mechanical characteristics of rock joints under dynamic disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic normal displacement shear strength variations phase lag phenomenon STICK-SLIP
Tomato detection method using domain adaptive learning for dense planting environments
作者 LI Yang HOU Wenhui +4 位作者 YANG Huihuang RAO Yuan WANG Tan JIN Xiu ZHU Jun 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第13期134-145,共12页
This study aimed to address the challenge of accurately and reliably detecting tomatoes in dense planting environments,a critical prerequisite for the automation implementation of robotic harvesting.However,the heavy ... This study aimed to address the challenge of accurately and reliably detecting tomatoes in dense planting environments,a critical prerequisite for the automation implementation of robotic harvesting.However,the heavy reliance on extensive manually annotated datasets for training deep learning models still poses significant limitations to their application in real-world agricultural production environments.To overcome these limitations,we employed domain adaptive learning approach combined with the YOLOv5 model to develop a novel tomato detection model called as TDA-YOLO(tomato detection domain adaptation).We designated the normal illumination scenes in dense planting environments as the source domain and utilized various other illumination scenes as the target domain.To construct bridge mechanism between source and target domains,neural preset for color style transfer is introduced to generate a pseudo-dataset,which served to deal with domain discrepancy.Furthermore,this study combines the semi-supervised learning method to enable the model to extract domain-invariant features more fully,and uses knowledge distillation to improve the model's ability to adapt to the target domain.Additionally,for purpose of promoting inference speed and low computational demand,the lightweight FasterNet network was integrated into the YOLOv5's C3 module,creating a modified C3_Faster module.The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed TDA-YOLO model significantly outperformed original YOLOv5s model,achieving a mAP(mean average precision)of 96.80%for tomato detection across diverse scenarios in dense planting environments,increasing by 7.19 percentage points;Compared with the latest YOLOv8 and YOLOv9,it is also 2.17 and 1.19 percentage points higher,respectively.The model's average detection time per image was an impressive 15 milliseconds,with a FLOPs(floating point operations per second)count of 13.8 G.After acceleration processing,the detection accuracy of the TDA-YOLO model on the Jetson Xavier NX development board is 90.95%,the mAP value is 91.35%,and the detection time of each image is 21 ms,which can still meet the requirements of real-time detection of tomatoes in dense planting environment.The experimental results show that the proposed TDA-YOLO model can accurately and quickly detect tomatoes in dense planting environment,and at the same time avoid the use of a large number of annotated data,which provides technical support for the development of automatic harvesting systems for tomatoes and other fruits. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTS MODELS domain adaptive tomato detection illumination variation semi-supervised learning dense planting environments
Effect of ground cover changes on solar radiation absorption in Three Northeastern Provinces of China
作者 SHUAI Yanmin CHEN Yangyang +3 位作者 SHAO Congying TIAN Yanjun QU Ge HUANG Jiapeng 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第4期675-690,共16页
Background,aim,and scope Solar radiation is the main source of energy for terrestrial ecosystems.Small changes in the absorption of solar radiation at the ground surface can have a significant impact on the climatic e... Background,aim,and scope Solar radiation is the main source of energy for terrestrial ecosystems.Small changes in the absorption of solar radiation at the ground surface can have a significant impact on the climatic environment.Natural and anthropogenic changes in ground cover are important factors affecting the absorption of solar radiation at the ground surface.This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in the mid and high latitudes.In order to quantify the inf luence of surface cover change on the absorption of solar radiation at the surface and to provide a scientific basis for changes in the climatic environment,this paper analyzed ground cover change,ground absorbed solar radiation change and the effect of ground cover change on ground absorbed solar radiation in the Three Northeastern Provinces of China from 2001 to 2018.Materials and methods In this study,the Three Northeastern Provinces of China were used as the study area.Firstly,satellite remote sensing data were used to obtain land cover data and albedo data for Aug.1st of each year in 2001,2005,2010,2015 and 2018.The albedo data were further used to calculate the absorbed solar radiation data at the ground surface.Next,the land cover data were used to count the area changes and shifts of different land classes over the five-year period.The land cover data were overlaid with the surface absorbed solar radiation data to obtain the mean and standard deviation of radiation absorption for different ground classes.The surface absorbed solar radiation data were subtracted to obtain the changes in surface absorbed solar radiation for 2001-2005,2005-2010,2010-2015 and 2015-2018.Ultimately,we used a combination of shifted changes in ground classes and changes in surface absorbed solar radiation data,with unchanged ground classes as a baseline and data such as slope orientation as an aid.We analyzed the effect of ground cover change on surface absorbed solar radiation at regional and pixel point scales.Results(1)The area of woodland and waters in the Three Northeastern Provinces of China increased and then decreased from 2001 to 2018,with an overall increase of 3.96%and 10.51%respectively.Cropland decreased and then increased,with a total decrease of 1.22%.Grassland continued to decrease,with an overall decrease of 19.36%.Building sites increased all the time,with a total increase of 11.08%.The main types of ground cover shifted were woodland,cropland and grassland.The main factors for the change in ground cover were China’s woodland protection policy and the saturation of the total woodland stock.(2)The five ground types absorb solar radiation in the order of waters>building sites>woodland>grassland>cropland.The surface absorption of solar radiation in the Songnen Plain,the Sanjiang Plain and the Songhua River Basin flowing through the Songnen Plain and the Sanjiang Plain varies significantly,by more than 25 W·m^(-2).(3)Changes in the ground cover type affected the absorption of solar radiation energy by the ground surface.There was a clear trend of interconversion between waters and cropland/grassland,cropland and woodland/grassland.In particular,the conversion of waters to both cropland and grassland radiation absorption values decreased significantly,while the opposite increased.The absolute difference between waters and cropland was a maximum of -156.66 W·m^(-2)in 2010-2015,and between waters and grassland was a maximum of 102.36 W·m^(-2) in 2005-2010.The radiative absorption values of woodland and grassland reclamation declined and conversely increased.The absolute difference between woodland and cropland was a maximum of-13.94 W·m^(-2) in 2010-2015 when woodland converted to cropland,and between grassland and cropland was a maximum of 22.36 W·m^(-2) in 2001-2005 when cropland converted to grassland,respectively.Discussion Ground cover changes in the Three Northeastern Provinces of China from 2001-2018 were inextricably linked to natural factors and the inf luence of Chinese national policies.The main inf luencing factors were China’s woodland protection policy,restoration of woodland fire sites,saturation of total woodland,optimization of cropland patterns,sanding of grassland,expansion of water conservancy projects,and urbanization expansion.There were differences in the radiation absorption characteristics of different ground cover types.This was due to the nature of the ground type itself and the regional environment.When ground cover types changed,their ability to absorb solar radiation also changed.The degree of change could be inf luenced by different ground types and different environmental factors.Different spatial scales can also produce variability.We need to consider the effects of ground cover change on the absorption of solar radiation at the surface in an integrated and comprehensive way.Conclusions The Three Northeastern Provinces of China had frequent changes in ground cover from 2001-2018,with the area of grassland decreased by almost 20%.These changes were due to natural environmental change and policies issued by China since the 21st century.The extent to which solar radiation was absorbed by different ground cover types was different,with grassland being the strongest and cropland the least.In the past few years,the Songnen Plain and Sanjiang Plain regions were the most significant changes in the absorption of solar radiation by the ground cover.The change in ground cover type led to a change in solar radiation absorption at the ground surface,with the conversion of waters to cropland or grassland and the conversion of cropland to woodland or grassland showing the greatest change in radiation absorption values,and vice versa.Of these,the absolute difference in the conversion of waters to cropland amounts to-156.66 W·m^(-2) in 2010-2015.The variation in the absorption of solar radiation at the ground surface was related to the characteristics of the ground class itself,but was also limited by the regional environment.Recommendations and perspectives This study showed that surface cover change can affect the absorption of solar radiation at the surface to varying degrees.The unchanged land classes were used as a comparative analysis in this paper,and it was clear from the paper that some of the unchanged land classes showed significant changes in radiation absorption that should be of interest in future studies. 展开更多
关键词 land surface cover changes surface absorption of solar radiation the Three Northeastern Provinces ALBEDO
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