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作者 王永东 《现代语文(高中版)》 2003年第9期44-44,共1页
关键词 “司马” 《鸿门宴》 “左司马” 高中 语文教学 文言文 训诂 释义
司马迁《报任少卿书》“比数”新解 被引量:1
作者 董志翘 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2006年第4期64-67,共4页
司马迁《报任少卿书》乃千古名篇,历代选、注者无数,但其中“刑馀之人,无所比数,非一世也,所从来远矣”一句中“比数”一词,却众说纷纭,看法各异。本文从“比”、“数”两字各自的本义入手,同时考察它们作为语素构成的双音词在中土文献... 司马迁《报任少卿书》乃千古名篇,历代选、注者无数,但其中“刑馀之人,无所比数,非一世也,所从来远矣”一句中“比数”一词,却众说纷纭,看法各异。本文从“比”、“数”两字各自的本义入手,同时考察它们作为语素构成的双音词在中土文献及汉译佛典中的使用情况,提出“比数”为同义并列复词,乃“亲近”之义的新见。 展开更多
关键词 司马 报任少卿书 比数 新解
作者 朱子彦 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期29-40,共12页
王朝鼎革时期的开国之君多为具有“卡里斯玛”品质的人,司马懿虽受儒学之风的熏染,却具备“卡里斯玛”的气质,他的身上兼有狮子和狐狸两种习性。曹操去世后,谁来统一三国,历史最终选择了司马懿。司马父子最主要的功绩就是“除三国之大害... 王朝鼎革时期的开国之君多为具有“卡里斯玛”品质的人,司马懿虽受儒学之风的熏染,却具备“卡里斯玛”的气质,他的身上兼有狮子和狐狸两种习性。曹操去世后,谁来统一三国,历史最终选择了司马懿。司马父子最主要的功绩就是“除三国之大害,静汉末之交争”,使天下归于一统。虽然司马父子是曹魏政权的掘墓人,但从汉魏时代民众的呼声,时代的主旋律来看,司马懿又是“曹操事业的继承人”。近来有人把曹魏灭亡的原因归诸司马懿长寿,但司马懿绝非是靠长寿代魏成晋的。 展开更多
关键词 司马 司马代魏 卡里斯玛 统一天下
《经济管理文摘》 2008年第19期32-35,共4页
关键词 BBC 司马 普世价值 记者 问答 “司马” 奥运会 传播
《小学语文大眼界》 2013年第9期27-27,共1页
关键词 “司马” 司马相如 司马 文学家 司马 史学家 姓氏
作者 曹潆月 辛晓明 《湖南教育(中旬)(B)》 2019年第2期48-52,共5页
板块一:创设观察比较情境,巧识美写师:亲爱的孩子们,第一次与大家见面,首先,自我介绍一下:我姓曹,大家可以叫我曹老师。能告诉我,你姓什么吗?生:我姓李。生:我姓王。生:我姓刘。师:看来我们的姓氏都只有——一个字。这叫单姓。课文的主... 板块一:创设观察比较情境,巧识美写师:亲爱的孩子们,第一次与大家见面,首先,自我介绍一下:我姓曹,大家可以叫我曹老师。能告诉我,你姓什么吗?生:我姓李。生:我姓王。生:我姓刘。师:看来我们的姓氏都只有——一个字。这叫单姓。课文的主人公与众不同,齐读——“司马”。几个字? 展开更多
关键词 小学语文教材 司马光》 三年级上册 教学实录 学得 自我介绍 “司马” 主人公
《重订司马温公等韵图经》“入派四声”问题再议 被引量:1
作者 周祺超 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2017年第10期40-44,共5页
关键词 重订司马温公等韵图经 入声 现代汉语
多维历史视野与“立体式”著史 被引量:6
作者 陈其泰 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期94-101,共8页
司马迁继承了先秦史学的成就,并且加以大大发展。《史记》著史体系气魄宏伟,由"本纪"、"表"、"书"、"世家"、"列传"五体互相配合而成,承载了丰富生动的内容,因而取得了巨大的成功。... 司马迁继承了先秦史学的成就,并且加以大大发展。《史记》著史体系气魄宏伟,由"本纪"、"表"、"书"、"世家"、"列传"五体互相配合而成,承载了丰富生动的内容,因而取得了巨大的成功。而从史家的历史观察力来分析,则是由以往单一的视角,发展为多维视角,构成了宏阔的视野。主要包括三项:时间维度;人物活动维度;典章制度和社会情状维度。运用"多维度历史视野"这一新概括,无疑能帮助我们更深刻地理解《史记》何以被称为著史的"极则"。探讨这一课题还具有突出的当下价值,能更加恰当地评价《史记》历史编纂成就对20世纪史家的深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 传统史学精华 司马 多维历史视野 章学诚 改革历史编纂的方向 白寿彝 “立体式著史”
坑儒一事真伪辨——与李开元先生商榷 被引量:3
作者 代国玺 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期105-112,共8页
《史记·秦始皇本纪》有关坑儒一事的记载,是可靠的。坑儒一事是真实的历史事件,起于方士讥议,秦始皇因此意识到士人非议时政之风颇盛,遂从非议时政者中选出四百六十余人,集中将其杀害,以警示天下人不可非议时政、诽谤皇帝。由于立... 《史记·秦始皇本纪》有关坑儒一事的记载,是可靠的。坑儒一事是真实的历史事件,起于方士讥议,秦始皇因此意识到士人非议时政之风颇盛,遂从非议时政者中选出四百六十余人,集中将其杀害,以警示天下人不可非议时政、诽谤皇帝。由于立场不客观,东汉儒生对坑儒一事有不少误解和夸张,误认为是秦始皇为了彻底灭绝《诗》、《书》,遂活埋儒生,甚至是活埋了所有儒生。东汉儒生对坑儒一事的认识,尽管严重偏离了历史事实,但仍然属于历史认识,与故意伪造的谎言有质的区别。 展开更多
关键词 坑儒 司马 东汉儒生 历史认识
作者 范学辉 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期75-81,共7页
宋朝于熙宁八年十二月颁布的《讨交趾敕榜》,向来被认定为时任首相的王安石亲笔"自作"。但王安石自作《讨交趾敕榜》说最早与唯一的史源,只是王安石政敌司马光所作之《涑水记闻》,又显然与宋代内制皆由翰林学士等词臣草拟的... 宋朝于熙宁八年十二月颁布的《讨交趾敕榜》,向来被认定为时任首相的王安石亲笔"自作"。但王安石自作《讨交趾敕榜》说最早与唯一的史源,只是王安石政敌司马光所作之《涑水记闻》,又显然与宋代内制皆由翰林学士等词臣草拟的制度不合。更为重要的是,榜文以彗星天变来咒诅交趾的核心内容,不仅与王安石"天变不足畏"的素来主张、"最不信《洪范》灾变之说"一以贯之的思想势若冰炭;特别是与其在当年十月末答宋神宗手诏札子当中,王安石具体所论的该次彗星等天变"不足信"完全牴牾。其实是司马光等旧党以讹传讹甚至有意编造出来的"谤言谤语",目的在于丑化王安石,并非真为事实。《讨交趾敕榜》应是宋神宗本人授意词臣所作,当从王安石文集当中予以删除。 展开更多
关键词 王安石 司马 宋神宗 《讨交趾敕榜》 《涑水记闻》 史源 天变
作者 瞿育瑾 《现代语文(高中版)》 2003年第9期45-45,共1页
关键词 “司马” 《鸿门宴》 “左司马” 高中 语文教学 文言文 训诂 释义
作者 李友焱 《基础教育课程》 2006年第11期1-1,共1页
关键词 伯乐 古代典籍 “司马” 本职工作 千里马
作者 王淑梅 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第2期51-62,共12页
北宋朔学以司马光、范祖禹、晁说之、刘安世等人为代表,除了突出的史学贡献外,他们在经学领域也颇有建树。朔学之经学著作涉及五经、四书、五子等类目,但在《周易》《中庸》及《孟子》方面成就突出;其经学思想所探讨的虚气说、中和论、... 北宋朔学以司马光、范祖禹、晁说之、刘安世等人为代表,除了突出的史学贡献外,他们在经学领域也颇有建树。朔学之经学著作涉及五经、四书、五子等类目,但在《周易》《中庸》及《孟子》方面成就突出;其经学思想所探讨的虚气说、中和论、人性论、格物论等学说,对理学的发展具有推动作用。同时,朔学在学术渊源上崇扬抑孟,治学宗旨注重经世实用,弱于义理探讨,治学路径强调学习修身,追求道德至善,体现出自身鲜明的学派特征。从整体上探究朔学之经学思想成果、体系和特征等问题,对进一步全面认识朔学成员的学术成就,深入理解朔学在宋代经学发展史上的地位具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 北宋 朔学 经学 司马
作者 顾斌 吴德政 +3 位作者 吕焕章 李盟军 高洪志 万永玲 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期223-226,共4页
Objective . To improve the treatment of tumors, we studied the combined effects of docetaxel and batimastat (BB 94) on mouse forestomach carcinoma (MFC), and compared them with doxorubicin. Methods and results. In vit... Objective . To improve the treatment of tumors, we studied the combined effects of docetaxel and batimastat (BB 94) on mouse forestomach carcinoma (MFC), and compared them with doxorubicin. Methods and results. In vitro, growth curve analysis, MTT assay and clonogenic assay used to determine the cytotoxic effect of docetaxel or/and BB 94 on MFC cell showed that docetaxel but not BB 94 had a significant cytotoxicity, and the effect of docetaxel wasn’t enhanced by BB 94. In early stage MFC tumor model, obvious antitumor effect of docetaxel or doxorubicin given i.v. at maximum tolerated dose (MTD, docetaxel: 20mg/kg; doxorubicin: 6mg/kg) every 4 days for 3 injections (q4d×3), even that of BB 94 (30mg/kg i.p. qd×20) was observed. Tumor growth inhibition was greater for docetaxel batimastat (96.0%) than for doxorubicin-batimastat (88.0%), docetaxel (89.0%), doxorubicin (68.0%) and BB 94 (33.0%), and the effect of docetaxel could be potentiated by BB 94. Docetaxel also showed activity against advanced stage MFC tumor in dose-dependent manner, and was more effective at MTD than doxorubicin with 4/5 regressions, 46.5 days tumor growth delay and 2.8log10 tumor cell kill. Conclusion. Our results suggest that in the MFC model with dose and schedule used, docetaxel is an effective cytotoxic new drug against MFC tumor and BB 94 enchances the antitumor activity of docetaxel. 展开更多
关键词 DOCETAXEL BATIMASTAT stomach neoplasms combined modality therapy
作者 陈袅 《湖南科技学院学报》 2006年第1期289-294,共6页
关键词 《史记》 司马 中国 学术史专著
Optimal energy-efficient power control for cognitive radio based on static and dynamic features of primary users
作者 Ge Wendong Ji Hong Si Pengbo 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第4期350-353,共4页
In this paper, the energy-efficient power control problem in cognitive radio (CR) networks is studied not only to provide energy-efficient transmission, but also to guarantee the normal operation of primary users (... In this paper, the energy-efficient power control problem in cognitive radio (CR) networks is studied not only to provide energy-efficient transmission, but also to guarantee the normal operation of primary users (PUs). Moreover, the static energy-efficient power control (SEPC) algorithm is proposed in static scenario to maximize the capacity of secondary users (SUs) and to reduce the power consumption according to the interference from PU to SU. Furthermore, based on the analysis of PU's dynamic feature with Markov chain and SEPC algorithm,the dynamic energy-efficient power control (DEPC) algorithm is proposed taking into account the probability of detection and false alarm caused by sensing errors. Extensive simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithms is significantly improved compared with the existing algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio(CR) power control ENERGY-EFFICIENT MARKOV false alarm
Governance Structure, Surplus Free Cash Flow (SFCF), and Earnings Quality: Evidence From Malaysia*
作者 Redhwan Ahmed AL-Dhamari Ku Nor Izah Bt Ku Ismail 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1437-1452,共16页
Prior researches focus mainly on the relationship between governance structure and earnings quality. Unlike the previous researches, this study attempts to empirically examine the role of surplus free cash flow (SFCF... Prior researches focus mainly on the relationship between governance structure and earnings quality. Unlike the previous researches, this study attempts to empirically examine the role of surplus free cash flow (SFCF) as a moderator in the relationship with the new requirements of Malaysian code on corporate governance (MCCG). By using the estimated generalized least square (EGLS) upon a sample of Malaysian firms, the results show that firms with an independent chairman experience persistent earnings numbers. The results also demonstrate that the current earnings of finns with small boards and independent audit committee members are more likely to persist in the future, when SFCF is high. However, in contradiction to the authors' expectation is the significant, but negative and interactive effect of current earnings and audit committee competence on earnings persistence. The findings, though disappointing, suggest investors to consider both the governance structure and free cash flow (FCF) agency problem when evaluating the sustainability of firms' earnings. They also call for more independent directors, effective meetings, and more competent audit committee members. 展开更多
关键词 characteristics of board of director characteristics of audit committee surplus free cash flow (SFCF) earnings persistence
An Enquiry Into the Responsiveness of Corporate Profitability to Corporate Governance Mechanism" Evidences From Malaysian Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)
作者 Mohammad Talha Abdullah Sallehhuddin +1 位作者 Md Shukor Masoud Musthafa Mohamed 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第6期683-693,共11页
Realizing the importance of corporate governance, many governments have embarked upon various initiatives. In Malaysia, the recently introduced Green Book program aims to strengthen the corporate governance among the ... Realizing the importance of corporate governance, many governments have embarked upon various initiatives. In Malaysia, the recently introduced Green Book program aims to strengthen the corporate governance among the government-linked companies (GLCs), in view of their significant contributions to the national socio-economic development. The Green Book initiative, launched in 2005, contains, among other things, a provision to create a high-performing board. Performance of GLCs, therefore, is likely to scale better heights with the modification of the constitution of the boards. The present paper aims to examine the association between the selected corporate governance attributes and performance of GLCs in 2010, approximately five years since the implementation of the transformation program. The regression analysis reveals that none of the selected corporate governance indicators has significantly impacted the performance of GLCs. The findings serve as a wake-up call to the authorities to appraise the effectiveness of the transformation program in enhancing the performance of GLCs. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance government investment agencies government-linked companies (GLCs) Malaysia
作者 黄德宽 《汉字汉语研究》 2022年第1期3-11,124,共10页
战国齐系文字中旧释为“马”的字,作“■”“■”等形,一直被作为齐系文字地域特征的代表性字形,这已成为学术界的常识。文章根据清华简等古文字新资料,通过字形比勘分析,对旧说进行了检讨,进而论证这个旧释“马”的字应改释“■”,读... 战国齐系文字中旧释为“马”的字,作“■”“■”等形,一直被作为齐系文字地域特征的代表性字形,这已成为学术界的常识。文章根据清华简等古文字新资料,通过字形比勘分析,对旧说进行了检讨,进而论证这个旧释“马”的字应改释“■”,读作“肆”。齐玺所谓“司马”应从唐兰说改释“司肆”,是管理市场的职官。文章还讨论了齐系文字中“■”这类字形的来源等问题,对该字在玺印、陶文中的用例进行了重新释读。 展开更多
关键词 战国文字 齐系 司肆
Embedding Economic Excellence: A Transformational Definition of "Corporate Governance" for Malaysia
作者 Zulkiffiee Mohamed Garry James Clayton Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第2期124-129,共6页
The Malaysian government has carefully crafted policies to ensure that the nation achieves its aspirational goal to become a developed nation by 2020. Crucial for which is the success of the Securities Commission's ... The Malaysian government has carefully crafted policies to ensure that the nation achieves its aspirational goal to become a developed nation by 2020. Crucial for which is the success of the Securities Commission's "Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011" and "Capital Market Master Plan 2" designed to provide a business environment which attracts investment and talent. Somewhat overlooked in these otherwise robust policy shifts has been a critical critique of the definition, nature, and purpose of corporate governance itself. Recognizing this oversight, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister, has directed that the definition of corporate governance be rejuvenated for the 21st century. This paper looks to answer that challenge by recommending the following transformational definition for corporate governance: "the proactive implementation of accountable ethical processes, procedures, and policies that inspires innovative aspirational economic activity to produce sustainable wealth and prosperity for shareholders, stakeholders, and society". 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) SUSTAINABILITY MALAYSIA
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