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作者 吴金璇 胡亚飞 《企业管理》 2024年第11期30-35,共6页
安克创新科技股份有限公司(简称安克创新)是目前国内营收规模最大的全球化电子消费品牌企业之一,总部位于湖南省长沙市,业务起始于亚马逊电商平台,消费者遍布146个国家和地区,购买用户超过1.2亿,2017―2022年连续六年蝉联“BrandZ中国... 安克创新科技股份有限公司(简称安克创新)是目前国内营收规模最大的全球化电子消费品牌企业之一,总部位于湖南省长沙市,业务起始于亚马逊电商平台,消费者遍布146个国家和地区,购买用户超过1.2亿,2017―2022年连续六年蝉联“BrandZ中国出海品牌”15强。 展开更多
关键词 安克创新 平台赋能 出海 本土化 全球化 全域营销 “合”理论
“合供”视角下职业教育现场工程师培养的合作机理与优化路径 被引量:2
作者 刘延翠 路宝利 《中国职业技术教育》 北大核心 2024年第3期28-35,共8页
职业教育现场工程师培养是中国特色学徒制的体现,也是职业教育产教融合协同育人的创新举措。为实现人才培养目标及能力要求,需要多元主体协同合作。“合供”理论源于公共管理学,强调政府与多元主体协同合作,以提高政策执行效率与公共服... 职业教育现场工程师培养是中国特色学徒制的体现,也是职业教育产教融合协同育人的创新举措。为实现人才培养目标及能力要求,需要多元主体协同合作。“合供”理论源于公共管理学,强调政府与多元主体协同合作,以提高政策执行效率与公共服务能力。基于“合供”理论的内涵及应用,围绕“谁参与合供”“为什么合供”“怎么合供”三个问题,分析政府部门、项目企业、职业院校以及公共组织在合作培养职业教育现场工程师中的主体作用。通过阐释职业教育现场工程师合作培养的缘由及意义,来选择多元主体合作育人模式、搭建多元主体合作育人平台、实施多元主体合作育人管理等方式,优化职业教育现场工程师合作培养的实践路径,以满足数智化职业场景对高素质技能人才的现实需求。 展开更多
关键词 “合”理论 职业教育 现场工程师 作机理 实践路径
“合”理论——基于东方文化背景的战略理论新范式 被引量:39
作者 陆亚东 孙金云 武亚军 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期3-25,38,共24页
近半个世纪以来,现代企业发展理论一直以"核心能力—竞争优势—组织绩效"为核心理论范式,它强调在竞争的环境中,企业通过战略定位和核心能力来获取竞争优势。但在中国企业的战略实践中,对那些资源能力特征并不显著或仍处于发... 近半个世纪以来,现代企业发展理论一直以"核心能力—竞争优势—组织绩效"为核心理论范式,它强调在竞争的环境中,企业通过战略定位和核心能力来获取竞争优势。但在中国企业的战略实践中,对那些资源能力特征并不显著或仍处于发展阶段的中小型企业来说,这一理论在很大程度上并不适用。本文提出的"合"理论阐述了仅有普通资源的中国企业可通过创造性地利用"合"——复合、联合、结合、相合——来建立其竞争优势或者弥补其竞争劣势,从而创造出适应大众市场的快速响应、高性价比等独特的竞争优势。这是基于东方文化背景下特别适合中国企业成长的一种独特的发展路径和理论视角,并且预示着一种文化双融的战略管理理论新范式。 展开更多
关键词 “合”理论 东方文化 战略管理
众筹开启少数民族特色小微企业发展模式创新——基于“合”理论的探讨 被引量:2
作者 孙岩 聂媛媛 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期180-183,共4页
"合"理论认为,当前我国企业的发展特点决定他们需要通过组合式、整体化赢得竞争优势。众筹则是小微企业形成兼顾融资、产品创新和持续发展的创新型发展模式的有效途径。结合少数民族特色小微企业的经营特点,分析其发展中面临... "合"理论认为,当前我国企业的发展特点决定他们需要通过组合式、整体化赢得竞争优势。众筹则是小微企业形成兼顾融资、产品创新和持续发展的创新型发展模式的有效途径。结合少数民族特色小微企业的经营特点,分析其发展中面临的困难,基于"合"理论,探讨了众筹如何从"联合"、"复合"、"结合"、"相合"四个方面契合少数民族特色小微企业发展模式创新的要求,明确了众筹方案设计应注意的关键因素。 展开更多
关键词 “合”理论 众筹 少数民族特色 小微企业
作者 孙金云 陆亚东 周瑛 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期3-18,共16页
本文在"合"理论的框架下,结合开放资源、开放竞争的新商业特征,进一步阐述了联合战略的内涵,并提出了联合战略的三种类型:垂直联合、水平联合和侧向联合。为了探索企业实施联合战略的动因和影响,本文基于中国21个城市的796家... 本文在"合"理论的框架下,结合开放资源、开放竞争的新商业特征,进一步阐述了联合战略的内涵,并提出了联合战略的三种类型:垂直联合、水平联合和侧向联合。为了探索企业实施联合战略的动因和影响,本文基于中国21个城市的796家中小企业的问卷调查数据进行实证检验,结果表明:(1)企业管理外部关系的能力对3种联合战略都有正向影响;(2)企业所面临的政府规制只对侧向联合战略具有正向影响;(3)企业家的业界联系对3种联合战略都有正向影响;(4)企业家的政府联系对垂直联合和侧向联合具有正向影响;(5)联合战略有利于中小企业提高速度优势、成本优势和客户满意度。本文的研究结论不仅夯实了"合"理论的研究支柱,丰富了中国管理理论的构建,也为新兴经济中资源不足的中小企业通过联合战略实现快速发展提供了有益的借鉴和启示。 展开更多
关键词 “合”理论 战略 垂直联 水平联 侧向联 竞争优势
商务英语专业的“合”理论探究——兼论《商英国标》 被引量:3
作者 张武保 《中国ESP研究》 2018年第2期28-33,135-136,共7页
一直以来,人们认为商务英语专业只是一个复合型专业。其实,商务英语专业的构成不仅有复合,而且应该有结合、联合、相合、创合等不同的'合'元素或方法。它们共同构筑商务英语专业的'合'理论体系。复合仅是一个统称,且具... 一直以来,人们认为商务英语专业只是一个复合型专业。其实,商务英语专业的构成不仅有复合,而且应该有结合、联合、相合、创合等不同的'合'元素或方法。它们共同构筑商务英语专业的'合'理论体系。复合仅是一个统称,且具有'复'与'合'两重含义。《商英国标》是商务英语专业的一个规范性文件。虽然大部分'合'元素在《商英国标》中已有所体现,但其理论特征尚不明显,体现专业特色的'合'元素——创合,仍显空洞。作为一个独立专业,商务英语专业不能只停留在'拼图式'的'复',更要打造'航母式'的'合',以实现复合增值的初衷。 展开更多
关键词 《商英国标》 “合”理论 商词 商义
中国古代文论的“合和”理论范式 被引量:1
作者 王成 《湖南城市学院学报》 2009年第6期35-40,共6页
中国古代文论是在一种"合和"理论范式下逻辑展开自身的理论经纬的。"合和"有调和、通融、化合之意,它追求的是动态平衡与多元共生的理想局面;以"合和"为思维指向与理论内核的"合和"理论范式造... 中国古代文论是在一种"合和"理论范式下逻辑展开自身的理论经纬的。"合和"有调和、通融、化合之意,它追求的是动态平衡与多元共生的理想局面;以"合和"为思维指向与理论内核的"合和"理论范式造就了中国古代文论独特的叙述策略与体系构成。从"和如羹焉"理论意义的生成,经汉代新儒学文论、"唯务折衷"的"双星"体系范例以及情与礼、理通融下的文论体系构成,中国古代文论向我们展示了其"合和"的品养与理论维度。面对中西文论的交流与碰撞,"合和"理论范式应该成为我们当前文论建设可以选择的路径。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代文论 “合”理论范式 叙述策略 思维指向 文论体系
中国情境下的国有企业混合所有制改革研究:以宋志平的管理实践之道为例 被引量:11
作者 胡亚飞 苏勇 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期317-327,共11页
采用同一案例对象的多案例研究方法,以解决实际管理问题为导向,通过一手资料和相关二手资料,梳理总结宋志平进行国有企业混合所有制改革的管理实践,在此基础上提炼出以"合"为特色的管理思想。研究结果发现:该管理思想解决了... 采用同一案例对象的多案例研究方法,以解决实际管理问题为导向,通过一手资料和相关二手资料,梳理总结宋志平进行国有企业混合所有制改革的管理实践,在此基础上提炼出以"合"为特色的管理思想。研究结果发现:该管理思想解决了国有企业混合制改革的资本混合、资源复合与文化融合3个子问题,在理论层面,联合("聚势")、复合("优术")、结合("谋法")契合于"合"理论;在实践层面,与企业管理实践深度融合,帮助中国建材集团有限公司(北新建材集团)与中国医药集团有限公司不断转"危"为"机",双双成长为世界500强企业,并能为处于后金融危机时代的国有企业混合所有制改革所借鉴,更好地促进混合所有制经济的发展。 展开更多
关键词 所有制改革 企业家 管理思想 “合”理论
A thermo-mechanical damage constitutive model for deep rock considering brittleness-ductility transition characteristics
作者 FENG Chen-chen WANG Zhi-liang +2 位作者 WANG Jian-guo LU Zhi-tang LI Song-yu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2379-2392,共14页
This paper developed a statistical damage constitutive model for deep rock by considering the effects of external load and thermal treatment temperature based on the distortion energy.The model parameters were determi... This paper developed a statistical damage constitutive model for deep rock by considering the effects of external load and thermal treatment temperature based on the distortion energy.The model parameters were determined through the extremum features of stress−strain curve.Subsequently,the model predictions were compared with experimental results of marble samples.It is found that when the treatment temperature rises,the coupling damage evolution curve shows an S-shape and the slope of ascending branch gradually decreases during the coupling damage evolution process.At a constant temperature,confining pressure can suppress the expansion of micro-fractures.As the confining pressure increases the rock exhibits ductility characteristics,and the shape of coupling damage curve changes from an S-shape into a quasi-parabolic shape.This model can well characterize the influence of high temperature on the mechanical properties of deep rock and its brittleness-ductility transition characteristics under confining pressure.Also,it is suitable for sandstone and granite,especially in predicting the pre-peak stage and peak stress of stress−strain curve under the coupling action of confining pressure and high temperature.The relevant results can provide a reference for further research on the constitutive relationship of rock-like materials and their engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 deep rock crack initiation threshold thermo-mechanical coupling statistical damage model distortion energy theory
Design of new biomedical titanium alloy based on d-electron alloy design theory and JMatPro software 被引量:8
作者 戴世娟 王煜 +2 位作者 陈锋 余新泉 张友法 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期3027-3032,共6页
A new kind offl biomedical titanium alloy, Ti-35Nb-4Sn-6Mo-9Zr, composed of non-toxic elements Nb, Mo, Zr and Sn with lower elastic modulus and higher strength was designed based on d-electron alloy design theory and ... A new kind offl biomedical titanium alloy, Ti-35Nb-4Sn-6Mo-9Zr, composed of non-toxic elements Nb, Mo, Zr and Sn with lower elastic modulus and higher strength was designed based on d-electron alloy design theory and JMatPro software using orthogonal experiment. The microstructure and basic mechanical properties of designed alloy were investigated. The results show that the alloy is composed of single fl equiaxed grains after solution treatment at 800 ~C. Compared with Ti-6A1-4V, the mechanical properties of the designed alloy are more excellent: E=65 GPa, σb=834 MPa, σ0.2=802 MPa, and σ=11%, which is expected to become a promising new type implanted material. The research approach adopted can reduce the experimental time and cost effectively, and get the ideal experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy d-electron alloy design theory JMatPro software elastic modulus STRENGTH
Oil-Film Clutch in Soft-Start of Belt Conveyor 被引量:3
作者 周满山 魏宸官 +1 位作者 于岩 张媛 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第2期142-145,共4页
The oil film clutch, which is superior in speed adjustment, is capable of being used in the belt conveyor to carry out soft start operation. According to running properties of both belt conveyor and oil film clutch... The oil film clutch, which is superior in speed adjustment, is capable of being used in the belt conveyor to carry out soft start operation. According to running properties of both belt conveyor and oil film clutch, equations that are used to decide the lubricating oil flow and the number of oil films (i.e. the number of rotating and stationary plates) are deduced theoretically. Also key parameters are provided for the design of the hydraulic system. All these together provide the theoretical basis for the soft start design of the belt conveyor and references for the application of the oil film clutch in similar fields. 展开更多
关键词 belt conveyor soft start oil film clutch lubricating theory
Combined effect of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and media pH on the solubility of prostaglandin E_1 被引量:1
作者 谷福根 吴春芝 高永良 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2007年第2期112-115,共4页
Aim To investigate the combined effect of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and media pH on the solubility of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and construct a theoretical equation for the drug solubility as a functi... Aim To investigate the combined effect of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and media pH on the solubility of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and construct a theoretical equation for the drug solubility as a function of HP-β-CD concentration and media pH. Methods The solubility of PGE1 under different pH conditions was determined. Then, the drug solubility in different concentrations of HP-β-CD acidic or pH neutral solutions was measured, respectively. Finally, a theoretical solubility equation for the drug as a function of HP-β-CD concentration and media pH was deduced and confirmed in experiment. Results PGEs was solubilized by HP-β-CD or by increasing media pH. The drug solubility as a function of HP-β-CD concentration was found to follow the AL-type complexation model in acidic or neutral pH media, suggesting that both the ionized and neutral drugs form 1:1 molecular ratio complexes. Conclusions The solubility of PGE1 may be improved by increasing media pH or by using HP-β-CD as a solubilizer. HP-β-CD and media pH can produce combined effect on the solubility of PGE1. The deduced equation for the drug solubility in this study effectively characterizes the roles of HP-β-CD and media pH in determining total solubility of the drug. 展开更多
关键词 PGE1 HP-β-CD PH SOLUBILITY COMPLEXATION Theoretical equation
作者 黄民双 梁大开 +1 位作者 邱浩 陶宝祺 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第1期15-19,共5页
In the work of developing extrinsic fabry perot interferometric (EFPI), the key technology of polishing fiber optic endfaces and coating the multilayer of dielectric films on them is raised and resolved to settle the... In the work of developing extrinsic fabry perot interferometric (EFPI), the key technology of polishing fiber optic endfaces and coating the multilayer of dielectric films on them is raised and resolved to settle the disturbance and stability problem of EFPI, which simplifies the sensing system, improves the sensor performance and reduces the cost. In this paper, the relations between the output interferential light intensity and the F P cavity length are calculated based on the theory of mode field coupling. The EFPI fiber optic sensor is adhered to a distributed smart laminate beam to detect vibration frequency and axial strain value, the results coincident with the results tested by PZT. 展开更多
关键词 extrinsic fabry perot interferometric sensor smart structure mode field coupling theory strain measurement
Theoretical prediction of forming limit diagram of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet at warm temperatures 被引量:3
作者 曹晓卿 徐平平 +1 位作者 樊奇 王文先 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2426-2432,共7页
A theoretical prediction on forming limit diagram(FLD) of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet was developed at warm temperatures based on the M-K theory. Two different yield criteria of von Mises and Hill'48 were applied in... A theoretical prediction on forming limit diagram(FLD) of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet was developed at warm temperatures based on the M-K theory. Two different yield criteria of von Mises and Hill'48 were applied in this model. Mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy used in the prediction were obtained by uniaxial tensile tests and the Fields-Backofen equation was incorporated in the analysis. In addition, experimental FLDs of AZ31 were acquired by conducting rigid die swell test at different temperatures to verify the prediction. It is demonstrated from a comparison between the predicted and the experimental FLDs at 473 K and 523 K that the predicted results are influenced by the type of yield criterion used in the calculation, especially at lower temperatures. Furthermore, a better agreement between the predicted results and experimental data for AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet at warm temperatures was obtained when Hill'48 yield criterion was applied. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy forming limit diagram theoretical prediction yield criterion sheet warm forming
Coupling Effect of Water and Phosphate on Economic Traits of Sugarcane 被引量:3
作者 陆国盈 蒋明明 +4 位作者 韩世健 裴铁雄 汤雪莲 秦洪波 Guo-ying Ming-ming Shi-jian Tie-xiong Xue-lian Hong-bo 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期62-65,120,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study the coupling effect of water and phosphate on economic traits of sugarcane. [Method] Taking sugarcane variety ROC22 as tested material,coupling effects of different levels of water sup... [Objective] The aim was to study the coupling effect of water and phosphate on economic traits of sugarcane. [Method] Taking sugarcane variety ROC22 as tested material,coupling effects of different levels of water supply quantity and different levels of phosphorus fertilizer on the yield and quality of sugarcane were studied. Among them,water supply quantity had 3 levels,that was,the water supply quantity per 10 days from the early tillering stage of sugarcane to the end of elongation was 199.5 m3/hm2 (A1),400.5 m3/hm2 (A2) and 600.0 m3/hm2 (A3),respectively; Phosphorus fertilizer as basic fertilizer had 4 levels:P2O5 0 kg/hm2 (B1),120 kg/hm2 (B2),240 kg/hm2 (B3) and 360 kg/hm2 (B4). [Result] Treatment A3B2 in water-fertilizer coupling was more suitable to improve economic traits of sugarcane. [Conclusion] The research results provide theoretical basis for the efficient utilization of water and phosphorus fertilizer in production of Guangxi sugarcane and the cultivation of high-yield and high-glucose sugarcane. 展开更多
关键词 Sugarcane Water Phosphorus fertilizer Water-phosphate coupling Economic traits
Knowledge discovery method for feature-decision level fusion of multiple classifiers 被引量:1
作者 孙亮 韩崇昭 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期222-227,共6页
To improve the performance of the multiple classifier system, a new method of feature-decision level fusion is proposed based on knowledge discovery. In the new method, the base classifiers operate on different featur... To improve the performance of the multiple classifier system, a new method of feature-decision level fusion is proposed based on knowledge discovery. In the new method, the base classifiers operate on different feature spaces and their types depend on different measures of between-class separability. The uncertainty measures corresponding to each output of each base classifier are induced from the established decision tables (DTs) in the form of mass function in the Dempster-Shafer theory (DST). Furthermore, an effective fusion framework is built at the feature-decision level on the basis of a generalized rough set model and the DST. The experiment for the classification of hyperspectral remote sensing images shows that the performance of the classification can be improved by the proposed method compared with that of plurality voting (PV). 展开更多
关键词 multiple classifier fusion knowledge discovery Dempster-Shafer theory generalized rough set HYPERSPECTRAL
The Initial Reactions of HaPO4 and NaH2PO4 Supported on Silica: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study 被引量:1
作者 张志强 屈一新 +1 位作者 王水 王际东 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期315-321,340,共8页
A combination of X-ray powder diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, diffuse reflection infrared Fourier transform, and ^31p magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance techniques with density function computati... A combination of X-ray powder diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, diffuse reflection infrared Fourier transform, and ^31p magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance techniques with density function computation was used to elucidate the products and mecha- nism of the reactions among silica, H3PO4, and NaH2PO4 during the preparation of silica supported H3PO4 and NaH2PO4 catalysts. The spectral test results indicate that besides polyphosphoric acid, silicon phosphates on silica supported H3PO4 are also formed. On silica supported NaH2PO4 only sodium polyphosphates are present. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations indicate that in the initial stage, reaction of H3PO4 with silanol groups on the silica support is more favorable than that between H3PO4 itself. In contrast, dimerization and trimerization of NaH2PO4 are predicted to be the predominant initial reactions for the silica supported NaH2PO4 catalyst. 展开更多
作者 陈果 杨虞微 左洪福 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第4期297-303,共7页
Four common oil analysis techniques, including the ferrography analysis (FA), the spectrometric oil analysis (SOA), the particle count analysis (PCA), and the oil quality testing (OQT), are used to implement t... Four common oil analysis techniques, including the ferrography analysis (FA), the spectrometric oil analysis (SOA), the particle count analysis (PCA), and the oil quality testing (OQT), are used to implement the military aeroengine wear fault diagnosis during the test drive process. To improve the precision and the reliability of the diagnosis, the aeroengine wear fault fusion diagnosis method based on the neural networks (NN) and the Dempster-Shafter (D-S) evidence theory is proposed. Firstly, according to the standard value of the wear limit, original data are pre-processed into Boolean values. Secondly, sub-NNs are established to perform the single diagnosis, and their training samples are dependent on experiences from experts. After each sub-NN is trained, diagnosis results are obtained. Thirdly, the diagnosis results of each sub-NN are considered as the basic probability allocation value to faults. The improved D-S evidence theory is applied to the fusion diagnosis, and the final fusion results are obtained. Finally, the method is verified by a diagnosis example. 展开更多
关键词 wear fault diagnosis data fusion neural network D-S evidence theory aeroengine
Hydrolysis Mechanism of the NAMI-A-type Antitumor Complex (HL)[trans-RuCl4L(dmso-S)] (L=1-methyl-l,2,4-triazole)
作者 陈兰美 陈锦灿 +3 位作者 廖思燕 刘江琴 罗辉 郑康成 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期383-390,I0003,共9页
The hydrolysis process of Ru(III) complex (HL)[trans-RuC14L(dmso-S)] (L=l-methyl-l,2,4- triazole and dmso-S=S-dimethyl sulfoxide) (1), a potential antitumor complex similar to the well-known antitumor agent ... The hydrolysis process of Ru(III) complex (HL)[trans-RuC14L(dmso-S)] (L=l-methyl-l,2,4- triazole and dmso-S=S-dimethyl sulfoxide) (1), a potential antitumor complex similar to the well-known antitumor agent (Him)[trans-RuC14 (dmso-S)(im)] (NAMI-A, im=imidazole), was investigated using density functional theory combined with the conductor-like polarizable continuum model approach. Tile structural characteristics and the detailed energy profiles for the hydrolysis processes of this complex were obtained. For the first hydrolysis step, complex 1 has slightly higher barrier energies than the reported anticancer drug NAMI-A, and the result is in accordance with the experimental evidence indicating larger half-life for complex 1. For the second hydrolysis step, the formation of cis-diaqua species is thermodynamic preferred to that of trans isomers. In addition, on the basis of the analysis of electronic characteristics of species in the hydrolysis process, the trend in nucleophilic attack abilities of hydrolysis products by pertinent biomolecules is revealed and predicted. 展开更多
关键词 NAMI-A-type complex Anticancer activity HYDROLYSIS Density functional theory Conductor-like polarizable continuum model
A General Method in the Synthesis of Ternary Double Pass-Transistor Circuits 被引量:2
作者 杭国强 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期1566-1571,共6页
A general method for designing ternary circuits using double pass-transistor logic is investigated. The logical relation of each MOS transistor is formulated by using the transmission operation in order to make effect... A general method for designing ternary circuits using double pass-transistor logic is investigated. The logical relation of each MOS transistor is formulated by using the transmission operation in order to make effective and practical use of the circuits. A way to generate ternary complementary and dual circuits by applying the complementarity and duality principles is presented. This new static ternary double pass-transistor logic scheme has some favorable properties:the use of standard CMOS process without any modification of the thresholds, a perfectly symmetrical structure,a full logic swing, the maximum possible noise margins, a less complex structure, and no static power consumption. HSPICE simulations using TSMC 0.25μm CMOS technology and a 3V power supply demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design. 展开更多
关键词 switching circuit theory multiple-valued logic logic synthesis double pass-transistor logic
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