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作者 孙江山 《山西农经》 2024年第18期66-68,共3页
以文旅推动乡村振兴为底层逻辑,从整合乡村富余劳动力资源、整合乡村优质物产资源、“空心村”大量闲置四合院利用以及乡村特色饮食加工工艺、文旅市场真实需求、游客消费心理、游客消费水平、游客观光后食宿率、整体经济效益等多方面入... 以文旅推动乡村振兴为底层逻辑,从整合乡村富余劳动力资源、整合乡村优质物产资源、“空心村”大量闲置四合院利用以及乡村特色饮食加工工艺、文旅市场真实需求、游客消费心理、游客消费水平、游客观光后食宿率、整体经济效益等多方面入手,做出深入调查研究,找出制约文旅产业发展的相关症结,在乡村振兴、共同富裕背景下,整合城乡资源,从共同富裕、发展兴农、就业脱贫、绿色健康、平价惠客等维度,创新性地提出乡村餐饮民宿“合作社式”发展理念,形成助推乡村振兴的特色餐饮民宿发展全新经营模式。 展开更多
关键词 餐饮民宿 “合作社式” 乡村振兴 共同富裕
“合作社+农户”:当前农业产业化经营的理想模式 被引量:13
作者 陈晖涛 《理论观察》 2009年第3期97-99,共3页
自确立家庭联产承包责任制以来,我国农村最重要的组织制度创新是农业产业化经营。其最初的形式"公司+农户"解决了小农户进入大市场的交易成本过高问题,在一定程度上保障了农民的权益,但并未达到"风险共担,利益共享"... 自确立家庭联产承包责任制以来,我国农村最重要的组织制度创新是农业产业化经营。其最初的形式"公司+农户"解决了小农户进入大市场的交易成本过高问题,在一定程度上保障了农民的权益,但并未达到"风险共担,利益共享"。而以农民专业合作组织为依托,带动农户从事专业化生产,实现生产、加工、销售有机结合的"合作社+农户"组织形式,是当前农业产业化发展的理想模式。 展开更多
关键词 农民专业合作组织 “合作社+农户” 农业产业化
合作社促进建议书 被引量:1
作者 唐宗焜 《中国集体经济》 2003年第4期38-44,共7页
关键词 国际劳工大会 “合作社促进建议书” 国际劳工组织 国际劳工公约 2002年
全域乡村旅游目的地以“合作社+”为载体的数字治理新模式研究 被引量:1
作者 官长春 李想 罗金华 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2021年第7期6-14,共9页
以全国乡村旅游重点村为代表的全域乡村旅游目的地建设已成为助力脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴的重要范式。全域乡村旅游目的地年接待游客人数众多,相关利益主体之间的关系错综复杂,欲达成“产业兴、村财增、百姓富、游客赞、生态优、乡风清”等... 以全国乡村旅游重点村为代表的全域乡村旅游目的地建设已成为助力脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴的重要范式。全域乡村旅游目的地年接待游客人数众多,相关利益主体之间的关系错综复杂,欲达成“产业兴、村财增、百姓富、游客赞、生态优、乡风清”等多元治理目标,需要革新传统的乡村旅游目的地治理模式。文章以乡村数字治理为理论基础,综合运用深度访谈、事例举证、比较研究等多种研究方法。研究表明,以“合作社+”为载体的数字治理新模式有利于充分发挥全域乡村旅游目的地农村党支部的核心作用、自治组织的主体作用、集体经济的纽带作用、社会组织的专职作用以及志愿服务组织的补充作用,并显著提升农村两委、产业组织化、利益联结机制、人居环境、消防治安、移风易俗等多维目标的治理效能,更好促进乡村旅游产业高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 数字治理 “合作社+” 乡村旅游目的地 村级集体经济 志愿服务组织
作者 何婕 普永生 《价值工程》 2017年第28期43-46,共4页
本文对云南省开远市羊街乡黑泥地社区的"合作社/公司+农户"作价入股模式下农地经营权流转的试点工作情况进行了总结分析,对在试点工作中得出的经验和启示进行了总结提炼,对目前该模式下农地经营权流转工作中存在或暴露出的问... 本文对云南省开远市羊街乡黑泥地社区的"合作社/公司+农户"作价入股模式下农地经营权流转的试点工作情况进行了总结分析,对在试点工作中得出的经验和启示进行了总结提炼,对目前该模式下农地经营权流转工作中存在或暴露出的问题进行分析,并提出了相应的对策建议,希望进一步完善农村土地经营权流转相关理论、更好地指导实际工作,体现试点工作的价值。 展开更多
关键词 农地经营权流转 “合作社/公司+农户” 作价入股 农业规模化经营
“合作社式”教研: 创新区域教研机制的实践探索
作者 王军 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学管理)》 2023年第3期13-16,共4页
教研工作是保障基础教育质量的重要支撑,对进一步促进教育优质均衡发展具有重要意义。广东省广州市花都区教育发展研究院以广东省基础教育教研基地的建设为契机,进行了创新区域教研机制的实践探索,即通过构建“合作社式”教研体系、探... 教研工作是保障基础教育质量的重要支撑,对进一步促进教育优质均衡发展具有重要意义。广东省广州市花都区教育发展研究院以广东省基础教育教研基地的建设为契机,进行了创新区域教研机制的实践探索,即通过构建“合作社式”教研体系、探索“合作社式”教研方式、完善“合作社式”教研路径,建立了“合作社式”教研机制,以促进区域教育的均衡发展。 展开更多
关键词 区域教研 教研机制创新 “合作社式”教研
“合作社+农户”模式:交易费用节约与农户增收效应——基于山东省苹果种植农户问卷调查的实证分析 被引量:89
作者 蔡荣 《中国农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期58-65,共8页
本文利用山东省苹果种植农户调查数据,就"合作社+农户"模式对农户市场交易费用和农户纯收入的影响进行了实证分析。研究表明:"合作社+农户"模式能够降低农户市场交易费用并增加农户纯收入,同市场交易模式相比,"... 本文利用山东省苹果种植农户调查数据,就"合作社+农户"模式对农户市场交易费用和农户纯收入的影响进行了实证分析。研究表明:"合作社+农户"模式能够降低农户市场交易费用并增加农户纯收入,同市场交易模式相比,"合作社+农户"模式将使农户市场交易费用降低约48元/亩,纯收入增加约321元/亩;此外,户主性别、受教育程度、种植规模、市场信息的可获得性、距市场距离和政府扶持等因素均对农户市场交易费用和农户纯收入具有显著影响。经调查发现,一些"合作社+农户"模式预期收益不明显和农户不愿放弃农业经营决策权,是制约农户选择"合作社+农户"模式的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 “合作社+农户”模式市场 交易费用 纯收入 苹果产业 山东省
Progress and Prospects of Professional Tobacco Cooperatives 被引量:1
作者 李光雷 郑泽猛 +2 位作者 蒋石香 孔斌 王嘉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期538-541,共4页
Chinese agriculture is confronted with more challenges globally after en- tering WTO and it is necessary to improve agricultural cooperatives which play an important role in marketing. In the research, the significanc... Chinese agriculture is confronted with more challenges globally after en- tering WTO and it is necessary to improve agricultural cooperatives which play an important role in marketing. In the research, the significance, progress, problems of professional tobacco cooperative and the evolvement direction were explored based on existing issues of its role in monopsony markets of agricultural product and the development. 展开更多
关键词 Professional tobacco cooperatives INFRASTRUCTURE Sustainable development
Problems in Use of Inefficient and Idle Forestland——A Case of Lutian Town 被引量:1
作者 蔡观 朱红梅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期450-452,457,共4页
In order to improve fragile eco-environment and develop economy in mountainous regions, problems during use of barren mountains and forestlands were explored with Lutian Town as an example through a survey of 97 farm ... In order to improve fragile eco-environment and develop economy in mountainous regions, problems during use of barren mountains and forestlands were explored with Lutian Town as an example through a survey of 97 farm households in the research. The results showed that barren lands in Lutian Town were exten- sive and the barren rate was as high as 48.6%. It is notable that the rate is in- creasing as farmer ages and education declines. It is proposed that forestry cooper- atives should be established and land management laws and rules can be formulated to promote mountainous area economy and forestland use. 展开更多
关键词 Forestry professional cooperative: Forest tenure reform AFFORESTATION Lutian Town
Production of microbial oils co-fermented by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum with Daqu distiller's grains 被引量:2
作者 李新社 陆步诗 唐伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1738-1743,共6页
Abstract: Daqu distiller's grains were co-fermented as raw materials by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum to produce microbial oils, which can provide raw materials for bio-diesel development. The singl... Abstract: Daqu distiller's grains were co-fermented as raw materials by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum to produce microbial oils, which can provide raw materials for bio-diesel development. The single factor tests were used to investigate the effects of ratio of strains, inoculum size, culture temperature and culture time on the production of microbial oils. The best processing conditions were obtained by orthogonal test through measuring the content of microbial oils in product. The result shows that the microbial oils content of the co-fermented product under the ratio of Trichoderma.koningii to Trichosporon cutaneum of 1:1, the inoculum size of strains of 11% at 28 ℃ for 6 d is 7.15 g/L. It is shown that the production of microbial oils co-fermented by Trichoderma.koningii and Trichosporon cutaneum with Daqu distiller's grains is possible. The research provides a new idea for the reuse of Daqu distiller's grains and also provides a new way for the development of microbial oils. 展开更多
关键词 Daqu distiller's grains Trichoderma.koningii Trichosporon cutaneum CO-FERMENTATION microbial oils
Application of Kernel Independent Component Analysis for Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring 被引量:3
作者 王丽 侍洪波 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第5期461-466,共6页
In this research, a new fault detection method based on kernel independent component analysis (kernel ICA) is developed. Kernel ICA is an improvement of independent component analysis (ICA), and is different from ... In this research, a new fault detection method based on kernel independent component analysis (kernel ICA) is developed. Kernel ICA is an improvement of independent component analysis (ICA), and is different from kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) proposed for nonlinear process monitoring. The basic idea of our approach is to use the kernel ICA to extract independent components efficiently and to combine the selected essential independent components with process monitoring techniques. 12 (the sum of the squared independent scores) and squared prediction error (SPE) charts are adopted as statistical quantities. The proposed monitoring method is applied to Tennessee Eastman process, and the simulation results clearly show the advantages of kernel ICA monitoring in comparison to ICA monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 process monitoring fault detection kernelindependent component analysis
Management Mode of Rural Credit Cooperatives
作者 何频 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1670-1673,共4页
Cooperative financing, with existing problems involving legal person man-agement and property supervision is highly demanded by farmers in China. It is fea-sible to explore a shareholding system to resolve the managem... Cooperative financing, with existing problems involving legal person man-agement and property supervision is highly demanded by farmers in China. It is fea-sible to explore a shareholding system to resolve the management mode issue of rural credit cooperatives in order to introduce investments, formulate the right struc-ture for rational stock and to establish effective monitoring mechanism for property right. Hence, information issuing would be reinforced and a rural credit cooperative would be established to be a modern financial enterprise with transparent property rights. 展开更多
关键词 Rural credit cooperatives Joint stock cooperative enterprise Intellectualproperty monitoring services Management mode
OvBNN authentication based on cooperative signature for wireless sensor networks 被引量:1
作者 秦丹阳 Zhang Yan +1 位作者 Ma Jingya Ji Ping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2018年第3期287-295,共9页
The universality of the application of wireless sensor networks( WSN) makes more attention be paid on the security problem. Node authentication is not only the basis of network security,but also the premise of key man... The universality of the application of wireless sensor networks( WSN) makes more attention be paid on the security problem. Node authentication is not only the basis of network security,but also the premise of key management and secure routing protocol. Although the signature mechanism based on symmetric encryption is high in energy efficiency,it is vulnerable to be attacked and there is a time delay during authentication. Traditional public key encryption mechanism with improvement in security brings in complex algorithm and costs much time,which is not suitable for WSN. In this paper,a signature authentication mechanism,an optimized variant Bellare Namprempre Neven( OvBNN) is presented to quickly complete the authentication by mutual cooperation between nodes so as to make the nodes use the intermediate calculation results of their neighbor nodes directly.Simulation results show that the proposed mechanism is superior to traditional authentication mechanisms both in energy consumption and authentication time. 展开更多
关键词 optimized variant Bellare Namprempre Neven (OvBNN) digital signature authentication speed energy consumption wireless sensor networks (WSN)
The Development of Danish Agriculture and Agribusiness: Lessons to Be Learned in a Global Perspective 被引量:1
作者 H. O. Hansen M. Lund 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第4期463-472,共10页
The agri and food industry is a major industrial sector in Denmark. Compared to other countries on a similar level of economic development Denmark has an extremely important agriculture and agribusiness sector. Danish... The agri and food industry is a major industrial sector in Denmark. Compared to other countries on a similar level of economic development Denmark has an extremely important agriculture and agribusiness sector. Danish agri and food cooperatives seem to have been successful in obtaining international competitiveness. The transformation and the structural development of the cooperative sector have more or less been completed. The development of the industrial structure among Danish agricultural cooperatives has been very rapid during the latest decades. Through mergers and acquisitions the number of firms has fallen dramatically, and the result has been increasing concentration ratios in almost all groups of the food industry. Structural development, concentration and globalization in recent decades have resulted in agri and food companies now being among the largest in Europe. To a large extent, agriculture all over the world faces similar problems and challenges. For this reason, it is essential that know-how, experiences and lessons can be transferred and adopted by agriculture in other countries around the world. In many ways, the experience and the success behind Danish agriculture and agribusiness can be transferred to other countries. However, profound studies of specific needs and conditions are necessary. 展开更多
关键词 Agribusiness agricultural cooperative Danish agriculture LESSONS key success factors competitiveness.
Using Logistic Regression to Identify the Entrepreneurial Capability of Thai Agricultural Cooperatives Members on Their Farm Management 被引量:1
作者 Chanchai Petchprapunkul Narong Koojaroenprasit, +1 位作者 Rangsan Pitipanya Suchin Pleehajinda 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第11期668-676,共9页
This study elaborates three things: Firstly is the current agricultural cooperatives management and their low farm performance in eight provinces in the eastern of Thailand where are the bases of Thailand famous frui... This study elaborates three things: Firstly is the current agricultural cooperatives management and their low farm performance in eight provinces in the eastern of Thailand where are the bases of Thailand famous fruits products. Secondly is to point out the key concepts of the theory of entrepreneur and the strength of it to assist the community development, to teach young people, adults and cooperatives members to prepare them to pertain good entrepreneurship that meets cooperatives concepts and principles. Thirdly is to give an example of research study that describes how to identify entrepreneurial capability of agricultural cooperatives members in Thailand, dependent variable is qualitative or binary, we use "odds value" or probability of success over the probability of failure to identify the set of odds value, and use exponential function to transform the odds value to be the log of odds or Logit model. If probability of entrepreneur is over the cutting point of 0.8, it implied that members are pertained high entrepreneurial capability and vise versa. The first step of research is the analysis of five year panel secondary data during 2011-2015, collected from Cooperatives Auditing Department. Eight groups of 679 numbers of data from 215 cooperatives were calculated, data were divided by the number of member. These eight independent variables are Total income per member, Total equity per member, Net profit per member, Co-ops operating capital per member, Total cooperatives capital per member, Total deposit per member, Total asset per member, Number of member. Qualitative data are the four sizes of cooperatives: large, big, medium, and small. Qualitative data are the only one intervening variable in the model. Secondary data found that only four quantitative independent variables effect to entrepreneurial capability. Total asset per member, and Total income per member had negative effect, but Net profit per member, and Cooperatives capital per member had positive effect. It means that if cooperatives acquire more and more asset, cooperatives will have more burden of debt or equity and probability of entrepreneur will be decreased. If cooperatives gain more and more income to the firm, it means the complex organization or the cooperatives will success but the individual member who is individual finn will get loss. Cooperatives capital per member and Net profit per member have positive effect. Because cooperatives capital were gained from residual and after the allocation of cooperatives surplus to be patronage refund according to the volume of business which member had done with the cooperatives and dividend pay out to member according to the number of stocks they held for their saving with the cooperatives. For qualitative variable, large and medium size of cooperatives had no any effects, but small size of cooperatives had more effect than the big size. It implied that big cooperatives who had more and more number of members have more and more burden. Small size of cooperatives is similar to individual firm of each member. Thus, optimum size of cooperatives is suitable for their service and efficient management, if the size of business volume increasing continuously, the quality of service will decrease, because almost cooperatives organization is pricing at break even point. Second step is a primary survey of data from Rayong province. Seventy-five samples of cooperatives members have not recorded their business information, both revenue and cost. We cannot use logistic regression to run the second model, but only Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). MRA results identify that the cooperatives profit of each member depends on three variables: (1) sales, (2) member responsibility (not board member responsibility or Management responsibility), (3) member's level of education. Suggestion and recommendation is that agricultural cooperatives members in Thailand still have to improve their entrepreneurial capability by recording all information related to business functions and prepare financial record to represent efficient use of resources to meet member and community's needs. 展开更多
关键词 cooperatives entrepreneurial capability break even point odds value log of odds logistic regression
Evolution Characteristics of Government-Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Network for China's Agriculture and Influ- encing Factors: Illustrated According to Agricultural Patent Case 被引量:14
作者 LI Erling YAO Fei +1 位作者 XI Jiaxin GUO Chunyang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期137-152,共16页
Under the special background of China, the cooperative innovation between different government-industry-university-research institutes plays an increasingly important role in the agricultural field. However, the exist... Under the special background of China, the cooperative innovation between different government-industry-university-research institutes plays an increasingly important role in the agricultural field. However, the existing literature has paid little attention to it. Considering the cooperation patents, published in the agriculture field stemming from the Full-text Database of China Patents as the study object, the spatial and institutional attribute of the authors as the data source, and by combining the social network and spatial econometrics analysis, this paper analyzes the structure evolution characteristics of cooperative innovation networks of agricultural government-industry-university-research institute in the city level of China in 1985–2014, based on the triple helix theory, with the influence factors discussed. This shows that, 1) since 1985, China's agricultural innovation level has been substantially increased, but the development degree of the cooperative innovation network is low, and the patent cooperation mainly relies on authors in the same unit; 2) enterprises play a leading role in the agricultural cooperative innovation. The effect of the government and hybrid organizations driven by the government is not obvious; 3) the cooperative innovation in the province and city dominates, and a multi-pole pattern has been formed. The cooperative innovation network structure evolves from a single helix empty core and double helix multi core to a double helix hierarchical network; 4) the city's science, education funding and personnel investment are key factors determining the agricultural cooperative innovation, while the agricultural development of the city presents slight negative impacts on it. The spatial mismatch of supply and demand is present in the technical cooperative innovation of China's agriculture. Therefore, the science enhancement and education investment to big agricultural provinces should be promptly implemented. 展开更多
关键词 cooperation innovation networks government-industry-university-research institute China's agricultural patent SocialNetwork Analysis (SNA)
A cooperative Co-evolutional immune algorithm
作者 刘丽珏 Cai Zixing 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第2期126-130,共5页
A co-evolutional immune algorithm for the optimization of a function with real parameters is de-scribed.It uses a cooperative co-evolution of two populations,one is a population of antibodies and theother is a populat... A co-evolutional immune algorithm for the optimization of a function with real parameters is de-scribed.It uses a cooperative co-evolution of two populations,one is a population of antibodies and theother is a population of successful mutation vectors.These two population evolve together to improve thediversity of the antibodies.The algorithm described is then tested on a suite of optimization problems.The results show that on most of test functions,this algorithm can converge to the global optimum atquicker rate in a given range,the performance of optimization is improved effetely. 展开更多
关键词 IMMUNITY CO-EVOLUTION CLONE MUTATION optimization real-parameter
Cooperation Between Co-operative Business Organization and Investor Owned Firm to Stimulate Economic Growth of a Country: A Cooperative Advantage Approach
作者 Chanchai Petchprapunkul 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第9期578-585,共8页
This study elaborates that the economic growth of a country depending on not only the business performance of the investor owned firms (IOFs), but also the business surplus of the cooperative organizations (Co-ops... This study elaborates that the economic growth of a country depending on not only the business performance of the investor owned firms (IOFs), but also the business surplus of the cooperative organizations (Co-ops). The policy maker should have the level of understanding and competence to blend five different factors related to organizational structure and business model of the Co-ops and the IOFs to the five similarities factors on the managerial approach of them into one marked. The study investigated five similarities factors and included into a conceptual structural model with its six measurement models, economic growth model, general national factor model, market and industry factors model, Co-ops/IOFs opportunities/threat model, Co-ops/IOFs strength /weakness model, and lastly the Co-ops/IOFs firm dynamic/active: sales, profit, and lost model. Reliability of the six similarities measurement models was tested by the Delphi technique with a sample of 33 respondents. The study found that, apart from the six measurement models, it also has two intervening factor variables that will reduce the power and magnitude of the economic growth which will come from mismanagement of policy maker: These factors are the different in intemational culture among countries, and the global warming and natural disaster from the excess consumption and excess production. These selfish, competition and economic greedy of people will lead to economic, social, and natural disaster problems. To reduce the socioeconomic disadvantages and global disaster, board's committee, and Co-ops manager as well as chief executive officer (CEO) of the IOFs must have a good understanding on these five similarities factors. Appropriate management of these five similarities factors will lead the firms to reach their high managerial efficiency, customer value, firm value, and finally economic growth. 展开更多
关键词 CO-OPERATIVES investor owned firms (IOFs) economic growth not-for-profit firms general national factors market industry factor five forces value chain
Optimal Deployment Density for Maximum Coverage of Drone Small Cells
作者 Chao Dong Jiejie Xie +3 位作者 Haipeng Dai Qihui Wu Zhen Qin Zhiyong Feng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期25-40,共16页
With the proliferation of small and mini drones, Drone Small Cells(DSCs) can cooperative multiple drones to provide communication service for ground users as emergency means or supplementary ones of traditional terres... With the proliferation of small and mini drones, Drone Small Cells(DSCs) can cooperative multiple drones to provide communication service for ground users as emergency means or supplementary ones of traditional terrestrial cellular networks. In this paper, we study the fundamental problem of optimizing the deployment density of DSCs to achieve the maximum coverage performance. Most related works do not consider cumulative inter-cell interference when studying the coverage performance of DSCs. First, we derive an approximate and closed-form expression of the cumulative inter-cell interference which comes from both probabilistic Line-of-Sight(Lo S) and Non-Line-of-Sight(NLo S) links. Then, we analyze the coverage performance of DSCs and derive the transcendental function of optimal deployment density to obtain the maximum coverage. Last, we propose an algorithm to get the optimal deployment density with low complexity. We conduct both field experiments and Matlab simulations to verify the correctness of theoretical analysis. In addition, we show the impact of some factors on the relation between the deployment density and coverage performance through extensive numerical simulations. 展开更多
关键词 drone small cells deployment density coverage ratio inter-cell interference
Sharing and evaluation of a new community co-management model for protecting Crested Ibis:a case study of Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve,China 被引量:5
作者 WANG Chang-hai WEN Ya-li +2 位作者 LIU Xiao-hai KANG Kai-li LI Bing 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第4期376-386,共11页
The Crested Ibis(Nipponia Nippon) is endemic to Qinling Mountains of China and was once abundant over vast areas of north-east of Asia habitat.During the 20th century,however,the population declined greatly in numbers... The Crested Ibis(Nipponia Nippon) is endemic to Qinling Mountains of China and was once abundant over vast areas of north-east of Asia habitat.During the 20th century,however,the population declined greatly in numbers.Habitat quality used to be the main threat to this species but recent actions by the government and wildlife protection organizations have brought this under control.With the establishment of Crested Ibis Nature Reserve in China,conflicts between socio-economic development and Crested Ibis conservation have become more acute.How do we deal with the relation between Crested Ibis conservation and community development? In this study,the Crested Ibis Nature Reserve co-management model namely "companies + farmers + Nature Reserve" model is proposed and evaluated with demonstration investigation methods,including continuous six-year fixed-site socio-economic development data of surrounding community,company sales revenue data and monitored data of Crested Ibis Nature Reserve.The results show that farmers' income and conservation awareness increased greatly from 2003 to 2008;company sales revenue has increased by about 20% annually in the recent years;management level has noticeably improved in Nature Reserve,the scope of Crested Ibis habitat has expanded 50 hm2;chemical composition of habitat reduced year after year;and the number of Crested Ibis had been growing annually.At the end,the success of the model is evaluated,and problems in implementation of the model are discussed from the following aspects:management system,co-management concept,economic base of partners,marketing mechanism,technical capacity and so on. 展开更多
关键词 SHARING EVALUATION Community co-management Crested Ibis Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve MODEL Marketing mechanism
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